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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 21 KB, 274x445, 51TIgev9CUL._SY445_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8892109 No.8892109 [Reply] [Original]

Gameboy colors that haven't been tampered are like an animal going extinct. I hope you are doing your part to ensure buying one and preserving it, keeping it away from mods.

>> No.8892169

Based. My GBC will always have an original screen. It has so much sovl.

>> No.8892174

I gave my Gameboy Color to a friend who turned out to be a manipulative rat. God, I miss that Gameboy.

>> No.8892190
File: 102 KB, 202x257, miyomotothinkingaboutnintendofans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't buy a retro IPS modded Game Boy
>he didn't buy an 8-bit Do controller to emulate hidden gems such as Chrono Trigger on his iphone
>he didn't hunt CIB SNES games on ebay and have them graded for investment
>he doesn't like & subscribe to at least 3 different youtubers

Do you even Retro Gaming bro? Are you even trying? The fuck are you doing on this board even?

>> No.8892213
File: 71 KB, 432x370, 1651216076128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing games I enjoy :)

>> No.8892223


>> No.8892238


>> No.8892245

What about gameboy pocket? I still have mine, unaltered. Cocksucker still works great after all of these years.

>> No.8892275

I have that one, no mods
The screen has a scratch though
I have the box too

>> No.8892286

yeah i got an unmolested green one
also an extreme green game boy pocket and the clear game boy pocket

>> No.8892309

Yep, 100% original

>> No.8892314

The only thing on mine that's not original is the lense because it was scratched to shit (didn't throw away the old one, keep it stored elsewhere) and the battery cover because that shit was lost forever ago.

>> No.8892415

modders are gay

>> No.8892498

I have a regular purple one back at my folks', but I still really want a transparent Atomic Purple one, as it's the one my cousin had when we were kids and I played the shit out of Pokemon on it. I also want a clear transparent OG Game Boy, and maybe the clear green GBP as well. I miss transparent plastic casings.

>> No.8892520
File: 27 KB, 466x1003, 61M1fySUoHL._AC_SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already done. If I want to play it in the dark, I just clip on one of these bad boys.

Even better is playing it outside with a slightly-muted sun shining on the screen.

>> No.8892559

I still have mine but it's beat up and scratched all over the screen. The A button is worn down and the front plastic shell is discoloured from playing it outside in direct light. Might buy a nicer one but I like the aesthetic of the Pocket more.

>> No.8892619

I bought a backlit GBA for my kids to use because they're not gonna tolerate that bullshit in the age of phones and tablets. My original GBA that I've had since I was a kid is untouched though.

>> No.8892812

So, you're saying that I shouldn't replace my broken/shorted speaker?

>> No.8892970

I love buying old consoles and adding a usb c port, got to make a hole in the shell rather than just replacing the existing port

>> No.8892979

Not unless you want to own a perverted abomination of a gameboy

>> No.8893010

I have swapped everything on mine except the buttons and membranes for a new shell + IPS screen since I actually plan on playing on it. Cope, seethe and take your worthless toy to the grave without touching it since it's unusable.

>> No.8893013

Why not just get a cheap chinese handheld? Real GBAs are actually worth something, I'd never give that to a kid

>> No.8893486

Of course I am. I keep mine in mint condition in the original boxes displayed on shelves, as the developers originally intended.

>> No.8893519

>had lime green GBC growing up
>get gba as kid
>decide to sharpie the GBC black
>keep it for several years
>use magic eraser to remove the black
>now the plastic is a weird texture
It's green again at least

>> No.8893534

I use a real GBA so they can play Pokemon on real carts and then use them with Pokemon Stadium.

>> No.8893551

i sold mine last week for like $50 on ebay

>> No.8893694

>was retarded as a kid
>several years later still retarded

>> No.8893729

Really tired of these poorfags shitting up our hobby.

>> No.8893730

Just go to prison, anon. Plenty of transparent plastic casings there :)

>> No.8893897
File: 53 KB, 480x453, EXoGOaSUwAAFi9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this make you feel, OP?

>> No.8893980

Stop pretending to be angry about mods retard
These old screens are shit, but so are the currently available GBC ones
I will wait for one with native resolution and saturation adjustment