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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 57 KB, 430x140, GFWL_transparent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8890507 No.8890507 [Reply] [Original]

>May 29, 2007
Is this when PC gaming officially died? I guess the sticky chose an appropriate cut off date

>> No.8890523

I'm very curious to know what the general consensus of GFWL is on /vr/. On /v/, all the kids agreed it was the last time PC gaming had "soul".

>> No.8890525

It's true. There hasn't been a technological breakthrough since the introduction of General Purpose Compute Unit. PC since then has only been "Do what you did, but slightly better".

>> No.8890528

Are we pretending that literally anyone ever once gave a fuck about windows games for live? If you're going to whine about virtual storefronts at least do it about steam that actually changed the way PC gaming was done (in a good way, mind you)

>> No.8890532

No clue what that is, in 2007 the only things I was playing on my PC were Speedy Eggbert, Roller Coaster Tycoon, and various flash games.

>> No.8890535

Get fucked. GFWL was dogshit and getting it running just to play a pirated copy of Fallout 3 was annoying as hell

>> No.8890539

I'm not saying it wasn't shitty, god knows I only used it for halo 2 as a kid, but ultimately it's completely irrelevant and isn't worth getting upset about. It didn't start or push any trends.

>> No.8890545
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not retro but

>be bandai namco
>release dark souls on ps3 and 360
>game does so well people petition to have it released on pc
>petition was successful
>to facilitate the multiplayer component, bamco, in their infinite wisdom, decided to use GFWL instead of steamworks
>when even Microsoft was barely supporting GFWL at the time

Christ what a trip that was.

>> No.8890547

it's fucking trash the kids on /v/ are retarded. it was a fucking pain in the ass to deal with and I don't imagine you can still play games like shadowrun that used it.

>> No.8890549

I never had any problems with it. And I lived in an unsupported region.

>> No.8890554

You still can't play Lost Planet 2 properly thanks to this.

>> No.8890556

I don't really remember it much, honestly. Maybe I wasn't playing the right games.

>> No.8890561

It's awful and buttfucked a lot of games years down the line.
A lot of devs were pretty quick to drop it, like Bethesda dropping it between publishing fallout 3 and NV, but some weren't and those games still require a lot of work to run. It's an obnoxious extra hurdle that can make playing old PC games a hassle.
It was also responsible for Valve beginning to push Linux as an OS over Windows.
I remember getting excited the day 2k announced they were stripping GFWL out of Bioshock 2. That was cool.

>> No.8890571

It was garbage and would arbitrarily not work with some games on different systems. I remember a New Vegas review where they didnt give a score because no matter what they tried they couldn't get it to run on any system because of GFWL. When they sold Age of Empires 3 for a 10 cent sale all my friends got it but I was the only person capable of installing it because of GFWL. It was the most inconsistent garbage ever

>> No.8890595
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, ff7+mgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is what killed PC gaming. It was just a slow death.

>> No.8890612

I agree, slapdash ports really did it in. At least FF7 has now been fixed but MGS' PC port is among the worst ever made, so much so that you're better off emulating it.

>> No.8890625

Nah, I meant those games sold so well that PC developers shifted to making console games or multiplatforms.

>> No.8890630

Those are Japanese games, and with the exception of Falcom, most Japanese developers were console developers. Even the Japanese-developed NES ports of western computer games sold far better than they did on their origin platforms. Console gaming has been more profitable than PC gaming for decades, the gap widened the most during the PS2 era and only recently did the gap get narrowed down. Nevertheless, what people would call "console games" eventually outsold "PC games", to the point where most PC games are either console ports or console-inspired games. Genuine PC games are extremely rare these days.

>> No.8890669

New Vegas used Steamworks, not GFWL.

>> No.8890675

>On /v/, all the kids agreed it was the last time PC gaming had "soul".
No one says this. GFWL is universally seen as shit and still holds a couple good games back (Lost Planet 2)

>> No.8890686

It was unusable garbage. The only good thing about it was that it was easy to crack.

>> No.8890698

You'd have an aneurysm then if you were in the GFWL thread on /v/. Upon retrospect, it could have been a troll post but there was an overwhelming amount of praise with a few anons that actually experienced the era.

>> No.8890710

>with a few anons that actually experienced the era.
Were you not around back then? Everyone found it a burden. The only time I think anyone kind of liked it was for Shadowrun because you could crossplay with 360 players. Once Dark Souls 1 came out everyone was fed up with that shit.

>> No.8890731

I was still a console/handheld gamer back then so I didn't experience it first hand for myself. I was, however; aware of how egregiously painful the service was thanks to hilarious seething youtube videos. I was just so confused by the amount of praise and blissful nostalgia post in the /v/ thread I thought my memories were false. Just goes to show the absolute state of current /v/ troll post or not.

>> No.8890732

trying to do co-op on GWFL in DS1 was some of the worst shit i've ever been through, there is no way someone with a brain thought that entire thing through

>> No.8890746

I can't imagine they were being genuine. Probably ironic soul posters.

>> No.8890804

GFWL was utter cancer, my internet wasn't great so it made it so I couldn't save in OFFLINE SINGLEPLAYER games like Arkham Asylum because it was having connection issues. Anyone calling this shit "soul" needs a blow upside the head.

>> No.8890847
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What a trash service holy shit. I remember not being able to login or redeem codes for no apparent reason. It always worked like shit, and they once banned lots of accounts including mine because of their region settings. Also who remembers GTA 4 on PC? Oh boy, Rockstar Games Social Club + GFWL combo, amazing. I honestly don't know what the fuck they were thinking, it was ridiculous. But I'm somewhat nostalgic about all of that late 00s stuff. Because when RE5 came out it also required GFWL, I remember playing it and random people would just join and you'd continue your campaign together while randomly adding strangers on that service

>> No.8890903

Games and everything else went to shit in 2012. The Mayans were right.

>> No.8891073

Does the online service still work? Was thinking of doing GTA IV online

>> No.8891112

wasn't dark souls ptde a port of the 360 version?

>> No.8891125

Remember when Microsoft said Halo 2 Vista would be impossible to run with XP/DirectX9?

>Silver accounts on LIVE can earn achievements on the single-player campaign, and play in multiplayer games. Gold accounts on LIVE have the added benefit of being able to earn achievements in both single-player campaign and multiplayer matches.

The port was used for Halo 2 Project Cartographer (https://www.cartographer.online/)) and MCC.

>> No.8891132

the only good part of GFWL was the messenger system. Felt like they ported XBL trash talking straight to PC with that.

>> No.8891138
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>the only good part of GFWL was the messenger system. Felt like they ported XBL trash talking straight to PC with that.

GFWL was the prototype

>> No.8891151

Trash talking was the shit yeah but the messenger itself was so inconvenient. It was some fucking email type shit, why not just rework it and make it an actual chat? Steam was so much better in that regard. On Steam you could just shit on each other endlessly without much effort while it was really tiresome to do on GFWL

>> No.8891205

Even long since it's closure it's somehow still fucking things up for people. Since the service has closed, the system for redeeming keys no longer work and as such even buying a brand new game from steam wont work if it uses gfwl, because the key authentication doesnt exist anymore. That's why capcom had to take down lost planet 2 and colonies on steam.

>> No.8891247 [DELETED] 

can you even play bioshock 1 from the original pc-disc?
afaik the copy-protection downloaded essential program-files upon the first start.

>> No.8891285

GFWL and PhysX were a pain in the ass back then and well...now, unsupported, they only got worse

>> No.8891437
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It died with Vista, which was pretty much released as 2007 began.
Cutoff date really should have been a year prior, methinks.

>> No.8891459

>It's stupid because my illegal game doesn't work with it.

>> No.8891467

Nah, the video card arms race did, along with console controllers finally starting being useable for FPS and consoles finally being able to play online. It just became too damn expensive, and experience on the consoles wasn't that worse.

>> No.8891469
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It never died. Good games are still made, just more games exist in general, so they are harder to find.

>> No.8891510

Now legal games don't work with it either
Imagine turning on your NES and it won't play Mario 3 because Nintendo decided to turn off some servers to save $50 a month back in 2003
Even back then it was a hassle for paying customers. Just another way to make you hobby fail, to waste your time, and to gather your data.
Just like today with Steam, Uplay, Origin, Epic Game Store. Uplay is the worst of all, last I heard it changed names because people were fed up.

>> No.8891512

Yes, one of the many reasons why it's stupid.

>> No.8891531

>Just like Steam
Ok, gramps.

>> No.8892049

nah steam is a steaming pile of shit now dropping xp/Vista support. what if you only had a steam account to play 1.6? fuck Gabe and fuck valve unless they can make steam OS play literally every windows game I'm not interested

>> No.8892051


>> No.8892073
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this becomes even funnier when you remember that windows 11 is STILL based on the vista kernel over 15 years later and that vista was the last time ms actually put a significant amount of effort into overhauling the lower level parts of windows in any meaningful capacity - win7 was essentially just vista sp3. it's a surprisingly modern os considering it was released when fucking bush was in office

>> No.8892084

>air conditioner directly against the back of your head
Was the person who built this deaf when he started?

>> No.8892108

Society has stagnated since the late 00's/early 2010's.
Hell, just look at how bad video games in general have stagnated. You have dipshit praising the new zelda game for doing shit that companies like Valve and Bethesda did years ago.

>> No.8892128

Now correct me if I'm somehow wrong here but as far as I understand, vista used kernel version 6.0 and 11 uses 10.0. How is that the same? The effort that microsoft puts into their products sure as hell has gone down in the recent years but I find it hard to believe that they just keep bumping version numbers while changing nothing.

>> No.8892182

xp is over 20 years old now anon it's time to let go and just fucking pirate your abandonware

>> No.8892251

how do you play with others on the servers? just because something is old doesn't mean it's not useful. it's not like I would be doing my online banking on an xp machine I just want to play fucking games

>> No.8892292

Very often you simply don't and it's not like it's usually even valves fault. Xp also reached END OF LIFE like 10 years ago and I honestly find it weird that steam even supported it for this long.
Also backwards compatibility with softwsre is pretty damn great on windows.

>> No.8892363

bruh what if I dont want to upgrade my pc and I just want to play the games I have always played? I don't have an xp machine but I'm still on windows 7 and I really don't want to upgrade from that my pc is fine the way it is even though it's a decade old I dont need to always have the most cutting edge shit how long until they take away that. why should valve take away access to my games because they want me to buy new hardware? do you not see that as a problem? this is literally why I buy games on gog instead of steam if they are on both storefronts.

>> No.8892374

Roughly speaking, but not just because of GFWL, in fact that's one of the last things I would've come up with. Rather it was the seventh console generation, the accompanying focus on online multiplayer, matchmaking and DLC and the video game industry's general attitude developing at the time.

>> No.8892437

It’s like how people claim Bethesda use the same engine in Morrowind as they do in Skyrim etc. it’s extensions and improvements over the same code. In fairness MS Kernel has an extremely good service model so I’m doubtful they would be inclined to move away from it for any particular reason.
> t. Linux User

>> No.8892535

>windows 11 is STILL based on the vista kernel over 15 years later
bruh, stfu
What the fuck is it with gamers always "knowing" everything about anything even remotely related to computers?

>> No.8892552

I agree but only for one extremely arbitrary reason: The cutoff being 2007 means TF2 is legal to talk about, and it's thanks to TF2 that MODERN games are full of cosmetic microtransactions and lootboxes. If TF2 was mostly the same as it was in 2007 just with more maps/tweaks I'd be fine with it being legal on /vr/.

>> No.8892560

>retro board
>complaining about people wanting to use old software

>> No.8892563 [DELETED] 

the cutoff should be the orange box.
since nothing will be as good

>> No.8892571

Still mad. I fucking loved that game until they started fucking with it to the extent they did. I could've excused the balance changes and the extra weapons, but never in a million years would I have expected fucking HATS to signal the beginning of the end. It probably single-handedly killed my love of PC gaming.

>> No.8892632

The problem is that the games should work on XP, old versions of Steam should work on XP, but won't because of corporate bullshit. XP is old, so what? so are the games. Some won't even work on newer Windows.
It's not a simple matter of moving on, there are multiple compatibility issues plus the fact that even on Windows 11 you can have virtual machines with old games but you have to install Steam on them to be able to install and play the games.
Valve should at least freeze one outdated version of Steam for Windows XP and offer it "as is" so people can install and play their games they paid for.
With XP you can pirate most games easily because they were released on physical media but as time moves on it gets harder and harder. Someday people will be nostalgic about Windows 10 games, I guess fuck them because everything today is timed to fail like fucking smartphones, they'll own nothing and they'll be happy.
Why the fuck are we ok with being forced to constantly update everything anyway? Why are zoomers even defensive about it? This is a fucking retro board, I own an NES from the 80's and it still works and my son plays on it, and fuck whoever had the idea that stuff should stop working after they decide to produce newer things.

>> No.8892713
File: 295 KB, 1024x738, steam8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are many perfectly valid reasons why the "current year" meme exists, anon
there have been some kernel and api improvements since vista - it'd be disingenuous of me to imply that nothing under the hood has changed in 15 years - i'm saying that none of them have been entirely revamped since then and that microsoft's technically just been piling shit on top of vista for over a decade. also the nt versioning scheme is very confusing: https://www.gaijin.at/en/infos/windows-version-numbers
vista was nt 6.0, 7 was 6.1, 8 was 6.2 and 8.1 was 6.3 - 10 was originally planned to be 6.4, but they said "fuck it" and bumped it up to 10.0 during development because they could, and it's stayed there ever since
what is it with mouthbreathers on 4channel dot org antagonizing people and asking stupid questions?
ironically, tf2's in-game economy and lootbox system is still better than pretty much every single game that it influenced, to the point where you can spend maybe ten bucks on it and never really have to worry about throwing money at valve ever again unless you're gay and you NEED an unusual potassium bonnet or a strange australium bad dragon dildo or something
not saying that tf2's economy is a good thing or that nu-tf2 should be allowed on /vr/ at all, just that it's surprisingly tame by modern standards
this - i'd be more accepting of valve dropping support for steam on xp/vista if they at least gave people some way to download their games and play them offline using the steam api but they didn't. steam has always sucked for game preservation in general, i'll shit on gog any day of the week but afaik their offline game installers still work on xp and they're drm-free on top of that. valve didn't even do the bare fucking minimum and you had to use an old steam build that recently stopped working iirc to download games on xp at all, they suck. don't even get me started on updooters and forced updates and saas shit

>> No.8892757
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also, the origin of the term "planned obsolescence" dates back to general motors' ceo alfred p. sloan, and this shitty essay by bernard london written during the great depression, so if you want to blame anyone, go find their graves and take a fat piss on them: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/London_%281932%29_Ending_the_depression_through_planned_obsolescence.pdf
>My proposal would put the entire country on the road to recovery, and eventually restore normal employment conditions and sound prosperity. My suggested remedy would provide a permanent source of income for the Federal Government and would relieve it for all time of the difficulties of balancing its budget.
>Briefly stated, the essence of my plan for accomplishing these much-to-be-desired-ends is to chart the obsolesce of capital and consumption goods at the time of their production.
>I would have the Government assign a lease of life to shoes and homes and machines, to all products of manufacture, mining and agriculture, when they are first created, and they would be sold and used within the term of their existence definitely known by the consumer. After the allotted time had expired, these things would be legally “dead” and would be controlled by the duly appointed governmental agency and destroyed if there is widespread unemployment. New products would constantly be pouring forth from the factories and marketplaces, to take the place of the obsolete, and the wheels of industry would be kept going and employment regularized and assured for the masses.
we've already witnessed the side effects of uncontrolled industrialization and mass consumption in the west for decades, now we're slowly watching what happens when megacorporations gnaw on our bones, humiliate and demoralize us right in our faces and try taking away the shit we used to willingly give them money for as our sham of an economy slowly falls apart

>> No.8892865

Yeah, I'm aware
Of course he expected and needed the government to get on board of his idea. Big corps don't actually want free markets, they want stable monopolies to milk their cash cows and a helpful government that makes sure no smaller group can undercut them.
The broken windows fallacy has been exposed a thousand times yet it just keeps coming back.
Worse, people think Big Government will solve the problem when it is actually the corporate's biggest friend.
Imagine how far we would be in terms of preservation, emulation, sharing and development weren't for draconian copyright laws, DMCA, copyright extensions that kill public domain, BS patents, copyright trolls that always find friendly judges, mass surveilance and backdoors, giant corporations crushing smaller teams and communities etc.

>> No.8892923
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People shat on this for being slow, but God damn is it pretty.
Modern Windows is the ugliest it has ever been despite not even being any faster.

>> No.8892927

It was slow relative to the majority of shitboxes people were still running in 2006. The "minimum" system requirements were laughably inadequate, and the problem is, PC manufacturers were sticking it onto prebuilts that had no business trying to run it. Windows 7 wasn't any faster, just by 2009 most people had finally upgraded to capable enough hardware to run it decently.

>> No.8894585


>> No.8896097

It's the thing I still need to install and toss a shim DLL into the game folder to get the old fucking games working.

>> No.8896167

GFWL was utter fucking garbage and everyone despised it when it became a thing.

I wouldn't say it was when gaming died, but it was the first time I can really recall there being such a massive widespread disdain for a particular service that was being forced onto games. It was the first time there seemed to be such a sense that one of the big manufacturers was REALLY trying to screw us over with a half-assed service and that there were going to be long-term consequences for it.

>> No.8896176

I can't think of a single thing which got better after 2007. I think it's when everything died.

>> No.8896339

Anyone calling it "soul" eats glue.

>> No.8897521


>> No.8897523

PC gaming hasn't died.

>> No.8897567

it will never.

>> No.8897573

whats wrong with the ff7 pc port? theres nothing wrong.
what are examples of genuine pc games that arent made anymore

>> No.8897580

>build a modern gaming pc
>exclusively play very old games that dont need anything close to what i have
PC gaming certainly feels dead to me

>> No.8897614

the fuck? pc gaming in general is objectively better than ever. you don't even need windows at all to play most shit anymore. some defunct service you don't like doesn't change anything. gamespy and punkbuster were spyware garbage and were around much earlier than gfwl

>> No.8898337

Not sure about the Steam version, but the OG PC version of FFVII had terrible general MIDI music unless you used a very specific Yamaha sound card, which still sounded different but at least decent. Also, the FMVs were of lower quality.

>> No.8898349

Ok zoom zoom

>> No.8898370

Genuine PC games? as opposed to fake PC games?

>> No.8898594
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I rarely go out of my way to tell people that they are based without a layer of irony, but you are based.

>> No.8898632

Valve should have held on to Vista support for steam longer. Not too sure about XP, though. Time marches on.

>> No.8898645

Literally who'd use Vista for gaming? It might as well be considered Windows 7 without an additional service pack. You can't even use Windows 7 for many things without installing the latest updates (and the updater is broken now). XP is the sole excuse for keeping legacy support.

>> No.8898659

i don't think any zoomer remembers gamespy

>> No.8898672

It was used in games as recent as Saints Row 2.
Besides, awareness of an old thing with an evident lack of comprehension is a common zoomer characteristic.

>> No.8898674

its a common any and all generation characteristic. These generational arguments are just getting more and more ridiculous

>> No.8898681

he's calling me a zoomer for not crying about some shit from 2007 lol. just use linux you faggots. you bitch about everything about microsoft whilst willingly forever chaining yourself to them. it's entirely pointless using windows for retro games nowadays.

>> No.8898683

Nah man linux is a big nah.

>> No.8898689

it's literally the only viable alternative

>> No.8898691
File: 1.12 MB, 649x360, playing Mii Fighter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone remember that GfWL internal trailer? They thought normies would use it for farmville or buy avatar hats.

>> No.8898693

How about I choose neither. Why should I ever compromise

>> No.8898696

no gaems then

wine has proven itself to be more capable of running old windows games than windows itself and you guys are still forcing yourself to lug around 2001 hardware cause muh windows

>> No.8898702

>no gaems
Come on, its time to grow up here. I can play games fine

>> No.8898704

on console? not what the thread's about

or you're actually one of the four people who game on mac

>> No.8898708

I'm on plan 9 and created my own fork of wine for it

>> No.8898713

>its a common any and all generation characteristic
So? We're not talking about IBM PC's here.

>> No.8898715

Linux had an opportunity to be good, but then they blew it with fucking Wayland.
What a piece of shit.

>> No.8898716

>plan 9
>had to create own fork of wine
these in of themselves are compromises. you would've been much better off using linux

>> No.8898717

if you say so buckaroo

>> No.8898718

its just pulseaudio shit. it was forced on everyone before it was mature enough. nothing is forcing you to not use x.org, i still use it

>> No.8898724

Using an outdated, archaic protocol isn't really much better.

>> No.8898734

no shit. it really is a pulseaudio situation where we're all bitching now but in five years we'll all wonder how we ever got along without it. its just x.org is much more solid right now and firefox has extra security measures for it anyway

>> No.8898740

Still living in the past, huh?

>> No.8898745

is there any reason to switch to pipewire if i don't care about jack audio mixing shit and don't have crackling issues?

>> No.8898769

>haha p0wned
its both hilarious and insanely creepy how out of touch microsoft always is despite the fact that they spy on billions

>> No.8898785

Games like WRPGs, adventure games, sims, and strategy games. WRPGs have been streamlined for optimal gameplay on consoles, adventure games died, sims have also been streamlined, and the FPS genre migrated wholesale to consoles. Strategy games still sort of exist, but they're not nearly as common as they used to be. Alternatively, think of 'proper PC games' as 'was designed with a keyboard and mouse'. Most PC games now are console ports, and if they weren't console ports, they're heavily inspired by console games, like the biggest PC game of 2015, Undertale, being in the style of an SNES RPG. Most PC gamers never actually played older PC games, because quite frankly, they suck compared to what consoles have to offer.

>> No.8899086

I don't know how you see it, but I would define the golden age of PC gaming as being between 1994 to probably 2007 or so. It's when PC started on its way to become the actual master race and became capable of more than what was possible on other machines, but was still its own thing with its own unique games and flavor. By 2008, it started becoming more consolized and the things that made PC gaming unique started to fade away.

I'm not saying PC gaming is bad now or anything. It's probably still the best way to experience games so long as you have a good rig. It just doesn't feel particularly unique now.

>> No.8899730

Why use anything more than ALSA anyway?
It's said that more is needed in order to combine audio sources, but then why can I run multiple instances of speaker-test?

>> No.8900351

can't control individual app volume, can't record audio output, can't listen to more than one audio source at once, can't have a sensible default max volume, have to dick around in an incredibly obtuse config file to change anything

i could go on. alsa-only users just enjoy suffering i guess.

>> No.8900353

Gaming died in the mid-90s when style over substance shit took over.

>> No.8900547
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>It's when PC started on its way to become the actual master race
You just reminded me, that term was coined by Yahtzee in his review of The Witcher, which is also /vr/ by board rules, and IIRC never got a console port, unlike Crysis.

>> No.8900551

i bet you cant recommend a single decent one of any of those

>> No.8900560

This sub is just a shithole for pathetic boomer subhumans trying to revive old days where they felt that still had a chance to not become complete losers in life.

>> No.8901091

go back

>> No.8901294
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>This sub
>Seething about them boomers

>> No.8901309

You mogged yourself and have no one but yourself to blame for your mogging. Go back

>> No.8902156

The Sony and MS consoles which were more of casualised PCs, making actual PC games be catered for them casualising it.

>> No.8902790

I had zoomers tell me that Ghost of Tsushima is going to be "useless" when PSN servers go down because you wouldn't be able to download patches for it and that it's just as bad as Microsoft keeping license keys online.

>> No.8902808

Kill yourself

>> No.8903376
File: 3.04 MB, 2985x2058, Feel_the_power_of_my_magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been looking to remove the DRM to play this from a classic point/click gaming creator.

>> No.8903393

now this is some quality bait
pay attention people who make lazy "popular game bad, bad game good" threads, this is how you bait someone
fucking deviously retarded it's perfect

>> No.8903442

Saw it, kek'd because I knew it was sure to get (You)s, moved on.

>> No.8903621

The UI was actually really good/pretty imo, at least ingame (i never used their client since i didn't have to) but it's a piece of shit that makes you go through more steps to pirate your games, which annoy me.

>> No.8903664

Because they're nostalgic for the shit they grew up with. They need to lose those rose tinted glasses.

>> No.8903689

And Valve now just lets bots fuck up whatever fun was left.

>> No.8903696

Vista was better than 10, hell, 8 was better, and that was when they really shit the bed.

>> No.8903705

It's crazy. The majority of the bots are run by a single, easily-identified guy from Europe, too.

Have you guys tried TF2 Classic? I haven't played in a while and it certainly isn't just regular TF2, but I really enjoyed it. Might be worth a try if you haven't played it, especially if you can get some buds to play it with you.

>> No.8903741

i like orange box tf2 especially since the game looks better

>> No.8903742

name a single one

>> No.8903758

It really did, which is crazy. Do you play on PC or console?

>> No.8904564

It was absolutely abysmal and I dreaded every time I had to use it.

>> No.8904581

Only game I played that used GFWL was Bioshock 2 on Steam and I was unable to play it for a while for some ridiculous reason, like It wouldn't keep me signed in to GFWL, and I eventually found some workaround on the internet.

>> No.8904653

Classic's great, if you can find people to play with.

>> No.8904659

I actually enjoyed the 360 version of TF2 and played it as late as 2014.

>> No.8904880

Not even wrong. But using the Reddit word is all they can focus on.

>> No.8905023

>May 29, 2007
>Is this when PC gaming officially died?
got the steam release wrong

>> No.8905468
File: 143 KB, 246x238, 1494180231597.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like they would be right at home here.

>> No.8905528

Aero was unironically good.

>> No.8905562

always remember what they took from you.

>> No.8905706

>got the steam release wrong
You mean the Xbox release considering Microsoft strong armed a bunch of PC devs to make their games for it gimping them hard. Then tried to undermine and kill PC gaming to push the Xbox. Steam just filled the gap Microsoft created. It's no surprise Valve has been embracing Linux for the last decade.

>> No.8905740
File: 26 KB, 267x436, xb360_release.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When this thing hit the market and MS started pushing game development to be 360 natively and port to PC later. Also maybe DX10.

>> No.8905931

Post archive link to that thread

>> No.8905945

>original xbox is x86 normal PC from microsoft
>360 is powerPC, FUck you pc gamers from microsoft

>> No.8906056

PowerPC was a very popular architecture back then. The Gamecube, Wii and PS3 (sorta) used it. PS3 had that alien cell architecture going on but it was still PowerPC machine code underneath it.
It was the only logical choice, in my slightly educated opinion, for a mass produced console in 2005. It eliminated the North Bridge chip and used a RISC architecture, which let the silicone punch above its weight in processing performance. But at the end of the day only had 512 MB of shared RAM/VRAM which really limited what it could do.

>> No.8906504


>> No.8907157

>that corporate garbage
you are talking to shills, anon

>> No.8907182

i think it's a kind of pathological nostalgia for when /v/ was at least about discussing games and not the victim complex circlejerk it became in the 8th gen about feminism ruining their loli switch games or whatever, which coincidentally was around when services like this became irrelevant.

>> No.8907665
File: 134 KB, 300x250, 1646099941438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if Sony struck a deal to get the G80 instead of going all in on Cell.
What could have been.

>> No.8908596

>Xbox release
and no one cared

>> No.8908605

Pretty much. There hasn't been an insane amount of progress in graphics since Crysis.

>> No.8909639

You mean 7 then, 2007 was the last year, everything after dx9 is the actual cutoff for me, so from 2008 onwards.

>> No.8909645

yeah man tech has really stagnated, youd think thatd mean games focus on other things. instead they're still trying to push that these graphics are so revolutionary and doing fuck all in the other areas of the game still
look at the new gpus coming out too
just bigger and hotter and costing more for more performance
thats not really how you measure tech progress

>> No.8909823

I never bought or played another Dark Souls game since Prepare to Die Edition. Good to know they learned next to nothing and still fuck up the PC versions of their new games.

>> No.8909825

such a boring ass company

>> No.8910027

Yeah. No one cared that Microsoft strong armed all PC developers to move to Xbox killing PC gaming for a few years.

>> No.8910031

And it could've been even worse:

>> No.8910058

>adventure games died
Mystoids evolved into walking sims and Sierra/LucasArts-style point-n-clicks were on the way out because they didn't bring anything to the table when other genres started to feature more complex plots.
>sims have also been streamlined
If anything, sims, especially flight combat oriented ones, stopped being arcades with more serious presentation, went online and become expensive genres for autists that can afford peripherals. Same with race sims, they are practically feeders for semipro motorsports now.
>strategy games still sort of exist, but they're not nearly as common as they used to be
4X genre is more alive than ever. CnC clones died out, yeah, but most of them made in the late 90s were for quick cash gram anyways.

>> No.8911420


Extreme ass rape of a service. It existed at the same time as steam and while steam was perfect already back then (because made by smart fucking people), GWASFAJPIOJASFL was the opposite on every single thing, meaning it was a fucking pain in the ass. The message system was 100% retarded.