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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8886426 No.8886426 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a bad vidya music thread.
Starting off with Bomberman's Stage theme. It's literally a 7 second loop, no cap. Listen for yourself


>> No.8886428


God, what a crock of shit the Genesis' sound chip was.

>> No.8886435

Might as well rename this thread 'terrible genesis music.'


>> No.8886439

Sometimes I forget just how shitty the Genesis sounded.

>> No.8886449
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>no cap

>3 replies
>1 poster

>> No.8886450

Don't try to start a bait thread here, Bomberman theme is fucking iconic.
It's an example of good 7 second loop which doesn't annoy you much. Hudson did similar thing for their Nuts & Milk game where it's basically 2 notes arranged in three different ways.

Now for what I'd call bad is this
It's unfitting and ear-piercing boss theme for a rather quality game. Considering the bosses have plenty of health, you'll be listening to this a lot.

>> No.8886451

Master System games. All of them.

>> No.8886456

It gets worse.

>> No.8886464

Gonna post a "gem" like this

>> No.8886475 [DELETED] 

this slaps ngl

>> No.8886481

Doesn't it gain more instruments once you collect the hidden item of each stage?

>> No.8886482

The game has 16k of ROM, what the hell did you expect?

>> No.8886487

>>3 replies
>>1 poster
the poster count doesn't update when you hit Update instead of refresh

>> No.8886490

Jesus christ. I'm glad my parents got me a SNES.

>> No.8886491
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>> No.8886496


Manic Miner on the Zed Ecks Speccy, like mum used to make, fockin' lush

>> No.8886498

wtf is this creepy as shit

same OP, same replies. Are these just bots?

>> No.8886510

No, it's just schizo talking with himself

beep boop

>> No.8886520

i swear to god ive seen this exact thread at least twice a year.
I think I gotta stop going on this board soon

>> No.8886524

You have. This is either a bot or a persistent autist.

>> No.8886560

No vidya "music" is worse than Drago's palace from Rygar. It's four notes ad infinitum.


>> No.8886574
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>> No.8886697

I like these. Also >>8886574 and >>8886435 are the same thing.

While yes, it's bad-sounding, it seems like they were trying for a gamelan-sound. While gamelan is most commonly associated with Indonesia, similarly arranged music is common throughout SEA (excepting Vietnam, likely due to Indic culture having a far lesser effect on it in its history).

Here's an example of gamelan as an accompaniment to Indonesian ballet telling of the Ramayana, the story which inspired Journey to the West (and subsequently Dragon Ball):

Here's a performance of the monkey chant, also from the Ramayana:

And here's a video game song that was obviously inspired by gamelan in general:

And, from the same game, the monkey chant in particular, which is EXTREMELY fucking obvious (yapyapyap!):

>> No.8886748

It's very notable in being those kinda songs that you have to immediately drop down the volume of the TV of
SADX was another one, especially with how quiet the opening starts, then the title screen music just comes absolutely blaring

>> No.8886752

People are quick to go to "bots" as the answer, but persistent autist is likely the answer
On Gamefaqs there was a lot of autists caught making the same yearly threads, some others, years apart, but the same exact thread
Why? Who the fuck knows?

>> No.8886787

>Why? Who the fuck knows?
The obvious reason is that they're starving for somebody to validate their shit take but either nobody cared earlier or the mods deleted their thread (and they deleted his thread twice that I've seen). So you try again with a different audience a few months later.

>> No.8886796

Shut the fuck up nerd, this thread is for shitposting and consolewarring

>> No.8886937

Anon what are you talking about this is a banger

>> No.8886940

Had I ended the post with "Genesis sucks!!!" would it have been fine?

>> No.8886971

not bad music

yes it is repetitive, but you could literally play the entire game without getting tired of it

>> No.8887010

Bomberman II takes it and improves on it in every way.

>> No.8887021

how is this bad music? I think you may just have a small dick and can't look at women without having cops called on you

>> No.8887657

>6 second loop good because.... it just is ok?

>> No.8887661

It just is. There isn't much to say about 6-second loop, but what kind of music do you want in such game? It shouldn't distract you from gameplay and it shouldn't annoy you during 50 levels. It does the job.

>> No.8887692

>Jesus christ. I'm glad my parents got me a SNES.
>Wow, this one game sounds bad! Therefore the whole library must sound bad!
Play more games on both consoles retard. I bet you don't know about all the gems and legitimately unique games on the Genesis.
Hell, dumbasses like you probably don't even know all the great stuff on the SNES either and just stick to Mario, Zelda, and Square games, right? Probably never even tried the SMT games on there or the SNES Fire Emblem games, Rendering Rangers etc. I especially doubt you've even tried a Turbografx-16 game either, you basic ass bitch.

>> No.8887775

The “7 second loop” was commonplace in early 80s video games. Donkey Kong, Mr. Do, Dig Dug, all fine examples of this. There were occasional exceptions, such as Pitfall 2, Mappy, New Rally X, with more sophisticated music, but I don’t think that quality of music became standard until the mid 80s.

>> No.8887879

It's a catchy little beat that plays while you're playing the game. It serves its purpose well enough, it's not ear-gratingly out of pitch or annoying to hear.
It's an arcade game, not some epic adventure like SMB or Zelda that needs a full track to set the mood.

>> No.8888028
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This is like the 5th time OP's tried this thread. Everytime he got BTFO'd but for once he was smart enough to start the thread when week end tourists are around.

Here is another kickass 7 seconds loop like Bomberman's


and 3-4 seconds


>> No.8888031

>no cap.

>> No.8888958

"japanese" BOMBAMAN!!!!
oh yeah obligatory op is a fag

>> No.8888962

fr fr fr no cap cap no shot bussing dab lit

>> No.8889045

7 secs is all you need, you got filtered by sovl

>> No.8889048

In contrast, the first theme of the same game is very good.

>> No.8889065


>> No.8889070

This is some of the funkiest shit I've heard, damn


>> No.8889072

Bomberman PCE did it first and better

>> No.8889082

famicoomers not even trying

>> No.8889083

I found this on a bad video game music playlist and ended up liking it


>> No.8889343

Most-to-all the other music in it is fair-to-good but Dorago's palace is the fucking worse.

>> No.8889368

If you like that, you should look into the Japanese band Demi Semi Quaver. I found one of their CDs (remember those?) in a bargain bin of used albums for a buck, bought it because it looked fucking bizarre and for a buck ytfnot? I brought it home, listened to it and loved it.
Here's the opening track on that album:


>> No.8889380

Fuck, I posted a 30 second clip. F that. Here's a full one, sorry.


>> No.8889668

>pick a theme which was a really hurried conversion with no effort put into making it actually sound good on the Yamaha YM2612 Synth

This is what Doom on the 32X was supposed to sound like:

>> No.8890425

Fuck you, it was informative.

>> No.8890902

based kondoposting

>> No.8890952

Thought it was 7 seconds?

>> No.8891051

Sounds semi-avantgarde. I kinda dig it.