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File: 411 KB, 1708x1404, re3shotgun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8873150 No.8873150 [Reply] [Original]

Raccoon City is lost. The infection spread far and wide and now the many fires that have started around the downtown area are now out of control. The city if crawling not only with zombies but with monstrous abominations that are faster, stronger and deadlier. Help is coming, but you'll only be able to get rescued in two weeks, give or take.
How do you ride out the apocalypse until the chopper comes around?

>> No.8873157
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>help is coming

>> No.8873171

You just run them over.
That's what you do.

>> No.8873176
File: 39 KB, 395x304, 27726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me? Huh, I look for Jill, what else?
Better yet, I look for a save room. And look for signs that she's been there or not and wait. I could even pick a flower and give it to her so I can get a kiss later

>> No.8873245
File: 183 KB, 429x325, re2akuma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll get rescued just in time, relax.

>> No.8873294

Ben had the right idea. Just lock yourself in a jail cell. His one mistake was not having a gun.
Everyone who interacts with Jill in RE3 dies, with the sole exception of Carlos

>> No.8873314

Let's be realistic for a second here. Most people here would be zoombies.

>> No.8873781
File: 60 KB, 501x1245, 51a2YwzYffL._AC_SL1245_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you ride out the apocalypse until the chopper comes around?
hiding in a museum and wearing pic related

>> No.8873787

Fight my way out with a combo of my survival knife and whatever weapons and ammo I can find along the way.

>> No.8873795
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, 0AFBEAE8-8735-4D38-8329-5B8AD795D0F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try and save BRAD of course.

>> No.8873884

I'm surprised they didn't do a brad prequel or scenario

>> No.8873973

RE3make probably would’ve had it if they had more than 5 weeks of development time.

>> No.8874052
File: 36 KB, 640x480, Keeper_diary_%28re1_danskyl7%29_%2810%29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever my back itches I am reminded of this guy :(

>> No.8874943

>accumulate water
>get in the nearest save roo
>slowly spiral into insanity as the save theme luls you in and out of sleep as you lose track of days
>gg ez

>> No.8874953
File: 2.80 MB, 640x480, RE3 Nem break doors.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.8874960

What in the flying fuck was that? I've beaten RE3 dozen of times over the years easily and never had that happen once. His behavior is weird as shit throughout the webm, is that some kind of glitch?

>> No.8874991
File: 2.64 MB, 1280x960, RE3 crouch shooting.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is probably a lot more you don't know, like crouch shooting. Though if you've been playing the PC version that could explain it because there is a glitch that can prevent that sequence from happening.

>> No.8874993
File: 2.74 MB, 640x480, RE3 baby Drain Demos.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or like the baby Drain Demos

>> No.8874996
File: 2.78 MB, 640x480, RE3 Mine Thrower E.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or the upgraded Mine Thrower

>> No.8875008

These I know about but the upgraded mine launcher is the first thing I hear about it. Do you mean something like upgraded ammo once you've used it enough or something like that?

Mine launcher is in general a pretty underrated weapon in RE3. And in RE4 for that matter since they are principally the same.

>> No.8875025

>plow right through group of zombies
>they smash through the windshield from the impact
>car gets stuck over top all the flesh and gore
>zombie stuck through glass scratches and bites you
>your dead

>> No.8875670

Nemesis was meant to be dealt with quickly. If you fuck around for a while (like in the webm) he just starts roaming around and not doing shit.
What the fuck

>> No.8875679

Considering the state of the world after 2/3 isnt a zombie apocalypse and is contained to man made events, I'd say nuking Raccoon City was a massive success

>> No.8875696

>If you fuck around for a while (like in the webm) he just starts roaming around and not doing shit.

No.. this is a special event, if you give him the time, he breaks the door to the safe room Jill is in to kill her, game over.

Upgrade mine launcher happens if you combine it with the infinite ammo case. I bet it's probably something they considered for real gameplay with ammo mixing but left only as a NG+ bonus due to how OP it was

>> No.8875707

so you're basically a can of tuna then.

>> No.8875719
File: 21 KB, 600x253, IMG_1420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8875807
File: 194 KB, 1600x1690, fantasy-knight-doing-hiphop-pose-white-background-d-illustration-192988732[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good luck fidning a zombie smart enough to use a can opener

>> No.8875813

No shit, my guy. But if you fuck around for a bit with him (like you would have to get this event) he starts getting unwieldy.

>> No.8876979
File: 2.65 MB, 640x480, RE1 zombie room change.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PS1 games have some neat stuff most people never see.

>> No.8877006

They'll just pull you apart like fresh bread

>> No.8877070

I already am a zoomber

>> No.8877112
File: 96 KB, 1000x1000, knight-in-armour-with-red-feather[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah well the sword and shield aren't just for show, en garde

>> No.8877679

So now disbelief has to be suspended to assume youre healthy and fit enough to maneuver in that, swing the sword effectively and wont be easily tired out and overwhelmed.

>> No.8877963

Is that the only instance of a zombie following you to another room in RE1? Aside from the scripted sequence at the start of course.

>> No.8879049

You'll shit bricks when you discover there is a teleporting zombie in the Director's Cut version at the same location.

>> No.8879080

I have a feeling that making turns is going to get you killed. Plus if you have to make an emergency exit you can't see what's directly beneath you. Yeah, you'll get though a few hordes, but I think in the end that's just as much a deathtrap as anything else.

>> No.8879462

for a normal person , gambeson should suffice and plate on hands and legs

>> No.8879560
File: 47 KB, 377x524, collectors-chainmail-armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8880782 [DELETED] 

Beat Nemesis ass. If I had military experience.

>> No.8880785
File: 3.27 MB, 300x225, Resident_Evil_3_Boss_Fight_7_Nemesis_Clocktower_Balcony.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat Nemesis ass. If I had military experience.

>> No.8880841

Based knightposter

>> No.8880850
File: 978 KB, 322x240, flinstones-bam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8881492

Is the Nem really Alice's husband?

>> No.8881502
File: 213 KB, 1920x1080, mfw-no-ammo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go up to Nemesis
>Ask for easy mode ammo
>Get ammo because not stars
>Walk out of Raccoon city

>> No.8882217
File: 39 KB, 1000x831, 1548732909506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Help is coming, but you'll only be able to get rescued in two weeks, give or take
make it three, take it or leave it

>> No.8883607
File: 737 KB, 1289x927, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk to jill even once
>get killed on sight

>> No.8883620
File: 394 KB, 1280x1024, ResidentEvil3 2019-10-16 09-26-33-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a non shitty screenshot for you

Also Carlos would like a word with you

>> No.8884170
File: 39 KB, 750x422, nemesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8885084

Nikolai canonically survives. The RE2 and 3 remakes aren't canon.

>> No.8885090
File: 2.78 MB, 640x480, RE3 Jill Badass.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nikolai canonically survives.

Survive this.

also nobody should care about RE canon, and I'm saying this as a fan

>> No.8885098

I care about the coolest character and winner of Resident Evil not dying.

>> No.8885574
File: 72 KB, 498x400, iw_rl_m202_p03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how he just stops and lets her shoulder and fire the launcher, not even opening fire on her.

Also IRL the M202 FLASH only fired incendiary 66mm rockets, so if that got into the cockpit then he would be fucked in a pretty horrific way, as the sticky triethylaluminum mixture burns hot and bright enough (2200F/1200C)that heat radiation sears your skin at close distances and it can blind you for life if you don't look away.
The M202 FLASH wasn't a particularly well liked weapon by US troops, as there are some incidents of the rockets exploding while being loaded, or exploding right as they're leaving the muzzle, along with rockets in storage slowly leaking their volatile and pyrophoric incendiary mixture, creating massive fire hazards. It seems that they're supposed to have been phased out due to lack of use and lack of safety, but supposedly they have been used a little bit in Iraq and Afghanistan (which would be controversial because these are basically flamethrowers), and maybe or maybe not the M202A1 and a possible M202A2 are still in inventory.

Looks badass as hell, at any rate.

>> No.8885858

CIA zombie niggers glow in the dark.

>> No.8886191

Nikolai surviving is ambiguous. The Survivor file is an alteration on the English side, where the localization team changed an unnamed operative to Nikolai..

>> No.8886325

>cool little vidya rocket launcher is actually an absolutely horrifying weapon
kek based.

>> No.8886542
File: 1.88 MB, 425x228, m202 flash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be cooler if it wasn't so dangerous to the user. But it was badass in Commando and looks great in the Resident Evil games, which is the important part.

People will say that these things never fired regular explosive rockets, which is sort of true, but they are technically compatible with the same 66mm HEAT rockets as the M72 LAW. It's just that with the M72 LAW being a pre-loaded, single use disposable launcher, those rockets wouldn't be something you'd just find loose in even in military logistics, they were never produced or distributed that way, and the M202 itself used a four-shot 'clip' (for the lack of a better term) for loading.
There was also an experimental load for deploying tear-gas, but it never went past prototyping.

So, there's really no direct physical reason that you couldn't load and fire regular explosive warheads like in Resident Evil, as long as they were available and packaged appropriately. Given the much more stable nature of such ammunition, it would make it a much safer weapon to store and use. It would be cool as fuck to be able to fire off four of those rockets in really rapid succession too, you can shoot it really fast.

I suppose though that four horrible incendiaries in rapid succession would be cool too, if there were cool special death animations showing the monsters sizzling and melting, but it would probably set the entire mansion on fire really quickly.

>> No.8886580

im still angry that we didnt get a clock tower, park and dead factory for the remake

>> No.8888270

>That fucking amount of weapons and ammo
RE3 is a half-assed action game, the start of decline of RE games.
>BBut RE2...

>> No.8888281

That picture is playing on easy mode.

The re-release of RE1 and RE2 also have easy modes in which ammo is literally infinite.

Also survival horror are action games by definition. Without action they'd just be adventure games with a horror theme like Maniac Mansion

>> No.8888287

Why do you put spaces between sentences? RE1-2 never had that amount of enemies and ammo.
>Also survival horror are action games by definition
Yes, retard. But action games are not survival horror, that's what I said. Am I speaking to a preschooler?

>> No.8888380

RE3 surpases RE2 in every aspect, except story

>> No.8888589

RE2 has tonnes of ammuntions anon, theres about 50 handgun bullets in the first ten minutes alone, 2 sets in he gunshop, another in the van in the alley and on the bus, the desk in thefront hall, hidden in the office with the painting, on the corpse, behind the pedestal of mars, the STARS office, etc...

>> No.8888673
File: 150 KB, 1560x760, motorcycle gear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here
But if you want a more modern equivalent motorcycle gear is more widely accessible and designed to help the wearer in a crash so its really tough.

>> No.8888695

God damn I want to get a suit of armor just to autistically stumble and roll around my garage in it.

>> No.8888717
File: 112 KB, 1024x791, knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and knight-pilled
In reality the weakness of knight armor are blunt weapons and objects not mobility.

>> No.8888724


>> No.8888743

lmao the movies arent related to the games.
nemesis is just a tyrant with a special parasite,and the tyrant are clone of a umbrella military guy infected with the T-virus.

>> No.8888748
File: 384 KB, 429x200, psycho.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a whole city is turned into rotten corpses
>worms and fungi

>> No.8888756

you also forgot the one hidden in trash not long after the gun shop and just those first 4 ammo pickup gives you more than 50 since you pick 15 i think at a time.

>> No.8890293
File: 204 KB, 1280x720, jill_re3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always kind of lament that line established in 2 and 3 was never really followed up on, CV sort of followed it but was such a bizzare shitshow that it cut itself off, remake and zero ate up 2-3 years of dev time retreading ackley, re4 was a sidestory, and then 5 was the wesker show.

>> No.8890845

OG RE3's director, Kazuhiro Aoyama, said in an interview that if he had had the opportunity to make a second scenario, like RE1 & RE2, that he would have made it with Brad as the protag.

>> No.8890880

CV was the start of the truly retarded shit in RE. Before CV the games were basically odd, B-movie style horror games. CV is when they started to go full bullshit mode, starting with Wesker surviving the mansion and becoming fucking AIDS Neo.

>> No.8890914
File: 720 KB, 3648x1980, Code Veronica Concept Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're talking about Jill & Chris investigating Umbrella in Europe, yeah I agree 100%. It seems like such an interesting concept that you could do a lot of cool things with. When I was younger I was so hyped to see what Umbrella Europe would be like since that's where Umbrella's top brass was supposed to be at and Nemesis was created there, so I was pretty surprised when Chris showed up in CV with no mention of what he did in Europe and also no mention of him apparently being attacked according to RE3.

Years later I learned that CV was supposed to be something like what I was looking forward to and it's so strange to me that they decided to change the story completely to being about Chris & Claire finding each other. The Chris & Claire stuff hasn't even ended up being consequential in RE either, they hardly even interact or mention each other at all after CV even though they both go through big personal crises.

>> No.8891163

I don't know why you're blaming CV, REmake, and 0, while acting like 4 had hardly anything to do with it.
4 is the direct reason why that stuff never got followed up. It timeskipped ahead 6 years and got rid of all the set up that had been done since 2. It's pretty clear that RE5 was intended to be a conclusion of some kind even as early as 4's betas, the only issue being that Sugimura passed before he could write it.
This is because CV and 0 are directly not meant to be about that conflict. Neither was 4.
Those 3 games were about the different founders of Umbrella and Wesker's role in everything.
CV establishes Wesker's return and shows the decline of the Ashford family, culminating in Alexia and Alfred. Chris and Claire get out of there, and Chris vows to go after Umbrella.
0 retcons James Marcus into the timeline to further expand upon early Umbrella, and adds more to Birkin and Wesker's relationship.
And 4 was supposed to be about Leon, the HCF from CV, Wesker, and Spencer, the third and final founder of Umbrella, as well as the most prevalent one since even the first game (well, if you were Japanese and bought the Saturn copy of the first game).
Because Sugimura died during the writing phase of 4, and Mikami took over development, all of that got scrapped. 5 still ended up being a conclusion, but it pretty much swept away anything that would've been a central plot point in 4 (mostly the Spencer stuff) due to the autistic Japanese obsession with not touching the story ideas of your dead senpai.

And yes, that loose trilogy idea with CV-0-4 is intentional. Sugimura also did it with Survivor and Dead Aim, both being about Umbrella pinning the blame onto other people for the Raccoon City outbreak, as well as the development and sale of BOWs. Survivor 2 was just an arcade port, which is why it lacks such a connection.

>> No.8891172

>got rid of all the set up that had been done since 2

How much was set up since 2?

>> No.8891173
File: 77 KB, 1041x471, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so I was pretty surprised when Chris showed up in CV with no mention of what he did in Europe and also no mention of him apparently being attacked according to RE3.
That's because the RE3 Epilogue Files were written late into development as a bonus. For the most part, they're just advertisements for upcoming games or spinning off of confirmed plot details. As for not mentioning what he did in Europe, he's only been in Europe for a couple of months at the time of CV, and under constant surveillance (that's how Claire gives Chris' info to Leon by the way, Umbrella was tracking him, she literally says that).
>Years later I learned that CV was supposed to be something like what I was looking forward to and it's so strange to me that they decided to change the story completely to being about Chris & Claire finding each other.
That was in the very, VERY early concept stages, and it was changed because RE3 was using Jill and because Kamiya added a line to the end of Claire's B scenario (see pic related).
>The Chris & Claire stuff hasn't even ended up being consequential in RE either, they hardly even interact or mention each other at all after CV even though they both go through big personal crises
This is because RE as a whole pretty much had no direction 4 onwards. From 2 to Dead Aim and Outbreak 2, Sugimura and others at Flagship were directing where the series would go. When he died, Flagship pretty much dissolved, and the writing for RE games was split multiple ways.
The guy who wrote 5 also wrote Revelations 2, which follows up on sequel hooks from 5. The writer of Revelations references his own game later on in 7, Village is the only real direct sequel RE has had since CV, etc.

>> No.8891192

I'll do a general list of what was set up per game
STARS going to Umbrella Europe
The US Government fighting with Umbrella behind the scenes
Ada's employer / The Rival Company (retconned in 7 and 8 to basically be HCF and now The Connections)
Leon wanting to take the fight to Umbrella
Claire still needing to find Chris (resolved in CV)
The EX Files (resolved in 0, 3, and CV)
Confirms Jill, Barry, and Chris are all in Europe now to fight Umbrella
Something happening to Claire (resolved in CV)
Leon and Sherry get captured by an unknown group (technically resolved in Gaiden, Wesker's Report, and the 4 betas, it was an Anti-Umbrella group)
Ada's internal conflict
HCF and Wesker (see the retcon mentioned earlier)
Wesker having Steve's body and Sherry (the latter is confirmed in Wesker's Report, his revival is also explained there)
Doesn't really set up everything because it's a prequel

CV and Zero in general were more about answering the questions other games set up, particularly about the guys who run Umbrella.

>> No.8891209

Try to get supplies from a convenience store, get to the roof, have a pint, and wait for the whole thing to blow over

>> No.8892910 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.00 MB, 1080x1350, 1652142883724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't hold everyone in suspense, might be the most perfect woman ever captured on film

>> No.8892965

I always considered CV the point where the series started trying to chase whatever was popular at the time instead of being a pastiche of older sci-fi and horror material. CV is like a time capsule of Y2K pop culture. All it's missing is a Barenaked Ladies song playing over the end credits.

>> No.8893157

what about these?

>> No.8893685

That is a very accurate depiction of CV. If only that was the game's only problem though. Graphics and gameplay are also shit.

>> No.8893773


town is getting nuked and Tyrant already proved jail cells arent safe

>> No.8894093
File: 23 KB, 480x360, LITERALLY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8894662

Ben got killed because he didn't leave when he found out everyone except two people were dead. Stay in the cell until then, and then leave with Leon.

>> No.8896508

and atmosphere, and arguably music. otherwise i agree

>> No.8896620

I take 1000 rounds of a "magnum" caliber and a shitty old revolver I have and I sit in my apartment eating whiskey and pretzels while occasionally one shotting anything that tries to enter.

>> No.8896647

I always thought it would have been cool if Rebecca had a scenario alongside Jill. Very late 90s girl power stuff.

>> No.8897168

No, it surpasses it in story too. RE2's story is pretty shit and just Leon and Claire running around yelling "Ada!", "Sherry!" and "Wait!" for two hours. The best character in the game is actually Annette.

RE3's atmosphere and music are great. The dead and decayed city along with tracks like City of Ruin and City Without Hope really do a lot to drive home the hopelessness and despair. The dead bodies (mostly UCBS mercencaries) all over the place, the cool little bits like the girl in the alleyway or going back to find Dario dead. Nemesis in general. The cool environments like the hospital. The mercenary with the girl in the Clock Tower and accompanying journal entry is one of my favorite things in the entire series.

I like RE2 a lot but it's a pretty empty game and the environments (police station, sewers, factory) are pretty dull and boring. The coolest location in the entire game, outside of the opening section, is the Marshaling Yard (and the area right after the sewers that leads up to it) which is probably the reason that it was reused in Outbreak and RE0. RE3 is just way more memorably in doing what I think everyone at the time expected RE2 to do.

>> No.8897252

>That was in the very, VERY early concept stages, and it was changed because RE3 was using Jill and because Kamiya added a line to the end of Claire's B scenario (see pic related).
RE3 using Jill isn't why CV was changed. CV was Chris and Jill and then Kamiya added that line so CV's plot was changed to be Chris & Claire which freed up Jill to be used for RE3.

Truthfully, I kind of wish that never happened because it would've made way more sense to use Rebecca in that role. Not that I have any idea who the original intended MC was prior to Jill but they made a point of explicitly stating that Rebecca survived RE1 (she was even in the opening cutscene illustrations in the E3 beta of RE3) and then proceeded to do absolutely nothing with her, never even mentioning her, until a few years ago.

>> No.8897373

>RE3 surpases RE2 in every aspect, except story

RE2 story;
>okay so you're in this police station
>but it's actually a mansion
>but it's actually a police station
>you following?
>it makes sense because sometimes in the US officials use old buildings, mmmkay?
>has nothing to do with the fact that we used to have an actual police station before someone decided we needed to be more like RE1, trust me

>> No.8897450

og graphics > all the REmakes graphics

>> No.8897630

fucking loved how dramatic RE3's epilogue files sounded and how they set up the stage for something greater

You have no idea how disappointed I was after playing RE4. Everyone was hyping each other up on RE fan forums in the early 2000s, when the storyline was still supposed to be Leon joining some kind of anti-umbrella underground movement and joining up with RE1 cast. Then everything gets discarded for no fucking reason

>> No.8897639

>Leon and Sherry get captured by an unknown group (technically resolved in Gaiden, Wesker's Report, and the 4 betas, it was an Anti-Umbrella group)

Was this from the retconned Wesker's Report?

>> No.8897737

The police station being a mansion was such obvious bullshit

>> No.8897794

It's explained in the in-game files as a building that was originally a church, then turned to a museum, and then turned to a police station. And it makes perfect sense when you notice the front yard, the main hall etc.
It's not a mansion

>> No.8898040

Gaiden directly states Leon and Barry are part of the same Anti-Umbrella Group.
Wesker's Report also states this, but implies that he has control over it as the ending implies he has access to Sherry.
The RE4 betas are about Leon raiding an Umbrella facility, this being Spencer's mansion.
So, pre-4, here are the character allegiances
Lone wolf (he's still wearing his STARS uniform in CV)
Last seen looking for Chris, might be on her own but could also be in the Anti-Umbrella group
Anti-Umbrella Group
Anti-Umbrella Group / The Rival Organization / HCF
Anti-Umbrella Group
Lone wolf (the RE3 epilogue file has Leon telling her to leave right after the RE2 ending)
In custody (Anti-Umbrella or Wesker)
Rival Organization (see Wesker's Report and her RE3 epilogue)
Deceased, as that Survivor file was a mistranslation
Deceased, Rival Organization / Wesker
>Ark Thompson
Presumably Anti-Umbrella since he was working with Leon, might have just been a favor though
>Leon (BOW Clone)
Unknown, might have been retconned as early as the RE4 beta. You'd need to get your hands on the early story outlines with Leon to find out.
Unknown, likely with the Anti-Umbrella group (this is a Gaiden character)
>Billy Coen
Unknown, likely was never meant to return
>the entire Outbreak cast
Unknown, good endings imply they just went back to their normal lives
>Bruce McGivern
Unknown, likely went back to the US Government
>Fong Ling
Unknown, probably didn't go back to the Chinese Government

So yeah, it probably sucks being on Team Umbrella, since there were more guys on Umbrella's side before 2, 3, CV, and Survivor killed them all off

>> No.8898093

Wesker's Report clashes with virtually everything though. He states that they got Sherry when it was clear from the get-go that US government has her. It also follows the LeonA/ClaireB route of RE2. Among many other things.

I mean its kino and it set up some cool stuff but shame it was both inconsistent and retconned

>> No.8898110

>He states that they got Sherry when it was clear from the get-go that US government has her.
Not really. All we get from Sherry post-2 is two separate things. The first was Little Fugitive Sherry, an audio drama set after RE2 where Sherry escapes to a different town outside RC, as Umbrella goes scorched Earth trying to find her.
And then we have the RE3 Epilogues, one with Leon being confronted by someone about Sherry, and another with Sherry being held captive somewhere else.
Wesker's Report doesn't really clash with that second one. This is all Wesker has to say in the retranslation of Wesker's Report
>And Sherry's now in our hands.
>This is Birkin we're talking about, he must still have something concealed within this girl.
It just implies he can get close to Sherry if he wants to. It's a set up for a mystery. It's also very easy to say that it's the US Government, when we're over 20 years removed from the original context and Wesker's Report has since been retconned into oblivion.
>It also follows the LeonA/ClaireB route of RE2
Which also doesn't contradict much. Before 6, the most canonical thing between the routes was that the Claire B ending was the canon one, as shown by the RE3 Epilogue Files. Claire's Epilogue File continues off where Claire B ends, with Leon telling Claire to go find her brother.

>> No.8898359

werent the umbrela labs underground?
werent they full of zombies?

nukes cant destroy underground facilities.

>> No.8898372

nukes wouldn't even kill everything on the surface, great for ending civilization put completely eradicating every trace of a pathogen? not really.

>> No.8898398

The only Umbrella lab was the one underground far away from the city in the Arklay Forest region. That one was destroyed.
As for Raccoon City, it was carpet bombed and then nuked.

>> No.8898595

It still kind of works in terms of stopping its continuation and halting the potential of it to spread farther. Biological life can't keep living in the area in the days and weeks after it. As long as they contain a perimeter well enough, it should still work over a longer period. After the radiation level drops enough, all that's left are a handful of these underground areas in isolated pockets, which is now finally a problem that a bunch of well-armed army guys in hazmats can deal with.

I think the main serious problems are underground tunnels that lead well past city limits (which at least got blown up behind Leon and Claire), and that the city itself is not the endpoint of its affected water system which is now both infected and radioactive and still flowing somewhere.

>> No.8899552

The thing is that there was cool elements of RE2's story but it feels like (and I believe kind of was) they were added last minute to spice things up a bit. Imagine you get to the safety of the RPD and let's say maybe the neighborhood surrounding it, all cordoned off like a fortress, protecting it from zombies. There's some police officers, some civilians. There are zombies but the station is so large and so easy to block parts off that for the moment people are protected. Leon/Claire are the ones willing to throw themselves into danger to do what needs ot be done and the whole time you start to learn that the monsters aren't the only scary thing because Irons has snapped and turned into a homicidal lunatic enacting out a twisted hunt on the survivors as he descends into madness at losing his "beautiful town" due to Umbrella's betrayal and actions.

Basically, split the plot between Leon A/Claire B. Leon A focused around Irons, Ben, Ada and RPD survivors. Claire B focused on Claire trying to find an evacuation route, Sherry, Annette and Birkin. Both paths crossing over every so often. Do that and the story becomes way more interesting IMO.

>> No.8899560

>Gaiden directly states Leon and Barry are part of the same Anti-Umbrella Group.
Gaiden is also one of the few games that's explicitly not canon. In a way it's a shame but only because Lucia could've been a neat addition to the series to go with Moira and Sherry but it's not a big deal.

>> No.8899594

Wesker's Report says Wesker has Sherry and you're insisting that Leon joined some non-affiliated Anti-Umbrella Group despite the games themselves saying the opposite: Sherry was in government custody to protect her from Umbrella and Wesker and the anti-Umbrella group Leon joins is a part of USSTRATCOM which has existed since Dead Aim and came out BEFORE RE4.

I get that you probably think most of the plot after RE3 is stupid and it is but that's the canon. Sherry was in government custody, the guy who approached them was a government agent, the anti-Umbrella group is government affiliated and that's who Leon's been working for since the end of RE2. Wesker is not involved with this group and never had access to Sherry and thus Wesker's report, at least some aspects of it, are non-canon because of it. The only non-affiliated anti-bioterrorism group we have is TerraSave which Claire and Moira are part of. All of the ex-STARS members are with the BSAA (which is a UN group), Leon and Sherry are US government agents as part of the DSO.

Raccoon City wasn't nuked. It was a thermobaric missile per the writer of RE3 himself.

>> No.8901035

It only became non-canon after 4. While its story is admittedly complete shit, it was referenced in interviews a few times around the release of CV whenever anyone asked "What happened to Leon?".
I'm saying that because I was talking about RE pre-4. Pre-4, literally all we know about Leon's affiliation is that he's with an anti-Umbrella group that also includes Barry. This isn't a matter of canon so much as what has become the non-canon or what was quietly shoved under the rug.

>> No.8902445

Honestly the problem with RE is Weskerwank, yet another reason CV is the worst pre-RE5 game since it's what started it and they had to start fitting shit in to accomdate it i.e. Wesker's Report.

>> No.8902508

Wesker had been planned to come back years before CV released (as early as 1998), and honestly, CV doesn't really jerk him off that much.
The original release has his final scene be of him running away, and CVX just adds in a big fight where Chris fucks up his face. He's solidly the B villain in CV, and was clearly planned to fill the same role in RE4 until Sugimura died.