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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 24 KB, 317x314, Alundra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8881819 No.8881819 [Reply] [Original]

Best Playstation 1 games that people generally don't know about

>No major franchises which continue to receive releases today or were prominently featured on magazine covers/websites (e.g. Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Castlevania, Silent Hill, Crash Bandicoot, Legacy of Kain, Tekken, Metal Gear Solid, Chrono Series, Tenchu, Spyro, Ridge Racer, Twisted Metal, Mortal Kombat, Megaman)

Not necessarily banned from posting, but stuff we probably all know about:
>Xenogears, Valkyrie Profile, Vanguard Bandits, Grandia, Suikoden I & II, Tactics Ogre, Bushido Blade, Rival Schools, Arc the Lad, Ace Combat, Medievil

>> No.8881835
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I made a thread about this game years ago that I remember fondly because I mentioned that I learned on my most recent playthrough at the time that you could actually get 3 spells on monsters by feeding them spell balls that were upgraded to +10 to have them learn it permanently. An anon in the thread thought it was a troll post and to disprove it he booted up the game, made Acid Rain +10–the only spell this fails with—and tried to feed it to a monster. He was a cool guy though and was willing to try another spell when it was pointed out Acid Rain wouldn’t work and it was genuinely a joy to see him get all excited when the next spell he tried succeeded. If you’re out there buddy, cheers to you.

>> No.8881841
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Dumb as fuck generic name and cover. Also on GBA? Has sequels that I haven't played and thusly can't vouch for.
But this game slaps. Imagine a slower and more methodical Metal Slug. Art style is alright enough, its cartoony and has a nice vibrant color palette. Excellent in co-op. There is some variety to gameplay. I remember spending a lot of hours with my friend on it back in the day.

>> No.8881857
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>> No.8881862
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3D contra clone, single player or co-op. It's balls to the wall action, there are mini-bosses happening every two minutes. There are light platforming elements present and they add to the challenge. Framerate is decent, visuals have a nice futuristic cyber-punk vibe, difficulty-wise it starts easy and then in the second half of the game gradually gets harder but nothing too frantic. Downside is little weapon variety but it's pretty fun all in all. Very rarely do I see this one brought up, both on /v/ and /vr/.

>> No.8881864
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>> No.8881874
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Continuing with more dumb generic names and covers.

>Driver driving mechanics
>with shooting
>and shitton of guns
>and pretty kino campaign
>fairly big map for a ps1 game
>dynamic weather/time of day

There was a thread about it a few weeks ago and anon posted couple of nice webms, if someone has them repost them I guess

>> No.8881876
File: 160 KB, 800x792, 67798-trap-gunner-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't found anyone else that has played this game. Basically, it's one player vs. CPU or 2 player vs. eachother. Gameplay is isometric. You have a weapon that you can use against your opponent but you also get lots of interesting traps to set for your opponent.
This game is a lot of fun, and I don't think there's ever been another game like this since.

>> No.8881892

This game sucked ass.
Thats all I remember about it

>> No.8881896

That's okay, anon
You do you.

>> No.8881908

I will forever be filtered by the tank.
I'll figure it out one day.

>> No.8881914
File: 32 KB, 280x280, more like ball breakers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a Micromachines game in everything but name
>looks like a simple racing title for kids
>starts out easy
>difficulty ramps up
>begins kicking you in the dick
>jesus christ it won't stop
One of the greatest hidden gems on the Playstation

>> No.8881954
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Based game tho.

It defies comprehension that a game with such a default-template-looking title/logo is so good of a game.

>> No.8881965

whats this landstalker ripoff?

>> No.8882018
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Vampire Hunter D

>> No.8882019
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Rockman Battle & Chase

>> No.8882025

Same character designer and largely the same team; it's funny how Alundra would function better as a Landstalker 2 than Alundra 2 does as a sequel to Alundra.

>> No.8882037
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Beltlogger 9
Cyber Egg Battle Champion
Dragon Valor doesnt get enough love
Nanotek Warrior
Ungra Walker
Machine Hunter

>> No.8882042
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Driver was the first time a game made me feel like I was in a movie. It was also the only time

>> No.8882049

Countdown Vampires
Ninja: Shadow of Darkness
Soul of the Samurai
Tobal 2

>> No.8882050

>tfw they cancelled the dreamcast port of driver 2 because bushnell is a jew

>> No.8882053
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It's hard to explain but Dragon Valor is like this weird 3D equivalent of a completely unremarkable and simplistic middle-of-the-road NES game. Which is to say, I have no idea why I enjoy it so much

>> No.8882063
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Cotton 100%, Harmful Park, Mad Panic Coaster, Parodius series

Not really super obscure but I also want to try Philosoma at some point, saw it at the retro game shop CIB but for the price he was charging I'd rather just emulate it

>> No.8882070
File: 65 KB, 510x510, Tetris-with-cardcaptor-sakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost forgot about Umihara Kawase Shun and Cardcaptor Sakura Tetris, another game I want to try at some point

Also Taisen Puzzle Dama series, I played one on the Saturn but there's a few more of them on PS1

>> No.8882075

Ace Combat should be in the first category

>> No.8882103

>Cardcaptor Sakura Tetris
The single-player mode in this is super short, so there's really no reason to hold off. You can beat it in an afternoon if you're decent at Tetris.

>> No.8882128

Alundra 2 effectively doesn’t exist in my head-canon

>> No.8882152
File: 2.81 MB, 2392x3120, ngen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-Gen Racing, Gran Turismo but with fighter jets.
Has a really decent bit of customization.

>> No.8882237
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I wish it had a standard Tetris mode, Arika makes such fun Tetris games. If you like Tomb Raider style games but also wanted a little more puzzle solving and inventory-ing, check out Tiny Bullets. It's not hard to figure out, also those slingshot mechanics are very refined. Oh and the title theme just sucks you in with that sweet acoustic.

>> No.8882253

> If you like Tomb Raider style games
The only thing that matters in a tomb raider style game is the level design.
So how is it?

>> No.8882272

Also the movement mechanics which Tiny Bullets shares much of. The levels are elaborate dungeons with puzzles to solve, hazards to navigate, traps to suss out and poles to swing from. The physics are sillier but you can tell there's inspiration there and it works very well. In just a few minutes of play you'll find yourself rearranging props to pinch a ledge, lift yourself up for some healing items only to find yourself tumbling under a low wall to climb up to a ledge to an open space and swing yourself to your next destination.

It's not the same however, just clearly inspired by it so it still feels fresh because it's not an imitation Lara.

>> No.8882275
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I beg to differ

>> No.8882325
File: 12 KB, 255x222, 211155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space Griffon VF-9 - one of the best Playstation games I ever played all the way through. I don't think I've talked to anyone else who played it.

>> No.8883125
File: 57 KB, 800x708, 511776-vib-ribbon-playstation-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can only be played on a modded console or legitimately (what's that?). Swap trick or emulation desyncs it.

>> No.8883259

The /v/ recommend wiki suggested pSX for this game, I might try it out later to see if it is busted on that too.

>> No.8883282
File: 129 KB, 252x252, Millennium_Soldier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it

>> No.8883296
File: 71 KB, 500x496, 61GBK4ERRWL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Valor. A fun little PS1 hack and slash with multiple endings and multiple branching paths.

>> No.8883305

I wouldn't call it Gran Turismo with fighter jets. Noting that it's been made by a couple former Wipeout and Formula 1 developers probably better describes the pace and feeling of speed. Also worth mentioning that it has some combat elements later on much like Wipeout.

>> No.8883312

Why was the PS1 so comfy?

oh shid, forgotten memories, what game is this?

had this game, hated, but that's because I was a retarded 4 year old and had no friends

>> No.8883358

Einhander or whatever that game was called
you played as a spaceship flying around a future punk Tokyo or whatever
cool as fuck

>> No.8883398

I had no idea it was made by former Psygnosis devs, neat.

>> No.8883412

And again, none of you faggots mention silent bomber.

>> No.8883489

Good game. Voice acting is hilariously cheesey.

>> No.8883497

I have this on gbc Anon, haven’t touched it just found it at some thrift store. Is it worth a play?

>> No.8883548
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>> No.8884150
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Is untranslated cheating? Played this recently. Combat is typical slow-ish PS1 JRPG but it has a sparking system ala SaGa and a heavy emphasis on the cast time of individual actions. Probably one of the most atmospheric PS1 games I've played up there with Legend of Mana, the art is fantastic, the story is really good and the music is MAX COMFY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rr9S6M9A3Y
The overworld controls are a bitch because you're the entire game is underwater since you're a mermaid and the camera sucks, but you get used to it.

Also, the sequel to Rhapsody ie. the second Marl Kingdom game. One of the best on the PS1.

>> No.8884171

Sounds like you like action-RPGs. It's one of the pleasures of really enjoying a genre, in my opinion, is playing the extended games and finding ones that do little things right and manage to strike your very specific tastes.
The folks who try to do best-of tours of games miss out on developing individualized tastes on things, which is a shame.
As for Dragon Valor, I really enjoyed the multi-generational thing and just how fast it was to play. Reminds me of Threads of Fate, which might be a good one for this thread as well.

Do people know Siphon Filter? It was pretty good, was big at the time, and seems to have drifted hard from relevance. Might fall into "prominently featured on magazine covers" though.

Secondary choice. ODT: Or Die Trying. Just a really fucked up but strangely endearing action game.

>> No.8884187

Gbc version should be treated as a different game. It’s less intensive with the town/love interest aspects but has more monsters and unlockable basement floors to the tower. Both are excellent games.

>> No.8884198
File: 243 KB, 976x768, Poy-Poy-NTSC-PSX-BACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not super obscure, it's a Konami game and all, but I rarely see Poy Poy talked about online. Was one of my favorite PSX games back in the day.

>> No.8884237

how far have you gotten? i'm still on the early chapters. i do not understand the battle system.

>> No.8884249
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I beat it a few days ago. What part of the battle system don't you understand? I had a pretty solid grasp by the end so I should be able to help.

I strongly recommend using this guide to tell what weapons spark what combos and special attacks, it's a total shitshow trying to figure it out yourself because it's totally arbitrary: http://www9.wind.ne.jp/venom/game/meremanoid/arts.html

>> No.8884309
File: 140 KB, 256x256, Threads_of_Fate_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great games
shitty controllers

>> No.8884326

Shadow Tower, WAY better than any Kings Field
Armored Core, specially Phantasma
Tail of the Sun

>> No.8884368

One of the best PS1 games is what it is, anon
If you like hard ass puzzles

>> No.8884513

Shame Square never made another game despite the true ending hinting at a sequel. I wanted more Princess Mint kicking bad guys in the face in her quest for "World domination, baby!"

>> No.8886034

>Dragon Valor
Watched a longplay of it and it just looks like proto-Maximo where enemies instead take a thousand hits to kill. Is this a fair assessment?

>> No.8886180

>Ninja: Shadow of Darkness
Is this Dragon-Valor-but-ninja?

>> No.8887847
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Does this count, or is it excluded being part of the Lemmings franchise?