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8868704 No.8868704 [Reply] [Original]

As promised to >>8849781, I was going to make a follow up thread once I beat MMBN3 after being filtered twice like a retard on it.

Finally beat it! I rolled Guts style in the story and decided to stick with it. To my surprise, Guts style has the potential to be fucking BUSTED, holy shit.

I stacked a bunch of attack ups for the alpha fight along with Pawn. Since you can shoot through Pawns and swing with the same time, that + damage boosted guts buster make for absolutely insane burst. I knocked Alpha out in no time.

Bass was a LITTLE harder this go around, but fortunately Guts' fast fire rate and stun ability allowed me to keep the shield down quickly despite having only few ways to actually remove it.

Glad I finally knocked it out and got closure. Next question is which one to play next and what's the best way to play it?

I originally restarted MMBN3 on my IPS GBA SP using an Omega -- but the screen and system is just too small for adult me, so halfway through I decided to put it on my Wii U and finished the game that way.

>> No.8869052

Skip 4, it's the worst in the series. The good ones are 2,3,5,6.

Something cool with 5 and 6, each of the versions have totally different forms.

>> No.8869940

>skip 4
I don’t want to.

>> No.8870069

Did you finish the post game for 3? It's worth doing up to fighting Bass and Serenade

>> No.8870114

> MMBN3 Whites Only version
based Mega Man

>> No.8870115

Play through the first loop then just to see how bad it is for yourself. Only do the next loops if you really hate yourself.

Also why do you even ask then.

>> No.8870251

BN2 is my favorite game in the series. Pure soul.

>> No.8870337

OP here, >>8869940 wasn't me
I will probably do a single loop on it, but won't bother 100%ing
Not yet. I have to take a break anyway for a business trip and since it's on my Wii U, it isn't coming with me. May pick it up when I come back.
> he doesn't know that when localizing Battle Network 3's two games, they dropped "Black" and went with "White" and "Blue"

>> No.8870340

That's the one where he goes to the US and get repeatedly robbed, right?

>> No.8870398

Play all the games by order of release

>> No.8870454
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>> No.8870509

I assume this is a mod or a retranslation. Can you do anything with the whiskey?

>> No.8870632

Four of course. I hope you also played 1 and 2 before you played 3. MMBN is one of those great series that has series wide reccuring plot threads and characters and it's nice seeing them from start to end.
Also the badness of four is overrated (it's the worst game though, don't get me wrong) but 5 and 6 are both great and right afterwards

>> No.8870638

>Mod or retranslation
It's not

>> No.8870947

I looked it up after I posted that, and was surprised. Someone was really taking the piss at Capcom

>> No.8871000

BN2's translation is something special gives the game it's own unique flavor compared to the rest

>> No.8871058

You can say the same about BN4.
Just not in a positive way.

>> No.8871556

You must be blind.

>> No.8871576

Yeah. It's the one with mama milk sucking, whisky drinking, child robbing rapping niggers, literal 9/11 terrorist plots and Yai joking about Lan missing out on peeking at her naked loli body to his face.

>> No.8871581

>assume this is a mod or a retranslation

You assume wrong.

>> No.8871583

What a nice young man she was. Legs go!

>> No.8871585
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2002 was a wild time

>> No.8871595

In MMBN1 you could peek at mayl while she was changing too.

Oh and MMBN2 has a child ransoming villain who literally gassed Yai. When he was defeated, they blew him the fuck out. Literally. Left a bomb on some station and killed him and who knows how many others.

BN2 doesn't fuck around

>> No.8871672
File: 302 KB, 500x678, Millions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Create a scenario that takes place in not america/europe
>Get robbed several times on the way there
>Have to enter the slums to get your shit back
>Walking around you can find a optional boss lady that sounds like she is about to molest you
>When you finally get your stuff back you gotta enter a castle for your meeting
>It's a literal death trap
>They don't sugarcoat that the place is dangerous with even one of your friends getting burned to a crisp and nearly dying
>Doesn't even catch a break when going back home since some guy want to 9/11 your plane
I wanna know the good shit the bn2 developers were on when making it

>> No.8871764

>this rich hot milf orgasming when her boy toy lan defeats her in the straight shota relations i mean netbattle

I had totally forgotten about that. I think this is why I like pleasuring older women

>> No.8872431

So which one are you playing OP?

>> No.8872545

4 is fucking miserable. Half of the game is just you running around clicking on every single object in every single area until you find a key item in a place that makes no sense, then you do it all over again. And again. And again. And again.

>> No.8872923

You use it, a pilot cap and a chopstick to trap a spider that's gotten loose on the plane.

>> No.8873368

>I think this is why I like pleasuring older women

>> No.8873386

Definitely pick it back up sometime, there's quite a bit of game left in it and some really cool bosses. The undernet completely unlocks at that point and the final area is pretty cool. I wouldn't bother with some of the extra stuff after like trying to S-Rank the bosses and unlocking the V5 Navis, but the first 3 stars are really doable without being too much of a drag.

>> No.8874261


>> No.8874863

I love the sounds they make

>> No.8876054


>> No.8876147

Too late. Started with 3.
I did not. I never owned 1 or 2 as a kid and I'd done 3s story twice before getting filtered by Alpha. I needed and gotten closure by finally beating 3.
Even BN3 has some whacky stuff. The plot they come up with for how he stops thebmain villain in the grand prix segment of 3 is equally ridiculous, only less racist.
Doing three stars feels more compelling

>> No.8876169

>I did not
2 at least is a top tier game. 1 is kind of hard to go back to though. It's not bad but they hadn't fully fleshed some things out and it shows.

>> No.8876224

Fun fact BN1 was a launch title in japan
Considering that I'm still impressed that they had a decent foundation even back then
At least OSS english patch exists so we have the best way to play BN1 in english now

>> No.8876406
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>playing bn4
>roll gets kidnapped by viruses
>have to run around the map looking for the guy behind it
>then after that have to run around the map looking for her
>when you get there she takes care of them by herself

>> No.8876459

1 is very raw, especially the internet. Still fun though. The lac of polish can be fun too. Lax chip limits for exa,ple. You can have a folder made out of hero swords. Also some cool chips like buster bomb that makes you feel like you're in the anime spamming minibombs.

>> No.8877262

>Even the manual has typos in them