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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.64 MB, 1920x1080, 1651256941980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8861245 No.8861245 [Reply] [Original]

What's your opinion on HD texture packs?

>> No.8861263
File: 213 KB, 512x256, remastered cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8861265

shit the bed tier taste

>> No.8861273
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1479273980906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that lookin' good kong in the corner

top kek

>> No.8861320

This one ALMOST looks fine, but what the hell happened to Lakitu?

>> No.8861341

Probably AI upscaled. Whoever made the texture pack didn't put any effort at all.

>> No.8861347

mario kart 64 looks so bad that any kind of filter is an improvement

>> No.8861363

Seems to be a WIP. The driver sprites and many other textures appear to have been totally redone and not AI upscaled:

>> No.8861383


>> No.8861434


>> No.8861576

Depends, the RE4 PC HD pack was a labour of love that the creator spent a long time but a lot of them are just run through an AI upscaler with no care at all. To write them all off would be silly.

>> No.8861601
File: 3.20 MB, 2880x2160, Paper Mario (USA)-220429-142640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-b-but think about the soul!

>> No.8861651

That looks mighty decent.

>> No.8861682 [DELETED] 

What does that even mean? What is a texture pack? Doesn’t sound retro to me.

>> No.8861685 [DELETED] 

You might just be retarded anon

>> No.8861687

>white outline
Annnnnnddddddd its trash!

>> No.8861689

I like the AI upscaled ones when they look good, but handmade ones I don't like.

>> No.8861696

The only HD texture pack I swear by is the one for Viewtiful Joe. It just looks objectively better.

>> No.8861739

High-res textures only work when the polycounts are high too.

>> No.8861926
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a good compromise would be textures that are literally the exact same in style as the old textures, just cleaner and not so low-res. The problem lies in trying to replace them with hyper-detailed textures that not only look nothing like the old textures, but clash with the low polycount on the game as you allude to.

>> No.8861931

It varies. I prefer when they're faithful to the original. Not a fan of style changes.

>> No.8861934

holy SHIT this looks like garbage. what the fuck is wrong with these people

>> No.8861953
File: 196 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a thing with NES games now, too.

>> No.8861954


>> No.8861959
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>> No.8861960

just remake the whole game at that point.

>> No.8861965

soul vs soulless

>> No.8861967
File: 370 KB, 1024x448, c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's your HD castlevania remake bro

>> No.8861972


>> No.8861973

The latest Mario Kart is much better because I can set it to play itself while I do something and I win because my zoomer friend is not good at video games

>> No.8861995

that looks like shit

>> No.8862042

You shouldn't be playing anything higher than 480p.

>> No.8862090

the Mega Man one is fine but god damn
those other two look like flash games

>> No.8862093
File: 110 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8862096

>the Mega Man one is fine
Except for those foreground trees clearly blocking the view.

>> No.8862105

It's really impressive what Mesen HD-Texture packs can do, but trying to cram that much definitive into a game running on a 256x224 canvas isn't necessarily gonna look good or right.

Like the other anon said, they have Flash-game jank to them, but that's just because the barrier is low and this is how people get into creative production roles.

>> No.8862170

>that's just because the barrier is low and this is how people get into creative production roles.
Spot on. Much easier to create sprites and plaster them on top of a game than to learn how to create an entire game from scratch or even using a pre-existing engine like Unity.

>> No.8862206

the retextures unironically look way more sovlful. if you disagree you don't know what sovl is and are mistaking nostalgia for sovl.

>> No.8862219

This one's really bad.

>> No.8862242


That looks fucking great.

>> No.8862251

fucking kek

>> No.8862291
File: 15 KB, 432x288, before-and-after.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of these reskins don't respect the spirit of the original aesthetic. I like what could be done if you use the same NES palette but just use the entire palette at once.


>> No.8862302

Gives me PC-Engine vibes, which is a good thing.

>> No.8862303

I dunno, though, admittedly I've never tried one of these mods, but I feel there would be a disconnect between the higher fidelity of the graphics and the music and SFX still being the regular NES stuff. It'd be like playing a SNES game that still sounded like NES.

>> No.8862423

Nerrel's MM HD pack is mostly great.

>> No.8862429

eh i don't really care for em, plus upscaling exists to make a game look better with its assets already

>> No.8862459

Can look good depending on the game and adherence to the original artstyle.
RE4HD is the holy grail of texture packs, but I think there are other good ones too.

I think ideally texture packs should be done with a mix of AI upscales and human touch ups to retain the original look, ESPECIALLY in the case of HUD or UI elements, dont go using modern official renders for icons in old games.

>> No.8862464

What about old official renders? Say, the official renders for OoT's items and such from back then. They were the original source of the in-game icons, after all.

>> No.8862492

What the Christ?

>> No.8862524

In theory that sounds fine.
Im moreso thinking of HD packs that rip from render sources made more recently. For example Ive seen Sonic or Mario packs that use more modern sources that dont fit with their earlier designs and renders in Mario 64 or Sonic Adventure

>> No.8862525

Oh yeah, that's absolutely disgusting.

>> No.8862538
File: 158 KB, 712x550, mario 64 mod 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the plumber ive been tellin you about

>> No.8862552

>Dingy walls

>> No.8862558
File: 17 KB, 407x379, 1318614058872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm beyond disgusted.

>> No.8862576

That is really, really cool, excellent philosophy for reskinning.

>> No.8862637
File: 36 KB, 230x236, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8862663

It looks nice, but does the new look make it hard to discern hit boxes?

>> No.8862938

Unironically looks good
It's obviously not a "definitive edition" of sorts bit it's good to have the option to enjoy the same game in a different way. The anti-aliased texture filtered N64 running on a CRT had a soft look that makes the standard emulator sharp blocky pixels look just as wrong.

>> No.8862957

Not really a surprise. You scale up all the sprites that high and yeah that shit will look pretty decent

>> No.8863004
File: 128 KB, 512x512, 1467575294703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8863008

All i see are youtube clips, is this just currently being worked on? I kinda dig it.

>> No.8863009

Holy FUCK they massacred that background

>> No.8863012

Meant, is there a place to download it or is it just currently in production.

>> No.8863016

Looks neat but I don't like the huge overshine brightening of the Mario overalls, that one is really opposite to the original coloring. That Simon would also be harder to distinguish in levels unfortunately.

>> No.8863025

It looks a lot like the Mario World sprite though.

>> No.8863028

That's a sprite for Super Mario Bros 3, not Super Mario World. It's just replacing an aesthetic with another game's instead of enhancing it.

>> No.8863168

This is adding details and changing things for the sake of adding details and changing things. Too much detail makes it look distracting and messy, and everything looks like it polished with shoe shine.

Those colours choices are horrible also. Yes, let's change the colours of literally everything for no reason and regardless of what the world around looks like. Surely a shield the colour of sea isn't going to be a problem in Zelda, not like there is any sea anywhere.

>> No.8863207

They usually lack the expertise to translate the nuance of a professional artist creating something with low fidelity assets ignoring cases where the art can't or shouldn't be updated at all.

>> No.8863276
File: 749 KB, 1200x1598, ariaHDtexturepack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8863305

I like these.

>> No.8863841

if it cant run on original hardware, its gay

>> No.8863885

Fucking hell that looks awful.

>> No.8863889

>there are people in this thread that think HD texture packs are good
It’s like I’m living in the early 2000’s PC mod scene again

>> No.8863892

>the lower arm became a foot

>> No.8863908

Is this a joke/

>> No.8863912

They're usually ugly as fuck.

This is actually good. No resolution change, just an increased color palette. Looks like it could be a legit SNES port.
Mostly good, but Link looks terrible.
Absolutely AWFUL. Holy shit, how did anyone look at this and think it was an improvement?

>> No.8864214
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>> No.8864215
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>> No.8864218
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>> No.8864302


>> No.8864305
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>> No.8864309

This. It looks so fucking bad.

>> No.8864884
File: 77 KB, 641x448, 1643866360442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8864939

This looks shit but I don't mind the one that looks like Castlevania if it was remade on the PC-E, kinda like Ninja Gaiden.


>> No.8864951
File: 48 KB, 959x588, basedemulation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8864960

kek I forgot all about this one. Bet you a hundred bucks it was made by a third-worlder.

>> No.8864970


Why not just play Zero Mission at this point?

>> No.8864983



>> No.8864985

I'd almost like this one if it weren't for the outlines.

>> No.8864994

The bright moon behind it is better. Everything else is worse.

But the moon is fuckin great.

>> No.8865002

The next game was an obvious enhancement. There's nothing wrong with using it.

>> No.8865006

>/tv/ memes go this far

That's pretty telling

>> No.8865007

I like this except for the hand. The sky background is obviously better and you're a fuckin contrarian if you say otherwise

>> No.8865013

n64 looked better than ps1 in a lot of instances. this is snoy cope.

>> No.8865028
File: 61 KB, 720x917, 1644426996833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there isn't a single instance where it does.

>> No.8865031

No ps1 game even matches majora's mask. inb4 nerd rage

>> No.8865035

it's a weaker console m80

>> No.8865040

on paper it is weaker. you wouldn't know by playing it, regardless of the game, though.

i dunno man, the ps1 has 2mb ram. N64 has 4mb and Majora's requires the extra 4mb and it still looks like absolute shit and run at a cinematic 20fps while still having less content than ocarina.

>> No.8865046

meant to >>8865031

>> No.8865067
File: 42 KB, 640x480, spyro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No N64 game even matches Spyro. Checkmate.

The N64 was much stronger on paper but in practice it ran so poorly that the PS1 regularly smoked it.

>> No.8865069

Spyro had great art direction but it was not nearly on the level of fidelity as N64 games.

>> No.8865084

>snoy pajeet is a tech illiterate
sounds about right

>> No.8865091

Spyro pushes so many polygons so quickly the N64 would choke to death trying to run it, Anon. It also has better sound and texture fidelity than any N64 game in existence so I'm not sure what you're comparing it to.

>> No.8865101

>soi guzzling tendie still can't cope with the fact his blur machine was hated the world over
sound about right

>> No.8865189

ah, so you're just delusional.

>> No.8865251
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>> No.8865261

I wouldn't exactly say that it's bad from a graphical POV although the art direction is very reminiscent of nu-indie games that are rife on Steam.
the "pseudo retro" look.

>> No.8865263

That’s a lot of flat square geometry

>> No.8865273
File: 2.89 MB, 2189x999, yo-gorillas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8865284

>photoshop difference clouds

>> No.8865287

don't you fucking start this console war shit

>> No.8865312
File: 11 KB, 107x55, fucking faggot cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't Lakitu HD?

>> No.8865314

shut up fag

>> No.8865337

You can say that but it's still trying to jam a square block through a round hole. It's a complete color tone reversal to go from black to nearly white, so it's clearly wrong at what it's trying to be, which is a SMB3 sprite for Mario.

>> No.8865379

>not emulating in native resolution quality but making the screen bigger anyway

>> No.8865456

White outline autists are so fucking right, I can't believe how long it took me to realize how bad it looks until I looked back at the older Paper Marios. Now I'm fucked for life and also can't deal with the white outline.

>> No.8865482

if i played it before: bad
never played it: game bad dont care

>> No.8865509

>he actually thinks the N64 could handle Spyro
Imagine being this delusional. The N64 was a tragedy on many levels, from its self-destructing analog sticks to the fact its raw power was nerfed by terrible engineering. The fucking GPU performs audio functions. That's how bad it is. Meanwhile, the PS1 had a dedicated sound processor which is just one of the reasons it regularly outperformed the N64 despite having a lower clockspeed.

>> No.8865551
File: 109 KB, 960x540, 00000423_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, let's change the colours of literally everything for no reason and regardless of what the world around looks like. Surely a shield the colour of sea isn't going to be a problem in Zelda, not like there is any sea anywhere.
What kind of complaint is this? The original game gives the shield the same color as the rocks.

>> No.8865556

The N64 had a z-buffer so those polygons actually stayed where they were supposed to. That's where the performance hit came from. The N64 could technically push more polys than the PS1 but typically didn't in practice because the z-buffer was computationally expensive.

>> No.8865562

It looks better because of addictive blending, if the N64 could do it the games would have aged better with emulation.

>> No.8866134

Yeah dumbass, it's called camouflage

>> No.8866180

>first replies are baste trolls
kekked audibly

>> No.8866251

Audibly fucking kek'd

>> No.8866269

Mate, that’s a collage

>> No.8866413

skullman looks better. everything else looks worse

>> No.8866442

The castlevania one is atrocious, wtf

>> No.8866451

Jessie, you goddamn pussy

>> No.8866652

>Soma's trainers
>The foot arm


>> No.8866818

>make everything look like a wannabe SNES game
>still sounds like an NES game
It's an interesting novelty, but the difference in graphical and sound quality is jarring

>> No.8866826

Have you not played the PC Engine at all?

>> No.8866879

That actually looks good

>> No.8867013

The only, and I mean ONLY, good one I've seen is the thousand year door one

>> No.8867028
File: 1.09 MB, 3840x2160, Render96 Ray Tracing + Level Showcase - YouTube — Mozilla Firefox 4_26_2022 7_56_43 PM_20220427105941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8867047


>> No.8867048

playing through spyro again recently, it really is impressive, feels like a proto-ps2 game in a lot of ways

>> No.8867062

Lol what, it doesn’t even come close, it’s extremely simplistic
Now megaman legends 2 on the other hand

>> No.8867131

Forced meme samefag

>> No.8867151

kek, i knew this would be posted
great image

>> No.8867156

I don’t have an opinion on the matter. Never heard of one until now, wouldn’t know how to use it or where to get it.

>> No.8867183

it's about all the little details: the vibrancy, the lighting effects, the baked in shadows, the character animation. it stands out above most ps1 games not just in it's effects but it's design language

>> No.8867228

Goomba is mad wondering why he looks like a muffin.

>> No.8867231 [DELETED] 


>> No.8867241
File: 181 KB, 1000x1000, 26E71F22-200C-4D11-A5EE-51527939E2DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until there’s a texture pack that makes my goombas look like this I don’t care.

>> No.8867327
File: 264 KB, 1628x859, 27649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me mod FF7 on PC? I can't do it. I pirated the steam version (only one I could find) and dont know what to do from there. I used 7th heaven mod manager but says steam version is not compatible and also knows I pirated so refuses to work

>> No.8867360 [DELETED] 

Not even a /pol/tard, but that "Support Ukraine" banner at the top tells me all I need to know about the software and the people who made it. There's got to be another option. Look in qhimm forums, maybe.

>> No.8867384

Still don't know why they stuck with using the stupid Goomba painting model for the regular Goombas all this time. Render96 is one of those things that could be amazing, but they're too stubborn to fix their dumbass decisions.

Did they give up trying to do their own voice acting yet?

>> No.8867393

This is progressing very nicely. I think that making N64 games look like the promo renders is the best kind of reskin. It's the kind of visual update that stays within the boundaries of what the game was always trying to be.

>> No.8867413 [DELETED] 
File: 360 KB, 1920x1080, 27651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I don't know why you'd put that in your mod manager software. Just bizarre

I just wish there was a torrent/link with everything already set up. This is a pain. I got it working now at least, but with audio problems

>> No.8867895

I thought it was made as a joke but you can never be sure I guess

>> No.8867906
File: 591 KB, 1192x1010, 11634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man imagine being so fucking retarded that you look at one of the most soulful games ever made and think that you can single-handedly improve it

>> No.8867939 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 640x400, sovl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sigh* Can one of your mods be f*cking useful for once and delete these awful posts?

>> No.8867960

proof /vr/ may very well have survived the rule-change

>> No.8867976 [DELETED] 

5:39 vs 5:40

>> No.8867984 [DELETED] 

how new

>> No.8868028

The only good texture packs are HUD ones that make the fonts on N64 era games not look like a blurry ass mess

>> No.8868071

Yes it has nice colours
Still doesn’t mean it looks close to a ps2 game

>> No.8868075

you unironically have a low iq
but that's ok
we're all brothers here

>> No.8868161

Mate come on now, no need to use insults
You made a dumb comment because you think a game looks good

>> No.8868172


>> No.8868207
File: 89 KB, 640x448, 67E2DFD6-0A32-48EB-988C-B0433CD98ED0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spyro is a simplistic game geometrically and low poly models with great use of colours and gradients the character animations are ok but they’re not even on par with MML or Crash

>> No.8868220

I really miss handcrafted textures &skyboxes. almost everything is procedurally generated nowadays; creating that "cheap mobile game" look.

>> No.8868320 [DELETED] 


>> No.8868353

i love replaying old games at as high res as i can. ill use your textures as long as i like them. i love seeing games i played 20 years ago with better graphics without being as fucked by a totally different art style like in remakes.

>> No.8868427

It was the 5th gen, Anon. Everything on the Playstation, Saturn, and N64 had simple geometry and low poly models. But Spyro is a technical miracle. The draw distance and frame rate are fucking nuts. If you don't understand how mindblowing it is then you probably weren't alive in 1998.

>> No.8868436
File: 320 KB, 640x444, 1633333619631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those fucking sports sneakers

>> No.8868514

complete dogshit for low poly games and pre-renderd sprites

>> No.8868564
File: 2.18 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot 2022-05-01 212630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only ones that are good are the ones where you can barely tell anything changed.
And even then it's only good on PS2 era and up.

>> No.8868569

Read what you wrote originally and say that again
I already gave you games that are more technically impressive, here’s another, soul reaver
Spyro is incredibly simplistic by comparison

>> No.8868578

it only works for wind waker because of how heavily stylised it is.
the same doesn't really apply for something like super mario sunshine imo, the primitive geometry would stand out much more with high resolution textures.

>> No.8868583

Would it really? What if it's the exact same texture with no added details, just less blurry due to higher resolution?

>> No.8868584

The logic defying walls kinda look good if you ignore what they're trying to "upgrade" from the original.

>> No.8868586

Even then Gamecube games are at the point where Nintendo sees it as good enough as is and only bothers updating textures (if that) and leaves models and geometry. Though apparently N64 games are perfectly fine in their original state to release unchanged 25 years later for full price.

>> No.8868607
File: 363 KB, 1920x1080, q2_0172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it NEVER works in n64 roms
PC on the other hand when is hand tailored the same as the source textures without any compression at all.

>> No.8868623

It is just Wily Wars

Later feels like a NDS remake if nintendo had coined on the anniversary

This feels like a DOS-Win95 game if Konami had hired competent monkeys to port the first 3 castlevania games to PC to ride on the Redlabel soundtrack, so there is a timeline where we got all remastered cd high quality versions of the NES trilogy soundtrack in 1995.

>> No.8868691

I suppose that could work.
The problem is that all texture packs i've seen thus far sunshine completely disregard the original art direction and look absolutely terrible as a result.

>> No.8868721
File: 200 KB, 1440x1080, sc7ivj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wall is the same texture as ground
I don't even.

>> No.8868724

This actually looks shockingly good.
If someone told me Render96 were trying to pretty up the levels to look like the same render style I would have immediately assumed it would look terrible, but this is actually incredible.

Not exactly in the spirit of the original game, but incredible nonetheless.
Imagine showing child you this.

>> No.8868727

Render96, Nerrel's Majora's Mask texture pack, and RE4HD Project are the holy trinity of good fan remasters.

>> No.8868732

That is indeed retarded, not to mention arrogant. They're essentially saying "more detail is always better" at best, and "I can do better than the original artists" at worst.

>> No.8868909 [DELETED] 
File: 394 KB, 544x566, 1589899485792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bet you don't even pay taxes, lil' larper.

>> No.8868948


>> No.8868958

Man, this is what fans can do even when Nintendo plays whack-a-mole with fan created content.
Imagine what stuff we would have if Nintendo were more like SEGA in allowing fans to do whatever they want.

>> No.8868963

I'm just glad there's someone doing something with that SGI Workstation look. I miss that whimsical look of promo renders from back in the day.

>> No.8869796

Q2 has good temple tilesets, also the map on pic is Dead, Dumb and Blind.

>> No.8869812
File: 6 KB, 232x217, 1649658512256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the artstyle of N64 games relies on the fuzziness of the shit resolution a lot of the time, putting an HD texture pack makes it look washed out and plastic.

The only time I think it should be done is if you're doing it for playability reasons, like for Goldeneye to see in the distance better, but even then if you're playing Goldeneye in 2022 you might as well embrace the shit factor of playing an FPS in 240p resolution with a single stick controller.

>> No.8870046

Which hack was this anyways

>> No.8870117
File: 53 KB, 1000x563, CB1AE060-4684-4F0E-AB41-C096408D6235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with a single stick controller.
Take the solitaire pill

>> No.8870165

Sonysisters can't help themselves. They don't think about anything but Sega and Nintendo.

>> No.8870330

Depends on the game and the pack.
Some are literally just the same textures without compression, and running games with that on native displays just makes for superior visuals.

Most are

>> No.8870331

The game is all flats + shadows, it'd be hard to fuck up.

>> No.8871057

The thing I dislike the most about MK64 graphics is how the smoke comes out of the motor instead of the exhaust, I'm surprised it wasn't fixed yet.

>> No.8871174


>> No.8871248
File: 42 KB, 762x668, 1643854959677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry for my bad English,it's not my native language

>> No.8871694

That is nausea-inducing.

>> No.8871761

They have potential to be good, but there's too many faggots doing shitty lazy ones

>> No.8873037


>> No.8873048 [DELETED] 

You could be useful and delete yourself.

>> No.8873301

this one looks really good

>> No.8873306

ngl this one looks really awesome and full of soul

>> No.8873469

This is one of those neural network AI renderings.

>> No.8874697

t. third worlder

>> No.8875319

The FF7 modding community has DRM in their mods.
They don't allow pirates to play the game with mods.

Don't forget the following:
>OoT Reloaded
A Nerrel-approved OoT texture pack that recycles many of Nerrel's Majora HD textures.
>Silent Hill 2: Enhanced Edition
Fixes the broken PC version and makes it superior to the PS2 version in many ways.
Other fans are doing similar equivalents for Silent Hill 3 and 4 on Nyaa and RuTracker.
>Sonic 3 A.I.R.
Who knew that adding widescreen to your source port of a side-scrolling platformer would make it even better? And there are even more options.
That said, Sonic Origins will be better than this in most ways, but inferior in others.
>Deus Ex: Revision
An amazing mod pack/fan remaster of Deus Ex 1 that was so good that Eidos Montreal and GOG actually approved of the mod and added it as free DLC. You can play with the vanilla maps so you can basically have a souped up mod pack for Deus Ex 1.

>> No.8875549 [DELETED] 

>that "Support Ukraine" banner at the top tells me all I need to know about the software and the people who made it.
Do you unironically support Russia in this conflict?

>> No.8875631

All that effort went into this and it still makes me feel like I'm gonna puke.

>> No.8875664 [DELETED] 

They probably have modders or users from Ukraine and they're showing their support? I don't know, that just seems most likely.

>> No.8875905 [DELETED] 

No, I don't support Russia. What I tried to get across is the type of people who inject their politics into their software tend to be insufferable moralfags, and the software is likely to reflect that. And if what >>8875319
claims is right, it looks like I was spot on.

>> No.8875912 [DELETED] 

>the type of people who inject their politics into their software
Politics have always been involved in software, especially video games.
There's nothing wrong with following a system of morals. It's actually extremely normal.

>> No.8875923 [DELETED] 

Well, DRM ain't my idea of it. Good thing I don't care about FFVII PC mods.

>> No.8875926 [DELETED] 

Do you not see the irony here about your qualms with bringing politics into things unprompted? You do it too: >>8867360

>> No.8875928

Mama mia

>> No.8875935 [DELETED] 

How is software "likely to reflect that"?

>> No.8875989

Turns old NES games into new grounds tier shit. Actually shows how a college drop out in the us could compete with the best Japanese developers of the 80s

>> No.8876062

Can't be real..this is disgusting

>> No.8877803

I like your headcanon

>> No.8877842

Zoom Zooms, you're not wanted here.

>> No.8878040 [DELETED] 

They have DRM on their fan creations.
They won't allow you to play the mods if they think you pirated the game.
The software should work but doesn't because the devs decided you don't deserve it even though it's free.
That's how it reflects that.
And that's why complaining about it is very different than what they are doing and not just a matter of "derp by complaining about their politization you are being political too"
>politics have always been involved in software
They have not, and even the few cases they have doesn't mean anyone has to tolerate unsufferable degenerates and their petty whining

>> No.8878053

kek looks like seared steak and nightmares washed out in purple drank

>> No.8879113 [DELETED] 

>unsufferable degenerates and their petty whining
imagine hearing someone say "support ukraine", having a spastic meltdown about it, and then unironically thinking the activist is the one that's a whiner lmao.

>> No.8879217

>le wide cinematic ratio
>puke worthy textures
The biggest mistake is the fucking UI, look at that monstrosity its an affront to all of creation.

>> No.8879250

If they really wanted to make a pure showcase of the gaytracing they should've rewritten the renderer to be a sphere tracer. You can pretty much do it realtime these days.

>> No.8879278

Never heard of this until today.

>> No.8879321

This actually looks really good

>> No.8879347 [DELETED] 


>> No.8879403 [DELETED] 

thank god.

>> No.8880210

Soma looks like he was ripped straight from Thunderbolt Fantasy lol

>> No.8880270 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 1024x576, 1599171469657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8880298 [DELETED] 

lol same here

>> No.8880302

I love this shitty jpeg so much

>> No.8880495 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only they stopped at "support ukraine" like you implied instead of a new reason to bother everyone else every month. Mental illness manifests in a multitude of ways, unfortunately you can not see the fact that I could not care less about ukraine or whatever issue they have been told to care about this month, I am disgusted by the neverending whining that finds many different ways to manifest itself from a harmless banner to adding DRM to fan made content to inferior quality software to divided communities to censorship and decentralization.

>> No.8880537 [DELETED] 

>I am disgusted by the neverending whining
He said, while whining.

>> No.8880609

i wonder if these faggots are against blocking ads too

>> No.8881061 [DELETED] 
File: 322 KB, 220x165, 1624411909618.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet you can't keep yourself from whining that he's whining, while at the same time offering no aeguments whatsoever unlike him.

>> No.8882431 [DELETED] 

They didn't make any arguments, they just said they were sick of whiners. It's the same exceedingly vapid "politics in media bad" talking points you see from simpletons on twitter.

>> No.8882913

everyone shut the fuck up
hd texture packs are all gay, except the re4 hd pack
that's the only good pack ever made. no nerrel's mm pack is still poop

>> No.8882960

I thought skyrim had some good ones

>> No.8882962 [DELETED] 

Not unlike your "politics in media good" simpleton talking point
See? Two can play this game
He clearly listed some shitty, concrete consequences of whining when it is allowed to fester and escalate. In that sense his complaining is different than an entire system of self-victimization and neverending activism that tears through some communities.

>> No.8883070

if you value purity flat out just say it, OP's pic doesn't look bad so I don't think it applies here.

>> No.8883090

I actually think the weapon icons look pretty decent. Least bad thing on that image.

>> No.8883098

the boulders in the bottom middle one always confused me. Are they supposed to be mountains?

>> No.8883117

I think this is on to something, but more attention should be paid to outline and contrast, making sure that the figures don't meld into the background too easily.

>> No.8883131
File: 2 KB, 256x64, NES_palette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree, they need a bit of work, but I think the idea of employing the NES's palette to the fullest, beyond what the original hardware could do, could be used to create some pretty damn cool visuals.

>> No.8883159 [DELETED] 

>Not unlike your "politics in media good"
Ah, I see you've reached the point of utter recoil where you put words in my mouth.

>> No.8883214

because zero mission is not the original game

>> No.8883651 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 750x715, 1636546298768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well some people can and do whine too much for petty stuff, what's so dumb about recognizing this fact? Isn't constant whining something we all can get tired of?
I mean, unless you want to argue that the whining in this case is valid and necessary, but then you would need to contribute something to the discussion other than "no u" and get off of your high horse of and actually make a point. But then you might prove yourself as not as smart or casually detached as you pretend to be.

>> No.8883682 [DELETED] 

>Well some people can and do whine too much for petty stuff,
yeah, like people who moan like faggots about the words "support ukraine".
>Isn't constant whining something we all can get tired of?
there are constant problems in the world, so naturally there will be constant whining, same as it ever was.

>> No.8883705 [DELETED] 

Fuck off to /pol/, retards.

>> No.8884023

Usually terrible, there are like 5 good ones.
Related but somebody should do a goemon HD pack, the AI upscaled one is very flawed but highlights the potential.

>> No.8884031

God damn that samus looks good.

>> No.8884159


Would be cool playing this as a novelty, like an interactive collage.

>> No.8884184

I like how the Kong who picked me up from the airport that one time is in the background.

>> No.8884879

Genuinely good when done with accuracy and faithfulness to the original texturework.

>> No.8885067

>if only you knew

>> No.8885079

have you played the king harkinian's HD texture pack? It's for dinner

>> No.8886806

omg I need a 4090 ti.

>> No.8886828

At the very least nerrel cared about replicating the original art style, I give him kudos for that alone.
the problem with oot and mm mask is that they're N64 games and thus too low-poly for a high resolution texture pack to look good.