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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8860765 No.8860765 [Reply] [Original]

My friend got me into collecting complete boxes for retro games as an investment. I know it's kind of a bubble and I expect it to deflate at some point but I think I have a good decade or two of rising prices before it does. Thought on this? I bought pic related for $700

>> No.8860771

You're a retard.

>> No.8860776

I don't do it as an investment but it is nice to know that if I ever regret my purchase I can make at least what I paid for back if not more. Eventually I'm gonna have to stop being a man child and get rid of my games so I might as well enjoy them while I can and sell them when I need to.

>> No.8860782

you'd be much better off putting that money in an IRA

>> No.8860786

Yeah that is true. I am doing it primarily as an investment but I'm also buying things I want to play. It's good knowing that at least in the short term I can sell back games to get my money back.

>> No.8860789

I have a 401k and it's not really doing too great these days. Partly why I'm looking at other things to invest in

>> No.8860807


>> No.8860817

Fuck you

>> No.8860821

I also only buy complete in box games, but I just buy video games that I enjoy and intend to play and keep for good, personally. This hobby is mostly about playing video games for me. I also really only buy Japanese retro games for the most part since I've been studying the language and they're much cheaper. I got Kirby's Avalanche complete in box for $40, though. Totally worth it to me since it's a childhood favorite of mine.
I know you're baiting OP, but paying over $200 for a single video game is absurd, especially considering that flash carts and emulation are of such high quality nowadays.

>> No.8860836

Actual truth.

>> No.8860842

I'm not baiting. I would not pay more than $100 for a cart alone, even if it was original. I am mainly paying for the original box, booklet, and other goodies that came with the game. They're basically a piece of gaming history and there's a limited supply of them. It is a gamble to think it will gain tons of value but so long as the generation that grew up with these games is alive and so long as gaming remains a popular hobby, I think there will be interest in collector items

>> No.8860867

Just seems like an absurd waste of money to pay even $113.21 to me since I got the exact same thing but in Japanese for $45, but I obviously realize that the majority of people wouldn't consider having to learn Japanese to play it to be worth it.

>> No.8860902

I think it's bad.

>> No.8860912

I agree. I'm sure this is poorfag cope or whatever but I don't think it's very cool to aggressively inflate the value of these games by buying them for this much money.

>> No.8860957

the packaging doesn't do the game justice
colors looks bad, looks like an amateur box

>> No.8860971

>since I got the exact same thing but in Japanese
And you can't speak Japanese, and will never be Japanese. Seethe, James.

>> No.8860983

the whole "it's an investment" argument is stupid, if you took 700 dollars and put it in the market (which now is a great time to buy due to the recession) you'd make way fucking more than buying a game zoomers and people who love the games emulate anyways. You're basically holding onto those games hoping you can trick some other manchild into buying it off you.

>> No.8861002

My name is Honda Suzuki.

>> No.8861007

OP is too retarded to do stocks

>> No.8861013

That's okay. My name isn't James or Yamaha Atari though, it's John.

>> No.8861018

CIB Retro Games are going to go down in price when the generation interested in them ages out.

A few will maintain value, but only the truly rare and exceptionally well cared for.

>> No.8861028

>for investment
why are manchildren so obsessed with making everything a hustle

>> No.8861030

I think what motivates the buy is mostly nostalgia, I felt the need to buy some particular games just to have it, not even playing it, which may be retarded but that's it
I guess it would make my children curious and happy to have it too

>> No.8861031


>> No.8861035

>I guess it would make my children curious and happy to have it too
This really is my angle for game collecting. One of the biggest things that got me interested in older games when I was a kid was seeing my parent's games. I don't think it's that much of a stretch to think that my kids will be interested in what I did for fun when I was younger; I certainly was with my parents' stuff. Old music, games, slot cars, model kits, etc.

>> No.8861073

lETs SHIPPP ittt!!!


>> No.8861105


>> No.8861124

Right now, people born in the 80s and 90s are in their 30s and 40s. Let's say they age out and leave the market in their 60s. That's still like 20 years until they age off. The older they get, the wealthier they get. CIBs for games in that era will still have some demand until then. Certain franchises will also be popular regardless because they will still be relevant.

>> No.8861143

Nintendo will continue to increase in value. Meme bubbles like Saturn and TG16 will eventually burst.

>> No.8861182
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My box has more than yours why is that?

>tfw you didn’t have to pay for these but they were a gift from Grandpa
Based Grandpa.

>> No.8861189

OP BTFO mercilessly by grandpa

>> No.8861196
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He was a king. I miss him everyday.

>> No.8861208

The older you get the more shit you have in your house, so instead of buying a Gamestop you just buy a flashcart

>> No.8861219

Lucky. I wish my parents got me games as a kid

Hmm depends. I'm collecting for multiple consoles just so I'm not too indexed into one market

The older you get the more sentimental you get. Have you talked to old people? They can't shut up about the past. Imagine all the nostalgic retirees who have a ton of money.

>> No.8861223
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My parents were poor and I’m not much well off (yet) but yeah my grandparents came from a lot of money but squandered it all so the only thing to inherit is a bunch of antiques like ivory, gold, and then snes video games. Grandpa loved the play games.

>> No.8861236

>I bought pic related for $700
Are you fucking insane? You could individually buy a Chrono Trigger cartridge, the manual, the posters, the box, and a cardboard insert for far less than $700 and just put them together. It's also missing the Nintendo Power ad, registration card, and consumer information booklet so it's not even CIB. You overpaid by hundreds of dollars.

>> No.8861268

Looking at eBay prices
Cart goes for 200 - 300 right now
Very hard to find box alone but box + manual is around 300-500 (there's a listing with a good condition box for 500+ lmao)
Both posters are available for around ~200

If you add it up that's around 700-900 which is what the cib costs right now depending on condition

eBay prices are high so maybe you can find a good deal on Facebook marketplace, OfferUp, Craigslist...etc if you are lucky. I scour these every day though and it's rare to find a good deal.

>> No.8861281

What is pic rel? Is that something your grandpa left you?

>> No.8861282
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you cannot predict the future
when /vr/ dies you think zoomies will care?
you think they will pay even more money?

the market MUST retrace, plateau, and stabilize at some point. the trajectory things are on is NOT sustainable.

if you knew ANYTHING about money you would know this.

i just sold 2000 worth of pokemon cards, my entire life every adult i met told me they were worthless.

i would say popular high-liquidity vidya is a safer bet than hoarding cash; but anyting more than that is purely speculative.

>> No.8861293

A gold bracelet, 130grams of 18k gold, yeah I have a lot of different antiques, rings, and historical stuff that he left me. A lot of the items I can’t really even sell unless I can provide proof that I didn’t smuggle it or steal it, which is annoying, but hey what do you expect with pounds of ivory.

>> No.8861315
File: 114 KB, 808x249, four days ago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that rare

>> No.8861316


>> No.8861345

Damn box looks nice just because of box the price won't go down in value

>> No.8861348

This has damage to the back label of the cart and the box looks p beat up. Still it's a good deal at that price. I think probably no one wanted to bid for it due to the condition, which probably drove the price down. Bids are great if you can stay up to snipe.

What you said before about putting together a cib from components is true though. If you're willing to spend the time and effort, you can put together a box. I did the same for super Mario RPG. Got the cart cheap on a bid, got the box for a lower than asking price on a best offer, bought the consumer guide booklet and the Nintendo power ad for 10 bucks separately and now I have a full set. It's just not easy to do for every game and I don't always have time.

>> No.8861596

Everyone in this thread will say it's a bad investment because they're too poor to do the same.

That being said you overpaid, there's good deals out there and that's what you should be looking, good luck on your next purchase.

>> No.8861610

>Everyone in this thread will say it's a bad investment because they're too poor to do the same.

projecting this hard.
i'm going for a complete virtualboy set
however, i don't expect to (((resell))) it later
vidya are just for fun

a fool and his money are soon parted

>> No.8861628


Is "projecting" the only word you retards have whenever you disagree with someone online?

Why not both? I resell 33% of the shit I buy which ends up paying for the other 66%, you snowball for a couple of years and end up racking up a massive investment. Grow up.

>> No.8861656

>a fool and his money are soon parked
You're the one defending literal money sinking on a failed console. OP wants to play games and grow his money.

>> No.8861664

Why are we pretending that OP is going to play that copy of Chrono Trigger.

>> No.8861668

Because I play all the games that I buy, it would be stupid not to, and I assume OP would as well.

>> No.8861760


Yep, I'm playing it. I'm still early but I've gotten to the cathedral to rescue Marle/Queen Leene. I'm keeping the box and other goodies in a case, away from light with some dessicant packs. I'm keeping the cart in its own case so I can play it

>> No.8861893

No, buying a game for 500 dollars and waiting 10 years to resell it for 1,500 is not a good investment.

>> No.8861916

What a controversial take!

>> No.8861969

kill yourself

>> No.8861975

not always true
most games are worthless and will continue to be worthless

>> No.8861976
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then emulate and invest in crypto or something more sustainable long term.

wasting thousands of dollars on cardboard is not an INVESTMENT STRATEGY

if you wanna gamble go to vegas and play single deck blackjack - you will have better odds

>> No.8861981

this hidden gem is the all time greatest time travel game of all time but it is criminally underrated :(

you should play it before you die ;) ;) ;) ;)

>> No.8861991

I imagine that playing a $700 copy of Chrono Trigger is a pretty shameful experience.

>> No.8862203

My prediction is the complete opposite. Nintendo shit which is expensive despite there being hundreds of thousands of copies out there will finally re-adjust, whereas genuinely rare/uncommon libraries will continue to climb.

>> No.8862212

B8 and ot complete degeneracy.

>> No.8862214

Why not? You let it sit in the bank it will lose real value. You put it in a retirement fund, you're lucky to get a 30% return. What else are you going to do with your money?

>> No.8862259

you really think sega will be forgotten?
underage tards buy up anything with the branding for "muh legacy"

the turbo chips being insanely rare as collectors items is a driving force behind the cost in itself

the number of bidwars/bidders alone on magical chase proves the system holds up on gameplay-merit alone

>tldr; how fucking dare you faggot

>> No.8862273

Not really. I budgeted a certain amount of my savings into collectables.
I buy stuff that I want to play, in as good a condition as possible. I don't really worry about the price but I try to get a good deal (i.e under market value).
I set a growth target for the value of my collection and in the meantime play them on my CRT. When I'm done playing, I keep them as a collectible on a display shelf.
If any of the games hit their growth targets and I am not super attached to them, I sell them. Otherwise I'm happy to keep them in my collection because they are great games and I get to show them off to friends and family.

>> No.8862280

You can't make this argument if you're going to waste a large sum on an entire console's library that you don't ever plan on getting back

>> No.8862419

you forgot the marble table.

>> No.8864145

I started collecting CIB N64 games back in the 2000s. It was fun finding them for decent prices, as they were still not quite as retro so they weren't super expensive, got a lot of good deals.
SNES I managed to find a couple but they were always expensive CIB even in the 2000s.
I never collected as an "investment", just as a hobby.

>> No.8864204
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>investing in crypto

>> No.8864380

That guys owns literally everything.

>> No.8864387

Old vidya can be a good store of value, but I'm pretty cozy having my cold storage Bitcoin keys out performing everything this past decade, as well as having all my vidya digital. I do plan on getting a CRT screen pretty soon though, shader tech can only go so far for now.

>> No.8864394

The real big brain moment is when you price old vidya in Bitcoin and see that the it appears that everything is getting more affordable in the long term.

>> No.8864648

Want to buy my CIB Earthbound for $2000.00?

>> No.8864673

You're better off keeping it and incrementing it's value. $2000 nowadays is the same as $200

>> No.8864709

The Atari bubble burst like fifteen years ago so you can count from that how long the nostalgia wave lasts. Add to that how the people in their late 20's today aren't feeling nostalgic for SNES games but fucking Halo 3 and you'll start to see how OP is a fucking retard.

>> No.8864715

I must be a quick learner because I started to suspect that OP was a retard after having read that he paid $700 for Chrono Trigger.

>> No.8864949

>you cant tell people not to make your retarded mistakes anon

doesnt address the arguement
most games are worthless and will continue to be, the only thing driving up costs for most titles is inflation itself

>> No.8864957

im not gonna handhold and show you babbys first eth

just because you dont understand

>> No.8865074

It's your money do what you want with it.

>> No.8865838

The only seething retard is you. The way this reads is a sad little man typing on the computer.

I bet he can, but you just use aggression on somebody else to make yourself feel good, the high can last for so long before you burn out.

>> No.8866041

It's a little different with snes. Atari games didnt really have much cultural staying power. SNES games are diff The games are available for people to play on the switch, people still talk about snes games

>> No.8866051

Deleted half my post. My point is that SNES games are still culturally relevant. If you get the right titles, they will hold value past the nostalgia (e.g. cib copies of nes super Mario bros). There will be a nostalgia crash at some point but there's still ways to go before that happens for the SNES.

The solution for the nostalgia crash really is to collect cib games for different generations of consoles. I'm getting into ps1/ps2 and Dreamcast games now. Looking at Xbox as well.

>> No.8866105

Video games, toys, comic books, or anything else sold at retail stores are not an investment. If you want to invest your money buy stocks, retard.

>> No.8866163

I contribute the max to my 401k and I have a personal trading account. Neither of these have had great returns btw. My cib game collection is always increasing in value though.

>> No.8866175

its a safer bet than cash
but it still is exactly that, a bet
you dont need to justify your gambling
this is an anonymous cheese making forum

you don't need to monetize your hobbies to enjoy them

>> No.8866184

>you don't need to monetize your hobbies to enjoy them
This is my real problem with OP. Sounds like a truly joyless way to go about a hobby. I would think that the ROI is the good memories and experiences that you get from these games

>> No.8866186

Why not both? I only invest in games I'm interested in playing and would like to have in my collection. If the gamble doesn't pay off, I still have games I like in my collection in their original boxes/cases. If they do appreciate substantially in value, I will sell them. Some games I will not sell because I have an attachment to them.

>> No.8866297

Black gorilla

>> No.8866659

I don't see any point in purposely going after getting CIB with games that came in cardboard boxes. We joke about rotting plastic, but cardboard game boxes seem to just disintegrate over time.
Even new old stock factory sealed cardboard boxed games are misshaped and worn by time.

>> No.8866806

Yeah they need special care. They need to be stored away from light in a cool and low humidity environment

>> No.8866820

Its just egregious; most people threw out the boxes and just played the games. Its the same as buying 100 shoes

>> No.8867001

Pretty guaranteed investment because nostalgia hits people hard when they see these cardboard boxes. That alone makes them part with their money. If millennial with disposable income want it in their 30s, imagine their 50s when their kids have left and they get back into childhood shit 1 last time. I saw my father buy so many toys from his childhood when he got money in his 50s

>> No.8867198

Since about 2009 people have seen videos of "wow I found an old box of games in my grandma's basement and they are worth thousands of dollars" and Pawn Stars and Storage Wars and decided to consciously keep everything they buy in brand new condition to sell for a high value later on in life. What they don't realize is everybody is doing the same thing and even companies doing Limited Releases and collector's editions are aware of this. That Final Fantasy 21 statue that you got will never be as valuable as that Super Mario RPG keychain that was actually limited and most of them were thrown away.

OP don't buy boxed games as an investment. You are better off getting a financial planner and giving them all your money and leaving it in the stock market for 20 years. If it's a game you really like then go for it and use it as a backup in case you need to sell your assets to pay for something.

>> No.8867203

Have you guys watched this video/

Exposing FRAUD And DECEPTION In The Retro Video Game Market


Talks about the cib box mafia

>> No.8867678

watching this video is rage inducing.
i cant wait for the apolacypse and the fucking "treasures" these morons hoard to be worthless.

>> No.8867736

>Its the same as buying $100 shoes

i think sneakerheads are on another level of delusion, but some people get off on the hype & other people noticing the (((rare))) sneakers they have on

>> No.8867869

Most collectors don't use wata games nor care that much about the "official" grade of their games. The companies that Jobst talks about are just there to take advantage of the retro bubble but they didn't create it. Actual interest in retro games, nostalgia, and collectors did.

>> No.8867892

so they put a price tag sticker on the box there by ruining the box?

>> No.8867896
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>> No.8867901

retarded goldfish detected

>> No.8867904

I just bought a condo I'm going to renovate and rent out. Will likely make more in 6 months than "complete in box Chrono Trigger" will in 10 years.

>> No.8867936

they'll spike up in price soon lol

>> No.8867973

This. Atari consoles and games are fucking worthless despite working hardware/copies being rarer due to the age. In fact, many systems from the 80s are already cheap as fuck. Nintendo is an outlier due to being hip and that market will crash too once the fad ends.

Completely wrong. There is a saturation point where anyone interested already fulfilled their nostalgia, bought their system, or are content emulating. Fewer and fewer people continue to play games once they grow up, have a family, develop some real hobbies etc.

>> No.8868002

Very good video. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.8868007

>Atari consoles and games are fucking worthless
Baby hasn't checked ebay recently?
>rarer due to the age
More youngins have died of tidepods than Ataris of old age

>> No.8868132

I have, that's why I know they're worthless and extremely common. The market has outgrown Atari and it will outgrow Nintoddler systems too.

>> No.8868227

only a handful of atari carts are worth anything
flashcarts like the harmony and even the hyperkin77 nuke most of the common carts value

i have nearly 50 carts for the gen 2 systems and enjoy them often, but i highly doubt anything will be worth more than what i paid

i have a sealed copy of choplifter, paid 17$

>> No.8868725

Retro games isn’t it son, invest in property

>> No.8868805

>Invest in the greatest bubble of all-time

>> No.8868869
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i have just under 1000 games I've carefully collected over the last 20 years, its worth a shit ton but I don't like selling. It's not a "real investment" but yeah one game could get a kid through college i guess. But 1000 games is my strict limit.

I'm always worried about being robbed or a fire, tornados etc which is a huge pain in the ass but my best investments have been realestate and crypto.

Invest in yourself, never stop learning and try to be healthy. Avoid drugs and alcohol as best you can, and invest in your family.

>> No.8868937

probably better off buying something that won't burn up in a fire, like gold or btc

>> No.8869016

Why would someone lie like this? Are you literally still in diapers?

>my cheap carts are Atari consoles
retarded or just coping?

>> No.8869274

Bought some neo geo carts off some sage otaku who had taken a JPN SNES ver of ff3?? (The numbering is fucked can't remember which one) and had removed the language chip re wrote the code for English and made himself a eng copy. So there that option if your not a complete dolt

>> No.8869478

>removed the language chip
there aren't enough facepalm memes in the world for this kind of stupid

>> No.8869576

This. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.8869854

Fuck off Jew

>> No.8870296

Retro vidya prices have destroyed the SP500 in performance the past few years, it's not even up for debate.