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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8858281 No.8858281 [Reply] [Original]

And why?

>> No.8858294
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PSX because it's cool and has an unlimited number of fun games to play.
Second Sega Genesis, third PS2.

>> No.8858302

The Hitachi Magic Wand feels pretty nostalgic to me.

>> No.8858318
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Dreamcast because it's the most soulful, you can play pirated discs on it easily, and it makes me think of good childhood times. The graphics are also fascinating, the middle ground between N64 and PS2 that you see in no other place

>> No.8858326
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Favorite console PS1, favorite handheld GBC, mainly because I grew up with them.

>> No.8858351

What have you anons been playing on it?

>> No.8858390
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I 100%'d Crash 2 last week when I was a kid my neighbor had this game and I moved before I was able to beat it so this was pretty meaningful and Crash 3 late last year. I'm on a Dreamcast binge right now though.

>> No.8858397

this is tough. i will break down my contenders.
library full of easy to pick up and play arcade classics, feels great to just sit down with a nice shmup or beat em up for a couple hours.
grew up with the ps1 but i was kind of too young to enjoy most of its library, ps2 hit me at just the right age and i spent most of my late childhood and teens on it, played most of what i love on it.
i didn't actually have an n64 until like 2013 but i find its library really chill, plus im a pokefag and my favorite gen is gen 2 and stadium 2 is the best "post game" the series will ever have
see: pokefag

sorry for the blog but there you have it, i guess if it absolutely came down to it and a gun was to my head i'd say ps2

>> No.8858415

PS2, it's the greatest of all time. It also plays PS1, the second greatest. And praising it gets guaranteed (you)s.

>> No.8858423

It has actual games

>> No.8858443
File: 95 KB, 400x343, pokemonmac (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stadium 2 is the best "post game" the series will ever have
Zoomers will never understand how important the Stadium games are to the experience of Gen 1 and 2
It's actually shameful they didn't rerelease them on Wii U and allow you to communicate with your 3DS VC copies. Without that you're missing
>far faster and simpler box management, including items
>trading between games without needing a link cable
>playing the Game Boy games at 2x or 3x speed to ease grinding to complete your dex
>pretty much a full on postgame for both Gens, with the battle modes designed around the player bringing their own Pokemon in to help them win
>fun minigames thrown in for fun
A good amount of people just see Stadium and think "ok you battle or something and it has the minigames" but it's a very important game to the true experience of Pokemania.

>> No.8858474

probably snes or ps1 but it's not a strong lead, there's a lot to love about most retro consoles

>> No.8858478

Nice, I 100% Crash 2 last year. Still have to do 3.
What are your thoughts of it?

>> No.8858506

Saturn, really good pick up and play games
Ps1, insane variety of quality games
Ps2, a fewer games but still a ton
Genesis and original xbox and nes are tied for me.

>> No.8858713

I’m the dude you replied to. I unfortunately didn’t get to play my Stadium games during pokemania due to not having an n64 until 2013 like I mentioned, but holy fuck I would’ve loved to have had this back in the day. The box management alone is worth it. I used to prefer HGSS to GSC due to the better post game but when I finally started spending some time with Stadium 2 it was no longer a debate. Yeah they’re two separate games but wtf ever. I enjoy how they communicate with each other.
>Wii U VC
Yes holy shit this was a missed opportunity. No clue why they bothered to put Snap on there but not the stadium games

>> No.8858729

Nintendo 64. I had so much fun as a kid playing Mario Kart, Diddy Kong Racing, Revenge, Smash Bros, and Goldeneye with friends. I had never had that level of multiplayer experience before and never will again. Playing Mario 64 was also mind blowing at the time. I love the N64 aesthetic, both the controllers/console and the blurred out look of the graphics.

>> No.8858853

Og xbox, chink Niggers can cry all they want but it was the best 6th gen console

>> No.8858904
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I'm having a lot of fun exploring the library. Dreamcast has been my holy grail ever since I played it at my cousin's house in the early 2000s. Not trying to start debates but imo it's the last retro console by its library and controls (which can be difficult at times). PS2, Gamecube, and especially Xbox are the start of modern gaming.

>> No.8858961

Mega Drive. The sound is phenomenal. 16-bit really is the pinnacle of 2d gaming and I greatly prefer it to 3d. SNES might edge it out graphically but the MD has better titles overall I feel.

By gen:
(Who gives a shit)
Atari 2600
Mega Drive/Genesis
(Gaming ended here)

>> No.8859232
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I had Stadium 1 as a kid but I had only one controller and the transfer pak can be unbelievably touchy, so I never delved that deep into it. It sucks that I didn't though.
I really wanted Stadium 2 as a kid but never got it, rented it a few times and it made me want to cum
Few years back I started working on Stadium, following Werster guides to do R1 with rentals, finally I decided to stop fucking around and get some cartridges that can save and go for beating R2. Then I picked up Stadium 2 to finally fulfill the prophecy. Long story short, I got up to about 90% completion on Stadium 2's R2, I think I just need to do the Challenge Cup and some other stuff, and Stadium R1/R2 are done. I mostly just followed Smogon guides for guidance on what mons to get and their moves
Some tips if someone wants to do this (which you should if you enjoy Gen 1)
>Mewtwo utterly fucks Stadium 1, it's usable in Prime Cup and GLC and I'd recommend it. The Stadium games have borked RNG that literally stacks the deck against you, so if you'd rather not replay entire hour long runs because you got parahaxed into the ground, I'd even the odds by making full use of Mewtwo and avoiding that as much as possible
>Exeggutor and Tauros are really really good in Gen 1, Exeggutor is pretty good in Gen 2 I think, Starmie and Gengar too
>there are plenty of moves you can get on Gen 1 Pokemon in Gen 2 such as the infamous elemental punches on a Gengar, so if viable you can use that along with breeding for stuff like Petit Cup
>Stadium 1's GB Tower actually plays Gen 1 faster than Stadium 2's GB Tower IIRC. Or the other way around. Maybe the other way around. Either way, the 3x speed on one of them is actually closer to a 4x speed
>this is obvious but by beating GLC you can get a bunch of gift Pokemon such as starters etc. if you're not comfortable abusing the Ditto glitch
>speaking of which, abuse the Ditto glitch, even if doing so is a massive pain in the ass in Yellow

>> No.8859251
File: 466 KB, 1409x1647, Famicom - Gimmick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Famicom, because it has the best library and because it's the best looking and most soulful console

>> No.8859275

that's a very clean looking fami

>> No.8859295


it has all the classic resident evil games, the only games i can play without getting bored in the current year

sold mine for quite a buck tho, so the dreamcast is filling the role for now

>> No.8859305

I've got pretty much every console and I'd have to say the one that I go back to all the time is the NES

>> No.8859315

Super Nintendo/Super Famicom.
I just love it, with NES/Famicom and Mega Drive close by, my holy trinity of video games.

>> No.8859318
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Platformers and (J)RPGS

It also had some great Scotformers but it lacked Masturbanias

>> No.8859330

>a japanese console
>having scottish former games

>> No.8859340

>a platformer game where you play as a mascot of a product, such as Cool Spot or that flaming cheeto dude.

>> No.8859348

Doesn't make much sense but in any case that should be "Mascot platformer", or "Mas-former" if you want to be reddit about it.
Scotformer just sounds scottish, sorry.

>> No.8859351

genesis just feels the most iconic to me all around, the games have their own distinct feel and feel good to play. NES SNES and playstation are also great but to me the genesis is overall the most synonymous with "retro games" as a whole outside of 90s mac and PC shareware which I also grew up on.

>> No.8859362

Thanks for the advice anon. I forgot about the punches on Gengar, that’s sick. Gonna have to train one up. I have Stadium 1 as well but I’m focusing on 2 for now. I’m at the E4 currently and the only cup I’ve cleared is the Pokecup. Lots to do. Team is changing in my head each day but so far my mega bros are
Nidoking has always been one of my favs but Zapdos and Quagsire have clutched for me like fuck. Newfound love for them both.

>> No.8859364

It's an old meme from when this board first started. They also use the term "mayor" to refer to a boss. Masturbanias are games that include crude hentai drawings and were a staple of our childhoods.

>> No.8859367

>It's an old meme from when this board first started.
Not really, it's a later meme from around 2016-ish or later. Same with the mayor thing. It's also forced by 1 guy.

>> No.8859372

It annoys me that if you say one dumb thing over and over people will eventually start referencing it and it will just actually become a legitimate meme one day. Fucking stupid

>> No.8859382

I don't think many people adopted those forced memes, it's probably still just the same guy.

>> No.8859386

original gameboy. It feels good in my hands, and I think it was a console where you can sense the excitement of a handle by the titles that are released on it, and WOW link's awakening.

>> No.8859489

The PSX had such a huge number and variety of titles that it’s easy to pick that.

>> No.8859643

You made the statement before me. Ill add that SMS is my favorite looking console.

>> No.8859658
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Easily PS2. It has a crazy amount of good games and is backwards compatible with the PS1.

>> No.8860793

Dreamcast. It's just so perfect for me. I'm not particularly a fan of arcade games but even then DC's library is the one I keep coming back to. Fun and, hate this word, soulful games.

>> No.8860851

Mega Drive. It was the peak of an era when games were still predominately actual games.

>> No.8860865

Overall I’d say the SNES, but the PS1 and the GBA are close for nostalgic reasons

>> No.8860883

>can play ps1 games in hd
>mouse and keyboard
>most of the games run in 60fps
the perfect console

>> No.8861490

Def SNES with N64 being a second.
>best of 2d and early 3d

>> No.8861519

Those "get a random game from x console and beat it" threads recently really showed me that the NES has one of the strongest libraries averaged out.

>> No.8861530

PS2, PSX, and SNES. In that order

>> No.8861570

bally astrocade
excellent library
no bullshit, turn on play
no loading screens, no press A through mountains of text

just me, space fortress and fun

>> No.8861574

That fucking original Xbox looks so sleek next to the Master System

>> No.8861728

whats the minimum amount of retro consoles you need
do i really have to own every console ever made +flashcarts/mods to be able to have access to the most games

>> No.8861731

If you're stressing out over lengthening your fake gamer dick that much just fucking emulate
Stop thinking of what you "need" and start thinking about what you want to play

>> No.8861737

I mean, CD-i has maybe 10 games that are actual "games" and not really worth playing. Pippin has 0. 3DO has maybe 30 good games?

There aren't many systems to buy with must play games.

>> No.8861745

I dont think you understand my post at all man.

>> No.8861750

Emulators are hit or miss for many consoles, anon, outside of the big ones. PS1 and Saturn also suck ass.

>> No.8861878
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The Sega Genesis, it does what the the Nintendon’t.

>> No.8861884
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ill take the genesis 3

>> No.8861970

I think I like the N64 the most, I guess because I was at just the right age when it came out and spent the most time with it. The overall variety was just excellent, it had my favorite platformer/adventure games, FPS games, racers, co ops, plus quality flight sims, fighters, sports entertainment. And it had the best/most fun split screen multiplayer experiences. I find the visuals so comfy and the environments so fun even though they aren’t as big as they used to feel.

The SNES is a close second, and the Gamecube is growing on me now that I’m giving it a second chance, but the 64 is definitely the one I’ll always love the most. It has it flaws, but the experience is the overall most enjoyable for me