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File: 390 KB, 640x400, OH-N--.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8857086 No.8857086 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8857118

The atmosphere in that pic is amazing. 3d rendering was truly a mistake.

>> No.8857124

>more options bad
Don't blame the medium, blame the artist. There's plenty of 2D and 3D environments that have amazing atmosphere, I don't see why you'd have having more options, unless you're autistic and can't understand that other people have different views and tastes, which is okay, it's not your fault anon.

>> No.8857125

Simon the Sorcerer

>> No.8857127
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>I don't see why
It's really quite simple. Old good, new bad.

>> No.8857129

>why you'd have having more options
hate having*

>> No.8857134

I recently finished Blade Runner for the first time and it instantly became one of my favorite games ever. Give it a shot.

>> No.8857151

Scooby Doo on MD
Cosmic Spacehead
Broken Sword II

>> No.8857158
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The Westwood pixel artists were exceptional; the average quality across the industry was much lower, even when it was still great like in >>8857125

I'd say 3D was a solid compromise on par with what could be done with average 2D if your company lacked a crack team of pixelart savants.

>> No.8857163

Tex Murphy series
Broken Sword 1 & 2
I have no mouth and I must scream
The Longest Journey
Star Trek 25th and Judgment Rites
Not Kyrandia 1 that's for sure, what an awful game.

>> No.8857369


Based 19th century gamer

>> No.8857390
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And then Kyrandia 3 happened and they thought that everybody really wanted 3D rendered backgrounds.

>> No.8857660

>Don't blame the medium, blame the artist.
This. I'll also go ahead and blame normalfags. Remember the "Nintendo, hire this man!" meme? It came from random useless fuckers on Youtube putting a Nintendo character in a bland Unreal Engine environment and calling it a day and people losing their minds over it somehow. I specifically remember one that's the OOT Temple of Time that was posted everywhere at the time and it was basically just raw graphics and nothing else. It had 0 artistic value whatsoever, it looked bland as fuck but people were still losing their mind over it somehow
3D environments can have amazing atmosphere and pure artistic ability put to the test over raw graphics, but that requires talents and the normalfags are simply easily impressed by polygon count and big empty environments

>> No.8857695

fug, i loved this game sooo much

>> No.8857705

>Star Trek 25th and Judgment Rites
A man of taste, I see. Excellent.

>> No.8857727
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well besides the westwood stuff:
bad mojo
telltale stuff (sam&max, the wolf)
beneath a steel sky
wadjeteye stuff (blackwell)

>> No.8857789
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Discworld II

>> No.8857848
File: 226 KB, 737x918, 195-call-of-cthulhu-shadow-of-the-comet-dos-front-cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iä iä

>> No.8857907

It's memed to hell and back these days but Mystery of the Druids is a really comfy adventure with a fantastic protagonist.

>> No.8858207

Broken Sword 1&2 are good, very comfy atmosphere.

>> No.8859321

Good luck getting it to work on modern systems.

>> No.8859447


>> No.8859449

I had no problems. Get the steam version and there's a fan patch that's easy to find that unbreaks the fucked progression.

>> No.8859550

Is it you Parappa?

>> No.8859603

The Last Express
First three Clock Tower games technically count

>> No.8859645
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>> No.8859671


>> No.8859710

Rotoscoped animation is such a fucking garbage,

>> No.8859859
File: 71 KB, 432x370, 1650829664178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posel Smrti (Black Mirror - published by Future Games 2008)

>> No.8859924

I imagine this is what most of 4chan’s rigs look like.

>> No.8860234
File: 150 KB, 640x480, ss_b795e5632ad9b222355374f51830262f2bcf5b83.1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised nobody's mentioned Broken Sword yet. George Stobart is a hilariously sarcastic cunt for the whole of the first game.

>> No.8860236

Someone did >>8858207

>> No.8860238

gog version works just fine, the gog team went out of their way to get it working on modern systems because apparently they're fans of the game.

The best part of some of the memes is one of the biggest ones that went around for years (that there are no druids) is straight up a lie

>> No.8860240

Oh, missed that post somehow.

>> No.8860327
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Toonstruck (starring Christopher Lloyd)

>> No.8860407

Flight of the amazon queen was pretty good. Indiana jones mixed with monkey island shenanigans

Beneath the steel sky is one of my favorites with the tone of the game.

Blazing dragons for the playstation is a surprisingly good and funny adventure game.

>> No.8860518
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The Last Express (currently on sale, beautiful game)
Toonstruck (If Lucasarts had made this one everybody would talk about it as the masterpiece it is)
Broken Sword 1 and 2
Lair of the Clockwork God
Telltale's Sam & Max
Gemini Rue
Blackwell saga (I played it a lot of years ago but I remember liking it a lot)

>> No.8860647

Broken Sword 3 would have been on par with 1 and 2 if it had just been 2D instead of 3D (and maybe gotten rid of the box pushing puzzles).

>> No.8860668
File: 2.08 MB, 2016x1512, Shitpostan_weekend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scooby Doo Mystery for the Genesis feels like a Lucasarts point-and-click adventure without being one. There are two scenarios, while easy, cool that they gave more than one story.

>> No.8860992

Another vote for Toonstruck

>> No.8861248

Of course that anon was not speaking against the concept of 3 dimensions in general, but at how for this specific, puzzle based, traditionally cartoony genre of gaming 2D simply works and looks best and always will and you need a giant team of artists and animators and coders to simpy come close to what a single person working with pixels could achieve like in OP's image.
I mean, 3D is a valid option but in some use cases some options will simply be inferior. Myst has a different dynamic, Telltale games have a different dynamic than what those old games had.

>> No.8861352
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Discworld Noir
Dark Seed
Titanic: Adventure Out of Time
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon

>> No.8861426

I've heard Discworld Noir is great. Yet to play it but it looks very interesting.
Full Pipe.
Pilot Bros. (very trashy and janky).

>> No.8861437

>Caught in the Act
>not a Week of Garfield

>> No.8861508

Scooby Doo Genesis
Beavis and Butthead in Virtual Stupidity
Clock Tower (USA)

>> No.8861517
File: 112 KB, 720x576, Myst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]