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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8847382 No.8847382 [Reply] [Original]

How to emulate those times for people who were born in the 2000s?

>> No.8847386

cut off the internet.

>> No.8847398

Except it was around back then.

>> No.8847401

for a minimal percentage of people.

>> No.8847419
File: 231 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20211113_085210_DRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put some Alice in Chains music on, turn off your smartphone, say nigger nigger and proceed to play a game you fancy.

>> No.8847427

I moved to Japan and over here it feels like the 90s never ended. It's great. For a cheaper alternative you could just delete all of your social media accounts, turn off your smartphone and stash it in a box somewhere.

>> No.8847430

Not in a form a zoomer would recognize.

>> No.8847432

Sorry everyone else is poor.

>> No.8847436

You boomers had some stupid hair back in the day.

>> No.8847439

that's ok. it wasn't your fault.

>> No.8847453

we did, but modern haircuts are pretty bad as well

>> No.8847454

>Doesn't know what a boomer is

>> No.8847456

what do you mean the 90s never ended in japan?

>> No.8847467

No it's actually an interesting thing to think about

How could you emulate it like you emulate videogames?

You could refuse to watch any media pre 2006 say
You could search youtube with the before:2006 prefix
Get a CD player and thrift CDs all again before 2006
Try to dress in your old clothes or find them again
Think on what your daily pattern was,
if in work, think of your work day as school
Of course minimise internet, and look for websites not platforms
Engage in way more hobbies as you would before browsing internet all day
Side-note, archive the era you are interested in
Especially read books from the time, as this puts the language of the time in mind
Try to play on original hardware, but emulations fine

In short, try to find this old skeleton and animate,
it would of course be a frankenstein of sorts,
but it doesn't have to actually BE the old era,
its more about rying to retrieve the mind-set of an older time

If you're conservative, I can't think of much more conservative than time locking yourself.

The amish do it.

If there were retro scenes that wer emore focused, as in they realy larp or try to live that way, so earnestly rather than ironically even if its a fools errand, that would be and interesting culture and opposition to modernity.

People already do it, but there may be better ways to do it than just nostalgia. Actually engaging and trying to make a scene live again.

I thought some of the youtube experemints were interesting, "tried to live in the 2000s again, but they weren't really commited to anything.

Impossible though. So...

>> No.8847470 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8847473 [DELETED] 

How desperate for attention do you have to be to let everyone know you didn't read something. Thanks for the update! Please keep us all informed.

>> No.8847478
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>> No.8847504

What? I live in a shithole and we had internet since 1997, broadband since 2002

>> No.8847506

>Not looking up the missingno glitch on AskJeeves in 99'.
You missed out anon.

>> No.8847508

No way, my haircut today is much better than this "Leo diCaprio in Titanic" fad that hearkened in the 00s
I like a lot of stuff from that time, but the fashion of the 90s and 00s wasn't very good

>> No.8847516

We were playing Quake online and passing around Stinger (what faggots call "Goatse man") in 96.

>> No.8847519

not really...

>> No.8847525

What haircut do you have? Most of modern haircuts are that faggy zoomer "cupcake" shaped cut.

>> No.8847526

It was a compromise between apologizing for the hyper-masculine 1980s without being as feminine as the 1970s.

>> No.8847528 [DELETED] 

More stupid that zoomers curling their hair into fake afros in an act of nigger worship?

>this "Leo diCaprio in Titanic" fad that hearkened in the 00s

Try John Connor in Terminator 2, 1991.

>> No.8847531

Or Trunks in DBZ, 1992.
Thinking Di Caprio popularized that haircut is evidence of zoomerism, I feel sorry for that anon.

>> No.8847591

Turn off the internet, play Green Day's Dookie, and play Street Fighter 2 on SNES on a 20" or smaller CRT while sitting on the floor.

>> No.8847594

why would you want to

>> No.8847768
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I turned my retro game room into a 90s time capsule in a sense where I have almost no modern technology in there and the little that I do I use behind the scenes to enhance the experience.

TV: I have a 27" trinitron with an old computer I no longer use running dizqueTV loaded up with 90s commercials and shows from that era. I spent like a fucking month torrenting all that shit but it was worth it. VHS tapes are worth literal pennies so its not hard to amass a decent library and watching old horror movies with this setup is pretty great.

PC: Beige is your friend. Currently have a 13" CRT monitor with a dell mechanical keyboard and a ball mouse. I recently managed to acquire a beautiful beige tower which I threw windows 98SE onto. Some would say to stay off the internet but I beg to differ. Connect an ethernet cable up to it, go into Internet Explorer or Netscape's Proxy settings and connect to "theoldnet". Basically this pulls snapshots from the way back machine and displays them on your old browser so you can essentially browse the internet as it was in your desired year. Initially I was expecting this to be almost unusable due to anything that isn't a home page of some major website returning dead links as they weren't archived but it is surprisingly far more functional than I thought it would be. Managed to find some video game guides and news articles through Yahoo and it really feels like surfing the web in the late 90s. If you really wanna be autistic and still have a landline, you can dedicate a whole afternoon to building your own dialup modem.

Phone: Obviously you wanna keep this out of site and out of reach. I have a Cell2Jack that allows me to connect my smart phone to a landline phone via Bluetooth so I can use my old beige telephone to make and receive calls. I keep my smart phone locked away in another room over so I'm less inclined to distract myself with it while gaming.

>> No.8847772

They still use fax machines and all kinds of bullshit

>> No.8847774
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Games: Original hardware is the best way to go of course. But with how expensive its becoming you might need to take some liberties like using flash carts and piracy. Getting your PS1 modchipped back then was a surprisingly common occurrence. Emulators existed in the 90s too, but don't expect them to be as accurate as what we have today.

Music: Got an old black stereo from '93 that only plays cassettes but a discman is hooked up to it so I can listen to CDs on it too. An old iPod touch streams 80s/90s music from Spotify in offline mode to the stereo through an FM transmitter. Of course CDs are going to be your main format with the occasional cassette. Acquire some CDs from bands like Green Day, The Offspring, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Alice in Chains, etc. Don't forget 80s music, people didn't just stop listening to 80s music at the turn of the decade and 70s nostalgia was in full swing.

Other: Don't forget to go outside. Staying inside for days on end is very much a modern thing due to the advent of the internet and as much as I love my set up, this decade's culture and technology wasn't meant for you to be home all the time. Get some friends over occasionally too, you guys can blast some Green Day while kicking each other's asses in Street Fighter while pigging out on Pizza.

Coming home after a long day of work and walking into a 90s time capsule without having to worry about the batshit insanity that is social media or endless other internet distractions, the choice of simply turning on the TV to watch 90s shows, a movie on tape, playing some Super Nintendo or browse the old web for some "new" video game news is unironically the most comfy thing a man can ever experience. Of course, I don't live every day like this as there are a bunch of modern commodities I like and rely on. This is only one room in my place that's like this, but its fun to go back from time to time and remember what life was like before the digital age.

>> No.8847807

my mother didn't have internet in her home till 2004 or so
granted, she was poor as fuck. so there's that.

>> No.8847815

You're joking, right? I was born in 1994 and everyone I knew had internet my whole life.

>> No.8847817
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zoomer hairstyles are absolutely putrid in every way. what the fuck are you on about?
this shit is ugly as sin to anyone with a smidgen of taste.

>> No.8847821

Why does that look like a Super Nintendo picture from the '90s and you're asking about people born in the '00s?

>> No.8847992

This is the level of autism I aspire to have. God bless you man.

>> No.8848007

My tip:
Get your information on retro games exclusively from old magazines, ads, and box art. Ignore internetfags.

>> No.8848040

Out of all my friends and classmates my household was literally the only one that had an internet connection in 2002. Born in 92. Family was middle class.

The actual problem with the internet was not only that much fewer people used it, but also that you had nothing to do on it unless you were into piracy, multiplayer games or extremely nerd shit. And porn, but I was too little for that, so I didn't care.

>> No.8848613

The kid in the pic is playing a SNES, released three years before you were even born.

>> No.8848619

I did not expect white guys with perms to come back with a vengeance in the 2020s.

>> No.8848710

I got internet in the late 80s, through dialing into a local university and using an account/password that I got from a friend whose cousin was going there.
No WWW yet, just text. You could use gopher, usenet, ftp, but I mostly used it for MUDs because FUCK YEAH. I also downloaded a massive Dirty Pair jpg that I couldn't get to display very well on my C64.
But for the most part, yeah no internet to speak of.

>> No.8848715 [DELETED] 

lube up your bussy, slip in an xl dog dildo (make sure you take the knot), and you're ready to go!

>> No.8848743 [DELETED] 

OP is asking how to emulate retro times, not modern times.

>> No.8848747

Why would you want to dwell in a past that was never part of your life in the first place? This fake nostalgia is one of the weirdest thing modern marketing does and I just don't get it. I mean if it would be part of your childhood, then you would have a reason. But being born afterward and still trying to get "back" to something you never experienced in the first place? Why? What for?

>> No.8848762

To have a place to get away from the stressful always-connected modern world? Some folks buy a cabin out in the woods and go there to get away for a while, why not build a retro nerd cave and go there to unwind?

>> No.8848773 [DELETED] 

>he wasn't anal training in the 90s too

>> No.8848776

This >>8848762
and some people just want to experience a different time and get an idea of what life was like before the internet took over everything.

>> No.8848780 [DELETED] 

Literally just stop being going on discord/twitter/4chan/whatever zoomer boy. Nobody is forcing this upon you

>> No.8848798

I didn’t get internet til 2011. I knew loads of people who did though. Now I’m hooked unfortunately.

>> No.8849026

It's not about "your childhood".
The zoomer era just objectively sucks.

>> No.8849218

You either don't live in Japan or you didn't grow up in the 90s

>> No.8849245

I'm really grateful that I don't have to grow up in the 2020s.

>> No.8849246

2000s was peak internet, nobody had broadband so posts were long and discussion slow, no political and marketer shills, you could pirate anything but download speeds and quality was trash. Everything was laid back in general.

>> No.8849265

I'm obsessed with Japanese blogs that refuse to leave 1990.

>> No.8849270

Well I know what I’m doing when I’m no longer renting a shitty single wide trailer. You are based.

>> No.8849281

No one says "goatse man" you stupid larper.

>> No.8849287

Early World Wide Web was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that was nothing like the botnet of today. I imagine the BBSes were the same way but that was before my time.

>> No.8849290

Because why not do whatever the fuck you want if it makes you happy instead of flaunting some false sense of superiority on goddamn 4chan

>> No.8849309

... because you can just use your PC to emulate those games if you want to play, plain and simple. Otherwise it's mindless consumerism for the sake of owning a specific product.

Friendly reminder you must be 18 to use this site

Way to miss the point of the question and instantly jumping into the most retarded, chest-beating defense. Zoom zoom zoom!

>> No.8849325

I’m 29, you just sound like a huge fag lmao

>> No.8849356 [DELETED] 

>plain and simple
calm down there reddit

>> No.8849363

>to emulate those games
What the fuck does that have to do with building a retro nerd cave?

>> No.8849384

I was poor and had internet in 1999.

>> No.8849393

You wouldn't really know though, would you?

>> No.8849395 [DELETED] 


>> No.8849397

Not video games.

>> No.8849439

>Friendly reminder you must be 18 to use this site
You have to be 25 or older to remember anything from the pre-zoom era properly (ends in 2006). No wonder they want to recreate the past they never lived in. Their childhood is modern warfare Call of Duties and reddit rage comic memes.
Imagine being nostalgic for some 4chan shit like Project Chanology. Of course zoomers don't care about their own nostalgia, it's all trash.

>> No.8849464

Christopher Lasch would have a field day with you guys

>> No.8849496


A sentiment greatly shared by nearly everyone in the same place

>I got internet in the late 80s, through dialing...

Good times, there needs to be a distinction between the actual Internet and social media, the former has been around since before the 80s, the latter is a brain devouring cancer that started around the early 00s

>> No.8849501



>> No.8849538

>distinction between the actual Internet and social media
You wouldn't use your real name on the internet because you'd get stalked by retards.
>not even zoomers, but fucking young adults grew up thinking it was normal to post everything to the internet under your real name
>"why am I being stalked by retards?!"

>> No.8849697
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>More stupid that zoomers curling their hair into fake afros in an act of nigger worship?
did you forget wiggers where a 90s thing?

>> No.8849719

maybe if you include people out in Bumfuckistan or something.
in the US, internet was ubiquitous. How else could there have been a "Dot Com Bubble" and subsequent crash in the 90s?

>> No.8849725

and they were mocked, not lauded.
That fag-ass side shave/comb all to one side shit zoomers all do now is hideous.

>> No.8849730

>Why would you want to dwell in a past that was never part of your life in the first place?
Because the past was objectively much better than the present and it doesn't take actually being born in the past to see that. A zoomer can dive in to 80's, 90's, or early 2000's media and realize "oh shit life was a thousand times less horrible back then".

>> No.8849743 [DELETED] 

i'm pretty negroes don't use afros anymore gramps
that was like the 70s
maybe early 80s too idk
point is they look retarded now i mean come on it's a giant ball

>> No.8849749 [DELETED] 

pretty sure*
fucking i swear i proofread but sometimes my mind doesn't

>> No.8849752

this, stay in the real world and stuff becomes fun again

>> No.8849784
File: 102 KB, 971x522, late 80s rave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never had dial-up, my family got broadband in 2000.

Reading comprehension.

>Why would you want to dwell in a past that was never part of your life in the first place?
I experienced /vr/ but I mean do you see that pic? It's so comfy. You don't have to be 30+ to want a weekend without smartphones, constant texts + calls + social media, and shitty modern politics being shilled on TV and the internet. Many youths are consciously aware that it's rotting their brains.

>> No.8849787 [DELETED] 


you get additional internet points for admitting it, when that happens to me I simply laugh myself and carry on as normal

>> No.8849818

I wasn't going to read all of this but now I love you

>> No.8849832
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>> No.8849874

>and still have a landline
I don't think anyone even offers landline service anymore. I remember when the power would go out, my mom would sit on the phone with the power company to see what the downtime would be. Now if the internet goes out, so does her phone.

>> No.8850006
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>Or Trunks in DBZ, 1992.
Trunks first appeared in June 25th 1991

July 7th issue

Also, Gohan had the same haircut during the Namek arc.

>> No.8850029

>I don't think anyone even offers landline service anymore
I have a landline right now, because it's waaay cheaper than a cellphone and I virtually never leave the house.

>> No.8850118

I was born in 94 in the US and nobody I knew had internet until about 2006 or 2007. And even then it was shit. I had to hack a 3g phone to jse as home internet until 2016 because the only other option was legitimately worse than dial up

>> No.8850120

>I don't think anyone even offers landline service anymore.
If the infrastructure already exists, why wouldn't they? I can understand not having landlines in countries that didn't even have phones until cell towers were invented, but if the copper is there, may as well run a service on it.

>> No.8850127

>cut off social media
>separate smartphone into separate flip, camera, and CD player gadgets
>somehow make TV worth tuning into again
>somehow erase memories of "never going to happen" shit like sonic in smash or any nostalgia revivals
>convince everyone around you to revert
>repair the economy
>tell your local stores to stop stocking nu-products
>tell your local newspaper to stop covering nu-news

>> No.8850170

>I don't think anyone even offers landline service
VOIP is popular, but it's still very common for small businesses to have landlines. No special equipment, no configuration, etc--just plug the thing into the wall.

>I have a landline... because it's waaay cheaper than a cellphone
I'm jealous. I asked about basic service, and it's $45 plus some mystery amount of fees. I guess that's not terrible, but it's hard to justify, given that I make <5 phone calls a month.

>> No.8850269

as if there aren't archives or something.
internet is shit now, was shit yesterday and will be shit tomorrow.

>> No.8850279

The only thing shit about it was that the data was expensive and quality telecom lines weren't ubiquitous.

>> No.8850283

>le good past, le evil modernity
>the past is the 80s
Sides: on their way to Mars

>> No.8850295

nah, it was full of morons spouting insane bullshit.

>> No.8850303

That the "retro nerd cave" is utterly pointless. As in - it's a great example of creating a consumer for specific products, for you are dead sure you must own bunch of things to feel happy about owning them. If you wanted to play games, you could do that without buying bunch of crap.

I can't exactly relate, but isn't that defeatist by default? As in "Oh woe me, my childhood sucked [it didn't], for I didn't experience the glory of the Atari 130XE!"

>> No.8850304

>t. didn't experience said past, so talks utter horseshit
Pro-tip: it wasn't as cool as you delude yourself it was

>> No.8850306
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dreamcast and crazy taxi

>> No.8850312

that game is a time capsule

>> No.8850314

Nigger, early internet was half conspiracy theorists and survivalist groups, half porn. Everything else came out later and it didn't really get "usable" until tail end of the 90s, chiefly due to the amount of normalfags that finally got access to it, rather than schizos who by then squashed the pre-eternal September users. And it was utter dogshit for purely technical reasons, too, until about the same time period.

>> No.8850320

Checks out, I guess.

>> No.8850332

>starts game

>> No.8850380

One thing that has pretty well died out is loaning & swapping games, CDs, tapes, magazines, and so on.
At school it was easy enough to just take it in your backpack and trade at lunch, maybe the end of the day. But even in my early adult years, that was kind of an excuse to visit someone and chat.

>"Dot Com Bubble" and subsequent crash in the 90s?
"2000" is a pretty easy year to remember.

>crazy taxi
I didn't know until the other day that Sega paid KFC, Pizza Hut, etc to use those names and designs in the game. Usually it's the opposite.

>> No.8850393

So do Americans. Fax machines are good enough for sending documents but there are better alternatives but not as easy to use.

>> No.8850427

>I didn't know until the other day that Sega paid KFC, Pizza Hut, etc to use those names and designs in the game. Usually it's the opposite.
who cares, its better for the 2000s aesthetic

>> No.8850430

for me its the fila store

>> No.8850468
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No matter how hard and accurate my 90's corner would be. That wouldn't give me back the dead parent I had at the time, and long gone friends...

>> No.8850478

you need to have the mindset and zeitgeist from back then, which you just cant replicate.

>> No.8850493

>beginning of 20th century
>no National Firearms Act, no EPA, no welfare state, women can't vote
>You can buy an airship
>You can buy cocaine and heroin at the corner drug store

>> No.8850494

i say goatse man

>> No.8850502

We had Blue Light Special, the free Internet from Kmart. It was supposed to run an ad banner on the bottom 1/8 of your screen the whole time you were browsing. But most of the time the banner would crash immediately and you could use the whole screen.

>> No.8850513 [DELETED] 

>how could there have been a dot-com bubble and crash?
Banker Jews, as always

>> No.8850634

I demand multiple detailed pictures of your setup

>> No.8850684

This means he probably doesn't remember much from before 2000. Most people had dial up by then.

>> No.8850691

I was using 56k up till 2002 but I was also living out in the countryside. Moving to the city and getting my 5mb line was like being born again.

>> No.8850720

>Staying inside for days on end is very much a modern thing due to the advent of the internet
I stayed inside playing Final Fantasy for basically my entire childhood

>> No.8850728

Dude, Wi-Fi had hits its prime where I lived around 2007, and 3G data plans weren't even affordable until, like, 2013.

>> No.8850732

Why would you want to? Who cares about what some kids you don't know do?

>> No.8850795

lmao eerie similarity anon, I also was born in 94 and my family didn't have wifi until 2008. I was so unprepared and not used to it, I used my PS3 for a full year without internet on it because I thought it only used an ethernet cable (our modem was on the complete other side of the house and there was no way parents were gonna let me stretch a cable that far)

>> No.8850841
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>> No.8851360


>> No.8851515

I tried, but it's full of glitches and most stuff doesn't work. Plug-ins don't help either.

>> No.8851570

Dude, I don't think anon lives in the same area that you did at that point in time.

>> No.8851658

Zoomers haircuts are the gayest shit imaginable. Why the fuck you all look like chia pets?

>> No.8851728


Never gets old either.

>> No.8851754

>white people don't get afros

Dumb dumb

>> No.8851762
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>That fag-ass side shave/comb all to one side shit zoomers all do now is hideous
I didn't know zoomers fought in ww2.

>> No.8851778

get with the times grandpa, that was like 5 years ago.

>> No.8852068

>it was around
it was nowhere near what it is today retard. It meant nothing to the vast majority of people

>> No.8852215


>> No.8852909

>you will never be able to travel back in time to find a girl who doesn't know what social media is

>> No.8852938

MSN was basically social media and it was full of girls from my class with statuses like "not feeling good today. Don't message me, only real friends know what's up" or some stupid song quote

>> No.8852939

I mean I remember using ICQ in the late 90s but the rare thing was to find someone who used it, or any messaging system. Even e-mails were a novelty that not many people had yet.

>> No.8852973

Have a room or corner of a room dedicate to that period of time. When you are there you need to leave your phone, modern laptop and computer off. You'd dress that space with nothing modern, you'd avoid modern lighting and modern furniture. You'll also need to avoid modern conveniences like flash carts, reproduction carts and controllers.
Learn how to clean your shit. A well cared for SNES given a little TLC will look practically new. Ditto for your controller and games. PS1 scrubs up quite well with a little bleach and a soft sponge. Disassemble and clean as you need to but don't be an idiot and you can easily reassemble the consoles, controllers etc. You can replace any components that expire or wear out like rubber or springs in controllers. You can easily make a 30 year old console feel new just by properly cleaning and servicing it.
Magazines were how most of us learned about what was coming out and what we were hyped about so that will help you get into the mindset and assist you in dressing your retro space. If you want to be autistic you can role play it out and only allow yourself to play games in the same sequence as they were launched. There was a reason Donkey Kong Country was amazing looking, sounding, and to play when it came out, most of us had played games like Super Mario World in 1990, maybe Super Castlevania in 91, Mario All-Stars in 93 or whatever before DKC launched in 1994.

>> No.8852975

Put on Sealab and play Counter Strike Source

>> No.8852985 [DELETED] 

People who have this saved are stupid as shit

>> No.8852987 [DELETED] 

That's 1994. The fucking 2000s retard

>> No.8852992 [DELETED] 

Reading comprehension.

>> No.8852997
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>tell your nigger neighbor to stop blasting his subwoofer
>put away your smartphone and computer
>buy a decent CRT television
>buy a VCR
>buy a NES/SNES/N64
>find VHS stream copies of Married with Children, USA Up All Night, and other kino.
>find VHS stream copies of Saturday morning cartoons and Nicktoons(the ones before 1998, not that new pozzed shit)
>watch for hours
>when you get bored, pour a bowl of cereal in a large bowl with milk, start up a vidya game, and then fall asleep while playing and wake up to find your cereal all soggy but you eat it anyway.

>> No.8853009 [DELETED] 

So 7th gen emulation I'm assuming? You can't reliably emulate them to a %99.99 tee like with 5th gen and below. Good thing the games are cheap.

>> No.8853346 [DELETED] 

>lose war
>occupied forever by globohomo jews
>outlawed out of existence

yep sounds fag ass to me

>> No.8853396
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I create playlists on VLC every weekend of TV blocks that ran when I was a kid. I have the Cartoon Network Fridays block on Friday night, assorted Saturday morning cartoons the next morning, Toonami Saturday evening, old Hanna-Barbera/CN shows Sunday morning, and Star Trek/MST3K Sunday night. And adult swim plays overnight each night. I am going to download a bunch of old X-Play episodes from YouTube and slap those on the playlist for midday slumps for extra authenticity.

A bit off-topic, but does anyone have any good recommendations for dedicated emulation hardware, specifically hardware that can have ROMs downloaded onto it? I was thinking of getting one of those Analog Pockets or a Retron, but I've heard they only support game cartridges.

>> No.8853523
File: 4 KB, 300x168, 559F81AD-CE73-4ADE-AA8B-CED230F08226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going outside

I… I remember…..

>> No.8853612
File: 38 KB, 570x380, 4311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The actual problem with the internet: fewer people used it, but also that you had nothing to do on it
These were it's virtues
It stayed like that until big business with flawless design and marketing took over.
Before that it was a place for niche interests.
There was no need for average people to be online.
It still wasn't tailor-made around regular people to make them burn all their dopamine, buy useless shit and scroll on forever. It was often boring.
Sincere enthusiasm by those who ran a website often meant that websites looked garbage but they didn't give a shit since all they wanted their website to be was to become a part of some obscure webring. It was exciting enough to be online.
It wasn't meant to spy you out, or hack your brain
It was made by enthusiasts and utopians and you could tell.
You still had to have a life outside of being online since irl was the default. It's GOOD that the internet was boring.
Social Media is absolute cancer

>> No.8853667

this has been an extremely popular haircut among design/arts/fashion people, especially around 10-15 years ago, and whatever is popular among them will always become a mainstream thing 5-10 years later. Many of them went to the hairdresser straight and said "give me that Hitler Youth cut". And it became so popular among fashion people that it started being updated by hairdressers today, hence the whole Broccoli debacle. It's a solid and good looking haircut when done in the old style. But the update of course has to meddle with the proportions to "add some spice".

>> No.8853671

>x was basically y
MSN was about as Social Media as pagers were you absolute twerp

>> No.8853672

All reply dumpers are fags.

>> No.8853684

>find VHS stream copies of Married with Children
crucial with that show, some copyright issues meant that music had to be deleted from the original episodes for the DVD release, they used George Thorogood's Bad To The Bone for great effect in at least 5 episodes but it now is all silenced out and kills the comedy.

>> No.8853703

>they used George Thorogood's Bad To The Bone for great effect in at least 5 episodes but it now is all silenced out and kills the comedy.
I'm pretty sure it was featured in the DVD. At least the original set by Sony(which lacked the Sinatra song after season 1 or 2).

>> No.8853730
File: 86 KB, 600x600, BasicInstructions--Explainwords.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kinda like "practically." It means "it isn't, but I'm going to pretend like it is."

>> No.8853981

I unironically try to go outside every other day or so and just sit on the porch. Glad it’s finally warming up here for that reason

>> No.8854042

so basically
>avoid internet, especially social media
>pretend the economy is good
>pretend people aren't as retarded as they are
>go outside and pretend everything is fine
>play good retro vidya
anything else?

>> No.8854109


>> No.8854197

here it is, the stupid hair

>> No.8854316 [DELETED] 

>go outside and pretend everything is fine
>see some faggot NPC that STILL wear mask OUTSIDE, or alone in their car.
Experience ruined.

>> No.8854349

lol. only if you were from a well off family.
You were not poor then. Westerners have a no sense of what poor actually is.

>> No.8854391

No, by 1999 Internet access was widespread even in Eastern Europe. It just mean you were shit-poor.

>> No.8854408

absolutely based

captcha: AMENX

>> No.8854534
File: 134 KB, 944x672, zsnes-homepage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not in a form a zoomer would recognize.
- No smartphones.
- Most people didn't even have regular cell phones. No SMS or texting.
- No "social media," not even Myspace or facebook and certainly no instagram. No 'influencers' fighting for 'clout'.
- Search engine wars, when Google arrived it was actually a good service and improved web quality.
- Javascript sucked and barely worked so almost nobody used it. Most web pages were just text, images, and forms.

>> No.8854540

Goddamn stupid zoomers and their despondency. If this was 2006 or 1996 or 1986 they’d still be complaining that things suck and how they wish they could’ve been born in the 1940s or some such nonsense.

>> No.8854579

well said
Using the internet in 2022 is more like this:

>> No.8854618

As a stubborn longhair fag I never got the complaint about this haircut. (I'm the anon you replied to btw). I have to deal with split ends, shit gets knotted to all hell if I forget to brush even once and go to sleep, and showers take even longer because rinsing shampoo and conditioner takes longer to get out of it. And yet (assuming you aren't some hipster artfag paying 50 bucks a week to keep it trimmed down) that style gets shat on when it is easy to maintain, and all you have to do is comb it back or to the side and it almost looks like you know how to present yourself. But I should remember what website I'm on and how ECHO CHAMBER SAY POPULAR=BAD NO MATTER CONTEXT.

>> No.8855346

thanks, and sorry

>> No.8855358

Hit the nail on the head brother. I'm 28, so I was quite young when the internet was as you described it. I didn't really use it regularly until we got wifi in 2008, and by then of course social media was already a thing. I was as into it as everyone else (although vidya was still my primary dopamine burner), but within the last 3 years, I just have been so disgusted with social media and have genuinely made changes to how I consume it and use it. Of course I've been too big of a bitch to quit altogether, but I stopped using my "real person" accounts on almost everything but FB, which I keep primarily for work (I work in substance recovery/counseling and contacting clients is very easy this way). Maybe one day I'll be man enough to drop it altogether, but I'm pretty content using hobby-only burners for the most part. And coming to this fuckin place too for whatever reason.
Anyway VIDEO GAMES i've been playing pilotwings 64 today on a CRT and all is well

>> No.8855453 [DELETED] 

Life must be so exhausting for you

>> No.8856435 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 224x216, 1351825767099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go outside and enjoy god's green earth
>see random person minding their own business wearing a mask to be safe and not hurt anyone
>go into seething autistic rage
>beauty of the world around you: ruined
You people are beyond help, this is seriously the "/pol/tard sees black man and then posts on /pol/ about it" meme. Either seek therapy or drink bleach.

>> No.8856451 [DELETED] 

people who wear face diapers never mind their own business though

>> No.8856473

I had to use text only terminals at the public library all through high school because because our home didn’t have it.
You could reserve a half hour or something with your card, but no one fucking knew about the text only browser since it was on the same computers they had the book search system on so I was able to use it until I had to go home

>> No.8856508 [DELETED] 

>still sperging mad
Way to prove his point

>> No.8856510 [DELETED] 

lol ok buddy
it's so easy to trigger these ccp shill bots, even on vr of all boards

>> No.8856514 [DELETED] 

you're talking to at least three people man. not everything is political jesus christ you zoomers are fucked

>> No.8856548 [DELETED] 

Still waiting for an organic reply, bot.

>> No.8856560 [DELETED] 

Not him but yeah people who wear face masks in their cars are retards.

>> No.8856597 [DELETED] 

If I was a zoomer I would kill myself they have the most souless negrofied existence, oh and they crush basically zero pussy.

>> No.8856607 [DELETED] 

Keep seething faggot

>> No.8856691 [DELETED] 

During the pandemic I would wear it in my car because on cold days it made my face warm. Also I would keep it on because I am shy, and it reduced my social anxiety.

>> No.8856784 [DELETED] 

cry and bitch more if you want but it does not change the fact that people (still) wearing face diapers seldomly mind their own busines, your reaction is testament to the fact

Wearing it because it helps you cope with your social anxiety is something, wearing it in your car when there is nobody around is announcing to the world your free will is basically gone and you are little more than a drone at that point.

>> No.8856803

On an actual N64?

>> No.8856804 [DELETED] 

>cry and bitch more
Nice projection, fag

>> No.8856845
File: 713 KB, 1280x1757, genderwars1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had an internet connection since 1997.

>> No.8856924 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 400x400, shootme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pro-tip: it wasn't as cool as you delude yourself it was
Pro-tip: unlike you, I was actually alive in the 80's and 90's. Society back then was a thousand times healthier, Hollyjew was still making an attempt to produce good movies, comics weren't pozzed, TV was orders of magnitude less degenerate even at the height of Jerry Springer, the Monday Night Wars, and South Park, political correctness was overwhelmingly laughed at, and video games were actually good. Modern society has made zero progress since the year 2000 and has regressed to a state resembling the dying days of the Roman Empire. You can try to rewrite the past all you want but you can never change the way it actually was.

>> No.8856997 [DELETED] 

>muh pol
>Muh sperging
nice projection leftard. You're the only ones literally SEETHING and SPERGING all the time, see the elon musk twitter affair right now. If you're dumb enough to think a face diaper will give you eternal life.... then kill yourself indeed.

>> No.8857481

Anon, are you me? I also have VLC playlists for stuff I used to watch, almost to the letter of what you described: Cartoon Network, Toonami, Adult Swim, G4. I also have Fox Kids/Jetix, Disney, and some other playlists. I use an HDMI-RCA adapter to output media onto my 9" CRT that I still use for retro vidya/media, which I used to use when I was a kid for TV/gaming and even vidya in the car on road trips.

I'm curious, do you have any advice for how to mix commercials into the playlists? For example while watching a saturday morning playlist, I'd love to watch a season 1 pokemon episode, followed by a random commercial (like a game boy color or action figure commercial), followed by another cartoon. I don't have any experience with media curation besides just dumping stuff in a playlist. But I would prefer not going hours without a commercial, and I also want to avoid a million commercials in a row (ironic, since I hated commercials when I was a kid, but what can I do, they're part of the experience for me now)

>> No.8857490

Nigger nigger indeed,simpler times.

>> No.8857492

Reminder that every time someone posts things like this >>8847774 >>8847768 they never post pics

I smell larp

>> No.8857501


Actually, another follow-up question. I used to use my slim PS2 with a Simple Media System on a FMCB memory card and an external hard drive to play my retro media (cartoons, etc). I gave up because SMS restricts you to avi and mp4 files, and most of what I torrent is in mkv format. However, it was great to be able to play media entirely without using a modern device like my PC (and without the lag that my HDMI>RCA adapter adds). I also tried a raspberry pi with both a composite output A/V cable and my HDMI>RCA adapter, but I could never get the RPi output working with the composite cable and I can't get the resolution low enough for the HDMI>RCA. Is there a better solution for natively outputting to RCA, while also being able to use modern media files like mkv?

>> No.8857526

Javascript still sucks, so that haven't changed.

>> No.8857529

Ok, and that still didn't answer his question:
Why would you dwell on shit that happened in the times of your great-great-grandparents? What for? What's the gain on seething that it's not like back then?

>> No.8857535 [DELETED] 

All of that still exists

>> No.8857610 [DELETED] 

>haven't been on /vr/ since the inclusion of GC/PS2/XB/GBA
>open thread expecting lots of fun nostalgia talk
>get retards arguing about hair, /pol/, and masks
Jesus 6th gen really was a mistake, I'm going back to my slow boards where you fags can't gain any traction.

>> No.8857621

Just go outside lmao.
For real any media created that time, still exists.
I have some really good quality vhs tapes left, that I can still play and watch.
So just go and do something bro.

>> No.8857638 [DELETED] 

>monday night wars
didn't expect a /pw/ crossover here, based.

>> No.8857646 [DELETED] 

not him and he did not say anything about eternal life or whatever the fuck lmao, he's simply calling you a fucking sperg for seeing a complete stranger doing something you don't agree with ruining your whole day, and he's right

>> No.8857747 [DELETED] 

nuke america then find some bros afterwards and play vidya

>> No.8857752 [DELETED] 

Was going to write something capturing this sentiment, but you’ve done it far better than I could.

>since the year 2000
and 2008 was the inflection point where that barely-moving progress finally halted and started regressing off a cliff. We’re still falling.

>Society was a thousand times healthier
Zoomers have no idea how cool the 90s were: West was undisputed champ of the world, exciting new changes everywhere and in almost everything, totally unlike the last decade. Things were so comfy the only arguments people had were over post-1960s culture war nonsense. Not to say everything was perfect, or that the seeds of what we’re living with now weren’t being sown then, but really, it was a good time that immediately blew up when the World Trade Center towers did.

>> No.8857816

>when the World Trade Center towers
Man, I so wish we lived in the timeline where Clinton's cruise missile strike didn't miss, and the years of Republicans mocking his obsession with Bin Laden was capped with them crying that he only killed the guy to distract America from the Very Important News of the Blue Dress.

>> No.8857830
File: 46 KB, 500x373, Why doesn&#039;t the world die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, not missed, so much as got tipped off because one of the missile boats fired closer to the shore than it was supposed to, and according to the CIA director's testimony, they later found a cell phone call had been made to the camp from a nearby beach.
Like somebody was all "Hey, cousin Jamud, you're at that uhhh 'summer camp', right? Well some American ship just fired a fucking missile and I think it might be going your direction, so maybe go home early today, yeah?"
So instead we got Republicans laughing about wasting a million dollar cruise missile to blow up "an empty tent."

>> No.8857858

haha I did the same thing
that browser still works

>> No.8857868
File: 692 KB, 1088x816, Ozzel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> closer to the shore than it was supposed to

>> No.8858076

As in "protocol dictates you be x miles from shore before firing," so the launch isn't visible to folks on the beach. Mostly because you don't want to scare the shit out of civilians, but also because there's an outside chance it might alert your target, like it did in that case.

>> No.8858208

I miss the old internet, back when people had panic about posting their own photos or real name online, or even their e-mail address publicly.
It really was like entering a different world, instead of an extension of reality.

>> No.8858221

yeah I remember, used to have long hair, too, when a teenager. Shaved it off once due to some edgelord Natural Born Killers-related impulse. Don't worry though, am getting my first haircut in 2022 tomorrow, usually let it grow for a few months. I don't have the haircut you posted but you're right it's quite low-maintenance

>> No.8858292
File: 205 KB, 922x835, rwp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget independent message boards populated by all different strokes of people, rather than Discord echo chambers lorded over by hivemind trannies.

>> No.8858307

Forums still exist but they've been largely killed off by facebook, reddit, and even this place.

>> No.8858315

You realize there are zoomers old enough to remember independent forums? Discord only came out in 2015

>> No.8858382 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 546x646, Gersdorff_-_Schädelwunde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good to see you're taking measures and are taking a step away from the trough. I am no saint either, my generation(Millennilols) got swept up completely, it was crazy to see how fast everything moved to fb. I go to a lot of concerts, small stuff, experimental and extreme music which is a niche thing and it is almost impossible to follow what's going on without fb or insta. It's just so easy for everybody. I also used to spend hours on end on social media. But it always left me with that empty feeling. Social media is so fucking good at leading you on and on while going nowhere. I don't blame you, your generation or anybody else. They found our weak spots and we got hacked. You brought up substances, and they say the weed sold today is so much more potent than what boomers used to smoke in the 60s/70s that it can't even be compared anymore. Everything today is set to hyper mode. It's all one big farm.

But yeah.... concerning /vr/, I'm going back to Shadowrun now.

>> No.8858434

yes actually but the reset button is fucked and now i can't save on my everdrive. im sure i'll fix it but i was going to get a new one soon anyway, i would like a blue or green one
yeah, this sounds like a cop out but it's honestly hard for some people to not mess with social media. as you said, things shifted at a point and social media became a bit of everything. it would take much more effort than i am willing to put forth to actually remove social media from my life (i.e. getting umpteen fucking dozen phone numbers from friends, family, coworkers, clients, etc) so that alone is a testament to the hold that it has. limiting the ways i interact with it has helped for sure. "the big farm" is hard to avoid.

enjoy shadowrun anon, i'll be grinding out some pokemon crystal and stadium 2 this evening

>> No.8858450

Anon, Discord didn't kill forums, Reddit did back in the late 00s.

>> No.8858504 [DELETED] 

Oh this place just keeps going from bad to worse, now there are zoomies that buy the laden blew the twin towers story because the cia told me so thing?
Sorry burst your bubble zoomie, the twin towers were blown so you could see the patriot act given birth by BOTH the republican and democrat parties

>> No.8858568 [DELETED] 

>You brought up substances, and they say the weed sold today is so much more potent than what boomers used to smoke in the 60s/70s that it can't even be compared anymore.

And it's not a lie, weed today is mostly hybridized for insane potency, mind damaging stuff, like with everything right now in society weed is also affected by acelerationism.

>> No.8858583 [DELETED] 

>my generation(Millennilols) got swept up completely
it's scary how fast we were almost totally assimilated by social media. Up until ~2007, people called one another. Or texted a bit. Or met up irl. Then everything went onto facebook: conversations, coordinating social events, IM, forums. One of my roommates used to have his laptop logged into facebook 24/7 and he'd be on it in his room every day, late into the night, slowing our internet down. Most people I know are still living a big portion of their lives online.

I did like that facebook was an easier way to keep in touch with high school friends at first, or to find single girls in my university classes, but then all the good aspects started being gamed out of existence. I can't tell you how many messages I used to get from people playing farmville or some other shit game. Very glad I quit in 2010 and never looked back.

>> No.8858606

You could check out some Blu-ray players. I have an old Sony with HDMI, RGB SCART, component and composite outputs. It plays mkv files, though I doubt it can handle anything more modern than standard H264/AVC. So forget about Hi10p or HEVC. I don't use it much anymore because having to copy all the videos to an USB drive is a pain in the ass.
A PS3 could also be a good idea. You can stream to it via DLNA. You're limited to AVC too, but you can get around that with transcoding on the fly.

>> No.8858712 [DELETED] 

I honestly sympathize with a lot of zoomers. Our generation and even boomers took to social media like crack, we just had the benefit of being adults or close to it by the time it hit any sort of mainstream success. Kids now are literally having their growing brains warped and proper development screwed up because of it.

My two kids beg me to get them a smartphone but I won't let them until they're 16. They actually get teased by other kids for just having a burner phone. I feel bad for them but I hope they'll thank me in the future when they can at least have some semblance of an attention span.

Anyways, sorry for the rant. I've been on an survival horror kick lately so I'm playing through Resident Evil 3 right now

>> No.8858728 [DELETED] 

I didn’t get a mobile device that could connect to the internet until 2012 (iPod touch) and I didn’t get an actual phone until a couple years later in the middle of college. You’re a bit older than me but with that hopefully I can speak for your kids: I absolutely am thankful my parents didn’t let me get anything like that until pretty much the end of high school.

>> No.8858730 [DELETED] 

Thanks for setting that fag straight. I'm not as old as you but I can remember the late 90s and early 00s. Society was healthier, everyone of all backgrounds was more happy, prosperous and optimistic. Media still included morals and values and people were still generally expected to be decent and honest.
Media from back then is such a stark comparison in regards to quality and passion. Today's media is so cheap and fake.
I can't help but agree that the attempts to dilute nostalgia are just thinly veiled propaganda attempts to revise the past.

>> No.8858745
File: 33 KB, 1042x344, PnqCllDMM1eu2MH0qIUSkwXSLNFJAqwzhUN5-eQ474A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digg was the dominant site in the late 00s not reddit. Reddit gained numbers in the 10s

>> No.8858748
File: 22 KB, 702x539, internet use.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8858753

And keep in mind most people with internet back then didn't have fast or good internet connections.

>> No.8858767

And yet people still used them. At the end of the day most people by the early 2000s had running internet and computers in their homes. Lets not try to change the goal post and throw in some straw mans.

>> No.8858769

Please don't post pictures of me.

>> No.8858786

Not as many people, look at >>8858748. Didn't spend as much time online either, especially when it tied up phone lines.
>most people by the early 2000s
Most, but under 60% still. I was thinking 90s anyway, since the kid is playing a Super Nintendo.

>> No.8858808

Zoomer this zoomer that why dont you zoom on down to a bar and talk to some bitches nigga

>> No.8858827
File: 194 KB, 1125x1112, 1639279086201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just posting to say that if you have stupid zoomer hair, I hate it as much as any hairstyle. Anything other than long hair or shaved-bald has always looked retarded to me. People can do what they want with their costume, I don't care as long as they're nice and not hurting anybody.

Well, compared to 70s and earlier, media has been the same since the 80's. Only between 2010-2020 did things sorta start to change, but then it rapidly just reverted back to Too Many Channels and shovelware again. I think the biggest improvements have been indie game boom - video & tabletop, and also crowdfunding, which is good no matter what whiny corporate fellators say. I'll agree with your PC and Roman points, though. Equality already happened, people stopped seeing ethnicity and colour of skin and were judged by the content of their character. Then entitled spoiled ipad babies were bored with having nothing to complain about so they invented problems out of nowhere, which still don't exist except inside their annoyingly loud playroom.

>> No.8858858


>> No.8858887

The internet was as commonly used as a public copy machine up through the early 2000's. It was a novel tool with a specific set of uses. For me, and my peer group and family and geography, we didn't have fast internet until around 2004-2006. Even then, people who live in the country (30 minute drive to the nearest McDonalds) still just had dial-up and didn't want to pay extra for crappy satellite internet. At this point, from my perspective, people were still learning about the internet and didn't know what to do with it now that it was actually usable. The fast internet took a few years to gain traction and tools and programs to be developed to actually utilise it efficiently. Advent of smartphones accelerated computer literacy around 2010 for a few years, and funnily enough, also killed computer literacy since. We older people experienced a very unique time in history: We lived both before and after The Internet. That perspective needs to be documented and detailed before they all die.

>> No.8858902

>The internet was as commonly used as a public copy machine up through the early 2000's
Fucking please. Were you even alive for this time? Doesn't seem like it.

>> No.8858907

> >early 2000's
>Were you even alive for this time?

>> No.8858910

And to add another thing novel is the cell phone in the 80s. Computers in the early 00s were not novel.

>> No.8858913

>We older people experienced a very unique time in history: We lived both before and after The Internet. That perspective needs to be documented and detailed before they all die.
Agreed. It's really interesting to have experienced two different worlds.

>> No.8858929

When I went to my friend's house the computer was just sitting in a corner and you couldn't use the internet because they might get a call. We might play some computer games or emulators until like 10PM on a weekend when we could go online and wait a half hour for some stupid flash animation to load or YTMND etc. It was a tool and a toy that middle-class people had. Plenty of my friends' parents couldn't even afford a computer. Some people even had an older computer, and yet didn't have an internet connection. Allow me to remind you that ebay was barely a thing, amazon was barely a thing or brand new and nobody knew about it, and nobody wanted to buy things online because it was still new and scary, plus paypal didn't exist yet.

>> No.8858936

Amazon was one of the most used in 2003?

>> No.8858939

If you asked my entire town in 2003 what Amazon was, they would say a jungle. If you told them about the website, they would say "Oh why wouldn't I just go to Borders or Barnes and Noble?"

>> No.8858940

My nigga you grew up broke asf in Hicksville, Kansas.

>> No.8858941

along with ebay which had 99 million users in 2003 alone. So what are you talking about

>> No.8858946

I guess I lived in a real town and not New York City or San Francisco.

>> No.8858948

No one cares about your hick town. The fact is by 2003 ebay and amazon were some of the most used sites on the internet and were crossing into 100 million user count.

>> No.8858951

You guys are using statistics you found on a search engine but I'm just relaying my experience living through it.

>> No.8858953

It's nice that you had an experience, but your experience is just one....

>> No.8858958

I lived in a near-rural Southern town and nearly everyone had Internet in the mid 90's- early 00's. Shitty Internet, but it was there.

>> No.8858968
File: 155 KB, 221x499, Sabin_SD_Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true that way less people bought things online though.
Obviously anon is just speaking from his personal experience, but it's interesting nonetheless.
My family got internet somewhere in the late 90s. One of the first things I remember doing is printing out FFVI pictures. This art of Sabin for example.

>> No.8858975

Around that time, I printed out pictures of Britney Spears from Rolling Stone to jack off to, and pokémon pictures to draw.

>> No.8858983 [DELETED] 

Ban everyone from the internet who has a different opinion than the mods. Then print 1.8 trillion dollars and import a bunch of niggers.

>> No.8859026

The majority of America's population is rural so that doesn't invalidate his point

>> No.8859062

Only 19% of the population lives in rural areas. Stop saying untrue things

>> No.8859106
File: 5 KB, 401x238, computerownership-90-97.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semi-relevant. By 1997 34.6 percent of American households owned a computer.

>> No.8859151

I don't count immigrants

>> No.8859193

Hey anon, original guy you responded to here. For commercials what I do is download raw commercials from YouTube (not from compilations, as you have to break up the video multiple times to download each individual commercial and that shit is torturous) and then edit several of them together into a 3 ~ 5 minute block. I try to differentiate them, however the bulk of commercials I have are old video game commercials so I usually stick some random food commercials, cereal commercials, movie promos, and toy commercials into each playlist. I have about 500 raw commercials saved on my hard drive, with about 300 of them being just video games (surprisingly it's hard to find a lot of good raw commercials).

After editing I put them into the playlist after 2 or 3 shows (depending on how it affects the flow of the playlist). For example, Friday night goes:
- Cartoon Network Fridays opening
- Duck Dodgers
- Camp Lazlo
- Commercials
- HiHi Puffy AmiYumi
- Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
- Commercials

and so on. For the adult swim blocks I usually replace commercials with bumps that use the whole runtime of the songs. On Saturday night I also include various Toonami promos/bumps in between the regular adult swim bumps, and on Sunday night I add in the classic adult swim word bumps (with each bump being 1 ~ 7 minutes).

As for how to watch it, I am currently living in Japan and don't have the space for extra tech like a CRT, so I just hook up my computer to my TV and watch it like that (or use my computer monitor if I want to play games on my TV).

If anyone anon is curious I can post the full list of shows I use.

>> No.8859208 [DELETED] 
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>twitter affair
>face diaper
>eternal life
>.... then kill yourself indeed
You need to be 18 to post on this site.

>> No.8859231 [DELETED] 

>ramen noodle head has something to say about someone else's hair

>> No.8859234 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 256x193, 1351359647863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These posts are so amazingly pathetic. First, no time in history (especially if it was the time you were growing up in) was ever as good as you remember it. That is just common sense, humans instinctively look back fondly on earlier points in time because we have to constantly stress over problems that are happening now and in the immediate future, whereas the problems of the past have come and gone. Did people just forget the 90s started off with the Rodney King riots and a fucking recession? Then the mid and late 90s was still full of culture war bullshit (as the new post-Reagan conservatives and Rush Limbaugh began their 30-year tirade about the death of American culture), and especially political correctness? Fuck, that whole decade was Clinton celebrating the end of the Cold War by trying to get everyone to get along; more mascots included black and disabled people, and movies started being more watered down. Music went from 80s synth pop to nasty grunge, and movies became an endless conga line of shitty remakes and Roland Emmerich-style trash. The only two good things in that decade were TV and video games, arguably the two least important things in the fucking universe.

You fucking dickhead retards sit here and say how good these time periods were because you are pathetic boomers (and if you aren't boomers you're millennials or zoomers larping to look cool) in real life. Life sucked just as much back then as now, the difference is now you're too old and fat to change anything. So instead you go online and post embarrassing shit like "This is out fall of the Roman Empire" because you failed in life and pray this generation fails to. If you want to say life sucks now, then yeah, you'd be right. No one is saying that 2022 is the height of human civilization, but it wasn't like 30 years ago was much better.

Each one of you are worthless, please kill yourselves.

>> No.8859237
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In Empire Strikes Back Admiral Ozzel comes out of lightspeed too close to Hoth, tipping the Rebels off so they have time to evacuate (mostly). Vader chokes Ozzel to death for this mistake.

>> No.8859247 [DELETED] 

>stuff wasn't perfect back then so the imminent collapse and utter failures of today are just fine
>meat wasn't as good as you remember it, eat the bugs
>single family homes weren't as nice as you remember them, get in the communal pod
>the government posturing over the fall of an existential enemy wasn't that good. Now go fight for the dementiac "president" and Raytheon's quarterly profits.
>black people in media back then was just as bad as companies openly discriminating against hiring white people today, get over it.
>The Rodney King riots were just as bad as the riots we just had that affected half the country and elevated a petty criminal to public sainthood.

You're only lying to yourself.

>> No.8859257 [DELETED] 

>guys the media back then was watered down, now watch the 83rd capeshit flick about gay trans refugees.
>guys, there were PC TV characters back then, that's just as bad as public schools today openly preying on children and telling them to cut their dicks off.
>pssh retard, pop culture (a reflection of society) was way better back then, that means literally nothing!

Also, I make 6 figures and I'm married. Project elsewhere.

>> No.8859353 [DELETED] 

>Did people just forget the 90s started off with the Rodney King riots and a fucking recession?
Do you see anyone ITT complaining about the fucking economy?

Personally I think those guys are overdoing it a bit. There's a lot I'd miss if I had to go back. I don't miss lugging around god damn boat anchor CRT monitors that's for sure. Using physical maps and even printing out mapquest directions during the early 2000s was a pain in the ass compared to having maps on a smartphone. Texting and voicemail is way more convenient than having to call people at their house and maybe leave a message on their answering machine or having some relative pick up. I make 6 figures working from home, almost nobody did that in the 90s. I think there are a lot of great modern videogames too. Survival-crafting is an overdone meme at this point but there's some real appeal to the genre.

But, the stagnation is real. Overstated perhaps, but real. The culture is sick, particularly liberal white people but conservatives serious problems, too. Psychological manipulation at scale drives everything. Modern political propaganda is absolute life-destroying cancer and people have no defense against it.

There have been few, if any real technological advancements in the last 10 years, the kind that really improve life for people. Oh boy, streaming video. Online shopping is regressing. Amazon is full of sketchy 3rd party vendors and support practices that thwart healthy consumer behavior like price comparison. Mobile OS's make it harder and harder to actually use local storage so they can own everything.

>> No.8859358

fuck you all

all i want is a Shenmue inspired room

with gatcha toy machines, soda machines, old ass sega arcade cabinets, darts

>> No.8859371 [DELETED] 
File: 1.30 MB, 2299x3000, NEEHAW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no time in history (especially if it was the time you were growing up in) was ever as good as you remember it
Completely 100% wrong
>Did people just forget the 90s started off with the Rodney King riots and a fucking recession?
The Rodney King riot was the only race riot in this country for the entire decade. Now they happen so often they've become routine. And the recession then was so minor it was a boom period compared to the recession now.
> Then the mid and late 90s was still full of culture war bullshit
>and especially political correctness
lol no it wasn't. Political correctness was the butt of jokes and had no real power. Even Jay Leno was making fun of it in his bland monologues. 99% of the population didn't give a fuck about the extreme right or the extreme left. People had their disagreements but there was nothing even remotely close to a culture war. And the biggest political scandal was Clinton jizzing on an intern which is so tame compared to modern political scandals it's fucking hilarious.

You're just some brain damaged zoomer whose only context for the 80's and 90's is Wikipedia and Buzzfeed articles. The past wasn't perfect but it was better than you can ever imagine and I pity you for you shall never know its joys.

>> No.8859409
File: 362 KB, 850x523, 9C950D27-AEF9-4E96-8F14-F0B4AD0CFF74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You kidding me? People were playing Warcraft 2 and Ultima Online back in the 90’s, not living under rocks.

>> No.8859417 [DELETED] 

Mindbroken zoomer.

>> No.8859435 [DELETED] 

No, the 90s were good, better than shit now but the doomposting is retarded. America suffered through far worse decades like the 30s and 70s, the 2010s are mediocre at worst

>> No.8859563 [DELETED] 

2010s were mediocre yeah, but the 2020s aren't off to a great start. Looking worse so far.

>> No.8859568 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 660x660, laughs in covid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America suffered through far worse decades like the 30s and 70s

>> No.8859594 [DELETED] 

Harmless virus that's already over. Lol.
Great Depression lasted way more than two years. Idk what was so bad about the 70s domestically.

>> No.8859605 [DELETED] 

Oil crisis and murder rates peaked that time

>> No.8859607

I had dialup in argentina in 1997, not even in buenos aires, just a town in the province

>> No.8859613

this is the military grande autism I can get behind

>> No.8859615

>repair the economy
the economy was always fucked, anon
you can't fix something that is inherently broken by design (for you)

>> No.8859619 [DELETED] 

>Harmless virus that's already over
Anon you sweet summer child.

>> No.8859907 [DELETED] 

Only because our hospitals are like fucking magic these days. Try comparing the death rates for gunshot wounds today vs 1910 or so, it's crazy.
The main reason medical people were worried about covid is if it were to spread too fast, hospitals would run out of ICU beds, and the death rate can climb fast if you don't have them.

>> No.8860220

tfw magickids.com.ar

>> No.8860225


>> No.8860243 [DELETED] 

Difference between the great depression and the great awokening is the mindset of these people. If you remember the 90s, you probably had some real relationships with adults who lived through that era. Adults who lived at a time when you had to face hard truth about reality to survive-- adults who knew the value of community and culture.

For raw measure of hardship, of course 30s and 40s were worse. WW1 was even worse than that. But that era ended and gave way to an era of massive prosperity. The problem now goes way deeper. Demographic shift, dysgenics, overpopulation, mass conditioning and the abandonment of western virtues. Truth, justice, and American way? No, feels, social justice, and literal nigger worship.

Hard times create hard men, hard men create good times, good times create weak men weak men create hard times.

We are in the weak men phase. 30s was hard times phase.

>> No.8860641

My90stv.com is a youtube player that has playlists for commericals. You could use a downloader to get some for your VLC playlist.
Try digging on archive.org too

>> No.8860841

(breaking into two posts) I do the same for commercials, usually a playlist of separate commercials that I can download in one go with youtube-dl (haven't learned how to use jdownloader yet, which I hear is good). How are you searching for commercials? I can easily get my personal favorites by searching "pokemon 90s commercials", "2000s jetix commercials", "cartoon network bumps", etc. For generic commercials, just searching something like "90s toy commercials" and filtering results for playlists should get you some good results, e.g. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYb8P0O2_ZJtzOln6AhQ2ktOcN4YSCUbg.. Oh I see, so you're manually curating your playlist order? That's an interesting approach. I imagine you get a great result, but I wonder if I would have the motivation to do that after how much time I spend finding, downloading, and organizing the media files in the first place.

My personal dream setup is to have full-blown TV channel simulation, broadcast over coax to a CRT, with actual channels that you can change through the TV. I'm not sure how feasible or resource-intensive that would be, because if it's even possible with consumer-available equipment, I'm guessing you'd need to actively stream every channel at once from the source, which sounds like a waste of power and time to figure out. So I'd be content with at least streaming from my PC to CRT over coax. That's why I'm working on figuring out how to control shuffling, rather than manually curating. It would be sick to have a "Cartoon Network" channel that automatically shuffles between episodes of cartoons and commercials, and switches between CN/Toonami/Adult Swim mode and corresponding media based on weekday and time of day. Thankfully the hard part imo is getting and storing the media, and it sounds like we've got a fair bit as it is. Now that I think about it, it might be worth reaching out to the people running toonami-aftermath to see how they handle their media.

>> No.8860858
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Not a LARP I guarantee. This is my desk. The door in the bottom right is where I keep an old Alienware that used to be hooked up to the monitor as the rig, but since I got that beige tower the Alienware has been repurposed into a media box running DizqueTV hooked up to my main Trinitron via an HDMI to AV converter. Behind the desk is that old ipod touch with the FM transmitter streaming music that can be picked up by the radio. I keep my loose CDs in a CD pack thing in the desk, and my small CD collection and cassettes are to the left of the desk on the bar.

>> No.8860876

I'd be happy to exchange our show lists. As I mentioned, I'm not at the stage yet where I have my curation/viewing approach figured out, so in practice I either dump everything into a playlist and play it on shuffle, or manually pick shows/episodes to watch. I think I'll give your approach a try this weekend though, it sounds feasible to set up a few playlists at a time, and it sounds super fun.

For my data hoarding, my main goals are compiling complete game sets for all game consoles and all shows/cartoons I enjoyed growing up. I've already filled up my 12TB HDD so I'm waiting for prices to drop, maybe on black friday, so I can buy more storage and start aggressively hoarding again. It sounds like you're originally American or at least familiar with roughly 2000s era American cartoons? At the moment my "shows" folder has 155 sub-folders, each of which is a complete set of a TV show/cartoon, for a total of 3.6 TB. Of these by far the majority are cartoons though. I've been working my way through Cartoon Network, Disney, Nickelodeon, Adult Swim, Jetix/Fox Kids, Kids WB/CW4Kids, G4, and a little bit of PBS. I have most of what I want from CN/Toonami, some of AS, and half or less of what I want from the rest. I haven't cared much about quality because I don't have unlimited space, but in the long run I hope to upgrade everything to higher quality version (though it's comfy when you get a low-quality rip of a real TV broadcast that has built in artifacts or logos and stuff that were played live). I haven't spent much time on commercials and bumps yet though. Thankfully some of the stuff I find comes with bumps/commercials included, but I'll have to get to that later.

>> No.8860885

(3.66TB anon here) You've come to the right place. Keeping the convo on-topic for /vr/, I have a deeply autistic passion for experiencing my childhood media in a period-authentic way. We were poor when I was a kid and the internet wasn't like it is now, so I simply had no way to watch things I wanted, I just watched and played what was available. That meant whatever cartoons were on TV and whatever video games we found for cheap at yard sales. I've waited for decades to be able to do things like watch Doug on command or watch Samurai Jack start to finish (which I did this year, and it was amazing. What an incredible show).

I've modded or bought hardware for my 3DS, PS2, Wii U, and PSP so I can do the same thing: play the games I dreamed of playing for decades (in some cases) the way I would've played them at the time. I don't have a problem with emulators, but for me, playing tekken 2 or mario or something on my beefy PC and a modern 4k monitor (or even worse, my 55" 4k OLED TV) just doesn't compare to the experience you get playing on a dedicated console hooked up to a CRT. there's a purity and focus to the latter that I just don't get from the former. For some of my remaining consoles (GCN, PS1, OG Xbox, 360) I still have to work on similar mods or tool that will let me play ROMs/ISOs so I can hook them up to a CRT, and get EverDrives for everything else. Sometimes there's nostalgia and rose-tinted glasses (like I don't miss the lack of cell phones and difficulty communicating at all), but this stuff brings me genuine joy and fulfillment and I love talking about it.

btw, thanks for the FM transmitter idea. That's actually genius and I've already added that to my to-do list. Can't wait to try it out. Is there any model you'd recommend in particular?

>> No.8860906
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And here's the TV and consoles, I've posted this in the battle station thread before. I have a Rii MX3 remote that I use to change the channels which is actually pretty great, would recommend it to anybody who has a personal TV station setup like this.
I don't have the exact name for the model, but its one of those that plugs into the audio jack and has a charging port. I just keep both the iPod and transmitter plugged in charging at all times. I'm pretty sure any model that directly plugs in will do you good honestly. Get yourself a playlist of your favorite old tracks on Spotify, download them, put it into offline mode and you're good to go. The only inconvenience is Spotify will stop playing music after 2 weeks or something so you have to go back online for a brief period for it to verify you're a premium user. Takes no more than like 2 minutes.

>> No.8861052

OP shows early 90s stuff, those were 95 and 97. Of course people had computers and played games online in the 90s, but even in 97 only 18% of households had the internet. See >>8858748

Maybe minimal is the wrong word, there was still a significant market, but compared to now it was tiny.

>> No.8861186

Editing commercials together into a block by hand sounds like a waste of time to me. That sort of thing should be handled by a script that picks commercials from a particular pool (you could have folders of commercials by year) and shuffles a few of them. Heck, you could probably detect black and silent frames and pause the video to trigger a commercial block in the appropriate spots during an episode.
I'd be willing to bet there is a script that does at least some of already for Kodi, though odds are it's probably old, unmaintained and broken.

>> No.8861201

Holy shit anon, place those speakers properly. It bugs me af, very nice setup apart from that.

>> No.8861770

Bump for nerd caves

>> No.8862343

Bumping to keep the thread alive until I can post again