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8854992 No.8854992 [Reply] [Original]

Anons that have played a Virtual Boy, what did you think of it? Am I going to start getting headaches within an hour of playing it?

>> No.8855242

The games aren't actually bad. It doesn't give me a headache but it does start bothering my eyes after about 20 minutes. It's fine in short bursts though.

>> No.8855298

It was a lot of fun. I think people just hated how different it was

>> No.8855306
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anon, go with the better ones

>> No.8855313

>totally not because the consoles is in black and red, and you can't strap it to your head

>> No.8855325

Anon, no game on this console will keep you playing for an hour. I tried Mario Tennis and got bored within two minutes of playing. There are better options for every game on the system.

>> No.8855340

Everyone talks about the eyestrain, but the real killer is the neck stain from trying to get your head into position.

>> No.8855481

This was the real problem I had with the system, made worse because the plastic hinge where the two legs meet was cracked on ours. You could either break your kill playing it on the floor, or make room for it on a table, but the final product was not nearly as portable as a normal handheld, and not at all comfortable to play. Like, imagine trying to use this fucking thing while riding in a car. If you can't play it on the go, you might as well be tied to a television set.
The technology itself is novel for its time, but the execution just doesn't make a very fun game console.
On top of that, the only game we had for it was Mario Tennis, which was entertaining in short bursts, but not the kind of thing you could spend all afternoon playing. I wish I could have played that Wario platformer, but alas.

>> No.8855693

I've never got any headaches from using it, or back/neck pain, although it is awkward to get into a comfortable playing position. The only issue I've experienced is that the extremely saturated red of the display fatigues the red cones in your eyes, so everything red coloured will seem a bit muted for a minute or so afterwards.

>> No.8855781

Owned it since it came out, got 2 extra systems and missing 2 games from its complete library and i have always been mesmerized by it. Played it for hours and never once had a headache. Get a good sitting position or lay down to play it (use a piece of foam over the nose piece) Its a great experience, being cut off from real-space, speakers near your ears, the SMELL of the foam eye piece. Graphics had great potential, not just for the 3d, but just in general. I know people wanted these games on 3DS but i doubt that would have done them justice. I wish it had one more year on the market. Too bad we arnt getting new releases for it like the nes and gameboy.

>> No.8855792

The secret is not leaning into it, its leaning the system towards you.

>> No.8855803

Durability wise it's one of the worst consoles of all time too; the plastic bits in the stand all break like one anon above said and the flex cables for the displays are glued on instead of socketed so every virtual boy out there has self destructed as their glue dried out.

>> No.8856031

First night I bought it, got a neck strain so hard my entire back froze and couldn't move from bed. My then gf called the medics who finally gave me a shot of some muscle relaxant.

Everyhing about the VB is so cool tho. I wished there were more games and lore for it

>> No.8856112

If you have an oculus, there is a pretty decent Virtual Boy emulator available. I used it to play Wario and although I have never played a real Virtual Boy I assume it's accurate because it bothered my eyes after a while due to the colors.

>> No.8856136

the thing is actually really comfy

I used to lie down on my bed with it precariously balanced on my face and play for hours

>> No.8856139

>get emulator
>configure it to show only one screen
>enjoy VB games without the fucking shit hardware headache bullshit

>> No.8856154

might as well just watch a youtube video at that point

>> No.8856168

Why are modern "gamers" this fucking dumb?
Oh, right, they've been conditioned to play style over substance garbage that are ACTUALLY just overhyped movies.

>> No.8856217

It should be illegal to watch streams unless you own the game. Otherwise it's literally just stealing content.

>> No.8856321

Bullshit, you brain washed tendie - this thing was fucking hideous to play and look at, headache inducing and neck breaking to boot.. bravo turd tendie

>> No.8856345
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with tired eyes, and tired minds... we slept.

its fun, is it worth the ridiculous asking prices? no
will i replace / repurchase the system from my childhood when it fails? yes

vertical force
red alarm
v tetris / panic bomber

no yakata
space invaders

the rest of the library is questionable
its fun to collect for but can get ridiculous quickly

>> No.8856352
File: 2.04 MB, 2660x3380, VB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vb homebrew scene is doing things
not like the gameboy or other popular systems but

street fighter 2, the released roms of the "unfinished retail games" boundhigh and faceball - and 'red square'

i wouldn't say it caused "headaches"
but my eyes feel strained after about 2-3 ignores of the break pop up (every 15 min)

>> No.8856354

the japanese copy of jack bros is cheap enough to pick up (msrp)

its good fun as well
would never pay ebay prices for the american cart

>> No.8856376
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I used to do that but there was a hard plastic edge that carried all the weight and rested right on the bridge of your nose and it hurt a lot

>> No.8856382

If you don't like the headgear, you could always emulate on a PC screen.

>> No.8856406

this really ruins the fun imo
the 3D effect isn't mind-blowing
but its kinda like eating vegan sugar-free icecream what is the fucking point

>> No.8856419

anon your supposed to make padding using your dirty clothes and rest the vb on top of that

>> No.8856431

WTF are you a genius?

>> No.8856436
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>> No.8856437

no, he's not. obviously you should have it suspended in the air over your bed so it sits perfectly flush with your face while you're laying down.

>> No.8856443
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>suspended in the air
Like, with magic?

>> No.8856446

fishing line

>> No.8856448

>this is actually the best way to play the japan-exclusive fishing title

>> No.8856459

The hell is wrong with people if they can't just take something at face value? I was 10 years old when I came out and I thought it was great. I would rush to go play it whenever I saw one. Yeah it deserves all the negative criticism but that does not change my genuine experience and feelings.

>> No.8856465

virtual BOY not virtual FISH retard

>> No.8856476
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>> No.8856492

My mom rented one for me once. It was fun but nothing super special. It didn't bother my eyes but I didn't exactly like having to position myself just right and stick my face in a thing and hold it there. It's like going to the eye doctor except you get to play Teleroboxer instead of having air spurted in your face.

>> No.8856512

Basically VB exceeded expectations and N64 under delivered. Its a bit better than snes graphics but with a nice depth effect. It had some decent processing power and tennis shows glimpses of being capable of 3D graphics. No head tracking so its similar to theater mode on some vr headsets but it looks like you are looking a small screen in front of you where with modern VR it looks like a huge screen. I would sacrifice n64 for VB if possible.

>> No.8856537

use your imagination, fucktard.

>> No.8856615

Honestly I'm surprised Nintendo made it through the 90s with all these gendered names for their consoles. Nothing like excluding 3/4ths of the market right from the start.

>> No.8856620

pls remember
people weren't tv watching retards back then

we watched tv less than 1 hour per day
the news was fake and gay
we made fun of clinton
monica was fat/ugly

>> No.8857808

Did it give anyone seizures like that Pokemon episode?

>> No.8857812

I can play during 2 hours without headhache.

>> No.8857841

>reeeee stop disagreeing with my favorite ecelebs >:(((

>> No.8858053

hes the angriest gamer you ever heard
hes the nintendo sega coleco neogeo nerd
hes the angry videogame cockmongler

>> No.8859143

Stop incessantly hating on shit.

>> No.8859149

The red thing didn't bother me that much, but the way you have to lean forward next to a table gets tiresome after 30 minutes of so. I can't imagine playing more than that at a time. You can sort of adjust the stand but it never really feels right. I get how this became a prototype but I can't fathom why they made it into a real product. Maybe they thought the VR craze was bigger than it was and it would sell on that aspect alone.
The games aren't half bad, but there's only like 15 of them total and they could be made better on literally anything else. Red Alarm is the best one I tried.

>> No.8859161

>people weren't tv watching retards back then
>we watched tv less than 1 hour per day
This is a fucking lie, a blatant, bald faced cunting lie. We were literally raised by fucking TVs back then, it's all we had without internet. You piece of lying shit, I'm going to brick in your mouth.

>> No.8859297

I completely forgot I made this thread because my thread watcher didn't mark it, so thank you for all the responses. Another question, how annoying is it to play if you wear glasses?
About how tall is the stand? I've got room on my computer desk to set it on.
Thanks for the recommendations anon. Like the other anon said, I'm definitely planning to get a copy of Jack Bros (JP) since you can get a copy for like $80 CIB versus the US version.

>> No.8859749

Ignoring that the thing is too damn heavy and what >>8855340 said, there was basically only one game I legitimately enjoyed on it which was Wario

>> No.8859795

I have used an actual Virtual Boy and I can attest to a DK2 and a virtual boy controller to USB being a far better experience than with official Virtual Boy hardware.

>> No.8859817

I got a Virtual Boy in 1997, and the only game I had was Mario's Tennis. It's a basic tennis game, nothing special about it. The 3D effect wasn't very noticeable. One of my friends was the only other kid that I knew who had a Virtual Boy.

As far as how it feels playing it, like other people have said, the positioning of the system itself is what's going to cause problems. I used to get a really sore neck after playing it for just a few minutes. Very uncomfortable system to play.

>> No.8859970

I never tried one of these but really want to get one for the novelty. They're so goddamn expensive though

>> No.8859980

Don't do it unless you plan on also getting the flashcart for it, which is expensive as fuck and out of stock at the moment. The eyepieces are also known to stop working and you'll have to open the system up and re-solder the ribbon cable to the board.

The Virtual Boy is a goddamn money pit. Emulate it first to get a feel for the games. I slotted my phone into a VR headset and emulated the 3D effect fairly well. It's more comfortable than a regular virtual boy too.

>> No.8861080

You shouldn't buy one.

>> No.8861360

>its a lie

don't be retarded.
i walked home from school
watched 1 hour of cartoons while doing homework- then played vidya or went outside

>> No.8861716

God damn is there literally ONLY negativity about this thing on Youtube?

>> No.8861746

You could probably find positive videos about the homebrew scene, but the official catalog is so small that I don't blame people for focusing on the negatives.

>> No.8861753

wow.... it's almost like it's a shitty console or something...

>> No.8861769


I found one video on a shitty no-name channel. checked and mated, virtual boy haters.

>> No.8861779

fuck your shitty video

>> No.8861782
File: 302 KB, 498x498, peepo-giggles.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the top 25 Virtual Boy games of all time?

>> No.8861784
File: 999 KB, 912x634, fat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my bad I meant to post MetalJesusAsshole, you're right.

>> No.8861785

stop shilling your channel

>> No.8861787

how about no ShitTube, zoomer?

>> No.8861791 [SPOILER] 
File: 3 KB, 387x66, 1651267286232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's easy-
Oh no...

>> No.8861795

t. lordgayken

t. lord 'i ThInK tHe ViRtUaL bOy RulZ!!!"

>> No.8861802

is there no homebrew scene? maybe there will be one before you die? ;) ;) ;)

>> No.8861804

all I typed was literally "defending" "positive" "good" etc. and found that one single video. i think you're just mad.

>> No.8861826

There's actually a surprisingly big (comparatively speaking) homebrew scene for the console.

>> No.8861830

Still wishing for zero racers

>> No.8861918
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 5gIJpE6Q_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you say some of them are criminally underrated hidden gems?

>> No.8861937
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Half of them are ports and the other half are demos.

>> No.8862049

I got two virtual boys, 3D tetris, red alarm, galactic pinball, mario clash, panic bomber and teleroboxer for $50 in my hick home town ten years ago. I want to go back.

>> No.8862053

It was like sitting in the back of a movie theatre, and the screen was red.

>> No.8862063

>Am I going to start getting headaches within an hour of playing it?

1 hour: Headaches
2 hours: Nausea
3 hours: Nose bleeds
4 hours: Induced vomiting
5 hours: I am making all of this up

>> No.8862098

5 hours: Hair loss
6 hours: Skin melting
7 hours: A healthy glow

>> No.8862238

>8 hours: increased eyeball strength
>9: hours: increased ballsack weight
>10 hours: wizard powers

you cannot take any breaks and must disable the 15-min popup warning

>> No.8864117

>tfw Wario Land is unpurchasable

>> No.8864129

Are you sure? I'm seeing loose carts on ebay for ~$60.

>> No.8864741

the 3d is legit.
tiny library but some fun exclusives.

the games were not designed like console games, more like short bursts. Wario land can be speedrun very easily in 20 minutes

>> No.8864780

I like the Virtual Boy but this is probably the biggest problem. The only saving grace is you can get replacement stand medallions that are more durable, and there are services where you can mail your ribbon cables and they come back permanently soldered. I had that done years ago and it was very much worth it.

>> No.8864881


>> No.8864887

Why would you think that? Is ebay banned in your shit country?

>> No.8864919

i guess a sock and a hair straightner for a couple minutes does the trick too

it just needs a gentle reflow
why didnt they just use a normal ribbon connector?!

>> No.8864998

Melting the adhesive tends to be only a temporary fix, if it works at all. I tried a lot of things before the repair services were available and nothing fixed the issue longer than a week. You can solder it yourself but it's not easy, the traces are really small. You need a steady hand and a magnifying lens.

>why didnt they just use a normal ribbon connector?!
Cost cutting. The glue held up long enough to not be a problem in the system's life and that's the important thing. I think a lot of original Game Boys have similar issues, but they're easier to fix.

>> No.8865110

dmg atleast use ribbons with slots
and the plethora of readily available parts makes repair a non-issue

everyone online gobbling over the broken remains of even the shells like jawas ,for the VB makes upkeep problematic kek