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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 373 KB, 655x633, 1650975945484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8852443 No.8852443 [Reply] [Original]

Level editors. They edit levels.

>> No.8852446

No they don't, they are tools for the people who do the editing. By your logic, games play themselves.

>> No.8852449
File: 553 KB, 1360x724, 1650971214669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't hear you over all these levels being edited.

>> No.8852463

Anyone ever tried the editor for core design tomb raider?

>> No.8852464

ben shapiro?

>> No.8852468

Just wanted to say the tutorial for the gameboy version of rpg maker is the cleverest I've seen, you learn by solving puzzles like a game.

>> No.8852470
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>> No.8852521

Remember when games used to ship with level editors? The same ones actually used by the dev team?

When you bought Half-Life, you got the same level editor they used. StarCraft came with a great level editor.

Those were the days, huh?

>> No.8852698
File: 157 KB, 2310x1650, HannahPirateCaves_ThePit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it was the Hannah and the Pirate Caves level editor.

To this day I'm still kind of butthurt that they didn't put it in the sequel.

>> No.8852718

UE4 was a mistake

>> No.8852735

Did you forget Skyrim came with one?

>> No.8852739
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>> No.8852995

>gameboy version of rpg maker

What is this? Not finding anything

>> No.8853049

its not like theres no games with pack-in tools anymore. even indies still do that from time to time.

Trackmania, the Apogee 'HD' remakes, Broforce? theres a lot of games with editors out there.

>> No.8853105


>> No.8853236
File: 1.12 MB, 1527x1024, maxed2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The original Max Payne and Max Payne 2 for the PC came with software development kits. Max Payne 1 had the development tools on the disc. Max Payne 2 requires you to download them separately. Image related is the MaxED 2 episode that is used with Max Payne 2.

>> No.8853254
File: 173 KB, 784x560, wc3search-tutorial03picture17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably spent more time with worldedit than I did in the actual game.

>> No.8853276

>I probably spent more time with worldedit than I did in the actual game.

That reminds me, I use to make a lot of maps for Command & Conquer: Red Alert and the expansions it came with. I think one of the expansions came with an easy to use level editor.

>> No.8853312

Not him, but its nowhere near as common as it was in the 90's and early 00's. And I'd argue most of the non-indie games nowadays that come with full fledged editors are games that are designed specifically with custom content in mind, rather than having them as a neat bonus on top of a full game.

>> No.8853665

does anyone have the level packs for technu 1 or 2?

>> No.8853675

I used to make a bunch of Red Alert skirmish maps, but they were lost once I switched from my parents' computer to my own.

I also made two campaigns for Starcraft, but I never released them because I'm way too ashamed of the dialogue I wrote in the scripted scenes as a 12 year old.

I made one huge Heroes of Might and Magic 2 map as a kid, tried to play it decades later, but turns out it's unbeatable, because the time limit I added was ridiculously short.

Made a Warcraft 3 map back in the day that I let two strangers play online while I observed. They hated it and told me it was shit, so I stopped bothering with that.

I made a dozen of Doom maps, but Doomworld is full of faggots.

>> No.8853701

>tfw thinking of all the 5% completed Pokemon romhacks and RPG Maker games I've dropped over the years

>> No.8853707

>Remember when games used to ship with level editors? The same ones actually used by the dev team?
This was one of the biggest selling points of Lode Runner for Famicom which was a massive success. Nintendo followed suit after that (or maybe before I don't care) and had Excitebike, Wrecking Crew, etc. have level editor modes. None of these worked on NES because they used the Famicom tape recorder but whatever, point being that level editors were a huge deal in mid 80s Japan
Fucking based

>> No.8853823
File: 292 KB, 640x480, CYC2, SLAV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C&C holds a special place in my heart because on the first computer I ever had, I blew all my video game money on C&C1 only to find it didn't work on Windows 2000 at the time. I downloaded the C&C:TS demo over dialup (54mb about, took me four hours to get) and played the shit out of the two missions on there over and over again, eventually going to dig through the game files to see what else it had.

To my surprise, the two missions are written in plaintext format and not packed in anything, and being the inquisitive kid I was at the time, started replacing parts of the file with other things. I was able to set the tech level to 10 and build things like the temple of Nod on the second mission, replace the starting units with cyborg commands on the first mission, pretty much do everything except for edit terrain since it was in a format I didn't understand.

I was always surprised that the demo included all unit sound files as well, so having Slavik or other units worked perfectly fine.

>> No.8853897

WorldEdit was a really powerful editor.
Even a complete brainlet like myself could create a very complex campaign that's on par with official content. I had so much fun with it.

>> No.8853986
File: 153 KB, 640x480, w2edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent probably more time with wc2 editor than in-game too

>> No.8853989

I loved making levels in Tenchu 2. Me and my cousing would play and while one was making the level the other would watch tv in another room, you had 15min to make the level and the other would play it

>> No.8853992

I remember downloading a crappy map editor for the first Warcraft, you had to edit a save file and you also had to edit it tile by tile which took ages

>> No.8854039


Jetpack bros, where are you? This was the best dos game in the world.

>> No.8854087

Tenchi 2's map/mission creator was a bit special. Janky in places but interesting enough that I'd swap levels with friends.
One of the Tony Hawks had a similar custom course thing but I was never that into Tony Hawks myself.

>> No.8855021

This game looks so nice at 640x480

>> No.8855183

i'm sure every game from that was packed with editor tools was designed with custom content in mind by default.

the games with editors as a neat bonus, could be those whose tools are external/not made by the devs (like doom) or whose editor tools were released after the fact, then again, i might be wrong 'bout that.

>> No.8855209

Tenchu 2 came with a level editor, and there is a Japanese only re-release with a second disc which has tons of levels.

Nectaris GB had a level editor and you could share them with others. You could even download maps from the dev's website. All this on Game Boy.

Based stuff in Japan.

>> No.8855219

Pocket Bomberman JP version also had a level editor and downloadable maps, for the GB Kiss add on. But I've never once found an actual GB kiss for sale, and it's not an emulatable feature, so I've never experienced this.

>> No.8855224

Oh, they're both made by Hudson. That explains it. Based company, based add on developer. Too bad the GB Kiss was made obsolete by the useless IR port in the GBC.

>> No.8855768

Would love advice on how to get started with quake 3 mapping today

>> No.8855808

I bet it'll be emulated some day in the gbe+ emulator. That guy is emulating all the weird addons for Nintendo handhelds and does writeups about them.

>> No.8855818

WC3's editor really was the perfect storm.
>User friendly and easy to get into, but powerful enough to make all kinds of complex maps
>Huge variety of art assets, you could make nearly any scenario you wanted
>Even if you didn't have the assets you needed, you could make your own and import them
>JASS scripting meant you could do even more crazy shit if you wanted to
>In-built hero system loaned itself really well to multiple different game types

>> No.8855867
File: 1.09 MB, 800x3450, quake map tutorial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Quake 1 tutorial, but Quake 3 uses Radiant instead to my knowledge which works slightly different.

>> No.8857838
File: 20 KB, 640x480, Mapedit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my Wolf3D chads at

>> No.8857896
File: 124 KB, 640x480, wolfedit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. For me it's WolfEdit for the mac though.

>> No.8857898

And now its forbidden to make anything for it because blizzard doesnt have money out of it.

>> No.8857976
File: 198 KB, 640x477, claris_works_avara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mac game Avara (a multiplayer mech shooter) could import maps made with vector drawing programs like Claris Draw or Claris Works, which came preinstalled on most Mac computers back then.

I thought that was a pretty smart solution, without needing to make a whole separate level editor.

>> No.8857997

Holy fucking nostalgia, I remember this game ;_; God I miss Shockwave so much

>> No.8859245 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 1277x672, Et516nrXAAMbtly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Max Payne 1's level editor was the first time I ever actually made 3D models for anything. It was interesting, once I learned how boolean were used to care out objects. Bit archaic. The editor uses .JPG files, making it very easy to import new textures. It's fun to work with. But the MaxED 2 editor does have some actual improvements in the UI and it is more manageable to work with. You can import pre-fabs into the engine. You can even load the game maps into MaxED 1 and 2 and just look at Remedy's maps.

>> No.8859284
File: 90 KB, 1277x672, Et516nrXAAMbtly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Max Payne 1's level editor was the first time I ever actually made 3D models for anything. It was interesting, once I learned how use booleans to carve out objects. Bit archaic. The editor uses .JPG files, making it very easy to import new textures. It's fun to work with. But the MaxED 2 editor does have some actual improvements in the UI and it is more manageable to work with. You can import pre-fabs into the engine. You can even load the game maps into MaxED 1 and 2 and just look at Remedy's maps.

>> No.8860736

how come there isn´t max payne mods like thief has?

>> No.8860741
File: 58 KB, 424x402, escapecastle_gameplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Neopets, how about that Draik game? That also had a full level editor and you could share your creations

>> No.8860746

Oh shit. Oh my god...

>> No.8860781
File: 395 KB, 966x625, edwinJungle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't really that good but nostalgic anyhow

>> No.8860938

Actually would be an awesome game to mod - you got my gears spinning…

Managed to get set up! Modding /mapping for both sof2 and quake 3 , pretty slick. Feeling that mania to work on something no one will probably get to play

>> No.8861021

you didn´t answer my question, where´s the max payne fan mod community?

>> No.8862104

I wish I had an answer. You simply made me think about how great some mods could be. Especially anything matrixish or involving bullet time.

Sorry man

>> No.8862185 [DELETED] 

>how come there isn´t max payne mods like thief has?

That's a good question. There was a smaller modding community on the 3DRealms forums and other random web forums. But it never became a big thing. The CD physical release of Max Payne 1 came with modding tools on the disc. I did use the Max editor, it wasn't too hard to figure out. Max Payne 2, the modding tools were released online after release of the game. Rockstar even hosted tutorials for Max paye 1 and 2 level editors/ tools:

Max Payne 2 Rockstar Modding page:

Max Payne 2 official tutorials:

>> No.8862192 [DELETED] 

>how come there isn´t max payne mods like thief has?

That's a good question. There was a smaller modding community on the 3DRealms forums and other random web forums. But it never became a big thing. The CD physical release of Max Payne 1 came with modding tools on the disc. I did use the Max editor, it wasn't too hard to figure out. Max Payne 2, the modding tools were released online after release of the game. Rockstar even hosted tutorials for Max Payne 1 and 2 level editors/ tools. Max Payne 2 has a bit of a modding scene going for it. :

Max Payne 2 Rockstar Modding page:

Max Payne 2 official tutorials:

>> No.8862204

>how come there isn´t max payne mods like thief has?

That's a good question. There was a smaller modding community on the 3DRealms forums and other random web forums. But it never became a big thing. The CD physical release of Max Payne 1 came with modding tools on the disc. I did use the Max editor, it wasn't too hard to figure out. Max Payne 2, the modding tools were released online after release of the game. Rockstar even hosted tutorials for Max Payne 1 and 2 level editors/ tools. Max Payne 2 has a bit of a modding scene going for it. :

Max Payne 2 Rockstar Modding page:
Max Payne 2 official tutorials:

>> No.8862269
File: 593 KB, 997x768, NewCanvas1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8862287

> Max Payne official tutorials: https://web.archive.org/web/20040419055628fw_/http://www.rockstargames.com/maxpayne/tutorials/MaxED/index.html
>Max Payne 2 official tutorials:

Max Payne 1 modding tools (pretty sure these are the exact same package found in the retail disc versions) : https://www.moddb.com/games/max-payne/downloads/max-fx-tools

Max Payne
2 modding tools: https://www.moddb.com/games/max-payne-2/downloads/mod-tools

Both games can be bought for like $5 on Steam right now. Probably could find a key for a dollar. Or pirate the games.

>> No.8862373 [DELETED] 

>you didn´t answer my question, where´s the max payne fan mod community?

Steam community pages, mostly. Maybe some random Remedy/ Max Payne fan sites that are still around. Maybe ModDB? Max Payne 2 has a lot more activity than Max Payne 1:


>> No.8862376

>you didn´t answer my question, where´s the max payne fan mod community?

Steam community pages, mostly. Maybe some random Remedy/ Max Payne fan sites that are still around. Maybe ModDB? Max Payne 2 has a lot more activity than Max Payne 1.

>> No.8862403

Silent Hill-Heather :

>> No.8862408

I really want to relearn Build Engine. I had fun figuring out the ends and outs of that as a teenager, made some decent Shadow Warrior levels at the time.
I remember rooms-over-rooms being the biggest hurdle to overcome.

>> No.8863482
File: 14 KB, 369x334, tilemapeditor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8864818

Wish I still had the levels I made as a kid. Great game.

>> No.8865431
File: 382 KB, 1293x983, mapster32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really want to relearn Build Engine. I had fun figuring out the ends and outs of that as a teenager, made some decent Shadow Warrior levels at the time.
>I remember rooms-over-rooms being the biggest hurdle to overcome.

Mapster32 is still a good option to use. Build is a pretty easy editor to get into, but it does have its quirks. I made this map using the the standard Duke 3D+ Atomic tiles. Just needs to 44MB Duke.GRP file.


>> No.8866603
File: 1.87 MB, 1920x1042, quake-trenchbroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8866618

this thread is pure soul. I miss level editors.

>> No.8866963
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>> No.8867230
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I loved them as a kid. I created countless AOE2 maps and they were all lookers!

>> No.8867235

I never had the patience to learn how to use any of these things.

>> No.8867243

Yeah. That was so fucking sweet!!

>> No.8867349

>light groups
>quad rock soup
>windows are inset instead of parallel-cut
I'd guess Bal's map, though he doesn't seem the type to lurk here

>> No.8867548

DOS shareware game Jill of the Jungle shipped with a level editor that I believe went unnoticed for something like 20 years.

>> No.8867614


It's funny how we talk about games that were shipped with level editors. But as far as I know, Wolf3D, Quake, 1, 2 and 3, and just about every other ID Software game did not come with a level editor. I heard because they were developed for nextcube, or Windows NT, or something? Or perhaps engine licensing reasons? But it was always the communities around those games to provide fan tools. Appogee/ 3D Realms were always for editing tools. I know that they heavily promoted Duke Nukem 3D for having the development tools come in a big box. They produced Max Payne 1 and 2, which had modding tools. Even Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project came with a level editor called Prism (no joke). Epic Games were good with editing tools. Given that UE is their most successful business models. Prey did not, as it ran on a licensed IDtech 4 engine.

>> No.8867658
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>> No.8867694
File: 174 KB, 1000x750, forge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bungie released their own Marathon level editor (Forge) too, but it wasn't until the Marathon Trilogy box set in '97.

It was a great editor though. It felt really nice walking around in first person view while adding textures to the walls.

>> No.8867745

I had this on my Marathon Infinity disc.

>> No.8867770

You're right! My mistake. It was first released with Infinity.

>> No.8868153
File: 676 KB, 648x534, homm2_mapeditor1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to make a ton of maps with this, and I really tried to make them all look natural and balanced. Sadly they are all lost to time, would love to see them again


>> No.8868157
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>> No.8869497
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>> No.8870424
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>> No.8870609
File: 48 KB, 640x480, warlord.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Warlords II Scenario Builder was pretty comfy

>> No.8870615
File: 43 KB, 640x480, 21850-warlords-ii-scenario-builder-dos-screenshot-city-graphics-are.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could even draw your own units and cities if you wanted.