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8850018 No.8850018 [Reply] [Original]

>Very first proper 3D game in the franchise
>Super Sonic couldn't kill Chaos, all he could do was lock it away
>Game ends with a flooded Station Square in ruin
>Hundreds of thousands are dead
>Sonic straight up fucking lost

>> No.8850031

The shitposting samoans

>> No.8850042

all's well that ends well right

>> No.8850045

This game predicted 9/11

>> No.8850047

>Super Sonic couldn't kill Chaos, all he could do was lock it away
Sonic specifically says to Tikal that sealing Chaos in the ME again would be a stupid idea to do, as he'd still be fucking pissed.
everything else checks out, tho.

>> No.8850076

I think this game was a sort of shot at an open world, or else internet-connected sonic game where they scrapped a lot of the ideas. The chao garden and all that to me, makes me think of how back then they thought just about anything could be a social media platform, including a platform video game. With mini-games and stuff like that. Simply strikes me as a prototypical attempt at that. Or at least the ideas were presented.

>> No.8850171


Superheroes are destroying half of the city every week in their fights. They say it's "in the name of justice", "it's for our own good". But I highly doubt any of them ever gave a single penny from their pocket to cover the damage.
When will the government take measures and seize their reign of tyranny?

>> No.8850258

anon can't play sonic adventure

>> No.8850268

Autism. The Chao Garden was an application of the VMU.

>> No.8850272

I don't think so, personally.
I think it was an early attempt at making games into moving chatrooms, and frankly it would have worked.

Look at Phantasy Star and stop being stupid.

>> No.8850284
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>>Game ends with a flooded Station Square in ruin
>>Hundreds of thousands are dead
>>Sonic straight up fucking lost
I hate when games and movies do this.
The protagonist failed but the audience is supposed to react to it like it's a victorious moment.
Either give me the soulful happy ending or don't pussy out of the destruction and despair, pick a lane.

>> No.8850341

The goal of protagonist is to stop further destruction. If they fail to do that, their world or city is doomed but if they won there is hope.
City can be rebuilt and people would carry on with their lives even if they lost their friends and family.

You probably don't want Sonic to have post-traumatic stress disorder, that'll just be Shadow the Hedgehog.

>> No.8850381

Actually devs confirmed not a single person died in the chaos attack

Yes it's retarded but that's the canon

>> No.8850382

t. Lex Luthor

>> No.8850926

Chaos attacked a commercial district on a Sunday. The few people who were there ran away in time.

>> No.8850932

>Sonic canon
>after S3&K
Nice meme, zoom zooms
The canon is look we made a new Sonic. Look at Sonic go.

>> No.8851092

>muh canon
>muh zoomies
you say as you fall for the generations retcon like a zoomer. sonic adventure makes several direct references to 3&k

>> No.8851103

>generations retcon
I dont know wtf you're talking about
If you think Adventure has anything to do with 3&K you're delusional

>> No.8851120

various npcs make references to the events of cd and 3&k. you literally spend a 1/3 of the game on angel island. this idea that its a separate series is a forced meme by fanboys who were butthurt about his eyes turning green that sega then cucked out to in generations and onwards

>> No.8851126

Na, it was for portable VMU chao care. I barely knew anyone that had internet at the time. Much less a connection strong enough to game with.

>> No.8851139

anon adventure is a soft reboot. They're not even in the same world anymore

>> No.8851141

anon, that's the generations retcon. educate yourself.

>> No.8851145

That’s because most people play games for the gameplay, story is not important. Do you get rings, emeralds and defeat robotnik? That’s all that matters in a sonic game. Deep lore is for fags.

>> No.8851148

ok, i didn't ask. adventure is still the same canon as the genesis games

>> No.8851154

no it isn't lmao.

>> No.8851157
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how much evidence do you need retard

>> No.8851163

>look look it's the thing
I don't deny they TRIED to tie it together, but that doesn't change that it's a fucking reboot, tard

just like Square will tell you FF7R is canon (it fucking isn't)

>> No.8851165

Using a location from the sonic world/franchise/brand doesn’t automatically make it part of the prior story you dimwit.

>> No.8851170
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except when they also make direct references to said story in said game

i get it, you don't like that his eyes are green. no need to be so dense

>> No.8851180

>console mmo vs side content/mini games
It's a Sonic thread so I shouldn't be surprised but yeah, autism.

>> No.8851186

I'm looking at SA1 cutscenes for the first time in ages and it's so fucking bad

>> No.8851209

I didn’t even know his eyes had color. They’re just discussing a prior event, it doesn’t necessarily mean that was part of the old game. Once again, merely locations, there isn’t even dialogue in the old games for one to make such assumptions.

>> No.8851217

oh fuck off. why or how would he refer to it if it didn't happen in the same universe? what prior events are there besides what happens in the games? its very clearly a reference to them
>I didn’t even know his eyes had color
someone with this shitty perception shouldn't be talking about what is or isn't apparent in these games

>> No.8851245
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>> No.8851258

the shitty game you obssess over is a reboot. it has nothing to do with the MD games. sorry

>> No.8851260

i accept your concession

>> No.8851264

>he thinks he's been talking to one person

>> No.8851270
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>> No.8851273

>I didn’t even know his eyes had color.
So you didn't even play the game you are arguing about? Go back.

>> No.8851285

i'm aware there's more than one dense retard on 4chins

>> No.8851291


>> No.8851292
File: 147 KB, 640x480, tumblr_inline_p0gjap83bQ1seto0f_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you knew you wouldn't mistake me for someone else. Found a screenshot that ties Adventure to Sonic 3. It has Sonic it so what more evidence do you need

>> No.8851294
File: 147 KB, 224x259, Sneeder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fusion of Grounder and Sneed?

>> No.8851302

i don't care who you are. a direct reference is a direct reference. you not liking that they made his eyes green doesn't mean its an entirely different canon.

>> No.8851319

Ive played the game countless times, I even have a figure from the original SA. However, i am not a faggot that concerns themselves with the eye color of a fictitious anthropomorphic male character in an old video game. Of all the things that occur or exist in the game that is something that most would consider extraneous and unimportant.

>> No.8851321

the only "evidence" of the adventure games being a new canon is that they changed the character designs. which is retard logic anyway since they had already changed the character designs in 3&k and characters in other franchises go through design changes all the time.

>> No.8851326

What prior events are there besides what happens in the games…

>> No.8851336

they're clearly referring to the games. this is so fuciking forced. like where the fuck is sally in sa1 if the comics are an influence? you think maybe you're just making bad faith arguments cause you know you're full of shit

>> No.8851343
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oh wow would you look at that

>> No.8851406

>What is Marvel's Damage Control.
Check yourself anon.

>> No.8851426

Wow yeah that is another completely seperate game with its own features.
Anon if I gave an example of a game that used the VMU as proof that the Chao garden was VMU focused, you'd agree that's retarded logic right?

>> No.8851713

I never understood why they named her after a codeine blunt, is it because you need to be high as fuck to play this game?

>> No.8851747

It's a light reboot. Talking about whether it's "canon" is kind of missing the point. Zelda: Breath of the Wild "canon", technically, but it's only really using the old series as a jumping off point.

>> No.8851752

well yeah but so what? 3&k could be argued as a light reboot just the same. they changed the character designs and general aesthetic as well as changing previous elements to be more significant e.g. hidden palace zone. this is just what all kinds of series do, doesn't designate a new canon.

>> No.8851783

I don't know. I wasn't making the argument. But if someone takes issue with Adventure being a radically different take on the series, that all but threw the established series in the trash, they're allowed to feel that way.
You know, it's like how Adventure fanboys absolutely shit their pants at the newer games, because they changed the tone, slightly.

>> No.8851785

Do they exist in DC universe and tons of other comic universes? There should be one trans-universal company that cleans up shit after superheroes in every fiction. Like Watchers, but actually useful.

>> No.8851804

>Guys he only stopped him after one city.
1. I feel like hundreds of thousands is a very high estimate.
2. Stopping something that could have been really bad, and making it only slightly bad is a victory. It's called scale, sometimes a victory can be bitter, but all things considered the outcome here is pretty good.

>> No.8851806

>that all but threw the established series in the trash
except that isn't what happened which is exactly my point. that's not an appropriate example either. sonic colors is much more tonally divergent from sa1 than sa1 is to 3&k. its funny that you act like making sonic's eyes green just completely uprooted everything and yet "baldy mcnosehair" writing and overall gutless storytelling for the sake of lame jokes only counts as a "slight change"

>> No.8851829

The visual style, the musical style, the very low-key storytelling, the actual gameplay of the original games, all thrown in the trash.
Way bigger departure than swapping out Chaos for Infinite and "a giant floating egg" for "Baldy McNosehair".

>> No.8851909

>visual style
sa1 is 3&k in 3d with colored eyes for the characters. sa2 is when the style really diverged
>musical style
presumptuous. jap cd's ost has some similar sounding tracks to some of adventure's. emerald coast's theme evokes sonic just as well as green hill's if you ask me
>low-key storytelling
because of technical limitations. there's a reason they went with more story as soon as it was feasible
>actual gameplay
sa1 is still the closest we've gotten to genesis sonic gameplay in 3d

literal exposition on why he calls him eggman is not at all the same as that shitty joke. it's actually pretty clever context for what's just his actual japanese name if you ask me

>> No.8851972

Sonic in the real world with full blown vocal tracks is not the same thing, Sometimes technical limitations do something a world of good, and the gameplay is not even close. I don't know why you're trying to convince people that not much changed, when it clearly did.

>> No.8851975 [DELETED] 

LOL DRUGS DUDE. please stop appropriate black culture.

>> No.8852014

>Sonic in the real world
was always canon. mobius is a fabrication of the comics and cartoons
>full blown vocal tracks
if you tlyyyyyyy, you can do anyteeeeeeen
>gameplay is not even close
spoken like someone who doesn't understand sonic's gameplay. sa1 and 2 are still like the only 3d sonics that implement proper wallrunning physics etc. "b-but muh big the cringe" that doesn't change sonic's gameplay
>not much changed, when it clearly did
a lot changed in 3&k too, much moreso really. yet sa1 is treated as the divergent one because sonic talks (was always canon, e.g. cd) and has green eyes. and even that was introduced in 3&k with super sonic's look

>> No.8852023

as another anon said he wasn't locked away, he actually did deal with chaos properly

however, the ENTIRE story of sonic adventure, as far as sonic himself goes, is about him failing over and over and over. like every cutscene in his story is him getting an emerald and eggman immediately stealing it somehow. so it ending with the city in ruin is nothing new really. adventure 1's story is ass

>> No.8852201

B-b-but the Classics never referenced Adventur-
>The events of the Echidna tribe's misuse of the emeralds are mentioned as far back as Sonic 2s Japanese manual

>> No.8852253

The legend of the phantom island of "Westside Island."
In the distant past, the people of the island used mysterious stones to develop their civilization and achieve the prosperity they desired.
However, all of that prosperity came to nothing overnight when people tried to use the stones incorrectly, and the stones were sealed away somewhere on the island by the gods.

>> No.8852269

How exactly do you perceive continuity OTHER THAN referencing prior events?

>> No.8852271

Sonic should have never had human characters outside of Robotnik.

>> No.8852280

>t. vorefag

>> No.8852304

Substantiate your remark.

>> No.8852350

Can I or can I not play as Tails and Knuckles in all of Sonic's stages? No? It's not the same. Is there any amount of required fishing? Yes? It's not the same. I don't know why you're so desperate to prove something that isn't true.

>> No.8852363

you can't play all of sonic's levels as knuckles in 3&k so i guess its not a sonic game now

>> No.8852376

What? Because there are some different paths? Don't be a dense cunt.

>> No.8852381

yes, its iterative. like all the sonic games before. doesn't mean it takes place in a different canon or is some kind of betrayal to the genesis games. it just doesn't fit the modern imagined colloqiual definition of what sonic's ~supposed to be~ (ie green hill zone and chemical plant and that's literally it) so its seen as some kind of aberration even when certain "changes" fanboys constantly call attention to were in fact precedented in the genesis games they pretend to revere because generations and mania told them to

>> No.8852389

no? he's missing entire fucking zones, namely death egg. have you actually played any of these games?

>> No.8852390

I didn't say it was a different canon. I said the discussion of canon is essentially irrelevant here, because they're still two distinct entities.
If someone only likes classic Megaman, and you try to sell them on Megaman Legends on the basis that it's the same canon, you're not getting it.

>> No.8852394

many of these supposed distinctions are arbitrary or just outright incorrect, as i've explained

>> No.8852395
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Guess the new obsession on /vr/ this week is Sonic, since there's 4 fucking threads on the catalog.
Can't wait to go back to shitting on Mario Sunshine for the umpteenth time -- oh, or arguing over whether DK64 is a chore or not. Oh man I miss bitching about Banjo-Tooie too...

>> No.8852397

When I was ten. I don't care. The point is the extra characters in the original games are extras for replaying the game. You get to use them in levels that are fun. They don't don't wedge Knuckles into some boring as fuck treasure hunting stage.

>> No.8852404

No, you just keep wilfully missing the point.

>> No.8852406

the extra characters in adventure are also extras for replaying the game. you literally have to play the game to unlock them meanwhile its entirely optional in 3&k
>b-but i personally don't like them!!
doesn't mean they don't belong in a sonic game

>> No.8852410

you've literally just ignored most of my arguments, and clearly have a naive understanding of the genesis games anyway. what point am i missing?

>> No.8852414

Yeah, you can just play as Sonic, if you're okay not fighting Chaos or finishing the game.
>doesn't mean they don't belong in a sonic game
Didn't say that either. I said classic and Adventure are clearly distinct entities, and I don't understand this game of trying to pretend otherwise.

>> No.8852420

Yes, because someone says something like "Sonic in the real world", and you twist that into a comment about Mobius, which was never implied, and I can't be fucking bothered.
Classic casino level - crazy abstract fantasy world
Sonic Adventure casino level - it's an actual casino located on an actual street
It's not the same thing.

>> No.8852423

It's a real casino with giant pinball tables and cartoony giant claw machine.

>> No.8852424

I knew you were going to say exactly that.

>> No.8852450

oh cool now i get to pull the 'not the anon you're replying to' card too

>> No.8852458

It's still not the same. I don't understand why you're trying to prove this so hard.

>> No.8852461

sa1 is a crazy abstract fantasy world as well, arguably moreso than 3&k which tried to naturally interconnect its zones. the entirety of twinkle park feels straight out of nights with how dreamy and surreal it is

>> No.8852476

because again, a lot of sa1's "changes" are in fact iterations and a lot of the differences people point out are reflected in the genesis games. its a completely tired 2006 talking point and just incorrect. never implied it was "the same" anyway, all sonic games have differences from one another both in style and substance. fanboys just arbitrarily draw the line at the one where his eyes turned green

>> No.8852483

And the one where they changed all of the gameplay, inserted voiced cutscenes, and generally made it not a very good game.
The character redesigns are weird and off-putting as well, if you want me to go there.

>> No.8852492

regardless of your anecdotes it remains a fact that sonic's sa1 gameplay is still the closest we've gotten to standard 2d sonic in 3d
>muh ebil cutscenes
>muh ebil voice acting

finally we're admitting this is just about you not liking the character redesigns at least

>> No.8852495

>comparing things that are blatantly not the same
You can keep doing it. It's not the same.

>> No.8852504

yeah i know his eyes are black but put your fanboy buttpain aside for a moment

>> No.8852509

Do I have to explain to you why a beautifully animated music video is different to a bunch of 3D models awkwardly animating at each other, while terrible voice actors flub terrible lines?
>b-b-b technically there was voice acting here
Yeah, one line. It's an easter egg. No one cares. It's shit there too. Stop being disingenuous.
Not the same.

>> No.8852512

Sonic directly brings up Knuckles being deceived by Eggman during 3&K.

>> No.8852523

you personally finding the cd opening more prettyful doesn't make it not a cutscene
>Yeah, one line. It's an easter egg.
what? there's clearly more than one line and its for shit like getting a 1-up which isn't even an easter egg. how bout you stop being disingenuous and actually play the games you talk about

>> No.8852528

I specifically said voiced cutscenes. Do you see how you're twisting the things people say, to try to prove this point, which is idiotic in the first place?

>> No.8852529

what the fuck is the problem? voices and cutscenes were precedented in the series. just pointing that they exist and using negative adjectives doesn't mean anything. there's no retcon here, its a completely natural iteration and one literally every other 2d series transitioning to 3d also did.

>> No.8852536

The problem is it's not the same, and you can't just say it's the same or it's basically the same, because it isn't.

>> No.8852540

mario 64 has voiced cutscenes in it that reconcile localization norms into japanese canon and no one is trying to disown that game. or any of the early mario games that all had different but evolving aesthetics and designs for mario and the other characters.

sonic fans are a special breed indeed

>> No.8852545

really there's so many examples its hard to even remember them all. feels like maniababs just skim a game grumps compilation of sa1 and then think they have an understanding of the entire game and all its apparent flaws.

>> No.8852548

If someone hates Mario 64 on the basis that it's very different to 2D Mario, I'll give them that. It's a legitimate observation. the series did change, and if that alienated them, fine, they're entitled to feel that way.
I'm not going to be kicking down their doors telling them it's the same shit, and they're just confused somehow. There's no fire flower. No Yoshi. The levels are all laid out differently. Mario makes weird noises all the time. Obviously it's not the same shit.

>> No.8852550

mario 64 is also a massive stylistic divergence from previous mario games. shit doesn't have ? blocks. but hey at least they didn't change mario's proportions oh wait they did that too

>> No.8852558

>If someone hates Mario 64 on the basis that it's very different to 2D Mario, I'll give them that. It's a legitimate observation
its a legit observation, just not a good reason for disliking it

>> No.8852560

Who are you to decide why someone else should like something?

>> No.8852565

>who are you to disagree with someone hurr durr

>> No.8852568

No what I said.

>> No.8852573

ok autismo let me spell it out as clearly as possible. i disagree with someone not liking mario 64 on the basis that its different than 2d mario. i think it should be judged on its own merits. fuck.

>> No.8852576

But you can't tell them it's basically just Super Mario World in 3D, and you can't tell them they aren't allowed to not like it.

>> No.8852595

well yeah because that would be untrue. mario 64 adds several extra moves to mario's repertoire, sonic adventure literally adds one, the homing attack. sonic's gameplay is much moreso a direct transition than mario's.

>> No.8852601

And you can collect the chaos emeralds, right? That's a gameplay mechanic? Oh no. It's not.

>> No.8852605

you literally spend most of sonic's story doing exactly that. PLAY THE FUCKING GAME

>> No.8852612

he meant that as in the lack of special stages, you dumbass

>> No.8852619

what a pointlessly arbitrary point

>> No.8852625

No it's not. Trying to collect all the emeralds is a major part of those early Sonic games, and then you get to Adventure and it's just gone.

>> No.8852634

so what? most of the special stages were psuedo-3d tech demos that had no reason to exist when the rest of the game was going to be 3d anyway. its entirely optional goal and in no way an essential part of the experience, and in 1 and 2's cases is usually considered one of the shittiest parts of the game

>> No.8852639

So it's not the same.

>> No.8852651

that was never what i was implying and i think you know it autismo. its still a fact that adventure sonic's moveset has much more in common with his genesis form than 64 mario does to his nes/snes form

>> No.8852652

And a homing attack, which changes the entire game, but sure.

>> No.8852653

yeah bro an upgraded 3&k flame shield pretty much changes the entire genre. don't get me started on le ebil bubble shield powerup from sa2 that also totally changed everything

>> No.8852665

It does though. Flame shield doesn't home, and you get it for like two seconds before an enemy hits you.

>> No.8852669
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You don't read Japanese literature do you? TRUE JAPANESE END is tragedy, devastating ironic tragedy. Station Square, the place that Sonic meant to save being destroys in very good and artistic among Japanese authors.

My point: you're a noob and should fuck off

>> No.8852676

>It does though
no it doesn't. it only existed to mitigate control issues only for green eye-phobes to bitch about the controls anyway. its just a little assistance to help in 3d. oot isn't a completely different kind of game from lttp because it has z-targeting in it
>and you get it for like two seconds before an enemy hits you
pfff spoken like a bloviating fake fan who needs to git gud.

>> No.8852681

It's a platformer, and they mitigated the need to master your jump.

>> No.8852691

so like the leaf and feather in mario then? also not even accurate. using the homing attack while platforming is a terrible idea. its for hitting enemies.

>> No.8852697

Hitting an enemy is a precision manoeuvre in a platformer. Mastering those kinds of skills is part of what defines the genre, and makes it fun.

>> No.8852706

the fuck is that golden thing behind metal sonic

>> No.8852725

ok so mario 3 and world are badly designed games now because they both have powerups that help you land on enemies

this criticism just makes me cringe. i guaran fucking tee everyone bitching about homing attack would just be bitching even harder about sa1's controls if it wasn't in the game

>> No.8852730

Looks like a cog.

>> No.8852990
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>Getting mad about retro game discussions on a retro game board

>> No.8852998

its a mountain with a cog in it photoshopped over a beta windy hill image. why? idk. always confused me too along with that metal box thing that's also edited in. maybe just a contrived way to get it to look more cd-like??

>> No.8853002

No they don't. They have unwieldly floaty powerups, and you lose them if you get hit.

>> No.8853010

and in world's case especially you'll usually just immediately get it back in the next ? block you find. a mechanic to assist players in a more complicated perspective is just game design 101. its not bad when mario does it, it's not bad when muh ebil green eyes does it

>> No.8853038

Nothing in Mario has ever been as opposed to the core concept of a platformer than taking away your need to direct a jump at all.

>> No.8853047

and the games constantly have to add lame little float abilities to compensate for it (raccoon, cape, feather cap, fludd) because of how difficult that kind of thing can be to do in 3d. a float ability goes against sonic's pace so they added a homing mechanic. makes perfect sense.

>> No.8853183
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We don't need 4, now 5, threads on the same game with 2 of them being about the same topic. Use the catalog or go to /v/.

>> No.8853471
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>it's not canon!
>why? b-because.... because I say so! BITCH!

>> No.8853473

Sonicniggers have been a /vr/ staple since like 2013 my man

>> No.8853478

Sonic website

>> No.8853489

Based, but the compilation being canon is mad homosex. ;^(
I've never seen a game split a fanbase in half as much as that game has.

>> No.8853491

Why don't you try saying that again in actual English, you shaft-stroking, testicle-tickling, cum-gargling faggot?

>> No.8853589
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>> No.8853702
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Some serious word salad right there mate.

>> No.8853752

It's just some puddles.

>> No.8854462
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>treating a game for children with colorful animals as a serious war drama

>> No.8856089

He's not wrong

>> No.8856527

mario galaxy literally has a homing ground pound

>> No.8856532

They are trans alright.

>> No.8857781

Stop smoking weed

>> No.8857796
File: 40 KB, 560x560, 16051900846210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed the point that Sonic Adventure 1-2 IS a serious war drama disguised as a children game with colorful talking animals. And I'm not even talking about /x/ tier redpills about Sonic series here.