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/vr/ - Retro Games

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[SPOILER] No.8849383[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

Okay anons. Favor to ask you all. I've gotten to the final fight in this game twice. The Alpha/Bass. Both times I ended up dropping it because I literally couldn't get over the final fight with what resources I had.
I don't claim to be any good/expert at these games. I just want this run to be THE run.

When going through the game, how do I build and what should I focus on -- and what's the final boss build? Power ups, chips, etc.

And once I beat this, which BN game is next? I've never played any of them except this one.

>> No.8849508

Custom and Team styles are pretty much the best overall battling styles, provided your chip folder is good. Guts style with some ATK +1's is particularly great against Alpha because the machine gun buster breaks through that barrier thing he has pretty easily, but the problem there is that you have a style useless against Bass. Multi-hit chips work pretty well against Alpha, and a lot of the megachips work pretty well against Bass because most of them do big damage. Team style comes particularly in handy there for that reason.
Try to keep your chip folder to as few codes as possible, ideally one letter (plus *) if possible. It might take some grinding over in the tank comps and shit. The StepSwrd and StepCros chips are pretty good for taking down Bass and his Aura. I can't remember if you have access to the Poltergeist chip yet during this time, but Poltergeist will remove Bass's aura for a while. You'll probably need some recovery chips for both fights. R is a decent choice for a folder code (especially if you have Wood or Heat style) because it gives you access to a lot of chips that deal over 100 damage in a single hit (IceWave2, StepCros, Lance, Spice2), Recover 150 and 300, Roll, and shit like that. RedWave will also deal 180 damage to enemies on grass panels so it'll work against Bass, and Mine comes in R code and is useful against Bass too. Tornado comes in R code and is really good against Alpha because he never moves.
If you keep dying, it might be a good idea to go back to some net vendors and buy all the HP Memory you can afford. There is also a special code for the mod tools (can't believe I still remember this:) GJHURIE2, where 2 is the second non-alphanumeric symbol. That gives you +350 HP with zero draw backs.
Good luck. There is a TON of stuff to do after you beat Alpha for the first time, so look forward to that too. It's a lot of fun, but hard.

>> No.8849537

Also any Wood Style with the UnderSht program and Grass Stage makes you extremely hard to kill, provided your side of the stage stays intact. It might be worth running multiple copies of it if you want to go that route.

After BN3, play either BN2 or BN6. BN2 is a little less refined than BN3 and a bit more annoying in some cases, but it's still a great game and a fair amount harder. BN6 is a bit easier but really polished. Great end to the series. BN4 fucking sucks. BN5 is good if you don't actually like the Battle Network games and you want a puzzle game instead. Don't bother playing BN1 if you've already started with 3.

>> No.8849781

Blessed anon. If I beat it I'll make a thread and quote your post letting you know how it goes
Thanks for supplemental info on others to play

>> No.8849786

Hope it helps. If you're a real nigga, you'll get all 7 stars. But otherwise, I hope you have fun with the post-game. Personally, I thought the post game was even better than the actual main game. Secret Area doesn't fuck around, man.

>> No.8849981

The game feels dense. I'll give it an honest effort. We'll see how well I fare if endgame keeps filtering my ass

>> No.8851919

You might also like Shanghai Genso Network. It's a fan-made game that essentially uses the Battle Network engine and playstyle, but has 6 elements instead of 4, and the style changes are different too. There's a full English translation available too, and the game is really well made. It's set in the Touhou universe, but you don't have to know anything about Touhou to enjoy it. I've never played a Touhou game in my life and knew absolutely nothing about any of the characters before I played it, and I still really liked it.

>> No.8851929

Seconding Wood Style, think I ran Wood Shield for that fight. If you like BN3, I would play all of them but you really can skip 4, it's just a tournament arc that makes you replay the game 3 times to unlock everything. BN1 is a little clunky to go back to, but it started the series and has great characters; they also remade it for the DS as Operation Shooting Star with a StarForce tie-in, and it plays better than the original if you want to go that route.

>> No.8851940

>they also remade it for the DS as Operation Shooting Star with a StarForce tie-in, and it plays better than the original if you want to go that route.
Did not know this. I'm inclined to give it a go. I have a DSi XL and a 3DS both, so that sounds kino as fuck