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8826083 No.8826083 [Reply] [Original]

never played it was it good

>> No.8826089

It's good. The first two levels are slow and boring but once you get to the Villa it becomes really compelling.

>> No.8826106

Word of warning, don't play on easy mode. It only lets you play up to level 5.

>> No.8826107 [DELETED] 

didn't read

>> No.8826114

It's great actually. It gets an unfair reputation as being bad but it's pretty atmospheric and the controls are fine once you get used to them. Obviously it's going to handle differently than the 2d ones but it's fine.

>> No.8826153 [DELETED] 

Castlevania had an even rougher transition to 3D than Sonic.

>> No.8826274

Play it and find out for yourself.

>> No.8826280

It's alright. Legacy of darkness is essentially a director's cut of this game with more polish and extra content. I'd advise going with one instead.
Make sure to try Henry mode when you get the chance. It's awesome.

>> No.8826284 [DELETED] 

Joke's on you. I can't even read. I just post random vitriol here in the hopes of stirring people up and getting (you)s

>> No.8826309

clunky but good fun, and for some reason can be spooky
once you meet the first boss you'll understand

>> No.8826323 [DELETED] 

didn't read

>> No.8826401

It's a lot better than the Dreamcast Sonic games

>> No.8826405

It’s as shitty as it is good. It’s one of them.
The biggest reason I remember this game is because a kid I knew said “my brother has castlevania and it’s the bloodiest game ever made”.

>> No.8826820


>> No.8827085
File: 49 KB, 474x441, True Contrition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>This is not the anger of a vampire killer.
>This is the rage of all humanity!

>> No.8827091

>Fully upgraded whip takes down Death in barely 5 licks

I didn't realize you could tear through this part so fast. He didn't even have a chance to do the giant fish-from-hell summoning attack.

>> No.8827112
File: 1.28 MB, 1310x2946, Pater Noster.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He makes the sign of the cross

Really, how often do you actually get to see the Belmonts getting on their knees and praying? Only other example in the whole series I can think of if is CV3 for the NES where it opens with Trevor in front of a crucifix.

>> No.8828624

Once you understand 2 things:
>hold the stick on the direction you're jumping, if it's a ledge jump, and don't let go of the stick until you're safely on ground
>press jump+back/left/right to dodge attacks from enemies
It becomes a pretty cool action-adventure 3D game. The setting is amazing and it's probably still the only Castlevania (and its Legacy semi remake/sequel) that features actual vampire enemies other than Dracula. It has some resident evil-esque vibe on the Villa level where you're exploring a huge mansion.
It's very much worth playing if you can get used to the early 3D gameplay, and to be honest once you have in mind the 2 things I mentioned, it's one of the good 3D action-adventure games on 5th gen.

>> No.8828656

The platforming/camera controls were so abysmal I never made it to the castle.

>> No.8829074
File: 37 KB, 739x415, cv_64_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuff like this is exactly what I loved about Legacy of Darkness while playing with a friend years ago. First Castlevania and honestly is part of how it made such a good first impression to me. Dracula punking Cornell just to get his overflowing werewolf power is something I also appreciate.

As much as I loved PoR afterwards, stuff like how the whip works and how everyone is fine with John not being open and honest with his own fucking son about his heritage was rather jarring.
Like a lot of others said, yes, it's actually a pretty good game with good gameplay and one hell of an appropriate setting in so many ways, but if you're going to play it, do keep in mind that it is a relatively early action platformer that make take some adjusting to. Case in point, don't go wild on the controller, you can end up doing something stupid like accidentally doing a dodge off into a river of poison.

>> No.8829089

AVGN/Matei's vitriolic yet autistic, retarded hatred over this game really put me off of playing it when I was young and dumb. Nowadays, enlightened, I'm intrigued. But is there any, and I mean any, reason to play the C64 over Legacy of Darkness?

>> No.8829094

Different structure and level layout.
The Villa is much better on CV64 and that's one of the highlights of the whole game.
LoS is more polished and has more variety, but only CV64 has the original Simon costume for Reindhardt and Maria dress for Carrie.

>> No.8829109

With stuff like MGS, WinBack, and Starfox 64 setting the bar for "more cinematic" games, Konami really tapped into that trend for CV64. The soundtrack was rock-solid and really carried the game during the more obnoxious portions.

They added some nice variety to gameplay based on his character. That was a pretty good change of pace.

>John not being open and honest
It's been a while and I only recall like one or two lines that reference Johnathan's relationship with his dad, but I thought they were going for the "I don't want my son to be forced to shoulder my burdens" angle with the writing.

>> No.8829124 [DELETED] 

didn't read

>> No.8829131
File: 76 KB, 800x582, years just fly by.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are certain voice clips that are only in CV64 and not in Legacy of Darkness (most notably the narrator for Reinhardt and Carrie in their intro). They also changed the "special" costumes for Carrie and Reinhardt. Finally, in LoD, I believe you're prevented from playing as either Carrie or Reinhardt until you unlock them by beating the game first as Cornell.

The COOLEST thing about Castlevania 64 though that isn't in LoD (as far as I know), is there's a Gameshark code you can use to "moon jump" (fly upwards indefinitely) which allows you to skip some more tedious portions of the game. You can also abuse the physics engine to rapidly accelerate to near infinite speeds flying thru the air "Pannenkoek" style.

>> No.8829181

Maybe, I would say it's more along the lines of "this whip sucks the life out of us Morris men and I want my son to be able to stand on his own two feet without it". Noble, and I get that the idea is that it was done out of love and concern, but as someone who often had to deal with family members not telling him shit for years, it honestly annoys the shit out of me. John literally could've and should've just told Jonathan the truth about what Vampire Killer will likely do to him if he uses its full power and, if necessary, made him wait until he was of age or something before going through with the Lecarde ritual instead of hiding the truth form him.

Like ffs, for one thing, I find it very telling that Belmont/paladin or what have you of the PoR pair can get brainwashed by a Babylonian goddess, dude's got such a massive chip on shoulder over whether or not he's even a worthy successor, he's angsting that hard. Second, this unironically possibly almost caused the end of the world. Imagine is Laura decided to disobey Brauner as soon as City of Haze, Jon & Char would probably be fucked. And the thing is, Eric's best excuse is tell Jon that it's just fate and he has to accept it, when it's like, uh, no, this wasn't fate, there's probably not a damn thing about this that's fate, you even have potential replacement weapons in the form of Holy Claymore and Undead Killer, where's the fate in this?

Again, I get where John was coming from, I get that it was probably out of love or at least that's what the game intends, but fuck, dude, it's a horrible way to show it.

>They added some nice variety to gameplay based on his character
Truthfully, I think LoD didn't go far enough in differentiating its player characters. Cornell more or less handles like 64!Reinhardt with a werewolf form, I honestly would've liked something like some martial arts moves and maybe a wall jump. I think the old trailer for CV64 had him doing something like that, didn't it?

>> No.8829190

I never played it either and it sucked

>> No.8829227

>"I had to restart the game to make it work!"
>supposedly never thought to just use right C to inspect the wall and put down the nitro/mandragora even though you literally can't even beat the first level without knowing this, nevermind enter that room

That really turned me off from AVGN for a long while. Like even if he honestly disliked the game, that honestly comes off as being dishonest, even, and I do say dishonest. Jame's CV reviews struck me as being less AVGN and more himself, so I'm not sure that was just him playing up a flaw for laughs, it just so irresponsible to me.

>> No.8829252

Were doggie?

>> No.8830109

I wish Henry got a full campaign.

>> No.8830116

Is this game censored in any region?

>> No.8830141

based anon, based

>> No.8830579

The ost are working classic

>> No.8831330

All away had been good.

>> No.8832836

Thinking on it now, there's two instances I can think of.

Eric gives Jonathan and Charlotte a mission involving praying at the cross in 13th Street, if I remember right.
>LoS 1
Gabriel will kneel and cross himself everytime he takes something off a dead brother in arms.

Admittingly, he drops it once he becomes Dracula and doesn't do anything blatant in LoS 2 like praying, and even does a little shittalking about God with an in-universe tome suggesting he has major resentment towards Him along with so many else because of what happened to him. That being said, though, given his own low opinion of himself throughout 1, his views on fate, keeping a position of Prince of Darkness just to keep worse people out of it, and his occassional odd justification of sending people to a better place and helping people when he doesn't need to, Gabriel's case might be less a lack of belief and more abject pain and confusion about what happened to him and his place in existence. The castle sections are his mind and memories given life in a alternate space, sort of like HoD's dual castle thing, and one such section involves manifestations of his dead wife Marie and dead enemy Carmilla. The former confronts him over the fact that he honestly hates his life and wants to leave it behind and that he knows that the shit in his life, for one reason or another, had to happen. The latter, being both a part of his body by blood and his own castle trying to keep him strapped down, poisons him and hunts him down. It's in this section that he has to open a door by spilling his blood on cross images around the floor, with Marie waiting for him on the other side. I might be looking too much into all of that, but eh.

>> No.8832862


I was disappointed by that part of the video... that fish is my favorite part of the game

>> No.8832876


Maybe he just forgot the controls or something? He's kinda dense sometimes so who knows.

>> No.8833046

That would be more understandable if it weren't for the fact that you can't even get to the wall without using those controls to open the door into that room. Indeed, you can't even get to this far into the game without using them extensively.

>> No.8833060

Holy smokes, is this normal mode or something? I'm used to hard mode where every enemy is more durable, I didn't realize Reinhardt still slapped in the original version's normal mode.

>> No.8834318


>> No.8834752

Where prince of darkness!!

>> No.8836005
File: 1.98 MB, 1167x655, LoS2Drac_depressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8836047

I'd describe both Castlevania 64's as cool but rough, basically.

>> No.8837480

M-my lord!

>> No.8837506

You're not looking too much into the LoD2 stuff. It's all there and is definitely the best part of that game. That scene with his wife is pretty damn compelling.

>> No.8837641

Wall jump move set and more werewolf enemy? Most definitely.

>> No.8837808

Browser the good thread

>> No.8838220
File: 3.43 MB, 4000x3000, 20211123_140314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great game

>> No.8838413

The opening title music is beautiful. A shame there isn't a longer official version of it.

>> No.8838446

Really is

>> No.8838668

First level need music.

>> No.8839152
File: 1000 KB, 500x363, losdracload.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we got is at least functional and it's not like the game isn't fun as Cornell as it is, but it's just such a waste of a cool concept to me, you know? You can't even toggle wolf mode for some reason, you're stuck with it once you activate it.

Same for Carrie, she's supposed to be a magic user or at least is similar to one and in fact supposed to be a Belnades relative, something about it being translated differently? The story even treats her as being super strong, to the point that her rival villain, Actrise, may have very well have just been a speed bump Dracula threw at Carrie to slow her down, yet the only thing she can do shoot one (1) homing fireball. I don't know I guess it would be cool if she also freeze enemies or something. It doesn't have to your typical Belnades powers or anything, but the old trailer showed Carrie using telekinesis on a bunch of bricks.


Still an enjoyable game, because it's got good fundamentals and all, it'd just be nice to have, is all.

>That scene with his wife is pretty damn compelling

Isn't it? It's been awhile since I last played, and the DLC seems to suggest that it really is her having come back, but I vaguely remember her entry in the book saying that she's an apparition of Dracula's mind, representing a better part of himself. If that's indeed the case, then it says a lot that, despite knowing by this point that the real Marie hid some truths from him, Dracula still thinks so highly of her, and as a part of his mind, her giving him a dressing down over his lasting grudge over what the Brotherhood pulled on him and swearing to be a thorn in the side of even God means he already knows better and doesn't even want any of that or all the power and security that comes with being the Prince of Evil, especially considering the sordid lifestyle entailed.


>> No.8840593


>> No.8840916

All had been

>> No.8841192
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>> No.8841438


>> No.8841445

kisama would work better

>> No.8841447


>> No.8841775
File: 54 KB, 736x280, Richter_jap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>copy&paste to translate into google
>happen upon Japanese site
>translate page
>emphasizes freshness

>> No.8841995
File: 1.01 MB, 2096x1532, n64_castlevania_legacy_darkness_p_x4ssjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! is donkey crap. Play the other one, is way better.

>> No.8842035

Hi Hd textures the best

>> No.8842052

The first level is fucking terrible and probably the reason this game got a bad rap, good sometimes great after that but like all 64 games it's got camera issues.

>> No.8842102

>these shitty US covers
every time

>> No.8842225
File: 115 KB, 800x558, Castlevania_-_Legacy_of_Darkness_-_(EU)_-_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post the other one, anon.

>> No.8842406

Reminds me of Lords of Shadow boxart

>> No.8842705


>> No.8843924

Chadvania pro don’t need a noob slowdown.

>> No.8844361

Buff whip

>> No.8844365

yes and no

>> No.8844370

They actually did for LoD and now Reinhardt hits fast and as hard as a tank.

>> No.8844496

It was, but it isn't anymore :(

>> No.8844919


>> No.8845153

Holy water have good range

>> No.8845392

Holy water is nigh a nook when you hit something with it, I think it even slows enemies down while you wail on them like in CV 1.

>> No.8845398


>> No.8846085

*hydro nuke by water supply

>> No.8846176
File: 778 KB, 1565x1068, Callback Reference and Foreshadowing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Malus's violin portion is actually Richter's theme, Divine Bloodlines, but slowed down.


Rondo of Blood: https://youtu.be/XoGCokTDSyA?t=7

>> No.8846204
File: 187 KB, 384x438, richter_bequeathed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking this as an opportunity to plug Bloodlines Bequeathed, nothing personnel.


But yeah, love the original's rendition of Divine Bloodlines. Too bad we lost that in LoD, but then, I think we got a longer version of Bloody Tears in LoD, so there's that.



>> No.8847450

Also called Opposing Bloodline.

>> No.8848621

Manly game pretty good!

>> No.8848731

I'm a sucker for games where you play as Godly men fighting evil (especially cults). Any other must plays where a character uses their faith to give salvation through the destruction of evil?

>> No.8849604

>hater shillings
Also Jon Tron etc.

>> No.8850103

How did people go through the 3 final bosses in a row without dying and save states? That shit would've taken me forever.

>> No.8850150

>being a nintendo fanboy
>not caring about the ps1
>readin and seeing cv64 in action, didnt care for it
>reading club nintendo 100
>finding out about Dracula XX Nocturne in teh Moonlight for the Saturn and PSX in a Museum edition where they talk about castlevania and all its games including the first time they ever mention non nintendo ones
>never tought of it
>a cousin from san diego in the US had a modchip playstation1
>had a game just called, castlevania
>play it
>It was that game from the mag, didnt even knew it was localized
>wanted to play it more

Sotn was the game that make me wanting to get a ps1, but never could, so i rely on emulation instead, as limited as it was in the beginning, my cousin let me his original castlevania backup disc, its nonworking of course, but i think i still have it.

>> No.8850861

Gamer pro out your league (Speed runner too gay)

>> No.8852372

>but never could
Can’t get PS2 and PS3?

>> No.8852513

The box art was so bad that I never even rented it. Didn't even read the title and I never knew it was a Castlevania game until I saw that it was on the internet.

>> No.8852685

Funny, I was kind of the same. No problem with the boxart, was just stupidly judgmental as a kid and wrote it off when I saw it in a Kroger. Would end up playing LoD years later and took awhile to make the connection.

>> No.8852784

Stockpiling all of the roast beef in the world. Also there's a secret medkit you can obtain just before the 3 bossfight marathon starts.

>> No.8852946

>Also there's a secret medkit you can obtain just before the 3 bossfight marathon starts
Shoot, really? Both versions? Because I played the original for years and don't think I've ever found that.

>> No.8853232

It pissed me off that the shopkeeper tells you he's booking it and it doesn't give you the option to buy things just before he leaves

>> No.8854097

Holy cross!!

>> No.8854902

That right!

>> No.8854924
File: 124 KB, 800x549, ZS1jLjQuanBn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans and their box art. I remember seeing this on a shelf and really wanting to play it. Never actually did until years later, but it caught my attention.

>> No.8855232

Get off my lawn, Pesk yBelmont!

>> No.8855517

Perfect either way

>> No.8855736

Does the game let you go back into the clock tower? If so, I think there's a scroll in there. You could kill yourself on the stairs, restart from the "level", turn around, and it should be good, I think. Don't know this for a fact, though. I know the games allow this in at least one occasion.

>> No.8857304


>> No.8857314

I only played LoD but I remember thinking why are people so upset this game is not so bad.
Now, I did play as the werewolf guy and not the whip man so that's probably an important distinction

>> No.8857316

Diablo 2. Play as a Paladin

>> No.8857403


>> No.8858148

>Iga make N64 irony non-canon

>> No.8859075

Maybe if you had played the original, because whip man's attacks are pretty slow and you have to pace yourself so you can get your hits in and move out of the way, but the LoD rendition of him metaphorically makes him a beast.

>> No.8859932

Just watched a playthrough with Carrie and it's laughable how much easier it is with her.

>> No.8860241

well she's the Maria mode on CV64. You can even unlock Maria's dress for her.

>> No.8860296

It's experimental but I'd say it succeeds more than it fails

>> No.8860306
File: 38 KB, 640x481, 1648833385404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always liked it, and still think about it to this day, especially on overcast days.
I thought it was BULLSHIT when AVGN reviewed it, and said it sucked because he couldn't figure out to use the c-buttons to use an item.

>> No.8860307

I can see it in the dog's eyes, he thinks modern desks are all soulless and all the new pups have it shit

>> No.8860347

Unironically he made that entire skit up. He shows parts of the game past that point in his review. He claims he couldn't get past the mandrake and nitro part.

For the record, that part is not even bad. Even when I played it when it was new and I was 13 I figured it out in like 3 tries

>> No.8860538

Eventually respond from a hardcore fan too: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OsYvFYaKKaU

>> No.8861102

Master work of art

>> No.8861998

>Unironically he made that entire skit up
That's the impression I've been under day 1, you can't even get anywhere near that point of the game without knowing the button to interact with things.
>it's the hi-res guy
Because of fucking course it is, not that I fault him.

>> No.8862684

Mega man X mode basically

>> No.8862741

No cause i was that poor.

>> No.8863373

I guess in CV2 every time you visit a priest the main character is praying or something. Also I think you need to pray to finish the game with God sending the whirlwind or something.

>> No.8863380

No, LoD is kind of shit compared to the original. It butchered the levels it tried to change and Cornell is not as good as Reinhardt or Carrie to play as. I really wouldn’t recommend anyone bother with LoD unless they really like the original.

>> No.8863395

LoD where Gabriel prays for his wife near the end and this might not count but after you kill the pagan god, Zobek remarks that it was a good thing to do since there should only be one God; I thought that was pretty badass Christian thing to say.

>> No.8863501

Haven't played it too btw

>> No.8863503 [DELETED] 
File: 170 KB, 1000x748, 3925DF43-DDB6-4E88-8B2C-87DF31A1C138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uc” thus making it Chuck’s Fuck and Suck

>> No.8863524

Thank you. I never unlocked the alternative costumes in the first N64 and have always wondered if it was the same as Reinhardt's new costume in LoD. Google hasn't really been generous with results.

>> No.8863537 [DELETED] 
File: 412 KB, 1117x1066, 48f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ****CRIMINALLY**** underated >:((


>> No.8863602

>Zobek remarks that it was a good thing to do since there should only be one God
Yeah but Zobek is literally a monster who puts on pious show who, regardless of how heartfelt, is probably in the middle of doing heinious shit on top of what he did before the game proper starts and has a rather dismal view of life and what makes it worth living if the intro is anything to go off of. It's never explicitly said, but consider the fact that when Gabriel first arrives at Wygol, everyone is piss terrified of him even in broad daylight. Gabriel finds Zobek standing next to a pile of fresh bodies a minute later, suspect as fuck.

>> No.8863621

LoD with the CV64 characters is good fun. Some areas like Forest of Silence and Clock Tower are better in LoD, the framerate feels smoother in low-res mode while still managing to look better, and all the QoL improvements make it worth playing. The issue is that the new stages in the middle of Cornell's story screw up with the pacing and are not that fun, plus the stupid padding added to areas such as Castle Wall and the Villa. None of that exists in Reinhardt's and Carrie's campaigns within LoD.

Wish someone would make combine the best from both games into a single rom and iron out some of the jank. PAL CV64 also had additional voice acting and an extended credits theme.