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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8835559 No.8835559 [Reply] [Original]

What Retro MMORPGs are still around? What retro MMOs are you still playing today? what retro MMOs do you still wish were around today?

>> No.8835742

would love to revisit my first time playing RS. RS2 wasn't out yet but it was on the horizon, I started just a few weeks before the last RS1 holiday event the scythe drop. I remember getting a scythe near al kharid/lumbridge wall (by the al kharid mine.) I had only just started RS1 and got members shortly before RS2 beta rolled out to members to test it, it was really exciting discovering the world even if the game was particularly dull. It was a cool world with a very active population and lots of danger. The first 10 levels of the wilderness was flooded with pkers and pures and their R2H's hoping for a 3 hit kill. When I did get members I remember the excitement of seeing duels, those red swords/axes which turned out to be the end game gear of RS1, asking high level players for a duel to give you a quick return to lumby.

The late RS2/RS3 era stuff feels so much less creative. They don't really have a quest where you end up with a kitten following you any more or where you're forced to socialize/cooperate with some dude in varrock. It's safer now.

>> No.8836286

check out openrsc. you can play offline on your pc or play on their online server - both are free

>> No.8836383

does anyone play openrsc online

>> No.8836690

i played a fair amount offline using a locally hosted server, but checked online earlier today and there were like 3 people online lol

>> No.8836916

Wow I never could have imagined that RS classic would be playable again. I remember at one point the only way you could still play was if your account was made back before RS2 came out. I knew a guy who started playing back in like 2003 and he let me use his account so I was able to try out classic. It was an interesting experience. Like coming across a relic of the internet.

>> No.8836954

I used to play Ragnarok Online since it was free. I never got far in it.

>> No.8836958

I liked OG Graal.

>> No.8838609

Is it still going?

>> No.8838634

Anyone remember Astonia?

>> No.8838641

looks like theres over 700 people online now

>> No.8838646

Merdian 59, the first ever MMORPG, is still playable online. You can even get it on steam for free.

>> No.8838730

Apparently the steam version is run by a total faggot and you're better off on the 102 unofficial server. Just what I read when I was browsing around.

I just like knowing there is potentially other players to run into even if I'm just playing alone.

>> No.8838821

is anyone playing it. is it good.

>> No.8838891

FFXI on the Wings private server. I played this game for the last 20 years and I still love it. It came out before WoW so for a while it wasn't ruined by a lot of things from NuMMOs. Eventually they started shoving that kind of shit into the game and completely ruined it, and that's why we play private servers.

Inb4 not retro (2002). Well it was released on PS2 therefore it's retro by the sticky rules.

>> No.8838896

>tfw nobody knows graal
this makes me sad : (

>> No.8838897

Thanks. I hate the idea of paying/grinding for members every time I get the itch to play some OSRS.

>> No.8838917

is the server super active? never played ff11 before but would like to check it out, only ff game i never played

>> No.8838948

Officially, it is. But the new content is really just EoL support. Reskins and palette swaps and pathetically easy instances that make no effort to stand up to the hilariously powercrept characters and are obsolete on day 1. The JP server supposedly has some higher-effort custom content being added regularly, but that doesn't find its way to US/KR

>> No.8838950

New EverQuest progression servers next month for what that's worth

>> No.8839823

progression server? what's that?

>> No.8839976

i play The Sims Online freeSO sometimes... Meridian 59 server 105, Ultima Online Outlands and Excelsior, Phantasy Star Online Ephinea, and Final Fantasy 11 Eden and or Nasomi

i also love retro MMORPGs, great thread

>> No.8839979

I do.

>> No.8839998

i also am wondering the same. Will try Wings server today and report back. Not sure if it's more active than Nasomi or Eden

>> No.8840004

Originally developed in 1985 by Lucasfilm Games (now LucasArts) for the Commodore 64, Habitat is considered the grandfather of modern MMORPGs.

>> No.8840203

Haven't played in a while but Wings and Eden were about as active. Those two are definitely the most active and worthwhile of the FFXI pservers.

Progression server in terms of classic MMORPGs usually means a server where updates (or the major content in those updates) are released step by step as they were originally released. Instead of the usual where the server is released in the state of patch x.

>> No.8840242

starts in classic* and then unlocks a new expansion every 3 months or so

*classic as in content and select mechanics, still runs on a shared codebase with live so most modern changes apply

>> No.8840243

does d2r count or fan hacks like project diablo 2? is d2 even an mmorpg? anyway, these games still have huge player numbers even today.

>> No.8840250

Tibia is still going but it went to shit around 2007-8. Had some fun times playing from 2001-2006 though.

>> No.8840257
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>1999 EQ is shit with modern players
>live EQ is shit all around
>very small comfy zone starting around TSS through to TDS or so

>> No.8840296

>is d2 even an mmorpg
not "massively multiplayer" and not a persistent world, more of a co-op game

>> No.8840397

yes i also play Diablo 2 online sometimes. Still pretty damn active

>> No.8840425


With no dual clienting or what ever its called Wings is the way to play that game for sure.

>> No.8840463

I'll check it today. Hopefully it's not as slow as Eden or Nasomi

>> No.8840539

Slow in what way?

>> No.8840553

XP gains... I'm used to retail and using TRUSTs... anyway I'm installing it now, and will report back soon

>> No.8840571

I used to play 'Astonia III' back in the day, Anon.
Now I play here... http://www.aranockonline.com/

>> No.8840595

reporting on FF11 Wings server...

first, there is only one display option and it didn't fit the screen at all... I tried adjusting it a few times and still it doesn't fit.

Second there's a mini-map which is blocking out the menu so I can't see shit.

Third, the key mapping for the Menu up-down-left-right buttons wouldn't work but maybe that's a technical issue.

All in all, i am disappointed. Every other private server has multiple display sizes but this one has one size fits all.

Gameplay and graphics feel pretty smooth, but what's the point when half the shit is blocked out due to display and mini-maps?

Not really worth it.

If you wanna play FF11, then try the retail server. Even then, the game is a pain in the ass and I had to spend hours learning it, and then I played thru around 3 or 4 of the expansions... the game has a lot of charm but good god, it is designed really fucking badly and that turns off most people.

Just try it for a couple of hours, I suggest either Eden or Nasomi... even then, the game is boring as fuck and too damn slow. Quite frankly, it has always been a very badly designed game, and the only people who still play it are basically nostalgia-fags who are desperate to get back to that 2000s era vibes.

I suggest Phantasy Star Online Ephinea instead. Very good vibes there.

Also, WoW Warmane and WoW Ascension, which is retro, right? Those are the best of the private servers... don't even waste your time with anything else in my opinion unless you're just curious.

Also I tried Meridian 59 server 101, it's also dead and boring. Server 105 is where the population is at and even then it's only like 20 or 30 people online.

Star Wars Galaxies Legends is kind of cool but also a very badly designed game... altho it has like 1000 players online most of the time

so my bottom line is- WoW is and always will be the best MMORPG. It's retro, right?

>> No.8840732

It's slow as fuck but in my opinion that's like half the charm. You gotta work for those levels and partying up is a joy because it means you're gonna get some good xp. Don't obsess too much about going fast, it's all about the journey.

I haven't played on Wings (yet) but what works on Eden should work on Wings too? I had no problem getting resolution and aspect ratio figured out on Eden when I first started playing there using Ashita.

Also what the fuck is that reddit post format. Even bringing up WoW. I think you don't belong here.

>> No.8840751

bro i belong here. My first video game was Super Mario Bros 1 in 1989.

Don't even mess up with me

>> No.8842036

what makes it shit?

>> No.8842258

Nice try zoomer, when RO came out it was p2p also it's Biblian Island.

>> No.8842283

You're (you)ing the wrong reply, I'm not the guy who brought up RO in the first place.

>> No.8842308

NexusTK is still around and I liked it playing it on a trial account.

>> No.8842460

all I want is an official FFXI progression server... seems like SE wants to pretend the game never existed though...

>> No.8842486

Everquest's Project99 is still kicking.
I stopped playing it because I discovered my extremely addictive personality. But I actually got two characters past level 50, which I was never able to do way back when, so I feel very fulfilled.

>> No.8842515

Private servers are the way to go if you find one that appeals your interpretation of what RO is. Its all a mess in the end, but something is preserved there.

>> No.8842723

>It came out before WoW so for a while it wasn't ruined by a lot of things from NuMMOs. Eventually they started shoving that kind of shit into the game and completely ruined it
What would you say in particular ruined FFXI for you? Is it the kinda changes that would primarily bother someone who played and liked the game in the form it was originally, or it just stuff that's been made objectively worse?

I've been curious about the game for a while now and have been thinking of trying it out (the retail version). The screenshots and videos of the game make it look strangely alluring, but maybe the actual experience falls short.

>> No.8842812

>the retail version
literally a single player game these days until max level and even then nobody will want you for their groups because you'll be so far behind

>> No.8842864

>literally a single player game these days
Figured as much, but that doesn't bother me. I'd mainly want to experience the world and story rather than specifically for the actual MMO bits.

>> No.8843063

God I've been playing Classic Runescape now because of this thread and it's still so good and fun. How is this so much better than any modern MMO. So Good.

>> No.8843390

I think it's mostly because practically all of the fantasy MMOs out there from Everquest to ESO are built mostly on top of hack and slash diablo style or crpg style gameplay, whereas Runescape was heavily inspired by MUDs instead.

It just makes Runescape feel incredibly unique in its design compared to any of the other MMOs out there, even when it's kind of shit it's still really novel and interesting to play compared the bear ass simulators.

>> No.8843425

I heard about underlight but when I played it was empty

>> No.8844131

what's UNderlight?

>> No.8844474

>What retro MMOs are you still playing today?
back in september i started playing guild wars 1 again for the first time since guild wars 2 came out and it holds up pretty well.

sure it's "dead" (players are around but it feels like it's just the holdouts who never left for GW2 hanging out in guild chat while doing their own things) but heroes & henchmen make it a relatively good singleplayer game especially if you know what you're doing.

i just finished prophecies and i'm about half way through EotN right now and i'll probably be "done" with the game after i finish war in kryta & hearts of the north as i haven't decided on whether or not i wanna go through factions or nightfall again.

>what retro MMOs do you still wish were around today?
i always wanted to try out matrix online, star wars galaxies (in a way that doesn't require me to have an original install of the game for the later).

i played CoH/CoV briefly when they were officially active but i couldn't get into it. that said i always wanted to give it another chance when the foundry and going rogue came out. while on the topic of superheroes (although not retro) i do wish that i could play marvel heroes again or at the very least had put out a EoL plan so i could play it again.

i'm also looking forward to the PS2 everquest revival that i heard about recently as i loved playing it growing up but i could never get the internet AND the TV to play it regularly.

>> No.8844920

Any good vanilla wow servers? I miss nostalrius, and I don't want to give blizzard my money

>> No.8846384
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I'm not playing it right now, but it's only a matter of time before the urge strikes again.

>> No.8846392
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I love Final fantasy 11 so much, I wish we could get a modern MMO like it. [not retro] that everyone is so crazy over in comparison is just a wow clone. and its not even a classic wow clone. its all so dull. mmo 'fans' are the worst thing to ever happen to mmos

I really wish there was a way to play FFXI offline on a PS2.

>> No.8846407
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If diablo counts then I have to bring up pic related.
At least its still in a playable state 'as it was back then' too and can at least be experienced offline.
We will never get back those days of internet optimism and the novelty of connecting online with people like this. It really is a case of if you weren't there then you missed it. Maybe thats the big shame of these online games. They offered incredible experiences to millions of people but later generations will be totally unable to experience them. Revival projects exist but once the original nostalgic playerbase dies out it'll be more like an interactive museum piece or something. I suppose online games age like milk in that regard.

>> No.8846538

I was trying to play Ultima Online but had no idea what to do. Supposedly animal taming is good but was annoying to use. I then tried to start a sampire build but for some reason you can't buy necromancy spells anywhere.

>> No.8846541
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This is a more modern retro mmo game, but Mystera Legacy is a good to play in your browser. My username was Lemon and my IRL friend's name was Anime.

>> No.8846761

I'll tame you, you animal

>> No.8847013

skull system and brazilians

>> No.8847437
File: 93 KB, 644x677, graal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking loved Graal. Honestly, I'm an early zoomer and played it on my iPod touch. You have to go through a bunch of hoops to even find the download for PC anymore, but there is still a small Unholy Nation community. I'm in their discord, but I'm not active.

>> No.8847676

I recently got back into playing OSRS casually f2p on my phone when I have a few minutes spare time. They added an NPC that tells you how old your account is.

My account turns 20 in August.

>> No.8847683
File: 381 KB, 1024x768, mu-online-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MU Online
The game is a slog even by retro mmo standards, but the armor designs and colors are gorgeous.

>> No.8847692

Looks pretty comfy desu anon

>> No.8847813
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>> No.8847819
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>> No.8847824
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>> No.8847827
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>> No.8847829
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>> No.8847942
File: 217 KB, 640x479, d1kk38y-d050281f-71e9-484d-bf69-9e645f73abce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remember Endless Online?

>> No.8849086

>and played it on my iPod touch.
You missed the glory days, anon. I'm sorry.

>> No.8849447

i want pizza booze and egg rolls

>> No.8849483

I remember hunting those damn penguins at 3am because that's the only time they weren't camped out by 50 people.

>> No.8849495

The entire UO experience summed up in one image

>> No.8849581

I know :(
Had cybersex on it though cause I was in my horny teenager phase. That was quite a time in my life.

>> No.8849598

MMOs sound like lots of fun, but I am just too addiction prone to really feel good about spending time in them. I've played Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, WoW and FFXIV and don't feel like I got anything particularly great out of them.
My experiences with those games didn't really feel very social, and I'm not sure if that's a fault of the games or my own. I have some good friendships IRL already, so maybe I just didn't feel the motivation to engage with the community to the extent that would see me making new friendships with people.

>> No.8849841

UO on Great Lakes and EQ Firiona Vie. The original MMORPGS and still the best.

>> No.8850271

It's not that old but I was playing EQ2 for a while, I'm not bound by nostalgia to like EQ1 but 2 is a ghost town

>> No.8851281

turtle wow and vanilla plus

>> No.8851350

New P99 server?

>> No.8851408

The people currently playing games like XIV and WoW aren't the same people who played MMORPGs 15+ years ago. The genre got overtaken by normies who don't like classic MMORPG elements.

PSO for sure counts.

I think you're spot on about the interactive museum thing. Most of those old games are so thoroughly solved that even if you try to play them as someone who hasn't played it before it's just not the same experience anymore.

>> No.8851493

in theory player problem is solvable
you advertise the server on facebook to a specific (you want casual and non-gamer) demographic like mobile companies do
at worst you pay people to play the game

>> No.8851885

eq2 is pretty cool actually.