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8833128 No.8833128 [Reply] [Original]

Playing zelda (nes)

Up to dungeon six and feel like too much of my time is spent grinding enemies for rupees (still need 250 for a ring, need 130 for a shield, and I use one of those potions that cost 70 in each dungeon)
Also hearts are too rare of drops, enemies do fuck tons of damage and it's hard as fuck to hit things with my sword. What did you think of the game anon?

>> No.8833136

The later games aren’t as fun because they made it too easy (they’re still masterpieces though). Keep playing through level 6 you’ll find your damn rupees.

>> No.8833140

One of my favorite games. You can find cocksucking rupees in various places other than just killing stuff.

>> No.8833141

Definitely the best exploration type NES game. Two major problems. Music/tiles are too samey. The laser sword is too good once you mastery it, they should have nerfed it's range or something.

You're just bad at the game OP. Wait till you see the second quest. The first quest is basically unplayable to me with how easy the early dungeons are.

>> No.8833154

my friend and i beat this on cart
i will try the 2nd quest at some point but i have a lot going on lately

>> No.8833156

You are grinding in the first quest for fucks sake. I could see that in the second quest, but this shit is easy. Go to the far upper right of the map and get the 255 rupees and buy the blue ring. Quit blowing money on the shield, just dodge shit.
>hearts are too rare of drops
Quit getting hit.
>enemies do fuck tons of damage
Quit getting hit.
>hard to hit things with my sword
You have a boomerang that will stun or kill anything that isn't a darknut or boss/miniboss. Stunned enemies sit still for a few seconds. You are given this tool in the very first dungeon, and an upgraded version in the second dungeon that will travel full-screen. How are you having problems hitting enemies that are sitting still?

>> No.8833160

I seem to get almost no drops at all from enemies in dungeons

I'm playing on a cart on nes

>> No.8833169

Boomerang doesn't stun a lot of the enemies and if you miss you have a huge period of time where you have to wait for it to come back. Theres a room in dungeon 6 where you walk in and like 5 wizards just fly around you and kill you in 3 shots. Enemies only get knocked by my sword maybe half the time, it's kind of a pain.

It's very common for me to die, restart dungeon with 3 hearts, kill every enemy in every room and not get a single heart, then get killed in 2 hits in whatever room I was in that killed me last time.

>> No.8833187

i havent played since i was a kid and never beat it, are there characters in zelda 1 like the fortune teller in LttP that tell you approximately where you should head to next

>> No.8833201

No you aren't, you are playing on an emulator, dick in one hand, smoking a cig and your keyboard is greasy as fuck. Bitch.

>> No.8833202

>if you miss you have a huge period of time where you have to wait for it to come back.
Where you can still move and use your sword. Keep dodging and throwing.
>5 wizards kill you in 3 shots
Why the hell are you standing in their way? They teleport in facing where you were standing at that moment, just moving up/down 1 tile and left/right 1 tile moves you out of the line of fire.

>> No.8833209
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>> No.8833292

That's my NES.

>> No.8833325
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>> No.8833396
File: 15 KB, 352x205, 37A71BEF-43F7-49A5-8A96-98430DC62E42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a quick rundown on drops. Pic related displays random drop chance. You also have a hidden counter in this game, and the majority of enemies you kill will increase this counter by 1. If you get hit, the counter goes back to zero. The enemies in the X category don’t drop items but they will increase your counter. Splitting Zols and Vires will not affect the counter, but killing them outright will, so bombs can help with this. The 10th enemy will always drop a blue rupee unless you kill them with a bomb, in which case they drop bombs. The 16th enemy drops a fairy. If the 16th enemy is in the X category then another fairy won’t drop unless you reset the counter by being hit. If you skip the fairy drop, then the forced bomb/rupee drop will occur at 20, 30, etc. If you get a fairy drop, the next forced bomb/rupee drop will be at 26, 36, etc.
>it’s a secret to everybody
Take care to remember where you find caves that give you free rupees or where they steal your rupees so you can use/avoid them in future runs. If you know where to find several of these, then there is no grinding required. The most important item to buy is the blue ring because it costs 250 rupees. Personally, I would just save up for the blue ring in the early game to get it out of the way. Once you have it, money probably won’t be an issue. Don’t forget that arrows use up rupees as well. The magic shield can be extremely useful, but be aware that if you get hit by a like-like, you will lose it and it will be a huge waste of rupees. I wouldn’t bother with it before level 6, and it’s not really necessary at all, just nice to have. Don’t waste money on keys or bombs, you can get plenty of bombs by manipulating your drops. You can’t hold more than 255 rupees, so make sure to spend them once you have a lot. That about sums it up. Have fun

>> No.8833406

Not exactly. The game suffers from extremely poor translation, it’s very difficult to figure out what to do without a guide

>> No.8833664

>enemies do fuck tons of damage
There is a ring you can equip to mitigate damage, try to find it in one of the shops.
>it's hard as fuck to hit things with my sword
Hmm I'd suspect you suck at the game
> What did you think of the game anon?
It's like my favorite game of all time.

>> No.8833690

Oh you'll die a lot in what I'd call very cheap moments, but it adds to the feeling of power as you progress through the game. I suggest getting all hearts available to you (I looked up their locations). Also, I noticed better rupee drops in Dungeon 1, and there are secret locations with rupee treasures (I also looked these up). Make sure your sword is as upgraded as possible.

>> No.8833718

Are you 6 years old? Bc the last time I had any of the complaints you've shared was in kindergarten or first grade. Maybe you're having some input lag from your hardware setup?
If you made it to level 6 without the blue ring or the shield you might as well just push through. You get the red ring in level 9.

>> No.8833720

when you only have 3 hearts walk your ass back out and visit the fairy of the lake

>> No.8833734

1. Git gud and stop taking so much damage
2. There are big hidden stashes of rupees
3. Don't pay more than 90 for the shield
4. You can farm ghosts for money
5. But killing snakes and blobs might be more fun.
6. Level-6 is the hardest combat in game before the final dungeon, feel free to come back after clearing everything else.

>> No.8833735

T-this is bait, right?

>> No.8833738

I'd bet $20 that OP is on Level 6 and still using the wooden sword

>> No.8833749

I think that anon is right. Some times these NPCs just praddle off some cryptic shit.

>> No.8833759

It's supposed to be cryptic. You can review alternate translations, most of them are just as obscure. The worst iirc is 'master using it and you can have this'

>> No.8833784

I have the white sword. I haven't looked anything up though so I don't know where any rupee stashes are.

>> No.8833823

It's like talking to a hermit who's schizomaxxing.

>> No.8833831

Level 6 is the hardest in the game.
It has a clue for Level 7 entrance.
Alternatively, the overworld has a clue for Level 8 entrance.
Go do both of those instead and save up for the blue ring.
Completing the dungeon gives you a heart.
Once you have 12, get the master sword. Then do Level 6.
Don't let your magic shield be eaten.

>> No.8833836

That was the way of old.
Kids back in those days were buying Nintendo Power and other guides.
My wife said she had to draw her own map in paint when she was a kid.

>> No.8833910

Also protip you're going to get raped in the last dungeon if you don't draw or use a map.

>> No.8834039
File: 4 KB, 768x528, wiz011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't let your magic shield be eaten.
You're probably hoarding rupees but a good way to kill the shield-eating Like-Likes is to shoot them with arrows. They aren't weak against them or anything, but arrows have minimal charge time and recovery period so you can just fire them off to keep them at bay while staying maneuverable to avoid magic blasts. Boomerang works too, but doesn't do damage and there are some vulnerable frames when you catch it.

>> No.8834490

1) there are a dozen or so places to just get rupees, from rupee rooms in dungeons to random dudes who just give you rupees
2) gamble; from the starting point of the game, there is a gambling parlour behind a blastable wall in the screen immediately to the left with the hoppy monster things so just go there and gamble. Keep gambling intil one of two things happen: you max out your rupees (in which case, you go buy your stuff) or you lose all your rupees (in which case, you reset and try again). If you get desparate, use controller 2 to save and quit after every win. Yes, the save and retry thing is cheating but idgaf, fuck you.

>> No.8834505

>feel like too much of my time is spent grinding enemies for rupees
Just gamble.

>> No.8834741

You sound like a zoomer who just discovered this game and have to give your critique on evey piece of media.

>> No.8834745

Jesus, just play the game. It's not even that difficult to be keeping track of drops.

>> No.8834914

I remember using the candle on trees and bombs everywhere like a absolute terrorist trying to find hidden stairs at random. Most your rupees are acquired like that iirc. Sometimes it backfires and you'll just have a guy who takes your money to replace the door you blew up tho.

>> No.8834919

>he doesn’t know about the graveyard rupee minigame

>> No.8834930

I had a copy of the map that I stole from a game informer or some other magazine that my library had a subscription to and systematically bombed every rock and burnt every bush on the map making teeeeeny little x's on the map as I went along. It took most of a summer and was the coolest thing I've ever done.

>> No.8835104

You can get 3 heart pieces, the white sword, the blue ring and the shield with no grinding before even going into the first dungeon. Look up where the 100 and 30 rupies hideouts are if you don't want to waste time.

>> No.8835373

it's alright although i do prefer the later games. zelda 1 along with a lot of other early exploration style games are pretty easy when you know where to go, for instance there's plenty of rupee locations in walls and under bushes and even behind one of the areas close to where you get the letter. as well as the heart containers for instance, which determine what sword you get. wizzrobes still suck ass though. and in the second quest they really hide the locations well.