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File: 597 KB, 1000x1003, ZeldaMinishCap_BoxArt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8828775 No.8828775 [Reply] [Original]

What went right/wrong?

>> No.8828808

I remember this being a point where I just stopped paying attention to 2D Zelda.

Just too simplistic, easy and linear.

>> No.8828823

Way too much dialog. Zelda has had story bloat since ALTTP but characters in this game just refused to stop talking

>> No.8828838

i got lost after the midpoint and i think you need to collect a shit load of capsule toys for a heart piece? idk besides those it was pretty good, i should finish it one of these days

>> No.8828865

Nothing in particular went right or wrong. It was just alright.

>> No.8828905

I bought it when it came out, beat it, and forgot about it. I honestly don't remember anything about it.

>> No.8828924

The masters who teach you sword techniques are fucking stupid.
But yeah, this >>8828865
I had a good time playing it, but nothing was really memorable. The only thing I can say is that, as a Zelda game, the "lore" in general is stupid how it introduced the reason for the green hat and all that then the next game went further back in time and was all "ACKSHUALLY". Internal consistency, it works. Not so much in the grand scheme.

>> No.8829349

Super comfy castle town.
Comfy forest with unique 2 worlds concept, minish mushroom houses cozy as fuck.
Kinstones unlocking areas somewhere in the world felt really cool to me as a kid.
Boring game

>> No.8829410

>too much bloat
The story of Nintendo. Fans and game mags still gave everything they released 10/10 scores.

>> No.8829497

The only thing wrong with it is the game is too short/small/not enough dungeons.

>> No.8829550

+cute artstyle
+fun items
+fun dungeons
+minish world is charming and shrinking down adds some nice puzzle variety


>> No.8829682

The game is great except for kinstones and all the ways it tries to use other games in style, like the toon link and voice lines. There's nothing inherently wrong with toon link, but Capcom Zelda was actually at its best when it was carving its own identity. Wish they had more confidence in that because trying to look and sound like a low-quality knockoff product when they didn't have to robbed it of style.

>> No.8829707

Fucking this.

>t. zoomer
Only this and post-MM Aonuma-directed Zeldas suffer from this.

>> No.8829738

Looks nice but the gameplay is boring and the sidequests are idiotic.

>> No.8829746

It would have been nice if they had an NPC like Tingle or somebody give you a hint about who you haven't traded kinstones with yet. When you only have a few left to trade it's incredibly tedious to walk up to every single NPC to figure out who you missed.

>> No.8829889

>The masters who teach you sword techniques are fucking stupid.
i thought it was cool. if you got the final one, the final boss was much easier to beat. not that i personally needed it to be easier, but it made getting the techniques feel like a legit reward. and the one that lets you break pots (and i think rocks) was very convenient

>> No.8829960

I liked the dash stab that turns into a spin, myself. Minish Cap's sword techniques were solidly a plus for me, great addition.

>> No.8829965

I liked it when it released
played it on a micro
haven't revisited

>> No.8829976

Bullshit. Minish cap is literally the best looking 2d zelda.

>> No.8830040

Oh fuck, I just picked this up to play on a 14 hour flight. Did I fuck up bros?

>> No.8830047

No if anything you made a great choice. It's a perfectly enjoyable game and it's not overly long. You're going to get through the flight before you know it

>> No.8830394

Ive only played through it once like 10 years ago but i have positive feelings about it. Its the train and boat games im not interested in.

>> No.8830441

Really werid pacing, never felt like I achieved anything

>> No.8830668

Fun game, just not that long.

>> No.8830895

Best overworld in the series, best main town as well.

>> No.8831162

Getting all the trophies is a bit of a grind.

>> No.8831216

Maybe I'm a retard but there were parts where I had to use a walkthrough because I didn't know how to get somewhere. That always reduces how fun the game is.

But I'm so close to the end and I don't care to finish it. I'm at the part where you ride that flying thing's back. And it's a pain in the ass to redo the castle shit to get back to that point every time.

>> No.8831298

The part where you had to run against a wall to make some masks drop was fucking bullshit.

>> No.8831867

I didn't mean the idea of them, but their English dialogue was dumb.

>> No.8833754

Friendly bump. There was nothing memorable about this game besides the tiny gimmick and the stupid hat. That's what went wrong.

>> No.8833895

>Right: its a capcom zelda
>Wrong: somehow feels smaller than capcom zelda on GBC

>> No.8833914

Starts off really strong, gets worse until the last third, where it’s just kind of boring. Still, it would be incredible for this game to get a modern 3D remake. The idea of shrinking has been in a handful of games, but no one has truly exploited it.

>> No.8835408

It also has great art.
Meanwhile, there is nothing memorable about oracle and awakening

>> No.8835423

No. The art is awesome. They should just do a wide screen remaster.

They should do a sequel for a 3d game

>> No.8835454

i liked the hat

>> No.8835856

literally every zelda game around this time used the wind waker artstyle for some reason, every game in a certain time period having the same artstyle hasn't happened before or since

>> No.8835891

I think they looked at it and just thought it looked good for 2D. Either that or they actually thought people would accept it as the main artstyle from then on.

>> No.8835926

it's good, honestly the only GBA game I really like. gorgeous pixel art, gameplay that works with the small screen and is better than your average copycat game. does have one or two retarded things but it held my interest.

>> No.8835940

though the toon style is mostly in the art, the game looks a bit different, link has normal looking blue eyes instead of black cat eyes for example

>> No.8836829

I had this game as a kid and it took me years to figure out you had to squash water on on the vine at lower mount crenel . After I figured out what to do it was mostly smooth sailing but fuck.

>> No.8837241

When it came out I was excited to play a full-fledged 2D Zelda again. I loved how it felt fleshed out. But I absolutely hated how exhausting it was to talk to characters or get through the plot.

Now I look back and I really love the graphics / art style, some of the inventive stuff that they did with the gameplay, and just the general sense of exploring the overworld in a 2D Zelda again. But I also don't like that it pretty much never gets brought up by Nintendo themselves and has more or less been forgotten. I think the only reference that has maybe been made (outside Smash) was them almost putting little people into BOTW and then cutting it. Kind of a shame that the Capcom produced Zelda games in general are just the total black sheep of the franchise. They all came out when I was a teen / college student and I thought they were great. I think if they were given another chance they all could find success again but who knows

>> No.8837251

>story bloat
Retarded faggot. The majority of the character’s just exist to give you gameplay or direction dialog. There’s barely any story outside of the opening prologue.

>> No.8838548

It feels so small. 5 minutes in and you've already traversed the entire world from south to north.

>> No.8838617

It's okay but the gameboy color trinity is much better

>> No.8838797
File: 144 KB, 736x588, 23a570122f43fcec3a1bab510c0de73e--zelda-cap-dagde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, main town is amazing, I played Spirit Tracks after this and the town is a sad joke in comparison, I was astonished. Minish Cap town is full of life, characters and things to do and discover, is so great

>> No.8839270

Vaati being a cool non ganon villain
too short
Lttp had over fucking 12 dungeons
Why does Minish Cap had like 5?
Why didn't they keep randomized dungeons from Four Swords?

>> No.8839272

>the stupid hat.
Spotted the TPcoomer
Ezlo was a pure bro

>> No.8839759

How much shit did skyward sword rip off from this game without actually using or referencing? obviously its an origin story for the tunic again but girahim also looks reminiscent of vaati to me (mixed with the gilded sword from MM).

>> No.8839783

>Why didn't they keep randomized dungeons from Four Swords?
You're right that the dungeons in Minish Cap were way too simple and linear, but the dungeons in Four Swords were extremely unfun.

>> No.8839785 [DELETED] 


>> No.8839789


>> No.8839791

Let me guess, you were filtered because the dungeons in Oracles were "too hard" and "confusing"

>> No.8839920

I had this one super weird bug where I could only trade with this person IF I was missing the kinstone they wanted. No clue what the hell was going on but it kept pissing me off

>> No.8840859

I never had a problem with Jabu Jabu's dungeon, so no

>> No.8842136

>Way too much dialog.
I'm going to piss of this thread and say no. Minish Cap is too easy compared to earlier 2d Zelda games but if anything modern Zelda could benefit from more dialog and role playing options.

>> No.8842145

I'm not a Zelda fan but this was the Zelda game I found the most fun and loved the world and art style.

>> No.8842338
File: 722 KB, 480x320, minish.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really nice sprite art and animation
Comfortable music
A good sense of setting, especially the towns
References to the rest of the series while being able to stand on its own
You can learn sword techniques
Fun optional figure collection sidequest
Cute antagonist
Basically a streamlined experience

Very middling plot
Incredibly easy by design, super short
Inconsistent dungeon layout, some are way more linear than others
Very small worldmap
Kinstones are hard to track down
The gimmick was poorly-utilized besides a few bosses, most shrinking segments could've easily taken place in a Twilight Realm or Sacred Realm or other such dimension and not have changed anything. You don't even get to explore Zelda's shoes.
Annoying help messages every time you reload a save.

>> No.8842407
File: 447 KB, 643x856, 1200[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bet you wish I'd just shut up for the entire game, don't you?
>SKRAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWK Yes that would be nice wouldn't it? Too bad I won't!