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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8828307 No.8828307 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8828331

What, you too cool for Disney? Afraid your hardcore friends will make fun of you?

>> No.8828337

Finish high school then you won't care.


>> No.8828348

The story is pretty enjoyable if you take it as a 'so bad it's good'. Combat is still just mashing X.

>> No.8828353

>so bad it's good
Just admit you like something.

>> No.8828392

>just get mature and you won't care about Chinese propaganda or child grooming anymore

>> No.8828395

If you’re willing to play Kingdom Hearts at all, you’re probably not bothered by Disney.

>> No.8828397

I will never forget playing this (as a grown man) while visiting my parents' place

>near end of game, all the Org XIII anime characters are talking edgy darkness monologues, my dad comes in and he's watching with interest
>fucking Pete and Maleficent show up
>see him scowl in confused disgust

Play this game alone, no one else in the house. You will not be spared

>> No.8828405

>playing this (as a grown man) while visiting my parents' place

Why the fuck are you playing video games during a family visit? He was disgusted that his son is a gigantic toddler

>> No.8828407

Yoko Shimomura's music for starters.

>> No.8828431

LOL. All my video games stuff are at my parent's place and I was down for a week, if you're interested.

>> No.8828435

I played it and was also bothered by it. Some of the Disney is extremely cringeworthy

>> No.8828452

The Disney filtered me from ever liking this garbage.

>> No.8828458

why is sora's leg so thin? is he eating enough?

>> No.8828462

I thought it was an awesome game and I've never really been a Disney fan. The combat is lots of fun

>> No.8828489

I like the combat and a lot of the art reminds me of Majora's Mask for some reason but the Disney stuff is really awkward

>> No.8828494

It is, but I even enjoyed that stuff just because of how absurd the juxtaposition of edgelord 2000s emo anime stuff and Disney cartoons is. It certainly isn't for everyone

>> No.8828546

don't have autism, that's how

>> No.8828562
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Then why the fuck are you playing it?

>> No.8828568


>> No.8828569

He had to, or else he couldn't tell us that he was too cool for it.

>> No.8828580
File: 128 KB, 896x600, fred_durst_2000_01_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game needed Fred Durst as a playable character.

>> No.8828582

You don't. Play an RPG meant for people older than 11.

>> No.8828592

The only way this is can be perceived as cognitive dissonance is if you think liking something = its objective quality. You can like something everyone knows is bad, just look at The Room

>> No.8828597

>but the Disney stuff is really awkward
Because it's completely unnecessary to the plot and feels forced. Everything of plot relevance happens in ther first 2 hours of the game, the midpoint, and the final act.

>> No.8828627

Not him but all of my /vr/ was at my parent's house while I was in college. I only brought my PS3 (it was current at the time).
So hell yeah I played vidya when I went home to visit.

>> No.8828668

I like the gay shotas. But I'll admit even from a shipping standpoint it's trash. Like 5 minutes of interaction with Ryko and I'm supposed to give a shit about their Sasunaru ripoff that had zero build up. The game is objectivily bad but I played it hoping to appreciate the shipping and porn stuff more but eventually just couldn't stomach it. It's a hamfisted story with way too many cutscenes and x-mashing for combat.

>> No.8828703

You don’t, it’s baby brained shit for faggots

Like this loser

>> No.8828708
File: 69 KB, 459x347, 1623216211056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fill in for him. I want that fag OP to explain himSELF.

>> No.8828816
File: 50 KB, 544x850, roberto smisu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, your hair isn't big enough for this game.

>> No.8828818

doot-dee-doot bullshit

>> No.8828896

>just get mature

>> No.8828931

Even without hair, Fred could've been the best character in KH.

>> No.8828940

Neither of those has anything to do with these games. I suggest you take your stupid west coast ass back to whatever discord you infest and regroup.

>> No.8828968
File: 22 KB, 600x393, 382304-image624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss KH2 bros

>> No.8829297
File: 21 KB, 220x309, 1631177869076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>edgelord 2000s emo anime stuff
That time was great. Nomura gets all of my love just for these sensibilities alone.

>> No.8829774
File: 53 KB, 346x352, Her friend took shady pills and grew a penis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trash-talking fucking Yoko
Outside. Now.

>> No.8829781

By liking Disney stuff a decent amount? The game is great if you grew up watching classic Disney stuff and have a fondness for it.

Also man this thread is crap and full of try hard insecure idiots

>> No.8829789

>How do you get past the fact it's style over substance storyshit with garbage controls and terrible gameplay
You fucking don't. This is a prime example of why PS2 and its ilk's trash games don't belong on a retro gaming board.

>> No.8829793
File: 253 KB, 500x897, tron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a video game primarily intended for children and designed to magnetize autism.
specifically millennial children/teens who grew up on disney tapes, so the coping comes easy with the first one. second one is fun but not as good.
best part about 2 was tron world, which will probably be the final classic tron media they will ever produce now that we are stuck with tron legacy garbage.

>> No.8829804

You are right to be offended. Such obvious contrarianism deserves no respect.

>> No.8829806

KH2 has great gameplay though, anon.

>> No.8829812

No it fucking doesn't. It's a pain in the ass, awkward pile of garbage that only cares about its pretentious shitty fanfic story bullshit.

>> No.8829823

>pain in the ass
>awkward pile of garbage
Literally no one that played the game thinks this. It controls perfectly, not a single bit of clunk to be found.
You were clearly filtered.

>> No.8829839

Only Final Mix does, the NA version was very barebones at the end of the day.

>> No.8830524

Disney drone mad. Sorry a man in the mouse suit groomed you that time your parents took you to Florida.

>> No.8830583

Do you have any piece of your personality that's not completely defined by fake internet outrage?

>> No.8830645

How old were you when it came out?

>> No.8830650

Not them but I just turned 14. I have family in Orlando and used to go to Disney World multiple times per year. Disney in Kingdom Hearts is still pretty cringe.

>> No.8830658

I still remember the moment this was announced.
6th gen was pretty wild when it comes to console wars, especially nintendo vs sony, so Sony fans were all shitting on Wind Waker for looking kiddy, but when a Final Fantasy x Disney crossover was announced, Sony fans were super silent.

>> No.8830709

How do you get past the fact it's Nomurashit

I played 1 and kinda liked it, hear 2 is way better, but those ugly rainbow colored Nomura OCs that really took center stage in that game give me an allergic reaction.

>> No.8830747

1 is much better, but 2 has its charms

>> No.8830820

I just beat final mix a few months ago and the only difference I noticed was pallet swapped enemies some optional bosses, and a new optional area that I didn't finish.

>> No.8830827

Just embrace and have fun with it, you'll be laughing your ass off in no time while also playing a well made game


>> No.8830837

The Disneyshit is the best part. 2 is a worse game because they double down on the generic anime bollocks.

>> No.8830847

to make room for more awful clothing

>> No.8830882

Disney is the only good part of this retarded franchise.

>> No.8830904
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>> No.8830920

One could say the same about Disney-adults, anon.

>> No.8831153

Take your meds

>> No.8831264

You don't know what that word means, son.

>> No.8831271

Adults acknowledging real world events need their meds and adult Disney fans are the sane ones.