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8828120 No.8828120 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: games so bad that only delusional fanboys would defend them

>> No.8828327

Starfox games after Starfox 64
The translation of Castlevania 2
My father still says atari 2600 got a good port of defender 1 and its garbage lol, the defender 2 on 2600 is vastly better

>> No.8828356

DKC3 is an objectively good game regardless of footy pajama retard Kong. It doesn't matter if the music was done by the same person or if it's not as good as the first 2, only faggots who latch on to the same sentiments they see others sharing think it's a bad game

>> No.8828385

Dies the gun trigger you leftist cucks or what? Or do you just need everything to be a safe space and can't handle games that portray the world realistically like shadow the hedgehog?

>> No.8828391
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I've seen people try to defend X5 and X6 but there is no defending this

>> No.8828670
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>> No.8828714

>hating starfox assault
bad taste

>> No.8828728

I'm sorry you're too much of a manchild to realize what a badass game this is. Let me guess, you cried when he shot Sonic in the intro?

>> No.8828769


>> No.8828773

The edgy 2000s facade does not make the gameplay good. Stop being a retard.

>> No.8828791
File: 2 KB, 627x484, 71be85d6-bd2f-11ec-9b08-abd4bfb60b16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what this thread will devolve into

>> No.8829187

Axl is the best character in the X series

>> No.8829212

Fucking this
Everybody and their mother mocks Shadow for its 2000s edge, but in reality that's the least of game's problems.

>> No.8829303


>> No.8829309

You can put any main Sonic games since 2001 on here.

>> No.8829319

i would fucking love a remake of this game that keeps the ridiculous, over the top, shameless edge but completely changes the game to be actually good

>> No.8829323
File: 218 KB, 300x297, Sonic_Adventure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an undeniable appeal to the ambition of its world, the quality of the music and the pre-9/11 optimism of its atmosphere. But as a game, its just so fucking tedious and taped together. And yes, I do mean the original Dreamcast version and the BetterSADX modded version, not the Director's Cut. I've revisited this and SA2 many times over the years since it came out, and my only conclusion as to why people enjoy it is that they have severe autism. Sonic is like crack cocaine to people with aspergers.

>> No.8829327

What is there to defend? This game is borderline unplayable if you've played any other Mega Man X game.

>> No.8829332

I can second this. Looking at the betas and shit and just the Sonic gameplay, there really is a good game deep down in there. Like you said, it feels taped together. It's bogged down by so much bullshit, it ruins the experience unless you have massive nostalgia goggles.

Pretty much every notable platformer of the era did everything better as far as making a complete package. The other play-styles range from boring to fuck you time wasting bullshit, the hub worlds lose their appeal once you realize how they're basically tedious padding.

>> No.8829348

ITT: filtered noobs

>> No.8829358

if you're talking about Shadow I 100%ed it and it was one of the most masochistic gaming experiences of my life.

>> No.8829359

I respect it more than 5 or 6 on the basis of it not just being completely lazy, and mostly made of reused assets.

>> No.8829363

Don't like him. Simple as.

>> No.8829370

>100% a game you hate
Massive autism

>> No.8829384

yeah, can't deny that

>> No.8829409

ITT people evidently lucky enough to have never played actually bad game
My definition of a "bad game" is one that barely functions

>> No.8829416

Well? Give us a list of unplayable games then.

>> No.8829424

The only redeeming factor Shadow the Hedgehog game had, was the local multiplayer. The gameplay was wildly shooting on an ice rink which made it pretty hilarious for the like half an hour you'd spend before putting a better game in the PS2

>> No.8829442

I got a softmodded ps2 and while looking for good games for this shit console I found it had Rockman games and thought, well these must be good
I was so wrong, fuck this shit game

>> No.8829452

DKC3 is an NPC detector

>> No.8829454

Yoshis island. Gsmeplay is God awful for a Mario game.

>> No.8829457

good thing it's a yoshi game

>> No.8829537


Someone really needs to take SA apart and rebuild it as a level to level sonic playstyle focused experience with open level design (beta windy valley). I agree, it's so frustrating to play SA and feel the tiny pockets of genuinely good gameplay for less than a minute at a time before it's broken up by hours of tedium and sloppy design.

And before you say it no I won't do it I'm too dumb to reverse engineer a 20yo video game.

>> No.8829661

It's alright. I kinda started liking it more than 6 when I was playing the Korean PC version. Granted, the English audio wasn't in that version, so it was an improvement. I forget what I did back then, but I think the PC port has relatively the same files as the PS2, so if you take one of the English files off the PS2 disc and overwrite the file, it'll be in English.

>> No.8829667

>name is actually Super Mario World 2
>You also control Mario

>> No.8830335

Funny that you are mocking manchildren when its typically manchildren who likes Shitow and thinks his backstory goor or well-written.

>> No.8830504

Honestly I get more annoyed by people pretending X8 was a return to form when it fucking sucked as well but gets a free pass because it wasn't AS bad as X7

>> No.8831594
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Don't let the memers trick you into plaything this game. It's not as terrible as people make it out to be, BUT it's certainly NOT a good game either or even more tolerable as the previous ones -- it's painfully mediocre. It just SUCKS to play.