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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3.39 MB, 2736x3648, Used_Gamecube_games,_GameStop,_Tanforan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8827502 No.8827502 [Reply] [Original]

Given that a lot of retro games are no longer available officially without piracy do you prefer physical or downloaded games?

I primarily buy digital but worry about the longevity of their availability 10-20 years from now.

>> No.8827510
File: 766 KB, 1200x1800, 1647924267844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have kids, no time to worry about trivial things

>> No.8827521

I have hacked consoles with ODEs so I don't give a fuck either way

>> No.8827662

>I created a problem so I cannot enjoy a hobby, so hobby is trivial.

>> No.8827673

Not a problem at all. My kids are more important than video games. Been playing Mario world with my son

>> No.8827701
File: 475 KB, 1162x974, Nintendotax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mario Kart Double Dash
Had I known...

>> No.8827705

>My kids are more important than video games

>> No.8828027

>that pic

>> No.8828056


>> No.8828068

I don't get the pricing of Nintendo games.
Like every Mario Kart game sold millions of copies, they're all among the most commonly available console game titles. Why the fuck are they selling for so much money?
You look at shit like budget PS1 games that had a single print run of 10k copies back in 2003 and they're sitting on ebay unsold for 10 bucks a pop sealed. So it ain't collectors buying this shit and I highly doubt that Joe Sixpack is about to pay 70 bucks for an used copy of fucking Mario Kart.

>> No.8828071
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No reason to pay scalpers. Copyright exists for developers (And their investors) to get paid. Once you're in second hand territory it's completely irrelevant. You'd be an idiot to pay hundreds of dollars for an original when repros can be almost identical

Based and wholesome.

>> No.8828079

I will never compromise my personal morality by downloading games illegally

>> No.8828081

I buy all the games i want that aren't ridiculously priced. For the ones that are, i buy repros or burn the games on cd.

>> No.8828084

Physical but I refuse to pay more than the game retailed at so if it comes down to the dilemma of supporting my local Ebay scalper or pirating, I'll pirate.

I do buy digital games, but they're not worth much to me so when I buy digital it's usually just a few dollar that I'll spend and almost never more than $10

>> No.8828112

I will only buy original if they are cheaper than repos

>> No.8828130

>retro games used to be fairly priced
Fuck YouTube and fuck "influencers".

>> No.8828137

You can deny it but it's what you're supposed to pursue in life.

>> No.8828139

>letting your kids play nintendon't
enjoy your future nonbinary speedrunner sondaughter

>> No.8829335
File: 2.41 MB, 2016x1512, Small_but_fierce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer physical, since they had a higher tendency to hit the bargain bin, whereas digital tends to stay at a higher price or requires continual payment which is too costly for most in the USA. I got most of what I had thanks to shelves like your pic, which are not available at such low prices digitally.

>> No.8829375

Nostalgic normies are borderline retarded, anon

>> No.8829381

I pirate every /vr/ I play lmfao enjoy wasting money and space coomlector fags

>> No.8829385

It was never a supply + demand issue (Just look at SM64 and SMW) it's the fact that everyone wants them so they can charge whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.8829494

That's what you took from that photo, Mario Kart now being $40 more expensive? There are games there that have increased in price way more.
>Cubivore for $15
>Ribbit King for $5
>Pokemon Colosseum for $13
>Chibi Robo at the bottom, albeit in a generic case, probably for less than $20.
If only we knew how bad things would become.

>> No.8829620

lmao,just get a flashcart.

>> No.8829728

>I created a problem
He's kind of gay for bringing it up unprompted, but you're such a bitter faggot.

>> No.8829834

wow... if only you could build a time machine, you could go back and buy it. youd make 80 dollars

>> No.8829876

That thread again.
I do have a good handful of consoles / games that survived the decades, still rather play 'em all on my PC (which has a CRT as a second monitor btw) without the hassle of having to plug 6 consoles to the fucking TV and having to fill my living room with all that junk.
Still not selling any of that though, one day I might just make a godly retro gaming room dedicated just for that

>> No.8829881

Downloads all the way. Saves space and saves money. Emulators are always getting better and there will always be distribution sites. Plus you can stick them in a flashcart, ODE or whatever.
You're seething so hard holy shit. Tell us how you really feel.

>> No.8829894
File: 117 KB, 1080x909, j4u9igw6pfp81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no time
Hi James.

>> No.8829897

>carpeted floors
why do Americans do this?

>> No.8829898

an OOMER poster calling people fags

>> No.8830094

We're all just driven by dopamine and serotonin, not real thought out choice. They're just a byproduct of your compulsion/addiction to life's illusion.

>> No.8830168
File: 114 KB, 350x226, pystoffngry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used to be physical fag but the realisation that i could literally get any title i wanted (90% of them for free to) and that realistically i would be able to for the rest of my life made me sell my physical collection.
10 minutes setting up an emulator and rom versus having an entire room dedicated to aging physical goods.
also i sold my collection for way more than i paid so that was nice.

>> No.8830225
File: 448 KB, 280x280, cringe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't a more reddit take than this one.

>> No.8830246

If I can't get the game physically on the original hardware, I don't play it. Simple as.

>> No.8830319

The best way to buy physical is Craigslist or eBay auctions. But if you don't want to pay, and you still want to use original hardware, just mod your console or buy flash carts. I don't think there's any reason to even bother modding a GameCube since the Wii is so much easier to mod, and can do anything the GC can outside of shit with the GBA

>> No.8830393

I've been thinking about doing this but I've yet to pull the trigger.

>> No.8831532

Nice Chaos Field, good to know there's other Milestone fans on here

>> No.8831549

I remember seeing gotcha force for $10 as an 11 year old but decided to pick up Pokemon Channel instead probably a good thing given how shit I treated my games/traded them in

>> No.8831567

>5'-6' high book case
>shelves have a slight bow to them
I'll forever be triggered by this.

>> No.8831793

I've personally found that shopgoodwill(.)com is a pretty good place to find retro games and consoles for cheap. I've had good luck collecting Dreamcast games for cheap recently

>> No.8832345

I forget what I bought Double Dash for like 6 years ago, but I also bought stupid fricking Fire Emblem too.

>> No.8832352

You have 3 copies of Twilight Princess because...?
Also, Metroid Prime, Wii or GC is better?

>> No.8832354

because you never know when you'll have to run.,

>> No.8832393

I buy digital only when there's literally no other option. Digital games are the bane of my existence, I hate them. Thankfully most everything I want to play has a physical version out there be it on the original platform or otherwise. Digital gives full control to the company you bought it from. You don't own the software. You just get a license to run it on your hardware that can be revoked at any point for any reason. Physical can also be resold whereas digital can't. Physical is objectively better.

>> No.8832427

Jesus, speak for yourself. That's a very sad outlook on the human experience.

>> No.8832436

>le enlightened nihilism
I hope you grow out of that one quickly, anon.

>> No.8832442

Funny thing is that that's not even nihilism. That's just an incredibly pathetic brand of fatalism and defeatism

>> No.8832518

You've saved up $40, /vr/. What games are you buying?

>> No.8832582

Mario Ten-
Idk Shrek 2, X-Men Legends, Budokai, and Pikmin or Metroid or somethign

>> No.8832586

Resident Evil 4, Soul Calibur II and Super Smash Bros. Melee

>> No.8832598

Pretty much every game you want is still on ebay or something. Some just might be too expensive.
One that is too rare or expensive is Wolfenstein for 3do.
I bought a GameCube that has an ode installed.
Og xbox emulator sucks.
I have a ps2 never looked into modding it. And some ps2 isos for the ps2 emulator are broken.

>> No.8832607

PS2 softmodding is dead simple if you're interested. Look into Free MC Boot

>> No.8832621
File: 1.05 MB, 500x375, magicbutton.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pirate all of them. I don't really see another way to play 20+ year old games, most of which aren't even officially available for purchase anymore. I think owning a physical copy is really cool for the bragging rights but otherwise it's not worth it.

>> No.8832792

The redditfication and popularisation of Retro gaming & computing has been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.8832798

How's Middle/High school going buddy?

>> No.8832801

Star Wars Rogue Leader
Hulk Ultimate Destruction
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time
Lord of the Rings: Two Towers

>> No.8833341

Thankfully emulation for the 3DO has gotten pretty good. I almost bought an FZ-10 a few weeks ago but decided against it.
>I bought a GameCube that has an ode installed.
I just use my softmodded Wii for Gamecube games now. Or Dolphin for upscaled graphics.
>Og xbox emulator sucks
unfortunately, you still have to switch between emulators per game. Some work better on one over another, and even then, compatibility is still dogshit.
>I have a ps2 never looked into modding it
freeMCboot memory card and a GameStar SATA network adapter together will run you around 30 bucks, and it's worth it.

>> No.8833353

I prefer digital because it takes up less space. Don’t worry fren, all of these games will still be around long after you’re dead, there is always someone to carry the torch. None of these old games will ever be lost. The worst that can happen is some of them may not be playable in their original form, such as ds games and similar hardware based stuff

>> No.8833557

This is the way

>> No.8833606

Ribbit King
Pokemon Colosseum
Super Mario Strikers
Def Jam Vendetta
Metroid Prime

>> No.8833716

The xbox emulator runs most games in slow motion. Only some games run at full speed for some reason. Im not sure why that is.

>> No.8833731

how epicurist of you.

>> No.8835334
File: 2.09 MB, 2016x1512, A_stranger_for_imp_Midna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed their games since the Dreamcast. Last I ever got from them was the Sakura Flamingo Archives. They tend to release their games in the twilight years of a console. It is unfortunate the cel-shaded style does make a few of their games look like Flash titles, which may deter some.

Got one when it was new due to the hype, but did not initially get around to it and it stayed sealed. A used copy was $15 at the time, so I played that one, and then I forgot it was the one I had instead of Wind Waker and got another.

>> No.8835350

i enjoy having physical copies of games i like and using them sometimes, but pirating games is just better.
i don't recommend buying digital games that can be pirated unless you particularly want to support the developer.

>> No.8835390

sonic riders
soulcalibur 2
incredible hulk ultimate destruction
custom robo

>> No.8835447

>and then I forgot it was the one I had instead of Wind Waker and got another.
I've done this. I hate buying games I already own when it's so easy to check if I own it already...

>> No.8835678

poor hygiene
all americans seem to have the same shitty musty beige carpetting full of cum stain and shits. check the battlestation threads on /vr/

>> No.8835683

wow this post triggered the fat dorks from /vr/ that own brown carpetted house keep shoes indoor get all them rusty game tapes from garage sales and barag about it on 4channel, like real good
im thinking based anon matrix enjoyer

>> No.8835887
File: 22 KB, 600x419, chlorpromazine_100mg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like you almost forgot to take today's dose, anon

>> No.8835929
File: 27 KB, 500x415, 3195f65f41730373becfc05a2c403fb9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is bait but please take my favorite movies' name out of your mouth you stupid son of a bitch.

>> No.8837563
File: 236 KB, 543x445, 4chanFrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are game discs degrading yet?
I read that a disc's lifetime is 10-30 years and we're right in the middle of that since 5th/6th gen.

>> No.8837571

The only thing that fucks the discs right now is how previous owners have treated them. So many scratched to hell discs.

>> No.8837578

Ok good, I've kept all my games since SNES and I was afraid to try the disc-based ones. I treated them very well.