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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8826204 No.8826204 [Reply] [Original]

>Me: Mom I want an Appleseed pinball video game
>Mom: We have an Appleseed pinball at home
What was your favorite pinball video game of yore and why?

>> No.8826345

3D Pinball and Sonic Spinball were all I had

>> No.8826360
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It's amazing how well this one holds up even to Pinball FX and Visual Pinball.

>> No.8826672

Pinball Dreams and Pinball Mania

>> No.8826782

Balls of Steel is the pre-eminent king in my mind. I played Darkside that came in the demo more than I can remember.

After that, the legendary trilogy of Dreams, Fantasies and Illusions. Still some of the best game music ever.

>> No.8826793

Devil Crash

>> No.8827693

Video game? idfk. I don't think I really like many pinball video games. There's that RPG one for NES that's kinda nice, I guess. There was also this LCD pinball game my cousin gave me because he thought it sucked but I loved. It was called Talking Pinball Wizard because it talked at you as you played.

For real machines, I enjoy Zaccaria Farfalla quite a lot. Oh and Funhouse. I think that one was made by Bally Williams or Williams Bally, whichever order it was after they merged.
Isn't it weird that a pinball and bowling alley machine company became a chain of shitty gyms?

>> No.8829292
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Necronomicon. It was high resolution on the Saturn. Deceptively simple, but a lot of fun with a cool theme.

>> No.8829298

Pokemon Pinball because it had Pokemon in it. These days, I like a bit of Battle Pinball on SNES.
Demon's Tilt looks pretty good for a newer pinball game.

>> No.8829351

Timeshock is based. The steam rerelease is cool too; never thought I'd be playing it 1440x2560 resolution back in 1998 or whatever

>> No.8830305

It's fucking crazy that pinball games haven't made a resurrection in the mobile age. Touch controls and portrait aspect ratio of smartphones are pretty much made for pinball games.

>> No.8830309

i played the shit out of the ones on nes
pinball is easy for kids, and comfy to this day

my favorite now is the virtualboy one galactic bigball or whatever

>> No.8830323

This one is the best. Big Race USA is pretty good too, but I never got to play The Web or Fantastic Journey. How are they?

>> No.8830609

I've thought so, too! I don't even like pinball video games but I'd give one a try on a touch screen with vibration and motion detection (for "bumping the machine" just enough to get the ball where you want it, but not enough to set off the tilt sensor).
I love IRL pinball. It was a sad day for me when a local pinball arcade reduced their collection down to half in order to stock all those newfangled fighting games. Then it got great again when the fighting games were halved and replaced with DDR and PIU.
Still miss the pinball, tho.

>> No.8832170

Last Gladiators and Necronomicon on Saturn, easily