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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8826136 No.8826136 [Reply] [Original]

So where do I start with them? Dragon Quest I?

>> No.8826137

just hold a controller and mash A while you watch some anime, it's the same experience

>> No.8826143


>> No.8826146

The ones that got me into the genre were Final Fantasy IV and Chrono Trigger.

>> No.8826159

I started with the king of the hill on famicom and went from there. Just tape down the start button and go grilling. You'll come back to the ending fmv.

>> No.8826164

chrono trigger, mario rpg, and probably one of the snes finfans are solid startin points

>> No.8826214

Just start with Chrono Trigger like everyone else or Grandia 2 if you want to be based. Both are very well paced unlike 90% of jarpigs

>> No.8826230

Start with Dragon Quest V. Don't bother with 1 until you've played much better games. It is boring and will make you hate the genre.

>> No.8826237

Dragon Quest 1 is probably a pretty odd place to start in the current day, unless you are fascinated by very archaic games and/or want to see evolution in motion. Since games are a subjective experience, I don't feel correct in assuming there is one definitive way to start. DQ1 is notable for the fact that you only get 1 party member for the whole game, whereas basically every other JRPG you get 3 or more. It also has a big emphasis on grinding, which is normal by NES standards. I think if you want a more safe introduction to Dragon Quest, go with the SNES version of 3. But I think if you want a JRPG without much worry at all, just try Pokemon, FF7, or EarthBound. But I won't tell you what to do.

>> No.8826262

DQ1 will still be boring as shit even with context. Its more worthwhile to play the Apple 2 Ultima games as a DQ fan than to ever touch the original for longer than 10 minutes

>> No.8826267

You can play 1 on snes or gbc. Never touch the nes version unless you have severe real autism.

>> No.8826297

if you're patient, yes, otherwise, try some of the newer ones or the remakes
for me, the best DQ game will always be the remake of 5 on the DS, everything about that game is great

>> No.8826375

I started with 1 on Famicom (yes, not even the NES version lol) and liked it. But then again I'm a fan of simple things in this life. SMB1 is still my favorite Mario game

>> No.8826390

I played 1 on NES recently for the first time and I love it. There is something very soulful and satisfying about this game which is hard to explain exactly considering how simple it is.

With that said half of the game is spent grinding and I did some of that mindlessly while watching movies at the same time.

>> No.8826403

Ive been waiting for a quest thread to ask about dragon quest wars. Its a dsi game, anybody try it?

>> No.8826431

>There is something very soulful and satisfying about this game which is hard to explain
It's the fact that you are touching an important piece of vidya history

>> No.8826456

Yeah, single player is only the tutorial so don't bother unless you have some /vr/iends.

>> No.8826475

Fudge, well thanks anon.

>> No.8827029

When will 4-6 be re released in some damn form.

>> No.8827041

Unironically FFX. It gets shit on constantly for how simplistic and easy it is around here, but it most people have fond memories of their first playthrough. It's probably worth mentioning most of us were like 8-14 years old at that time, but it's still an excellent start even if it's on a late-vr console.

>> No.8827064

If you couldn't come to a decision on your own you should consider something less mentally taxing like playing outside or Minecraft.

>> No.8827446

the choice paralysis is real, sorry
I want to play something that will make me appreciate the genre, without making older games unplayable for me

>> No.8827450

You can skip DQ1 and 2.

>> No.8827453

I'd argue that Minecraft is more mentally taxing than your average JRPG. I'm not trying to shit on JRPGs by any means, I like them, it's just how I feel

>> No.8827459 [DELETED] 

Awful opinion, stupid fucking circumcised golem.

>> No.8827597

>started the trend of JRPGs only improving the graphics and storytelling while the core RPG gameplay stagnates
A history of trash

>> No.8827604

Each new installment in the NES series brought improvements and gameplay innovations

>> No.8827605

>skipping grandia 1

you're fuckin GAY. BAD POSTER. BAD.

>> No.8827608


>> No.8827615

Pokemon Ruby

because it's my first vidya

>> No.8827623

FFX gets shit on because it's shit. If OP wants to understand the JRPG genre then he starts with DQ1. End of discussion.

>> No.8827624

Grandia 1 is like 3x longer than 2. For an intro jarpig I think being possible to beat in the same year you start it is important

>> No.8827687


>> No.8827785

Never finished that one.

>> No.8827845

This but with an all Zigzagoon/Linoone party for all the free items.

>> No.8827893

Lol, this

>> No.8828036

I legit feel bad now. Well my advice is to meet in the middle and play a jRPG that doesn't have too many complex mechanics to break you in. Everyone's starting point is different for everyone, but for me it was Final Fantasy 4 (called Final Fantasy II in the US at the time of it's release) and it's a great beginner's RPG that introduces a lot of the core gameplay elements in a very linear fashion. It's one thing to find the story boring, although I think the story for Final Fantasy 4 is actually pretty decent for the era, but if you find the basic gameplay mechanics boring then jRPGs may not going to be a genre for you.

What are some books you like to read comment TV shows you like to watch, or other games that you like to play? If not Final Fantasy 4 your next best bet would be something with the similar theme to what you already enjoy. And I imagine someone here would know a good game that matches something that you're already into. For instance I absolutely love westerns, and so I actually have a deep affinity for the jRPG series called Wild Arms.

>> No.8828103

Chrono Trigger is a good way to get into the genre. There isn't a lot of grinding, the story and characters are a lot of fun, and it has a great soundtrack

>> No.8828220

There are no Japanese roleplaying video games with complex mechanics.

>> No.8828226
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*blocks your path*

>> No.8828228

I only play hentai RPGs and 90% of those are the same thing

>> No.8828236

i would unironically recommend 11 but because this is the retro board, go with 3 snes. use the fan translation

>> No.8828283
File: 27 KB, 500x500, e7a913be29cc3f230b44a8f9aa6fdc4cc83d51bd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 is linear but very grindy
2 is huge, now with party members but very little play testing later
3 is godlike and has a custom party. porn exploded here
4 is chapter based with a jrpg party. there is now a fixed version of the ds rom with party chat
5 is pick a waifu and have a family, but also monster party members and an actual good story
6 is an "alternate world" typical jrpg
7 is long as fuck
8 has amazing production values and one of the best jrpgs of all time
9 has custom party again but all the content is endgame multiplayer shenanigans
10 is an mmo
11 is dq8 but bad

>> No.8828302

>8 has amazing production values and one of the best jrpgs of all time
Don't believe Anon's lies. 8 is actually boring as fuck and its only good point is Jessica's tiddies.

>> No.8828394

I wanted to recommend 5 as a starting point but didn't feel confident in making that recommendation since I've only played that one and 1, but 5 really is that good. It should be required playing for prospective dads who like JRPGs.

>> No.8828471

>but it most people have fond memories of their first playthrough. It's probably worth mentioning most of us were like 8-14 years old at that time
Ha, always felt like this was the case.

>> No.8828647

I tried to come up with a serious reply to dispute this but shit, you're right. All the way up to DQ11, the fucking series is on rails.

>> No.8828663

This. Such a comfy experience, glad it's not appealing to mlg gamers. Those fags ruin everything.

>> No.8828679

This. People who want gameplay in their games are faggots.

>> No.8828686
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>> No.8828693

You’ll hate this, but staying on top of what few resources you have to manage in a JRPG while getting from point A to point B is gameplay. Very easy gameplay has to be carried by good art and music for me to get invested in the game. I don’t begrudge anyone for thinking JRPGs are boring even though I like them

>> No.8828712
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Start with pic related or FFVI like 99% of people

>> No.8828720
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>> No.8828724
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OK, hot take here but if you're a normie who likes Minecraft... Dragon Quest Builders 2 is an excellent entry point into JRPGs.

>> No.8828734

Competition fags have no chill lol.

>> No.8828735

grinding so you can afford 99 potions instead of 9 potions isn't gameplay

>> No.8828742

Literally and unironically describing the entire JRPG genre.

>> No.8829091

>being possible to beat in the same year you start it is important

>> No.8829138

is dq7 really that long?

>> No.8829156

Good. I like anime and the interactivity brings you closer to the characters.

>> No.8829163


>> No.8829164
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>> No.8829171

no JRPG fan I know talks like a gorilla ape nigger like that, try again.

>> No.8829173

I'm sure he'll reply any minute with a thoughtful and nuanced counter-argument

>> No.8829184
File: 41 KB, 798x644, A76F3C21-61E1-4B4F-895B-3DB2A1759BA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admitting that you know JRPG fans IRL
imagine the smell

>> No.8829189

If you just want to run through the big name JRPGs, I guess it would just be DQ and FF. Maybe Chrono Trigger.
Those 3 all have really basic gameplay for JRPGs though basic isn't bad (unless it's ATB).
If you like the style of gameplay found in them and want to try something different, I recommend giving SMT a shot. You can start with KMT on the super famicom (trust me, you'll know what KMT is when you look up early MegaTen games), but ultimately it's not nearly as varied or fun as SMT1.
There's also the Shining series on Sega, which I admittedly never played, as well as Falcom's games, most famously Ys and Trails.

>> No.8829201

>his own favourite genre is so dead that all he can do is whine about jrpgchads
Imagine letting a whole genre live rent free in your head LMAO

>> No.8829216

>he can't read
i explicitly posted the "deliberately" image to that fag and a fag he is, but you're even more of a fag for mass replying

>> No.8829223

If you want a raw gameplay experience, Dragon Quest 1 is actually a surprisingly good place to start. It's short, running at most 8 hours, and lacks many complexities of later JRPGs. Most notably, the story only exists in about 4 areas on the whole map and you don't have a party. You're a one man crew just exploring.
I highly recommend not grinding in DQ1. People call it a game about grinding but miss that it's about exploration. Higher level areas are pretty gated off, so if you die to some enemies and get sent back to the castle, you just explore elsewhere or see if you can get better equipment.
If you want to experience an enthralling story, I'd recommend Dragon Quest 5 or Final Fantasy VII as easy entrypoints.
If you want to engage primarily with a cast of characters, Trails in the Sky is usually $20 on steam and makes up for pretty easy gameplay with really easy controls (seriously, the game is played almost purely with mouse clicks) and letting the player engage with the characters more than most JRPGs.
If you want a game that's interesting mechanically, Atlus' offerings of SMT, purese owner, Last Bible, etc, are all pretty notable.
And if you want something basic and easy, as well as cultural nostalgia almost everywhere, Pokemon is another big entrypoint.

>> No.8829226

>>he can't read
What of it?

>> No.8829290

Are there any where you play as an adult and not a fifteen year old boy? Any where you play as an old man?

>> No.8829316

There are quite a few, but I won't bother telling you because you wouldn't play them anyways

>> No.8829324

But I will! I've been looking for them. I miss looking forward to the future. I want to believe adventure can still come when I'm older.

>> No.8829328

Believing that adventure comes when you're older is how you end up jobless at 30.
Adventure comes now, when you decide you want it. The reason more JRPGs feature youths is because that's a developmental period, they start inexperienced and end the game at the top of the world.
Even Final Fantasy IV, a game about an adult main character, starts with them already well experienced.

>> No.8829372

If the tutorial wasn't such shite I might have given the game a shot.

>> No.8829394

What adventure could possibly happen now that the world is fully charted, ALL people are a sickening combination of stupid and evil, women act promiscuously for their entire lives starting in their early teens, and a soft, slow, boring economic apocalypse is killing civilization? Thanks a million for the judgmental sage shtick, you sure lit a fire in me and made me wish I'd taken a larger bite out of this shit sandwich of a world. I think I'll get up early tomorrow and apply for a job at walmart! Maybe I'll meet an obese female coworker who's had only seven or eight sexual partners and we'll hit it off and be married for a few years, so long as I treat her like a princess and earn enough money to provide her plenty of potato chips.

>> No.8829419

>What adventure could possibly happen now that the world is fully charted
You act like the only adventure is a classical one of exploration and making big discoveries, but there are personal adventures.
Sure, people know about Egypt, but barely anyone you know has been there, has seen the pyramids and engaged in the culture. Hell, you don't have to travel, you can have personal adventures with creative experiences like writing, or learn something, or do anything! Why do faggots here act like "muh world is fully charted" is an excuse! It isn't even fucking fully charted, the oceans may as well be completely unexplored.
>ALL people are a sickening combination of stupid and evil, women act promiscuously for their entire lives starting in their early teens
This is just a cope you got from /r9k/ or /pol/ or /v/. Have you ever talked to person?
>and a soft, slow, boring economic apocalypse is killing civilization
>Thanks a million for the judgmental sage shtick
I wrote that because you talk like you're 14
>I think I'll get up early tomorrow and apply for a job at walmart!
You can tell someone has no idea of the real world if their mind immediately jump to big franchise stores. In my teenage years, I worked for a local warehouse and two local small restaurants, where I met people I still talk to despite being multiple years removed from all three jobs. I say that because you talk like a fag who thinks high school is where life ends.
>Maybe I'll meet an obese female coworker who's had only seven or eight sexual partners and we'll hit it off and be married for a few years
Go outside, please. It's embarrassing to read this shit, I've fucked around with 3 chicks, one was a freaky lesbian and the other two didn't know what a fucking penis looked like. Just talk to people instead of letting others talk at you, of course the loudest fuckers have sex.

>> No.8829438

DQ1 is tolerable just because it's so short and straightforward but not really necessary. DQ2 is an exercise in frustration in multiple ways. Start at 3 if you want a class based game where you build a custom party, 4 if you want a more traditional party members with dedicated roles and influence in the plot and 5 if you want monster taming like SMT or pokemon.

>> No.8829512

I could kiss you. Sending positive thoughts your way, I needed to hear all that. Thank you.

>> No.8829515

Good, now play Dragon Quest 1

>> No.8829548

>thinks talking like a nigger is funny

Back to reddît

>> No.8829696

Dragon Quest III actually

>> No.8831120


>> No.8832674

wtf are you on about retard?
take meds
you talk like a fag

>> No.8832680

>I can't refute the point so I'm going to say the nigger word

>> No.8832890


>> No.8833661

kys mass replying faggot
there is a special place in Hell for people like you

>> No.8834525
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Final Fantasy 1
Jack Garland is the quintessential iconic JRPG antagonist

>> No.8836303

Lol 1 is un ironically fun

>> No.8836324

/thread, don't bother reading anything else

>> No.8837196

this but the gba version

>> No.8837202

I would recommend this but I'd also add Breath of Fire 2.

>> No.8837318

I hate building games but 1 was ok. Rocket slime is a good romp and gives the iconic 1st bad guy some depth.

>> No.8837553

Play Phantasy Star IV. One and done.

>> No.8837962

This game is great, but good lord it needs to shut up every once in a while. It tells you what to do three times, every time. I tore through 40 hours of it the week it came out, and then stopped for a bit and haven't been back since. The thought of picking it back up seems confusing, and starting over a horrible nightmare of sitting through conversations that double back constantly.
I hope we get a 3 that continues to improve and add to the game, because both were great and different enough from each other to warrant playing.

>> No.8838729

>women act promiscuously for their entire lives starting in their early teens
>Maybe I'll meet an obese female coworker who's had only seven or eight sexual partners and we'll hit it off and be married for a few years, so long as I treat her like a princess and earn enough money to provide her plenty of potato chips
what kind of crazy woman would shackle herself to a loser like you, dude?

>> No.8839080

Hit a little close to home?

>> No.8839095

V is a really good place to start, especially now that the PS2 version has a translation. VIII is a really good beginner game too.
I love VII but I would never recommend it unless you're already a fan, it'll burn you out otherwise.

>> No.8839098

For Dragon Quest specifically, I mean

>> No.8839260
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>especially now that the PS2 version has a translation.
Why would you play the inferior version?

>> No.8839827

Necromancer on TG16

>> No.8839840

>especially now that the PS2 version has a translation.
Now? The translation for that is about 12 years old.

>> No.8841337

PS2 version has that glorious orchestrated soundtrack going for it even if I'm partial to the DS pixel art and text accents

>> No.8843026
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FF mystic quest

>> No.8843136

The game have some not so loose/loose "trilogies", but all in all, you could probably easily grab any you'd want and not be lost
11 was so much better than 8
Took me 105 hours, but I didn't bother with the extra content. But 11 on hard + less exp on easy fight took me 130 to do everything. So I suppose 7 would normally be longer, yes
If you plan to play 11, hard + less exp on easy fights. I had to start the game over 10 hours in because on vanilla it's easy as shit

>> No.8843224

Because that's not retro and I was limiting it to retro games, otherwise I'd recommend XI too

>> No.8843969

Start with the ps1 final fantasy games. 8 has the best story, 9 has the best gameplay

>> No.8844640

>good story