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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8823892 No.8823892[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be me as a /vr/ kid in the early to mid-2000s
>always gave friends who are invited over the shitty third-party controllers
>never leveled up their chao's in sonic adventure but still loved pitting my OP chao against them in chao karate
>put my handicap on 9 in melee; theirs on 1 just to spite them
>never allowed them to be Player 1
>occasionally forced them to watch me play a single-player game; handed over the controller after dying 10 times; demanded controller back after they died just once

Jeez, I was such a prick.

>> No.8823897

>they come over your house
"It's my house so I get to go first"
>you go over their house
"I'm the guest so I get to go first"

>> No.8823909

that was literally me, lol. I was such an asshole back then.

no wonder my friends eventually stopped coming over.

>> No.8823916

OP, you're still a prick. You don't just "grow up and be less of a prick" You have it in you. You're a selfish, uncaring person. You didn't "grow out " of that. You just found ways to hide it.

now give me your GEEZ GEE WHIZ SETTLE DOWN WHY SO MAD WHO HURT YOU predictable reddit response when you KNOW I just spoke the truth.

>> No.8823927

>Nintendo console
>Have friends
Pick one.

>> No.8823934

Kids generally aren't interested in dark/gritty adult games on the PS2/xbox you know.
Nintendo is perfect for children considering how its their target demographic.

>> No.8823959
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That's awful presumptuous. The ability to retroactively criticize the choices you made would indicate at least some emotional growth.

>> No.8823964

Jeez, anon. People are capable of change. You sound pathetic, man.

>> No.8823980

The console with four controller ports that has Smash Bros., Mario Kart, Soul Calibur II, Medal of Honor, Mario Party and Gauntlet? My friends and I played a shitload of that stuff together

>> No.8823982

I can't help but feel like you're projecting. Children's personalities are so underdeveloped that it hardly influences the outcome of how an adult turns out to be.
I'm quite certain I'm not like this at all anymore. I have virtually no semblance with how I was as a child personality-wise.

>> No.8823989
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are you guys seriously this braindead?

>> No.8823997
File: 48 KB, 192x256, 5f7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Offers no counterargument
You have now tacitly conceded. Goodbye

>> No.8823998

>You don't just "grow up and be less of a prick" You have it in you. You're a selfish, uncaring person. You didn't "grow out " of that. You just found ways to hide it.
Being an asshole is a normal human attribute. Everybody's capable of it and everyone hides it to some degree. It's bothering to hide it at all that makes you a decent person, but take a decent person and introduce them to someone they can't get along with or fuck their day up with something and you'll see them turn into an asshole contextually

>> No.8824003

Hey you dumb fucking retard it was a troll post.

>> No.8824007

Wow, board fucking sucks today.

>> No.8824008
File: 87 KB, 1273x529, I wasn't.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get fucked in the ass by my articulate refutation
>"I-I was only trolling about!"
I wasn't

>> No.8824009
File: 29 KB, 349x642, I was only pretending to be retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8824032

yeah re-read it out loud and honestly tell me you think that was sincere