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8822371 No.8822371 [Reply] [Original]

Was it good

>> No.8822374

No, because my parents would never pay for it whenever it was in the hotel we stayed at. >:|

>> No.8822382

No, because you got a time limit and my parents wouldn't pay for any more time. ヾ(˙˙)ノ

>> No.8822495

My dad would whoop me if I asked to play it

>> No.8822504

I asked to play it but my parents explained to me that it was an unnecessary expense.

>> No.8822506

i wasn't born at the time so idk

>> No.8822507

>Dad reluctantly lets me play
>Start up Mario 64
>The joystick is beyond fucked
>Dad gets bill for 15 dollars for 5 seconds of game play
Sorry Dad.

>> No.8822513

No worries son I will have my revenge and steal 15 dollars from you next week.

>> No.8822624

Those things were retarded expensive I don't know why they wouldn't just charge a flat rate of 10 bucks and let you play the entire night. I'm sure they would have had a lot more sales than trying to pull off that scam

>> No.8822774

>I don't know why they wouldn't just charge a flat rate of 10 bucks and let you play the entire night
Hotels are notorious for charging lots of money for the minor optional conveniences they offer.
It's similar to stadiums having high prices for food and drinks. You're a somewhat captive audience and will probably agree to pay more for things right in front of you than if you were weren't staying at a hotel and were considering the value of goods or services while at home.

>> No.8822791

They charged way too fucking much for it, so I never got to play it. Though it was like having a nostalgic friend follow you around to a hotel.

>> No.8823697

The hotels are fucking retarded then, because fucking nobody would pay those retard rates, if they were 10bux a night, LOTS of kids could easily convince their parents to pay for one, if not two nights.

>> No.8823754

Yes, but you practically had to sell your soul to your parents so that they would pay the outrageous fees for your continued video game happiness on the go. Never played the N64 version. but I played the SNES version of Lodgenet in Orlando in 1998.

>> No.8823768

Was that button there so you could order an actual good controller?

>> No.8823769

When I took a Dreamcast with me and a burned disc with all the NES games and an RF converter box for the hotel TV on a trip a while back, I knew I had won the day.
Nowadays they'd probably get mad at someone for moving and "messing with" the TV.

>> No.8823773

>They charged way too fucking much for it
Yeah, it was something like 30 dollars for and hour or something, which is the late 90s felt like asking for 75 dollars.

>> No.8823785

No, and imagine not having a portable back in the late 90s/early 2000s. I still remember the jingle on those default hotel tv channels, they’re haunting…peak 2000s soullessness-with-cheery-consumerism wrapping.

>> No.8823794

My brother and I were interested until we realized it cost money. Most of the games we had already anyway, and we had our Game Boys with us.

>> No.8823803


This is what I don't get. Why charge 5$ for a chocolate bar that is sitting in the hotel for 6 months because nobody wants to get gouged when their is a convenience store down the road. Bottle of water for 8$? Get fucked.

Now, if they charged 2$ for a chocolate bar and 75 cents for a water bottle you bet your ass people would actually consume them at a higher rate. Unless I am in the minority here and people actually spend 200$ on the mini bar in the hotel room and it covers the cost of nobody else ever using it, but I highly doubt that. I have never heard anybody talk about getting a drink or chocolate from the mini bar.

>> No.8823848
File: 102 KB, 228x271, goldeneye_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have never used a third party controller that was comfortable or properly responsive.
grandma tried her best and gave it to you for christmas and the only time it was of use was for the smelly kid in the neighborhood so you could beat his ass repeatedly in goldeneye.

>> No.8823876 [DELETED] 

Depended on whether or not you liked Mario, Zelda, the list goes on… or not.

>> No.8824101

Yeah I understand that but is it really better to make 100s of dollars a night getting 10 rooms renting these or make 6.99 once in a blue moon from a poor curious sucker.

>> No.8824382

>playing kirby crystal shards in some hotel while my parents went off to sell some meth
hmm the irony

>> No.8825374

I hope your childhood wasn't too rough, anon.

>> No.8825390

What did this even plug into? All anyone ever posts of this thing is the controller, I've never seen what the actual set up is like. Is it like a TV with an N64 built into it or what?

>> No.8825414

IIRC it plugs into a DVR-like box that connects to the hotel's television cable system. Games were sent over the line much like Sega Channel.

I wonder if there were any hotels that would have a flat rate for the game, where you wouldn't need to repurchase game time repeatedly.

>> No.8825969

Didn't the snes version of this have some exclusive game(s) on it? Something with a cat or a puzzle game.

>> No.8825983

The Venetian charged me $20 for a bottle of water I opened up when I was hung over. I should have drank from the shower head

>> No.8825996

This. They became even less appealing once I bought a DS (yes, you would still see the N64 controller in hotel rooms in 2005)