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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 56 KB, 370x270, Chrono_Trigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8812345 No.8812345 [Reply] [Original]

I couldn't even finish it on an emulator. That's how boring it was.

>> No.8812372
File: 173 KB, 1199x848, Chrono.Trigger.full.3407151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh cool, a Chrono Trigger thread.
Who are your favorite party members /vr/?
I always like to keep Marle in my party even though she's not very strong. I don't know, it just feels right.

>> No.8812374 [DELETED] 

Reddit Trigger is an overrated overhyped piece of donkey doodah for sure but it’s not as bad Super Reddit RPG now THAT sucks serious donkey balls

>> No.8812375 [DELETED] 
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Marle and Lucca the whole game

>> No.8812378 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8812386

You've convinced me, OP
Chrono Trigger is a bad game and I hate it now.
Thank you.

>> No.8812402

I was being sincere you faggots. Play Lufia II and then maybe I'll consider giving Chrono Trigger another go.

>> No.8812410 [DELETED] 

I'll play the DS version since the graphics are good

>> No.8812413

I've played Lufia II, I enjoyed it as well.
I can say that because I am not an attention starved contrarian faggot trying to antagonize people with shitty, reductionist takes.

>> No.8812415 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8812418 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8812431

Who kicked you out of the bed.
Is it anything good? Iirc it got trashed. I'm not a puritan, but go with the original.

Lufia I was absolute garbage. But you could say the same for the first Street Fighter. Sometimes the sequel is better.

>> No.8812449

>Lufia I was absolute garbage.

What eceleb has been pushing this nonsense? Lufia I is barebones fitting its time of release but the gameplay still works fine and the OST is pretty good.

>> No.8812464

I kneel.
I will go play Lufia 2 right now.
Thank you my liege.

>> No.8812467

Sorry you didn't enjoy it OP

>> No.8812472

>the gameplay still works
It fucking does not. Did you play a ds remake or something.
>Lufia I is barebones
>it fits the time of its release

Lufia II is a classic. I'd even put it above Zelda.
But as far as I know, it's the only good game to have ever come out of that series.

>> No.8812473

Based Marle bro. I keep her and Ayla. Marle for heals and Ayla because strong.

>> No.8812513

Naw dude, what you want is puzzles in your JRPGs cause you're an ADHD zoomer. World maps and dungeons are all RPGs need, have fun doing busy work on your replays because you already know the answer.

>> No.8812570

This is going right above my head. I can adress the insult
>ADHD Zoomer
Lufia II is slow and it was my introduction into turn-based combat and seeking out a strategy. I always thought turn-based was for faggots, but this game made me take notice. And the puzzles are far better than any Zelda game.

>> No.8812612

Only reason to play Trigger nowadays is to see what Cross references. Lufia 2 is OK but so repetitive with the broken bridge shite. Also I remember that bosses had OP rare drops (even those that you were supposed to lose to), so fighting them was always a no-fun stupid grind.

>> No.8812657

Lufia II had a grind, but it wasn't terrible. My biggest problem with the game was when you were running from one village to another in the overworld map you randomly ran into a fight. So you would go from one place to another, just to speak to someone and you couldn't see the fights on the map.
>Another fight
>And another
>And another

That was shit. You couldn't avoid fights. It's not game breaking, but that was a serious flaw.

>> No.8812670

Lufia 2 had a full on pokemon game built in. Nurturing those eggs and evolving them into epic battle beasts was nuts.

>> No.8812678

It was always a surprise to see what they evolved in. Fucking giving them a million dollar legendary sword to feed and they just don't like it. Fuck you, stupid pets. But they were always handy in fights. Except for that one who always ran away from the moment he got hit.

>> No.8812713
File: 1 KB, 45x45, foomy_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not really a big thing. Try Lufia 1, that game's random encounter hell.

Darbi is shit, Foomy 4ever (except that gay fox form)

>> No.8812731 [DELETED] 

chrono tr*gger=reddit
breath of fire 2=vr

>> No.8813325 [DELETED] 
File: 293 KB, 399x451, Enough with the shitposts!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8813343

Robo + Chrono + Frog bro party

>> No.8813376

Lufia II gets really repetitive after the wedding.

>> No.8813385 [DELETED] 

DUAL ORB 2 shits on Redditfia and Breddit of Fire

>> No.8813397

For me, it's Tia. Sela was a whore and Dakar was a chad. Fuck Maxim. Is this guy supposed to be me?

>> No.8813518 [DELETED] 

>Hurrrr it's popular, good and well known so it's reddit lol
Not everything is reddit you stupid, cum slurping faggot. You weren't even born when this came out. Do the world a favor and chug draino.

>> No.8813574 [DELETED] 

please go back


>> No.8814076 [DELETED] 

>actually replying to some retard parroting "m-muh reddit" in fucking 2022

>> No.8814396

You're just spoiled. I expected every single RPG to be at least FFVI/Bahamut Lagoon quality once, but no more.

>> No.8814579

Ffvi sucks
Far too easy

>> No.8815228

I used to dislike Magus so much over the combo tech thing with him. On some playthrough or another it dawned on me that my strongest turns were a dualtech and a single tech though, or 3 of the characters' max level single techs, since triples usually use too many lesser attacks and can't pass damage cap unlike divided actions.

I've since found that he's actually a really good character and his cloned spells are multiplied in some odd fashion or aren't the same spells they look like, so he's kinda flexible to have around. I don't do NG+ playthroughs or tab grinds anymore though, so it favors him and his high magic a little.

>> No.8815263
File: 888 KB, 782x1200, 118236EC-1CFD-4159-BDB5-E3B4933950F7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crono is a NEET Incel:

>Doesn't go to work or school, ever
>Lives with his mom and cat
>Friendzoned by the only girl that talks to him
>Mastered the art of the blade

>> No.8815274

the part of this that's not working is where you say you got dropped Chrono Trigger but stuck through Lufia 2, which is quite a bit longer and not nearly as fast-paced

>> No.8815309
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Damn. Anon's got jokes
Good work anon. On the jokes.

>> No.8815316

Why is every thread now just Game vs OTHER GAME

>> No.8815350

Some people are literally, and I mean LITERALLY unable to not turn everything into a pissing contest.

>> No.8815351

OP is a newfag with a limited frame of reference of games so everything he plays is in direct competition with eachother

>> No.8815394
File: 70 KB, 690x388, a21252238e8aa637308f16ad2ae2253e0724093a_2_690x388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based mods deleting comments. What do you guys expect from THIS > THAT thread?
It has similar turn based gameplay as much of the rest of the genre. Serviceable but nothing special in its own right. Fixed party members, limited customization. Don't see how the puzzles are any better or worse than Zelda but I do like how on screen enemies correspond to your movements. Better than random encounters or modern games where you sneak past everything on screen.

>> No.8815406

Anipode is too good to give up!

>> No.8815462

I love Antipode. Love it. But 3 of the same spell was some bullshit in retrospect, these are already characters seriously lacking in versatility.

>> No.8815478

I have tried 3 different times but always stop at the ancient cave. I just keep dungeon diving then eventually erase the rom

>> No.8815491

It's Friday night, shouldn't you be out taming some strange?

>> No.8816029
File: 1.82 MB, 1536x2048, Chrono.Trigger.full.3411156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's interesting, I hadn't thought about it that way.
When I was a kid I used to think that Magus was literally the coolest character in the game, I nearly lost my shit when I found out you could recruit him. I used him for a while and was a bit disappointed by how weak he felt but I kept him in the party anyway because of the aforementioned reason. I am currently replaying the game so I'll keep all these things you said in mind when I put him in my party.

>> No.8816270

You haven't noticed how 4chan has gotten a billion times more tribalistic over the last few years?
No longer are you allowed to like something. Now you can only like something if you're also shitting on something else

>> No.8816292

MORE LIKE you excited for the 1.5 update?

>> No.8817179

guys all you have to do is like, level up Magus LOL, being specific make sure he gets a lot of technique points so you have to have him in the party, and he will be ready fast.


His ultimate magic, DarkMatter, is literally the 'single techn' most Powerful Magic in the entire game, and possibly the most easy attack to spam of the whole game, because it is a Magic that deals Non-elemental Damage and targets all enemies on the field.

>> No.8817221

Whenever I replay it now, I constantly switch up my party between every story beat. One of CT biggest strengths of the combat system is the different combinations of double techs and triple techs from all the different character. It's also one of the reasons I really don't like having Magus in my party, I think he's just kind of boring since he doesn't have any double techs (and has to use accessory slot for some kind of mediocre triple techs). That and when you get him, you gotta fight Lavos spawns so he's kind of useless since all his techs are multi target attacks.
Their one double tech where they have a high chance to steal is really awesome, and a great way to get some Rainbow equipment earlier in the game.

>> No.8817226

/vr/ has really gone to shit.

>> No.8817564

lufia 2 has more engaging dungeons/puzzles. the story isnt bad, but a lot of it is kind of boring and just problem solving the dumbest immediate obstacle, which is just an excuse to have a dungeon. chrono trigger's story is more involved and theres usually a more direct and compelling reason to go through any dungeon. a tangible reward and plot progression, and not just "the prince is missing, find him and i'll unlock the door to the next kingdom". things are more connected and meaningful in chrono trigger. while chrono trigger has the "cool" combo abilities, combat is essentially the same. you just attack or cast a spell/ability. combo abilities are neat in concept, but so is seeing an epic spell like ice valk or thunder in lufia 2. both have great music.

theres really no reason to like one but hate the other. you'd have to be a really petty, pedantic retard to feel that way. both games are great, with very little divergence in quality/appeal.

>> No.8817568


>> No.8817580

I have to admit. Chrono Trigger isn't that great of a game gameplay wise (what JRPG is though?). What makes it fantastic is the atmosphere and greatest music of its era or perhaps even of all time.

>> No.8817602

So what about the canon ending where he marries a princess and saves the earth?

>> No.8817683

That's only way for threads to get replies these days.

>> No.8818012

I always had Frog in my party and then just mixed and matched the third member.

>> No.8818272
File: 51 KB, 256x224, Chrono Trigger.025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marle and Ayla

>> No.8818304

Trigger really does have spirit behind it for sure. I wish I didn't let my expectations due to its praise cloud my judgement of the game since I feel it's overrated on the levels of Earthbound, but it's still a good RPG. Wish FF6 got a remake to look like Trigger.

>> No.8818524

Based blonde girl appreciator.

>> No.8818538

stop snorting & huffing and lay off the estrogen

>> No.8818643

Usually Crono, Magus, Frog
I was amazed when I found out you could actually unlock him. On my first playthrough I actually chose to fight him

>> No.8818760

I played it a few years ago, and, urgh. I suppose it's mechanically fine, it's just that everything else is just kind of absolutely mediocre
Every events in the game:
>Person you need to see, cook (I remember that one), lost child, meet someone, whatever the fuck
>Somehow alone at the end of a monster infested cave
Apparently, in that game's universe, the complete end of a monster infested cave is the most popular meeting spot around!
They didn't even fucking try here

>> No.8818985
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>accused of molesting a cuties by the authorities

>> No.8819000

>a barebones JRPG
So, garbage?

>> No.8820295

This is a pretty wrong post.
Dark Matter is shadow element. There are only 2 techs in the game that are non-elemental and non-physical: Tail Spin and Poyozo Dance.
It's also only the 5th strongest magic single tech, although Magus's high stats make it more like 3rd.
Luminaire's power is 50, Flare's is 42, Shock and Tail Spin 40 (Robo and Ayla have low magic stats though), and Dark Matter is 38. It's no more spammable than others, it's 20 MP unless you use the cost-reducers.

Magus is a great character because he's elementally the most flexible and has naturally high stats so that Dark Matter is good enough and so are his element subtitutes. His copied spells from other characters actually have 18 power compared to their 14, so they're stronger by 29% before looking at magic stat. It helps that Marle and Frog cap out at Ice 2/Water 2 and have much lower magic stats. It means Magus has the game's strongest water/ice and shadow single techs, and can always play ball against enemies that resist, absorb, counter or are only vulnerable to particular elements, which is plenty useful.

>> No.8820312

Nice try anon. These are clearly all buzzwords

>> No.8821225

I don’t really get what is so boring about this game. The story is basically minimal, and the game is literally designed so you can avoid enemies if you want to. It’s more or less a dungeon exploration game. Explain yourself

>> No.8821230

OP is a fag but to be honest I never got really far in chrono trigger because I just wanted to play other games

>> No.8822414

One of the things Chrono Trigger does so well that usually goes unappreciated in these threads is how the battles happen right on the screen. It helps so much with both game flow and immersion the world, that it's a shame it didn't become the standard. Like as you approach Magus when he's chanting, and the circle of candles surrounds everyone and then BAM the fight happens there. Or when you're on the Mountain of Woe and you get to the top and the big golem-like boss appears. Even regular enemies have this bispoke feeling to them as the devs hand made each encounter with how they aren't random. Chrono Trigger just has all these small and soulful naunces to it's presentation that helps carry it.

>> No.8824348


>> No.8824415

>Ladette + Tomboy
Best combo

>> No.8824571

yeah I'll probably play it, I never ended up finishing it

>> No.8826228

>Chrono Trigger just has all these small and soulful naunces to it's presentation that helps carry it.
That's a very good way of putting it. There are a couple of areas where Chrono Trigger excels at but the real draw is the sum of all the little and not so little things.