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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 20 KB, 184x184, 1372509763416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
880876 No.880876 [Reply] [Original]

What's the rarest retro thing you own?

>> No.880890

Inb4 people claiming they have gold carts

>> No.880916

Gold Carts aren't rare, though.

>> No.880924
File: 31 KB, 460x274, zelda2_nes_cart_480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But I do...

>> No.880923

For some games they are

>> No.880928

The original Transport Tycoon, still in the plastic wrap.

>> No.880939

gold carts are actually more common than the grey ones actually

Probably Mega Man 6... I don't own very many rare things :/

>> No.880948
File: 54 KB, 400x300, 25438-450x-thelegendof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we all know what game that poster is refering to though.

>> No.880958

Tombs & Treasures
Joshua and a bunch of other shit Wisdom Tree games
I guess I'm not much of a collector.

>> No.880956

Either Ganpuru/Gunman's Proof for Super Famicom or Super Gameboy 2. Which I don't think are that rare but are fairly difficult to find.

>> No.880981

It's not worth anything but I haven't seen too many people with the giant plastic NES display case.

>> No.880996

A virtual boy with Wario Land, Teleroboxer, Mario tennis and Panic Bomber.

One of the lenses gave out though, and i havent gotten around to fixing it. Works perfect besides that though. RIP Gunpei.

>> No.880997

Wait, that one is just yellow. Every copy of Zelda I've seen has this "gold" >>880924.

>> No.881006

I guess my NFR copies of Wand of Gamelon and Faces of Evil.

Yellow carts are Test carts, they were made for Nintendo repair shops to test consoles.

>> No.881007

>Super game boy 2

>> No.881009
File: 130 KB, 800x570, arc-setup2dj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the rarest game in my collection is Arc The Lad Collection. Got it some years ago from a mom and pop game store. It didn't come with the official strategy guide or the necklace, but it had everything else.

>> No.881025

Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete for PS1. Only discs, no case. Yeah, I got nothin'.

>> No.881058

isn't that just a myth though and the yellow ones are just repro scams?

>> No.881070

could you explain what the point of all the stuff that isn't the games themselves and books are? is that some sort of table top game or something?

>> No.881072


>> No.881081

Not for resale.

No, they're legit,

This site has some more info on them http://www.limbofunk.com/zelda-test-cart.html

>> No.881082

National Finals Rodeo
he won them at a rodeo championship, duh

>> No.881097

Sega CDX

>> No.881110

Star Fox Super Weekend

>> No.881119


>> No.881147
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>> No.881149
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Probably Hagane for the SNES on par with my 2 copies of earthbound.

>> No.881158

Panzer Dragoon Saga (PAL) CiB with the cardboard sleeve both 2-disc boxes came in.

>> No.881160

What's that?

>> No.881171

>look up on google
>everybody selling for 400 dollars

>> No.881182
File: 234 KB, 640x360, 2012-09-22 02-05-19.231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never really bothered to check but i guess this? i received it in pretty poor shape but it still works and is only missing a few peices.

>> No.881183

Starfox Super Weekend. That, and a turdtastic quality picture.

>> No.881190

Yes but what IS it

>> No.881194

I can't really think of anything I own that happens to be rare. I'd have to see some kinda list.

>> No.881201
File: 78 KB, 641x868, 1b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit
Post pics please.

>> No.881202
File: 192 KB, 640x360, 2013-07-07 16-33-30.411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also have a ROB but it's missing the gyros and the gyro spinner, i do have the other parts though and he works.

is the turbo grafx cd unit rare? i know the super system upgrade card for it is really rare.

>> No.881227

It's a gfgi.

>> No.881246
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Not my pic but that's basically why it's better.
And it unfortunately only stayed in Japan because it launched late.

Mine's loose, but I payed $12 for it.

>> No.881248
File: 195 KB, 640x360, 2013-07-07 16-39-08.948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, as you can see it's in fairly rough shape

>> No.881258 [DELETED] 

I have a GBmicro famicom edition. I had no idea it was so rare and received it as a gift when it was first released.

inb4 not retro kiddies swarm in -> suck my ass

>> No.881252


>> No.881253
File: 193 KB, 640x360, 2013-07-07 16-39-40.029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the main unit and it's massive controllers

>> No.881256

Cart that was used in Blockbuster tournaments. You basically tried to score the highest, and you could win a jacket. You might have also been able to win the cart, can't remember.
There's also a DKC version.

>> No.881260
File: 153 KB, 640x360, 2013-07-07 16-41-04.172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

main unit itself.

>> No.881270
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serial number for those interested

>> No.881305
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I also have a complete steel battalion i got for free but i can't find the pics and it's in the closet, also not exactly /vr/ either

>> No.881337

>gold carts are actually more common than the grey ones actually
They are. I have gold carts of Zelda 1 and 2, and they were both dirt-cheap.

As for rarest game... Probably my copy of Misadventures of Tron Bonne. Still in fair condition, with the manual and MML2 demo disc.

>> No.881354

Fuck you

>> No.881360

I don't know how rare it is but the most interesting thing in my collection is a CD-i with Wand of Gamelon and Faces of Evil.

>> No.881359

I suppose Earthbound in terms of price

>> No.881407

Post video

>> No.881426

>CIB guaranteed bug free revision WWF No Mercy cart from a former THQ/AKI employee (guy is still selling some on ebay)
>Gamecube Component Cable
>pair of 3rd party SNES and Genesis joystick
>RGB modded gold N64

Nothing too special

>> No.881447


You lucky bastard. I'm a huge megaman and legends fan in general. I kick myself hard for not grabbing a cheap copy of tron bonne back in the day

>> No.881460

SNES version of Street Fighter Alpha 2, I guess.

>> No.881465

I own a copy of graffiti kingdom

>> No.881467

Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine on the N64. It was Blockbuster exclusive (meaning you could only rent it, not buy it), so it's relatively sort of-kind of rare

>> No.881469

I don't really own anything rare/expensive/valuable

Anything that costs too much I stick to emulation. Stuff that is reasonable I buy. I guess the most valuable retro thing I have is an NES top loader. ~_~

>> No.881516
File: 531 KB, 2588x1836, front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own a lot of expensive pieces but nothing I would dare to call rare...

>> No.881521
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im jelly

Not exactly too retro, but seems to go for a ridiculous price

>> No.881530

I actually got my copy for free, from my cousin who got it for free from his friend.
He didn't want it, so feels amazing.

>> No.881534

got mine at a garage sale for $1. they also had a virtual boy for $10 and i'm still pissed i didn't jump on it and buy it

>> No.881535

Um... I own a copy of Wizardry 6.

Not the ones sold to customers, but the ones intended for stores to display. "NOT FOR RESALE" stamped every few pages in the manual and in the inner-box. It also came with both 3.5" AND 5.25", instead of 3.5" -OR- 5.25".

I guess that's rare.

>> No.881536

I thought he was talking about Ocarina of Time. I have a golden Majora's Mask, but apparentely that one isn't very rare.

>> No.881537

I have Lunar Silver Star Story, but it's not the super edition with all the shit, it's the 2 disc one with the neato fanart on the discs.

That's probably it, not even rare.

>> No.881540

Uhh well I have Castlevania Bloodlines.

I have way more rare anime dvds than games.

>> No.881542

oh wait there is something that is... kinda rare and a bit random... I own 2 working JVC X'eye and sega CDX that I bought for almost nothing.

>> No.881559
File: 86 KB, 960x720, 1356868626073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erm...I own gubble for ps1?

>> No.881571 [DELETED] 

I had one too, it was cheap as shit for a while. Think I lost mine in a move, which makes it extra depressing to see the current prices...

>> No.881575

>Commodore 64c
Ma nig, my dad contests that the 64c is not the definitive commodore. It's the only one I've ever owned.
Then again, he had a zx spectrum too.

>> No.881578

Did you see that guy's kickstarter to make a new gubble? I can't find the video anymore; I think he took it down out of embarrassment.

>> No.881603

tbh i only bought it the other day for £1 from a market stall because the title just sounded so ridiulous in Norfolk, UK. Here "Gubble" is slang for "drunk ramblings whilst accidentally emitting phlegm"

>> No.881660

>in fair condition
fair is a grade above poor and in a PS1 that would mean it's unplayable, nice try though

>> No.881681

I was wondering what the Panasonic REAL thing was but then I looked it up and saw it was just one of their many attempts to rebrand the 3DO

>> No.881772

Ha, that's funny. Might have been what the creator was going for. He's the same guy who made Crystal Castles for the Atari. He always puts a lot of bizarre classical music in his games.

>> No.881884
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pic related, i guess soldier blade? i didn't realize my hucard collection was this big....

>> No.881921
File: 262 KB, 960x720, super starfox weekend2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga

>> No.881962
File: 648 KB, 2560x1440, Project J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got digimon world 1 and 3 and i founf Project justice in a thrift store today
pic fucking related

>> No.881978

bible adventures, blue cart

>> No.881989

how is your snes not piss yellow

>> No.882001

i just started my turbo grafx collection so i am drooling over a few of those games.

>> No.882008

I have quite a bit of money tied up in my hucards, that's not even counting my TGCD stuff and the system cards.

>> No.882019


Mine is still gray, too. I think Nintendo changed the plastic for some of the models after a certain point.

>> No.882026

I wonder when they rolled out the newer models for the first time; I've had my SNES since about 1992, and it's half yellow.

>> No.882027
File: 469 KB, 1600x1600, the wait is hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know i am in for a wild ride as you can't find this stuff locally other than by pure luck.

managed to somehow find a few good tg16 games at goodwill last month for $2 each and they all had their cases and only one was missing the manual well except for bonk's revenge that came in a case for bonk's adventure.

>> No.882081

that reminds me, has anyone tried using this stuff? I'm interested to see if it actually works.

>> No.882089
File: 36 KB, 500x375, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh... forgot link


>> No.882093



>> No.882095

ITT: People post games that are insanely over-priced and assume that means they are rare

>> No.882098

I think he's just showing that he has the full collection

ITP: some one repeats an old tired troll for the millionth time

>> No.882101

Well at least you can burn all the CD games, but you're gonna need a System card 3.0 play some of that stuff. The american card was expensive last I checked, so I just bought a japanese card.

>> No.882106
File: 22 KB, 399x187, Keyboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got one of these recently. Pretty rare I believe

>> No.882107

the thing that gets me is that thing is about the size of a game boy, yet everyone still clings to the notion that the Game Gear was big and bulky do to the limitations of the time... I would imagine that the TGE proves otherwise

>> No.882113

that's from the N64, right? what games does that even work on?

>> No.882112

>tfw my Orta copy just stopped working

It gets to the first loading screen after the first cut scenes and then freezes there. It use to work before, it's a newer copy I got a few months ago. The disc is clean too.

>> No.882121

Man, I never had a good copy of Orta. It took ages to find a beat-up used copy. I didn't know there were supposed to be voices in-game until someone asked what was wrong with my game.

>> No.882127


>> No.882131

I think it was mostly used to browse the Randnet online service

>> No.882137

/v/ doesn't like Orta, because it's fun.

>> No.882159

i heard it's a bit finnicky with newer discs and requires 650mb discs burned at the lowest possible speed for best results

>> No.882158

the turbografx express was also prohibitively expensive, whilst the game gear was affordable.

>> No.882162

i have a pokemon green cartridge and i live in the USA. dont know if that counts for anything

>> No.882230

I guess the rarest /vr/ thing I own is a copy of NES Gemfire with the instruction booklet.


/v/ does hate. I loved that game, I think I might play it again tonight.

>> No.882271


>> No.882309

Erm, no, it's still 100% playable.

>> No.882316

>/v/ doesn't like something
>that means I can talk about it here even though it's off topic

>> No.882320

Super Smashed Bros. It's not even rare, though.

>> No.882323

had to look this up, had no idea such a thing existed, makes me wish the 64DD did make it over here.

>> No.882334


There's a chick at my FLGS that has that same DS. She won the last draft I went to.

>> No.882351
File: 340 KB, 650x327, STUFF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these.

>> No.882352

It's not like it's degrading the quality of this thread. At least it's not like the guy started a Dreamcast thread.

>> No.882357

EarthBound. but lets be honest EB isn't really rare. more like uncommon.

>> No.882654

Worth a shitload of money

>> No.882761


>> No.882773

I plan to get one of those Micros when I'm well enough to work again.

I'll call it my prize for not killing myself these past few years.

>> No.882784

Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake for the MSX2. Complete and mint.

>> No.882798

Well, I guess it'd either be my virtual boy with Wario land, Mario Tennis, Red Alarm and Water world

Or my copy of Suikoden II.

>> No.882885

For anyone considering Retrobright, I'd like to warn you that it will not turn your yellowed SNES console halves back to gray, it will bleach/whiten them. Also it'll make the ABS plastic much more brittle (corners will start cracking) and often the whitening action will be a bit splotchy, visibly so.

I should probably start a thread about this.

>> No.882921

>What's the rarest retro thing you own?

Warsong for Sega Genesis.
Battery still works after all of these years too.

>> No.883146

SNES Chrono Trigger
Gold Ocarina of Time

not really that rare.

>> No.883152

Intellivision with 12 games

Rare considering how many of them actually still work (like mine).

>> No.883167
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Some kid I knew long ago borrowed my MMX3.. then moved to the fucking Phillipines..

>> No.883181

I'm not sure. An official nintendo "bag" for carry my GBC.

>> No.883183

>doubles on mario rpg
I hate you.

>> No.883193
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>> No.883208
File: 35 KB, 325x226, Goemonsgreatadvbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the rarest game I have by sales numbers that I could be bothered to find is Goemon's Great Adventure.

Non-retro rarest thing is easily Bit.Trip Complete.

>> No.883216


>> No.883223

Rare? I don't have any. But the most valuable thing for me, of all the time is my Pokémon Emerald copy (original), in my country it's rare (and expensive) as fuck.

>> No.883221 [DELETED] 
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>> No.883234

Used to be my copy of Persona 2: Eternal Punishment. Had to sell it to pay bills a while back, though.

Now, I'm not sure. Nothing exceptional.

>> No.883249

Probably a pink GBP, which I believe was Japan exclusive.

>> No.883253



>> No.883259
File: 1.96 MB, 267x200, FUCK EVERYTHING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ends right when the story was getting good

>> No.883270

fuck if I know I have a copy of Goemon 64, F-Zero X, OoT and MM, Zelda Oracle of Seasons and Wave Race 64.

>> No.883273

>Used to be my copy of Persona 2: Eternal Punishment.

that shit is so fucking expensive these days. I saw the PS1 version of Innocent Sin on amazon and some guy is selling that for 300 euros.

>> No.883597

That wasn't a necklace. That was an actual, legit pocketwatch with one of several character designs. Quite possibly one of the coolest preorder bonuses ever made.

It's the biggest over-the-top release Working Designs ever did. Some of the other items you see are a memory card holder, player character standees, Dual Shock thumb stick covers, and hardcover manual.

>> No.883681

A mint-sealed Pok?mon Mini, I think

>> No.884285

Atari Jaguar in the box with the booklets

>> No.884513

Lots of my Neo Geo and PC Engine stuff.

some real jewels in there.

>> No.884520

Ah I see. I'm here thinking that was a necklace.

The manual also doubled as an artbook according to the outer flap, though there wasn't much in the way of stuff like Concept Art.

>> No.884527

Atari 2600, and a Collecovision.

>> No.884641

OMFG is a gold zelda cart rare, ive had one for years as my stepfather gave it to me. Im new to the retro gaming but is a gold cart rare im trying to post a pic but it shows up white in my shitty phone cam. I posted it in the n64 controller thread, pls respond.

>> No.884652

Oh and i also have the gb famicom micro but idk if thats rare cuz nintendo was selling them online for 99 dollars when i got it. Ima try to include it with the gold cart see if i can show it. I dont have the box for the gold cart will that severely devalue it? Oh and i also have a mario game and watch in poor condition.

>> No.884656

No, child.
Gold carts are more common than grey ones

>> No.884660

Mega Man V for the Gameboy. So yeah, not much.

>> No.884671
File: 613 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20130708_150900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what i have can you verify that it is rare. Im about to search it up right now

>> No.884675

I'm pretty sure he's rather obviously trolling

>> No.884685

Lmao, I am pretty embarassed now, I got hype for no reason. I was not trolling, I am just misinformed. Btw, what gold cart were they talking about?

>> No.884686


yeah...smells awefully like /v/ and summer...

>> No.884706
File: 872 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_20130707_173147_220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Probably not rare but I've had it since i was a wee lad and first got my nes.

>> No.884709

Damn now I have to blend in with your super secret club, I just enjoy this boards insightful discussion on retro games which I have taken a sincere infatuation with but you know what. I'll follow the posting and grammatical guidelines because I enjoy this board too much. Now have a good day sir.

>> No.884724

I have an N64 with 4 controllers and NFL Blitz, which according to Craigslist, is like $150


>> No.884869

Hey, just wondering, what's your real age?
No need to lie, I started browsing 4chan 6 years ago when I was 16.

>> No.884894

I have the gold cart zelda game boy camera

That's probably the rarest thing I own.

>> No.884914

I've moved so many times that I no longer have much of anything before the Playstation era. I do have Vay for Sega CD with a cracked case, manual and map. I also have Phantasy Star 2,3 & 4 for Sega genesis and all should have boxes and manuals. Although my Phantasy Star 4 has a paper box and a manual made of non-glossy paper. I hear there was a plastic box version but I've never seen it. The box and cart have West Coast Video stickers on them too. It must have been a rental copy before it somehow ended up used in Game Gallery back in the winter of what I think was 1995. I wonder if it was stolen and no one in the store cared when they put it up for resale.

I don't think any of this stuff is rare though. Just the best of whatever I have left, sadly.

>> No.884930

> gold cart zelda game boy camera
Uh. English please?

>> No.884940
File: 153 KB, 815x1000, il_fullxfull.341161181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have it anymore, but this was the first vidya I ever got at three years old. Coleco Tabletop arcade donkey Kong. Pity the thing broke on me...

>> No.884946

I have the Zelda edition of the GameBoy Camera which is a gold cart.

>> No.884972
File: 620 KB, 2048x1536, 09072013356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These two.
Got nights for 57$.

>> No.884981

>off topic as fuck
>tries to save his ass by bringing up a completely different situation that has nothing to do with this thread

you really are a faggot.

>> No.885184

none of the zelda gold carts are worth much... though to the right collector those game and watches might be if they are originals

>> No.885204

I don't really own anything rare.

MGS1, RE2, and Fallout 1 (all on PC) are probably my rarest games.

>> No.885205

whao... I'm not sure if that's rare or not, but I've never seen it before... I had a sliding wooden nintendo branded case, unfortunately it has fallen apart...

>> No.885835 [DELETED] 


shut up and go back to /v/ faggot.

>> No.885887 [DELETED] 

no "faggot," you are the /v/

>> No.886149

I've never seen another one either but I've never really looked. I still have a piece of paper in it that used to have a mike Tyson punch out code on it or something. i had a case that sounds similar to yours that housed Odyssey games, but its long gone. Was plastic though but everything plastic then had wood grain finish.

>> No.886159
File: 1.14 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20130707_173217_550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Win.

>> No.886176

I got that CIB in rather good shape for $15, so I wouldn't exactly call it rare.

>> No.886186

Ya was joking. Was a pain in the ass game. Used to play it a lot as a kid though. Dug it out of a box in closet a few days ago.

>> No.886198

Yeah, game's fairly challenging, but still fun nonetheless.

>> No.886224


What was the point of that, janitor?

>> No.886226

>My dumbass ex-gf sold her copy two/three years ago
>Didn't wait for the retro bubble
>Didn't keep it as a collector
I was mad. I don't have anything particularly rare, just half of what
has (not EB CIB though, nice)
among other rare things (lunar 1/2 CE, Suikoden 2, etc). If I were to sell ALL of my physical vidya, it'd be worth more than the combined might of anything presented in this thread, and then some.

>> No.887381

16, but im in college already. Started lurking around 13.