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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8808834 No.8808834 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8808875

it was really good at getting it's ass kicked by the ps2. It also was good at building children's imagination, many young children flexed their creativity pretending shenmue was as good as GTA.

>> No.8808880

sega will forever be mogged by Nintendo

>> No.8808918

>getting it's ass kicked by the ps2
dreamcast games run and look better than ps2 games, also vga

>> No.8808934

They did mostly all run at 60, so they've aged nicely, far better than most of the ps2 library. But the dreamcast controller is absolute ass so I emulate my entire collection using desmume on windows with an xbox controller.

>> No.8808947

As much as I didn’t want to believe it I kinda agree that it’s not too good of a controller now that I actually own a dreamcast. Crazy taxi hurts my fingers in a way that no other controller does. In its defense, crazy taxi on the ps2 also hurts my hand, the GameCube controller is the only one it really works well on. I was playing Rez the other day too and my finger kept slipping off the stick once it got sweaty, but that’s the only game it’s happened in. Not like the genesis pad is super ergonomic either though

>> No.8808952

I actually like the controller, fits well in my hands, and it has analogue triggers which is pretty good for racing games. the only downside is the dpad

>> No.8808960

I built up a nice disc collection but sold my dreamcast with all controllers and VDU's because the hardware itself is nearing perfect emulation now and the controller WILL hurt your hands. It looks nice but it is not meant for human hands. When the N64 controller is more ergonomic and pleasant to hold for long periods you know you have a problem.

And even if you miss it you can just get a USB replica or the real thing and plug it in with adapter. But you won't miss it.

>> No.8808961

I recently got one of those Packapunch Scart cables that converts the VGA signal into RGB so that the Retrotink can read it. And fuckin A man, I'm just blown away by the image quality. It's incredibly clear, crisp and vibrant. Is there any other /vr/ console with image quality as good as this? Original Xbox maybe?

>> No.8808967

the n64 controller is way worse than the dc one

>> No.8808980

No way dude. No way. You could pound away at that controller for hours. Try using your DC controller for 4 hours non stop. You will require hand surgery.

>> No.8808984

Yeah DC has high quality image quality due to the power VR graphics hardware.

>> No.8808996

The d pad seems fine to me but maybe I just haven’t used it much yet. It’s no classic sega pad but it’s better than any other pad that came after. The analog triggers are nice I can’t lie, I just wish they were bigger like the GameCube’s, because with how thin and angled they are, they dig into your fingers and start to hurt after more than an hour or so.
But, maybe I’m just bitter cause I can only play sega rally 2 and crazy taxi since my laser stopped reading burned games, and neither of those games were made specifically for that controller.

>> No.8809002

>it looks nice
It really fucking does though, just looking at it makes you want to play. Only other controller that looks as inviting and made for gaming is a GameCube controller.

>> No.8809024


>> No.8809038

the n64 controller has no analogue triggers and the joystick is one of the worst ive ever seen, and breaks my thumb every time

>> No.8809053

d pad is cool if you just use it for like, menus and inventories and shit, but compared with the md2 controller or saturn one, its pretty shity. I have to say it does hurt when you play more than an hour but you have to be pressing down very hard all the time, but if you dont use the triggers all the time its fine

>> No.8809106

>the dreamcast controller is absolute ass

>> No.8809109

except for killing the chance of sega making another good game
rest in peace

>> No.8809110

Sms library while smaller than nes still has very impressive games. Mega Drive, Saturn and Dreamcast all mop the floor with what Nintendo put out.

>> No.8809143

>Sms library while smaller than nes still has very impressive games
The graphics were better and I want to say the gameplay had more depth, because it was more powerful. But maybe more depth is wording it poorly. It allowed for more possibilities. Just compare Alex the Kidd in Miracle world to Super Mario. Master System had better games because it had more horsepower under the hood. Probably the only generation where I feel Sega shits all over Nintendo and where you can defend that position without being blamed of having nostalgiagoggles.

>> No.8809158

nintendo always made shit

>> No.8809454

The textures are bad

The gameplay is still decent though. It's a suped up ps1 that leans toward arcade games imo

Has a few games worth playing. That era just looks so bad its getting tougher to enjoy now

The taxi games were fun and the arcade shooters, racers too. Still rather play the ps2 versions of a lot of these games

>> No.8809510

Nice man. What display are you using it on, modern LCD?

>> No.8809517

MVC2 was actually playable on DC, on PS2 it was dogshit

>> No.8809519

Try using it for Code Veronica, you’ll change your opinion. I just don’t understand why they got rid of the Genesis/Saturn dpad.

>> No.8809536

Yeah just my 4K tv, 1440p through the Retrotink. It blows Gamecube, Wii and (obviously) PS2 out of the water

>> No.8809686

> Still rather play the ps2 versions of a lot of these games
ps2 has bad res and shity filters

>> No.8809691

>The textures are bad

>> No.8811367
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>compare Alex Kidd to smb
Both great games but God damn was miracle World hard. As a kid I shared your same opinion on Master system but after playing more nes you realise it's library is stacked with a lot of great games.

>> No.8811627
File: 117 KB, 720x540, n64-controller-wrong-hold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know why it breaks your thumb, you use it wrong. It was your thumb all along.

>> No.8811631

No, the GD-ROM discs could only hold 1.2gb but 99% of games on ps2 never exceeded that anyway so dvd format gave it no advantage.

Dreamcast has better texture filtering and hardware AA (which the PS2 lacks). In most cases dreamcast had crisper better textures.

>> No.8811779
File: 17 KB, 320x320, 1485520459859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about textures being bad
>proceeds to praise ps2 which had objectively worse video output quality and texture filtering options making everything look like dinghy n64 shit

>> No.8811917

N64 had hardware 3-point texture filtering and hardware anti aliasing. Ps2 had neither of these. It couldn't filter textures in hardware and it couldn't do hardware anti aliasing. sad

>> No.8811928

>GDEMU costs over 200 on AliExpress

>> No.8811938

I've seen them for $20 on ebay in the past week though

>> No.8811940

The new versions?

>> No.8811950

doesn't matter, they're all the same

>> No.8811956

The newer ones fix glitches in a few games.

>> No.8811960

more like they fix the dev's bank account
>trust me guys, you REALLY need to buy more of the same thing!! i cant just release a firmware update instead of a whole new board because... i just cant ok!!!

>> No.8811991

>N64 had hardware 3-point texture filtering and hardware anti aliasing. Ps2 had neither of these.
Cool. The ps2 is has objectively shitty video output, but just because the N64 had those hardware features doesn't mean they were necessarily effective there. The only thing it achieved was blurring the fuck out of everything and achieving a look that only looks halfway decent on a average consumer CRT from the time and nothing else. PS1's lack of forced texture filtering and unnecessary hardware AA steps has held up much better. No denying that had the N64 had a few slight fixes it would have been godly though.
>keep the semi-effective edge AA, but drop the unnecessary screen "blur pass" one
>larger texture cache
>maybe fix the rdram latency issues
Consider what we ultimately got, it was still an impressive package for the price point. Cartridges were really a nonissue compared to what people make it out to be. The problem is that Nintendo never really bothered to push cartridges on the 64 in a way that they could have as well, most likely because they were focusing on the 64DD which we all know how that turned out.

>> No.8812623

no its just the stick, its shit

>> No.8812659

Custom microcode fixed the issues, particularly those to do with the puny texture cache. Rare streamed and stitched together textures on the fly.

Ram latency was a problem but there was plenty of it with the expansion pack.

What N64 truly needed was bigger cart roms for storage of more texture variety and higher quality audio samples, and some in-cart co-processor chips for some standout graphical stuff.

Despite all this a handful of games show the console was a generation ahead of the ps1 and saturn, albeit many of these games came late.

eg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWiOO-M75Aw

>> No.8812689

wasnt the expansion pack made just to fix a bug? and didn't actually improve the games?

>> No.8813236
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Everything except pic related

>> No.8813247 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 309x410, will_wright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing. Will Wright never made a game for the Dreamcast.

>> No.8813264

The textures sucked but the games were ok

I think its just about the developers choosing ps2 because it was a beefier machine

>> No.8813805

I know this post is bait but how the fuck can you even conflate these two?

>> No.8813873

If you truly believe that the DC had no games of note, then you don't belong here. Fuck off with your hysterics, your gay large font, and your profoundly retarded take, you fag. Go on - piss off. Christ knows why you and your ilk are tolerated on this board. You contribute nothing.

>> No.8815382

He said WRIGHT. DREAMCAST truly was the last good console. While I enjoyed my ps2 the gta games were the only ones I can even remember.

>> No.8815385

Both are open world games. I'd even say Shenmue was much better than gta 3 series. Only thing I'd give to gta is its humor.

>> No.8815395

My first character in pso was transformed into a NOL. RIP.

>> No.8816026
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, 1642051399756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If denying reality makes you sleep better at night, you do you dude.

>> No.8816038

Left image looks horrible and washed out

>> No.8816047

I miss V2 PSO bros... everyone only plays BB now but it's just not the same.

>> No.8816052

The shaders on the right look like a Nintendo 64 game.

>> No.8816059

Not one thing in the PS2 pic looks better. Not one. The shading on her breast is more obvious because it's shit. There is shading on her breast in the DC pic as well, it's just more subtle because it actually has good hardware. Look at the fucking floor texture. DC one has like 4x the res.

>> No.8816061

The sword is completely flat shaded, just textured polygons.

>> No.8818001

You just proved dreamcast has WAY better texture quality.

>> No.8818005

The N64 could do what the ps2 is doing with the sword. This seems to be a dev change for the port.

>> No.8819342

>It's a suped up ps1

Sorry snoyboy but ps1 AND ps2 even could never make something as artful as shenmue or jet set

>> No.8819364

Ps2 couldn't even handle Shenmue according to Yu.

>> No.8819390

A Sega employee wasn't shit talking their own console? What a surprise.

>> No.8819480

I don't think DoA2 is a fair comparison. The OG game was designed specifically for Dreamcast and the PS2 port was a hackjob done by some studio without Itagaki's oversight.

>> No.8819732

right looks so nice

>> No.8819758

this is yet another example of a dreamcast ports lighting not translating to other consoles

>> No.8821834

Dc quake 3 is better than what ps2 released which came out almost a year later. Why does dreamcasts power upset you?

>> No.8822994

its fucking shit weeb faggot kill yourself i will not bother reading your queer ass response either

>> No.8823118

>30fps and tank controls
Yeah no.

>> No.8823669

And yet, Nintendo will still be remembered long after your death. Curious.

>> No.8825713

>Mouse + keyboard = tank controls

>> No.8826928
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The Dreamcast has more Jewish gang signs all over the chassis than the most used-up porn whore.

The Saturn was simply named in homage to Satan.

>> No.8826942

>I think its just about the developers choosing ps2 because it was a beefier machine
I think a bigger reason was just market share. including the DVD player made sales explode.

>> No.8826996

I truly believe had they given it one more year it would have been a success.
However, the Saturn is what really fucked them over and the DC got to deal with the damage

>> No.8827713

I didn't like Dreamcast's controller. Too big. The VMU was pointless, too. It was the same ridiculous idea as the PocketStation. Idk which came out first between the two, but they were both extremely dumb only for their lack of utilisation, similar to the DS and its two screens. Few games actually utilised both screens in any capacity beyond showing you a map or a status screen or something.

>> No.8827721

i am deep into the pol hole and not even i believe this though i will admit the japanese have been subverted by jewish influence

>> No.8827737

this is a no schizo board

>> No.8827917

>The textures are bad
no, they were soulful