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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 30 KB, 288x232, LJN_toys_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
880515 No.880515[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

LJN appreciation thread! What was the LJN game you have the fondest memories of, /vr/?

>> No.880523

alien 3 on nes & snes are actually good games

>> No.880537

True Lies

>> No.880531

ithought friday da 13th was gud

>> No.880538

Did they make Roger Rabbit? I remember making it to the end of that game...

Only to lose

>> No.880579

Maximum fuckin Carnage

>> No.880596

Crash Dummies on SNES.

>> No.880601

I'll never forgive them for X-Men. I remember being so psyched on Christmas 1990 when I opened that game, just to have my joy crushed 20 seconds after pressing start.

That said, even though LJN gave me more than one childhood trauma, their games always had pretty good music. Namely Silver Surfer and Spider-Man/X-Men: Arcade's Revenge.

>> No.880607
File: 115 KB, 620x853, 2961-126586-250pxJawsboxartjpg-620x[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the haters. I like NES Jaws.

>> No.880605
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>> No.880612

>ljn appreciation

You, are the worst kind of person.

>> No.880621

Nah, they had some decent games. People just seem to latch onto the nerd hate.

>> No.880630
File: 467 KB, 1920x1040, vlcsnap-2013-07-07-21h29m51s234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact:

You can actually see the box of this game in Back to the Future Part II.

>> No.880632

>some decent games

name 2

>> No.880662
File: 4 KB, 256x232, 1722_14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually enjoy Friday 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street a lot.
Nightmare on Elm Street makes good use of the concept of "kids with powers" from the 4th movie and gameplay is actually solid, and fun in co-op.
Friday 13th is rather hardcore and unforgiving but once you get the hang of it it's pretty fun. It has some good survival horror elements.

But on NES the best LJN game is Alien3. If it wasn't so artificially hard due to the unforgiving time limit, it'd be remembered as a really good game. Gameplay, music, graphics, level design are all solid.

Pictionnary has some fucking awesome music by Tom Follin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_Hsyo7lmQU

but their best game is probably Crash Dummies indeed

Admit it, you blindly hate on LJN because of the AVGN but never tried the game and never even heard of LJN before

>> No.880663

Maximum Carnage.

That other one.

>> No.880669

It's funny that actual antique stores nowadays might have that kind of stuff in them.

>> No.880681

<33 LJN.

>> No.880678


>implying LJN didn't earn my scorn 15 years before I'd ever heard of AVGN

Wolverine on the NES? Fuuuuck that shit.

>> No.880693


Show me where

>> No.880701

I had the most fun with Karate Kid and Crash Dummies.

>> No.880707

>Karate Kid

>> No.880719
File: 70 KB, 400x674, gotcha-label.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed Gotcha! quite a bit

>> No.880723


Heh. Nice.

>> No.880739

Seriously? No one? FUCKING PUNISHER! The only good game they ever made period! GO PLAY THAT SHIT RIGHT NOT I DONT CARE IF YOU EMULATE IT...

oh and shoot EVERYTHING!

>> No.880775

The shooting in Punisher is fun, but Frank moves slower than a goddamn battleship. There's also hardly a soundtrack at all, and just like Silver Surfer, the only way to win is through strict level memorization.

>> No.880778
File: 174 KB, 1200x900, terminator-2-super-nintendo-snes-super-famicom_MCO-F-3555013073_122012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best: Easily the best version of a T2 game on any console at the time

Worst: Wolverine. He takes damage when he uses his claws. HE FUCKING TAKES DAMAGE WHEN HE USES HIS ADAMANTIUM CLAWS.

>> No.880773

I actually do have good memories of playing Rodger Rabbit as a kid. The game was obtuse as hell and it took forever to figure out what to do, but somehow I enjoyed just wandering around aimlessly and punching the hell out of weasels.

>> No.880796
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>> No.880901

They made an action figure based on NES Jason Voorhees. I would post a picture but I'm on my phone.


>> No.881148

Some of their games would be good were it not for some fucktarded design flaw they seem to deliberately go out of their way to add onto the game just to dick with you. For instance, Silver Surfer looks like it could have been a decent shoot-em-up if they hadn't made the hit detection so unforgiving.

Others are just plain irredeemably bad, however.

>> No.881185

Is that the light gun game?
I had fond memories of that game, but the sequence with the Jeep was impossible.

>> No.881230

Y'know, Ft13th isn't actually a bad game -- save for the over-the-head rock tossing.

>> No.881245

I would have said Maximum Carnage but I only played the Genesis version.

>> No.881264

Maximum Carnage.
Dat Soundtrack

Also WWF Royal Rumble.

>> No.881303

I can totally agree with you on the music. It's kind of funny how some shitty games can still manage to have enjoyable tunes. I don't think LJN games had the most diverse soundtracks (they could have used a couple more songs per game), but what they had wasn't as bad as the games themselves were.

>> No.881490


>> No.881508

All of LJN's games feel more like proof-of-concept demos than actual games.

Like Friday the 13th... that game had some really neat ideas (the Jason alarm, those 3D dungeon houses with the creepy music) it just needed to be fleshed out more.

>> No.881507

I've never noticed Burger Time in there, before.

>> No.881514

WWF Wrestlemania Challenge was pretty good.
And based David Wise made his own versions of the wrestler themes for that game. Dat Ravishing Rick Rude theme

>> No.881549

For the AVGN comments, in the 80s/90s, LJN already had a reputation for making horrible games

>> No.881617

> their games always had pretty good music

Play Back To The Future through a few times and then come back and tell me if you still want to use the word "always" in that sentence.

>> No.881648

sup Jaws bro. I actually got 2 copies of this one Christmas because I wanted it so badly. I enjoyed the fuck out of it, despite it's shortcomings.

>> No.881650

no you, AVGN fanboy plsgo

Gotcha! The sport is a fucking awesome lightgun game.

>> No.881664


That music is stuck in my head now, you fool

>> No.881676

T2 The Arcade Game was the light gun game, and pretty good up until the fucking car stage.
NOT made by LGN

>> No.881680


>> No.881683

that song is fucking awesome as repetative it may be

>> No.881702

I wish that's how the game sounded

>> No.881701
File: 498 KB, 500x368, tumblr_ltfifpb8Nk1qc42hdo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their games always had pretty good music

>> No.881724

LJN is only a publisher. Of course they didn't make it. They didn't make any of these games.

>> No.881732


>> No.881739

That's not semantics. LJN literally did not make these games.

>> No.881757


That's just the Stockholm Syndrome talking.

>> No.881765

dat JVC RGB monitor

>> No.881851

God damn it...
I know it's hard, but try not to be a complete moron.

>> No.883023

Fuck all the haters, Nightmare on Elm Street is some of the most fun I've ever had with an NES game.

>Four player co-op
>on a fucking NES

>> No.883042


>> No.883465


>> No.883497

>being this stupid

>> No.883503

Without developers the games wouldn't have benn there.
Without publishers the games wouldn't have benn there.

They both had their part in the making of the games.
You're both wrong, now cut it out and go to bed.

>> No.883510

not X-men

>> No.883516

Uh...no. Publishers are in charge of release and distribution. Developers are in charge of game development.

LJN has no part in "making" these games. If you had said "selling", then yes, but you didn't.

LJN releases lots of crappy games. They just don't actually make them.

>> No.883525

Without publisher money there developers wouldn't have made the game. If that's not being part of the making I don't know what is.

>> No.883527


Many existing fully-developed games search out publishers for release.

Here's an example.
Virtual On: Oratorio Tangram.for Dreamcast

Sega skipped out on release this title in the US, and Activision finally picked up the rights for a stateside release.

Now, tell me...what part did Activision play in the development of this game?

Also, funding development =/= actual development work on the game.

>> No.883529

"Made" "Make" Making" are generic umbrella terms you autismal fat necked fairy.
No LGN didn't "Make" the games with their bare hands, Pedro and his underaged daughters did for 2 cents a cartridge over a 70 hour work week.
Try to calm your tits over meagre semantics.

>> No.883531

did a publisher rape your sister?

>> No.883532

>still claiming semantics despite literally telling me I was right in the first part of the comment

Now, THAT'S autism

>> No.883536
File: 799 KB, 1500x1132, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a sister, but you have a mom

>> No.883538

Were you dropped as a baby?

>> No.883542

>>still claiming semantics despite literally telling me I was right in the first part of the comment

That wasn't even the same guy....

and you're not right because you can't admit that publishers have a part in the making of games.

>> No.883543

Better question: Is the the only level of retort you have?

>> No.883548

I gave examples. It's not my fault you didn't read them.

Publishers many times help fund development, but they don't actually develop the games unless they are a developer themselves. LJN is not a developer.

>> No.883557

If LJN didn't made games, whys there logo on the box?

>> No.883568

I bet you think Stephen King prints all copies of his books himself.

>> No.883583

So a publishing company do that? They print the books?
You mean to say that publishing companies make the books that we see in bookstore?
OK cool, thanks for clearing that up :)

>> No.883589

>implying they wrote the books

Keep with the context, Skeezix.

>> No.883592

Agreed. I tried Alien 3 on SNES with almost no expectations and enjoyed it quite a bit, like an unusual take on Metroid.

>> No.883595

Developed by Probe. They were shit when it came to the Mortal Kombat ports, but they made great console-only titles.

>> No.883607

Get the fuck out /v/.

>> No.883617

/vr/ has gotten really stupid lately. Did /v/ finally find out about this place and invade?

>> No.883629

Hey, don't yell at me. I was asking for an intelligent reply that didn't consist of "HURR DURR" in one form or another.

>> No.883636

Act like an adult about it and not some angry 15 year old.

>> No.883856
File: 2.30 MB, 2100x1534, Warlock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really enjoyed this game. fairly dire controls but having your face melt off as your life bar? Priceless.

>> No.883859
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>oh shi...

>> No.885335


>not liking http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qp1TrfzGHKo

I pity you.

>> No.888602

Fun fact, it was made by the people who created Wonder Boy.

>> No.891204

I hated LJN games when I was a kid, but over time (and now that I can see how to play them on YouTube) I've come to appreciate them.

I mean, Wolverine is still a piece of shit. Who had the balls to make a Wolverine game that punishes you for using his claws? But some of their other stuff (Punisher, Nightmare on Elm St.) can be kind of fun.

>> No.891237
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>> No.891240

This, and I think they also did Terminator 2 Arcade on consoles (or was that Probe?).

>> No.891257

The jeep part was extremely fucked up but not impossible. On the Megadrive version I stocked up on rockets and just spammed the upper area nonstop. On the SNES I think you could actually destroy the aerial hunter-killers fast enough by normally targeting them, but that might have been because I was playing the PAL version.

It was easier in co-op I think. I don't remember if difficulty scaled up or not when a second player was present.

Might have been even easier with actual lightguns too. I only played it with controllers.

>> No.891620

Nes Terminator 2. The level where if you did not kill people (shooting them in the knees) you got a "better weapon" (bullshit) was golden. The game sucked though

>> No.891647


Wasn't the Freddy game made by Rare?

>> No.891663

And WWF WrestleMania Challenge was made by Rare too.

>> No.891665

I remember playing the MLB game a lot, it was quite generic but I admit I had a lot of fun with it.

>> No.891668

>what is crouching

This was made by Atlus, as in the HEE HO people. Captcha even has oftHYHO.

>> No.891704


It was. That's why it has such a similar feel to Time Lord (which is tons of fun in itself, once you figure out what you're supposed to do).

Nightmare is one of the better licensed games on the NES. It's a shame the standard enemies are cookie-cutter Halloween monsters, but the Freddy battles are pretty epic.

>> No.891719

The first few LJN games are complete mysteries as to who made them, and the only indicator of who made them is either their presentation or the programmers come up and state that they worked on this game.

8 or so games are currently unknown as to who made them, as they all lack credits. LJN contracted Atlus to make games for them, who in turn hired other companies to make games for them. So far, it has been concluded that:

Atlus made Friday the 13th, Karate Kid, and MLB. These are distinctive in how lackluster the game's graphics are.

Sanritsu made T&C, Gotcha!, and NFL. They all have similar sounds (such as that PING sound) and look fairly good.

Jaws was made by WestOne, and no one knows who made X-Men. It is believed that X-Men is made by the same people who made Topple Zip for the FDS, since it shares sounds. In said game, it has cheats referring to "Pixel", possibly the developer, so it's possible that Pixel made X-Men.

>> No.891878

i was scared shitless of friday the 13th when i was a kid but now i actually like it a lot more

>> No.891903



>> No.894064




>> No.894973

same here. Friday the 13th scared the shit out of me. It's a real precursor to the survival horror genre. I never beat it as a kid, but revisited it later an adult. It's a far better game then its been given credit.

>> No.895016
File: 23 KB, 250x210, Game-boy-alien-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone here played the game boy Alien 3 game
its quite different from the SNES and NES version and is actually quite good and suspenseful
its almost like a primitive game boy take on survival horror... but some how it works.

>> No.895041

Agreed, it's pretty much why i love RE3 so much too. Being hunted by something horrifyingly strong can be scary as fuck..

>> No.895209

>no save feature; have to play it all in one sitting
>instant deaths
>very limited ammo
>only one decent weapon (the rest are mostly useless)
>have to draw maps for fan areas

It was a hard and frustrating game.

>> No.895268


Oh no, you have to DRAW A MAP? How horrible!

Seriously, back in the day drawing maps for games was just what you did. Unless you had a relevant issue of Nintendo Power with said maps already compiled.