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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 62 KB, 960x1280, castingsomedreams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8795954 No.8795954 [Reply] [Original]

Pour one out for the old Castmeister and tell /vr/ some of your favorite games.

>> No.8796073

I-Spy: Operation Espionage
Super Runabout
Gundam Side Story 0079
Charge n' Blast
Heavy Metal Geomatrix

>> No.8796085

Best 2D games that are not

>> No.8796087
File: 122 KB, 800x1100, akira virtua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virtua Fighter 3 is good fun, it's too bad that Soul Calibur completely stole its thunder in the US launch.

>> No.8796130

I do agree it's fun, but by the time Dreamcast launched in America, VF3 was already 3 years old. Can't really fault Sega for wanting to show off a bit.

>> No.8796139

Code Veronica
Soul Calibur
Giga Wing
Sword of Beserk
Crazy Taxi
Grandia 2
Cannon Spike
Chu Chu Rocket
2K games
Blue Stinger
Hydro Thunder
Jet Grind Radio
plus the best versions of any late gen multiplat. No other console in history had such a great balance between pick up and play arcade games and longer in depth titles.

>> No.8796176

Should I get a picoPSU? I don't really know how to take out the 12v regulator and don't really care to "butcher" my functional PSU.

>> No.8796194

Why do shitposters do this "list all the games that meet this arbitrary genre restriction that I made up!" thing? Like, what is it supposed to accomplish?

>> No.8796206

It's just a passive aggressive way for PS2fags to say "It doesn't have MY favorite games on it, so it sucks."

>> No.8796212

Marvel vs capcom 2, sf3 w impact, soul calibur, mr driller, daytona 2001...

>> No.8796249

Why aren't you playing SC1 and VF3 on fightcade, anon?

>> No.8796304

>Compatible with Microsoft Windows CE
Was this ever used?
I miss the Dreamcast, I remember downloading ROMs from IRC in 30 different parts and burning them since there was no copy protection
And playing Quake 3 online over the dial-up connection
But I tried playing Dreamcast games on my Retroid pocket and it just isn't the same, I need to get code veronica though

>> No.8796309

I know it was used to give the Dreamcast one shoddy port of Sega Rally 2.

>> No.8796318

CE was garbage. I assume Microsoft must have paid them for it because they were trying to push CE into everything for a while back then.

>> No.8796328

There is nothing arbitrary about it And I'm not sure why this fag >>8796206 bring ups the shit PS2 when it full of ports,VN, rpgs and has no 2D games

>> No.8796338

>There is nothing arbitrary about it
Other than the fact that the excluded game categories were chosen arbitrarily by you? Are you sure you know what "arbitrary" means?

>> No.8796347

You are the one calling others shitposters and sonyroaches for asking for games that meet certain criteria

>> No.8796349

It was a wild ride
I'm wondering what game i spent most time playing
Guess i'll never find out

>> No.8796360

Just got a gun for 30 aus bucks cos the guy said it wasn’t working
The pins just needed cleaning on the plug lol

>> No.8796383

I'm not that guy, I have no dog in your dumb console-warrior slap fight, but those criteria are 100% arbitrary.

>> No.8796386
File: 785 KB, 1161x604, lrn2solder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude it's super easy if you have even the most basic soldering skills and is way better than pico shit and their crappy chink external psus


>> No.8796389

Blessed thread

>> No.8796419

That is super easy, but I am a gullible retard who doesn't know how to solder.

>> No.8796449

A dozen games did use WinCE, but very few devs were interested in it. Most prefered to use DC's own devkit. Games would usually come with the APIs on the disc and the console read them. The initial idea was to use WinCE as the system's OS but the idea was scrapped for some reason.

>> No.8796545

As mindless and repetitive as the Crazy Taxi games are, I think they are the most fun I've ever had playing games. Soul Caliber and Code Veronica also blew me the fuck away when they first came out. I got pissed when they announced the early end of production and sold mine immediately. I don't even remember how I got my current Dreamcast. The only games I have now are Tony Hawk, Crazy Taxi 1 and 2, and Sonic Adventure.

>> No.8796585

You're an idiot for wanting people to spoon-feed you lists of 2D games from an entire console generation that was dead-set on pushing polygons. Especially when you say "NO ARCADE PORTS, NO SHMUPS, NO RPGs, NO VN, AND NO FIGHTING GAMES." Like what the fuck, dude? Those are the only genres that supported 2D after they became unpopular with the general public.

>> No.8796596

it's a meme, this guy is posting it on Saturn threads too

>> No.8796903

I said ports, never mentioned anything about arcade, it could be a computer port too
never said nothing about schmups or fighting games, if there is a game of those genres that is 2D and not a port then just mention it

>> No.8796917

What are the best light guns to get for this system? I can't find the dream blaster anywhere.

>> No.8797038

Mars Matrix
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Dead or Alive 2
Soul Calibur
Power Stone 1+2
Shenmue 1+2
Sakura Wars 3+4
Tennis 2K2
Sonic Adventure 2
Grandia II
Skies of Arcadia
Crazy Taxi
Chu Chu Rocket
Resident Evil 2

>> No.8797263

Resident evil 2 uses Windows CE. I suppose its basedbon the pc port.

>> No.8797270
File: 18 KB, 228x221, download (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seem to be the only person who likes this but it's a great racer with imaginative tracks. Fun and comfortable gaming right there

>> No.8797486
File: 387 KB, 1777x1407, soulcalibur_pal_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soul calibur is great, shame about xbox360 port losing some modes

>> No.8797656
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x1920, dremacast games volume two.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8798664

Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare appears to be in there twice, and I thought that game sucked. But otherwise, pretty good list.

>> No.8798690
File: 42 KB, 750x188, 162837464748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorites DC games:
Aero Dancing i
Blue Submarine No6
De La JetSet Radio
Dynamite Cop 2
F355 Challenge
Gundam Side Story 0079
Heavy Metal Geomatrix
Panzer Front
Powerstone 1/2
Propeller Arena
Shenmue I/II
Zombie Revenge

>> No.8798693

No games

>> No.8800249

You missed out then

>> No.8800404

So sad it only lasted for a couple of years.

>> No.8800426

Innumerable stars
still telling me where to go

>> No.8800532


Sonic Adventure 2
Bomberman Online
Crazy Taxi
Toy Commander
Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles
Seventh Cross Evolution

Do you really want me to just name all the Dreamcast games I've had as a kid

>> No.8800541

Power Stone 2 is the most fun party fighter of all time

>> No.8800598

2 is great with 4 players, but 1 is still the best for 1 on 1 vs

>> No.8801682

3 words

>> No.8802295

Does Ecco get better? I started it the other day and was really disappointed with the beginning compared to the masterpiece of intrigue that is Ecco 1’s beginning

>> No.8802383

Dreamcast Ecco? It gets moving after a bit, its story is not as good as Genesis Ecco IMO, but it felt alright.
(That is up until I got stuck on a tricky boss fight and set it aside for what should have been a short while, only to discover on returning to it like eight months later that I was out of practice and it had gone from "I can almost do this" to "fuuuuuck what am I doing?")

>> No.8802396

dreamcast psus are solid as fuck
no reason to get a picopsu unless yours is shot for some odd reason

>> No.8802650
File: 241 KB, 640x480, skyarc-113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite adventure story in all media. The ending is so melancholic

>> No.8802683

dc ecco is pretty good

>> No.8803282

The original Soul Calibur might be the best game I've ever played.

>> No.8803364

I'm not sure about "better" but it does get harder. Like, a lot.

In storyline department, it's just a retelling of original Ecco's plot with some changes, and many people consider original to be way better. I liked the idea of magic-powered nazi dolphins though.

>> No.8803525

It still looks great, too.

>> No.8803660
File: 176 KB, 836x650, Fighting_Vipers_2_pal-back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has great fighting games like fighting vipers 2 too

>> No.8803676

This game surprised my graphicswhore (read: zoomer) friends who think anything before 360 looks "bad".
Visually it's beautiful and I like the soundtrack a lot too. Gameplay is more fun than VF3

>> No.8804762

>Bomberman Online
>Sonic Adventure
>Sonic Adventure 2
>Black/Matrix AD
I'm still mad we never got that Castlevania game and that rumored Panzer Dragoon (which probably ended up being Orta).

>> No.8804775

Any schmup that is not an arcade port and exclusive for the dreamcast?
I see lots of ports only

>> No.8805767
File: 2.40 MB, 2016x1512, Lent_out_Trizeal_and_Rainbow_Cotton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I consider the Dreamcast and N64 Bangaioh different, not quite a port. The mechanics are somewhat different such that it is not quite a sequel nor a full on port.

>> No.8805772

So none?, even the shit xbox360 has some

>> No.8806248
File: 110 KB, 334x298, DUX_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8806252
