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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 449 KB, 609x867, 1995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8800492 No.8800492 [Reply] [Original]

why the fuck did they stop making the art look like this

>> No.8800546
File: 89 KB, 260x197, Squirrel_Jokes_Error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're stupid

>> No.8800547

Too much soul.

>> No.8800564

Because it looks retarded and gay

>> No.8800568

Because Pikachu's got major health issues due to obesity, they had to take care.

>> No.8800615

sugimori still does art sometimes
its not really the same though

>> No.8800640

Because this art style isn't popular anymore.

>> No.8800752

Because those were drawn with pencil, anon.

>> No.8800776

I think the Pokémon designs gradually moved away from being "monsters", which is what the original artwork reflected.

>> No.8800785
File: 24 KB, 360x200, E1kGEO9VEAYy9j2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few things

Pokemon became HUGE in Japan in 1997 and in America in 1999, right when digital anime started to come a thing and even the first generations of digital manga was being done. Thus when Gen 2.5-3 came around, we were in a new era of media presentation. Look how UGLY so much anime and manga looked from 2002-2006 before they learned how to use the technology

> So does not me they had to change it

You are right, but the visual change was also because of it being mainstream. No longer are we just dealing with a a niche Japanese audience where we can have a Pokemon manga that was drawn by a well known hentai artist, now we have to clean it up, make it single for the mass audience and most important soccer mom's in America who were already complaining about Pokemon

>> No.8800791

Because it looks cool. Pokemon is a big global media franchise nowadays and has to look safe and homogenized for little zoomer babies that can't even figure out what gender they woke up with today.

>> No.8800878

I already knew the answer was >>8800785 but yeah zoomers are also pretty gay
>there are real people out there whose first games were gen 6-7

>> No.8801956

I just wish some of the designers of Gen 1 would recount the story of how some of Pokemon were designed, the changes they went through, their thought process.
Any old game, really. I'd be interested in their brainstorming notes and shit even if it seems insignificant, all the little details...

>> No.8801967

people stopped going as crazy over toriyama

>> No.8801974

This and the cheesy 90s rap songs. Bring it back

>> No.8802060

the cartoon

>> No.8802165

Dude I have no idea man. Because the focus group 3 month year old babies like stupid soulless smiling idiot characters more.

>> No.8802204

Because Pokemon's artstyle tends to reflect what's popular in children's manga at the time.

I'm not disagreeing with the sentiment that it was way better back then, mind you. 80s-90s anime was a true golden age.



>> No.8802245

90s japan bubble burst

>> No.8802251

reminds me of akira toriyama, his style became very easy to replicate and lost the soul that made it great to begin with

>> No.8802305

Now that's my type of rap music.

>> No.8802323

Man I miss this art style.

>> No.8802541

sugimori art is pretty soulless nowadays

>> No.8802542

they did that with a few of them

>> No.8802698 [DELETED] 

It wasn't bland enough for yanks. They do the same thing to foreign cuisine.

>> No.8802705

The real reason is it's too much effort to hand draw and colour everything compared to just using a computer.

>> No.8802723
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>> No.8802838
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>> No.8802839
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>> No.8802843
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>> No.8802846
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>> No.8802848
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>> No.8802852
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>> No.8802854
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>> No.8802856
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>> No.8802859
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>> No.8802861
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>> No.8802862
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>> No.8802864
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>> No.8802868
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>> No.8802870
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>> No.8802871
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>> No.8802875
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>> No.8802880
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>> No.8802881
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>> No.8802883
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>> No.8802886
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>> No.8802889
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>> No.8802891
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>> No.8802892
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>> No.8802895
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>> No.8802897

In retrospect some of these designs are so ugly.

>> No.8802898
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>> No.8802902
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>> No.8802905
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>> No.8802907
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>> No.8802909
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>> No.8802913
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>> No.8802916
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>> No.8802918
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>> No.8802920
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>> No.8802921
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>> No.8802925
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>> No.8802929
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>> No.8802931
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>> No.8802932

None of the art for Gen 2 looks like this
Don't know why people always lump the two together. Gen 2 was already entering "cute" phase.

>> No.8802935
File: 150 KB, 565x800, 4_pokemon_battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8802938
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>> No.8802940

Sugimori had already started to change his style when he did this. He stopped using the Toriyama eyes unless the character was 'mean' or 'tough', the proportions were more realistic and less chibi, and the coloring switched from real watercolors to digital 'watercolors'

>> No.8802951

The current designer is a limey, not a yank. The series got big in Europe because it got big in America first, as well (as usual).

>> No.8802954 [DELETED] 

Each individual phase of Sugimori's art is clearly distinguishable. You can easily tell the difference between, say, the original Red/Green style and the later Blue-era style. Gold/Silver Sugimori was pretty similar to Blue Sugimori. By Crystal there was a very noticeable difference in the eyes, which carried over to Ruby/Sapphire as well.

Personally I think FireRed/LeafGreen was where the style took a turn for the worse. Moving away from watercolors didn't help either.

>> No.8802963
File: 1.21 MB, 858x1594, nidoking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Each individual phase of Sugimori's art is clearly distinguishable. You can easily tell the difference between, say, the original Red/Green style and the later Blue-era style. Gold/Silver Sugimori was pretty similar to Blue Sugimori. By Crystal there was a very noticeable difference in the eyes, which carried over to Ruby/Sapphire as well.

Personally I think FireRed/LeafGreen was where the style took a turn for the worse. Moving away from watercolors didn't help either.

>> No.8803824

>Caterpie literally cooming

>> No.8803946

Limeys are mentally yank by now
>The series got big in Europe because it got big in America first, as well (as usual).
Not to defend eurocucks but there's a lot of anime that got first and only that the US never did, especially in places like France

>> No.8803953

>black Jinx
Fuck you gringos

>> No.8803964
File: 299 KB, 1200x1553, 1583229609449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They went too into the pet mascot aspects while completely ignoring the kaiju and monster stuff that inspired the series

>> No.8803972

It's ironic because Sugimori's early art style is incredibly chunky and unquestionably inspired by Toriyama's 90's stuff, except Toriyama started very round and chibi in the 80's and Sugimori's work only later became rounder and cuter

>> No.8804007

Because the anime designs became more and more definitive for the whole franchise and the games adjusted for synergy.

>> No.8804094

france is an anomaly
its been full of weebs since before that was a term

>> No.8804160
File: 179 KB, 1200x1520, starterinfographic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8804250

>stylized to look like a __tranny__ mermaid
lol out of all nu-gen starters i feel like thats the only one that even looks like it belongs in the series
wouldnt look out of place next to, say, milotic imo

>> No.8804328

Trends are manufactured. There's no organic reason one generation has different taste from another.

>> No.8804471

The original Pokemon Adventure Manga has a great flavour, pokemon are anthropomorphic monsters in behaviour rather than mascots in suits.

>> No.8804758
File: 387 KB, 532x900, mewtwocalyrexcomparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8804765

Mewtwo was a man-made Pokemon designed specifically to be an asshole, I fail to see the point of this

>> No.8804870

>Looks cool as fuck
>Looks retarded

>Lore delivered by environmental storytelling breadcrumbs you can search for
>Pokemon literally speaking to you in an exposition dump cutscene

>plot is soft sci-fi about a genetically engineered bioweapon gone wrong
>plot is pure fantasy about a legendary dancing rabbit that is a king who is some agricultural deity

What's not to get you moron?

>> No.8804878

Literally OLM. They needed the designs streamlined and simplified so they could make a weekly anime and merch with consistent and easily replicable designs.

>> No.8804908

So, you're mad that the current generation's legendary is an allusion to modern Britain losing its connection to its own native folklore and connection to the land and not a goofy B-Movie monster that was an allusion to people's fear of science run amuck?

>> No.8804910

This. Trends are created to keep people distracted trying to catch up to the newest one and buying the next big thing. It also creates more artificial rifts between generations so that younger people resist learning anything from their elders because they're "outdated"

>> No.8804920

Then who manufactured the Pokemon craze? One of its hallmarks is literally how completely unlikely it was to happen.

>> No.8804938
File: 702 KB, 1342x884, New_Vs_Old.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the anime got popular

>> No.8805004
File: 2.55 MB, 1280x720, 1603517976076.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you're mad that [insert your middle school interpretation of the pokemon stories]?
How the fuck did you extrapolate that bullshit from my post? In the context of this thread about how Pokemon has changed, I was pointing out ways in which the original and current games differ in terms of approach, tone and themes. If anything your diatribe just reinforces my point

>> No.8805018

The central point of Pokemon has literally always been "progress is destroying nature". The whole series was made because the forest the creator used to collect bugs in as a kid was bulldozed and turned into a parking lot and he thought kids should have a replacement for that. Sorry you're mad that you didn't have to read 6 books in-game to understand that that's what Calyrex is supposed to be. Or do you literally think that new Pokemon are just action figures to bash around with no rhyme or reason behind them?

>> No.8805035

Please tell me that WebM is fanmade and not actually ingame

>> No.8805056

It's canon. The jogger also murdered his wife and has a creepy relationship with his pale mulatto daughter.

>> No.8805072
File: 67 KB, 500x209, The world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuckity fuck? pokemons evolving somehow to digimon design almost 30 years later? not pocket monster anymore? go fuck yourself gamefreak

>> No.8805085

That's fascinating but I was wondering if the webm is fanmade footage or ingame footage. Not sure what part of that inspired you to type some irrelevant drivel.

>> No.8805095

Because the japanese art industry as a whole shifted towards digital art tools pretty quickly when they became available, with only a handful of notable artists resisting for any length of time. Production speed of consumer media art is a key to the success of media brands, and Pokemon is a media brand over all else.
Also Sugimori realized he could appeal to the coomer and fujo audience by putting most of his effort into drawing the human characters.

>> No.8805098

>The central point of Pokemon has literally always been "progress is destroying nature"
No it hasn't and you're projecting.

>> No.8805108

I'm sorry you can't grasp how arriving at a ruined laboratory and putting together what took place there has a different tone than having a dancing pokemon literally speaking to you telling you about himself

I'm sorry you can't grasp how a labgrown monster is thematically different from a mythic floating rabbit wearing a crown and trannysocks that rides on horses

There is literally nothing I can do for you. Don't bother replying because you won't get another (You) from me

>> No.8805371

I fucking love the Gen 2 games. The series hasn’t captured that mystical folksy adventure vibe since then and it’s such a missed step. Even down to shit like the routes. The routes in Johto just feel like stretches of rural wilderness between the towns and location. Like it’s actually somewhere to explore. The rest of the games just feel so artificial and produced in this regard. Nothing is mysterious anymore, everything is too busy, too in your face.


>> No.8805597

Not him,, but the villian teams tend to use something hi-tech to fuck with/enslave the legendaries.

Team Rocket tries to steal the Master Ball, then use radio waves to forcibly evolve Pokemon
Team Magma/Aqua try to force Legendaries to terraform the planet to their whims
Team Galactic uses tech to yank the primodial god Pokemon out of their hiding places to rewrite reality.
Team Plasma does the same thing to force their laws as the natural laws of the world
Team Flare try to steal two legendaries to blow up civilization with an ancient super cannon so they can rebuild it
The Aether Foundation is literally poking holes in space/time to catch Ultra Beasts
Macro Cosmos has basically hooked not!Britian on eldritch energy as its main power source and is so commited to it that they're going to try to catch the eldritch being that the energy comes from so there won't be a power shortage; even if it means recreating a scenrio that nearly blow the whole island up centuries ago.

Less "Progress is destorying nature" more "adults are ruining the world".

>> No.8805617

Crying about trannies isn't really helping your case either. Ultimately it doesn't matter. It's not like the finding journal entries that might lead you to the secret last Pokemon is carried over into any game after that. Every single other game has someone just lore dump the legendary and then tell you to go catch it. It's fine to prefer Mewtwo over what's functionally an unimportant Legendary (Eternius is technically the Mewtwo equivelenat for Gen 8), but its not like this shit hasn't been going on for forever.

>> No.8805624
File: 191 KB, 1140x699, il_1140xN.1832902501_1j3p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gold's canonical team for beating Red is
>Red Gyarados

How does this make you feel?

>> No.8805635

when firered/leafgreen came out I loved the updated sugimori art for the pokemon, but it aged like shit

>> No.8805681

red is usually portrayed having an ampharos

>> No.8806003

feels like bullshit because thats fan art, not real sugimori art. notice how Red has a Lapras, which is from HGSS, instead of an Espeon like GSC

>> No.8806069

Nothing is hand drawn anymore it's not just pokemon. You can literally feel the soul of a artist when it's hand drawn

>> No.8806115

Calyrex is based, boomer. Why are you ignoring the fact that Calyrex had memory loss and you still had to go around the zone and look around for clues to his history? So your main point isn't even true

Ah, you are just braindead. Sorry to be rude, you can't help it

>> No.8806148
File: 24 KB, 215x186, 20220405_210747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tortoise stylised as a water cannon
Toad stylised as a plant

>> No.8806154
File: 134 KB, 500x746, b58308122efdaf5d37d40146afe47c95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Super Game Boy colors really change the experience of playing the original games

>> No.8806280

no, that's in-game footage
you should look up some sword/shield cutscenes sometimes, the animation is god awful

>> No.8806326

Its promo art for thr eShop release of Gold/Silver. Also, Lapras subbing for Espeon has been Red's offical team since HGSS. He has the same team in Gen V and Gen VII.

>> No.8806426

>Its promo art for thr eShop release of Gold/Silver.
No, its not. It's fan art by an artist named Bebelhl. This is him with the original artwork; https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/aladl1/i_drew_my_childhoods_all_time_favorite/

>> No.8806435

I cannot handle all this soul fuck

>> No.8806441

>super game boy
Pretty sure that's just yellow on GBC.

>> No.8806607

Yeah can confirm, I first played yellow on gbc and it looked like that

>> No.8806724

While I'd mostly agree, the RSE routes have a good mix between well developed area and quieter rural area on the coast. It's all lazy game design for children in the end.

>> No.8806739
File: 108 KB, 320x320, rize greypng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dinosaur monster with a gun arm

>> No.8806760

>Gen X antagonist will be a Char clone
fund it

>> No.8806910

They leaned into subtle gimmicks in Gen IV and Gen V too, with the likes of Empoleon, Infernape, and Torterra having subtle themes, whilst Samurott was just a bit less subtle.
Gen III was the last of the truly pure starters.

And now we've got gimmicky versions of Typhlosion and Samurott as well.

>> No.8806912

Red and Blue on Super Game Boy have the same palettes.

>> No.8806920

For how big of a media machine the Pokémon franchise is, you're going to have media produced to different levels appropriate for the type of media.
Serialized anime production is going to be a lot flatter and cleaner than concept, promotional, or packaging art for flagship products.

There's also the aspect that people are trained differently in digital mediums compared to traditional media methods of decades past.

>> No.8806925

The significance of Togetic, Sudowoodo, and Red Gyarados is that you obtain these Pokémon through special encounters, rather than the typical wild Pokémon in grass.

>> No.8806935

I used Sudo for the first time in my recent Gold replay and he was shockingly based

>> No.8806957

For people who never noticed, Red's team in GSC is like that. It's based on the Pokemon you find in Yellow.
Pikachu from Oak
Venusaur from Melanie
Charizard from Damien
Blastoise from Jenny
Snorlax from the Poke Flute
Espeon from the Celadon Mansion

>> No.8806997

red having lapras makes more sense than him having an espeon desu
seeing how hes literally given one for saving silph co
>but hes given an eevee too
sure but only if you look
lapras is literally unavoidable in RBY

>> No.8807005

Shoulda been Mewtwo

>> No.8807017

that wouldve been fucking brutal

>> No.8807035

More like fucking based

>> No.8807049

sure but after 5 other lvl 70+ mons?

>> No.8807106

Except it is if you don’t talk to the guy. It’s not like you’re forced to receive it.

>> No.8807252

>not showing the starters

>> No.8807291

Honestly yeah, makes sense with the special encounters logic. Lapras feels redundant with Blastoise around and Espeon's typing is on point but she isn't even a Kantomon.

I guess they couldn't risk overshadowing Pikachu

>> No.8807323 [DELETED] 

Jesus Christ, can you "people" go a fucking day without bringing up your obsession?

>> No.8807336 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 540x540, 42590FD5-88B2-4DCC-B580-9C2F2479A87B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They do the same thing to foreign cuisine.

Anything cooked there can be made better in the US by chefs trained overseas. This is just fools buying into hype. Americans can cook anything better than any other nation. We take the top chefs and brain drain the fuck out of your nations.

Have you ever had Italian pizza? It fucking sucks dick. New York and Chicago changed the game. French food? Cajun food is the next evolution and shits all over it. Mexican food? Telmex bitch. Anything you can do we do better.

>inb4 asshurt provincials start the water works and crying about McDonalds

>> No.8807370

>I am a demigod, let me introduce myself to you, ten year old child of destiny


>> No.8807380
File: 1.14 MB, 800x960, AFF1FDD4-4411-4EC6-8591-98B3B2BE32F7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The central point of Pokemon has literally always been "progress is destroying nature"

Pretty sure the central point is capturing and training wild animals to battle with your friends

>> No.8807390 [DELETED] 

Must be why you Americans are the fattest country in the world

>> No.8807393 [DELETED] 

>moving goalposts

Yurotard “education”

>> No.8807395 [DELETED] 

Hey Italian pizza is amazing. Have you been to Italy and tried it?

>> No.8807396 [DELETED] 

What goalposts? You claim American chefs are the best so therefore you guys can't stop eating because the food is so good?

>> No.8807401

>Lapras feels redundant with Blastoise around
lapras is a beast and should be on EVERY team, and i was a squirtle kid so thats saying something

>> No.8807437

Fucking fur faggot boil in piss, nigger.

>> No.8807472
File: 49 KB, 320x320, Agumon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not resetting for female eevee so you can breed for all the eeveelutions in a single playthrough


>> No.8807487

I wish mine didn't get destroyed in a bus fire, 15 years ago.

>> No.8807515

Ybf the gimmicky themes of the Gen 4 starters weren't so extreme as to make them look like Deviantart tier garbage. In fact, the whole theme of mythology in the Gen 4 games ties it together and makes it work out in the end, with (Infernape being Hanuman, Torterra being a literal world turtle and Empoleon being based on Poseidon and a lot of the other 'mons in the Sinnoh region being based on mythological creatures). But yeah, you are basically right in that Gen 5 and after has had the artwork get worse and worse due to a lack of any real cohesion to the gimmicky designs.

>> No.8807581

i think combusken is the dumbest looking shit in the whole series and did back then too to the point where i reset and started again as mudkip my first playthrough
designs were kinda always all over the place
i dont mind gen 4 either desu. thats the last gen i can remember thinking some of the designs as anything other than literal digimon-tier. they seemed to exist in the same world at least
that said, literally all gen 4 legends i can think of right now are literal digimon-tier not those gay little ones that idgaf about, those big ones i cant remember the name of that were basically plot devices

the thing i DESPISE about gen 4 is
>would you like to catch the god of time and/or antimatter?
like holy fuck idc about all of time and space and fucking feelings or this blue haired guy and all 9000 other legends about whatever tf you people are talking about, this shit is just box fodder, im just a guy spamming the A button why wont you people leave me alone AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
i know emerald started it R/S i guess, but it feels less egregious in that since its less than half as long as emerald, but goddamn how many legends are there in gen 4? i feel like its at least a dozen. and all of them trying to get me invested in a plot im absolutely not there for

at least the battles are cool
i just wish theyd shut up

>> No.8807652
File: 73 KB, 478x431, JustBFree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, this thing is such a bro. It was already a solid early/mid game Pokemon in Yellow, but in Crystal it feels even better. Fantastic team pivot, and helps a lot catching Pokemon - just great all around. What other Pokemon is even remotely as useful in pve?

>> No.8807829

Excellent taste, Anon. I remember I used a Butterfree for the entirety of one playthrough of LeafGreen and it did a lot better in the late game than I thought it would. Maybe its just because I gave it Psychic and Giga Drain, but it held its own relatively one in one-on-one until victory road.

>> No.8807901

real italian pizza is boring compared to american style pizza

>> No.8807914
File: 352 KB, 1440x1080, 1646072044573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8807917

butterfree is great in the early game but there are better options later on

>> No.8807935

I can understand your frustration 100%. Personally, I feel that Pokemon as a series should have ended after the HGSS remakes or at the very least released every other generation. I think the team that works on it in Gamefreak is a combination of younger new employees that played Pokemon when they were younger but are too young to actually have any IRL outside experiences in their childhood to make good mons and bored older employees that are tired of working on the same damn thing over and over again. They are doing too much for what ultimately is a kids RPG. They should work on other types of games like Drill Dozer and Pulseman; mix up the formula a little and then once in a blue moon make a new Pokemon game.

>> No.8807980

And where is the damn pikachu following you everywhere?

>> No.8808003

How so? Anything different always appeals to me so I guess that's why I didn't find Italian pizzas boring. All I know of American pizzas are the Chicago Town brand and they are okay but still frozen pizzas so never a first choicr. Is it the thickness of them that makes them American style?

>> No.8808070


>> No.8808076

It's useful specifically because it fully evolves by level 10, its base stat total was decent with a good special stat and it learned Confusion at level 12 or 10.
That lets it outpace weaker stuff for some of the early game, and that's it.

>> No.8808078

Wow. just wow.

Why does this trigger you so much?

>> No.8808089


>> No.8808420

>water ground
>T H I C C
>learns like half the HMs
>actually just based in its own right
>can switch him in on fucking anything other than grass
hes just such a dude

>> No.8808442 [DELETED] 

Cool it with the antisemitism.

>> No.8808587

I think he's talking more about how everything aside from the 8 gyms, elite 4, champion are a bunch of bad guys messing with the natural order. I mean, Mewtwo's existence is never presented as anything other scientific hubris.

>> No.8808614

Even Arceus has some characters put up some token resistance to the idea of Pokeballs as they're a recent invention

>> No.8808796

>In retrospect some of these designs are so ugly.

And? They're monsters.

>> No.8808801

Interestingly I think a lot of Yellow art was done after most of Gold/Silver's art. G/S art was presumably being done all throughout the development, where as Sugimori returned to do the Yellow art in the last year of GS development.

>> No.8808809

>Calyrex is based, boomer

honestly man I think most kids would think that it looks pretty lame.

>> No.8808810

I liked the subtle storytelling of Red having Espeon because of how close he was too his Pokemon; also the implication he was ne of the first to discover it(as well as a little injoke about Gen 1 having n night cycle)

>> No.8808816
File: 277 KB, 1983x830, thenVsNow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digital is the worst thing to happen to art ever.

>> No.8809156

>How so? Anything different always appeals to me so I guess that's why I didn't find Italian pizzas boring. All I know of American pizzas are the Chicago Town brand and they are okay but still frozen pizzas so never a first choicr. Is it the thickness of them that makes them American style?
Not that anon but I also prefer American style to Italian style. Traditional Italian pizzas don't evenly distribute the toppings, maybe because often they don't go well together, and they don't like putting meat on pizzas. Italian uses fresh pureed tomatoes for sauce, and American uses slow cooked sauce, so the Italian sauce isn't evenly distributed. American pizzas use much more cheese and have different varieties and flavors, and different sauces to choose from. Even a big pizzeria in Italy will make all their pizzas pretty much the same, with just a few different types of toppings.
Italian pizzas are definitely healthier but I can't help comparing them negatively to American style.

>> No.8809182

Thanks for your help on this anon! I can see why American style is preferred then! Although with the distribution thing, I notice that on all frozen / chilled pizzas, even the premium ones tend to have all the toppings piled up in one place. Every now and again I think I would enjoy an American style pizza but I do like the weird and healthy ingredients used, and Im not that bothered about meat. Ever had a curry pizza? I use a curry sauce as a base (jalfrezi or something with a bit of a kick) then put whatever toppings on that (pineapple works), followed by loads of cheese - highly recommended!

>> No.8809685

based taste, I struggle to not use butterfree on any game where she is available simply because of the utility
quagsire is also very based, mine was a fuckin tank in my recent gold replay. First time using one in-game
I dunno if I would've wanted to the series to end after HGSS necessarily, but some type of change within gamefreak is dearly needed at this point. PLA has been the best game since the gen 5 games and that's really saying something. I agree with you and think that most of which that previously made the games special have long since moved on, which is why we've had more or less 10 years of less content and polish than we've ever had before

>> No.8810647
File: 36 KB, 56x56, Pokémonsprite_049_Kristall.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfortunately you don't get Giga Drain before the Top4 in Crystal, and neither can you get Psychic, so Psybeam will have to do.. Psybeam and... Nightmare maybe? This might be the run where I actually switch Butterfree out for a Venomoth - always wanted to try out that fucker. Losing that sweet ground immunity sucks though.

>> No.8810710 [DELETED] 

It's a natural process. I will never go back to inkling by hand and mixing my own oil colors.
Too bothersome, too expensive.

>> No.8810732

Because Ken Sugimori stopped doing all the art by himself.

>> No.8810783

>quagsire is also very based, mine was a fuckin tank in my recent gold replay. First time using one in-game
hes even better once abilities gave him water absorb
quag is fucking great and STAB earthquake demolishes any and all retards unlucky enough to be touching the ground

if he has water absorb, and you give him the TM for toxic, hes basically one of the best water counters in the whole game. without a grass coverage move, theyre screwed

all hail the sire

>> No.8811080
File: 3 KB, 56x56, Quag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8811158
File: 373 KB, 1280x1280, original trainers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surprised no one posted this pic yet, i remember my mind blown with original green trainer

>> No.8812820 [DELETED] 

> Take care
> Not take care if
Pajeet detected

>> No.8813850 [DELETED] 


>> No.8813896

It's like that with a lot of successful franchises because as release cycles become set and titles are planned to be churned out, design processes also become streamlined, resulting in "flanderization" to the general visuals.

>> No.8813915 [DELETED] 
File: 205 KB, 271x593, shigs ma nigs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ESLfag correcting anons english half a week after the fact
>fucking it up anyways

>> No.8813946
File: 360 KB, 749x538, pocket3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8814519
File: 133 KB, 360x240, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know none of your so-called genwunners know Benimaru Itoh was responsible for Capsule Monsters' worldbuilding concept art.

>> No.8814632
File: 103 KB, 540x718, hosoi decks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats christian hosois dad bro, the guy who designed all the sick decks in the 80s
gtfo here with your shitty lies smdh

>> No.8814743 [DELETED] 


>> No.8815223

If we're going by the context of this thread, which is gen 2, the only legendary that was really handed to you was Suicune. There also wasn't any lore dump or chosen hero shit involved in that either.

>> No.8815530

I don't know but to me this is what Pokemon looks like. Not whatever the hell they do with it now.

>> No.8815910

Benimaru is a damn god, Also did the Star Fox and Super Metroid comics in Nintendo Power that ignorant people think has no link to Nintendo Japan. I guarantee Benimaru was specifically chosen to do that comic because of his ties with Nintendo so he knew of internal story documents

>> No.8816443

Digital coloring fucked a lot art up in the last 20 years abut I think the right line work is pretty alright

>> No.8817982

Sorry if I'm a newb, but where are these images from? Where were they published?

>> No.8818015

It's a children's game, and children's tastes change. maybe you should try changing too.

>> No.8818025

The gym leader pics came from the booklet included with a soundtrack, Pokemon Hikeru Kana. cover: >>8802895
That soundtrack has my favorite take on the Pokemon theme. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKJJ1vd3hV4

>> No.8818113

Have this anon.


>> No.8818417

No one read the manga, especially in the west. Besides, we are talking about the look Sugimori and Mato created for the Pokemon games and card games, not the look Toshihiro made for the manga.
>Then who manufactured the Pokemon craze?
Nintendo, even back in the 90s they had HUGE sway over the minds of kids.

>> No.8818454

Metroid, maybe, but Nintendo pissed away Benimaru's Star Fox work when they rebooted the story in SF64.

>> No.8818610

im still having fun so frig off mr lahey

>> No.8819989

I fucking hate ChickenMountain's sameface artwork. If I want to watch a cartoon where everyone looks alike, I'll watch any of the three versions of Osomatsu.
That said, his creature designs are quite nice, his machinery is beaten only by Miyazaki, IMO and I only started to hate his shit in the 90s with the Western release of DBZ. I grew up with original DB and Dr. Slump and loved the shit out of both when I was a kid but Exploding Landscape Hour really made me hate the guy.

>> No.8820220
File: 441 KB, 648x496, kevin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ChickenMountain's sameface artwork
I'm sorry, am I supposed to find your meme amusing, let alone understand it?

>> No.8820228

Tori means chicken, as in yakitori IE grilled chicken. Yama means mountain as in Fuji-yama.

>> No.8820230
File: 288 KB, 629x351, 1649366291136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you thought that was worth the precious muscular energy to type out?

>> No.8820327
File: 153 KB, 493x750, C8Mph42V0AEpJx9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude drew Giygas.

>> No.8820708

RED was the only original trainer, and GREEN is the rival. BLUE only existed in that promo and eventually the manga, nothing else. Leaf and Blue/Green in LGPE are separate characters based on BLUE. GREEN and BLUE had names swapped because original Green version never had a western release.

>> No.8820729

Pokemon has become far more gynocentric then it was when it started, so the designs became more cutesy as well.
this is the daftest, most meaningless comment I've seen in a long while.

>> No.8820850 [DELETED] 
File: 388 KB, 612x700, 1650215192595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to talk with a femanon lurking this thread Quiro#5208

>> No.8820979 [DELETED] 

You need to go back.

>> No.8821001

japan forgot how to draw like 15 years ago. its why ash looks mexican now

>> No.8821002 [DELETED] 

Not even him but
Go to hell, eat shit straight out of an ass. Don't come back.

>> No.8821026 [DELETED] 

Not even going to bother clicking your garbage.

>> No.8821046

I sent your name to a gay porn forum

>> No.8821076 [DELETED] 

That's why you don't belong here.

>> No.8821085 [DELETED] 

Says the redditor faggot who calls posts 'comments'.

>> No.8821169

post more old pokemon art you homos

>> No.8821185 [DELETED] 

Hahaha, I never use reddit. You're associating basic English words with reddit for no reason.

>> No.8821194 [DELETED] 

Never called 'comments' here faggot. They are on reddit, though.

>> No.8821196

is Dawn the most Jappy?

>> No.8821202 [DELETED] 

Comments are comments. Stop trying to be a ball buster.

>> No.8821210 [DELETED] 

What's a 'comment section' on social media, you braindead automaton? They're posts. Assimilate or die, faggot.

>> No.8821229 [DELETED] 

When you come to Los Angeles you can suck my cock

>> No.8821241 [DELETED] 

Never going to commieland, thankfully. Also your final (You), because this is getting tiresome.

>> No.8821256 [DELETED] 

Then don't start back and forths about nothing, dipshit.

>> No.8821262 [DELETED] 

>your local news site
>comment section
>every single social media
>comment section
It's that simple, you fucking retard. Kill yourself.

>> No.8821264 [DELETED] 

Where are the moderators? This board has no place for stupid trolling “arguments” between shitposters.

>> No.8821275 [DELETED] 

a post is literally a comment.
You can moderate yourself outta here and you won't have a problem.

>> No.8821286 [DELETED] 

No, they have different connotations. Do you know what a connotation is you fucking retard? When the vast majority of normalfag NPC automatons who still believe that the jews are benign, I won't use that word. Especially when 4chan has been using a different word since its inception. You fucking automaton.

>> No.8821420 [DELETED] 

Again. I'm not the guy you replied to. Jackass.

>> No.8821423 [DELETED] 
File: 327 KB, 1600x1138, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you know what splitting hairs is?
Because you're doing it.
It's not interesting or cool. It's pedantic.

>> No.8821473 [DELETED] 

Connotations are a real thing.

>> No.8821515

It's an evil vagina

>> No.8821520

Sent your info to jihadi recruitment discords coomer.

Enjoy the watchlist.

>> No.8821601 [DELETED] 

Meow. I'm a kitty.

>> No.8821613 [DELETED] 

>Where are the moderators?

Dilation time, probably.

>> No.8821627 [DELETED] 

Go back to bunkerchan.

>> No.8821656 [DELETED] 

I don't know what that is. Also, could you help me with this bottle? Being a cat, I have no thumbs so I can't open it, meow.

>> No.8821916

Why is it that every pokemon discussion outside of /vp/ is always god tier and actually adds fucking something?

>> No.8821953

>The current designer
He only designed a handful of Pokemon. Several Pokemon have different artists.
They made him art director for SwSh, which was a mistake. Hopefully that faggot won't be as involved in future games. They probably only gave him the position because Galar was based on Britain.

>> No.8821984 [DELETED] 

Go back to bunkerchan.

>> No.8822089 [DELETED] 

I still don't know what that is and I still need to get this bottle of alsulin open. Won't you help me-ow?

>> No.8822541 [DELETED] 

So is being autistic.
The negativity towards "commentary" should stem from its use to promote oneself and ones opinions via a platform for personality points and followers. Here, a "comment" doesn't have any sway Anon.

>> No.8822554

Video games?

>> No.8822830

I like how some of these cards have pokemon getting fucking killed. eg >>8802862

>> No.8822851

Damn, Gary/Blue's sister is cute.

>> No.8822881

correct but excusable since breeding/baby pokemon were the big new thing. the pokemon company was formed right after 2 because the brand became so big. it was a necessary evil but they're the big corporate hands you can feel in gen 3+. not a huge loss as franchise decay was always going to fuck it with each passing decade anyway.

>> No.8823221

Rhyhorn looks so much cooler than Rhydon it's unreal.

>> No.8823648
File: 105 KB, 325x242, RG_Dome_Fossil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the fossil 'mons.

>> No.8823679

Water cannon and plant aren't jobs that people have

>> No.8823807


>> No.8823813

Yes, the last time the Pokemon video games were any good actually
Was hopping back in this thread to say exactly this. /vp/ is a fucking cesspool of zoomers and retards. Mostly zoomers. Any time I want to have a gen 1 or 2 discussion with other adults, I search the /vr/ catalog for Pokemon or make my own thread. Any mention of gen 1-2 incites a drooling seethe from /vp/ aside from like literally 5 people.

t. idiot who tries to go back there now and again when I'm on a pokemon kick despite knowing the above.

>> No.8823878

>No longer are we just dealing with a a niche Japanese audience where we can have a Pokemon manga that was drawn by a well known hentai artist
…ever been to VP dear Anon?

>> No.8823882

>must have 90IQ or higher to spot this pattern
You could have mentioned hitmonlee or hitmonchan, which are half way there.

>> No.8824065

most fans that liked pokemon in its original quintessential form dropped off in gen 3. kids were inevitably growing out of it & moving to yugioh but there were a lot of tangible reasons to leave with the anime/VA changes and inability to trade forward mons. zoomers dont see the big tone/artstyle changes because the series has strayed so far now but at the time I remember everything going to hell on that front too.

in hindsight the games themselves were still passable until the 3ds and things are so bad now that I would welcome anything as good as gens 3-5, but still none were ever as innovative across the board as the jump from 1 to 2.

>> No.8824132

You can draw a "cool" monster, genius.

>> No.8824294

Where can I read about this? I know some mother staff went to gamefreak but I never heard that specifically?

>> No.8824328 [DELETED] 

Go back to >>>/vp/ . You have an entire containment board. Stop shitting up this one.

>> No.8824340

>most fans that liked pokemon in its original quintessential form dropped off in gen 3
Yes, well I dropped it when they announced that I would not be able to trade with the other games

>> No.8824352

>black Jinx
Pokemon went to shit the moment they censored her, just think about it
They started to pander to american to the point of changing their games even in Japan

>> No.8824612
File: 1.21 MB, 2037x3056, 1619924119778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great comparison.

>> No.8824620

God it's so impossible to draw that sort of geometry reliably. It's an absolute nightmare.

>> No.8824621
File: 528 KB, 914x756, flick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You contribute fucking nothing.

>> No.8824631

What do Kingler and Krabby have against Ditto?

>> No.8824645

Why does Blaine look so different here?

>> No.8824690

Don't breed

>> No.8824694

I wish companies would just stick up for their shit instead of groveling before America's tyrannical minorities and all of their psychotic delusions of oppression

Just release a statement saying
>actually this is what we in Japan call ganguro style, popular among women here

>> No.8824706
File: 1.52 MB, 2037x3056, 1642394935066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a non-artist it's hard to really appreciate just how much skill goes into each drawing. Especially in Toriyama's case when he openly admits to being very lazy but then excelled so much at action scenes.
Your point about the geometry just flew over my head as well, for example.

>> No.8824904

I never got how good false swipe on scizor was for catching Pokémon as a kid.

>> No.8824915

Breloom can learn false swipe and SPORE.
Making him an absolute pokemon catching machine.

>> No.8824918

That's cool, but he is a gen 3 mon.

>> No.8824919

He was originally supposed to be another military dude like surge. The bald mad scientist was supposed to be the sylph chief, not a gym leader

>> No.8824976

I'll kill your family in front of you.

>> No.8824983

False swipe leaves 1 hp

>> No.8824990 [DELETED] 

I'm sure you can use paras to catch pokemon and you get him easy

>> No.8825002

my memory is bad an it wasnt a TM in gen2
A do have a Marowak with it

>> No.8825029

Quick attack, nigger.

>> No.8825060
File: 6 KB, 340x174, compare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Game Boy is the canon way to play Reb/Blue for me.

The colours in GBC Yellow look like ass in comparison.

>> No.8825064

>it's just a different shade of green

>> No.8825081


>> No.8825110

Black people literally get subsidized in America just for existing, and I say this as an unironic brown living here. If you fuck up in life with affirmative action and preferential hiring backing you up, you really are a loser.

>> No.8825117
File: 180 KB, 1200x889, Screenshot_20220418-182855_ibisPaint X~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know the Ganguro thing is an incorrect assumption OF Americas, right? The Yamanba that both the gyaru style and Jynx are based after is a yokai; basically a more directly evil version of the Yuki Onna. They had skin darkened from frostbite and had wild giant hair. Jynx is also based on the Ultraman monster called Woo, which is why she has the big eyes and lips.

>> No.8825150

Whatever it is, just say that.
>it's not a black person, it's this other Japanese shit
There's no possible offense one can take after this has been said.
>B-but it.... but I THOUGHT it was mocking me
"Well it's not, so calm down"
>... But for a second I thought it WAS...
"Well it isn't, case closed"

Nobody stands up to stupid bullshit complaints, so now not only is Jynx redesigned because of it, now it officially turns into "POKEMON'S RACIST PAST!" for the rest of time because they capitulated and apologized for something they didn't even do, and now they might as well have done it because that's what they're acting like they did

>> No.8827012

Do these colors show up when you play the games on pokemon stadium too?

>> No.8827014 [DELETED] 


>> No.8827051

Yes, Pokemon Stadium's emulator is based off SGB hardware, not GBC

>> No.8827513
File: 1.02 MB, 1900x600, firestarters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8827528

Free fantasy animals
Furry wagecuck

>> No.8827840


>> No.8827969

All this soul
Fuck, they ruined everything

>> No.8828513
File: 42 KB, 300x300, 214_Pokémon_Gold_und_Silber_Skaraborn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never realized how much more Typhlosion's design leans towards being believable compared to Charizard's, who has pretty much the quintessential "Pocket Monster" design - slightly iconographic. Typhlosion on the other hand looks like an actual creature. Perhaps that more realistic approach is also reflected by the rather immersive game design of g/s/c.

>> No.8829057

Pokemon l Digimon

>> No.8829093

As a kid i didn't like digimon because of the way they looked. IIRC i thought they seemed lifeless and cheap - and the newer pokemon do look like digimon did back then. What a strange move.

>> No.8829703

That's the wildest thing about it; most blacks didn't give anything resembling a shit about this. The only ones who cared about Pokemon were the ones caught up in the "Pokemon is Satanic" bullshit. Remember, this was happening at the same time DBZ was still cycling through the first 100 or so episodes, so Mr. Popo was on TV a lot. And there was ZERO controversy about him. Hell, they didn't even edit Mr. Popo until over a decade later when DBZ ran on Kids WB for a few months. The Jynx thing was the result of a bunch of West Coast busibodies getting offended on other people's behalf; it's just that Nintendo of America is ON the West Coast, so they were forced to deal with it.

>> No.8829743 [DELETED] 

>The Jynx thing was the result of a bunch of West Coast busibodies getting offended on other people's behalf
To be fair, they feel pressured to nip that kind of stuff in the bud because race is a powder keg in America and the black experiment has led to a situation where at any time, 13% of the population can start rioting and setting things on fire if something sets them off. Overreacting to potential racism and shutting it down is easier than dealing with the genuine reactions of the minorities.

>> No.8829762

Mushroom Town

>> No.8829825

This still looks good compared to modern stuff, even some pokemon from gen 3 look good

>> No.8829856

Old digimon were mostly grotesquely detailed pokemonish designs, just with more humanoids thrown in. As "boy tamagotchi" it was great and made it an edgy (in a fun way) alternative to pokemon.
Then they started making them toylike with simpler shapes, presumably to make actual toys & animation easier. compare the mons in seasons 1 & 2 of digimon, its night and day. Pokemon did the same but their standards slipped more gradually.

>> No.8829903

everything lost soul by the mid-2000s

>> No.8830091 [DELETED] 

Nor do you, so go back to your containment board.

>> No.8831137

Jesus christ Nidoking is the best fucking pokemon.

North there looks like he's going to kill you're entire family, genuine chills.

>> No.8831174

Snorlax Blowjob Scheme

>> No.8831573


>> No.8832948
File: 4 KB, 172x156, chicolita.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8832950
File: 18 KB, 172x156, Pikablu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8832953
File: 2 KB, 152x184, a8d6acb5b5b7519d9af3d08dc48e9b6fa1124b29r1-152-184_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8832957
File: 40 KB, 185x229, Everchu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8832962
File: 192 KB, 331x712, Glitcheoge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8832971
File: 6 KB, 172x156, yoshi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8833489

Well sort of. Drawabox helps, but it takes years to actually get to THAT level.

>> No.8834892

This is false

>> No.8835013

This video unearths every memory I ever had from back then.
"I'm so sure that an official publication actually used the TERM Pikablu. -WAIT THERE IT IS"

>> No.8835439

>I wish mine didn't get destroyed in a bus fire, 15 years ago.

Oh that sucks that you lost it as a kid in the 90's
>remembers 15 years ago was 2007

>> No.8835551

Then why did they have a third-party company with barely any affiliation to them create a bug riddled game on incredibly outdated hardware and then waited a very long time to make media tie-ins, nearly doom the franchise with the whole Porigon incident, and then only release it worldwide (and with a lot of issues) a year before the release of Gen 2?

It's literally more believable that Pokémon was simply a surprise hit than it being some coordinated Illuminati-style 6D chess move by Nintendo.

>> No.8835601
File: 37 KB, 221x221, 1362389836845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nearly doom the franchise with the whole Porigon incident
Not really.

>> No.8837384

I remembered my friend had some pedometer for gen 2.
I looked them up and they are like 60 dollars now what the fuck.
Also the gameboy printers are wild now.

>> No.8837393

Yes really

>> No.8837396

Pokemon pedometers suck, and my gameboy printer died on me in like two weeks, horrible shit, wouldn't worry you're not missing out on much

>> No.8837403

It is the only way outside of cheating to get miracle berries.
Time to cheat I guess.

>> No.8837417

Ah well get one then, guess you're gonna burn some calories!

>> No.8837426
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>> No.8837436

>gameboy printers are wild now
IIRC the paper for them degrades so it becomes unusable after a while and there aren't good replacements you can buy, but it's not as though anyone buying one has any intention of using it so it's not really a problem.

>> No.8837620

You can easily find suitable thermal paper, although I doubt you'd find some with an adhesive back like the official stuff. But yeah, you're better off just getting one of those wifi printers that let you save the image and ignoring the Game Boy Printer altogether.

>> No.8837862
File: 394 KB, 640x480, 20140218062756!Anime_Pocket_Monsters_Problem_Inspection_Report.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The anime was taken off the air for nearly half a year, which was a massive hit to merch sales and licensing deals. Nintendo's stock even took a hit the day it happened, and they had to air a special news program to confirm that they'd never let the show do something like that again. It was such a big deal that literally every anime had an advisory message to watch them from a distance and in a well-lit room all the way into the 2010s. THE first thing people outside of Japan knew Pokemon for was it being "a cartoon that gave children seizures", which is the kind of bad press that makes countries not want anything to do with a product. We only got the anime because Japan had already massively censored it to take out anything that could vaguely be considered strobing.

It was genuinely something that could have completely scuddled the franchise.

>> No.8839115

Checking for unregistered offenders are we?

They're in the vents...'BEEP, ...BEEP'... they're getting closer...

>> No.8839775
File: 59 KB, 656x729, Goldenrod City at night.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's just something that hits different with Gen 2.

I personally think it's the pinnacle of the series, which makes sense since it originally was the final games.

The music, amazing, and I feel that the GBC was the perfect visuals for the game, a stylized simple but iconic overworld and the hardware made the pokemon simpler in design.

Gen 2 is just built different.

>> No.8840325

Goldenrod City and all the connecting routes between it and Azalea, Ecruteak and Violet live rent-free in my soul. It is the most kino part of any Pokemon game and no other game in the series has managed to do the 'hub city' concept better.

>> No.8841342
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>> No.8843037
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"THE first thing people outside of Japan knew Pokemon for was it being "a cartoon that gave children seizures"

nigga what history are you trying to rewrite here

ive been a dieheard poketard fan all my life since its inception and nobody heard about that incident until well over a decade later when people started getting more access to the internet. it was practically unheard of outside of Japan. Maybe in the America's since everyone over there simps for the country anyway but definitely not over here in Europe and the UK. the series died off because people got bored of it after it started shifting direction with the GBA and Advance series. before that, it was still a fucking big deal.

>> No.8843431

Let this thread die already.

>> No.8843435


>> No.8843510

The reason it sucks is because veterans were just getting to know the new medium and newbies didn't know what they were doing and had no understanding of the fundamentals

>> No.8843556

I'm American and grew up with Pokemon. The first time I heard about it was a news story about the seizure incident before episodes started airing over here

>> No.8843630

>no-one heard about that incident until well over a decade later
It's in the South Park episode.

>> No.8843681

scott robertson.

>> No.8843713
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why should we do that?

>> No.8843753

In that case, keep it alive then.

>> No.8844163

I finally got around to looking up how the acorn balls work.
Sad that most of them have 'due to a bug' in the description.
I always wondered why fast balls sucked, they only work for 3 pokemon, and not every pokemon that could flee.

>> No.8844672

and everyone forgot about it shortly afterwards because nobody gave a shit, and went back to playing the games. the meme's resurfaced well over a decade later when it became 'hip' to be a drooling nintendo fag.

>> No.8845047

Heavy Balls work as intended but some Pokemon have an unintended 100% catch rate, like Kadabra. I tried it out once and the game actually stalls for a second when it gets in the ball.

>> No.8845610
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>Work on a romhack to re-balance some HM moves and shorten some animations
>Come across the acorn ball bugs
>Be shocked at how 2/3 of them are broken
>Always thought they seemed kind of useless though...
>Find out about some other bugs like the final rival having weaker stats than all other versions of him
>End up patching a bunch of bugs instead

>> No.8846871

Honestly it's not even the designs/actual artstyle, it's the coloring that makes Sugimori's art. Take that same art but give it different/shittier coloring and it'll look a lot worse. Literally just do any of the stuff from the last 20 years in watercolor, not digital coloring, and it'll immediately look far better.

In general, I think people really underestimate how much digital coloring has ruined a lot of art. You see it in comics too, anime... digital will always have a sterile and flat look to it that can never match actual inks and paints.

Newer/current style in watercolor would look way better than original style in digital.

>> No.8846890
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Did somebody say "soul"?

>> No.8847213

What, so you wanted them to do the exact same story again with calyrex instead of something different?

>> No.8847223

But red's specific espeon is a male

>> No.8847230

Charizard and typhlosion have the exact same stats. Weird decision.

>> No.8847360
File: 37 KB, 460x276, johto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen 2 will always be the apex of comfy to me. I played the games at the perfect age, which helps tons of course, but Johto itself just feels so lived in and welcoming. It's the most immersive region in the entire series imo. I live in a rural area that's about 30 min-an hour depending on where you're at from the closest major city, so that makes the towns and communities feel all the more unique. reminds me of johto, as autistic as that is. I still visit my family every Sunday, takes about an hour to get there from where I'm at now. The whole drive there is just very folksy, and I've at times imagined the New Bark Town music playing in my head as I approached my family's community. Makes me a little teary eyed sometimes.
i'm gay and johto is based, this is my blog post

>> No.8847374

Oh boy, now this soulless bullshit is going to be spammed here too

>> No.8847384


>> No.8847415
File: 65 KB, 352x640, Ruins of Alph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. tastelet

>> No.8847880

Wish there was a rom hack that fixed the apricorn balls and enabled Celebi event but left everything else stock lol

>> No.8847885

too perfect for this world anon. there is just enough wrong with GSC and HGSS respectively that neither are *quite* 10/10. A combination of the two and their best properties is just too good for us.

>> No.8847938

Is this ever gonna be playable? I follow a couple artists/devs on twitter that appear to be working on actually making a romhack with this artstyle but i cant find anything concrete

>> No.8848784

what are you talking about?
its the main reason many of us couldnt watch the anime during peak pokemania
they had the first few episodes on, then it got pulled for like half a year
everyone heard about it and it was all over the news at the time

>> No.8848956
