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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8796935 No.8796935 [Reply] [Original]

I just want to fucking play neo turf masters.
All of the roms or whatever from most rom sites don't work with the latest versions of MAME and Final Burn Neo which retroarch has automatically updated to. The rom from the internet archive "full neo geo romset" updated last month doesn't work with the latest final burn neo in retroarch.
The psp version in the SNK arcade collection doesn't work with the PPSSPP core in retroarch. The screen is just black, nothing happens. One old forum post says "disable mipmapping or the menu doesn't show up". You can't disable mipmapping in the PPSSPP retroarch core.
What the fuck? Why is it so hard to play this fucking game? Why doesn't every arcade emulator just play any fucking arcade file without having to replace all your games and match versions? Why doesn't retroarch contain the full set of options from the standalone emulators? Is it because emulator designers are all retarded obsessive autists with no understanding of user experience? It doesn't have to be this fucking retarded

>> No.8796943

Why are you so hell bent on using retroarch?

>> No.8796947

that’s what you get for wanting to play Neo Reddit Masters

>> No.8796948

Because I can choose a game with my controller instead of having to decide what I'm playing and click through menus. I got rid of all my emulators and condensed everything. Normal consoles work fine, the only things I have trouble with are arcade games and pc-98 etc. This psp thing is a first, never had issues with that system before.

>> No.8796949

Ppsspp has a nice controller friendly UI too.

>> No.8796950

Just when I thought this board couldn't get any worse. 0/10, no bump for you.

>> No.8796952

Fuck you. If it's so easy to fix, explain how to fix it.

>> No.8796992

Ditch Redditarch and take control of your setup.
Fightcade or standalone MAME and Final Burn work fine outside of that piece of shit.

>> No.8797027

Did you download the Neogeo bios file?

>> No.8797170
File: 51 KB, 1500x1092, 618F1Xwm49L._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

type "mame roms archive.org" in a google search and click on the first listing for 0.242 set.
Click on "show all".
Click on the "mame merged" folder
Download turfmast.zip
Go back.
Click on the BIOS folder.
Download neogeo.zip
Put the neogeo.zip in your retroarch system directory.
Load core Final Burn Neo and select the turfmast.zip rom

>> No.8797174

Just get a mvs
those are cheap

>> No.8797179

Why are there so many threads lately about people getting frustrated with arcade emulation?

>> No.8797185

Youtubers ran out of 8 and 16 bit content to talk about so they cover arcade and Japanese PC topics now.

>> No.8797189

Could be because retroarch is the worst fucking thing to ever happen to emulation.

>> No.8797192


>> No.8797307

>just use set 2.465735 dumbass
>why would you ever use set 2.465736, how could you ever expect that to work?
>don't you endlessly scroll the same 15 year old extinct emulation forums as I do?

>> No.8797321

do you even play games or do you just shitpost

>> No.8797412

Nigger I'm allowed to complain when computer programs are retarded and hard to use. Do you play games or do you just police this forum all day?

>> No.8797419

Reddit Turf Masters is a meme game, stop being a sheep and play an actually good Neo Geo game like Magician Lord if you dare

>> No.8797446
File: 22 KB, 329x347, neoturf arcadeitalia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to arcadeitalia the roms for Neo Turf Masters haven't changed since Mame 0.206. That's over 3 years ago.
Maybe this is another OP is a retard problem?

>> No.8797471

Yes he’s an idiot.

>> No.8797475

I mostly play neo geo for the graphics and magician lord has shitty graphics

>> No.8798190

Ironic, Reddit emulation community hates RetroArch

>> No.8798356
File: 2.01 MB, 1080x1367, Screenshot_20220410-134626~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works for me on mame.
You must have the wrong rom. Or using the wrong bios.

>> No.8798369


It doesnt work because you probably didnt set up the bios thing. I forget how i did it. So i cant help you.

>> No.8798384
File: 84 KB, 1920x1047, 1638959161154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need neogeo.zip

>> No.8798457

It takes like one evening of messing around with MAME to get the hang of it. At most.
To be able to play 10000 games for free.
You're just whining.

>> No.8798553
File: 1.53 MB, 720x720, a gift.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha! Serves you right!

>> No.8798575


>> No.8798604

Do people only care about this game because of the Germany course music?

>> No.8798641

Im not even aware it became so disliked, much less the hate due to a course. Still a fun ass game for me, but i guess im just a reddit teir troon and should go back and dial8 before i touch grass.

>> No.8798653

>which retroarch has automatically updated to.
See dumbfuck, this is why you don't use Mame in Retroarch. Even RA users know better than to automatically update the mame core.
If you don't want to update your rom set every month, don't update mame. It's that easy.
And did you know as of version 0.240 a couple of Cave games have been removed due to a copyright takedown request? Uh oh, using faggotarch where you can't roll back to an earlier version just became a problem, huh?

>> No.8798672
File: 1.39 MB, 1512x1087, whoisabrainletnow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be a brainlet, but I know how to fucking emulate neo geo :^)
Also Major Title 2 is the better game

>> No.8798682

I don't get the whole neogeo.zip thing
Why can't I just use whatever the fuck BIOS I want? My Neo Geo MVS does fine with just a single chip whether it's loaded with the stock ROM or Unibios.
Shit like this essentially ensures that you'll never use your own ROM dumps when Mame requires shit you don't have because the original hardware didn't need em

>> No.8798761


>> No.8798769

>genuinely helpful response
>guy spergs out and makes fun of the guy
do you want help or not retard? go play your fucking reddit golf game cause muh graphics.
neo geo isnt a real console its a history piece/arcade machine you larper, nobody cares about it

>> No.8798771


>> No.8798779

Good job now you're limited to FBN stand-alone's primitive and limited CRT filters and video sizing options compared to RetroArch.

>> No.8798803

>ctrl-f "reddit"
>7 results
Why do you allow a website to live rent free in your head?

>> No.8798821

>makes a whiney unoriginal comment
why do you let other peoples expressions live rent free in your head?

>> No.8798823

>ctrl-f "reddit"
>7 results
Why do you allow a website to live rent free in your head?

>> No.8798828
File: 21 KB, 128x128, 762358e0-0b32-4c9b-8cc9-98dbdf151d1d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I need more useless bloat?

>> No.8798871

No one said dislike. It was just never talked about until people started posting the Germany music.

>> No.8798881

as expected from a phonie lmao

>> No.8798891

It's not useless.

>> No.8798919

>neo geo isnt a real console
Oh yeah? And castlevania is for flaming faggots. Just saying.

>> No.8798923

It's on the PS2 game

>> No.8798968

What about WinKawaks? Or NeoRageX? Played that shit in the past for sure, must be something about them new emulators anon.

>> No.8798970

obviously saying the neo geo isnt a real console is a bit hyperbolic
what I mean is what possibly could have driven this little kid who doesnt know how to use a computer to suddenly care about some dumb golf game that probably a total of 1000 people on earth played around the time it came out on a niche expensive platform that barely had any shelf presence, all while being bitter to the people who are trying to spoonfeed him.
OP is just doing the youtuber thing where their ADHD brain gets a sudden interest in something, gets attention for it, and then moves on.

>> No.8799087

The idea that you're supposed to be grateful that people are condescending cunts anytime you ask for help on this website is retarded. Reading libretro documentation isn't an accomplishment to be proud of

>> No.8799316

nah i agree with you that notion is a bit dumb for the most part, but the baby shouldnt bite the hand that feeds it.

>> No.8799479 [DELETED] 

>neo reddit masters
found the tourist

>> No.8799554

>some dumb golf game that probably a total of 1000 people on earth played around the time it came out on a niche expensive platform that barely had any shelf presence
This was also an MVS arcade game and a pretty popular one too. Definitely played by many than 1000 people, probably in the millions worldwide.

>> No.8799604

Bruh, it’s on the Switch eshop now for like 5$!

>> No.8799667 [DELETED] 

Neo Reddit Masters was never that popular compared to most of the MVS lineup, it’s only recently due to hype from e-celebs and YouTubers that Neo Reddit Masters became retroactively granted classic status.

>> No.8799836

lot of self hating redditors in this thread

>> No.8799856


>> No.8800501

Just buy a used copy

>> No.8800881
File: 16 KB, 100x100, dancing cerberus.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget the bios.They go inside RA system folder.

>> No.8800894

Hideous dumb op. I hope he never makes a outer thread.

>> No.8801048
File: 2.24 MB, 1080x1307, Screenshot_20220411-142010~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8801654

>The idea that you're supposed to be grateful that people are condescending cunts anytime you ask for help on this website is retarded.
The idea that you are expected to spend your time helping someone no matter how stupid their question is, entirely free of charge and without so much as a thanks, is retardation only supported by complete retards that demand other people help them learn.

Get fucked.

>> No.8802675

No one is forcing anyone to answer questions. Choosing to be a condescending fuck after choosing to answer a question is uncalled for.

>> No.8803554

I fucking hope you had neogeo.zip and you aren't a complete fucking retard blaming everything else for your own complete lack of knowledge

>> No.8803565

>Choosing to be a condescending fuck after choosing to answer a question is uncalled for.
>posted anon on 4chan, wondering why everyone was being so mean to him
Go back to whatever shithole you came from. This is 4chan, no one owes you shit here. No one is asking for a thanks either. You get what people post, whatever they are willing to post. If that makes you butthurt, then you are gonna be butthurt a lot here. Expecting friendly help from shitpost central is the height of stupidity. Do you go down to your local ghetto to ask for help for your car?

>> No.8803576

I had the pad on the right, it was fucking terrible.

>> No.8804692

Isn't this available on GOG?

>> No.8804721

Lol, you're the fag going to the trouble of answering questions for retards on the internet and then crying about it. Why even bother?

>> No.8806583

I can play my copy on PS2