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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 402 KB, 1440x1080, zelda-nintendo-64-games-majoras-mask_1_bcad3f84d482a05854e850209c349263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8785943 No.8785943[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do they feel so much more advanced than anything on PS1??

>> No.8785946

Because they are.

>> No.8785959

They are

>> No.8785964

PS1 can't handle 3D games that complex. N64 was closer to the 3dfx voodoo graphic cards for PC.

>> No.8785968

Not really except insofar as the N64 was better suited to large open world games due to its cartridge format.

>> No.8785969
File: 1.75 MB, 684x476, 1620625929991.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8785970

Didn't you already post this thread?

>> No.8785974

Having more RAM and higher vertex precision for large playfields helps too.

>> No.8785974,1 [INTERNAL] 

he did and got deleted

>> No.8786003

welcome to /vr/

>> No.8786029

Because you need to take off your thick ass nostalgia goggles.

Zoomers only loved this shit because it was their first experience with 3D

>> No.8786030
File: 86 KB, 595x474, deadoralive2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think people underestimate just how fast technology was moving in the 90s. Between when the Playstation launched in 1994 and the N64 came out in 1996 there was a massive leap in capability. In my rough estimation there's probably a real world 3x difference in performance between the two consoles.

The 90s was absolutely insane in terms of its technical leaps because 2 years after the N64 launched the Dreamcast came out in Japan, and that managed to run all sorts of gorgeous games that blew the N64 out of the water. And then less than 2 years after that, you had the PS2!!! It was a hell of a time to be into video games, everything was moving so damn fast.

>> No.8786051

Zoomers? What's next, 'zoomers only love Ultima because it was their first exposure to RPGs'?

>> No.8786059

What were some advanced games on PS1? Crash 1 is pretty impressive.
As far as adventure games go I think Mega Man Legends and Tomba games are pretty big, I love them

>> No.8786060

I think people underestimate just how ugly early 3D was (for literally decades) compared to 2D pixel-art that was damn near perfected.

>> No.8786081

>everything was moving so damn fast
And then look at what we have now. No progress for almost 10 years now and video games don't even look like alternative reality that you can lose yourself in anymore due to everyone being into muh realism

>> No.8786128

Legends 2 is a beautiful game and the opening with its quick camera cuts and scene transitions with no loading is a tech demo on its own.

>> No.8786162
File: 2.98 MB, 562x460, Brightisskellies.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Z-targeting is for cowards and noobs

>> No.8786173


>> No.8786238
File: 2.92 MB, 1920x1080, Vagrant Story Lighting png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucking retarded. There's multiple games on ps1 that are far more advanced than any ugly ass n64 game.

>> No.8786250
File: 1 KB, 125x59, 1498937724176s[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that foreground fence

>> No.8786256

>Recording with CRT filters at good quality
You got guts. How'd you do it?

>> No.8786263
File: 69 KB, 805x621, mega Man legends graphics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crash 3 shits on crash 1.
Spyro shits on furrfag Kazooie.
Tekken 3.
Final Fantasy 9
Mega Man legends shits on Zelda
Misadventures Tron Bonne

>> No.8786273

Looks fucking awesome, unlike the fences in Zelda

>> No.8786292
File: 183 KB, 1022x764, Breath of Fire 3 boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D is fucking gay

>> No.8786297

it's crooked bro you're gonna need a new one

>> No.8786323

Nice art direction with all that pixelated stuff, but it's not more complex than OOT, mathematically speaking.
>but N64 bad, ugly, console wars, etc
yawn. you kids need to go back to /v/, adults are talking.

>> No.8786328

>shit isometric block pushing game
OoT feels a whole generation ahead of this trash

>> No.8786375
File: 1.43 MB, 480x367, Vagrant Story Lighting gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its way more mathematically complex than ocarina, the lighting is far more advanced
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
Ocarina is a fucking block pushing game

>> No.8786391

>the lighting is far more advanced
Again, nice art direction, they did some good stuff with the pixelation, but that's not mathematically complex, it is good art direction.
Stop being a console warrior just for the sake of warring. Not that OP is any better, he's also baiting for it, but you're really showing your true colors as a not even ironic console warrior, you do it for real.
Listen, N64 came out in late 1996. Some days after the N64 was released the first 3dfx graphics card, it's closer to that. PS1 is from late 1994 and is closer to a 3DO.

>> No.8786431

And yet vagrant story S T I L L has superior lighting than the N64.

Also every fucking multi plat, like mega Man legends, looked far worse on the n64. It's an ugly fucking machine.

>> No.8786436

Who gives a shit about graphics, this is a retro gaming board, we discuss fucking ZX Spectrum games here, what makes you think we give a shit about lighting effects?

>> No.8786438

ok, console warrior, you're stuck in your "ps1 good, n64 bad" mindset and I know I won't get you out of it, but your subjective artistic direction taste is irrelevant to OP's question.

>> No.8786440

And it still has shit outdated gameplay that could have been done on Snezz

>> No.8786445
File: 938 KB, 494x374, mega Man legends tron gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean this with all sincerity.
The N64 is the ugliest system of all time.
360 is the only contender for a system with such consistently bad art direction, and total number of games that hurt to look at.

>> No.8786451
File: 1.89 MB, 3477x1506, vagrant story bosses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a graphics thread you dumb fuck. Blame OP.

>> No.8786452

I mean this with all sincerity. MML wouldn't have half the positive reputation it has today if it wasn't for the artstyle.

>> No.8786454

Ocarina of time is not an advanced game. The piece of shit runs at 24 frames per second. The models are much more low poly than many other ps1 games, and the lighting is less advanced.

Vagrant Story is more technically impressive than ocarina.

>> No.8786456

I didn't think he was talking about graphics. I thought he meant complexity in level design, gameplay, narrative, combat, etc. Graphically, it is also good.

>> No.8786457

>Mega Man legends shits on Zelda
I'm a huge Mega Man fan but let's be real here...
>Crash 3 shits on crash 1.
Crash 3 shits on pretty much every 3D platformer from that era. As a kid I loved Rayman 2 just as much though
>Misadventures Tron Bonne
One of my favorite PS1 games but it's not something groundbreaking at all
>Tekken 3.
Sega Nogaemsturn had Virtua Fighter. Boring ass game yeah, forgive me, Segata-san but it came out earlier than Tekken 3 and looked more advanced.

>> No.8786462

>Vagrant Story is more technically impressive than ocarina.
How? The game's levels are microscopic.

>> No.8786463

>Ocarina of time is not an advanced game.
ok warrior

>> No.8786465

Anon MML1 is on N64 you should've picked a MML2 gif

>> No.8786467

The first game has one of the comfiest settings in the history of video games. The voice acting is endearing, and the characters are lovable.

Ocarina has boring block puzzles and an empty field. You just love it because you're some tranny speed runner autist that gets imprinted by whatever mommy gave you first

>> No.8786474

>The first game has one of the comfiest settings in the history of video games. The voice acting is endearing, and the characters are lovable.
Notice how none of these things have to do with gameplay. If it didn't have the cringe anime artstyle nobody would even know it exists today.

>> No.8786476

Mega Trans Legends is pure jank tranime garbage and the worst Mega Man game

>> No.8786478

That's fucking retarded. Ocarina has an extremely basic story.
Its as basic as it gets. Ape Escape is more complex.

>> No.8786479

anon, I like MML too, but you sound like an agitated console warrior. OOT is way more than block pushing and the "empty field" meme is just that, a meme. Hyrule Field is not even that big (but it is bigger than any map in Legends, which are also mostly empty anyway)

>> No.8786483
File: 268 KB, 1093x720, FF 9 Moguri Mod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A flat empty field is not impressive.
And it's inferior

>> No.8786492

I'm starting to think you're a false-flagging N64 fanboy trying to make sonyggers look worse than they already are.
What's up with those upscaled emulation screenshots? Be serious.

>> No.8786493

>Ocarina has an extremely basic story.
I think what he meant was environmental storrytelling. Like when Link grows up you see all of Hyrule devastated and shit. Also stop with your console warring bullshit, we all know that both OoT and MML are amazing games

>> No.8786494

Quit moving the goal posts faggot. You said art style. I just listed shit that wasn't art style.

The game play is awesome. Awesome boss fights that are dynamic instead of just >hit glowing red spot with latest gadget

You can skate around town, jump across roof tops, rebuild the city, find hidden treasures in the dungeons that are used for side quests instead of just rupees you don't ever fucking need, etc...

>> No.8786503

Original hardware is for fucking trannies. Emulated ps1 looks awesome and Emulated n64 is still fucking ugly as shit, and no the emulator is not the reason. It's an ugly system that runs at 24 fps and has blurry textures that make your eyes bleed.

>> No.8786513

>he admits to being an emulakid who probably plays retro stuff on LCD screens
>projects his tranny obsession onto others
>is, still, a console warrior
I'm so happy I'm not you.

>> No.8786514

>A flat empty field is not impressive.
As opposed to a flat empty field with random encounters every 10 seconds? Are you seriously using a JRPG as an example of impressive vidya? They stopped being impressive after DQ3 and DQ4, these were damn big for their console, yeah. Maybe FFX too but FF9? Get the fuck outta here

>> No.8786516

it's funny because n64 emulators commonly fuck up the texture filtering making them way blurrier than they actually were
you have no idea what you're talking about because you've only ever seen a bad facsimile of it

>> No.8786518

My family had every major n64 game when i was growing up.

Even though i like them, none ever impressed me technically. None.

What blew my mind as a kid was the cut scenes in ff7 (dumb, but that was the era), the characters for mega Man legends, the pre rendered back grounds in resident evil, and just the overall package for silent Hill.

>> No.8786520 [DELETED] 

Wrong, nigger. Simulations are for trannies. It's why you fags think putting make up on makes you a woman. You will NEVER be a woman, and you will never be a PS1 or N64 owner.

>> No.8786521 [DELETED] 

Jarpigs and MML are for trannies
Kill yourself Snoy shit rat

>> No.8786524

I had both as a kid, they were ugly then and they're ugly now. Only mega faggots play on CRTs.

>> No.8786529

Everybody owned an n64. The games were fucking ugly 25 years ago.

>> No.8786540

The entire speed running community is trannies playing ocarina on original hardware. Reality shows you're all a bunch of weirdo faggots

>> No.8786545

>ugly ugly ugly
Anon no offense but I can't take your opinions seriously at all.
You're just spouting your limited taste and nobody cares.
Silly warrior.

>> No.8786546

The incredible scope, level design, use of verticality and 3D space, seamless first person aiming, the list goes one
PS1 games still felt like developers were fumbling around trying to learn 3D. It's amazing how Nintendo got everything so right.