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8766325 No.8766325 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we discuss ridiculous known game-breaking bugs present in retro games. I'll start: the Quake rune glitch.

For those who don't know, the original Quake had a campaign split into four episodes accesible from a hub, each of them yielding a rune upon completion. Once all four runes are collected, you can access the final area.

Sounds pretty straightforward, right? Hold on to your tits. Apparently, you can spontaneously LOSE a rune you've already collected without any indication except for that tiny indicator in the HUD, forcing you to replay the entire episode. Many cases are recorded about poor souls completing the fourth episode, only to be confused and disappointed.

Apparently, this is caused by restarting a level after you die: for some reason, rhe runes you already have are cleared upon reestart. I am really amazed that developers as talented as Id Software's could ship such a blunder, it should have been obvious during testing.

Thankfully, you can work around this bug by "cheating" with the console and magically giving yourself back the missing runes. Ironically enough, Quake was one of the, if not THE first game to feature a command line console.

What are some other such egregious examples?

>> No.8766394

wtf is this real? how come i have never heard of it?

>> No.8766421

> it should have been obvious during testing.

This is because the probably mostly tested each level from a fresh start. If the levels behave correctly that way, there should no reason why they'd behave wrong when carrying weapons over from previous levels, right?

Same with any FPS that uses this system really. In Doom there is an inteview saying they didn't realize you could OHKO the Spider Mastermind with the BFG simply because there was no BFG in the map, despite it being available starting from the 2nd map of the episode.

>> No.8766465

>I am really amazed that developers as talented as Id Software's could ship such a blunder, it should have been obvious during testing.
QuakeC is fucking abomination of a "programming language", that's why even id couldn't write simple code without bugs. (Quake uses QuakeC for its gameplay scripts)

>> No.8766476

Yeah this bit me, and it was rather surprising. Probably the whole "runes" thing was rushed at the very end of development. What's more amazing is that it wasn't patched, they did release at least 3 patches but apparently nobody complained?

>> No.8766485

the rune bug is slightly more obscure than your description implies. you have to actually exit the game for it to trigger.
>If you start a new game (so all slots in the copy of the serverflags are set to zero), load a savegame from when you had any runes, and die before completing the stage, when the stage is restarted all of your runes will be lost, because they’ll be set to what’s stored in the copy of the serverflags - which is zero.

>> No.8766498

Ackstually you do not have to exit, just load a save with a different set of runes.
Now, what's interesting is if you're coming back to play, you load the save, you die before reaching the next level, and then continue from the beginning of the level. I guess that's not something many people would do, because you do have a save on that level already, UNLESS you just saved at the start of the level so there's no reason to load again (this is what presume caused the most problems).

>> No.8766505
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In Battlespire when you enter the Chimera of Desolation your save games start getting corrupted everytime you quit to DOS and reload a save within the level, this causes your save file to increase by about 58kb. If it gets too big you can brick your save. This is especially bad given that the Chimera of Desolation level is big and the game exits to DOS everytime you die.
It is however strangely thematic for the level where you a trapped and being hunted across a Silent Hill like island.

>> No.8766509
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>Man, I oughta smack you for trying to quit! Press Y to get smacked out.
>If you press Y to quit, I will summon Satan all over your hard drive!
It's not a bug it's a feature and they warn you about it
Just git gud and don't leave until you beat it

>> No.8767118

You have a point.

>> No.8767813

Is this why I never seem to have more than one rune in any of my quake saves?

>> No.8767928

It's not surprising how that bug exists what's surprising is quake gets patched up to 1.09 and it still has that bug

>> No.8767967

This happened on my first playthrough using quakespasm. Suprised it wasn't fixed in that modern source port

>> No.8767998

Missingno in Pokemon Red and Blue could fuck with your save and despite being a super well known glitch it's still in Pokemon Yellow.
I played through Quake last year for the first time and got this glitch, I just redid episode one and didn't use console.

>> No.8768064
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anyway, here's a more obscure one:
in VTMB if you save at this spot and then reload a save, your character will gain a hidden permanent stealth boost, effectively making you invisible for the rest of the game. restarting the game will not fix this.
there are other spots like this scattered throughout the game, most notably in the underground parking on Larry's quest, where it's pretty much guaranteed that most players will be doing a bunch of saving/reloading.

>> No.8768071

I think this happened to me the first time I played. Had to noclip into the final area

>> No.8768403

this happened to me as recent as last year when playing Quake 1.5. pissed me the fuck off.

>> No.8769875

Blood (DOS): after loading a save, enemies will do triple damage on the easiest difficulty, and half damage on the hardest

X-Com TFTD (DOS): after the first mission, the game's difficulty reverts to Beginner (which reportedly caused players to demand increased difficulty, and the devs obliged)

>> No.8769879

>and despite being a super well known glitch it's still in Pokemon Yellow.

The method to get Missingno that was known at the time was fixed in Yellow

>> No.8769882

I don't recall it ever "fucking saves" but I do recall the rendering bug can be fixed by looking at a pokedex entry.

>> No.8770554

I experienced this playing Quake for the first time on my switch. Luckily I can access the console in that homebrew port.

>> No.8770954 [DELETED] 

>playing Quake for the first time on my switch
Just kys

>> No.8770957

honestly considering how sadistic Blood can be I wouldn't be surprised if it was intentional

>> No.8771008
File: 252 KB, 986x1369, Hold still while I salt ya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the Age of Empires save bug.
>Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome 1.0a suffers from a serious bug in saved games. If a projectile (arrow from archers, ships, towers, siege weapons) is "flying" through the air while saving a game, the saved game becomes corrupted; loading it will crash the game.
>A fucking arrow

>> No.8771009

Return to Zork.

For being the Zork series first graphical entry, they really dropped the ball hard. The game ends up being little more than a giant collect-a-thon, summed up perfectly by the hurdle right before the final puzzle. In order to get the bridge to span the gap, you need to throw every single item you've collected through-out the game into the pit. Every last one. If you missed a single item, you might end up hard-locking yourself by throwing a needed item into the pit. And this is all intentional, to ensure players wouldn't reach the end without doing everything else first.
The problem is a glitch where it doesn't count the items properly. So you can throw in every required item, and the bridge doesn't span the gap, leaving you stuck. They even put out a patch to fix this, and there's still a chance of it happening. There is no way of telling when your save becomes effected by this glitch, and you won't know it happens to you until you actually reach that point and get stuck.
No one cares since the game is shit, and the ending isn't worth the trouble anyways.

>> No.8771046
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Not gamebreaking, but it's interesting how easy it is to trigger thisvgnaw

>> No.8771096

My favourite piece of anti-piracy unrelated Spyro 3 trivia is that due to the game's little known difficulty scaling system, it can be impossible to 100% complete the game due to the Fireworks Factory level spawning less enemies (and thus not all of the gems in the level) if you're somehow bad enough at a collect-a-thon to get invisibly bumped down to the easiest difficulty.

Not so much a bug as much as it's just a flaw in the game design but I like to talk about it.

>> No.8771125 [DELETED] 

>playing Quake for the first time on my switch
Jesus Christ, do zoomers really?

>> No.8771220

Definitely not that obscure. I even came here to say that this bug popped up on my second playthrough, in a modern sourceport. It made me feel like that woman in the shopping aisle clip, where the guy pretends there was a child on her back. Sitting there thinking, "but... I could have sworn I did episode 2 last week. I have such clear memories... did I really not finish it?".

>> No.8771232

it happened to me too using darkplaces, maybe 10y ago
helped a friend to play quake, it happened to him as well lmao

>> No.8771251

I forgot to actually address the main question.
- Link's Awakening, it is possible in one dungeon to use the keys in the "wrong order" and end up stuck, by not being able to acquire another key to progress further. You're fucked if that happens, although I think you almost intentionally have to do explore in an unintuitive way to trigger it. More of a level design error than a bug, though.
These ones aren't game breaking, but are interesting:
- In Baldur's Gate, you can issue a command to a character to drink a potion from the inventory, and then before they actually drink it, swap the potion with an item for another slot. The character will then "use" the item from that slot, decreasing the item counter by one. Obviously, this causes a wraparound error for many items, giving you like 65536 gems, or wand charges, or whatever.
- I don't know if it was intentional, but in the old city builder Caesar III, your buildings generate walkers (temples generate priests, for example), who then randomly walk your streets, providing services to the buildings they pass. Walkers travel randomly at each intersection, so you need to minimize branching to maximize dependability. However, building a defensive city gate structure allows people with set destinations to walk through it, but random walkers never consider it a valid path, allowing you to control walker routes to some degree. It looks pretty janky. They also return to their home building after a certain number of steps, but the tile of their home building they check for return routes is not the same as the tile they emerged from - so you can build roads as long as the entire map that connect to two parts of the building in such a way that they leave from one side, walk a short distance, and then "return" the entire remaining length of the road. There are some very cool map solutions leveraging this glitch.
- In World of Warcraft, if you rolled an Alliance-faction character, there was no way to become not gay.

>> No.8771281
File: 40 KB, 737x578, Sagittarius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Pikmin, the Libra may sometimes bounce off the ground and fall off the cliff when being moved off its ledge. As it's a mandatory part to beat the game, you're basically fucked if you don't reset the game.

>> No.8771375


>> No.8771423

yes vtmb does run in the source engine

>> No.8771486

What's this? I don't play modern games.

>> No.8771492

Daggerfall, Temple of Elemental Evil and Myth 2: Soulblighter all had hard drive wiping bugs on release. In Myth's case it was actually a bug in the uninstaller, but the other two could brick your gear during play.

>> No.8771571

Dark cloud had a bunch of inventory glitches, which were required to actually enter bonus areas in the last area which were unable to get into via normal means due to another bug.

In GROM, when talking to certain npcs, for some reason the game lets you take control of the npc, but game will crash if you try to leave the room you are in.

>> No.8771628

In Soul Reaver 2 there's these birds perched outside of the shadow shrine or whatever the place is called, they are very easy to disturb and make fly away.
But if you do that, the game softlocks and you can't leave the shrine after you beat it

>> No.8771785

Prince of persia warrior within have a bunch of them

>> No.8771817
File: 201 KB, 800x1129, 70571-soulcalibur-iii-playstation-2-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bricks your whole fucking memory card

>> No.8771834

The way to get missingno in Yellow isn't the same as Red/Blue so there might have been some fix in place.

>> No.8772046

source: me.
it's caused by trigger_stealth_mod triggers and can be confirmed with debug_stealth_toggle console command. some of these triggers only grant a bonus of a couple points, but in this specific location it grants ten (out of ten total).
afaik I'm the first to discover it. wesp is aware (because I reported it to him): https://rpgcodex.net/forums/threads/126124/page-232#post-6126333

>> No.8772303

This reminds me of how it's possible to crash the game if you press a P-switch the second a previous one is about to expire. There's a particular level where I remember reproducing it accidentally multiple times as a kid.

>> No.8772403

>- In World of Warcraft, if you rolled an Alliance-faction character, there was no way to become not gay.
How come they never patched it?

>> No.8772561 [DELETED] 

ITT we discuss why op has no penis

>> No.8773478

They realized it was accidental future-proofing

>> No.8773501
File: 1.23 MB, 1324x1465, Myth_II_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Attempt to uninstall it
>It uninstalls your entire operational system instead

>> No.8774339

Fuck this game

>> No.8774589

In Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown, there's a nasty oversight that can softlock the player and completely ruin a run (unless the player saved beforehand or didn't use the "Quick Save" function after jumping a hole). Halfway through the level there's a hole you need to jump into that connects Mia Wallace's apartment with the warehouse from "Reservoir Dogs". Once you jump down said hole, you can't go back since the wall is too high to jump back out. There's a lift that takes you to the warehouse, but it requires a blue key, just like the door to the warehouse does. If you accidentally got lost exploring the map and ended up going down that hole without picking up the blue key, then tough shit. You are softlocked and there's nothing you can do. You can either kill yourself (hoping you still have some explosives (like RPG, Pipes or Devastator), load a save (if you have one, the game requires up to 8 slots on the biggest maps) or load a quick save. Otherwise, you might need to start the whole episode again.

>> No.8774662

Thank you for your service.

>> No.8774671

This happens in E4L4 (Duke Royale). Woops, I forgot that one detail lol.

>> No.8774738
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In the first Ar Tonelico, there's a boss that crashes your game if the battle carries on long enough. Luckily the game is piss easy and most likely he'll be dead way before that happens.

In Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 for the PS2 the game won't let you finish the first stage if you use the first save point.

>> No.8775890


>> No.8775932
File: 36 KB, 460x438, Paul_denton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More of an oversight than a bug, but Paul in Deus Ex can die even if you help him escape when he gets attacked in his appartement. If you exit through the window, change your mind, and help Paul kill all the MiB and save his life, he'll die anyway for no reason. It's because the trigger for his death is exiting through the window, the game just assumes that you left Paul to get btfo'd by the men in black if you exit. You could exit the window just to use the cover while fighting the men in black and it would count as abandoning Paul.

>> No.8775945

Glitch Pokémon are so fycking fascinating. They are like weird creepypasta myths, excepts they are actually fucking real. Some of them have awesome sprites too, like the skeleton.

>> No.8775967
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Castle of the Winds: keep casting spells until you run out of mana, continue casting as it drains your health, your hp will roll into negatives but keep casting. Eventually the counter will roll over and suddenly you'll have maximum health

I call it "extreme resistance training"

>> No.8776441

At first I thought that he wasn't supposed to survive the ambush, even when I had killed all the enemies.

>> No.8776545

I used to play the game a lot when I was younger and I've never heard of that bug before. So, I read the thread with great interest.

But, what first came to my mind was actually this: what if this "bug" is not really a bug? Let me explain: what if the purpose of the game developers was originally, that you, as a player, are supposed to complete all four episodes of the game simply without dying ONCE?

This would be difficult, but quake was supposedly never meant to be an easy game.

Just my thought.

>> No.8776659

It's extremely hard to do in yellow. You have to use the mew glitch, and most special stats that trigger it just freeze the game. I don't even know what the definitive stat is since most people will just say not to bother, you'll just end up encountering freezes if you try from the list at random

>> No.8776697
File: 17 KB, 1092x956, Metal Max 2 (Japan)-220118-172136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many early RPGs have glitches, it's not even funny. The most common ones are item duplicates or glitches in general related to cancelling your move and then doing something else.

For instance in Metal Max you can use the defend command, cancel it and attack, and have the privilege of attacking while defending.
Then, in Metal Max 2 there is a creature you can feed money. If you use the right amount and cancel it, that amount will stay in memory and be used when selling items. Free money.
But in case you didn't catch that, or want free money earlier in the game, there is another way. You can rent vehicles in the game and they have items, which you're not supposed to be able to be able to do anything with. However if you select one of your own vehicles' items first you can exchange them for the rental ones, and then sell them (or use them, too).

Still in the same game, again with cancelling, when you build your own tank if you cancel and then build another tank you can get higher stats to lower tier tanks because the stats remain in memory.

Then of courses everyone knows that in Final Fantasy II cancelled moves still counts towards your stat building so you can just keep cancelling and grow stats until you're tired of it (except for the last one in your party, but for most of the game that slot is taken by chars that won't stay in your party long). In the PSX version they fixed pretty much every bug except this one so at this point we might as well consider it a feature.

>> No.8776719
File: 11 KB, 256x240, Herakles no Eikou 2 - Titan no Metsubou (J) [T+Eng1.31_Toma]_018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also in Herakles no Eikou 2 - Titan no Metsubou I stumbled on a "Missingno tier" bug, a random encounter led to a glitch because it triggered on a spot it's not supposed to.

In this dungeon all the light blue parts are holes bringing you back out of the dungeon. I got a random encounter when stepping on one, at which point a bird enemy OHKO'd the hero with a crit; note that I had 120+ HP and a crit by that enemy should have done 40HP at best. The crit was so powerful that it created a rift in space and led to the exchange of bodies, meaning that character 1 now had the graphics of character 3, char 2 had the graphics of char 1 and etc. No amount of reviving/killing myself/swapping party order would fix that and I had to load an earlier save.

>> No.8776869

thats such a cool fucking find anon. holy shit the odds to cause that are so low % wise.

>> No.8776874

I happen to be quite the glitch magnet myself

>> No.8777096

The part of the save that gets fucked up is the Hall of Fame, it gets irrecoverably glitched out every time.

>> No.8777185

t. faggot that never played this game
the bug was caught before hitting store shelves and even then it would only occur if you installed the game in your root directory like a retard

>> No.8777216

The second last savepoint in the game breaks the teleport to the last boss

>> No.8777443

QuakeC doesn't suck. I've seen some incredible things made with it, Quake was simply rushed and had a weird development cycle

>> No.8777468

Having a scripting language be simple like QuakeC doesn't make it suck, it fulfills its intended purpose and makes it easier to write a compiler for.

>> No.8777523

so is this a QuakeC bug? if it was an engine bug it should've been fixed by the many sourceports we have now

>> No.8777654

There are retail v1.0 copies that were bought, you retard buzzkill niggermonkey.

>> No.8777679

some ports do, some dont, nightfright released a fix pack of all sorts of fixes for both Quake and its mission packs on quake one that are all code based.

>> No.8777683

Copper mod + Underdark Overbright also fixes it iirc.

So does Nightfright's authentic model replacements if you grab the dev version from github.

>> No.8778408

Im still mad fuck namco

>> No.8778604

Just because you can make good things with it doesn't mean it isn't a bad tool for the job.

>> No.8778646

Purple Nines Glitch in GTAIII where you couldn't finish the game because gangbangers you needed to kill to pass a certain mission never spawned and saving at the Ice Cream parlor in Vice City corrupted your save game.

Were there any game breaking glitches in San Andreas

>> No.8779487

>Were there any game breaking glitches in San Andreas
I remember that one where saving in Madd Dogg's mansion wouldn't allow you to play in any basketball court because said save was near the private court inside.
I also remember fucking up CJ stats with training and softlocking him into obesity: I maxed muscles but wanted to go all the way on fatness for the mechanic girlfriend. When I was done and wanted to train again the game wouldn't let me, prompting the 'you're at your limit' message at the gym. Looking around, it turns out it has to do with the date system and how it registers the day, but not the year, you max out your training, so it doesn't let you do it again on days before that one, according to the machine, despite being on the next year.

>> No.8779506

Speaking of Madd Dogg, there's that one really fucking bizarre glitch where in the late-game you have to save his dumb ass on a rooftop from a rioting mob, but doing very innocuous things for whatever reason fucks his AI and causes him to rush off the roof to try and fight the mob the second he spawns in, failing the mission immediately.

It's often assumed using the "pedestrians riot" code at any point, saving or not, causes it but that's not consistent and sometimes it seems to just happen because it wants to, but either way there's basically no fix.

>> No.8779824

>I remember that one where saving in Madd Dogg's mansion wouldn't allow you to play in any basketball court because said save was near the private court inside.
Well that explains why I couldn't play basketball any longer the first time I played San Andreas.

>but doing very innocuous things for whatever reason fucks his AI and causes him to rush off the roof to try and fight the mob the second he spawns in, failing the mission immediately.
I remember reading it was constantly entering cheats that fucked it.

>> No.8780239

>programmer was too retarded to account for wrapping arithmetic

>> No.8780491
File: 27 KB, 187x395, sanic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

overflow bugs were such a common thing too.

>MFW when attemping to max out the score in Jackal but it overflowed back to 0 before I could take a screenshot

>> No.8780914

Peds riot fucks up the game in general doesn't it?

>> No.8780929

Yeah it's a super busted cheat. Since it triggers a flag that happens in the endgame that only clears once you complete the story using it early messes up a ton of shit and tends to not properly deactivate unless you fully reset the game. Especially if you save after using it, you're boned.

>> No.8782019

Speaking of super busted cheats, the final unlock in Ratchet and Clank 2 is a menu option to teleport straight to the Insomniac Museum, which is all fine and dandy, but if you try using it on a NG+ from the tutorial level, you'll end up completely stuck there and unable to progress the game because leaving the museum would send you back to the late game level it's hidden in but without any of the gadgets you need to do actually do anything there, and you can't try leaving for another planet because you won't have the coordinates for anything without having beaten the tutorial.

So yeah before you get excited and teleport to the Insomniac Museum in a new RC2 save, make sure you get to the Swamp planet first.