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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 33 KB, 256x256, The Yaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8770050 No.8770050 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about obscure /vr/ visual novels/text heavy Japanese games. I know there are some of you できる niggas out there.

I've been reading 厄痛―呪いのゲーム (Yaku Tsuu: Noroi no Game) lately, and I'd like to talk about it because I remember one guy a long time ago mentioned it on here. I think it's a fun, goofy story but the game is not very good. How was the prequel, by the way? People say it's kusoge but not sure why

>> No.8770138

Some gay faggot is gonna waltz in this thread and call you out for being a weeb on the weeb website.

>> No.8770343

MissingParts the Tantei Stories is one of my fav mystery vn.
The story is divided in six chapters, while the first two are standard guided mystery adv where you can do no wrong like eve burst error,the other chapters are less guided for example is you fuck up a deduction the game will still continue and probably give you a bab end, time also pass each time you change location,while this make you feel more involved this mean you will probaply need a guide and save scumming to get the best ending due to the time system.
The mysteries rely more on observations than evidences to solve like for exemple some slight contradictions in testimonies or change in the characters sprites,most of the times the game won't highlight those unlike Ace attorney if you are not careful you will miss them.
While the game is episodic there is also an overarching plot who appear mostly in smalls glimpse in the optional internet news and email the main character receive, i can't really explain this but i think this was really well implemented.
The recurring cast is really fucking great,the characters have a great synergy, their interactions are fun a the humor often hit kinda like Ace attorney.
I really recommend it even if it have some flaws.

>> No.8770357 [DELETED] 

kys weeb

>> No.8770359

wat u gona do ?

>> No.8770361
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Forgot image

>> No.8770383

>furigana but with romaji

>> No.8770395

Weebs are the most powerful race in the world

>> No.8770412

It's always newfags/normies who do this.
"tranime" wasn't a term before 2019

>> No.8770418

I don't know who's worse those retards or ironic weebs who are into seasonal shit

>> No.8770434

imagine being a pleb who needs this because he's too scared to learn kana.

>> No.8770450
File: 1009 KB, 2805x2784, princesscrown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this game's aesthetics but have never given it a real shot. I just started Princess Crown recently which might not qualify for the thread.

>> No.8770457

>Let's talk about obscure /vr/ visual novels/text heavy Japanese games

I hope this shit stays obscure. The more obscure the better.

>> No.8770461
File: 47 KB, 384x380, 140001701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll always recommend 2999 Game Kids, the central mystery is compelling and well executed and the whole game has the constant tension of some horrible secret lurking below the surface. It's only a short playthrough, maybe a few hours with only 1 real choice to make right at the end, but it's great.

>> No.8770476


>> No.8770530
File: 39 KB, 256x254, 31574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna bring up something somewhat similar. Mystery game called Gensou no Artemis. Played a bit of it and got up to a bad ending but the general permise is that you're a young detective taking over for a deceased family member and you get hired to investigate the circumstances behind a suicide at The School from Victorious Except In Japan. There are different girls to go after and which girl you choose has a quantum influence over the circumstances behind the victim's death and how the murder took place (I believe). Interesting little game

>> No.8770538

The artstyle doesn't really appeal to me because I guess it all looks kind of childish to me? But I'll take a look at some point.

>> No.8770575

Do you say that because you're of the "if it hasn't been translated it's probably shit" school of thought or are you a "I don't want normies discovering our thing" kind of guy <img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/c2e2602a_bog.png">

>> No.8770856

The characters are simple, but the buildings and mechanical elements remind me of Moebius and I love the aesthetic. Game kids was serialised in Famitsu for years, one day I'll get around to buying some of the books.

>> No.8770892

Nah, just because most of these types of games are shit.

>> No.8770934

Found the できない<img class="xae" data-xae width="27" height="28" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/6476e57d_weSmart.png">

>> No.8770936

>the できない
looool fair play ma brotha

>> No.8770938

>Shits on Japanese only media
>Can't read, speak, or understand Japanese
<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="27" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/ec538b5c_Thonk.png">

>> No.8770961

I really want to play 慟哭そして, but I don't have a Saturn. Is the PS4 remaster worth it?

>> No.8770965
File: 64 KB, 500x750, qK5S47EbrB1NHb6k4QJK4tH2s1k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because I remember one guy a long time ago mentioned it on here
I'm like 99% sure that was me since I'm probably the only person who has ever posted about it on this site.

As you said, the game itself is not particualrly but the real point of interest from it is the main figure behind it, Hideshi Hino. Hino was one of the earliest figures to really find a following with horror manga and is kind of a key figurehead in the genre for manga. He's done a ton of horror manga but he's probably most "well known" in the west for his series of horror films called the Guinea Pig series. In the 90's Charlie Sheen saw one of these films via a vhs tape with no context of what he was given and assumed it was an actual snuff film, he reported it to the CIA and it's become sort of a famous story. He's a real cool guy and while not great these are, to my knowledge, his sole interaction with the game industry which has always made me interested in learning more about them.

>> No.8770968 [DELETED] 

Y'all just a bunch of weeb faggots itt fr fr no cap

>> No.8770972 [DELETED] 

dead ass best post on /vr/ ITT right now

I repeat, best post on /vr/ right now, accept no substitutes

>> No.8770976

Quality post, though I did know this information (I guess that makes me a mega weeb incel fr fr bussin). The game itself is interesting at least. I think you said that you prefer the sequel (noroi no game) to the original. Why is that?

>> No.8771010

Yeah I know him and I fucking hate Guinea Pig and movies like this

>> No.8771013

are the japanese symbols words or letters
i cant even

>> No.8771023

yeah if im going for torture porn im going with the human centipede series everytime, guinea pig's just boring

>> No.8771024

>In the 90's Charlie Sheen saw one of these films via a vhs tape with no context of what he was given and assumed it was an actual snuff film, he reported it to the CIA and it's become sort of a famous story.
Based ossan

>> No.8771028

No that shit is even worse. I hate torture porn

>> No.8771152

You have to be 18 to post.

>> No.8771157 [DELETED] 

Have fun never owning property.

>> No.8771972
File: 55 KB, 256x256, cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know this game, seem nice.

Another good episodic mysterie adv game with a strong and fun cast is Cross Tantei Monogatari.
One of its strong points is its ability to renew itsefl each chapter both in gameplay and style of story.
While the gameplay of the first two chapters is basicaly standard for a menue based adv game, from the third onward the game add some grid based 3d exploration,there is also a chapter that is just a novel while an another one is a weird escape game.
Each chapter's story' is based on a different jap mystery fiction's trope like a standard murder investigation, a closed room mystery or school investigation undercover as a menber of the staff.

The game is definitely a great adv game.

>> No.8772035

I think OP is a good target for mocking but mainly because he types like a retard.

>> No.8772056
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Carol the Dark Angel


>> No.8772075
File: 148 KB, 1200x1028, 1157079D-30C6-41D0-96AB-B75AED365FE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Yaru Dora games.

>> No.8772082
File: 978 KB, 1745x1370, 4E21C7C5-F3D0-4CF3-AAA2-5F85572DE0D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The one Mega Man game that they regret making and is never talked about ever again.

>> No.8772143

i think they only regret making it because wily killed some guys in helicopters
though idk why they don't mind the city destruction sequences at the start of half the games
are those all just robot cities?

>> No.8772470

>Syufo Itahashi
I have an X-Files manga that has one story done by this guy and another one done by the Double Dragon II boxart artist.

>> No.8772496 [DELETED] 

have fun never owning a woman WHOOOOOOOO

>> No.8772560 [DELETED] 

I have a woman and a house. :)

>> No.8772564 [DELETED] 

Stop seeking clout and take care of her.

>> No.8773034 [DELETED] 

Lmao this kiddo finna seething don't lie to us fr

>> No.8773152 [DELETED] 

I already am. :)

>> No.8773306

Not sure it fits the bill, but I played Princess Crown myself. Plenty of things I loved about it, but also kind of repetitive for me. As expected from a psuedo-vanillaware title.

>> No.8773669

The first game is kusoge on purpose, it's basically a troll game. The second game was made to be more of an actual story but I didn't think it was that good, I don't remember much of it. The first one is insanely wacky at times though and much more memorable. It should only take you like 3 hours to get through every character, definitely worth it to play.

I only played Double Cast but I found it disappointing and underwhelming. They could have done so much more with the system they had for it (the only other VN I know that does that is School Days). I doubt any of the others are much better because I had only ever heard of Double Cast for the longest time.

>> No.8773821
File: 979 KB, 693x664, doukokusoshite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would also like to play this one and am curious how the PS4 remaster is. The Saturn version can still be picked up for very cheap with a bunch of bonus items included.

>> No.8773828

The weird thing is that the producer for this series was the co-director for the Sega CD port of Snatcher and wrote some of the extra scenes in that version.

>> No.8775349

>After the film was examined by boards of education throughout Japan, all copies of Guinea Pig 2 were supposedly withdrawn from the market.[2] In a 2009 interview with Vice, writer-director Hideshi Hino stated that he considered the withdrawal to be "a great success."[2]
Based as fuck.

>> No.8776057

I like the design of the girls. Especially the one with the pigtails.