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8765870 No.8765870 [Reply] [Original]

Post some unsettling games with fiendish energy

>> No.8765880
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>> No.8765884

Great example.
The OST is completely unnerving.

>> No.8765890
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> X-Multiply

Basically Irem's Life Force with plenty of body horror.

I dunno, Doki Doki Yuuenchi/Trolls in Crazyland have that "unsettling" aura of sorts. The game feels very... off in terms of atmosphere and I don't know why.

>> No.8765910
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Was Yellow Magic Orchestra's EP from 1980 big enough in the 80s to warrant its own arcade game?

>> No.8765943
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>negative aura
what the fuck does this mean

>> No.8766225

I was thinking Ecco too.

>> No.8766246
File: 76 KB, 496x680, 3444--terminator-2-judgment-day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The music in this game, while unsettling, is unlike any other NES games'. Geoff Follin created a unique and amazing OST. Also, it was programmed by LJN. It can't get more unsettling, than this.

>> No.8766259
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Timesplitters 1 always felt off. A lot of the arcade levels just felt like fever dreams (Bank, Mall)

>> No.8766264


>> No.8766301
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Something about the Shadow Dancer arcade game feels off to me. Doesn't apply so much to the Genesis/MD version, which is larger-than-life and more fantasy- or scifi-like. But the arcade version has this dingy, at times photorealistic look, with grimy, depopulated urban environments. The soundtrack is oddly somber and there is some really weird sound design, like the level one boss's death cry.

>> No.8766303
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>> No.8766502


>> No.8766575
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> unsettling games with fiendish energy
Wardner Special on Sega Genesis.
Especially the second level.
ESPECIALLY the second boss.

>> No.8766591
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Planet Laika

>> No.8766658

Holy shit. I'm sure when they asked for spooky music, they meant "Zombies ate my neighbors" spooky, not Silent Hill spooky. What the fuck. This game's creepy pasta central.

>> No.8767094
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Spelunker 2 For the NES, has a sort of karma system if you kill animals you'll eventually go to hell, some animals are hostile so playing this as a kid was awfully confusing

>> No.8767113

I played this game as a child through an emulator and I had this exact feeling. The game is pretty cool but urban environment that is both realistic and empty at the same time gives you a strange feeling, like liminal spaces.
But Megadrive version has no problem.

>> No.8767117

Games that make you feel uneasy.
It's not that hard to get what OP's saying.

>> No.8767147

Such a nice age

>> No.8767513

*bad vibing marble garden music sounds in the distance*

>> No.8767528
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Thalion games

>> No.8767543


>> No.8767580

This looks like a Master System game.

>> No.8767668

ayy lmao

>> No.8767696

obvious answer, but Monster Party

>> No.8767776

I would constantly switch Worms Armageddon off as a kid once the music turned dark.

>> No.8767806

I have no idea why, but I felt this with the arcade version of Knights of the Round. I have absolutely no clue as to why but I felt super weird by the time I beat it

>> No.8767856
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>> No.8767883
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Mutant Night is about as cursed as it gets. It looks like an irl creepypasta game. Every screen is like a schizo's mspaint scribble. Almost hard to believe this was actually released into arcades.

>> No.8767949

this looks real good

>> No.8767961

not sure if joking..

>> No.8768000

Marble Garden Zone had good ass music you pussy faggot.

>> No.8768067

t. Maddening Marbleian

>> No.8768107

Porky Pig's Haunted Holiday

Zombie Ate My Neighbors

Silent Hill

There might have been a tiny misunderstanding about the tone of the game.

>> No.8768305

Wow, arcades.
I thought it's a DOS game

>> No.8768398

Shadow of Destiny was one of those odd creepy games

>> No.8768456

I did find and to this day still find it comfy. Specially the first level.

>> No.8768507
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>> No.8768683

I played this game as a kid an it gave me a seriously eerie vibe, the sense of loneliness and imminent death freaked me out. Even more when I finally figured how to beat chapter 1-1 and got that cutscene on the town square.

Too bad the game was kinda cryptic and I couldn't progress further. This could be my Silent Hill game since I don't like actual horrors. Time traveling plots are cool.

>> No.8768686
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>> No.8768695
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>> No.8768770

The soundtrack for this game is super campy. Makes me think they were intending this to be more like a toku series than anything.

>> No.8768775

Its The Kind Of Tired Sleep Won't Fix

>> No.8768910

Postal 1.

>> No.8769110

This looks sick, you are an absolute baby.

>> No.8769465
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Kabuki quantum fighter

>> No.8770867

oh boy time for trivia monster


>> No.8771205
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I'll have to think it over, but no game ever has made me feel as uncomfortable as the general atmosphere of The Neverhood. Watched my dad play it a lot when I was really little, never got far in it myself. It's certainly unique and yet I don't really have it in me to try to play it again.

>> No.8771249
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>> No.8771267

>AMIGA 1200
>AMIGA 1200
>AMIGA 1200
>AMIGA 1200
But does it run on Amiga 4000?

>> No.8771275
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Early 3d stuff in general is eerie

>> No.8771478

Yeah absolutely! you should give it another go now that you're older. It's not silent hill scary, but the feeling that you could be killed from behind at any moment keeps things tense, and there's some very unsettling moments, but the time travel puzzle solving is a lot of fun.

>> No.8771485

Listen to the soundtrack at least. It's great. Maybe it will make you feel better and help motivate you to finally overcome your fear

>> No.8771552
File: 131 KB, 332x208, demon blue 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demon Blue for its unnerving blend of surreal and religious imagery. This game creeped me out as a kid, I don't think I made it past the first level. The shitty gameplay didn't help.

>> No.8771605


>> No.8771641

I will, thanks. I'm actually picking up our old family PC from my mom's house sometime this spring, so maybe I'll work up the nerve to play it this summer.

>> No.8771665
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Lot of early 16bit arcade games and sega genesis games had this unnerving dark vibe. I dont know how to explain it but they really creeped me out as a kid.

>> No.8771671

Its sort of like witnessing alien technology its horrifying because you dont know what to expect.

>> No.8771695
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>> No.8771697

This game had a really goofy look, like Alone in the Dark with no sharp angles. I don't know what they were thinking

>> No.8771705
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>> No.8771727

I can see the man's penis <span class="xae" data-xae="blush">😳[/spoiler]

>> No.8771731

If you need to ask, you have no soul

>> No.8771743

this is how we shill woo in 2022 lads.

>> No.8771753

The European version in particular is odd. PAL NES is incapable of pitching DPCM samples correctly, so they had to recompose the music to make up for no DPCM samples. Also this game is made by the same developers as RECCA and uses the same sound driver as Zombie Nation.

>> No.8771759

It's definitely how pseuds on /x/ go about it.

>> No.8772068
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Great topic for a change!
Revelations: Persona comes to mind, the game's already depressing tone coupled with the mediocre production values and the fact it came out early-ish in the generation contributed to creating this unnerving atmosphere that gives me an uncomfortable feeling whenever I think of it. In fact, I feel like the the last two characteristics are very common in unsettling games

>> No.8772114

It was the style at the time.

>> No.8772249

The Deluxe version does.

>> No.8772252

>I don't know what they were thinking
Probably had more to do with technology.

>> No.8772801

Doubt it, it's a 1994 PC game

>> No.8772912

I think it could be a tech limitation too: there was no 3D acceleration in 1994. Games with polygonal 3D under DOS went a long way and Ecstatica was right in the middle of that (Stunts in 90, Alone in the Dark in 92, Descent in 94, Terminal Velocity in 95, Quake in 96).

Maybe the Alone in the Dark polygonal design was too "cubic" for the devs or required too much resources for all those animations and characters at once on the screen. Maybe they wanted many animations right off the bat and sprites wouldn't cut it... or maybe they had the tech first and then decided to make those animations because they could afford it. I'm just guessing, I have no idea.

They look like balloon animals, but in the very least, when you see a screenshot of the game, you know for sure it's Ecstatica.

>> No.8773195

I don't know about you, but this game is pretty unnerving.

>> No.8773594 [DELETED] 

Ellipsoids are the future.

>> No.8773604

Ellipsoids are the future.

>> No.8773658
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>> No.8773675
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>> No.8773678


>> No.8773681
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>> No.8773752
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>> No.8773769

I remember playing this game in a dimly lit game room at a campground in Michigan back in the late 80s. Light gun was a crossbow and it was basically just raw sadism but very satisfying

>> No.8773802
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It’s not scary or anything but the whole thing feels weird. Most of it is just standard Wolf 3D affair but it just has this weird quality to it that makes it feel off compared to the original. Then you get the actual Spear of Destiny and then have to fight off weird smoke monsters and then a giant demon in some hell dimension. It feels like prototype Doom almost. Granted the demon design is pretty goofy but it’s still fairly out of left field. Come to think of it, everything after the first two or three episodes of original Wolf 3D has that same weird feeling, when the cyborgs and vampires start showing up

>> No.8773890

Something about the FMVs for this are really sinister, the cheap plastic-y models make it.

>> No.8773912

The zombie soldiers are in episode 2 and vampire/ghost Hitlers are in episode 3.
Actually the second half of the game is pointless because you kill Hitler in episode 3. Who gives a shit about killing other nazis after you already killed their final boss? You have to look at episodes 4-6 as an expansion pack because it's crappy pacing as a single game.

>> No.8773994

They were, in fact, expansion packs. The original game was just episodes 1-3 before they realised 4-6 as an add on. Every release since then has included them for convenience sake (no Spear though)

>> No.8774245
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Alien vs Predator

>> No.8774307

Has there been more unironically creepy music in an SNES game?

>> No.8774309

when daffy appeared at like 2:40 he scared the shit out of me lmao

>> No.8774346

Altered Beast always felt fucking weird to me for this reason

>> No.8774426

the 90s were cool and edgy

>> No.8774513
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Rezon for Arcades, even if it is just a blatant Xerox of Irem's R-Type with the worst soundtrack imaginable:


>> No.8776291
File: 95 KB, 1000x720, alien syndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the drab soundtrack plays a part

>> No.8776295

You are all sheltered Nintoddlers

>> No.8776314

careful guys, we've got a mature gamer here.

>> No.8777573
File: 7 KB, 256x224, 20192_7804538a2bd8d87206650726b781ae07872d8124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I had this game growing up and it was always unsettling to me along with the Speedy Gonzales SNES game.
However this game Dennis the Menace something about it always seemed creepy as fuck. That black screen with the logo. The way the gradient was for all the text. The quiet intro with Dennis yelling MR. WILSON. and speaking of MR. FUCKING WILSON. GOOD LORD. As a kid the game seemed pretty cool until he came OUT OF FUCKING NO WHERE RUNNING AFTER YOU AND THE BIG ASS HEAD AND TAKING YOU AWAY. Fuck I remembered how creepy that shit was. Funny becaused I played the fuck out of Nightmare Ned as a kid which was more intentionally creepy and I was freaked out by some parts. But Dennis the Menace was more freaky to me.

>> No.8778165
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I think the NES version is even more distressing. The drab colors, weird music instruments, and bizarre arrangements, not to mention the signature big-bosses-against-solid-black-backgrounds of the NES really add up to give it a certain feel.

>> No.8778217
File: 74 KB, 220x154, ARC_Metal_Black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metal Black is pretty grim. It's set in a postapocalytic world where alien invaders have sucked the earth dry of resources and reduced it to a world desert. Your character is basically on a last ditch/suicide mission. The graphics look pretty garbled, not very clean at all compared to Darius. The enemies are bizarre biomechanical crustacians, turtles, brains, etc. Not very different from X-Multiply or R-Type but I always felt there was less horror to it than those games, it aims for strangeness and I can't think of any more out there shooter in all honesty.

>> No.8780158
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>> No.8780276
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>> No.8780291

>whale carcasses
>hominid with a spear
>man with a modern rocket launcher and harriers
Ah I see where you're
>dolls and boxes
>a cat staring at you with eyes that stick out over a scrolling technoscape

>> No.8780310

ah yes, the schizo one

>> No.8780562

you're overselling the creepiness, but damn, it is an ugly game

>> No.8781724
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As a kid/teenager, I found Beneath the steel sky to be exactly that. Maybe because I played mostly LucasArts games from the genre but this game was oppressive as fuck.

From a guy being killed in the opening, to the foreboding atmosphere that something is just wrong in the entire world that you are in.