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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8759485 No.8759485 [Reply] [Original]

Survival horror thread. What are your favorites, which get overlooked, which are overrated, let's discuss.

>> No.8759726

the second Evil Dead game is good

>> No.8759737

I was on a Resident Evil kick back around christmas and beat the first two games for the very first time but beating the first game twice and the second game twice burnt me out a little. had alot of fun. i got three and code veronica to play still

>> No.8759748
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if you really enjoying the classics, you're gonna completely understand the hate for RE4.

>> No.8759767

i just took a small break from the gaming for a bit. go in spurts with that stuff. but yeah i guess if thats how code veronica ends. it kinda sucks something like that happened off screen. i still gotta play three and CV.

i still like four. played it death though. last time i played. like a year or two ago. pro mode with the tommy gun. got bored

>> No.8759804

>understand the hate for RE4
Contrarians wanting to feel special? Especially if they actually think Code Veronica is in any way a good game.

>> No.8760790

The older I get, the more I appreciate RE1.
Also I'm afraid that after 20 years I finally got tired of replaying RE2 which is so unfortunate.

>> No.8760793

Same as every other genre.
Anything made in Japan,
anything made in the west.

>> No.8760794

Parasite Eve 2 is not a survival horror

>> No.8760795

I think Dino Crisis 2 is pretty underrated and while it's acknowledged in lists here and there, very rarely is it actually discussed compared to vastly overrated Dino Crisis 1

>> No.8760797

Seethe harder.

>> No.8760804

RE1 is so overrated at this point it's just pathetic. There are literally people that will sit here and tell you that RE 1 is better than SH 1-3, RE 2, 4 AND remake without batting an eye

>> No.8760805

Silent Hill, Parasite Eve, Resident Evil.
What is that fourth game? That monster looks sick.

>> No.8760806

Hellnight? Not 100% sure

>> No.8760829

its better than reddit hill 2

>> No.8760830

>RE 1 is better
yup, it is. didn't even blink!

>> No.8760871

>There are literally people that will sit here and tell you that RE 1 is better than SH 1-3, RE 2, 4 AND remake without batting an ey

Yes. Because RE1 is the perfect middle ground that succeeds in everything, combat, puzzles, story, horror. Not counting 4 which is a whole different genre, every single game you posted is weak in at least one category. Depending on your sensibility, Silent Hill series may have better horror, but it fails really hard in survival mechanics and keeping tension through gameplay. RE2 has weak puzzles and adventure elements in general. REmake has worse action, worse story and bloats progression/pacing with more linearility and backtracking.

I blinked though, it was a long post.

>> No.8761020

>Silent Hill series may have better horror, but it fails really hard in survival mechanics and keeping tension through gameplay.
Fixed camera angles brings tension. But bad moving camera angles with fog all around and monsters surprising from behind works better. The only bad thing about SH series is the unlimited ammo. The puzzles are not bad

>> No.8761037

Yeah its hellnight

>> No.8761045

I think it's more that DC2 made the move to pure arcade action. It doesn't even pretend to be a survival horror.

>> No.8761047

Not them, but I played them all recently and still don't understand the hate.
It's a completely different kind of game, sure, but it honestly didn't really feel like that much of a departure from RE2 in particular. RE4 is an awesome game and I can't really imagine any reason to dislike it outside of pure contrarianism, in all honesty.

>> No.8761059
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This game may not exactly be considered survival horror but there were some creepy bits to it for me as a kid and it played like RE so I always lump it in with survival horror.

>> No.8761064

I love the classics, still replay them all regularly (the good ones, 1-3 + Remake) and Resident Evil 4 is one of the best in the series. Cope, seethe and dilate. Code Veronica fuuuucking sucks

>> No.8761067

I'm sure we all have experiences and opinions about RE and SH, but can we talk about something else? Same shit every fucking thread.

>> No.8761087

There isn't much to talk about because the entire genre ranges from trash to mediocre outside of household names

>> No.8761090

Galerians would like a word with you

>> No.8761092

I'm sure it would but only using mediocre words

>> No.8761117
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RE 1,2 and 3 are great RE games.
RE1 is the forefather of everything. The first survival horror.
RE2 is a ride all throughout and the second scenario spices things up enough to make you replay it.
RE3 is a replayability goldmine with all that RNG, ammo mixing and Nemesis choices.
RE1 Remake actually is a great improvement over the original's flaws without losing the game's original style.

RECV is alright but way too much backtracking. Nota fan.
RE4 is a great shooter game but not a great RE game. It just changed the style so much and amped the cheesyness to ridiculous levels.

>> No.8761217

I'm a classicfag and RE4 is a masterpiece. CV is shit. Just because it's the consensus doesn't always mean it's wrong, and contrarianism is not a noble trait.

>> No.8761410

I can't really think of any particular flaw RE1 had that REmake improved on. The main complaints were always the controls, which are actually clunkier in REmake than in the PS1 games, and inventory management. Zero's item dropping combined with the item boxes would have been a good setup but they didn't do anything like that. My biggest disappointment was that it didn't even try to resolve the mess where all 4 characters survive, yet Barry is completely absent from Chris's game and Rebecca from Jill's.

>> No.8761526

>My biggest disappointment was that it didn't even try to resolve the mess where all 4 characters survive, yet Barry is completely absent from Chris's game and Rebecca from Jill's.

And that's a good thing. Fuck RE "canon".

>> No.8761602

CVX sucks, but it's still a better game than RE4

>> No.8761930

They were too busy writing fanfiction about the architect's daughter having super special invulnerability and the being the source of the G Virus to actually address stuff like Barry/Rebecca. Prease understandu.

>> No.8761968

I remember CV being scarier than 3 but I played it in like 2004 on ps2.
4 was a huge letdown.

Anyone that likes 4 is a zoomer or an honorary zoomer.

>> No.8761972

kill yourself asap

>> No.8761975

Any RE made before 4 is better than 4. Cope zoomers.

>> No.8761976


>> No.8761979

the only thing scary on 4 was those things that needed sniping, I remember playing it and thought "shit should have rented DMC instead"
RE4 is Devil May Cry with a different camera

>> No.8762028 [DELETED] 

kys auster

>> No.8762164

Dino Crisis is definitely not overrated as a survival horror. It's actually the peak of the genre since you't just blast your enemies to get through and need to carefully manage your resources so you don't get ass fucked in later sections of the game.

Whether you like its gameplay or not, that's a different issue.

>> No.8762207

I'm 28, dipshit. 4 was the last good RE before RE2make.

>> No.8762240

I really liked the classic RE series. Will I like Dino Crisis? Heard thats pretty similar.

>> No.8762241

Survival horror isn't a real genre

>> No.8762251

>It just changed the style so much and amped the cheesyness to ridiculous levels.

>> No.8762268
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I enjoy everything the franchise has to offer. Every game has his uniqueness, strength and weakness.
1 remake
dead aim
outbreak 1 2

stop being a manchildren

>> No.8762290 [SPOILER] 
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I am slowly playing my way through D2 for the Dreamcast. I gave up a while back, because I couldn't get the disc swap to work via emulation. But that seems to be sorted now.

>> No.8762294 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8762303 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8762308 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8762318

Amazing how the in-engine graphics of this game look better than the FMVs in D. Just shows how impressive the Dreamcast truly is

>> No.8762326

The only thing I hate about the 4th game is the plot. RE never had such a profound thoughtful plot, but rescuing the president's daughter is so fucking stupid and out of place beyond belief. It feels like Mikami played MGS2 and decided he wanted to make his own shitty MGS2 plot. Other than that it's a great game, played the shit out of it.

>> No.8762330
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>Amazing how the in-engine graphics of this game look better than the FMVs in D. Just shows how impressive the Dreamcast truly is

It was confirmed that D was rendered using a pair of Amiga 3000's, which was pretty impressive in itself. Enemy Zero, uses a lot of pre-rendered CG and looks better than D too. But yeah, D2 on the Dreamcast is actually still a good looking game on the console. Especially for a early 1999 release. It's a weird mix of survival horror, but still tries to keep the 'on rails' gameplay style of the FMV games, when in doors. The combat is timer based, and feels like a light gun shooter.

>> No.8762343 [DELETED] 

If you were born in the 90s you are a zoomer.
Cry about it.

>> No.8762360 [DELETED] 
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another one (this is all disc 1 stuff)

>> No.8762365 [SPOILER] 
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another one (this is all disc 1 stuff)

>> No.8762391
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>> No.8762564

The *SPLAT* sound effect every time you land a shot is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard in a horror game

>> No.8762681
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>RE1 is the forefather of everything, the first survival horror
Sure it isn't pic related?
Great game, by the way.

>> No.8762736

Old school gamer here. You want a good and often forgotten survival horror that WILL scare the crud you of you?

Illbleed on Sega Dreamcast.

This game sets the bar for challenging survival horror. Weapons? Only if you find one or spend a fortune to purchase one. You better get food/drinks, bandages and tinctures to keep you from bleeding to death instead at first. You can stress out and die from a heart attack. You can get beaten to death. You can bleed out from a minor cut. You can die from brain-drain. The game actually has relaxing music CDs as items to keep you from having a heart attack. If you bleed too much and your heart rate gets low? Illbleed has a porno mag item to raise your blood pressure so you do not pass out. Go figure.

It's not all bad. Illbleed lets you upgrade your brain, your heart, your nerves even your body to strengthen you enough to survive. Each level has devices that let you evaluate each thing you search for risks before you open up cabinets or drawers. But these have to be resource managed as the Horror Monitor requires mental energy to run. New characters are unlocked by rescuing them first but each has a specialty with benefits.

Mini-bosses just surprise you out of nowhere and can kill you if you don't escape which isn't easy. Levels seem to take forever to get through as they are long and winding. The base story is a little cheesy but each level is rich with lore and tells the tragedy of why the enemy is so evil and what happened to cause this.

Illbleed is immersive, wild, shocking, and even fun if you can survive long enough. It's the kind of game to challenge you, stress you and then scare you into laughing your butt off. Winning a level is a real feeling of accomplishment. You really won something. You survived. You beat the monster and you escaped to tell the tale.

>> No.8762773
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Illbleed is for sure in my top ten favourite games of all time, but I have a different perspective on it.

The first level is difficult because you have to go into it with no money to buy resources in advance, but once you clear stage one you're more or less set for the rest of the game. It's easy (barring the odd skipping mini-game)- but that's okay because the main appeal isn't really the gameplay.

The game is ostensibly a tribute to horror B movies, but falls further and further into insanity as the game progresses up to and including a Toy Story parody featuring toys conspiring to murder their kid, getting hanged in toy prison and going to Toy Hell. You'll know when you're on the true ending path because you'll gradually lose more clothing over each stage until the protagonist faces the final boss clad in nothing but some tactically placed dirt and grime.

It's a game like no other, both in terms of its unusual gameplay and how utterly crazy and unpredictable the narrative is.

>> No.8762796
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RE1.ISO (mediakite):

RE1 (torrent):

>RE1 Classic Rebirth patch:

RE2.ISO (SourceNext):

RE2 (torrent):

>RE2 Classic Rebirth patch:

RE3.ISO (SourceNext):

RE3 (torrent):

>RE3 Classic Rebirth patch:

Dino Crisis 1 (SourceNext):

Dino Crisis 1 (torrent)

>Dino Crisis 1 Rebirth patch:

For RE2 & 3, copypaste the code (CD-KEY.txt) at config setting or else the game will not boot up.
Check the PCGamingWiki site for more mods. (Optional)

>> No.8762802
File: 1.05 MB, 1281x6118, Silent Hill PC guides.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



SH2 torrent:

>SH2:EE bare essentials (old):

>SH2:EE project's home page:
>SH2:EE installation tutorial video (old):


SH3 torrent:


Mount the ISOs of 2 & 3, and then run their installers like always.
DON'T use W10's own virtual disc app! It will not work.
Don't install under C:\Program Files\ ! This will cause issues.

For SH2, Follow the Enhanced Edition homesite's instructions to the T, and you should be fine.
If you're mega lazy, just unpack the "Bare Essentials" to the game's folder, and you're done! The "Enhanced .EXE" is also the no-CD crack.

For 3 & 4, check the Guide or PC Gaming Wiki.
The SH1 is a PS1 rip that you gotta emulate.
I recommend the DuckStation, but most emulators work OK as well.

-Play in the release order.
-Start with Normal difficulty! Don't do hard on 1st run (espec. SH2).
-Replaying them all is recommended; tons of replay value.
-Turn down the ingame Brightness setting, for better gamma & colors!
-Leg it, or sneak! No need to kill everything.
-Turning OFF the flashlight can really help w/ stealth!

>> No.8762803
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>> No.8762912
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To understand why Umbrella was taken out in RE4's intro, you need to understand what the concept for what Umbrella actually was at the time. The writers from RE2-onwards viewed Umbrella not as simply a corporation, but that of a powerful shadow organization that never truly dies. Series writer Noboru Sugimura envisioned Umbrella as a group similar to SPECTRE in James Bond that would persist throughout many entries and always stir up trouble.

When Mikami chose to kill off Umbrella in RE4's intro he was operating under that concept, with the intention being that Umbrella's public face had been defeated but the true organization was lying low in some hideout somewhere waiting to reemerge with some other dastardly plot.
It is somewhat ironic that sometimes people praise RE4 for killing Umbrella as being a rare moment of realism for the series when really they completely misunderstand RE4's plot and what they praise as realistic is actually just as fantastical as everything else in RE.

(Part 1)

>> No.8762949


>> No.8762951

>umbrella is a shadow organization
It makes much more sense actually. I-I yield master Mikami...

>> No.8762952
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(Part 2)

It should be noted that Umbrella as a shadow org was not always the way that it had been imagined. When RE1 was written, writer Kenichi Iwao did imagine Umbrella as an internationally large and influential corporation (and also very evil), but it was still a mortal organization and was much more grounded in reality compared to what later games did with Umbrella. RE1's ending screen even strongly implies that Umbrella was defeated after the game's events.

In the prototype to RE2, now known as RE1.5, director Hideki Kamiya's story for the game would have been much more faithful to RE1's ending with Umbrella being a corporation that was either dead or at least in dire straits. Kamiya intended RE 1.5 to be the definitive end for RE with Umbrella being 100% dead and gone upon the game's conclusion. However, once Sugimura was attached to the project, he begged Kamiya not to kill off Umbrella because he felt that Umbrella should be a long recurring villainous entity.

>> No.8762964
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>> No.8762982

>Series writer Noboru Sugimura envisioned Umbrella as a group similar to SPECTRE in James Bond that would persist throughout many entries and always stir up trouble.
I hate that shit, and how its what eventually came to be. A few key personnel being shadowy, like Spencer, fine, but not the organization. The bioweapons are enough with the medicinal stuff as a front. They don't need an extra extra layer of shadows.
Even though its anticlimactic, I was completely fine with RE4's Umbrella went under intro. Realistically how do you "take down" a corporation? You ruin them financially. If Amazon is to collapse there's not going to be a boss fight with Jeff Bezos. Umbrella might be out of the way but there's others in the shadows like Wesker with unfinished business.

>> No.8763012
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>boss fight with Jeff Bezos

>> No.8763297

I'm 35 and Code Veronica is shit and so is 0

>> No.8763324
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>boss fight with Jeff Bezos

I'm ready

>> No.8763394
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Good taste.

>> No.8763405
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>limited ammo
>dark spaces where monsters can attack you from
>tense standoffs
>spooky audio queues and visual clues
>monsters that exist solely to distract you or steal your ammo
Got the first survival horror game right here

>> No.8763407

that's neat, I see a key, does this mean there are item puzzles as well ? (like in say, Indiana Jones ?)

>> No.8763421
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>which are overrated
Any resident evil after longbox. The series became a dogshit action schlockfest and is not horror. Only RE1 is good. REmake is a goofy haunted house simulator, dogshit game.

>> No.8763428
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RE4 hating contrarians are legit idiots. Their whole argument is "muh SERIOUS horror!" when RE was never good at the horror side of things.

Name one scary moment in RE games that wasn't
>cheap zombie jumps out of window jumpscare
I'll wait.
GamePro Tip: It can't be done.

Horror relies on making the protag feel powerless. Any game were you have Rocket Launchers, Grenades and military training isn't a "serious horror" game.

RE4 was based bcuz it just accepted the goofball campiness of the franchise and went full retard, in a fun way.

>> No.8763432

>based bcuz
You have to be 35+ to post on this board

>> No.8763440

Sort of, D&D for Intellivision was legit a solid game.

It was also procedurally-generated, meaning every game and dungeon was different. You needed to find 3 items to get to the final dungeon, and you'd have to figure out the fastest route through the map while getting all the items. You could take detours if you needed more ammo, but it was risky.
The main "puzzle" was that boss monsters would wreck you if you went into their room, so you would have to listen to their "snoring" or find trails of their poop, figure out what room they were in, and shoot into the dark. Guess wrong and you could end up killing yourself, as arrows bounced off walls.

It was ahead of its time.

>> No.8763453

You played the character with granade launcher and is claiming the game is easy. Pick the dude, he is fucked 100% of the time.

>> No.8763869

No it isn’t.

>> No.8763878

>Big Pharma being defeated and dismantled
Deus Ex did it better.

>> No.8763882

Overall RE4 is a more enjoyable game than 3, CV and 0. RE4>0>CV=3 for me

>> No.8763890

Resident Evil 4 is a bizarre case where a game is one of the best in the series while also at the same time ruining the series. Capcom got exactly the wrong idea about what people liked about 4, and we ended up with 5 and 6. I love RE4 itself, but I admit it did fuck up the series pretty badly for years.

>> No.8763898

>the best in the series while also at the same time ruining the series
Gaming in general
> Capcom got exactly the wrong idea about what people liked about 4
It was not Capcom it was almost every other modern vidya dev. Say whatever you want about it but at least RE5 is an actual game with fun co-op and not some shitty over the shoulder cinematic experience #43241

>> No.8763905

That's another good point; everyone scrambling to make the next RE4 didn't do us any favors.

>> No.8763925

Except for Dead Space. Dead Space is cool.

>> No.8763935

Yeah those weren't so bad. Real shame what happened to 3, though.

>> No.8763965

>clad in nothing but some tactically placed dirt and grime

...and poop. Don't forget that.

>> No.8763967

So, I've been looking for a game that may be of this genre, that I've only played once, as a kid in the late 90s, on Windows 98. I do not remember the details of the contents for the disc it came from, other than it was orange and it contained a lot of games/demos.

The game in question was a 3D game and I only remember that the start of the game has your character standing in a dark room/area with the camera facing him from the front, at a low angle, with fire nearby. There are a couple zombies nearby, out of frame, moaning and walking toward you slowly. I didn't have much experience playing 3D games on PC at the time, so I pretty much stayed at the same spot while the zombies came after me. When they reached me, a small cutscene started as they started to eat my character as the camera zoomed out with blood splattering onto the screen, as it spells out You Died or Game Over.

Not sure if that's enough info if give anyone ideas for what it is. I think there's a Game Boy version for it but I couldn't find anything like it on Google but it had similar zombie moans. I'm not sure if it's Alone In The Dark or Resident Evil and it could be a completely different game.

>> No.8763982

Not true. I love classic RE's style and I love Resi 4. They're just different styles of games, demanding that every game in a given title play the exact same is retarded.

>> No.8763990

that sounds like Resident Evil 2

>> No.8763996

Clearly CV filtered you.
Cv is an actual RE game. RE4 isnt a re game and is pretty easy to beat

>> No.8764101

Yep, that must be it. It must have been a beta version that I played since Im sure the lighting was darker. All this time I never considered it to be RE2.

>> No.8764839

Disgusting, pathetic zoomer.

>> No.8764846

No you don't, faggot.

>> No.8764861

well, Shinji Mikami prefers CV to RE3, so there's that.

>> No.8764909

Strong endorsement of RE3 desu

>> No.8764941

Resident Evil 1 and Code Veronica are probably my two favorite Resident Evils and some of my favourite survival horrors.

Of course gotta mention ObsCure as the overlooked and great one.

And Silent Hill 1 is also pretty good, the otherworld is awesome with the Ps1 graphics and none of the later titles were able to recreate its bizarre feeling.

Also the Dementium games on the NDS, not quite survival horror, but still pretty good horror, specially for the DS.

>> No.8764947

Only because he was a little bit more personally involved in that one while he was being held in a honorary golden closet

The guy loves the smell of his own farts and you can't trust half of what he says, like "Alone in the Dark? Naaah this all comes from Sweet Home" or "Yes we totally took RE0 into account when we made REmake. Really.".
Also never forget he's responsible for killing the series by making it GameCube exclusive and for the departure into RE4 territory.

So no, you don't get to cherry pick a couple of words from one interview and pretend his words have any value, and even if they did, that his opinion had value

>> No.8765121

No, he isn't. Chris dominates the game when he gets the shotgun, and then again when he gets the magnum on the 2nd visit to the mansion.

>> No.8765406
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>no Siren game in this thread

>> No.8765448
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I liked RE 2 when I played it back in 2007-2010; haven't touched it since. Got 3 in 2013 and didn't care for it; never finished it. Got Dino Crisis 1 in ....2011? Didn't like it at all. Played PE 1 in 2005 or so, beat it, but didn't really care for it. Ive had PE 2 since it was new and it is still by far my favorite.

It's a crying shame that it isn't very well known or well regarded; it's in my top 10 favorites of all games and I would kill to get some good indie clones or something.

>> No.8765515

yep i have to write and draw that on paper to solve it good memories :D

>> No.8765571

Shame 2 didnt release in the US.

>> No.8765940
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>Also never forget he's responsible for killing the series by making it GameCube exclusive and for the departure into RE4 territory.
This all because of his hatred for Sony and their early fault system. The guy was really open about hating Sony too. Here is the interview where he talks about it

>> No.8766021

Damn shame because it's the best one overall, but it's playable with emulation

>> No.8766309

Code Veronica's story was awful, as was RE0's, so RE4 going
>yeah this is dumb let's ignore it and do something else
was based.
Though RE4 ended up being dumb as well. At least it was its own self-contained kind of dumb, and not the "we brought back the dead villain from the first game and now he looks like Agent Smith" kind.

>> No.8766323

Nooo not le silly story in my serious zombie horror game

>> No.8766520

More like he sold his baby's soul for a fat check signed Nintendo

>boohoo a jRPG sold better than my game
>in Japan
>Clearly this isn't right

>> No.8767369

First Dino Crisis is literally just Resi with dinosaurs but much harder. 2's like a proto Resi 4 with the jump to unabashed arcade action. 3 is a pile of wank.

>> No.8767397

im already at the NEST labratories and forgot to upgrade muh Mac -11

What a fool I am!!

>> No.8768516

The remakes arent retro.

>> No.8768518
File: 1.34 MB, 2248x1392, 2020.06.12-02.46-waynedupree-5ee2ec8a81435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If Amazon is to collapse there's not going to be a boss fight with Jeff Bezos.

Well it should. Imagine how much better the world would be if we could treat office buildings like dungeon towers, and outfit a party consisting of a NEET, a forklift operator, a gas station employee and a fry cook. You use Amazon drones to deliver gear and consumables, using the very corporation you battle as a means to defeat Bezos, the CEOverlord himself. A slew of middle managers, warehouse mazes, and cubicle jungles await you.

Imagine the kind of cybernetic abomination he would morph into.

Actually this sounds like kind of a sweet Earthbound style RPG. Ending plot twist: you have defeated the evil CEOverlord, but now everyone in town is unemployed, starving and hates you because it's all your fault. But hey, you seized the means of production.

>> No.8768568

>but now everyone in town is unemployed, starving and hates you
if they relied on a CEO to survive, they deserve to die
the main characters have improved the world and thus are heroes

>> No.8768594

I really want to like carrier more but the back half of the game is really not great. Not having any new weapons doesn't help it either. A nice shotgun or something to spice up the game would have been appreciated. Ended up using the stun gun for 95 percent of the game and had a ton of handgun and machine gun ammo by the end.

>> No.8768635
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Maybe you don't understand flyover North American towns anon. Some of those towns are absolutely propped up by call centers and warehouses for the cheap labor provided by the shattered hopes and dreams of twenty something's that never made it out.

Truth is without those things you'll end up with a lot more drug and poverty problems than you might think. I don't agree with the homogeneous corporate hellworld we've created through our greed and hubris, but we just don't have the resources, methods or downright guts to actually create that utopia which is being peddled. It's become foundational in terms of culture and employment and we take these organizations for granted. To remove them outright is to remove the bottom two bricks of the Jenga tower we call an economy.

People want to skip to the end without regard of the journey to get there. They see the enemy and only the enemy. They do not look in the mirror and ask if after they have defeated that enemy, will they take responsibility for the consequences?

>> No.8768959

I'd rather prefer Umbrella, or at least the BOW portion, just being too big to keel over, and the public/government never being able to do anything about it.

>> No.8769348

It's interesting, but ultimately doesn't matter that much. Ultimately RE has never been a story heavy game. The game has an interesting back story only in the sense that it allows some logic to the set pieces that the designers use. Also, I'd take anything Mikami says with a grain of salt. He's a great game designer, sure, but he also has a monkey on his back constantly because he is annoyed that people see the original RE games as his greatest creations. This is pretty obvious because in that interview you can see he's somewhat scornful of people seeing RE1 as the roots of survival horror, while he insists it was his shitty idea for a first person game which soullessly wanted to rip off Sweet Home. Point is, Mikami likes to talk, and sure he's the man he can, but when he says he wants this or that, I say it's not to be taken as fact, because lots of things can have different interpretations. Just because he had some idea for Umbrella doesn't make what he says the truth about the matter, and people change their minds as they get older. Makes more sense to me due to the game being such a diversion from the old REs that he wanted to cut ties with the past. But my opinion on it could be just as bullshit as his in fairness.

>> No.8771050

I agree, it's silly. What's even funnier was he was forced to port RE4 to the PS2. I bet he was furious, but it had to be done to help with sales. I really like Mikami but his ego is huge

>> No.8771701

RE2 is overrated, RE3 is underrated

>> No.8771746

I replayed both for the first time in a long time this fall and this is the absolute truth. RE2 felt like a fucking Naughty Dog moviegame towards the middle-end with some drawn out melodramatic scene interrupting the game every 5 minutes. I had forgotten just how many cutscenes it had and how they bog it down.

>> No.8772623
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I loved obsure games like The Witch's House and IB
They were simple, had great soundtracks that fit the atmosphere and fucked up lore.


>> No.8772714

The Umbrella Corporation is just a parody of the Aum Shinrikyo cult. Some adepts of the cult were responsible of the infamous sarin attack in the Tokio subway in 1995. They had the sarin gas filled in bottle-sized tin canisters, and they released it by piercing them with the metal tip of their white and red umbrellas (reminds something?). 14 people died instantly, dozen of others survived some time after the poisoning, and were found crawling and moaning (like... ?) by the rescuers.
The Resident Evil / Biohazard (the writing on the canisters) games are just made around that event.

>> No.8772780

I want to like Siren, bros, I really do but
>it isn't a good game

>> No.8772837

repetitive levels and the mission-system ruins the game for me desu

>> No.8772843
File: 225 KB, 800x1019, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does Alone in the Dark hold up today? This was one of the first PC games I ever played but didn't know english at the time so barely made any progress. Worth a revisit?

>> No.8772851

i dont know anything about lovecraft but the enemies and animations were really gay

>> No.8772910

The Witch's House is probably the scariest game I have ever played. For that alone it's one of my all time favorites

>> No.8772926

thanks fren

>> No.8772931

It is graphically very basic with a very low frame rate and very simple models and backgrounds. Combat is very wonky. Everything it did, Resident Evil did better. But that's given 4 years and more powerful hardware and a bigger budget.

>> No.8774168

>Yes we totally took RE0 into account when we made REmake. Really
Is this hard to believe? Both are part of the Resident Evil games on the gamecube

>> No.8774202

On top of what others' already stated about Umbrella being shadow corp, when Umbrella collapsed all their viruses and BOWs were released on the black market, hence the need for the BSAA. I think RE5 and 6 touched on this quite a bit.

>> No.8774617

this is the reason why you hire professional writers like G. G. Martin for Elden Ring. Let people who make money doing stories, to do your story.

>> No.8774624

>story writing
I sleep.
Real nigga shit. Japan knows where to invest its money.

>> No.8774634


why not both? Again, just look at Elden Ring.

>> No.8774653

They did hire a professional writer once and he gave us ridiculous garbage like Code Veronica and 0. His first draft for 4 became DMC and the second was some half baked shit about the T virus originating in the immortal emperor of an ancient lost civilization buried under Spencer's castle.

>> No.8774951

>T virus originating in the immortal emperor of an ancient lost civilization buried under Spencer's castle

Lmao are you serious?

>> No.8774959

>the second was some half baked shit about the T virus originating in the immortal emperor of an ancient lost civilization buried under Spencer's castle.


>> No.8774981

RE4 hate has always been more because of RE5/6 being a direct result of it. It's a great game and you have to be a major contrarian to hate it for any other reason, especially now since RE7/8 returned to form.

>> No.8775132

Re2's hard mode is no joke desu

>> No.8775247

they added a scene where Rebecca bursts into tears on Chris's shoulders

>> No.8775323

Took me forever to come around on 4. Really, even with all it's gameplay changes it's the fucking shift in tone that's so off putting to me. Leon cracking wise and the campy save the presidents daughter setup is really off putting when resident evil was played fairly straight till 4.

>> No.8775365

It's still the best in the series.
The french voice acting was god-tier, they hired big names for it; not sure how it goes for english version.

>> No.8776201
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The game is beautiful. I enjoyed D, but this has basically no connection story-wise, right?
Laura in D2 looks so much like Helen Maxwell from Clock Tower it's ridiculous.

Clock Tower for Playstation, Clock Tower: The First Fear for SFC/Playstation.

>> No.8776229
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>> No.8776976
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Code Veronica is not fun

>> No.8776993

This game does not exist.

Stop trying to remind me otherwise.

>> No.8777032

>connection story-wise, right?

Laura is not the same character in any of his games. Kenji Eno treats the 3D models like a pool of virtual game actors, and they get reused as different characters in unrelated plotlines. I have no idea if the Dreamcast D2 has any connection at all to D1. Laura is not the same Laura. Enemy Zero is a sci-fi/ space themed game. No connection to D2, but uses a character named Laura who has no connection to the other 'Lauras'.

>> No.8777350

If I remember right part of that version became Haunting Grounds. Leon was supposed to meet a girl with a pet dog that protected her. I think the dog was actually a Cerberus or something similar too. You can tell they recycled other parts with the Plagas and weird unexplained ruins under Salazar's castle and the ancient advanced African civilization with Aztec stuff in 5 too.

>> No.8777417

Something I’ve always liked about RE1 is that it takes place in the middle of summer and so I always replay it in July.

>> No.8777456

I enjoy C:V more than RE3.

>> No.8777512

we only got 2 true survival horror in 2 remake and 7 but then they went back to shit with 3 remake and 8.

>> No.8777549

Same here. I first played it the summer after it came out and always associate it with that time of year. I grew up in the midwest too and it adds a whole new dimension if you can imagine it taking place on one of those godawful hot, humid, sticky summer nights full of mosquitoes.

>> No.8777594

Totally. It’s unique among most other horror games that go for a colder, fall time vibe.

>> No.8777646

Wut? Which SH entry has infinite ammo?

>> No.8777750

I ended up watching Sweet Home. Was kind of shit. Little did I know after the fact that the game is more well liked and popular.

>> No.8777820


>> No.8777845
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very playable - would suggest universal hint system to guide you at your own pace for some of the more obtuse gameplay decisions

>> No.8777961
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>I enjoyed D, but this has basically no connection story-wise, right?

Correct. D was envisioned as a set of digital"actors" who would be cast in multiple story productions with no connection. D, Enemy Zero, D2, all share many of the same cast.

>> No.8777971
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>I have no idea if the Dreamcast D2 has any connection at all to D1.

None. D is short for "Dracula". D2 is more akin to The Thing with parasite people in the Arctic. It is yet another anime-game inspired by The Thing. Deep Fear is another one.

>> No.8778006

Is there an easy way to play this game?

>> No.8778061

REmake is strictly inferior OG RE1 at least in terms of atmosphere

>> No.8778067

Remake is way too try hard - candles everywhere, and it looks like a 20 year abandoned shit hole. The worst is the lack of color and abundance of grey, brown and especially green. RE1 is a bit gaudy, owing to their first big game in the series, but they nailed down a nice middle ground of realistic but colorful worlds in RE2-3. Instead of continuing that they went full grey. The backgrounds and characters are quite gorgeous, but totally without color.

>> No.8778094

>The backgrounds and characters are quite gorgeous, but totally without color.
Which is bizarre because it looked quite a bit more vibrant in the pre-release screenshots and videos. I think the best known example is how Jill's outfit went from the classic blue color to a desaturated grayish-almost olive drab color in the released game.

>> No.8778284

This filtered me hard for years when I was a shitter 3rd world kid that didn't know a single english word.

>> No.8778309

best thread on /vr/ right now good shit anons

>> No.8780210

Good thread. Thanks for the Silent Hill and RE guides & links above, they'll come in pretty useful to me

>> No.8780330
File: 707 KB, 1600x2134, ZzPZLrf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amazing how the in-engine graphics of this game look better than the FMVs in D

The original D was made for the 3DO, and it was rendered using some Amiga 4000's, not 3000's. The original game was patterned after MYST. It is basically an FMV 'first person' horror game. Enemy Zero, which was made for the Sega Saturn, adds this first person corridor element, with these invisible monsters. But each room is still made up of FMV video. D2 on the Dreamcast is almost entirely real time 3D. There may be a few FMV video sequences. But the majority of the game is in-engine, and uses real time cinematic cutscenes and cinematic models. When D2 was still being planned for the 3DO M2, it was going to be a completely different game. That console was cancelled, and WARP started from scratch with the Canadian wilderness setting in D2.

>> No.8780341

I really like REmake, but you’re not wrong. I’d sort of compare it to the Michael Bay/Platinum Dunes horror remakes from the early to mid 00s. Everything is bigger in scale and more slick looking.

>> No.8780365

What baffles me are the weird Castlevania-esque crypt in the backyard area and the elaborate tomb with skellingtons hanging all over the wall under the main hall. They really clash with the tone the rest of the game has and feel like they were copy/pasted in from a completely different title. Maybe they got them at Konami's garage sale along with the giant bat from 0.

>> No.8780387


Cancelled M2 version:

>> No.8780467

D was quite a phenomenom, especially in Japan which was behind on CG at the time.

When Shinji Mikami said he thought of making RE1 a first person game at first, everyone assumes Doom-like. I believe this is incorrect and he was thinking of a D-like instead, everyone thought FMV games were the future and the coolest thing for a brief period of time in 95. Plus he states that it couldn't be made because it would have taken them years to generate the game in first person, which only makes sense if we're talking full CG FMV game as Capcom was behind on this tech at the time. The little CG that did make it into the final game is quite bad, even for the time as everything looks unnatural and the animations are super stiff.

>> No.8780493

Jokes on you I love RE1/2/3 and I love RE4/5/6 as well.

RE7 and 8 is where its trash

>> No.8781301
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I just completed this game. Dunno if it counts but it deserved more recognition than what it got

>> No.8782362

Resident Evil 7 is the best *horror* game in the series and it's not even close

>> No.8782650

this was a 90's thing right?, with the whole novelty of 3d, square intended something akin with their ill fated movie production

>> No.8782778

It reminds me of the Star System of Osamu Tezuka

>> No.8782930

Huh, I never actually thought about it but that makes a lot of sense.

>> No.8784128
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There's too many of those, "oh yeah...that part" annoying moments in the game. It's a slog.

>> No.8784191

The scenario seems contrived as well. I think a more fun story might be that Claire gets captured and she's intentionally sent to some Umbrella testing/prison and she has to break out of the place. It's sadistic and filled with traps and monsters of course. A few other prisoners as well.

>> No.8786470

>Name one scary moment in RE games that wasn't
>cheap zombie jumps out of window jumpscare

The taxidermy room in re1 were you have to turn out the lights to see the gem was spooky the first time through since you were expecting to get jump scared yet nothing happened.

>> No.8786496

Man, they completely ran out of ideas by the time CV rolled around didn't they? Hunters and Lickers are iconic high level normal enemies, then the CV team follows them up with a stretchy faggot that looks like Der Coomer's terminal form.

>> No.8786506



>> No.8786567
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Chart for re1 like this?

>> No.8786691

A certain stiffness in the controls, but still enjoyable. It's not exactly scary game nowadays, but it has a strange unsettling atmosphere that I haven't experienced in other games

>> No.8786801
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Seriously THERE ARE CHARACTERS IN THE OPENING STORY CG WHO DO NOT APPEAR IN THE REGULAR GAME. I'm baffled by this because no one I've seen talk about the game even mentions this, not the AVGN video, not the Gamefaqs guide (it just mentions a "special story mode" not what's in it), and not the TV Tropes article. That last one is particulary egregious because the "man in black" who does nothing in the base game but show up and act mysterious throughout the game before dying like a doofus by being knocked into a tomb with closing walls, actually turns out to be a woman in the "special story mode" and there's no mention of this at all and you'd expect those people would love to document a "Samus is a Girl" moment. You have to wonder how many people who actually bought this game don't even know this is here.

Another bizarre decision that actually is mentioned in the Gamefaqs guide is that the actual final boss is locked behind a five minute timer in a rematch with another boss, I had to run around dodging attacks for three minutes just to see the final boss. Adding another layer to this is that to get the true ending of the game in the "special story mode" you actually have to let the timer run out and then DIE to the final boss to fight a new form of him.


>> No.8786804
File: 32 KB, 360x450, Bandersnatch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the Bandersnatch, their design and lore is cool.

>> No.8786826


Outside of the bizarre design decisions that I had to vent about for a bit, it's a pretty average game quality wise. I thought it looked like trash as a kid seeing the advertisement for it in a magazine.

I got interested after hearing about some of the monsters in the game such as this purple slime monster that shoots bubbles in this picture in my first post I got from somewhere else.

Each monster also gets an introductory CG as well. Controls and QOL aren't bad, there's quick turn, and also the ability to swap between weapons in real time.

I'd recommend it to longtime survival horror fans who are looking for something to play, it's bizarre and schlocky and often feels a bit cheap, but it's perfextly playable and has some interesting ideas and fun enemies, the witches also ended up being one of my absolute favorite survival horror bosses ever.

Tips for anyone who wants to play this:

Getting an S rank is dependent on saving vampires, it's not as daunting as it sounds, I tranquilized 63 I think and got an S rank.

You have to be playing normal to get an S rank, you can't do it in easy.

Don't enter your blood type as AB, there's a moon system that changes when new areas load that affects enemy difficulty that's tied to blood type, I entered O and was fine.

Don't buy bottles, they have no restorative properties and only exist to combine drinks.

Enemies repopulate after certain events so don't waste ammo.

There is a limit on the amount of saves you can make, it's the "circuits" in the top corner of the menu, it's absurdly huge though so you shouldn't have any problems.

To look at an item description hold down the use button.

I never wasted money on the slot machines, you only get little enough as it is from saving vampires to risk

>> No.8786897

They look cool, but they're a pain in the ass to deal with.

>> No.8786910

I definitely am not a big fan of the castle onwards, but I think everything before that was pretty great. Honestly I think I prefer Rev2 over RE4

>> No.8786932

I played Alone in the Dark recently and I liked it despite some control problems and some puzzles not being very good imo. Exploring the mansion was surprisingly fun, and I loved that you can just straight up beat the shit out of monsters with punches and kicks. Its not very effective, but its fucking awesome to be able to just march up to a monster and start walloping it. Consider having a guide with you while you play.
The writing and voice acting isnt amazing, but it far surpasses the early Resident Evil games.
Does anyone know if the sequels are worth playing?

>> No.8787082

>Does anyone know if the sequels are worth playing?

Thats largely considered to be a no. Execs at Infogrames made devs pull out a lot of the stuff that made the first one so good. Mainly atmosphere and setting. I remember hearing this caused a mass exodus from Infogrames as well. But only you can form an opinion and they are cheap as hell nowadays, so just give them a try.

>> No.8787583
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I understand it, doesn't mean I don't think it's dumb.

>> No.8787607

>First Dino Crisis is literally just Resi with dinosaurs but much harder
Not the anon you are responding to, but I played Dino Crisis 1 until the part where you have to move containers around to help the wounded guy get to the other side of the room and found it quite boring. I am also surprised you call it harder than RE.
The inventory management for example I thought was very weird, at first glance it's hard to understand but once you know what it is you realize that you have literally nothing to worry about in terms of inventory management.
Also the Dinosaurs are pretty boring enemies, they are not fun to strategize with and apart from the first time they left a room and the giant T-Rex crashing through the window, I didn't find it scary.
Does it get better after that point or is it just not for me?

>> No.8787613

Survival Horror is not a real genre

>> No.8787719

I'm literally cumming right now.

>> No.8788008

DC2 is a really fun game but it's also not a survival horror.

>> No.8788159

I never finished the game but I agree that it has some cool ideas, you can tell where REmake's burning of zombies came from.

The most glaring flaw I can recall is an aesthetical one, it's really hard to get over how empty the backgrounds look. They lack detail and are on par with RE1.

>> No.8789192

>Watched House of the Dead Remake earlier today
>It looks and play like complete shit, to the point where I prefer the original quadrology over it
>unironically looks soulless where you just know they put in minimum effort to make the product vs kino like hotd 3 and 4
>managed to make the dialog worse in a fucking house of the dead series

I guess the signs were there since scarlet dawn but damn is it fucking depressing that we won't get anything as good as HOTD3 and 4 ever again.

>> No.8789197

Sega Lord X said it was good

>> No.8789208

>HOTD 3&4

>> No.8789215

I really love how dynamic some bosses can get, especially 4 where the boss changes their attack pattern with each hp phase.

The mole still scares the shit out of me while chainsaw guy's entire encounter was super kino

>> No.8789447

5 and 6 are way better than 4. I just played it, and although I loved it years ago, the plot and writing are forgettable and the action is not very polished by todays standards. On the other hand, 5 still looks and feels fantastic, and theres actually a plot.

>> No.8789501

How can you love 4 but shit on 5 when 5 does everything 4 does better? Makes no sense.

>> No.8789635

I really agree with you about remakes atmosphere vs the original. It's way to gothic horror, esp in the lab area.

>> No.8789679

I enjoy 5 in co-op, but RE4 is definitely the better single player game as far as setting, atmosphere, level design, item management, weapon feel, the merchant and so on.

>> No.8789981
File: 91 KB, 590x455, Nkecped9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 has better monsters

>> No.8790098

I find things like unlocks and secrets to be very inaccurate for a lot of retro games

>> No.8790226

I like the REmake mansion and guardhouse but yeah, the lab is pretty dumb. I always thought it looked like someone really wanted to copy the whole abandoned hospital aesthetic Silent Hill had going on.

>> No.8791387

>no NES advantage strapped to forearm as a shield

>> No.8792558

Just because a bunch hacks found out about this game 15 yrs after release doesn't make it a bad game faggot.

>> No.8792640


I want the fecalphilliac to leave

>> No.8792650

What's the bottom right game?

>> No.8792676

Does Koudelka count? I like Koudelka.

>> No.8792746

cool post

>> No.8792748

>immortal emperor under house
yeah, this is based af

>> No.8792876
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>RE1 is a bit gaudy, owing to their first big game in the series

I think RE1 was quite influenced by giallo movies, so it was probably at least somewhat intentional. A vibrant surreal REREmake would be rad.

>> No.8792910
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A lot of the (unfortunately scarce) surviving colored concept art is really colorful just like the final game too.

>> No.8793154

>not playing as Jill so you don't have to deal with Rebecca's bullshit

>> No.8793373
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>> No.8793756

Inezh > Sasha > Voth

>> No.8793768
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>> No.8793774

Still haven’t watched the new movie.

>> No.8793812
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>> No.8793834

Dat booba though.

>> No.8793838

Richard knows he's going to die in the mansion

>> No.8793839

You're all wrong RE1 is just an alone in the dark ripoff, which was a gothic horror.

>> No.8793923

AitD is and always was clunky Eurojank. Resident Evil improved upon that sort of gameplay tenfold.

>> No.8793946

Only the final level with the platforming is clunky. After obtaining the sword, the game is a breeze. RE1 is clunkier because it doesn't know what it wants to be, the puzzles are too easy to be a puzzle game and the controls are too crappy to be an action game.

>> No.8794029
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I really liked her casting
she even eats a jill sandwich

>> No.8794038
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>> No.8794362

the main point of those early games was just surviving, hence the birth of the survival horror genre.

>> No.8794497

8 was more scary. Only time I've ever been actually scared in the entire series was the house with the baby

>> No.8794810

I meant both 7 and 8, the third wave of RE
1/2/3 - traditional survival horror
4/5/6 - action horror
7/8 - a mix of traditional survival horror and modern story-driven atmospheric horror

>> No.8794817

>survival horror

>> No.8794965

>in the Arctic
It's actually set in Canada, one of something like four games in the history of the medium to be set there.

>> No.8795034
File: 88 KB, 640x480, 36885-ingame-Space-Griffon-VF-9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see it mentioned much, but Space Griffon VF9 is a first person mech game with a mix of light RPG and survival horror-ish elements. It's an early PS1 title and rough around the edges but it's still a pretty neat little game and it has that early 90s anime aesthetic with the character designs and cutscenes. It got a Dreamcast remake too but that one never got translated to English.

>> No.8795047

It's set in the Canadian arctic though, right?

What other games are set in Canada? The only ones that come to my mind are Mass Effect 3 and SOMA. I'd love to know about some more Canadian-kino.

>> No.8795069

>you +anything
>anything ever
>i am not gonna suck your clitoris
"its ok i have penis"
go die in a fire and that chestnut thing....

>> No.8795192
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Not Retro but I won't pass up an opportunity to mention these games.
My own Witch House autism aside, I can appreciate how these games managed to be tense and creepy in ostensibly nonthreatening or "pretty" locations. A lot of horror games rely on stumbling through darkness or being set in dirty crack dens to scare people and it gets old pretty quickly.

>> No.8795314

Yeah the Nightclub/Casino is a complete eyesore, later areas in the first disc like the film museum and the horror themed hotel look better but nothing that comes close to other games in the genre. I'd actually say that RE1 looks better because of it's strong use of color as other posters have pointed out.

How far did you get by the way?

>> No.8795429

I remember renting this long before Resident Evil came out and thinking RE's story was really similar when I played that later on. You're part of a special forces team sent to a research facility on the Moon where a company's secret viral research got out of hand and turned everyone into zombies. Your team gets picked off by monsters one by one as the story progresses and there's even a traitor who gets revealed at the end if I remember right. The main antagonist was the head researcher who got infected and turned into a monster that keeps mutating into deadlier forms every time it's killed and wants to get revenge on the corporation by spreading the infection to Earth, which is kinda similar to Birkin/G. I know it's a remake of an even older game and it really makes me wonder if it was more popular in Japan and had some influence on the RE devs.

>> No.8795446
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The survival horror game that hasn't been topped.

>> No.8795473
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It's a shame, the horror and atmosphere in Siren is absolute god tier and the sightjack thing is genius, but the gameplay is just so fucked.

>> No.8795924
File: 45 KB, 640x480, 437993-hellnight-playstation-screenshot-good-advice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repostan my big list of (somewhat) definitive retro survival horror games, i primarily compiled it as an RE-clone list so keep in mind some titles might be missing but there might be stuff here you didn't know about prior. not sure how wide to stretch the definition of survival horror and include stuff like D or Echo Night or something and the list might get too long. feel free to suggest more anyways

Resident Evil 1 - 3
Dino Crisis 1 & 2
Silent Hill
Parasite Eve 1 & 2
Countdown Vampires
Clock Tower 1 & 2
Evil Dead Hail To The King
Vampire Hunter D
Chaos Break
Martian Gothic: Unification
The Guardian of Darkness
Yami Fuku Natsu: Teito Monogatari Futatabi

Resident Evil Code Veronica X
Resident Evil Outbreak 1 & 2
Clock Tower 3
Haunting Ground
Devil May Cry (mostly 1)
Fatal Frame 1-3
Silent Hill 2-4
Forbidden Siren 1 & 2
Gregory Horror Show
Cold Fear
The Tairyou Jigoku
Combat Queen (mostly a Japanese FMV shooter game that then switches to fixed camera sections throughout)
Cold Fear
Mystic Nights
ObsCure 1-2
X-Files Resist or Serve
Curse The Eye of Isis
Phase Paradox
Rule of Rose

Deep Fear
Doctor Hauzer

The Ring: Terrors Realm
Blue Stinger
Nanatsu No Hikan: Senritsu no Bishou

Scooby-Doo! Classic Creep Capers

Eternal Darkness

Alone in The Dark series
Ecstatica 1-2
Kabus 22
Men in Black The Game
Blair Witch Volume 1-3
Team Innocent: the Point of No-Return
Zaphie 2

>non-horror but still RE-like/survival horror-adjacent
Soul of the Samurai (PS1)
T.R.A.G / Hard Edge (PS1)
Covert Ops: Nuclear Dawn (PS1)
Fear Effect 1-2 (PS1)
Athena: Awakening (PS1)
Deep Freeze (PS1)
Welcome House (Saturn)
Chaos Heat (Arcade)
Zombie Revenge (Dreamcast)
Sweet Home (NES)
Phase Paradox (PS2)
Lifeline (PS2)

thats Hellnight on ps1

>> No.8796868

I've never played a Parasite Eve game
How similar are they to RE

>> No.8796878

I'll never watch it

>> No.8796983

>Doctor Hauzer

Oh man, I wish it was saturn! It's actually 3DO only.

>> No.8797009
File: 30 KB, 273x225, 1596409722029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't. I watched it last week out of obligation and the film has almost nothing redeeming about it. It's somehow worse than all of the dumb Paul W. S. Anderson films

>> No.8797014

First 2 resident evil movies are good.

>> No.8797017

Compared to the films that came later in the series, maybe. I don't think the first film is horrible, but that doesn't make it a good film, right? Alice "character" is also pants in head stupid

>> No.8797021

Actress that played Jill was good, this scene from rlm was good. Everything else was boring.

>> No.8797031

That scene is god awful

>> No.8797196

>not sure how wide to stretch the definition of survival horror and include stuff like D or Echo Night

It's simple. Survival Horror = action-adventure with a horror theme (and survival gameplay mechanics)

Therefore Echo Night 1-2, ...Iru!, The Note, are survival horror because they still have "action" sequences (despite how simple they are), it's just that they lean more towards the "adventure" side.

But D isn't survival horror because there is no action, no sequences where you control the character directly through twitch based controls. It's just an adventure game.

in b4 some idiot dispute this definition claiming survival horror has no action

>> No.8797208

and therefore I tend to divide the genre into two categories, the games that lean more towards the adventure side (Echo Night), and the games that lean more towards the action side (Resident Evil), which make a lot of sense since as I said it's a hybrid genre mixing the action and adventure genres (with added specific theming and specific gameplay mechanics).

In the family tree of VG genres it goes ling this
at the top
>Action genre
>Adventure genre

which leads to
>Action-adventure genre

which leads to
>Survival Horror (action-adventure with a specific theme and a specific type of gameplay mechanics)

>> No.8797230

This game is kino, but I don't know if I would really call it survival horror.

>> No.8797293

>What are your favorites
Resident Evil 1 OG, Crimson Butterfly

>which get overlooked
Kuon, demento

>which are overrated
RE4, Silent Hill 2