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File: 344 KB, 1280x720, 2kl243kl234lk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8755574 No.8755574 [Reply] [Original]

yo this game is fucking nuts

>> No.8755726
File: 99 KB, 1024x673, Alien_Soldier-Epsilon_and_Tiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually I do not appreciate side scrollers with sprites that big but a breathtaking action game nonetheless.

>> No.8755757

Great game. The story is extremely off the wall as well which is surprising given how little story there is in the actual game.

>> No.8755762

>let's make a giant chicken as our protagonist, that will sell our game!
What was Treasure's problem?

>> No.8755767

Treasure forget to port GBA.

>> No.8756192
File: 162 KB, 840x700, 2hit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best run as of late. Pretty proud of it despite the hits because I fucked a weapon pickup before Jampan but still managed to get through. Bet you'll never guess what the first hit was.

>> No.8756223


A-Earth was in terrible crisis
in the year 2015.

The shadow of the evil terrolist
group called Scarlet blocked the
way to the outside universe for
human beings.

Members of Scarlet consist of
artificial creatures created by
A-Human using super genetic
engineering. They are the secret
society intended to destroy the
entire human race.

In addition to the high
intelligence and strong fighting
power, they have special
abilities capable of parasitic
existence with human beings,
animals and machinery. By using
these abilities, they conquered
A-Human and were about to obatin
supremacy over A-Earth.

A-Human planned to assassinate
Epsilon-Eagle, the boss of the
Scarlet group with a special
combat group capable of using
super power despatched secretly.

The sudden attack by the group
using its super power seriously
damaged Epsilon and successfully
threw him into the time space
continum whitch had been
liberated by using super power.

Later, as Xi-Tiger gained power
from Scarlet by taking advantage
of the confusion, terrorism
toward A-Human became much more

On the other hand, the hatred
toward Xi-Tiger within the
Scarlet group because of their
cruel acts became bitter and
voiced for restoration of Epsilon
became stronger.

Xi-Tiger who was isolated form
other group members decided to
assassinate Epsilon. In order to
Liberate the time space continum,
They attacked the A-Human's
research laboratory where boys
and girls with super power were

At that time, Xi-Tiger sensed the
existence of Epsilon in one of
the boys. However, he could not
read the evil will from Epsilon
who was a parasite of the boy's
body. Xi-Tiger was much confused
and took a girl as hostage and
demanded Epsilon to release the

The boy who was beside himself
with rage, converted his body
into Epsilon.

>> No.8756227

A bird-man with steel wings took
over the boy's will.

In his mind his real nature,
human justice, battled with the
foreign force.

Xi-Tiger sensed unknown power in
Epsilon and escaped after killing
the girl.

---Epsilon speaks---
I'll never let you go, Xi-Tiger!!

There is another bird-man who
has Epsilon's body. However, his
will is full of evil ambition and
nobody knows his real intension.

He also flew away, chasing after

>> No.8756249

How do I force myself to play something like this when it's mogged so hard by all the Metal Slug games? I'd rather just go for another no-miss run in Metal Slug instead

>> No.8758082

It's better than Metal Slug
Metal Slug is very good, Alien Soldier is just perfection
Also you probably got filtered by the controls, no worries so did I but push past it and you get one of the greatest, most perfect video games ever made

>> No.8758354

No game where the difficulty comes from poor controls is good, simple as that. And artwork and sound is night and day compared to Metal Slug

>> No.8758358

>where the difficulty comes from poor controls is good
They're not poor controls at all, they're just relatively complicated for a run n gun

>> No.8758393

You have to do excessive button presses that artificially inflate the difficulty. Controls should be an extension of the player, not clunky garbage that serves to add additional difficulty to the game

>> No.8758406

You'll probably stop crying and seething so hard after you spend like 30 minutes getting used to them and it becomes smooth as butter

>> No.8758548

based, is that from the manual?

>> No.8758552

hahaha yeah you read this shit >>8756223 >>8756227 and you're like "wait, what? uh.... okay...."

>> No.8758569
File: 16 KB, 501x471, 0ov9nnsewqc61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What was Treasure's problem?
he's an eagle, actually
nice run, what level did you make it to?

>> No.8758608

That's why I love Treasure, they literally do not give a fuck. They just make the games they want to make, which incidentally happen to be amazing.

>> No.8758631
File: 48 KB, 441x520, DdGkLGiU8AEE50j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alien soldier is their most bad-ass game, mostly due to the high difficulty and the insane enemies. it's like gunstar heroes for adults. i could see myself getting obsessed with it and playing it for a hundred hours desu

>> No.8758647

I've tried getting into this game about three times now. I just don't know how to play it. I always run out of ammo (or, at least, enough for the weapon to become weaker). It's quite a bummer for a run 'n gun game. However, it was around that time Treasure started making uncomfortable mechanics for the player, in almost all their games, kinda like using tight shoes for all day long... You have trouble seeing the point and just wish it wasn't that way.

>> No.8758673
File: 162 KB, 1280x720, akfsjdsgk23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I always run out of ammo
they recharge just switch weapons dumbass
>(or, at least, enough for the weapon to become weaker)
that doesn't happen retard
get good faggot step outside your pansy-ass comfort zone... bittch
>You have trouble seeing the point and just wish it wasn't that way.
you'd see the point if you didn't fucking suck at video games lmao

>> No.8758696

Honestly, the only issue I can throw at the game is that they could have used 6 button support to make things like weapon switching and mode changing a little easier and would have made it so you could change on the move. Minor gripe aside, it's a hell of a solid game.

>> No.8758701

This is why no one likes your shitty game. Instead of having top-notch pixel-art, animations, sound, weapon variety, and boss design, they just make you battle the controls and add a bunch of shitty gimmick mechanics.

>> No.8758705

>It's better than Metal Slug
nah, bosses are ok but stages suck compared to MS

>> No.8758714

the controls are intuitive and fun, you just suck at video games
> Instead of having top-notch pixel-art, animations, sound, weapon variety, and boss design
this game has all that, mentally deficient anon

>> No.8758732

i could agree to a certain extent, but the genesis didn't have shoulder buttons.. it would have been nice to have the ability to switch weapons using shoulder buttons, or to be able to map it to that

>> No.8758735
File: 297 KB, 271x208, slug1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compare this >>8758673 ugly ass monstrosity to pic related

>> No.8758736

Metal Slug 1? Yeah maybe. 2/X/3? Fuck no

>> No.8758738
File: 23 KB, 1256x880, as1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you even comparing a baby game like metal slug to alien soldier though?

>> No.8758748

This is why no one cares about your shitty game retard.

>> No.8758751

The bosses are the focus of Alien Soldier
The stages are merely there as a buffer to refill health and they serve their purpose

>> No.8758762

i'm sorry you got filtered anon. have you ever considered growing a pair?

>> No.8758795

Post Metal Slug 3 no miss

>> No.8758798 [DELETED] 

Graphics, art-style, animation, sound, controls, stage design, set pieces, enemy variety, weapon variety are all much, much better in Metal Slug.

It's a bit of an unfair comparison because one is a 1995 console game while the others are late 90s arcade games, but it is what it is and you don't get brownie points just because inferior hardware and limited buttons kneecapped your game.

>> No.8758806

Graphics, art-style, animation, sound, controls, stage design, set pieces, enemy variety, enemy design, pacing, weapon variety are all much, much better in Metal Slug.

It's a bit of an unfair comparison because one is a 1995 console game while the others are late 90s arcade games, but it is what it is and you don't get brownie points just because inferior hardware and limited buttons kneecapped your game.

>> No.8758816

it makes no sense to compare these two games. you're literally just not good enough at video games to appreciate alien soldier. all you do is play video games but you still suck at them.

>> No.8758820

I've literally 1CC'ed all Metal Slug games and all mainline Contra games (no-miss on Metal Slug 1, Metal Slug Advance, Contra NES, and Super Contra Arcade). Cope.

>> No.8758825

this is an alien soldier thread you autistic retard. come back when you've beat alien soldier on superhard in one go

>> No.8758834

>Arcade game comparison with much better hardware than home consoles
This is how I know you're a zoomer.

>> No.8758837

You know this is an Alien Soldier thread and not Metal Slug related you retarded fanboy.

>> No.8758838

>in one go
KEK the absolute state of Aien Soldier babbies

>> No.8758840

See >>8758806

Don't give a fuck if it's a """fair""" comparison. Tech moves forward, not my problem. No one made them develop this on Genesis.

>> No.8758847

I hate the controls for this fucking game

>> No.8758868

i do wish theyd have given it a 6 button option, considering how late of a game this was for megadrive
literally everyone had MK, so everyone had at least one 6-button

what do you hate about it tho?
its literally a more refined gunstar in terms of controls

>> No.8758869


>> No.8758871

gunstar feels better

>> No.8758873

NAMI's likely one of those Japanese programmers who considers the option of different controls to be a mark of shame and failure in his career.

>> No.8758875

what are you on about?
this is possibly the most visually impressive game for the whole console
what exactly do you fucking expect?
for them to shove a full arcade board in the fucking cartridge?

stupid faggot

>> No.8758882

i love gunstar but imo its a lot clunkier
i much prefer the zips in AS over the slides in gunstar
also the ability to actively change between shooting modes on the fly was huge imo
you cant even change it in gunstar which kinda fucks with some weapon combos imo

>> No.8758883

Again, I don't care about a fair comparison. I'm not going to give fucking brownie points for how good it is in comparison to the average game on the console or the theoretical best it could be given the hardware. And actually yes, they could have implemented a six button control scheme which would have gone a long way in improving the game, so these excuses are bullshit (although it would still be vastly inferior to Metal Slug)

>> No.8758894


>> No.8758895

>t. gay autist

>> No.8758898

idk what to even say
your brain is fucking toast
go play metalslug i guess?

>> No.8758909

>get good faggot step outside your pansy-ass comfort zone... bittch
No. Seeing how low-IQ people like you can get, maybe it's for the better steering away from games like that. Now go play your Alien Soldier and isolate yourself from society, for the good of us all.

>> No.8758910
File: 44 KB, 1016x320, DUDE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ummmm buttt why dont they just put better hardware on teh console so tehy can play teh medalslug tho?
>i liek teh medalslug
cuz its a megadrive, a console released in the late 80s, not a fucking AES
next question

>> No.8758912

Yes but even then bosses just come down to abusing down+jump and some basic rock-paper-scissor weapon situations, Contra or MS offer a better gameplay experience

>> No.8758914

bost your gameplay

>> No.8758916

>this amount of cope
if you haven't beat alien soldier you're not a true gamer and should give up gaming forever

>> No.8758920

please kill yourself

>> No.8758925

anyone can 1cc alien soldier in a couple days bruh

>> No.8758927

you first treasure cuck

>> No.8758929

yet you haven't made it past the first level. interesting

>> No.8758932

treasure is great you absolute pleb. i'm sorry that your mommies boyfriends diddled you but that's no excuse for why you're such a fucking faggot now

>> No.8758934

oh but of course
truly the simplest 1cc on the genny
i look forward to seeing yours sooner than later since you are apparently metalslugpro™ and that supposedly has anything to do with alien soldier

>> No.8758970

nice projecting treasurecuck
it's not the simplest 1cc but it's marketed as harder than it actually is, the difficulty is just average for md action games

>> No.8758974

hello auster

>> No.8758995

superhard is pretty fucking brutal desu
its basically 1cc or fucking start over, and you need to use the block to harvest health more
cant think of another game on the md that does that kind of difficulty

i just dont get why youd be into all these other really good md/arcade run n guns, but then absolutely draw the line at this one
youre really just missing out imo
your tism is your own worst enemy

>> No.8758998

my parents are still married you fucking bastard. no wonder your father left

>> No.8759017

Make it a good game and maybe I'll try.

>> No.8759018

it's a great game, you just suck at video games because you're retarded

>> No.8759025

you earn some credits later on and it's not hard to learn, shit like sor2/3 on the hardest difficulties will buttfuck you even with lots of lives/credits
the game is ok but defo style over substance and not very replayable, maybe somewhat similar to comix zone in that aspect. your tism with this game/company blinds you from reality

>> No.8759027

It sucks. You're just upset I didn't like that crap.

>> No.8759028

>you fucking bastard
hit a nerve uh, show me where anon touched you

>> No.8759040

it's great and you're objectively wrong.
he's literally a bastard, his father left him, which is why he grew up to be gay

>> No.8759065

just let out your repressed feelings anon

>> No.8759080

youre mixing me up w some other anons prolly
i dont really play treasure games that often tbph
i like this one in particular cuz i like the idea of a game totally focused around boss rush

like gunstar is good, but a lot of the levels just become this slog to get through nvm the fucking dice shit. and this is an issue with a LOT of run n guns imo
thats why i like contra hard corp and AS more. the pacing just makes the action non-stop. its got exactly what im there for, with very little filler in between

>> No.8759097

>like gunstar is good, but a lot of the levels just become this slog to get through
because treasure can't design good regular levels thats's why the stick to gimmicks and boss rushes, not a problem when you have good designed stages

>> No.8759681

>noooo you can't use pronouns
fuck you tranny

>> No.8759794


>> No.8759875


>> No.8759930

Dynamite Headdy is the better game. It is even more insane and fast paced. Another Treasure masterpiece.

>> No.8759940

>>(or, at least, enough for the weapon to become weaker)
>that doesn't happen retard
it actually happens with the shotgun and flame weapons, they start losing range with lower ammo
I wonder why there isn't any hack that supports fast switching with the 6 button gamepad

>> No.8759965

they're totally different games anon, it doesn't make sense to compare them.
>it actually happens with the shotgun and flame weapons, they start losing range with lower ammo

>> No.8759970

Dynamite Headdy is kind of like a boss rush, though. It is just Alien Soldier with better and slightly longer levels.

>> No.8760137

>Dynamite Headdy is kind of like a boss rush
not really
> It is just Alien Soldier with better and slightly longer levels.
dynamite headdy's a mascot platformer. alien soldier's a run-and-gun boss gauntlet. they're nothing alike apart from both being genesis games developed by treasure

>> No.8760224

Have you played Dynamite past the first minute? Most of the levels are literally bosses. There is barely any platforming.

>> No.8760230

Actually, nevermind. I am kind of miss-remembering the game. Still, Dynamite Headdy is more fast paced than Alien Soldier and is a whole lot more action packed, too. The game is the equivalent of an acid trip. Simply branding it as a mascot platformer is not giving it close to the amount of justice it deserves. From memory, it also has around 12-18 bosses.

>> No.8760237

>wonder why this game I beat when I was a kid is getting tons of threads everywhere
>it's because some dumb fuck e-celeb played it
Of course. You fucking people never think for yourselves.

>> No.8760241

>metal slug trannies at it again
There's a reason the only things people care about from that series is the pixel art and Fio, the gameplay is horrendous and goes sub-5 frames regularly.

>> No.8760310

Just use the turbo version or CPU overclock retard. The graphics, art-style, animation, sound, controls, stage design, set pieces, enemy variety, enemy design, pacing, weapon variety are all much, much better in Metal Slug.

Metal Slug would still be some of the absolute best run and gun games even without its iconic pixel art.

>> No.8760326

Which e-celeb retard now? At least Dynamite Headdy remains untouched

>> No.8760474

i beat the game, yeah. there are levels too. are you insane?
ok cool you admit it.
>Still, Dynamite Headdy is more fast paced than Alien Soldier and is a whole lot more action packed, too
it's pretty slow, actually
>The game is the equivalent of an acid trip.
yeah true it's trippy af
>Simply branding it as a mascot platformer is not giving it close to the amount of justice it deserves
personally i prefer ristar
>From memory, it also has around 12-18 bosses.
there's a boss at the end of every level like a normal game. alien soldiers is ALL bosses

>> No.8760475

i have no idea who you're talking about. they just uploaded it to nintendo switch online. i don't watch any twitch streamers or care about e-celebs. you stupid piece of shit

>> No.8760482

>the gameplay is horrendous
it's not gimmicky style over substance treasure crap so no. okay 3 has some of that too

>> No.8760502

been seeing a lot of threads about this lately. Would you recommend it as somebody's first run'n'gun?

>> No.8760515

for your first run-and-gun? no. it's tough as nails, even on supereasy mode. i'd recommend gunstar heroes instead. replying it, blew through the first two levels of that in like ten minutes tonight. easy breezy game

>> No.8760646

>Would you recommend it as somebody's first run'n'gun?
No way. Start playing Contra mate

>> No.8761053

>Would you recommend it as somebody's first run'n'gun?
holy shit no

>> No.8761729


>> No.8761812

Imagine how much more insane it would have been if it was fully complete.

>> No.8762448

It was a full playthrough, if you mean before the first hit I got past Epsilon-1. These days I only finish runs where I beat Sunset Sting damageless because he's easily the biggest wall to getting my 0 hit run.

>> No.8763591

>Would you recommend it as somebody's first run'n'gun?

>> No.8763594

I think it's better in its incomplete form. A massive part of the appeal to me is the length: It's a perfect 40 minutes adrenaline rush gauntlet with infinite replayability.

>> No.8763652

That is total nonsense and effectively means anything but very simple control schemes are inherently bad which is very obviously not true

>> No.8764497

In this case, it's the opposite. The controls are *too* simple since they didn't use six button layout. That's also one flaw of many arcade games is that they had limited inputs and relied on awkward button combinations. The complexity of the control scheme depends on the game but the controls should feel natural and intuitive.

>> No.8765052

I'm gonna tadpole.

>> No.8765069

best I've done is stage 20. Butterfly and Mech-Eagle still give me problems though.

>> No.8765112

i find the zips to be pretty intuitive
also the switching between firing modes prolly just cuz i played hard corp first tho
and the block/shot thing is weird at first but you get used to it really quick

for me the only awkward part is the switching weapons. dont like having to come to a dead stop to change weapons

>> No.8765353

Even so, some small add-ons like giving Seven Force a full seven forms would not have been a bad thing.

>> No.8765383

try to learn every boss like a puzzle. the first boss, even, really punishes you if you don't have your dash-attack (from having full energy), but if you know how to parry for instance you can get more energy off of the bullets that are fired and then charge up and kick his ass. Basically, take every boss like this and just use savestates, figure out their patterns and attacks, and keep training for when you actually want to go through the whole game 1cc.