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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8754612 No.8754612 [Reply] [Original]

Is the new FF VI remaster good?
I want to play FF VI, should I just emulate, or get it on steam?

>> No.8754653

either works, but you're better playing 7 9 and 10

>> No.8754665

It's pretty good but doesn't have the GBA exclusives if you care for that

>> No.8754712

I actually like the classic pixelated JRPG look more than PS1 3D
Nah, I don't really care about that stuff

>> No.8754723

It looks nice but FF6 is eh. It's a JRPG so ultimately we're not here for the gameplay but the music and story. Music is mediocre by FF standards and the story doesn't particularly say anything. Not worth the 30 hours of turn-based combat

>> No.8754781

We have this thread once a week.

>> No.8754998

Play the original SNES game, please.


>> No.8755003

>play everything but 8


>> No.8755010

I like it.

Looking forward to more in depth mods. I don't know if porting brave new world over will work but if folks figure that out we're going to see some great stuff.

>> No.8755016

>This complete piece of animal and disaster of a human being genuinely believes that FF10 is better than FF8 or FF6.

The existence of beings like you is the cause of the decay of humankind.

>> No.8755051

They censored it. Changed the Gestal statue do it no longer has an arm up, and the imperials salute isn't raising their arm anymore.

Just play the SNES or GBA versions. Don't give your money to publishers that censor.

>> No.8755058

Celes is no longer chained up or being punched when you find her either.

>> No.8755064

Yea the game where an octopus dropping a Looney Tunes anvil on someone for no reason and a little girl has magic monster paint is serious business

>> No.8755107

Then I hope you mean play fan translations, because the US version on SNES was still censored compared to the JP version. No naked girl butts for you.

>> No.8755125

This change was made for the GBA version.

>> No.8755146

There's wacky stuff in the game, so it's fine to remove the serious stuff?

>> No.8755236

It's decent. It's got QoL and bug fixes from GBA, plus new ones on top of that, and a great new soundtrack.
However, the increased EXP and Gil drops were also carried over from GBA, making the game overall easier compared to the original. Several secret passages have been made more obvious to find, as well.
None of the additional GBA extra content has been carried over. Some machines have experienced a slight stutter as well.
The graphics are overall brighter compared to the original, as well, more in line with the GBA version.

>> No.8755251

The statue and the salute are in the game, they just changed an arm.

You retards put VI on a pedestal like it's some fucking untouchable Citizen Kane shit

>> No.8755254

Just an arm.
Just a whole sprite.
Just some slight gameplay removed.
Just a little whole sections of the game taken out.
It's just a little bit bit bro don't be so mad.

>> No.8755306 [DELETED] 

Final Fantasy 6 >>> Citizen Kane.

Kikujiro (1999 film) >>> Dersu Uzala (1975 film) >>>>>>> The Apartment (1960 film) >>>>>>>>>>>>> Final Fantasy 6 (1994 videogame) >> Ben 10: Omniverse (2014 TV Show) > Citizen Kane (1941 overrated film)

>> No.8755312

Final Fantasy 6 >>> Citizen Kane.

Kikujiro (1999 film) >>> Dersu Uzala (1975 film) >>>>>>> The Apartment (1960 film) >>>>>>>>>>>>> Final Fantasy 6 (1994 videogame) >> Ben 10: Omniverse (2014 TV Show) > Citizen Kane (1941 overrated film)

Stop making normie comparisons with cultural topic you don't know shit about, fucking normie.

>> No.8755316
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>> No.8755325

your pathetic protest doesn't mean shit to companies so long as investment money comes from major financial institutions that promote this shit

>> No.8755502


Real glad I can read Japanese. There's no perfect way to play FF VI. FF IV is even more annoying if you like the original version's look and gameplay, but you want a good localization and you can't read Japanese.


From what I've heard, for fan TLs you either have to deal with literal translations, amateur translations that mess a lot of lines up, or an amalgamation of the SNES, GBA, and fan translations that just hope everything is okay.

>> No.8755517

Does anybody else think that Zelda 2 is actually quite a good Zelda game? I think it is.

>> No.8755545


Wrong thread? Or are you trying to derail it?

>> No.8755551
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>> No.8755595

i dont get it?
is there some anti-/vr/ agitprop going around saying that FF6 is bad or something?
*sips* we all just played it when it was called FF3 and thought it was pretty fucking good as kids
in contrast to nearly all the jarpigs of that era, that one had a pretty decent translation, and it also wasnt literally fucking broken like FF 1+2 US

>> No.8755605

>There's no perfect way to play FF VI. FF IV is even more annoying if you like the original version's look and gameplay, but you want a good localization and you can't read Japanese.
what exactly was wrong with the localization for FF6?
normally, bad TLs from that era were of the "literally fucking incomprehensible" variety.
FF4 is a great example of this
half the dialogue is literal jibberish

but FF6?
idk man id say it actually had a better translation than 7 even

>> No.8755619

I think you just like nazi imagery bro

I was joking but I guess there really are retards in the thread huh

>> No.8755620


>that one had a pretty decent translation

It sounded good, like it was written by an English native, but there were a lot of translation issues in the game. It's been five years since I've played it, but off the top of my head

- Arvis tells Locke that imperial troops are chasing Terra and that Narshe can't stand up to the empire by itself when in Japanese it states that the city guards are after her and that Narshe CAN stand up to the empire but won't. Then there's the part where Ramuh says that Espers sometimes take the shape of humans and live among them when he's really saying that some espers like himself look enough like humans to live among them. In the Returner's hideout where Locke said that he heard stories of magical machines from his grandmother which was an invention of the localization. When Locke was throw out of Rachel's house after she lost her memory, Locke said "Wait a minute! She said “Yes!” We were gonna…" when in Japanese he just says "Wait! Just let me talk to her...". I can't remember everything, but I remember seeing mistranslations both big and small here and there. I'm sure I don't even need to go into the censorship.


>idk man id say it actually had a better translation than 7 even

Probably was. While there's a lot of mistranslations in VI's script, the text reads well enough that you won't catch all of them. But VII's a different. Beast. There's a lot more wrong with VII's translation than a lot of fans realize.

>> No.8755632

theres just no way i fucking care

like with bionic commando, we all knew we were killing krauts anyways
its not like they tried that hard
and fuck krauts anyways
they deserved it
you ever eaten saurkraut?
gtfo here with that shit. shouldve nuked THEM instead
plus thered be way less amiga threads, so win-win

>> No.8755651

>- Arvis tells Locke t...
i mean i get it
i suppose if i could read moon id prolly be bitching about it too
ffs youd think the nip devs themselves would be upset how mutilated so many of their games got on localization, but its hard to say if any of them even noticed, let alone cared
back then we were lucky if we got a localization at all, so i guess thats why i see 6 in particular as a standout
most of that shit was just fucking terrible, to the point it almost became unplayable

i still say, if you cant read moon, theres nothing in FF6s translation that puts it on THAT level
and while ive never bothered with a fan translation of FF6, i have more than enough exp with fan TLs in general to where id be EXTREMELY hesitant to recommend any of them for someones first playthrough

>> No.8755692


Yeah you're right. Back then we were lucky to get something that sounded decent. And I've heard what a pain in the ass the localization process of that game was. I'm not trying to tell anyone they shouldn't enjoy their version of choice or anything. I mostly play Japanese games in Japanese anymore, but I still appreciate good localizations, or good lines from a localization. I've always liked Kefla's self-help book line despite that being an invention of the localization.

>i have more than enough exp with fan TLs in general to where id be EXTREMELY hesitant to recommend any of them for someones first playthrough

Yeah I agree. Some fan translators are very good, but they're the very small minority. Off the top of my head I don't know if I know of any good fan translations of any games. There's probably some good ones out there.

>> No.8755860

>t. Retard.

>> No.8756358

FF6 had among the best OSTs. Shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.8756363

Id love to see that. Currently i say snes is better BECAUSE of romhacks. I like divergent paths for vanilla + extras, and BNW for replays with actually interesting gameplay. Haven't tried T edition yet.

>> No.8756367

Not him, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with this scene. It's awkward on purpose, that's the whole fucking point, zoomer.

>> No.8756386

>t. Jewish faggot

>> No.8756409

>wahhhh we lost the war ;_;
>wahhhhh we cant have a military ;_;
>wahhhh whys everyone so mean ;_;;;;
maybe try winning instead

>> No.8756453

I'm American.
We fought on the wrong side.
My family won't make that mistake again.

>> No.8756463

you go girl

>> No.8756464


I only found out about five years ago that there are people who don't get that. What the fuck is wrong with people?

>> No.8756484

It's awkward on purpose?! Jesus christ, it makes so much more fucking sense now!

>> No.8756640

it was to demonstrate that voiced audio dubs in a jrpg is fucking cancer and the people that write for these things have absolutely zero concept of how humans interact with one another irl. so while you can get away with it with written dialogue sometimes, its just completely intolerable when voice actors get involved
the real tragedy is that it backfired completely

>> No.8756647

Somehow I don't believe that.

>> No.8756696 [SPOILER] 
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Play the old Steam port with mods

>> No.8756717

just "just an arm" retard, I don't know where this slippery slope you pulled out of your ass comes from but it's meaningless so take it and fuck off

>> No.8756820

trust me dude my dad works for nintendo

>> No.8756827
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>> No.8756831

Pretty sure that was a coincidence.

>> No.8756961


>> No.8757035

The best version is the patched GBA version with restored colours, retranslation, and restored sound. With a GBA micro and a flash cart.

>> No.8757040

>restored sound
maybe if you like hearing a constant buzz

>> No.8757049

Are you hearing things again anon

>> No.8757061

the "restored" sound is trash. you can fix the synths, but you can't fix the hardware. it sounds like shit either way.

>> No.8757160

>They censored it. Changed the Gestal statue do it no longer has an arm up, and the imperials salute isn't raising their arm anymore.
Seriously? lmao
They're the fucking BAD GUYS. They're supposed to do things people would find offensive.
It's just raising their arms like really.

>> No.8757162

He's shitposting.

>> No.8758076

Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug.

>> No.8758243
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>> No.8758903

Its good. But the scanline overlay is complete blurry shit. They didnt even bother to write a proper filter.

>> No.8758908

>It's a JRPG so ultimately we're not here for the gameplay but the music and story.
Nigga you speaking french right now?
Anyways, OP, the PR loses the aesthetic of the original pixel art which defeats the point of playing it unless you're going to mod it back. You're better off emulating the original on SNES with a retranslation patch like Ted Woolsey patch.

>> No.8758975

Good. They realize how wholly unnecessary such a thing is. Shouldn't have even bothered at all.

>> No.8758980

There's mods for both of those things, now.
The original SNES sprites, world environments, and the Ted Woolsey patch.

>> No.8758989

>Raw Pixel lover
Found the zoomer.

>> No.8759005

Hm. Yes, I am totally the 43 year old zoomer. Quite.

>> No.8759023

>liking raw pixels automatically means you're a zoomer
haha wow I love you guys you're so fucking retarded

>> No.8759029

You're either a zoomer or even worse, you have the IQ of a zoomer. At least zoomers are mostly just ignorant, you chose to be wrong.

>> No.8759034

my fucking sides, man holy shit
come on, keep posting, I need more, it's too funny

>> No.8759043


>> No.8759113

this but unironically