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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8753939 No.8753939 [Reply] [Original]

Do you feel like you’re the only collector of a super specific series? have a huge collection of really cool but incredibly specific things that literally only you think are that cool?

Share them here, we’ll all be understanding :)

I for one really fuckin like puyo puyo, I have every game, nearly every piece of recorded media related to the series, and a number of holy grail type collectibles (employee ids, special limited prizes, unreleased demos etc) but I feel like I’m the only person of my kind lol.

Share your super niche collections, I wanna see em

>> No.8754024

I collect Game Boy games with soundtracks composed by Alberto González. Most of the games are cheap showelware.

>> No.8754073

I once came across a really cool PS2 budget title that inspired me to start buying budget games that look like shit on the off chance that I find an actually good game.
I've since then found some games so fucking awful that I've given up on any and all collecting goals and instead only buy games I know are good or at least interesting.

>> No.8754083

yeah I have all 3 Prince of Persia games on gamecube/ps2/xbox, and 3 copies of the ps3 HD collection. the gamecube are originals and so is 1 copy of the HD collection. I bought the rest of them for like 5 bucks each years ago when they were getting blown out at a closing down video store. I've never even owned an Xbox or Ps2.

>> No.8754096

Smurfs nightmare is unironically pretty damn good imo

>> No.8754109

Closest I can get to that is owning a CDi and both meme zelda games.

>> No.8754123

I have MOST of the bomberman games. Not all of them. But most of them. A lot of them, anyway, can never get them all in one picture. Most in cases, some custom cases for the loose cartridges I have. I'll post a picture later when I get home tomorrow.

>> No.8754131
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I need (yes, need) the Gradius and Salamander Deluxe Packs but have yet to find them for the right price.

>> No.8754142

Also, technically retro because they came out for the OG Xbox as well, I have all 3 Burger King games.

>> No.8754157

It wont mean much here but ive got a small master system, pc engine and neo geo pocket color collection that normies just glaze over if i mention. I dont really have any friends but i do talk to people at work.

>> No.8754175

Post them! I want to see them.
The Neo Geo Pocket Color is extremely cool, in my opinion. I am lucky enough, as a a 26 year old, to have made friends with a rich kid in high school who had siblings around ten plus years older than him and have actually held a Neo Geo Pocket Color in my hands because of that fact. If you were looking for an excuse to show off your collection, here it is. I will at least appreciate them. It was a very cool console from what I can tell.
Post the rest as well, of course.

>> No.8754307

Both Smurf games are quite good. And general, all those Gameboy Infogrames games are just fine, but apart from the music, they're usually nothing special.

>> No.8754451

No. I have many rare and unusual things. But I've never gone so far as to """feel like""" I'm the only one who collects that shit. That would be literally fucking crazy.

>> No.8754495

ok lights out was passable.
anything else warranting me repurchasing the system?

anything remotely playable?

>> No.8754560

Pretty much just whatever was non-action. Though Duke Nukem was surprisingly decent, just don't expect it to be Duke Nukem.

>> No.8754563
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sega pico and game.com is probably the only obscure shit i have.... and this handheld golf game from radioshack.

>> No.8754714

That’s cool. I don’t consider myself a collector, but I have 19 Bomberman games physically (but played about 30 of them total), releases ranging from 1990-2017. Mostly handheld ones.

>> No.8754776

RE2 is pretty funny if you like the original.

>> No.8754836

my PC Engine library has no shooters in it

>> No.8755456

Pc game collection- mainly cds, lots of obscure shit even by retrofag standards- it was my gateway to gaming along with lcd and arcade games so that 90s multimedia boom has always entranced me.

Lcd stuff- as said above, this got me into gaming while my friends had the og gameboy. Love the art and designs of these little suckers and seeing simple designs being addictive or those who tried to cram a complex game into one.

Virtual boy- got it a year after it was discontinued and have always loved it.

>> No.8755882

I know it's not much but I have a boxed vectrex with 8 cib games

>> No.8755904

Yeah post them that sounds awesome

>> No.8755912

That’s pretty sick. Vectrex has always been one of the coolest systems imo.
Unfortunately zoomers don’t give a shit about anything pre Nes, so it doesn’t get a lot of love like I think it deserves

>> No.8755962

Nice. I only have Cosmic Chasm and Star Ship as a cib. I do have a dozen or so loose carts that came when I bought the console. I might consider getting some overlays for them.

>> No.8756316
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>vectrex is insanely expensive and high maintenance
>no one gives a shit about it
choose one

i think im leaving this one in the past

there are euro reprints that have the manuals and everything, i went that route instead.
the cdi has much better stuff on it than the "zelda" titles anon...

>> No.8756613

Im probably one of like, 3 people that cared enough about the Watara Supervision to get almost every game for it. I kind of fell into at a convention with the TV-Link and 10 or so games. I have basically everything but the stupid rare Mahjong game.

>> No.8756638

i have a boxed system and two games for it.

>> No.8756654
File: 184 KB, 1204x903, myps2fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing I can consider niche:
I have a Japanese PS3. The original fat 60 GB model that runs PS2 games natively.
But it sounds like some NASA wind test chamber when you run anything with it.
I have done maintenance onto it and have since invested into a PS2 and PS1 in order not to kill the PS3 prematurely.

>> No.8756745


>> No.8756778

I have The Apprentice as well, which is the best game for the CDi. Not that it means much.