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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 99 KB, 1024x1024, FZ8dO9D4-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8752228 No.8752228 [Reply] [Original]

My town finally got a retro video game store and it is having it's grand opening today. I've never been in a retro store before, what can I expect?

I guess general retro store thread? Interesting stories etc. I have been out of /vr/ for a long time.

>> No.8752235 [DELETED] 

bait thread

>> No.8752242

>what can I expect?
I don't fucking know. You're the one standing outside the damn store, not me.

>> No.8752252

A prick behind the register.
Prices higher than ebay.

>> No.8752268

Best advice? Make friends with the owner to the level where you are friends on facebook. Buy a little and sell a little to seem like a regular. The point being, this store will inevitably fail and when it does you need to know as soon as possible AND be close enough to the owner that you can still communicate. So now hes got debts to deal with, a huge pile of inventory hes stuck with and hes pissed of with the whole gaming/business thing, THATS when you move to secure the good deals.

>> No.8752275

I've seen this work.

>> No.8752278
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>what can I expect?
prices set by ebay.
enthusiastic employees.
an owner that doesn't give a shit about video games.

>> No.8752279


>> No.8752282

Price gouging

>> No.8752290
File: 10 KB, 254x198, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah, and if you want that cash? expect 10% of it's resale value.
at least video game shops give you 50% back...

>> No.8752294

Is it though?

>> No.8752362

You can expect a pawn shop. Inflated prices to buy, deflated prices to sell. Enjoy getting ripped off.

>> No.8752371

Really? I would expect lower than eBay prices since there are no seller fees.

>> No.8752373

Honestly don’t waste your money on overpriced retro games. It’s fine to like and enjoy retro vidya but just emulate or get a flashcard/ode (overpriced real or clone) instead of wasting money. Unless you happen to find a spectacular deal, don’t bother.

>> No.8752380

You expected wrong.
These stores thrive on casualfags and kids who are willing to pay inflated prices because they can't into ebay or want their game now now now now now instead of waiting on shipping.

>> No.8752392

not only that, but most retro stores will not display really rare shit that comes in, but instead opt to auction it online. customers never see this stuff.

>> No.8752447

While scheming, it isn't evil. It isn't like he is driving them out of business, just being opportunistic when the time rears itself.

>> No.8752485

Probably a bin in the middle of the store full of outdated PS2/Xbox sports games.

>> No.8752493

Fucking reseller scum mentality, you disgust me.

>> No.8752498


OP if your store has any chance of staying in business it's probably also gonna have some tabletop games and maybe comics. You're not gonna pay rent in a strip mall just trading copies of Super Mario + Duck Hunt. They might host tournaments once in awhile. Maybe have a shelf with snacks and a cooler of drinks by the cash register. But seriously, let us know what you find out.

>> No.8752502 [DELETED] 
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I wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.8752521

expect price gouging, bootlegs and it's closure about a year from now

>> No.8752532 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8752534

We have a retro store in my town and I never went and now they shut down. Make sure you go and give them some business. It's tough these days.

>> No.8752546

They move from my city

>> No.8752547

Absolutely this.

>> No.8752583

>open a business
>pay rent
>pay utilities
>pay insurance
>pay staff
>pay equipment
>whole business gets undermined by emulators

>> No.8752593
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I was a regular a my local game trade. They went out of business and I swooped in and bought up $10,000 worth of controllers,power/ac cords/component cables,adapters,game boy add-ons,and merch for $500 cash. Turned around and sold it for $5,000 within a week.

>> No.8752617 [DELETED] 

>what can I expect?
To redditshitpost on teh 4chin?

Best advice? Don't take the advice of children fantasizing on the internet

>> No.8752640

most of these shops go under after a short while unless they operate as a pawn shop also. usually these guys will mark shit up to retard levels too, so generally not worth it. some deals might be had if they don't know what they have but that is rare, you gotta catch them slipping.

>> No.8752660

Let me guess; the prices are outrageous

>> No.8752704

>retro video game store
They take Ebay prices and add ~10%

>> No.8752717

I work at one myself, it seems shitty ones are more common than good ones but go in there and look for cheap sega, playstation, etc. games. Nintendo will always be overpriced but most people don't know their way around the other consoles/care enough to figure it out.

>> No.8752727

There is only one store near me that sells retro games and all their prices are 20 - 30% more than just buying from Ebay and usually in worse condition. I wouldn't mind if it was just the popular stuff that was marked up but it's legitimately everything, even dime a dozen sports games from the early 2000s. They also sell tabletop/trading card stuff so I would imagine a good chunk of their sales are from that instead of games because I genuinely don't understand who would buy a copy of Mario Tennis for 40 dollars.

>> No.8752737
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Owners start to get underwater in bills, lower sales. They think they can make more money if they raise the prices a bit. It either cancels out in lower overall sales, or reduces income more.

>> No.8752762

Astroturfed thread

>> No.8752789

Why is it that EVERY GUY working at retro game stores acts like an asshole that can't be bothered with your attention for more than 2 seconds?

>> No.8752790

I hope yours is a good one, OP.
I frequented my local store until they just stopped having stock that I was interested in buying. They closed down last year.
What an earlier anon said about Sega, PlayStation and maybe even Dreamcast games is pretty on the money in my experience. N64 games weren't too absurdly expensive last I checked, but SNES and some NES games were pretty expensive.

>> No.8752795

That hasn't really been my experience, but they are always weird nerds. Loveable nerds most of the time but some were truly weird. Unlike me, a very cool and normal guy who posts on /vr/.

>> No.8752801

extremely high prices

>> No.8752806

The ones in my area typically sell over eBay price

>> No.8752860

I don't see the point in these stores when emulation and homebrew exists. You can just buy an old console or homebrew your own for cheap. You can emulate everything up till 5th gen on your phone. Only worthwhile thing to buy would he peripherals.

>> No.8753043 [DELETED] 

>i was a larper a my local larp larp

>> No.8753101

Smelly autists, crackheads and boomers selling games.

>> No.8753108

They don't care about eBay fees or anything of the sort; they'll just look at online listings to see how high they can set the price while still selling and price their wares at exactly that amount (which is probably why a lot of them pop up, lured by the temptation of easy profits, then promptly go under).

>> No.8753113

(also, the operating costs of a physical store are way higher than those of an online one, even through eBay, but everyone's already pointed that out)

>> No.8753143

Expect to get ripped off. Instead of seller fees they have fucking rent, property tax, paying employees, etc. Its nice though if you just want that old "walk into a store and buy something" feel you can't get off of ebay but everything there is gonna be overpriced to shit guaranteed

>> No.8753154

>since there are no seller fees.
Yeah instead of seller fees you have rent, electricity, and employee wages. How the fuck do you think all that is somehow less than ebay fees?

>> No.8753213

This is why I could never do owning a retail business. If things slow down you can't just call around and see if anyone has customers they can send your way. It seems like you have to be ready to eat multiple months a year in the red to have any chance at all

>> No.8753226

if you become a regular
you will eventually unlock "good deals"
even if the cashier is a heartless asian with a strict profit margin.

i miss actually going in to the stores like this.
covid ruined everything

>> No.8753227

Pretty retarded larp. “Just make friends with the owner.” Yeah, okay bro. Invest hours into pretending to like some dumb boomer just so you can get a discount on ROMs that you can download online for free. Braindead.

>> No.8753245
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>> No.8753260

i literally did this
it was the owners son
i helped him identify a few gen 2 carts
never got anything for "free" but i did get a few lopsided deals after a year or so..
he was cool af, never hung out with him or anything but - they were always cool to me and my family.

got a few CiB games that were never on the shelf & under ebay prices (even pre-covid i though boxed titles were a waste of fucking money)

got NES zelda rev-1 CiB & a sealed copy of pokemon snap; however you should be cool to people regardless of the fact that you have something to gain or not anonkun

>> No.8753342

Expect it to close up in a year or two.

>> No.8753447 [DELETED] 

>i literally larped
Everyone knows

>> No.8753451

I visited a local retro game shop for the first time and this is exactly what I found.
It’s really no fun when there are no deals to be found because everybody knows how much they can squeeze buyers for.

>> No.8753494

My local game store is called Gamer's Anonymous, and they're pretty good they have like a netcafe kind of thing next door that has a room that looks like someone's bedroom circa 1980 something for the zoomies to have fun in.

>> No.8753502 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8753512

I had two used game stores in my area.
One was just a standard used game store that also sold merch and MtG cards. The other was a full-on "hobbyist" shop that sold all that plus board games, and regularly scheduled game tournaments, game nights, and advertised the hell out of their events. The first had a steady stream of customers, the second had a large crowd of regulars that hung out and bought stuff, along with customers. The first went out of business, the second is now the only game in town. Their prices were the same, the second store just put in the effort to drum up business and develop regular customers to provide a steady income.
In business, if you lack customers, then you have LOTS of time and energy to put into luring customers in the door. Sitting around waiting for the customers to come to you is just waiting to go bankrupt and out of business.

>> No.8753531 [DELETED] 


>> No.8753532 [DELETED] 

Comedic genius

>> No.8753538

>My town finally got a retro video game store
Just download ROMs and emulators for free like a normal person.

>> No.8753549

Hello fellow Hillsburro anon, lets get a beer lol

>> No.8753553

That sounds like a pretty sweet place to hang out. I hope the teenage nerds in your town appreciate what they have there

>> No.8753556 [DELETED] 

some of us leave our rooms occasionally anon

>> No.8753573

>Interesting stories etc.

the retro vidya store in my town has been here since the early 80's, it started out as a VHS rental place and switched to video games when the NES came out. I'm 99.9% sure it's a money laundering front, possibly for the mob. the place is always empty, the guy that runs it doesn't even know anything about video games, and how the fuck would a used video games store in a small town be able to stay open for 40 years.

>> No.8753576

THIS. Almost every "retro" game shop I've been to since 2010~ has been run by smug jews charging ebay prices with a grumpy attitude because nobody wants to pay for that overpriced shit sits on the shelf collecting dust for years.

>> No.8753593 [DELETED] 

NEET simulator: just sit in the dark browsing 4chan for the rest of your life, while occasionally cracking open a can of beans

>> No.8753595

Same I know the owner took a huge risk in opening that place up. I see why people like him, he's literally innovative. My shithole doesn't deserve him

>> No.8753629

All the games you want. All "overpriced."

>> No.8753635

I don't know why people are saying this is unethical, who the hell opens a retro video game store? Just how many geeks are there in your neighborhood?

>> No.8753660

There's always autistic shut-in cryptid cretins who remove themselves from society.

>> No.8753665
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I don't see how this is a sustainable business model. Is there that much demand for retro games in this area? And if there is, how is the owner going to keep up with demand? The only way I could see it working is if you sell reproduction copies of retro games and hardware, but even then, wouldn't that be of dubious legality?

>> No.8753690

based wb3 pig enjoyer

>> No.8753702

What are their prices like?

>> No.8753703

Realistically you're gonna see a bunch of shitty PS2 games. Anything worth anything is going to be stupid expensive and the people working there will be normie Reddit pricks who think they're cool

>> No.8753710

And I seriously wonder what % of them are qt 3.14 autistic women, that I'm likely very compatible with :(

>> No.8753712

You build a community. Build a strong enough community, and guess what people who have money to blow will literally buy things from you, not just because they want the product, but because they want to help you and your business survive, and thrive. Community is a cornerstone of these businesses, it's why even the jewwiest of them try to get some gaming group together.

>> No.8753719

I have a local game store near me. They sell modern shit and have a pretty big collection of old shit. Consoles, controllers, games, etc.

I wish I bought from them more often. But I get such better deals from amazon, ebay, and digital sales that it's not really worth going there.

They break release dates though for popular games though, even for shit like Pokemon which is when I usually do go to them.

>> No.8753720

I even see nerds stockholm syndromed into thinking their doing a public good by trading off their games to the local retro game store, so that they can get some cashflow.

>> No.8753723

Obviously the idea of buying stuff from a business because you want them in your community is lost, because of how many americans simply get their shit from corporations.

>> No.8753736
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Two types

1. Shitty ones that are mostly just sixth generation (PS2, Xbox, Gamecube) and up and is essentially a hybrid between a retro videogame store and a GameStop

2. Good ones that have hundreds of NES games, SNES games, Genesis and Master System games, Super Famicom imports and other relatively rare neat shit, like a TurbGrafx-16.

>> No.8753782

retro game shops are now the same thing as sports/music memorabilia shops

>> No.8753815

have you been living under a rock or something

>> No.8753838

Local retro store here has a copy of Othello
for 10 dollars that's a deal.
Nes controller for 15 zapper for 25.
Retro is fucked.
I miss the old flea markets.

>> No.8753890 [DELETED] 

Asperger's kek
Suck a dick, wagie. Get back in the cage

>> No.8753898

My local store is pretty decent. Prices tend to be high but you can occasionally catch em slipping. Also they do pretty good trade-in credit so that's where I dump all my shovelware, and they have any kind of component if ya need one on the fly (reseller scum here)

>> No.8753919

Lol seriously. I was having a good laugh at people not seeing the inherent value in pursuing a friendship with someone that you have a lot in common with
One of my friends and I used to frequent the local game store in town and after I moved away he became fast friends with the guy who owned it and eventually worked for him, too. He's a really great guy. The two of us helped said friend move into his new apartment last year. Making new friends is almost always a net positive.
That's not even mentioning how my friend got a copy of Earthbound on the cheap from the guy on top of loads of other stuff.

>> No.8753927

Pros of my local game store:
1)They import lots of nipshit to resell so they often have super famicom controllers for dirt cheap
2)They sell off the famicom games that come in the lots for dirt cheap, because they don't expect most customers to have a famicom
3)They don't care about the condition of a game, just that it works. So they'll buy grubby junk carts, or lots of trade fodder from you.

>> No.8754107 [DELETED] 

Pinch a nerve cucks?

>> No.8754119

That sounds like a pretty sweet local game store. I live in a flyover state in the US and would kill for that kind of experience within driving distance, for what it's worth.

>> No.8754120

Human shield community. Just like flying over enemy territory in the shadow of a passenger jet. The enemy projectiles will hit the civilians and they'll look bad. Classic IDF playbook.

>> No.8754128 [DELETED] 

just keep thinking about those beans

>> No.8754152

I wish more store would leave their carts alone. Cleaning them usually fucks up the label sticker. Also the price tag sticker should be placed so it doesn't damage the label. True story back a few years ago when Play N Trade was still around I bought Michael Jacksons Moonwalker from them and the dumbass behind the counter ripped the fat price tag sticker off the front and tore the carts label. I basically just stared at him and said what the fuck dude? I still bought it for like $10 i forget but that was fucking stupid.

>> No.8754184

But how long can you deal with a gaggle of autistic manchildren? At least here I can just close the tab and pretend all of you don't actually exist.

>> No.8754231 [DELETED] 

Just imagine how much the faggot who made that was projecting

>> No.8754242 [DELETED] 

Post nose Mr. Goldberg kek

>> No.8754251

Should've thrown it at him, then gotten a large piece of duct tape placed it on his head and ripped it off.

>> No.8754252

I literally unloaded a bag of NES games I got from a lot for cheap from some boomers on facebook. The games fucking smelled like ass and were all shovelware. Felt so good, as those would've taken forever to sell.

>> No.8754263 [DELETED] 

He was probably a 4Channer.

>> No.8754272

Been shopping there for 10+ years, I love that place. I'm not sure if their prices are getting worse but damnit I'll shop there as long as I live here.

>> No.8754278
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>all those Chinese bootleg games and fake plushes

>> No.8754324

pretty damn fair actually.

>> No.8754350

It's amusing like just a decade or so ago these were all over and now they're all gone.

>> No.8754361

Hey man, so long as you were grateful for the experience and the proprietors were grateful for your business I don't think you did anything wrong. Sounds like a true win-win in my book.

>> No.8754431

> Selling your games from a chiller

>> No.8754452

God, I love it too. I had given up video games all together for years, last spring I was bored and noticed the store, and thought what the hell I'll go in. It just reminded me so much of going to a game store when I was in middle school... but better? I love all of the arcade machines they have out, and the figures on display. And then I was like oh look a place next door, and I walked into that 80s recreation room, and I was like holy fuck this is something special. I don't even understand how we have such a cool game store, we like don't have anything else cool.

>> No.8754459 [DELETED] 

>some of us larp our larps olarpally

>> No.8754480

Damn I didn't know there were so many anons from ABQ on here (I didn't expect more than two people)

>> No.8754585

In the back of my mind I always wondered if there was another abq autist on /vr/

>> No.8754595

Doesn't /vr/ get like 5000 unique IP visits a day? It's just that only 1% actively post turning that day.

>> No.8754606

Th... the plushies are fake?

>> No.8754607 [DELETED] 


>> No.8754610

You mean my sonic the hedgehog plush isn't official sega merch! I'll gut it him open to remove him from circulation!

>> No.8754618

Actually hold on if you've been going there so long is there a good time of day to go in to get the largest pick of games? I feel like I always come too late or too early, and never see new items. Just the things people don't want to buy.

>> No.8754624

Making friends is one thing.

Following people you know have a good chance to fail so you can profit of their failures is being a vulture. Difference is, vultures don't do it with a smile on their faces.

>> No.8754625 [DELETED] 

Yeah pretty jewish way of thinking.

>> No.8754641 [DELETED] 

cut it with the anti-Semitism.

>> No.8755194 [DELETED] 
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that chinless faggot probably molests kids

>> No.8755198 [DELETED] 

Stop existing.

>> No.8755237

How the fuck are these stores even still in business after everything remotely decent exploded in price?

>> No.8755247
File: 329 KB, 637x500, no mister bond i expect you to die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scumbag reseller outscums reseller scumbag

money laundering fronts and drug addicts selling stolen goods

>> No.8755624 [DELETED] 

You first, love

>> No.8755750

I'm not sure, they just have dry periods sometimes.

>> No.8755951 [DELETED] 

Why are plasticollectors so easy to rustle? Kek

>> No.8755957

I think PC FX rarer.

>> No.8755985

>Sonic mascot for Sega
>Mario mascot for Nintendo
>Master Chief mascot for Microsoft

>Sony gets Ratchet mascot


>> No.8756321 [DELETED] 

why would i lie about this very specific and retarded shit?

>> No.8756338 [DELETED] 

So this is the wonders of modern gaming...

>> No.8756343

A jew hoarding games he will never play and selling them above pricecharting prices

>> No.8756396 [DELETED] 

lol nice come back soi boi

>> No.8756404 [DELETED] 

>Just download ROMs and emulators for free like a normal person.

this. fuck all the jews. only give money to places that hire Caucasian males

>> No.8756421 [DELETED] 

why work for a system trying to genocide you?

>> No.8756480 [DELETED] 

Too realistic

>> No.8756516

My game store actually sells decent games at below chart value. Should I be concerned? I feel like price charts are like Kelly blue book, in the real world it always sells for cheaper.

>> No.8756538

There’s a guy like this in my area, been around since the late 90s. He trolls all the flea markets around here, we always call him the video game douche. Dudes a fucking prick, just some asshole nerd that was in the right place at the right time with collecting back in the day and turned it into a business. I remember him and his shitty, inflated prices on uncommon gems from when I was a kid, and it’s just gotten worse over the years. Dudes basically a scumbag.

>> No.8756551


>> No.8756807 [DELETED] 
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>no u

>> No.8756816

I like that they didn't even bother trying to have some shmuck paint Master Chief on the window and just printed a render out

>> No.8757401 [DELETED] 

go back to /pol/, chud

>> No.8757407 [DELETED] 


>> No.8757410

>How is store open after its product becomes more valuable?
>whew lad

>> No.8757413 [DELETED] 

touch grass son

>> No.8757467

>what can I expect?

Strange smells.

>> No.8757578 [DELETED] 

What's the matter Bateman? Spinning too many menorahs?

>> No.8757583 [DELETED] 

Cope bitch

>> No.8757889

You should expect walls upon walls upon walls of sports games and shovelware, with the only games somewhat worth a damn behind a glass display box near the register treated like some sort of sacred relic.

>> No.8757901

i went to one by me which opened recently and everything was overpriced. i guess that's what you need to expect when they have a storefront, though. refurb n64 controllers were $45 but you can get them for way cheaper resold online.

>> No.8758496

Similar story to the poster above regarding going to a store which had just opened. The dumb fuck behind the desk put the wrong copy of Gran Turismo 3 in the box and didn't notice until I pointed it out to him.

>> No.8759290

I've been to that exact store in the photo. Their selection is impressive, but my god are the prices high...

>> No.8759325

Didn't realize the average person was retarded enough to blow $100 on a single PS2 game... OH WAIT OPPOSITE DAY WAS YESTERDAY!

>> No.8759342

this is super common, watch out for greatest hits/game of the year vs non, watch out for sequals, watch out for everything basically because a lot of discs aren't clearly labeled.
I bought TimeSplitters Future Perfect for gamecube once and almost got TS2 instead.

>> No.8759386

Not true. Local gameshop here doesn't do "good deals" for regulars and I have friends that go in there twice a week. That line of thinking has been dead for at least a decade dude.

>> No.8759438 [DELETED] 

i can hear them ucking fromj8 a mile away.

>> No.8759462

lol no. a new one recently opened up in my town that literally advertised itself as wanting to fight back against the inflation of retro games. i went down there and they were selling shitty crts for $200+

>> No.8759470

NTA but mine gives me deals. Nothing to write home about but he's give me discounts whenever I ask. You're just dealing with jews.

>> No.8759473
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>Go to local "retro store" and bring Pokémon XD with me
>Ask the guy to rate it and how much would he likes to pay
>Starts searching for prices online
>Stays silent for a bit
>Offers 30 Euros
>Refuse and move on

Another time
>Reselling a fixed Wii on FB Marketplace
>Don't have Wii games, use ol' Pokémon XD to show the console works
>Most offers are about nearby collectors trying to get the game for cheap

I love you so much Pokémon XD you bring me so many laughs for free do not ever dare to discrot please

btw back on thread avoid retro local stores they're overpriced and will try to rip you off 99% of the time, and BY A LOT. Just look around online reseless and lurk until you get acceptable deals or just straight up emulate.

>> No.8759493

The one I lived near had decent selection of 5th and 6th generation but never any 3rd or 4th (nes, Sega, snes, etc)

They only had the cheaper games for 3rd and 4th gen

>> No.8759501 [DELETED] 

What was the point of your blog post?

>> No.8759503 [DELETED] 

again please reread >>8756321

>> No.8759518 [DELETED] 

Anon this whole board is a blogpost

>> No.8759567

>FB marketplace

ah yes, when they were telling people to donate their games and get paid, and those suckers ot paid peanuts, while the good games got resold between their scalper s/0/yfilled friends.

>> No.8759580

The local retro game store in my town closed down recently and I couldn't give less of a fuck. Everything was priced twenty dollars higher than eBay and the guy behind the counter would huff and puff about "muh small business needs the money". They even had obvious repro pokemon carts they were trying to sell for hundreds. don't support these shitty gamestores.

>> No.8759601
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I love reading the reviews from my local retro game store, it was so awkward in there but when they first opened they were pretty clueless so I snagged a game or two on the cheap, haven't been back in forever since almost none of the consoles actually work and when you want to do a return they want to make it store credit

>> No.8759609

lmao i do the friends and family thing on paypal sometimes for small etsy purchases or whatever but if a brick and mortar store guy asked me to do it i would be astounded

>> No.8759620
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Friends and family is a blessing to avoid gay ass fees but these people are clowns. The owner would dumpster dive gamestops.
I hate retro game store owners

>> No.8759718

>Often shouting "Reddit" of "fig".

>> No.8759778

What is this friends and family thing on paypal?

>> No.8759782

ive been to this store multiple times and its pretty cool if you just treat it like a museum or a place where you can see 3 boxed jaguars in the same room. like all brick and mortar stores, prices for some things (consoles and games usually) are absurd and prices for other things (controllers and accessories usually) are pretty good, and ive gotten some cool stuff from here for around ebay price.

i dont know anyone in the area who's into old stuff, just steam users and nintoddlers. i would like to link up sometime....

>> No.8759793
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My brother knew I was looking for dreamcast controllers and said his store in austin was selling them for $30 each. I found a Japanese seller on ebay selling this set for $40. Fuck retro gamerz stores in this current year.

>> No.8759827

Priced exactly at ebay prices but guaranteed to be just as dirty/sticky/stinky as when they obtained it.
Store owner will get shitty with you if you haven't bought anything within 60 seconds of walking in.
A gigantic rack of mainstream blockbuster used movie dvds for god knows what reason.
Some "art prints" of deviantart/twitter drawings printed out at the printshop.

>> No.8759956

I just go to a cashies lmao

>> No.8760236

tax evasion

>> No.8760249

I don't know anyone either, but I do know there is a big group of fighter enthusiasts that used to meet up at Room 122 (taphouse) in tigard pre pandemic, not sure about now, would be worth asking the owners about I dont make it to that neck of the woods anymore.. not into fighters but it looked like fun, huge lan party situation.. I miss living in Tigard..

>> No.8760260 [DELETED] 

High priced retro games are a shit.
If game is so old? How come I have to pay the overprice?
These games should be thrown after me.


>> No.8760268

Unfathomably based

>> No.8760295

this would be kinda based if it weren't for the fact that emulation is free and effective
so save your scheming for something more vital

>> No.8760329

>emulation is free and effective
And inaccurate. Some people don't settle for a compromised experience.

>> No.8760340


He did a few Podcast interviews and seemed pretty level headed, at one point he mentioned being pestered by the actual cuckold community for not including actual cucking.

>> No.8760617 [DELETED] 

YO This Nigga Eatin BEANS!!!

>> No.8760647

The owner/operator has to make rent or mortgage payments. That means some stuff can and usually will be be more expensive than, this means you will typically pay a little more for the privilege of walking away with your purchase that day. Thats it, thats all you can expect. Sometimes these are almost pop up stores with month to month leases because its just someone with a substantial collection / hoard / duplicates who thinks they can sell on for a profit, a shit load of collectors out there buy most of their stuff in bulk from stuff like estate auctions, inventory clear outs of other retro stores, warehouse finds. Sometimes this means they have good stuff priced well, sometimes they have lots of common items overpriced.

>> No.8760696
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Yep, I was wise enough to check the boxes before I went home. I got GT3, GT4 and True Crime: Streets of New York and the GT3 was the only one that was wrong.

Had an even more bewildering situation in Cex a few years ago when someone took out a U2 album and placed it in the case of Underworld's Dubnobasswithmyheadman. Just... how?

>> No.8760891

Some people are able to afford (and prefer) to own the actual thing. Cope faggot.

>> No.8760908
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Hey jannie I made this OC specifically for this thread and you accidently deleted it. So here it is again.

>> No.8760948
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If you want to piss him off it's funnier to just post pics like this

>> No.8760975

I don't want to piss anyone off, I made some OC, knowing well in advance what the state of this thread was going to be; shitposting, larping, blah blah jews etcetera, and tried to make light of what essentially is a garbage topic for a thread.
True to form half of the thread has been pruned and I copped a warning for "ironic shitposting", this thread is a fucking ironic shitpost.

>> No.8761000

>True to form half of the thread has been pruned
Yeah wtf. Fuck this guy why does he delete so many posts? Does he realize that all he's doing is annoying people and that the posts only upset him?

>> No.8761005 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8761012

Wojak is an meaningless unfunny unaesthetic drawing. At least onions wojaks can be humorous.

Is that the original wojak namefag from the "german language" spin off where they spoke english

>> No.8761013

The store in my hometown was based, very glad I got to spend lots of money there in the 2000s before retro blew up
>Pretty good inventory, consistent influx of old games, also got modern stuff.
>Priced very fairly, always at market. Cheap games are put on a rack, moderate to expensive games are in a display case
Best thing I got there was Gotcha Force in about 2013
Almost bought CIB copy of Diddy Kong Racing in 2009 and funny enough the thing is still sitting there
I visited recently and they're one of the two stores per state that Limited Run stocks, which was neat, but they feel a little more corporate now. They've opened a few more stores.

Current store is overall worse, but just chaotic enough to be interesting
>Half retro game store half toy store??
>Completely unbalanced inventory, huge stock of PS1 and PS2 games, very few SNES games, for example
>Prices are either inflated to fuck or insane deals. All NES/Genesis/SNES/N64 games are 1.5x to double market price
Best thing I found was Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance for $50, just sitting there. Also got a 32X for $30
Know both employees very well, chill guys, but the owner is a mystery man.
Has a massive boner for Mega Man and all Mega Man games are priced insanely high for no reason.

Local stores are fun, make good with the employees and visit often so you catch wind of good deals

>> No.8761073 [DELETED] 
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uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sure. LOL

>> No.8761108

Really reducing the sophistication of onions posting there

>> No.8761126

retro game stores can double as used game stores because even though it's 2020, plenty of local families will still own 6th-7th gen stuff and there is an endless churn of people selling consoles and games.

>> No.8761173

At this point, it's easy to find most games you want online but it's still fun to go in and look and buy stuff. I just want to support my local store. They also have hardware and one day I'm going to buy that chainsaw controller.

>> No.8761648

They have super metroid and final fantasy 3 right now. Godspeed

>> No.8761773

>walk into local retro store
>see extremely clean looking copy of Chrono Trigger behind the glass with no price tag
>quickly look it up on price charts, fuck that's expensive, eBay is absolute rape
>ask the man behind the counter if I can see it and what's it's price
>says he just got that one in yesterday and some guy dumped his entire collection that he needed to sticker
>he quotes price charts price rounded down was $140
>fuck that's alot but the cart looks really good
>inspect internals, all good
>reluctantly pay for it thinking I might return it

Now I regret not asking about other stuff that dude dumped.

>> No.8761807

Didn't you hear? Bono wants everyone to get his album! Even you!

>> No.8761816


I don't even remember which U2 album it was, but it was amazing the guy didn't even notice that U2 is not Underworld.

>> No.8762757

My local shop doesn't have any rare shit anymore because I keep trading hordes of shovelware I find at the local thrift stores for it all.

>> No.8762764

I dunno Anon, I'm kind of happy that all the shit I accumulated when I was younger that my mother insisted was worthless is actually worth something now.

>> No.8762797

I wonder if you're in my area.
>move to a new area
>hear a lot about a retro game shop online
>decide to check it out in person
>I see 5 or so people inside, go to walk in
>door is locked
>I call the location, someone picks up immediately and asks if I have an appointment
>say no
>tells to to make an appointment online and come back another time
>look up the place on Google Maps
>a lof of the reviews just say it's mostly a place for the owner just to show off his collection to his friends, not willing to sell anything unless you pay his insane markups and that the place really isn't open to the general public
>never want to go there

>> No.8762847
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>that yellowing

>> No.8762893

20 years ago maybe not now
arrest yourself homo

>> No.8763014

wait wtf
fucking jannies

good thing i saved it.
it honestly made me fuckin kek

>> No.8763127

Based, you're my idol.

>> No.8763131

Nobody gives a flying fuck about shop owners overhead. Not my fucking problem you're in a business where the product is rare and scarce. This is the shitty business you chose, and you're definitely not in it for the money.

>> No.8763198

They work and shouldn't be tossed aside just because of the color. Plus I REALLY wanted that Sakura Wars VMU...

>> No.8763208

Everything is retro, except the prices.

>> No.8763212

nah fuck that guy youre in the right for picking it up, id imagine the price altogether was justified by that pink VMU.

>> No.8763214

used game shops require 4 things.

1. Churn of consoles and games
2. Stream of new customers and referrals
3. low to cheap rent
4. a solid knowledge of pricing

most of them are inevitably going to fail.

>> No.8763230

The VMU actually sells for around $45ish. The seller is also selling a pair of negcons for $53. I felt stupid seeing that as I bought my single one for around $40 last December.

>> No.8763235

not bad.
VMUs are so comfy, i love having them. I went on a buying spree of them last year and ended up with i think 12. Including a transparent black, transparent blu VN one i forget the name of, and several jap.
Its a shame those little official storage cases are so expensive, wouldve loved to pick up several.

>> No.8763239

Same. I have a transparent blue and a 4x memory card prior to these, but I like having back ups. Plus I needed some extra controllers too, as I only had one.

>> No.8763282

i wonder if old reviews about The Game Place read like that

>> No.8763423

>in game store
>browsing around, just me and the owner in there
>suddenly a wild 10 year old appears
>immediately says to the lady behind the counter "I noticed you didn't have any reviews on Google maps. I'm here to review your store."
>me and the owner kinda look at each other befuddled
>kid is looking at some Genesis games
>says to the owner "I'm not sure if you noticed, there's some damage on some of these"
>I say to him "those are older than you, dude"
>he ignores me
>buy a game boy game and leave the shop owner with the kid
>two days later there's a very badly written Google review talking about how the games are dirty and the Pokemon card selection was bad

The store closed down a couple years back

>> No.8763426
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you're so cool dude you really showed that ten year old that really existed

>> No.8763435

Reseller scum looking for pity on /vr/, that's a new one.

>> No.8763467 [DELETED] 

well I'm so glad you asked. first dont fucking bother if they're prices are to high with classic shit, they always try to scalp people. in my area i think i got the last of the good shit before my local chain store started fucking their customers over but some reason they have a bunch of trannies,fags, and dumb girls who think they are kawaii desu working there and following the cult leader owner. but that was never the real problem, the real problem lies in the fact that they're trying to sell a copy of silent hill 2 which i had purchased back then in the store was 19.95 and now they are charging 170.00 as well as all the good vidya in the goddamn case why would anyone want to buy the vidya that's not in the case the rest of their shit is SHOVEL WARE. second don't bother with the store if they, like my local chain MAKE YOU SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT TO SELL THEM FUCKING VIDEO GAMES AS WELL AS NOT ACCEPTING CASH RETURNS. who in their right mind would ever shop their or give them any sort of support whatsoever and the fucking retards eat it up and buy their shitty merch.

but check it out anyway you never know what you might find.

>> No.8763471

I went to this place once,
the guy working there was trying to get me buy ratchet and clank size matters and told me "thats the one were you only play as ratchet and its multiplayer focus"
I tried to correct him that he must have been mistaken for deadlock, but he told me I was wrong
so all and all they got some cool stuff but the staff can be dumb

>> No.8763542

I would love to live in America where there's a retro store every 10 minute drive but then I remember I'd have to live in America

>> No.8764235
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This isn't reddit, go back

>> No.8764241

How rentfree

>> No.8764245

The retro stores near me are usually pretty overpriced, but you can occasionally get decent deals. Most of the stuff it at ebay prices, plus or minus a few dollars. I got a boxed dreamcast for $150, which wasn't too bad.

>> No.8765834

My local retro shop has tons of excellent games from all gens. I have a real job so I don't whine about their prices plus they're all free of stickers and sticker residue. I can tell they use Goo-Gone because of the smell.

Despite their wide selection most of their sales is from NPCs coming in to buy Nintendogs for DS.