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8752115 No.8752115 [Reply] [Original]

Which are some essential Zeldalikes?

>> No.8752126
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God of Thunder
You can get it on steam for free.


>> No.8752202

Valkyrie no Bouken

>> No.8752239
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crusader of centy

>> No.8752247
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quintet's soul series - soul blazer, secret of gaia (i personally hate this one), and terranigma (my favorite)

>> No.8752253

More like a Lololike desu

>> No.8752283
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Still haven't played it but holy shit does it look good. Golden Axe Warrior. Anyone beaten it? Did you like it?

>> No.8752297
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magic of scheherazade

>> No.8752303
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>> No.8752306

Why will this never get remastered or atleast exposed to a newwr audience, its a really good game.

>> No.8752317

It's on the Switch

>> No.8752356

It's a DOS classic

>> No.8752452

Need GBA sequel

>> No.8752480

Looks cute, I'll give it a go right away.

>> No.8752504
File: 1.66 MB, 1726x1560, alundra-ps1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8752602
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Damn is it brutal. Enemies have more invincibility frames than you do, some are faster than you are-- and I just started the game, so these are entry-level monsters. Most enemies in Zelda move on a 16x16 grid while Link moves on a 8x8 grid. In this game, everyone can move on a 8x8 grid which makes enemies harder to hit and counter (I like how the game handles collision with the background though, similarly to Bomberman). Enemies are not pushed back far enough when they get hit (and aren't pushed back during invincibility frames) so you have to back up as soon as you hit them or they'll rush you down. The hero raises his shield slowly, so it's also harder to counter an attack after swining your sword... I have the feeling animation frames are too often leaving you helpless for far too long. If you're coming from The Legend of Zelda, there's a lot you need to unlearn.

Just found a battle axe, which makes things a lot better... and it can chop down (most) bushes too. Until now it's decent.

>> No.8752765

It was on the NES Mini.
Problem is it was never released in Japan so it might as well not exist as far Nintendo is concerned.

>> No.8752785

Aside from having towns, it’s an enormous step down from Zelda 1. It’s like Sega played Zelda and copied it at the most superficial possible level.

>> No.8752960

There's one thing I'll give the game so far: the villagers are actually helpful and provide actual hints rather than elusive riddles. I'm early in, but so far there's no cryptic bullshit (well, except that I'm chopping down trees at random, and there was a secret mechanism behind a candle in the first dungeon I triggered by complete accident)

>> No.8753410

You found the secret candle. Congratulations, you’ve solved the only puzzle in Golden Axe Warrior. Get ready for the most boring items and hack and slash gameplay ever. You’re really better off playing Golden Axe.

>> No.8753437
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Similar gameplay, if much more linear than Zelda. And once you get the machete and shield, you never touch guns again.

>> No.8753581

Beyond Oasis

>> No.8753743
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Sometimes tempted to put in the annoying work to get a Playstation 1 emulator working so I can play Alundra again. How was Alundra 2?

Fuck yes Soul Blazer, and SNES emulators aren't painful to get working.

>> No.8753791

Gunmans Paradise on Sup Famicom.

Im playing it right now im on the 4th dungeon, and the gameplay is prrtty mich Zelda with a gun, but the way you progress thrpuhg the story ia pretty linear, no wandering around looking for hints, the gane just tella you where zo you need to go and you can just ezplore on your way to the next objective. Its fun but really easy and handholding.

>> No.8753801

>Gunman's Paradise
You mean Gunman's Proof?

>> No.8753821

Those are more like Ys than Zelda.

>> No.8753860

ahh yes, got confused with the title.

>> No.8753902

I played a bit of it. It was fun at first and I really wanted to like it. There's a good game under a layer of bullshit.
Enemies don't get knocked back like in Zelda so they'll end up walking into you when you try to get close enough to hit them.
Secrets are hidden under rocks which you need magic to reveal but you'll run out of magic in no time.
Inns are free at first but get more costly as you adventure out further.
Every time you die you lose money and restart with 3 hearts and 3 magic which puts you in a broke death spiral that's hard/annoying to get out of later in the game.

>> No.8753918

> the villagers are actually helpful and provide actual hints rather than elusive riddles

>> No.8753923

>annoying work to get a Playstation 1 emulator working
Haven't done this in ages but isn't it easy as shit to do just like with NES, SNES, Mega Drive and all that?

>> No.8753956

PS1 emulators used to be in plugin hell but now mednafen and duckstation fixed that. You still need to find a bios though.

>> No.8753981
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>Ctrl+F no Willow
come on my dudes its mandatory

>> No.8754203
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Golvellius - Valley of Doom (SMS)
Ax Battler: A Legend of Golden Axe (GG)
Rolan Curse 1/2 (GB)
Sylvan Tale (GG)
The Legend of Oasis (SS)
Shining Wisdom (SS)
Magic Knight Rayearth (SS)
Linkle Liver Story (SS)

>> No.8754558

Alundra 2 is a completely unrelated 3d game that I found mediocre. Some people insist that it rises to the level of average.

>> No.8754564
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alundra > dink smallwood > zelda

>> No.8754582

Great post on resetera on Sega's forays into this genre: https://www.resetera.com/threads/the-eleven-sega-%E2%80%9Czeldas%E2%80%9D-gifs.83360/

>> No.8754691


Thanks but i dont have pink hair nor a pink dress and a moustache.

>> No.8754702

Yet you post in a place where trans people live rent free in everyone's heads

>> No.8754719
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>> No.8754845

No Legacy of the Wizard?

>> No.8754850

Who the fuck would choose to play the Famicom versions of Ys I and II?

>> No.8754904

>Action RPGs

>> No.8754929
File: 1.82 MB, 1594x1001, GoldenAxeWarrior-SMS-EUcustom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As stated everytime Golden Axe Warrior appears in a /vr/ thread, it is much better than Zelda 1.Not only does it look beautiful, it has exploration, great gameplay and you only die like >>8753902 if you are a one handed drooling retard using its only hand to jerk off instead of playing the game.

>> No.8754963

Little Ninja Bros represent

>> No.8755109
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GAW suffers from being done with a bigger budget, but with SEGA quallity of its time.
So everything is poorly implemented or janky, which hurts a lot.

Its still worth playing, as its a experience. But its also the kind of game where you walk into a bossfight of some huge enemy, only for the actual battle to be about dying from contact damage.

>> No.8755116

is gud
fun dungeons

>> No.8755117

>anon plays GA Warrior for the first time
>has a hard time, nothing special because it's a Master System adventure game after all, no walk in the park
>gets called a one handed drooling retard
/vr/ is a harsh place

>> No.8755120

fuck i cant remember the TGFX-16 zelda ripoffs
there were two of em
theyre alright

>> No.8755128

tbf zelda was pretty harsh on newbies if you didnt know where to get the early hearts and the white sword. nowadays everyone knows so its trivial
if youve never played GA:W it will undoubtedly be a similar experience

they were trying to make an adventure game under seriously tight memory limitations
how else were they supposed to tell you that you arent supposed to be there yet?

>> No.8755130
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>> No.8755132

there it is

>> No.8755137

>the early hearts and the white sword
Silver tunic too

>> No.8755145

To me its a waste that they didn't channel any of the Conan atmosphere from Golden Axe. It's just Zelda.

>> No.8755149

Never heard of Valkyrie no Bouken or Kouryuu Densetsu, how are they?

Most of these aren't Zelda-likes though. Zelda isn't a RPG.

>> No.8755159

No, the list is actually correct, those are ARPGs. That's why Zelda 2 is on there and not Zelda 1

>> No.8755173

>Valkyrie no Bouken
that ones pretty cool desu
its all in moon tho so i have zero fucking clue what im doing 90% of the time in regards to getting new powerups and buying stuff

its like if zedla wasn shmup

>> No.8755261

Reading comprehesion

OP asked for Zelda-likes. Little Ninja Bros is Dragon Quest with real time brawler encounters.
It's a cool list but mostly off topic.

>> No.8755349

The original Famicom version of Valkyrie no Bouken was not a shmup.

>> No.8755440

im thinking of a PCE game where youre some girl with rabbit ears
its top down, you move forward and get upgrades to your sword/beam thing

is that a different game?
i know it was valkyrie no SOMETHIN

>> No.8755459

The sequel, Valkyrie no Densetsu

>> No.8755476

I'm the guy who was called a drooling retard. I spent time between dungeons exploring and found upgrades so I don't think that was the problem. This game copied the "you must pay for fixing my door" from Zelda so if you don't memorize where those are you'll be tight on money. And like I said before, late game inns aren't free so if you're broke you'll be forced to grind.

Also I guess I should have clarified that my "death spiral" happened when I was trying to beat certain bosses. I died a few times in the overworld sure but it wasn't a huge problem.
When you lose to a boss you can either leave the dungeon and run to an inn (which you might not be able to afford due to the death tax) or grind for health/money/magic. If you do that then the dungeon enemies completely respawn and you have to deal with those again.
Or you can bash your head against the wall and keep retrying the boss with low health.
I've heard people say the bosses are easy so maybe I am just retarded.

>> No.8755496

lol idk i wouldnt take it personal
its a SMS adventure game
if they wanted you to just beat it ez 1st try gg then it wouldve been a pretty shit adventure game

the zelda comparison was just an ex of a game thats trivially ez once youve already beaten it, but actually rather unforgiving the first go around

>> No.8755553

This is the first thing I noticed as well.

>> No.8756079

Went back another hour to Golden Axe Warrior but that's certainly where it ends for me.
>Lol, you died again.
Back to the last checkpoint, only three hearts filled, only three potions filled. You COULD sleep at the inn and get all that back, but it costs money and you already lost about 30% of your currency when you died. Because fuck you. You have to grind for money, it doesn't come by easy and everything is expensive as fuck... but you can lose a shitload of it in no time: if you die, enter the wrong cavern, of fall into a pit dug by one of these fucking enemies in the desert. Monsters can deal two hearts of damage. Or one. Or half. Or a quarter, a tenth, or any combination of any of these. Might as well have been using numbers rather than heart units because they make absolutely zero sense. I kind of want to like the game, but it just gets so many things ever so slightly wrong it feels sloppy.

>> No.8756097

i thought i was looking at modded nes zelda for a full minute

>> No.8756110

I'm going to play Golden Axe Warrior tomorrow

>> No.8756195

and thats a good thing, heres why:

>> No.8756210

elden ring

>> No.8757369

The next time you post about this game your mother will die in her sleep.

>> No.8757393

LOZ is already the jankyest game ever

>> No.8757397
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Deadly Towers

>> No.8757541

Shitty controls, slow movement and attack speeds, only allows one shot on the screen at a time, gargantuan maps that are 95% empty, huge hidden areas that are mostly dead ends, expensive items with no clue about what they do, basic enemies take 9001 hits to kill, invisible enemies, enemies that spawn directly on top of your character, and they didn't call it "Hell's Bells".

I can slightly respect their ambition in making such a colossal game on the NES, but almost all of that game is filled with irritating shit.

>> No.8757624

still had fun with it, maybe i just like cryptic hard bullshit games