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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8748741 No.8748741 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>8738969

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake Trilogy (2020-11): https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more):
More /vr/ shooters:
Doom Shovelware:
Fileplanet archives:
Doom RPG series:
Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):


Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.8748759

Download it here

Beta thread
Current release

=== NEWS ===

[03-24] Wadazine extras debut

[03-21] Doom 64 Revenant is done

[03-18] Huge collection of converted textures for Serious Sam mapping

[03-18] Deus Vult II confirmed still in the works, targetting Doom's 30th anniversary for E1 release

[03-13] Quake 2 hi-res pack final release

[03-12] Powerslave patch and editor released
https://twitter.com/SVKaiser/status/1502729607363051522 (embed)

[03-07] Q3Rally v0.4 released

[03-05] Elementalism Phase 1 released

[03-04] Chocolate Descent gets a beta release

[03-03] Anon finishes The 10x10 Project

[03-03] Underground Dungeon begins Serious Sam TSE mapping jam

[03-03] John Romero releases a new WAD

[03-02] LOLAttack: every monster uses every attack

[03-01] DBP45: Vrack Botanicals is out now

=== PREVIOUS ===


>> No.8748775

Who keeps leaving all these chainsaws around? UAC really needs to manage their shipments better.

>> No.8748797

I know right? I basically have to tiptoe around them, it's getting ridiculous.

>> No.8748814 [DELETED] 

what do you even need a chainsaw for in a Phobos? to cut all the trees in the deserted moon? why even them lying around? taking valuable inventory space

>> No.8748816

>tiptoe around chainsaw
>run into (uncovered) radioactive waste barrel instead
Working here sucks ass.

>> No.8748819

what do you even need a chainsaw for in Phobos? to cut all the trees in the deserted moon? why even have them lying around? taking valuable inventory space

>> No.8748826
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bro your radsuit???
I know, right? The only use I've found for these chainsaws is opening locked doors with them. What's upper management going to do about it? I got a chainsaw in my hands.

>> No.8748830

>bro your radsuit???
Not that anon but it probably got torn up by the fucking blades of all the chainsaws lying around. Fucking bullshit

>> No.8748848

Doesn't DSDA give Fist it's own key, so you don't have to pull the chainsaw?

>> No.8748858

you have a fist key, but as far as i'm aware it doubles as chainsaw/fist. having a dedicated fist-only key would be amazing though. however i have the feeling that would be a bit too close to cheating

>> No.8748871
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>> No.8748873

I don't think so, because that would cause desyncs on demo playback. How are you going to playback a demo from a player that instantly switches to fists when they have a chainsaw? A task that would be impossible in other accurate sourceports?

>> No.8748874

it would be great for casul play, maybe an option in a more kitchen sink port like gz, but for dsda, a port literally named after speedrun demos, having a shortcut that could shave off precious seconds and break the uniform ruleset used by decades of demos would be a big no-no

>> No.8748893

say what you will about the chainsaw, but there's a gutteral feeling of comedy but also disquiet when a map slaps down like 5 chainsaws, preferrably directly next to each other
Like it's so fucking wrong it wraps back around to being a laff

>> No.8748896
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The solution?

>> No.8748902
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I like the way you think

>> No.8748908

>but affected by berzerk

>> No.8748938

skillsaw (haha) already figured this out with Heartland.

The solution is to replace the chainsaw with a fucking axe, and make the axe benefit from zerk. I can't believe it hasn't caught on yet.

>> No.8748940

I've done all kinds of shit with chainsaw replacements. Usually I treat it as a wild card item within my mods: Something that's nice to have but not necessary, seeing as some WADs don't even put chainsaws in them. Though I make it a point to make the starting weapons good.

>> No.8748948

An axe does make more sense, especially if it's some emergency fireman's axe. You'd definitely see that as an "break glass in case of emergency" option in the UAC labs.

>> No.8748956

Well maybe he shouldn't have made it exclusive to a meme port then

>> No.8748972

What makes the axe so special?
>make the axe benefit from zerk
So the fists become just as pointless as the pistol?

>> No.8748975

First you use fists.
Then you find axe and use axe
If you find zerk, use zerkaxe

Then in another map
First you use fists
You find zerk, use fist zerk
No axe? No problem, just fistzerk

>> No.8748981

what use does an axe have on a space base on mars? the thing is made out of metal and there's not a lot of trees around there.

>> No.8748983

just imagine all those demons invading your workplace are walking trees just waiting to be chopped down

>> No.8748985

nigga a fireman's axe, for fireman stuff
hack through doors
hack through walls
hack through piles of burnt shit
hack through gay science cables
hack through crate mazes

>> No.8748998

fireman's axe doesn't melt steel beams tho

>> No.8749010

that's what UAC was working on

>> No.8749034

UAC did 9/11

>> No.8749038

But the current hierarchy has you using your firsts until you find a chainsaw, and chainsaw until you find a berserk pack.
With that, there's never a reason to go back to regular fists once you have an axe.

>> No.8749042

That's where you're wrong. The current hierarchy has you using fists always. You never pull out the chainsaw unless you want to take damage.

And of course you would never go back to fists when you have an axe, it's a straight upgrade. This is reinforced by the fact that zerk affects the axe.

Zerk not affecting the chainsaw means that it's even more useless than it otherwise would be

>> No.8749047

>Doomwiki says chaingun is 525 shots per minute
>shotgun is 56.8 shots per minute
With it being 7 pellets per shot that’s about ~397 pellets per minute, right?

>> No.8749071

>So the fists become just as pointless as the pistol?
That’s pretty much what he’s affirming here:
>Then you find axe and use axe
>If you find zerk, use zerkaxe
I think he’s also assuming pistol starts.

>> No.8749081

balance master here
make the chainsaw not a separate weapon but an alt-fire for the fists when you pick it up

>> No.8749085

I've seen wood paneling on Deimos, so I assume that they maybe get used for some carpentry?

>> No.8749089

Wouldn't that be solved by complevels?

>> No.8749093

>I've seen wood paneling on Deimos, so I assume that they maybe get used for some carpentry?
Chopping down those weird trees I imagine. Do they only start popping up in episode 2 or were there some in Knee Deep?

>> No.8749095

>otherwise would be
bruh each chainsaw hit is the same damage as a punch, if it had zerk each individual damage tick would be a full zerk punch as well
that's not "otherwise useless" that's "breaking the entire game by giving you a pocket double barreled BFG"

>> No.8749141

What are some good megawads/pwads that use Dehacked to change the gameplay? I want something close to vanilla but not too far away from it. Examples that come to my mind are Valiant, Rowdy Rudy and STRAIN.

>> No.8749184

>You never pull out the chainsaw unless you want to take damage.
Unless you're playing GZDoom and the chainsaw 100% stunlocks pinkies.

>> No.8749189

insofar as making things look and sound nice, dsda should be the same as preceding prboom builds right? I'm not familiar with either but there's more discussion around prboom+ since dsda is newer
on a related note, is there a way to get opengl to look nicer? gzdoom had some ok hardware lighting settings once you scraped the chickenshit and vaseline off but this seems more barebones in that department

>> No.8749206

what level of tism do you have to be on to ever prefer using the basic fists for any combat
that's like 8 punch n dodges for each pinky assuming (impossibly) you roll max damage for every last hit

>> No.8749223

You never punch unless you have zerk
You never use the chainsaw, full stop

>> No.8749224

The port of choice has no impact on pain chance. GZDoom only makes it easier to chainsaw enemies by changing the hit detection to allow you to chainsaw mancubi etc

>> No.8749230

Talking about GZDoom might as well be talking about a different game when it comes to game mechanics.

>> No.8749235

I think you're not understanding what I'm saying

>> No.8749245

DSDA-Doom IS PrBoom+. DSDA is a fork of PrBoom+ 2.6 with some extra code added, like to give it a rewind ability, and the new complevel mbf21.

For OpenGL, look around the options for the OpenGL settings, and test out the Sector Light Modes. "Shaders" looks almost just like software, including diminishing light, but there is no palette swap or whatever it's called, so things maintain their "true" color.

>> No.8749250

There's no known way to render Doom correctly in hardware, evidenced by the fact that GZDoom has five thousand lighting modes and they all look wrong. I just took the softwarepill and I'll never look back

>> No.8749251

Shaders does that? Looked almost like fullbright, this might just be a gamma issue I'm overthinking then

>> No.8749257

To give a more specific answer, for those who don't know:
>a monster's cross-section, rather than its bounding box, is used to check for hitscan impacts; this makes melee attacks unlikely to hit very wide monsters like the mancubus, spiderdemon, and arachnotron.

I dunno why pinkies can easily kill the spiderdemon, though. I suppose they can just attack the box

>> No.8749258

DSDA Doom's "Shaders" mode is objectively the best. You get the absolute closest to the software look while also getting the performance benefits from using hardware acceleration.

>> No.8749262

F11 is the gamma toggle.

>> No.8749263

You can get it to be decently close to a less crunchy software by setting it to the software lighting profile and messing with brightness and contrast
Good for potatos that need that dank hardware acceleration to run fancier maps comfortably
Really I've played the originals in chocolate/crispy respectively and never felt any issue visually, but I do still appreciate smoother lighting of hardware

>> No.8749264

>this might just be a gamma issue
I just set up DSDA doom again and yeah, the default gamma in OpenGL was set really high for some reason.

>> No.8749267

>pistol start map
>only weapon is a chainsaw
>must get through numerous pinkies in a conveniently tight corridor to prevent flanking
>pistol a couple then run out of ammo
>accept death, as the only halal melee is zerk

>> No.8749269

Please find me a map that does this specific scenario, I've literally never ran into anything of the sort.

>> No.8749270

>You never use the chainsaw, full stop
It falls to the wayside during continuous play like the shotgun and plasma rifle.

>> No.8749272

Doesn't Going Down have a map early on that does exactly this?

>> No.8749273

It depends on the map. I generally leave it in software mode for the mood, but for the gorgeous maps like Preacher.wad, I use OpenGL. Also, very fleshy, like Going Down map21, look terrible in software mode because the way the palette changes the colors

>> No.8749275

you can just...punch the pinkies and step out so you don't get hit
the chainsaw guarantees that you're going to get hit and die with enough time and pinkies
plasma rifle and shotgun remains relevant even in >continuous, what are you talking about?
i don't remember anything of the sort and i UV Max'd Going Down

>> No.8749276

thanks lads, it was on like 8 for some reason, bumping it to 1 and it looks pretty alright

>> No.8749280
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Speaking of DSDA Doom, I seem to have acquired this weird issue where all sound effects are super high pitched. This happened out of nowhere after not playing on the port for a while. I didn't touch any settings within DSDA for this to happen so idk what's going on.

>> No.8749284

>plasma rifle and shotgun remains relevant even in continuous-
Not with a super shotgun, chaingun, or BFG. They’re as niche as the chainsaw at that point.

>> No.8749285

Toggle Windows Sonic in your options menu

>> No.8749286

that was exactly what I had in mind
crawl space, map03

>> No.8749287
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>> No.8749289

>you can just...punch the pinkies and step out so you don't get hit
this takes theoretical minimum 8 hits per pinky, impossible with doom rng, and is more likely to reach 15+, any time you back up gives them a window to close in
even if you're a tyson god they will eventually back you into a corner and it'll take like half an hour either way
saying the fist is more viable in a situation engineered specifically for chainsaw use by a very skilled mapper is actually reaching rainman levels of autism

>> No.8749293

That fixed it, thanks. Must have changed whenever I tried out a new set of headphones that I eventually returned.

>> No.8749296

just loaded up GD MAP03 and saw what you mean. I stand corrected, chainsaw is used in that very specific scenario and nowhere else

>> No.8749298
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oh my fuck

>> No.8749317

>the chainsaw guarantees that you're going to get hit and die with enough time and pinkies
What exactly are the chances of you getting bit while chainsawing a pinky?

Pain state lasts 4 frames
Pain chance is 180/256 (we'll round to 0.7 or 70%)
Bite animation lasts 16 frames before you get bit
Chainsaw attacks every 2 frames

You have a 30% chance to not pain chance, and you need to miss 7 or 8 times (depending on timing), so (0.3)^7, or, in other words:
At worst, you have a 0.02% chance to get bitten while chainsawing pinkies, assuming 100% of your attacks hit

What is more likely the case, and what happens to me, is that the flawed hit detection causes your chainsaw to whiff, and you get bitten

>> No.8749320

to be fair chaingun has a solid niche as a disposable ammo trash control when you want to keep your more useful ammo types and the premier sniper rifle of doom

>> No.8749323

A fun thing you can try is hopping on top of cacos and aiming down at them with the chainsaw. I actually can't remember if I was playing a mod or not when I did this, but it should do something really neat.

>> No.8749326

I didn't say it had anything to do with pain chance. I just said pinkies get stunlocked by chainsaw in GZDoom, and that's true, whatever the reason.
True, but, oh well.

>> No.8749328

there's been a helium leak at the UAC labs

>> No.8749336

I agree, it also overwrites most of the usefulness of the regular shotty. In hindsight I worded that post in a weird way: I’m not saying that the chaingun, super shotgun, or BFG are useless. I’m saying they invalidate the need to use the plasma gun and regular shotgun in a typical continuous playthrough.

>> No.8749337

>and the chainsaw 100% stunlocks pinkies
It doesn't, you still have to mind a possible bite.

>> No.8749342

You can do that, but Cacos can bite too, and they bite quite a lot harder than Pinkies do, fuckers are all mouth.

>> No.8749343
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>> No.8749354

>Quake 1
>Timmy Smillits started ruining IDsoft starting with Quake 1
>is now ruining everything from 3DRealms
It all makes a terrible sort of sense.

>> No.8749362

In my experience that almost never happens when 1v1ing a pinkie. So maybe it's 95%. But maybe it's different on Nightmare? I don't know.

>> No.8749364

Apparently the expansion will have like 13 levels. Which is like 2/3rd of the actual game. So i dont mind waiting a bit longer.

>> No.8749367


>> No.8749379

It will never happen if you back up slightly while sawing.

>> No.8749392

nightmare makes the saw as useless as the autismo makes it out to be, as its primary targets are now coked up to their eyeballs and bite in half(?) the frames and time sensitive zerk switching is more of a reality

>> No.8749395

Heartland, although it uses some advanced Eternity features

>> No.8749398

Not only do they bite twice as fast, but the duration of the pain state is halved as well, meaning you gon' get bit

>> No.8749407

-Fast / Nightmare will cut the durations of the animations of pinkies/spectres in half, so they do everything twice as fast. IIRC, in MBF21 you can pick and choose which states you want to be sped up in -fast mode for your custom enemies

>> No.8749410

Never. Every 3DR project is delayed indefinitely.
Just be happy they didn't go "early access" with this too.

>> No.8749416

me with gmota.

>> No.8749419

Can this apply to projectiles as well? Because the Satyr and Gargoyle projectiles seem like they don't go any faster on -fast.

>> No.8749434
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Absolutely low test. Gonna make a chainsaw map just for you.

>> No.8749436

I forget what makes projectiles go faster on -fast, whether that is hard-coded behavior, or if it can be tinkered with in Dehacked like frame durations can. I think you can pick and choose what projectiles get sped up, and by how much, using the new MBF21 dehacked stuff. The Garg and Satyr projectiles already move as quickly as Nightmare imp/baron projectiles, so the decision to not speed them up further was intentional

>> No.8749438

I'm not sure why you would bother, I just wouldn't play it. I'd much rather Tysoning shit, that's actually fun and high test.

>> No.8749442

Based as fuck.
>uses that strap to climb the chain
Such a zany turn after Evil Dead 2.

>> No.8749448

But I never gave a release date.

>> No.8749450
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Karnak my beloved

>> No.8749460

Are there any promising games on the horizon?

>> No.8749468

Despite its flat environments, Serious Sam looks really good.

>> No.8749490


>> No.8749506

Recently replayed it, kino
Time to replay """s*rious sam""" 2

>> No.8749537
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>> No.8749540

I'm going fucking mad, what's the name of the well known duel map pack/wad, that has THE duel map, you know the one, with the music.

>> No.8749545
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>> No.8749548


>> No.8749552

>chainsaw probably great
Well, that settles it.

>> No.8749560

Godspeed you serious bastard

>> No.8749575

>damage using chainsaw probably great
Taking damage is a good thing confirmed

>> No.8749581

You gotta break a few eggs to kill everybody! Or... something.

>> No.8749597

People kept asking why the axe in rekkr wasn't affected by the berserk and the answer is because it would do the damage of like 4 ssg blasts in one shot.
I should've had a hatchet be the melee and a dual weilded something-else be the chainsaw replacement. That way I could just up the attack speed and keep zerk damage on both.
I could've also used the chainsaw attack as a secondary attack on another weapon then. So if you got up in someone's grill it would do extra damage. Ah well

>> No.8749606

“ye olde shooter” games? there’s some well on the horizon but i have no idea when they’re coming. age of hell, selaco, supplice, ion fury’s expansion, zero clue on an eta. ion fury and wrath are fucked with the 3DR nonsense at the moment.

>> No.8749610

It seems weird to me that people wanted the axe to be zerked when the fists had that three hit combo, I thought the balance there was fine and dandy.

>> No.8749612
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That's the one thanks
>tfw playing dwango5 on Skulltag on fucking dial up back in the day
idk why I bothered but it was still fun

>> No.8749614

How can I play Slight Mechanical Destruction mod for Quake 2? It runs with Yamagi, but doors and buttons do not work ( https://github.com/yquake2/slightmechanicaldestruction/issues/4 ). It doesn't run in vanilla. What do? It is a pity, because caverns intro level looks gorgeous. Any recommendations for other "modern" (non-brown, complex geometry) Q2 single player maps?

>> No.8749619

There's a specific KMQ2 DLL, probably easiest to DL that and try running it under KMQ2.

>> No.8749623
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Sam kinda needs those flat environments in order to play well. You can definitely give the enemies verticality like "turrets" and spawns at different elevations but Sam's playground needs to be somewhat level. And there's nothing too wrong with that as long as moving between each playground has verticality to spice things up.
Sam is in this weird spot where you can have both small enemy encounters and slaughter-tier fights that play out drastically different. The smaller fights definitely benefit from more verticality while the big arenas need a lot of flat, open space.

>> No.8749634

>Any recommendations for other "modern" (non-brown, complex geometry) Q2 single player maps?
For complex stuff, anything by Quakeulf(wolf?) will be nutty. Outer Outer Base, Ment Base, and Sonic Mayhem are a few.

>> No.8749661

So what makes Doom Builder the best mapping tool, according to the pastebin in the OP? I want to try making a pretty basic map and don't need anything super fancy, but if anyone has a quick pros and cons rundown of popular mapping software that'd be great.

>> No.8749696

It just has a really easy interface and automates a lot of the processes.

>> No.8749705

software render seems way more sharp (and like the original games) in gzdoom, is it normal for the hardware render to look more blurry by default?

>> No.8749707
File: 393 KB, 800x600, FRIDAY_NIGHT_FIREFIGHT_59_MOTHERFUCKERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FRIDAY NIGHT FIREFIGHT TIME! Tonight we're fragging on DMC Deathmatch MapPack from 2002. Connect with Zandronum and get some frags with us!

>> No.8749713

GZDoom has texture filtering turned on by default in the hardware mode

>> No.8749716
File: 2.92 MB, 1280x720, putting on doomguys glasses.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8749724

yeah thanks, texture filtering mode did it, now it's nice and sharp. was wondering why I had drunk vision at first.

>> No.8749740
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Nice picture in this wad.

>> No.8749752

>actually clicking on the back button instead of using Esc

>> No.8749769

>arsenal missing autistic final melee

>> No.8749815

server down?

>> No.8749818

Also down for me.

>> No.8749820

Who gives a shit.

>> No.8749821
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>> No.8749823
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It's up again. I have zero clue what would've caused this. FNF stuff?

>> No.8749830


>> No.8749831
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well I gtg anyways, thanks for the game

>> No.8749832

It just looks like the same shit except the vehicle which will probably control terribly. There is not enough charm in if to justify more.

I would prefer if they did a new build game. Or anything else really. But they are fucked anyway. I just hope new blood stuff comes out like gloomwood.

>> No.8749836

One Demonity

>> No.8749856

>doors and buttons do not work
Do you need to bind Use for them?

2) In your config file, bind a key to "+use". This is needed to operate certain computer terminals (a message will pop-up letting you know when you're near them), and can also be used to move any smaller crates you come across.

>> No.8749871

>It doesn't run in vanilla.
Readme says it's supposed to work in vanilla, but not in software mode. Yamagi's probably shitting itself over SMD using a modified Lazarus.

>> No.8749880
File: 263 KB, 800x1500, Arch Vile hot stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So hey, how do you change the color of the text in your user name on zandronum?

>> No.8749904
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what's with her wrists?

>> No.8749908
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Doom 3 vile

>> No.8749925
File: 409 KB, 2048x1297, Arch Style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it might be the only Doom 3 Arch Vile girl art ever made, honestly

>> No.8749945

Easy to use and reliable. Use Ultimate Doom Builder

>> No.8749947

The game certainly looks good, but it kind of all looks the same, I cant remember anything that stands out visually in TFE.

>> No.8749950
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are there any other archvile girls out there?

>> No.8749975

Other than the obvious answer of HDoom?

>> No.8749982

there was that one guy on tumblr with a fem vile character
did that one crash x doomguy comic where she takes off her helmet

>> No.8749990
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>> No.8749993
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Okay, looks like this mapset's no good.

>> No.8749995

I put up the server again, this time running Lazarus. I'm admittedly pretty fucking mad right now.

>> No.8750002
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goodness gracious
can somebody post the doomguy sweating reaction I don't have it saved

>> No.8750007
File: 138 KB, 317x206, booty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8750010
File: 100 KB, 250x250, Doom Sweatguy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8750013 [DELETED] 

cringe desu

>> No.8750017

Wait a sec I remember this guy. This is the argie dude that did art for /r6g/ back in the day. Neat.

I don't care for archvile lewds (ew), but at the very least I'm glad he's still around.

>> No.8750020

(Talking about the first link)

>> No.8750026
File: 7 KB, 467x79, r10VhtP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk how to do the really fancy colors other than these but when you type in zandro u put a '\c<color code letter>' without spacing before what you type so for example a yellow name would be "\cfname" (the '\cf' part would then dissappear and all text that comes after would appear that color)

>> No.8750027
File: 240 KB, 680x418, c72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Caco-Bro is a cool guy. He helped me with Kustam's visual design, and Revae refined it further.

>> No.8750034
File: 1.04 MB, 960x1280, 1628509650559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WOOOOOW! Is it really you? Omg, I've heard so much about you online. Can we get a quick selfie together?
>Say "relentless suffering!"

>> No.8750040

This webm is outdated. Menus don't look like that anymore. Would be cool if someone could remake it.

Also "None (Nearest Mipmap)" is the incorrect choice. It should be "None (Linear Mipmap)" IIRC

>> No.8750042

any good hud mods other than Peter's?

>> No.8750054

Reminder to pin the fucking server in doomseeker

>> No.8750056

playing Doom is fun

>> No.8750063

Give me a minute.

>> No.8750064

tb.h Hexen and Heretic *need* them because they're ugly
Doom doesn't need em and Quake just needs some saturation and contrast

>> No.8750075

i just killed shub-niggurath

>> No.8750082

good job anon, you beat the niggur

>> No.8750083

Am I seriously the only DOOM player who knows to slowly pull left as you chainsaw something? You'll never get bit.

>> No.8750089


>> No.8750094

>He doesn't know
I bet you also didn't realize that mashing B while catching pokemon would always result in a successful capture

>> No.8750101
File: 237 KB, 774x583, ds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did they mean by this?

>> No.8750102
File: 2.95 MB, 960x540, Replay_2022-03-25_20-34-53.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this? I threw a couple other tweaks in, but the extra time hurts the quality. Should I cut it down to just the filtering and light mode?

>> No.8750110
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x4374, textures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone tell me which one I should like more
Filtered < None (trillinear) < None (Nearest Mipmap) < None (Linear Mipmap) < None
seems to be de way, with the best 3 being pretty close.

>> No.8750126

ur only giving Pypsy ideas to work on D64 Archvile sprites.
do it, give her a HR giger hellish corset and ornamented skin

>> No.8750131
File: 552 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20220325_204838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mipmapping is what mitigates the noise that occurs on distant and repeating textures. There's little reason to not max it out to trilinear. Pic related is no mipmapping.

>> No.8750134
File: 813 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20220325_204848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Nearest Mipmap.

>> No.8750139
File: 817 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20220325_204856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is Trilinear Mipmap. The fence on the right shows the most noticeable difference from Nearest.

>> No.8750142

the fuzziness looks better to me but I think it's because I've been playing more recent games with no antialiasing because so many AA methods are so blurry lmao

Is there any benefit to forcing Anisotrophic 16x in your graphics card software instead of Trilinear, or is there no reason for more than Trilinear in Doom graphics?

>> No.8750143

wait disregard the anisotrophic bit. I forgot it is right there in the options and clearly don't know wtf Trilinear is

>> No.8750145

I guess because it just ends up being a side grade or obsolete to the fists when you get the zerk. Not sure which has a higher dps actually. Probably fists.

>> No.8750146
File: 34 KB, 680x512, FAOLXY-WQAI7AAq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is the year 2022.
You will have an Avali Skin and you will like it.
(I'm not a tosser and won't post mine unless people want that hideous fat fuck)

>> No.8750147

I would say just limit it to the texture filtering. I always recommend the lighting change, the HUD aspect ratio correction, and the sprite billboards to X/Y to avoid paper items too. But I do it separately

Alternatively, you can do it all in one take, but at least add white text or something at the side saying what you're currently doing so people know what it is you're recommending

Also would recommend None (Linear Mipmap) over None (Trilinear)

None (Linear Mipmap) is the best one

>> No.8750148

>not a tosser

>> No.8750149

There's two of you nerds?

>> No.8750163

Kegan has a little bit of knowledge on them.
Furthermore; they weren't "furry" until the idjets latched onto them with Starbound; They were originally created in Spore with far higher goals in mind but people keep injecting their fetish shit into it (only the vore makes sense ffs they're velociraptors, some birds and reptiles eat their prey alive.)

>> No.8750169

The core community's anguish at the "fetish injection" shit is also firmly embedded in the history.

They're a fairly interesting fictional species, somewhat similar to the Yautja/Predator; but unfortunately their reputation is stained by people only using it because they're horny.

They deserved far better than being used as a fucktoy and a lot of the original enjoyerbase despises every time their efforts to segue it from furry nonsense is shit all over.

Even RyuujinZer0 hates the fact of what they've become. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eXt3cBG1Ak

1 year ago (edited)
Q: "It's unclear how Ryuujin feels about his creation"
A: Screams internally "

>> No.8750171

what the fuck does any of this have to do with doom

>> No.8750176

One of the nerds that plays with the boys has an Avali skin. Though why this conversation was brought HERE into the threads is really fucking questionable, I don't think it belongs here.

>> No.8750184

Why do you have such a stick in your ass?

>> No.8750186

Don't care, furry shit

>> No.8750191

If I wanted to read about furry drama, I'd be browsing the other Doom communities.

>> No.8750194

LUL they're all the same

>> No.8750196
File: 551 KB, 720x1190, 1620405388279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have the picture of Daedolon from Hexen holding up a scroll with the text "one eighth of this bullshit has been comprehended" on the top? Can't find it anywhere.

>> No.8750198

The one in question doesn't even post here, he just joins our servers. This entire thing is nonsense.

>> No.8750201
File: 12 KB, 216x520, only one eighth of this bullshit has been comprehended.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8750203

It is. I don't know what that Anon is doing bringing it up here, but some people are just kinda oblivious like that.

>> No.8750209
File: 302 KB, 290x705, 1620259677037.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw misremembered the filename as part of the image
Regardless, thanks a ton Anon.

>> No.8750214
File: 97 KB, 1704x2463, ugglugg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8750218

I think the berserk amplifies the chainsaw in Samsara?

>> No.8750220

Shit's going in the /vr/skins bit; People might just as well know what the fuck's it is and why it's there.

>> No.8750227

>Eh Mortem

>> No.8750228


>> No.8750238
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, unfucking gzdoom defaults 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This'll be a more substantial effort, but I was thinking of making a webm for each individual change with a demonstration of what it affects. For the filtering, I think it should be apparent enough just looking at the menu and titlescreen art.

>> No.8750256

Not to be nitpicky, but I think you went very slow at first, and then very fast. I would advice keeping a consistent speed throughout

>> No.8750263

There's an eager beaver for sale near me for 75 bucks. If I didn't already have a chainsaw I'd pick it up.

>> No.8750264

Server killed, that was a nice 4 hour session. Not bad.
Look here for the new text colors. This is merged with Zandronum now.

>> No.8750275
File: 13 KB, 480x360, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8750293

Fuck this shit, seriously.

>> No.8750295

don't need huge resolutions for a giffum that 99% of viewers will watch in-line in the commnets
Also saves MBs

>> No.8750297

I have an "eager beaver", iykwim

>> No.8750308

Always archive the stuff you like, because nothing stays in the same spot forever.

>> No.8750310

The reference in Duke3D to that American mail terrorist was in bad taste.

>> No.8750318
File: 12 KB, 208x248, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fl3hh69.wav].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retard tries to delete thing off the internet
>It's already been archived in the same twitter thread
When will they learn?
So was like 50% of shadow warrior. Still love it to death though.

>> No.8750321

the faggot never expanded it to the other N64 FPS games
i wish some autist from this general could pick it up and expand it just for shits and giggles.

>> No.8750323
File: 208 KB, 385x400, 1478881295532.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that sound

>> No.8750326

btw https://github.com/Graslu/1964GEPD/releases/tag/latest

>> No.8750370
File: 138 KB, 512x384, homebler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why you little...

>> No.8750393

Which serious sams on steam am I supposed to play?

>> No.8750403

Serious Sam Classics: Revolution with the Xbox model pack on the workshop

>> No.8750432

The classic versions. I honestly recommend staying away from Revolution, at least for your first playthrough. There's just a lot of weird broken stuff going on with revolutions, not to mention the project was basically abandoned iirc. The only thing it's good for is easy multiplayer support, but the originals run perfectly fine on modern systems.

>> No.8750472

>not to mention the project was basically abandoned iirc.
Alligator Pit abandoned it, Croteam took over and put out bugfixes for Bright Island and shit. It's about as tended-to as Fusion.

>> No.8750513 [DELETED] 
File: 665 KB, 833x710, DaveOhsry-e1605820878899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post yfw you make millions selling mediocre corridor shooters to hyperactive childen under an obnoxious banner

>> No.8750519

Classic Versions don't have an overpowered Mini-Gun so that one.
Classic also has a broken tommygun after a certain amount of hours until it fixes itself withtin a certain amount of hours. Don't really know if there's a fix for that.

>> No.8750536

The tommygun is broken? I thought it was only the lasergun that had the weird overflow issue making it fire slower after a few hours of gameplay (before fixing itself after another hour or so).

>> No.8750542

Both have an overflow issue. Even the Biomech Minor's have issues too.

>> No.8750558

>Classic Versions don't have an overpowered Mini-Gun so that one.
IIRC Fusion brings the HD minigun back in line with the Classic minigun.

>> No.8750598

so when are we gonna get a snes doom sourceport so i can finally play it the way it was meant to be played on PC

>> No.8750616

I always thought a snes doom mod would be funny. essentially you need to remove rotations, have the monsters face player every look frame, speed up many of the states, import levels from a cart dump, change flats... what else.
It would be a fair bit of time put in to approximate what many consider to be impressive, but ultimately the worst port of the game. But a fun thought.

>> No.8750639
File: 136 KB, 576x260, Baratus with a gun 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet, thanks anons

>> No.8750645

thinking about it, history kinda repeated itself with the Switch version of 2016
much like SNES Doom, it's the worst version of the game but is still a really technically impressive port

>> No.8750646

You know this really reinforces how much Baratus looks like an action figure to me.

>> No.8750662

>not preserving HUD aspect ratio
lmao, even

>> No.8750730

is ancient ayys a good intermediate wad, I need something snappier and more colorful after the depressing marathon that was hellbound but I'm still gitting gud, not quite there yet

>> No.8750749
File: 300 KB, 1780x1031, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i must admit
i chuckled a bit

>> No.8750805

Yeah, also try Valiant if you haven't already.

>> No.8750908

He does have those He-Man lookin' legs

>> No.8750928

I found AA difficult but you can play on HMP

>> No.8750931
File: 151 KB, 1920x400, sector_light.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sector light: Doom
"Software" is the accurate mode. the only reasons to recommend "Doom" is if you want the guy to later whine about Sigil being too dark. or if you're on a version from 15 years ago.

>> No.8750936
File: 185 KB, 1280x800, renderer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

additionally, on renderers

>> No.8750938
File: 44 KB, 1200x730, 8FF85FF2-3210-456F-9D1F-3A2621CF757F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me when

>> No.8750950

still a week left, dingus

>> No.8750954
File: 57 KB, 612x565, 1643056285492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

played the first encounter for the first time this month and liked it, partway through the second encounter rn and don't like the platforming

>> No.8751059

The best thing is the SNES port was never planned, because id didn't think it was possible. Sculptured Software developed the port on their own and presented the final build to id, asking to release it. id's response was basically "how the fuck did you make this" and they gave them the greenlight.

>> No.8751072

It doesn't work in KMQ2 either. The Shield Control buttons don't do anything, and if you noclip past that then attempting to interact with the valve to shut off the steam in Main Bridge Control causes the game to crash.

>> No.8751095

>Ad Mortem in Canada Only
Every monster wears a thick winter coat, there are only white and gray flats and one level MUST be a Tim Horton's.

>> No.8751101

You're so retarded holy shit it hurts reading this

>> No.8751108
File: 137 KB, 800x1513, yyukiiiif9b71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does /vr/ feel about quake trampstamps?

>> No.8751118

any brand trampstamp is a red flag, but would bang because I'm no catch either

>> No.8751126
File: 211 KB, 2904x1999, eye colors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blue or yellow eyes? Before you suggest it, no, we can't have one of each, he mirrors a bunch of his frames.

I could seriously draw a sack on him for that frame. But I won't, because then I have to draw a cock on him for all of his rotations.

>> No.8751130

I think blue contrasts the pink horns better

>> No.8751132

rekkr? more like SHITTR

>> No.8751137

blue, easily
>no sack
fuck you coward, give us the cybie we deserve

>> No.8751142

I feel the Second Encounter gets much better after the first two levels, it feels like they split the demo level and filled the missing parts with boring filler.

>> No.8751146

Rekkr? I hardly know her!

>> No.8751201

Yellow is demonic, blue is baby

>> No.8751205

Some ideas are bouncing in my head.
Would MBF21 let me make a monster that resurrects indefinitely with delay? Like I'm playing with respawn but only for it?
Or better yet could I tie it to another monster being alive somehow?

>> No.8751224

They were supposed to get a shipment of mining drills but the company screwed up and sent them chainsaws instead

>> No.8751230

Zombieman turrets.

>> No.8751325

Blue looks dope, yellow is jarring
This better not be you, chop, it's a Plutonia mapset, don't overthink it

>> No.8751338

The fix is waiting another 68 minutes.

>> No.8751348

you mean chaingunners?

>> No.8751357

"Canadian Doom" sounds like a great idea for a Winter collab.

>> No.8751358

Boners throwing hockey sticks.

>> No.8751362

Zamboni Arachnotron

>> No.8751368

>Select Difficulty
>Eager Beaver
>Not too rough, eh?
>Hockey Hurting
>Day of the Rake

>> No.8751371

>Pinkies are just Canadian Geese

>> No.8751446
File: 239 KB, 800x600, SCREENSHOT SATURDAY BITCHES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8751459

When I downloaded Dimensions of the Past, it came with the Trent Reznor album Ghosts I-IV. So far it fits it pretty well. I wonder what music it was that made id hire him for Quake's music, or what inspired Nintendo to name those Super Mario World mini-bosses after him

>> No.8751496

Wouldn't Day of the Rap/ke be the Nightmare equivalent?

>> No.8751497

>Canadian Doom
>the wad has no maps because the demons couldn't afford the real estate

>> No.8751513

Idea: faster, scratchier, melee-only imps

>> No.8751530

how can i get colored blood on dsda doom?

>> No.8751532


>> No.8751539

yes, it's very good. just keep in mind there's no real difficulty curve, some of the hardest maps are in E1

>> No.8751562

>some of the hardest maps are in E1
thank you for reminding how much i fucking hate the cyberdemon in map05

>> No.8751587

Serious Sam is okay, I can't stand it sometimes, like I'm in Metropolis in TFE, I died near the end, these levels are just too long, this could easily have been split between two levels and from what I understand it was in the beta, why did they do this? Sometimes it really is just a slog

>> No.8751607

Are you not using autosaves?

>> No.8751621

the game isn't autosaving

should it be?

>> No.8751631

You can just listen to his 90s albums if you want to find out.

>> No.8751664

I think you can turn autosaves on in profile or game options.

>> No.8751689

Chopblock? More like chomp this cock lol

>> No.8751764

easily Blue beause that's the color of light that plutonium flashes when it becomes supercritical and bursts radiation

>> No.8751765

DOS and GZ on software renderer look almost exactly the same, only GZ seems darker. I'm actually really impressed.
True-color and software remove the software lighting; easily visible in these screenshots by looking at the ceiling

>> No.8751791
File: 441 KB, 780x480, dcdraft2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starting my 94 prots map. I said recently that it doesnt matter when chop releases texturepack but man was I wrong - stock plutonia textures suck major ass - it doesnt constrain my creativity that much it feels lacking in some basic stuff that most packs have. Then again I may just be spoiled after mapping exclusively for projects with shitload of new assets so this may teach me something

>> No.8751815

She's into that.

>> No.8751816

Can we do a whole sector-vehicle themed project?
Every map is a vehicle or has a load of sector vehicles?

>> No.8751819

Heartland would be impossible on ports other than eternity because of all horizontally moving platforms.

>> No.8751827

Struggle, Antaresian Relinquary, Mayan Mishap, Wormwood 3, Doom Zero

>> No.8751858

Hello fellow Doomers! Any tips for good vanilla-like Doom WADs/mods? I don't mind a few new weapons or monsters, but most WADs/mods only focus on looks and spamming as much monsters as possible which is annoying.

>> No.8751860

I wanted to do an airplane level that ends with the player crashing it, forcing a pistol start for the next map.

>> No.8751869 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 276x240, 685879_hdoomguy_hdoom-imp-blowjob-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh preferably for Doom 2 btw, can't live without the super shotty.

>> No.8751886

play the Favillesco episodes, there's 4 of them each all for doom 1

>> No.8751896

/ourboy/ quakewulf is going places

>> No.8751916

Anyone have any tricks to make Hellbound not run like shit (besides get a better PC)?
>inb4 muh retro, pls halp

>> No.8751920
File: 132 KB, 320x240, 320px-Hellbound_title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? You're having trouble running Hellbound, a wad from 2013? Are you using GZDoom? The set is limit removing, so you can run it in a limit removing port like PrBoom+ or DSDA and that will give you a huuuuge performance boost. If you still want to run those fancy mods (I understand, Final Doomer's Hellbound set is really good) then you can also try LZDoom.

>> No.8751927

Yeah there's a lot of platforming shenanigans in the first few levels. It should get better after that.

>> No.8751930
File: 558 KB, 1920x1080, Base Profile Screenshot 2022.03.26 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8751956

There's an alternative version of the with a somewhat scaled back map 29 iirc

>> No.8751962

*Of the wad

>> No.8751990


>> No.8752004

Why is it on the moon?

>> No.8752007

because it's on phobos silly

>> No.8752051

Not using ZDoom-derived port. They all slow down to a crawl on MAP29.
Yeah this sucks, ruined a walkthrough with Final Doomer Hellbound weapon set for me. I wonder if it's possible to convert those weapons to MBF21 with all/most of their features, so you could run it in something like dsda-doom.

It's the other way around actually. Alternative wad contains full map, while the optimised version is in full version.

>> No.8752160

I hate this event name so much I am seriously considering rebooting the entire thing just to change it.

>> No.8752167

My favorite part of old games is finding secrets, especially old first person games

Are there games for this feel? And not weird adventure games that force me to sit through a bunch of dumb cutscenes and Myst-style puzzles

>> No.8752173

Try this map for ZDoom, it's got 20,000 secrets for you to find

>> No.8752194

Serious Sam always has some of the best secrets

>> No.8752236

Give me a wad to play HD with.

>> No.8752248


>> No.8752250

touhou doom
memoirs of magic

>> No.8752271

Q2 shotgun feels off without the animations, but i kinda like the new ammo barrel.

i wish i could look into those textures.

>> No.8752298

That machine gun looks really weird. Must be the completely rectangular front sight.

>> No.8752327

I hear MAP03 is a bullbuster, which is funny because it's the easiest in the set on vanilla

>> No.8752354


>> No.8752372

Better option: Don't play HB... unless you like door combat and getting lost in repetitive maze-like layouts.

>> No.8752394

Doubling this suggestion.
Play all 4 Favillesco Episodes.
E1 has the best E1M8 replacement I've ever played.
E2 has some great maps.
AE1 is probably the best though.

>> No.8752425

I know, I was playing through Serious Sam again today, that's why I made the post lol

idk about 2 3 and 4 but TFE and TSE just have this way of making them feel really truly secret, because the levels are so massive you have to really think about where stuff might be, and there's nothing like the feeling of jumping around onto what you think is just level decoration and finding stuff

I might make a Doom or Quake level that's all just puzzles and stuff

https://youtu.be/PSzcoG7k2FI like one of my favorite games, Castle Master

What do you guys think?

>> No.8752478

probably, but "sorry" feels funnier, like what canadian ID would tell you before flipping on respawns and fast monsters

>> No.8752483

I think "Sorrey!" would be more appropriate.

>> No.8752487
File: 75 KB, 960x696, 1579097370919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I really wanted to enjoy the Quake 1 campaign, specially cause of how good the quake engine is. Only reason I really bothered beating it was cause of the movement and projectile weapons. The enemies themselves feels like a big step down from doom. Disappointed.

>> No.8752492

Use your rockets.

>> No.8752494


>> No.8752495

Every bestiary feels like a stepdown from doom desu.

>> No.8752552

>running stupid must crack
When a game ships with Denuvo.

>> No.8752553

I'm still in awe about how those fuckers managed to make Doom's enemies so fucking good.

The more amazing thing is how they didn't even understand the greatness of what they had designed. They were good in the original maps, sure, but it took decades and decades of mapmaking to show off just how much potential and synergies they had in so many different situations

>> No.8752560

cringe, never shill your shit here again

>> No.8752598

Blue makes him look friendly. Take that however you want.

>> No.8752609

Rockets count as projectile weapons.

>> No.8752613
File: 21 KB, 1394x753, map11_thinsecret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continuing from previous thread, some more issues I found during my playthrough of AD MORTEM v4

>MAP11: The Other Dario
This secret here is impossible to get, from what I can tell. It's a very thin sector that Doomguy just can't get into to tag it.

>> No.8752614

I might be wrong but it feels like they made some enemies more tankier so quad dmg would be valid.

>> No.8752624

This next one isn't an issue, but rather a question
>MAP14: Devil Garden
How the fuck do you get to the northeast island teleport? I looked everywhere and I didn't see anything. I found the teleporter on top of a pillar for the other secret, but the other one stumped me

>> No.8752650
File: 147 KB, 1024x768, 509816413802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you wad doesn't have a 90's style 3d render for the title pic, i ain't playin' it

>> No.8752661

fucked up, meant
>MAP13: Devil Garden

>> No.8752668

Not sure if should ask this here, but, does Dusk gets better after episode 1, I liked the ambient music, but, not sure if want to keep playing it.

>> No.8752669
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1080, 16025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the impression that a lot of people don't take into account how fast the shotguns are and how damaging the explosives can get compared to Doom.
My issue with the original campaign is it locks three enemies out of about 90% of the game: Dogs, grunts, and enforcers are only present at the start of each episode.
It stayed the same for me. I think the first episode was my favorite besides a few bits in the final one.

>> No.8752670

The next episodes are better, yes ,but if you don't already like the feel of the game then you probably aren't gonna get won over by some more monsters, maps, and cool visuals

>> No.8752685
File: 40 KB, 192x192, Animated_SS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking love the wolfenstein enemies,they are so corny

>> No.8752687


>> No.8752690

Draw a brown streak on that frame

>> No.8752696

Ion Fury has a shit ton of secrets in every map.

>> No.8752702
File: 21 KB, 250x250, +_19072ec009d9cc0ddbf06ed7252661cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Install bratwurst
>Hitscan Hell
Yes yes i know you can edit the settings,but making wolfenstein soldiers shoot imp fireballs looks weird as fuck,other mod that have nazis
>Brutal Wolfenstein

>> No.8752713

They have bullet projectiles, I thought. I haven't tried the newest version.

>> No.8752719

my reflexes are dogshit anon,also the latest update to brutal wolfenstein (5.5) make the bullets almost matrix tier of slow,its hilarious,the reworked episode 3 is nice and the new hitler boss is fun

>> No.8752723

>wolfenstein soldiers shoot imp fireballs looks weird as fuck
Experimental compact flammenwerfer.

>> No.8752741

Even GZDoom?

>> No.8752782
File: 160 KB, 1080x1079, 1647637301267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna remove recoil from a weapons mod and I dont know how to do it
its not being implemented via ACS
I dont know how the fuck to remove it manually from every weapon
mod is very simple doesnt even have reload nor an options menu
but I dont know what to touch Im afraid to break it
can someone please help me?

>> No.8752783

At the spawn point you'll see a switch sticking above the hedges on the left side. As soon as you kill the initial enemies and open up the courtyard area, the switch will get sucked below the ground but you can still press it.

>> No.8752784

well, what mod is it?

>> No.8752787

It becomes more frantic and arena based if that's what you wanna hear

>> No.8752794
File: 99 KB, 828x820, 1647636739495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this mod
I dont know enough of zdoom modding to remove recoil without breaking the whole thing
could you download it and take a look at it in SLADE and tell me what it is I have to change?

>> No.8752807

I downloaded and played this, fuck you

>> No.8752813

Looks like he's using A_setpitch for recoil forces, so it'd just a be a matter of checking every gun and searching for A_setpitch and stripping that shit out.

>> No.8752821
File: 187 KB, 1371x1193, Screenshot 2022-03-26 225436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so I just comment out A_setpitch under the fire section of every weapon?
I dont even know what setpitch even supposed to do
anyway, what about those 'zoomfactor' lines?
those dont influence recoil?
also I noticed 'Weapon Kickback' uptop as well, thats not recoil related either?

>> No.8752826
File: 121 KB, 384x687, IllustrationArchiegal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

batandy put up a thing asking for submissions for advertizing banner art and it got me doodling a bit.

>> No.8752829

Kickback works on the other end, i.e. how far an enemy can be pushed, so nevermind.

A_SetPitch, iirc really does change your pitch, i.e. makes you look up- or downwards.
Protip: You can always look the functions up in the ZDoom wiki, at least the action functions are very well documented.

>> No.8752830


>> No.8752831

set pitch is just that: it's altering your pitch, as in changing your vertical aim. In this case it pushes your view upwards to simulate recoil like that.
Zoomfactor is what causes that weird zoom in and out effect that happens when you fire guns and seems to be really popular in a lot of mods for some god forsaken reason, I personally hate it.
As for weapon.kickback, that alters how much the weapon pushes monsters back. That other anon is right: you can consult the ZDoom wiki for this stuff.

The katana animations in this mod upset me.

>> No.8752840

Oh that's fucking mean.

>> No.8752852
File: 165 KB, 1039x1039, 61193725_333443747556389_5076781789260631432_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok I commented out all the setpitch lines in all the weapons decorate files and recoil is gone
thanks a bunch

>> No.8752865
File: 38 KB, 500x375, 1369772016427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then post a happier cat.

>> No.8752868

Has someone made Cat Doom yet?

>> No.8752874
File: 219 KB, 1000x1000, 6335d87a-3a70-48da-bb12-0a303e633a47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No,but i saw this on my local CVS

>> No.8752878


>> No.8752879
File: 21 KB, 259x383, Cats_2019_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about cats doom?

>> No.8752909
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>Zoomfactor is what causes that weird zoom in and out effect that happens when you fire guns and seems to be really popular in a lot of mods for some god forsaken reason, I personally hate it.
oh so THATS what does that shit
fuck I hate it so much as well
its like if fucking guns WARPED timespace when fired or some fucking shit

>> No.8752912

the butthole. . .

>> No.8752914


>> No.8752921

where doomguy murders all those fucking freaks?

>> No.8752932


>> No.8752936
File: 3.54 MB, 1457x2064, da1398b4d40c58689b0eca3770ff4e8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hands of Necromancy is being made by a team of people from GZDoom and Heretic/Hexen community.
>A metroidvania fast paced dark fantasy fps.
>Release for soon, mid-2022.
the video has a bigger description of the game

>> No.8752949
File: 435 KB, 1576x2048, 1647967648719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any way to make crosshairs in gzdoom brighter and more visible?
dunno apply brightmaps to them or something anything that makes them more visible please

>> No.8752956

crosshairhealth 0
crosshaircolor ffffff
crosshairscale 1

>> No.8753014
File: 508 KB, 1600x1067, 1643097595330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zoomfactor is what causes that weird zoom in and out effect that happens when you fire guns and seems to be really popular in a lot of mods for some god forsaken reason, I personally hate it.
Why the fuck would you do this?

>> No.8753052

because it looks COOOOOOL

>> No.8753056
File: 43 KB, 480x479, 1479322837343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same reason why people have the camera swing up and down in unnatural ways with melee attacks in some FPS games and mods: They're dumb babies that don't know shit about what makes feedback good for weapons. Apparently when you fire a gun your eyes pop in and out of your skull, and when you swing a sword you obviously need to rear your head back and then bow forward when you swing it.

Yes I'm fucking mad.

>> No.8753072

Oh man, you haven't even played it yet. The code and visual aspects of the mod are jank as hell, yes, but the gameplay? It's a pile of shit!

>> No.8753076
File: 30 KB, 470x470, 1648241713313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Apparently when you fire a gun your eyes pop in and out of your skull,
made me splill my drink.
good one anon.

>> No.8753092

I fiddled with the weapons for only a short time so I can't pass judgement there. Other than there's too many guns, the explosive shells seem really strong, and the katana animations are really bad.

>> No.8753098

Somehow the Cat Imp and Gatodemons are the only ones without one.

>> No.8753106

Schism does this pitch and angle shit with Quietus and I hate it so much.

>> No.8753116

I agree! Some camera feedback is cool and all, but that ain't it.

>> No.8753119

I played this in deathmatch with I think the developers of the mod. Imagine if every gun was a long range SSG with splash damage.

>> No.8753124

I know. If memory serves right I've criticized the dev for pulling that shit with the swords and he defended it. The melee shit especially triggers me because I'm a fucking nerd and have experience with melee combat shit (SCA) and I can safely say a person's point of view doesn't fucking swing around like that when you're trying to hit someone with a melee weapon.

>> No.8753131

you know, I understand your point, but I don't mind how unrealistic this stuff if it makes me feel good when I shoot a gun, and a lot of the time this stuff does

>> No.8753138

I think there's a line between skewing realism for the sake of good feedback and then just having horrid feedback for weapons. Like I was griping about it earlier: It seems to be in vogue with trendy mods that follow in Brutal Doom's footsteps, and most shit found on Moddb

>> No.8753145
File: 14 KB, 320x200, TITLEPIC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scythe is the best babby's first wad imo.
I'm playing Sign of Torment, and it's pretty comfy on UV, so no need to play on HMP like other wads. I read the wad uses under-used Boom elements, which is an understatement. The wad is WEIRD. I never experienced anything like it so I'm enjoying it. All the silent teleporter shit on map04 got me lost and I skipped it but otherwise it's been good so far, and the music is enjoyable

>> No.8753172

How im supposed to install Hell 2 Pay?

>> No.8753173

lol don't care, ugly games

>> No.8753187

You don't need to anymore, ignore the DOS files and just load the wad into Crispy DOom

>> No.8753190

I did bring it up on ModDB recently and I guess it used to be worse. And then there's the thrust shit they do with a_recoil. Trying to melee one or more Barons in that mod is a hassle because they can just one-hit kill you if they grab you, and the thrusts bring you right back into that range. Or send you zooming right past them. And it's weird that Quietus is the only melee weapon that does this.

>> No.8753214
File: 1.21 MB, 1218x727, cacorun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you guys feel about Bagel Horde for SNS tomorrow?

>> No.8753262

wait, does dsda not have umap?

>> No.8753264
File: 44 KB, 950x474, qjl0poq1y7741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best looking idtech 1 games are ugly

>> No.8753265
File: 1.70 MB, 1855x832, meh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update of the map nobody is going to play, as usual.

>> No.8753267
File: 303 KB, 1024x768, DOOM0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8753270

If you post it here, I promise at least 1 person will play it.

>> No.8753271
File: 432 KB, 1024x768, DOOM0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8753301


>> No.8753341

Does 94 Protons have a story? It'd sure be a lot cooler if it did

People play random decades-old wads from the archive and post reviews on them on idgames all the time. Your wad could be one of those wads!

>> No.8753404

Doom's pistol would be a lot cooler if it worked like the modern Resident Evil guns. Shooting slowly causes it to deal crits, but firing quickly just does regular damage. Still keeps it as a kinda shitty starting gun because you can't mow down hordes with it, but it'll be more ammo efficient than the chaingun if you're able to afford the time between shots.

>> No.8753412

Post fun doom wads prick.

>> No.8753441

DBP 45

>> No.8753449
File: 438 KB, 1920x1080, image_2022-03-26_213213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pretty cool reoccurring design element: populate an area with monsters by using the Boom trick to make them rise out of pools of blood.

>> No.8753501

Is that exclusively a Boom trick? You can accomplish the same thing by just not texturing the walls around their pit.

>> No.8753516
File: 354 KB, 1794x1250, IMG_20220326_141208046~4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best duke maps? looking to get back into the game

>> No.8753534

In vanilla you can only make them pop-up instantaneously rather than displaying any rising animation

>> No.8753541
File: 117 KB, 400x378, rev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that m1 midi
anon you fucking delivered
thank you

>> No.8753542
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, 1641245076940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Duke Hard

>> No.8753601

Uh, you can stilll raise the floor to the next surface like normal?

>> No.8753625

You can. Only limitation I can think of is you'll see the blood flat rise up too.
Can you move a self referencing sector?

>> No.8753657

It probably will since it's divided into episodes. I don't think Chop's given his word on it though.

>> No.8753671
File: 1.03 MB, 1852x924, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if this is "classic styled" or "joe ilya" mapping

>> No.8753675

Looks fine. Not everything has to be elementalullancientalienstonia 5.

>> No.8753680

Doomguy lost all his fucking protons

>> No.8753695

Let's go full tarnsman's projectile hell and make the story completely retarded. Doomguy's protons were stolen and he has to take them back from the daemons (not demons,) lead by the detestable Dr. Proton, who has assumed a new form with the help of his latest invention, the Realm667 OC generator.
I'm too sober to write this shit.

>> No.8753709

>Does 94 Protons have a story?
Yes, actually.

>not Doomguy (he's just arrived on Phobos for his court martial, so 94 takes place at the same time as the first game)
>takes place in a futuristic Congo (the year is 20x4), which has in part actually developed a lot economically and socially, but some parts still haven't, and there's some class divide and political schism
>a civil war looms on the horizon, tensions picks up the pace and a movement analogous to the Simba Rebellion of the first Congo Crisis arises
>the Union Aerospace Corporation has some assets in directly affected areas, 94guy is part of an assembled mercenary group called 94 Commando (analogous to the real life 5 Commando who fought in the Congo Crisis, famous for rescuing many hostages and forming the basis for The Wild Geese film, also for being shameless thieves)
>94guy (You) is an adventure seeker, not strongly politically motivated, he just wants the action and to spend time only with men, with no women around (Fuckhead suggested this lmao, he said to let people interpret it as they will), the pay isn't really that good, his goal is the thrill of combat, the best thrill comes from strong opponents who fight hard
>on the othet hand, there's expenses to this kind of lifestyle so some theft happens in more urban and industrial warzones (94guy isn't a particularly moral person I guess)
>naturally Mr. Thrillseeker is drawn to the tumultuous situation in Central Africa, he's got some lowkey fame for some hostage rescues and and counter insurgency ops, so he'a among those selected for 94 Commando
>first order of business is to secure a large compound that hasn't communicated for days after requesting backup against a rebel siege

>> No.8753713

>UAC does not disclose the kinds of research happening there (guess what it is lol), only to secure any remaining science personnel, security personnel is considered expendable
>you arrive, and things are already ugly, but there's no rebels, only signs they've been there for battle, with no contact from site personnel
>as you eventually make it inside the walled off perimeters, gigantic green thunderbolts strike in the far distance (Some kind of orbital weapon strike maybe? Can't identify it)
>the lightning is around the city that makes up your base of operations, and recon checking it out makes note of red dots swarning over town, but it's far enough away that they can't make out what's going on, besides battle, judging by anti-air tracers

>> No.8753716

>the year is 20x4
might as well make it 2094

>> No.8753721

>a bigger issue at hand is recon saying a very large contingent of unidentifieds are congregating on the compound, as everyone is securing the compound and getting ready for a siege, green lightning strikes down right inside base perimeters
>only you and a couple of other dudes make it inside the interiors before automated security (deciding to now work) slams the front doors shut, with fierce combat and screaming erupting on the outside
>your lone option is to flee deeper into base and hope to endure as maybe backup arrives, or pray there's a leftover VTOL to escape with
>as you hurry in further, seeing signs of previous combat and human remains in various terrifying states, with according smells, you get separated from the rest of your group one by one, you hear people (and animals?!) get closer, someone or something gets the drop on you in the dark and tries to take you somewhere, you grapple free but lose your rifle and bandolier of 5.56mm magazines
>after running further, you're alone again, but likely not for long, you're gonna have to fight for your life very soon, and you're gonna need more than just your body armor, your fighting knife, and sidearm, if you're gonna have even remotely even odds
>you sought adventure, and now you're in the greatest adventure of your life, have you bit off more than you can chew? No, no way, you're getting out of here alive, the UAC can recover the base themselves, you've gotta look out for Numero Uno here

>> No.8753724

That's what is, I just wanted to use that goofy old thing about hiding the year as you'd see in Fist Of The North Star. I want to use the number 94 a lot.

>> No.8753729
File: 29 KB, 704x295, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still UAC
I was hoping this idea would come to fruition

>> No.8753732
File: 52 KB, 732x561, dg hot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, anon

>> No.8753742

>spend time only with men, with no women around (Fuckhead suggested this lmao, he said to let people interpret it as they will

94guy is big gay and this should be played with BaraDoom, got it.

>> No.8753748

Plutonia 2 takes place after Plutonia, which takes place after Doom and Doom 2. Meanwhile I'm thinking 94 Protons takes place concurrently with the first game, I guess as a prequel to Plutonia, somehow

It's based on a quote from one of the 5 Commando dudes.

>> No.8753757

I didn't really say anything about continuity, but alright.
also where would I get in touch with fuckhead

>> No.8753805

Uh, that's extremely slow and unsuitable since you can run up to and get melee'd by the monsters as they rise?

>> No.8753806

not just a map. Alien Armageddon is great. lots of good tweaks, additions and extra content.
I.E - the holoduke actually very well in AA, tripmines replaced with spider mines.

seconded. awesome mappack and duke is fun for pistol starting.

>> No.8753825

Yes, but it won't be touching sector around itself.

>> No.8753843
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>> No.8753907

Pale red.

I think there's a Cyberdemon sprite set out there where he actually has a dick, you could just adapt that.
Would be difficult to use it without hands though.

Consensus seems blue though.

No, Christ.

Oh yeah, Cherenkov Radiation/Ionizing Radiation, that's a neat thought.

I'll promise to hurry, I'm sorry this has dragged out.

I'll let him answer that himself.

You don't need to read it during gameplay, I'm just stuffing it in the README as context for some text crawls.

>> No.8753932
File: 95 KB, 630x1200, gayniggers from outer space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my story:
>The gayniggers stole Doomguy's protons and then Dr. Proton, the gayest gaynigger of the gayniggers, told Doomguy he was also a gaynigger
>Then Doomguy entered the gaynigger pit known as Realm667 to prove he's not a gaynigger by killing all the gayniggers

>> No.8753942

Do you nerds still use IRC? Or did that stop being cool? Where are all the modders hanging out now?

>> No.8753948
File: 912 KB, 630x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This user is high test.
The cool dudes have been scattered about. There's no real definitive /vr/ hangout anymore other than here.

>> No.8753961
File: 45 KB, 1855x259, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replying again to post this, because it puts it better than I can right now. For the record, we do have consistent servers with regulars now, but there's still no place where we meet outside of them.

>> No.8753990

Thanks for the info. For the record I came here because OOT source port just dropped, and people are hungrily digging into it and modding it, and it made me nostalgic for my #vr buds (and I wanted to see if any coolbois wanna come put guns and explosions in zelda)

>> No.8754030

Are there any good Ayy themed monster/weapon packs to go with Ancient Aliens mod?

>> No.8754039

I'd settle for an ayyvile and peyote berserk honestly, maybe a nice little health bonus reskin to look like a fancy clay bottle

>> No.8754054

final doomer has a weapon pack designed for that megawad.

>> No.8754071

>Doomguy lost all his fucking protons
This is unironically better than whatever >>8753709 is.

Here's a potential gimmick: instead of keys, you collect protons, and there are 94 protons in the whole megawad, so every level except one has three keys/protons

>> No.8754098

High Noon Drifter is fun for cowboy vs aliens.

>> No.8754201

>tnt pack replaces the saw with the ty device
>main mode is defence, reducing incoming damage to fuckall
>can now face all those fucking hitscanner rooms with maximum cheese
>anti hazard mode and flashlight for some reason, whatever we take it
this shit is busted but it might actually make evilution entertaining for once

>> No.8754232
File: 188 KB, 1080x1080, BfPEnGvBIeU34l_dXT7RdOhPN4kXAHpkBfaoAgX2qAI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does
>DamageFactor = X
mean on a custom difficulty defined in MAPINFO?
I wanna make it that you deal twice the damage but not take twice the damage because fastmonsters is also enabled on my custom difficulty
does DamageFactor scale ALL damage both the one you deal and you take?

>> No.8754247

DamageFactor is how much damage the player takes. I don't think there is a setting for how much damage monsters take, but what you can do instead is use MonsterHealth and multiply their health by 0.5, effectively making you deal double damage.

>> No.8754317
File: 136 KB, 1080x1080, 66491737_886218008425103_6973041889105025168_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks fren
another thing about custom difficulty in MAPINFO:
>SpawnFilter = Nightmare
make the monsters respawn by itself or simply spawn the default nightmare difficulty preset of monsters set by a map?
Im asking because I dont want respawning monsters

>> No.8754336
File: 193 KB, 1280x688, WG-KrugerFALa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I felt a backdrop like this was interesting because you can lean a lot on the kind of intense, no rules urban combat and jungle combat of such history, but since it's Doom, you make it about hell and demons, so it can be even more hardcore. I figure parallels to historical events like the Congo Crisis and Simba Rebellion (the latter which was interestingly stupid), and real historical mad lads such as Mike Hoare (a WW2 vet who decided being an accountant after the war was just 2boring), would make good flavoring.

Also, this is the ONE project I'm gonna head on /doom/ (at least for a very long time), you can very well put up with autistic geopolitics in the OPTIONAL flavor text, which is going to be essentially entirely absent in the game itself. If you want a simplified rundown of the plot, here:
>Adventure seeking 94guy finds a bigger adventure than he could ever imagine, maybe too big.
>94guy has to run and fight to survive.
>94guy actually ends up having a lot of fun, because there's no rules to fighting literal demons.
>Bloodlust sets in, 94guy is equal parts anxious yet thrilled to fight the most intense battles of his life, there's nobody to tell him he can't execute an enemy with a chainsaw, there's nobody to answer to.
>Actually finds some survivors eventually, they ask if he's willing to X or Y plot technobabble thing (ergo retrieve or break some important thing) if he finds it. He says sure.
>Anxiety is all gone now, it's all about the glory of unrestrained combat
>Looking for bigger and bigger groups and bigger and bigger monsters to best
>Never actually delirious or manic or anything, 94guy is as lucid as always, he just lives for the fighting
>In hell now.
>Some anxiety is coming back, because it's getting kind of fucked and weird now, but the combat is too exciting to care too much about it
>Find the biggest and baddest devil possible as the ultimate challenge
>Ends with note about 94guy going home to Earth to fight even more demons

>> No.8754348

SpawnFilter does the latter mate.

>> No.8754385

>Adventure seeking marine finds a bigger adventure than he could ever imagine, maybe too big.
I like the ide of this one sentence being the description in the .txt and the rest of the story is told in the intermission screens

>> No.8754387
File: 496 KB, 2048x2048, E7rjWL5VcAMal92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so does it make shit respawn or not?
should I stick with
>SpawnFilter = Hard

>> No.8754393

No, it doesn't make shit respawn. It just filters what monsters/items will spawn on whatever map you play this difficulty on. Basically nightmare = things that only spawn at difficulty level 5.

>> No.8754395

RespawnTime handles monster respawning. SpawnFilter just sets the spawnfilter. It probably doesn't matter whether you use Hard or Nightmare, because as far as I know only UDMF even has Nightmare spawn filters, and I couldn't name a single map that actually uses it.

>> No.8754413

I know people reverse engineered the beta BFG ages ago, but has any .wad put it to good use? I'd assume you'd need to buff it to make it feel as good as it's retail cousin.
There's something fun looking about unloading a bouncy christmas bukkake into a crowd of enemies

>> No.8754437
File: 1.04 MB, 1912x1046, zandronum_2015-06-19_02-48-14-23.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me maps similar to extermination day, surburb/mall type levels, realistic setting stuff

>> No.8754446 [SPOILER] 
File: 40 KB, 211x142, 1648379106960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can easily see a wad like this ending with a Terry trap.

>> No.8754456

Are people still mad at Ion Fury for that stupid OGAY thing?

>> No.8754463

There's Ashes 2063 and Ashes Afterglow, those are TC's but the mapping is superb, I would also recommend Lost Civilization and Lost Civilization 2, Going Down (a trip down a high rise gets crazier and more hellish as you go down floor by floor), Heartland, and AUGER ZENITH which is more futuristic/cyberpunk.

>> No.8754474

isn't joe ilya some brony retard whose maps are complete dogshit?

>> No.8754478

He is a brony retard, but his maps are better than 50% of 2048 units, ad mortem, and hffm maps.

>> No.8754481

He's definitely improved over the years, but he's not that good.

>> No.8754483

His maps are definitely better than, for example, maps 2, 4, 8, 14 16, 31, 32 of Ad Mortem.

>> No.8754526

I'm the "doomguy lost his protons" shitposter and I'm fine with that bigger storyline the other guy wrote. I don't see what's stopping us from having a mostly coherent story in the readme and then just having the occasional gag in the maps, besides.

>> No.8754538


>> No.8754552

Oh yeah, the Robocop TC also has cool city/industrial maps.

>> No.8754565
File: 60 KB, 573x1607, when you put the M193 in all the way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my goal. I'm open to people putting weird and out there Easter Eggs in their maps.

All I ask on that point is that they aren't some political or social message (of any kind), or some controversial or spicy meme, the former because I think people who have to signal their beliefs with all their works are pretty obnoxious, the latter because whenever this is finished and I post it on Doomworld, I don't want to have to deal with some crybully with no sense of humor going and bitching at the no-fun brigade and giving me lots of grief.
So pic related would be funny, but it'd be more trouble than it's worth.
Also I guess no explicit porn. Beyond that, if you used a custom asset to make the Easter Egg (which you'll be open to do, as long as you don't do shit like put a fucking 500 frame ANIMDEF 'video' in there), attribute where it's from or what it's made of, ergo you put a picture of your waifu in there or whatever, credit the artist.

If you REALLY wanted to just go balls to the walls, you could make some kind of addon patch which changes the Easter Egg or something, because then it's not my problem.

>> No.8754568
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x1278, tumblr_puqxmcxres1qh66wqo5_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GOD WHY OH WHY does every weapon and character mod have to be SO GODDAMN FUCKING BLOATED
why cant modders just keep things fucking SIMPLE
bloat and bloat and more fucking useless BLOAT

>> No.8754573
File: 8 KB, 202x249, NiggerGrumpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8754574

The only good mod that ever came out is Corruption Cards anyway.

>> No.8754640

You downloaded a Doom mod from Moddb, that's why.

>> No.8754648

>make a perfectly fine fps game
>add a black vignette to it, which you cannot turn off, that makes you feel like you have glaucoma when playing it

what did prodeus devs mean by this?

>> No.8754650

Moody, but the ceiling made entirely of lights gives 94 vibes.

>> No.8754656

After Doom has a destroyed city level

>> No.8754667

Question for my spanish speaking friends here. Did Arcades3d.net die? Did Eye Del Cul say something about the site or moving the wads elsewhere?

>> No.8754686
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1080, afterdoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loved going down and auger zenith will try lost civilzation next
oh yeah this is epic

>> No.8754732

Since it's from Hell 2 Pay, I would say that's justified.

>> No.8754752

I've only checked out the first level of Auger so far, but the music is dope and the setting is fantastic. I'm trying to find a cyborg monster pack to go with it.

>> No.8754768

Right here.

joe pls

>> No.8754787

What do you mean?

>> No.8754792

I'm on the Sacred Lands secret level in Serious Sam TFE

Almost at the end, I do love this game, it's just really great desu, the secrets are the best in maybe any FPS ever, just so obscure and hard to find, and really unexpected

>> No.8754796

A lot of mods suffer from cramming as much stuff as they possibly can into them. Shit like DoomExp and that Atom Rain Mod Anon brought to our attention recently. Rather than having any semblance of design like just simply asking "Does the addition of this weapon or mechanic add anything meaningful?" the mod dev instead just adds whatever that comes to mind, because obviously more guns to scroll through means the mod is better. Same thing with having more mechanics that aren't tied together in any way.

>> No.8754837

wait until you start playing TSE

>> No.8754857

I'm still proud of those portraits I did. They were a lot of fun to do.
I should do more one-off pixel art. The last one I did was the final rekkr screen.

>> No.8754861

yeah you should, and I'm still pretty grateful for that excellent art.

>> No.8754867

>Here's a potential gimmick: instead of keys, you collect protons, and there are 94 protons in the whole megawad, so every level except one has three keys/protons
Mario 64 style? 94 maps, all need a certain number of protons to open.

>> No.8754914
File: 169 KB, 668x797, WargrinSheet_A_Palleted[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone used NMN's Wargrin sprite in a wad before? I kind of want to use him in a project but don't want to crop and offset all of the images myself if someone's already done it. No I'm not Chopblock, don't worry.

>> No.8754919

Cancerous "humor" aside, Serious Sam 2 is actually better than I remember. My only complaint is the shitty shotguns, they're not satisfying to shoot.

>> No.8754926
File: 191 KB, 3217x3850, Dawn_of_Reality_map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dawn of Reality, which is a recreation of a real life city (Bytom, Poland).

>> No.8754947

Atom Rain isnt even THAT bloated.
Look at shit like Doom Incarnate.

>> No.8755018

He likes Tim's maps, so he's a certified retard and nothing by him holds any value.

>> No.8755021

The gameplay mod 'ironbound' uses these guys.

>> No.8755081

I really like that mod, the energy sword on altfire is pretty rad.

>> No.8755094
File: 260 KB, 620x349, Screenshot_Doom_20200514_200741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8755124

fucking kek
someone make this an actual mod

>> No.8755197

Doom and the Chimpmunks.
Even the pistol sounds like a balloon popping

>> No.8755297

The updates they did for SS2 last year bump that game up like 2 whole points

>> No.8755328

Holy shit, I live 20 kilometers from Bytom, gotta try this map someday

>> No.8755342

It looks good for an old game, too. Good, as in "hi-res" the actual style is a bit too cartoony and bright.

>> No.8755513

Say, since it's called 94 Protons of /vr/, should we put an emphasis on /vr/ music for maps, like picking various themes from classic SNES and Genesis shooters like Contra and Zero Wing (to name just very few), or should we strive to make the music more in line with the tone of the original Plutonia, less just reusing Doom 1 tracks, but more just a lot of slower and gloomier themes?

Optionally, do we just go with whatever fits our maps?

>> No.8755576

Just pick music you think fits the map dude. There's been four "of /vr/" projects and none of them tried to police music, so why should we do it now?

>> No.8755592

The FNF and SNS are nice, even if I can only get to them rarely. They're just barely off my schedule, generally.
That consistency is definitely key.

>> No.8755618
File: 2.89 MB, 532x300, doom64R.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best version of Doom 64? I've never played the original. I tried some version of it on PC like two years back but didn't care much for it and dropped it. Now I'm trying the Doom 64 Retribution recreation on GZDoom and I'm having more fun than I did then. I think the weapons have more oomph in this version but I was also a huge depressed faggot two years back so maybe that tainted the previous experience.

>> No.8755621

Bloody Steel

>> No.8755625

>What's the best version of Doom 64?
The new official port. It's $5 on gog or steam

>> No.8755665
File: 42 KB, 697x472, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8755671
File: 10 KB, 340x255, SOMEMONG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brad Carney (aka Carnevil)
>more like aka SOMEMONG
Why is the texture with his face called like this? And why it's so prominently used in terrywads?

>> No.8755673

Play Dakka,

>> No.8755674

and then he made wrack

>> No.8755678
File: 104 KB, 800x800, Time to show these freaks the meaning of Dakka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding this.

>> No.8755684
File: 2 KB, 163x62, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vr/ bros...

>> No.8755685

64 EX or Steam. EX is free and needs a D64 rom, Steam release has a more accurate intro.

>> No.8755715

The Steam release is also more accurate in that it takes your demon keys away on death.

>> No.8755720

>steam or gog
nope, just steam. i don’t think it has the unity port of doom, either.

>> No.8755727


>> No.8755739


>> No.8755753
File: 43 KB, 379x411, feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8755768
File: 337 KB, 500x548, darksydestalin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to create a "Community is Falling 4" in the simplistic design of 1&2, not that retarded RPG hub shit that 3 pulled, and it should definitely not be made by those unfunny faggots at Doomworld, because all they would do is create a giant circlejerk where they'd give handjobs to streamers and staff members. It should be about the rampant SJW faggotry, gestapo-tier administration, inability to manage a website, the broken idgames archive and so on. If anyone would step up to realize such a project, i'd glady start mapping like an idiot for it, don't know how to zscript though.

>> No.8755778
File: 110 KB, 466x492, 1424380444295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you could just make good content and disregard stupid shit. Shining a spotlight on that shit only helps them. Ignoring them isn't a magic bullet, the real strat is you ignore them AND just make really good shit.
Also why the fuck would you need Zscript for mapping?

>> No.8755780

>Also why the fuck would you need Zscript for mapping?
Because the previous ones had cutscenes?

>> No.8755782

Cutscenes have been made in maps for years anon, before the days of Zscript. That's what ACS is for.

>> No.8755785

>Also why the fuck would you need Zscript for mapping?
To make people like you mad

>> No.8755791
File: 6 KB, 300x300, I&#039;m confused, confusion makes me angry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not mad, I am confused.

>> No.8755809 [SPOILER] 
File: 230 KB, 438x387, 1648418041884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the real strat is you ignore them AND just make really good shit.
Yes, like by making memories with your fellow /vr/gins on Sunday Night Shitshow, starting in 6 minutes.

>> No.8755812

What are some decently challenging wads to play before trying sunlust?

>> No.8755813

Man imagine playing co-op with a bunch of dorks like that.

>> No.8755818

Imagine being the host of something like that. I bet he's real dorky and he also wears his shoes to bed, haha. Couldn't be me.

>> No.8755820

I know, right? What a bunch of fuckin' herbs.

>> No.8755823

I bet he wipes his ass going back to front. I bet he puts socks on before putting on his pants. I bet pours cereal first and THEN milk into his bowl.

>> No.8755836

Wait, one of these is not like the others...

>> No.8755837
File: 839 KB, 1920x1080, SUNDAY_NIGHT_SHITSHOW_57_MOTHERFUCKERS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IT'S TIME AGAIN FOR SUNDAY NIGHT SHITSHOW! Tonight we're blasting through DBP45: Vrack Botanicals, then we're gonna wash it down with some BAGEL HORDE! Connect with Zandronum and let's get the ball rolling!

>> No.8755936
File: 3.20 MB, 1920x1080, SUNDAY_NIGHT_SHITSHOW_57_5_MOTHERFUCKERS[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F7t7dxf.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAGEL TIME KIDDOS! Guess what? This is probably gonna crash but hey, I DON'T CARE!
Same IP, same port, LET'S GET GOING

>> No.8755938

>finished before anyone posted anything

>> No.8755947

>that audio
Just hitting me with nostalgia tonight, fucker.

>> No.8755948

lmao bane elemental

>> No.8755954

Bagel Horde isn't very fun.

>> No.8755967
File: 249 KB, 1024x768, HellToPay map15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's Duke 3D excuse for scrapping the space wandering elements when a literally 1996 megawad already did it fine?
>inb4 muh megadrive port
It doesn't count

>> No.8755982

Zandronum has encountered a problem and needs to close.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.

>> No.8755986

The Sky May be

>> No.8756016

lmao crashed

>> No.8756018

Nah, you did. The server's just fine.

>> No.8756060
File: 6 KB, 263x192, 1632047503597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost missed it

>> No.8756136

Because it was shitty and awkward when Hell 2 Pay did it? Cool concept but execution is dildos.

>> No.8756165
File: 1.45 MB, 233x291, 1401647545071.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8756182

What's not to understand? It's bagel time, it might crash, and I don't care.

>> No.8756196
File: 478 KB, 500x348, 1436762664816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gets a little weird when I become a bagel that mutates into a glazed donut that gets a diabeetus crate to fire potatoes at humans while they fire wilford brimley heads at me and there's another player that has a boombox that turns them into a badger talking about the cum zone and another player gets a boombox that turns them into a scientist with a recording of Yoda talking about cock and ball torture.

>> No.8756209

I too wonder this.

>> No.8756212

Sounds like we're finally living up to our name.

>> No.8756214

Is Eternity Engine supposed to take 15 seconds to make a save or is that just me

>> No.8756242

I wish the author included a manual for Bagel Horde. Zombie Horde is still great though.

>> No.8756256

That was something

>> No.8756257

that wasn't even a shit show. That was just incomprehensible and boring.

>> No.8756270
File: 594 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20220327_183137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude weed

>> No.8756339

Oh, I assumed it was OC because it was posted without context.

>> No.8756384

Does the Steam version of Doom 64 have full keyboard and mouse support? How does player movement handle? Does it feel wonky at all? Better than original?

>> No.8756405


>> No.8756414

Oh hi nepnep
Add this to your wad so you can make a toilet sector

>> No.8756417

I'm glad you've consistently captured me saying "Fug you Yholl"

>> No.8756479
File: 257 KB, 1117x678, 1643789279286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TerminusEst13 is 10x cuter than yholl AND yholl is U G L Y + smells bad (dumb).

>> No.8756517

>Does the Steam version of Doom 64 have full keyboard and mouse support?
>How does player movement handle? Does it feel wonky at all?
A bit slower and snappier than you might be used to in DOS Doom, but accurate to Doom 64.
>Better than original?
By sheer virtue of being fully playable in 60+ fps with M/KB and filtering optional, yes. My only complaint is the barrage of startup logos and the blue crosses on health items, but those aren't the devs' fault, and they're easy to fix yourself.

>> No.8756531

>Does the Steam version of Doom 64 have full keyboard and mouse support?
No, it's keyboard only, unless you happen to have an N64 controller lying around

>> No.8756532

>unless you happen to have an N64 mouse lying around

>> No.8756568
File: 2.92 MB, 900x506, Fury 2022.03.27 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8756579

Shoulda just used the altfire to start with. Really that melee weapon is kinda disappointing.

>> No.8756610

It was a mess, agreed.

>> No.8756749

baking bread

>> No.8756774
