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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8744471 No.8744471 [Reply] [Original]

Still the 4th best Resident Evil

>> No.8744482

Nah, unless you only count classic RE and even then it's borderline. The best thing you can say is that it's better than RE0, RE0 has no redeeming qualities outside of muh backgrounds.

>> No.8744525

CV was the last great resident evil game. Series went downhill when 4 was released. The horror and tension was gone and replaced by..........ACTION!

>> No.8744546

I bet other nerds are very impressed by that opinion. One day you might even get laid with a cool tranny!!!!

>> No.8744563

Yeah, whatever, you mongoloid.

>> No.8744573

Did you ever play resident evil clones?
Blue Stinger

>> No.8744584

>The horror and tension was gone and replaced by..........ACTION!
This happens about 15 minutes into RE1 when you get a shotgun and start decapitating every zombie in sight.

>> No.8744587

Code Veronica is not even close to a good game.

>> No.8744610

The mental illness required to think fucking Code Veronica is a "great" game or better than Resident Evil 4. CV and RE0 are okay to decently good games but autist contrarians just love dragging them up as being the last hurrah of classic Resident Evil. I swear half the people saying this shit haven't even played the games, they've just seen YouTubers say it.
Newsflash, the last truly great classic-style Resident Evil was REmake.

>> No.8744628

RE3 > RE1 > RE2 > REmake > CV > RE0

>> No.8744659
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awful. at least its sister game was unique and somewhat interesting.

>> No.8744661

Sorry, this game still doesn't exist.

Stop pretending it does.

>> No.8744664

RE1 > REmake > RE2 > RE2make > RE3 > CV > RE3make > RE0

>> No.8744938

played RE0 recently and it’s not even closed to being as bad as people say it is

>> No.8744965

re1 dualshock fart trumpets where

>> No.8745183

I remember thinking ”hahaha, veronica? is it a girly spinoff about teaching zombies how to do their nails or something?” when I saw the name in magazines back in the day.

>> No.8745213

RE0. Im 10 hours in.
only 50% done
and so so much back tracking and so many fucking doors.
controlling two character is awful I actually completely forgot the mechanic was in the game. I WANT to like the game so bad because the train is fun at first and it does feel pretty good. weapons are nice...

>> No.8745221

4 has some stellar tense horror sections. That section just after you've killed the fish andit's dark and raining, the music is a weird droning soundtrack and fucking tentacles start bursting out of the villagers necks. Fucking masterclass in tension. Nothing in the series give you that "something is going very wrong here" feeling in the series like that section.

>> No.8745289
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re0 has some of the best puzzles and most enemy variety

>> No.8745294

2 > 1 > Remake > 3 > CV > 0

>> No.8745426

I don't think anyone denies the village was scary, it just loses that factor once you reach the castle, and then the island is call of duty

>> No.8745601

I'll replay the gun survivor games before I touch CV again

>> No.8745640

my cat shit outside the box when I was playing this once

>> No.8746171

That’s the dream

>> No.8746895
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where does it rank?

>> No.8746951

Doesn't CV have giant over the top cutscene anime fights?

>> No.8747031

Not originally. That shit was added for the "director's cut" version.

>> No.8747164

Are you fucking shit at games? It took me 6 hours recently (several years ago) to beat blind. Game is still shit, though.

>> No.8747169
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Cool dream, anon.

>> No.8747173

Wow, you were a dumbass.

>> No.8747908

not great, but the LAST Resident Evil game. It all turned into Action Evil after that with RE4.
I remember getting it on ps2, seeing the score bar and I was like "wtf is that?".
It wasn't a bad game, but not a resident evil one.

That said, I don't think the series had anywhere else to go.

>> No.8748056

Transphobic game

>> No.8748093

So it still has anime over the top fight scenes that involves Chris fighting a woman who shoots fire.

>> No.8748165

Fuck off Noah

>> No.8748174

Nah, it's really not that good.

I still prefer the classic games over anything that came after...but that still doesn't make Code Veronica good.

>> No.8748179

Resident Evil was always action/horror. The first game ends with you blowing up the big monster with a rocket launcher and escaping before the whole place blows.

>> No.8748603

and that's a GOOD thing.

>> No.8748857

Alfred isn’t trans.

>> No.8748895

What makes CV not good

>> No.8748913
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Some people don't like how it looked versus the prerendered backgrounds. There's more backtracking than usual. Worst part for me is the inconclusive plot, it allowed RE4 to ruin the series forever.

>> No.8748931

maybe 14th best RE

>> No.8748949
File: 66 KB, 1024x576, num8zrt6ir001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RE was a serious horror franchise until RE4
absolute retard take
>but it had a few jump scares where a zombie thing pops out of a window!
It also had
>rocket launchers and belt loaded machine guns blazing
>intentionally campy plot
>unintentionally hilarious voice acting
>tranny vampires and giant snakes
>laboratory settings in "horror" games HAVE NEVER SCARY except, ironically, the regeneradors in RE4 (even those were mildly spooky at best)
Any game where the main character has guns and grenades and military/police training is an action game first, everything else second
>inb4 Sierra Police Quest
RE4 is based because it dropped all pretense and allowed itself to be stupid B-movie fun

>> No.8748951

Unironically the best RE game.

>> No.8748954


>> No.8748993
File: 897 KB, 1280x720, clairexsteve_gasleak.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugly graphics
claire butt plot device

>> No.8749001

Nah, he’s pretty much right. RE was always an action/horror series.

>> No.8749020

also Steve
idk what the personality type is but japs love their useless beta boys who need an inspirational speech from a chick every 5 minutes or they crumple into a fetal position
come to think of it, Steve was probably the self-insert character for the writers

>> No.8749160
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I liked RE0 more than CV , I'm one of the odd ones.

>> No.8749225
File: 1.05 MB, 1588x1392, re0_bg_train_cabin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are both pretty close.

>> No.8749405


>> No.8749456

>Can't argue points
>Deflects with feel good buzzword
Not that anon but I accept your concession on his behalf.

>> No.8749472

RE4 has been shit on to death for years over here, every possible kind of discussion about it has already been had. RE4 apologists don't deserve any humoring anymore.

>> No.8749480

Steve bogs it down

>> No.8749489

zoomers btfo

>> No.8749534

That's not action though

>> No.8749538

Everything. Seriously every aspect of the game just sucks horribly with the lone exception of the cutscene direction. Not the cutscenes themselves because the plot is shit too but the camera work and stuff is cool.

>> No.8749541

>RE4 has been shit on to death for years over here
Yeah by retards with no taste.

>> No.8749561

no u.

>> No.8749567

Every RE4 hater is the same kind of poser tard who has barely played the older games and whose first exposure to them was the HD release of the REmake.

>> No.8749574

I could grab my RE collection to take a picture so you'd look like a retard, but I'm over arguing with re4 zoomers.

>> No.8749579

I don't need to see a picture of the games you've collected and barely played.

>> No.8749583

I probably played more RE games than you played games in general. I've done everything in all REs, including RE4 which I don't particularly love. You're already struggling here, take L kiddo.

>> No.8749586
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I very much doubt it.

>> No.8749591
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>> No.8749603

>PC version
So much for that collection.

>> No.8749620
File: 1.82 MB, 4624x2136, killallzoomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bother replying any further. No words will remove my dick from your mouth.

>> No.8749628


>> No.8749632

You call that a collection?

>> No.8749641

It's enough to show his classic RE cool guy status. The RE4 is cringe, but whatever. At least he didn't post action figures along the games like some reddit manchild.

>> No.8749648

Classic low iq zoomer that enters a thread without reading anything because no attention span.

>> No.8749721

I thought the game was fun to play, just more classic Resident Evil. Although I did hard lock myself at the final boss, so I gave up and watched the ending on YouTube.

>> No.8749781

not even close to accurate. you sound younger than the "zoomers" you think youre owning

>> No.8749849
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>comparing RE4 to any of the classics

>> No.8749874

No, he's right though. Allowing anyone who enjoys modern RE to have an opinion is a slippery slope indeed.

>> No.8750382
File: 71 KB, 480x791, Screenshot_20220308-152407~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What other games were /vr/ spergs wrong about?

>> No.8750387

ok now put most of the other classic REs at 15/10

>> No.8750405
File: 3.27 MB, 2138x3800, 20210506_113655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What other games were /vr/ spergs wrong about?

Most of the higher review scores did come from the Dreamcast game, though. And at the time, the game did have a pretty big 'wow' factor. It was released before the PS2 came out in the west. It was a real time 3D version of resident Evil with high polygon models. Reviewers were floored that it was a 'next gen' Resident Evil game. The game used cinematic models and has real time cutscenes. The game was a collaboration between Sega and Capcom to release an original Resident Evil game for their system. Though once Resident Evil: Code Veronica X hit for the PS2/ CGN, the visuals had less of an impact, in comparison to the Dreamcast release.

>> No.8750590

Unironically one of the best old RE games. Not sure why it gets so much shit, the story is better than the average RE stuff, the atmosphere is top tier and the music is great. It's flawed but has several memorable moments

>> No.8750596

The atmosphere is my favourite out of the whole series. My biggest gripe with the game is how you're not told to put away items in the box in the last section switch. Ended up beating that last boss with just a shit shotgun on my first run, even though I had a full magnum and 50 fire rounds for the bow with Claire.

I hate how people complain about the graphics. They are better than the games that came before it.

>> No.8750636


hah, you don't even have Resident Evil 1 Directors Cut. I however do.

>> No.8750640

who is noah

>> No.8750643

Ur dad, u wee little qunt

>> No.8750648

>I hate how people complain about the graphics. They are better than the games that came before it.

I mean, I think with CVX, it can be a little more justified, even though the game still generally looked good. The game came out in early 2000, months before the PS2 launched. It was one of the best looking games on a home console, out side of Shenmue, and possibly D2 of the Dreamcast. This game was noteworthy for its real time cutscenes, and use of cinematic models, real time backgrounds. Yeah, the backgrounds so look a little low poly and have some blurry textures. But for the time, they were quite impressive. It was great seeing dynamic camera movement in a fixed camera type of game. The engine was coded by one of Sega's external teams. But the game was made by Capcom. But when it hit the PS2 and GameCube, it was competing against games on those systems, and didn't score as well.

>> No.8750656

100% agree anon

>> No.8750690
File: 195 KB, 742x449, cv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silent Hill 1999 (PS1):
Code Veonica 2000 (Dreamcast):

Yeah, I guess there is a year difference between these two games, and I love Silent Hill 1. It's one of my favourite PS1 games. I did play Code Veronica months after Silent Hill 1, and was blown away by the visuals in CV. Scenes like the one seen above were all in-game and real time models at 480p. It was the first time I saw cinematic models almost look passable for pre renders.

>> No.8751518

it was cool at the time but also it marked the beginning of the end for the series. 4 doesnt deserve that title.

>> No.8751525

This game had a Steve-shaped problem.

>> No.8753574

Steve is the best RE character.

>> No.8755631

I agree

>> No.8757295

Some people got filtered by plane tyrant, so it's a shit game

>> No.8757302

Hot take: I dont think resident evil is a good series. Far from it in fact. Its a relatively mediocre one, waaaay too overrated and overpraised by dudebros from the 90s and 2000s. Shit controls, shit game mechanics, ABYSMAL shitastic storytelling. Definitely not Capcom's best. You could be running and gunning with Mega Man, or beating people up in Street Fighter, but no, you instead chose to traipse around crappy levels plinking away at zombie monsters.

>> No.8757510


>> No.8759781

this whole game shouldnt have happened,claire could have just contacted leon and ask him to contact chris before getting caught by umbrella.

>> No.8759923

Well, it is obvious the games aren't for you. You literally described why in your post. RE is slow in nature and is generally not about killing enemies for fun. Play RE4 if you want that. The original trilogy is based off of creating great horror aesthetics and combining it with item management. Your take isn't very hot; it is shit. I personally fucking despise MM. I hate the shitty anime look, the boring stages and even the layout of each of the games and I've beaten a large chunk of the series. Yet my argument is shallow, because those games simply don't fit in with my desired tastes and I'll likely never enjoy a MM game. I'd rather play Ghouls 'n' Ghosts anyday, yet I still acknowledge that MM is good for reasons that I do not enjoy.

>shitastic storytelling
What would you seriously expect from Capcom? A fucking cinematic masterpiece? 98% of games have shit stories and at least RE has a story so campy that it is enjoyable.

>shit game mechanics
What is actually shit about RE mechanically besides the outdated gunplay? The item management is still top tier.

>shit controls
Okay now, shut the fuck up. You've obviously been filtered.

>> No.8759928

This guy is so fucking cringe. His critiques are shallow, too.

>> No.8760160

>The game was a collaboration between Sega and Capcom to release an original Resident Evil game for their system.

the game started as a port of Resident Evil 2 for the Sega Saturn. The original Resident Evil for the Saturn was ported by Nextech, a tech company that was owned by Sega. Nextech was also going to do the Saturn port for RE2. But they cited that they had issues porting the game, and Capcom decided to move their Sega development over to the Dreamcast. Nextech made the game engine for the DC hardware. It is interesting, because the Code Veronica game engine really does play like Resident Evil 2. It doesn't have any of the refinements of RE3. It makes me wonder if they were planning on remaking RE2 for the DC with real time 3D environments? Before they decided to go with a completely original game instead? Look at the old DC bets for Code Veronica, and it looks like they are using a RE2 Claire model.

>> No.8760174

>https://youtu.be/BTkW4wfVvEY?t=3 [Embed]

Tokyo Game Show footage from Autumn 1999:

Believe it or not, this was some mind blowing stuff to see.