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/vr/ - Retro Games

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8738019 No.8738019 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about the 3DO!

>> No.8738027

It had Gex.

>> No.8738029

MiSTer core when?

>> No.8738031

it’s R E A L

>> No.8738032

Came to post this. And Total Eclipse.
It was my first CD console. The library wasn't great but it could be worse.
The Sailor Moon game on it is better than the PS1 Sailor Moon game, but not as good as the SNES ones.

>> No.8738080

The 3DO was to the PS1 what the Wii U was to the Switch. All the good games were ported over making it largely pointless.

>> No.8738086

There's this Korean-developed SRPG called Battle Blues on it. Pretty much looks influenced by X-COM or Jagged Alliance. It has a translation patch

>> No.8738092

It had... Doom made by a tranny and a literal pedo (who at least made some banging music before he banged kids) and it's infamous for running like shit for its rushed release, and has scrapped fmv cutscenes and an unfinished original level, and there's also a port of Wolf3D I think that has the Doom rocket launcher and a flamethrower?
Other than that there's nothing at all noteworthy about the 3DO whatsoever.

>> No.8738101

Lucienne's Quest and Guardian War, if you want JRPGs/SRPGs.
Doctor Hauzer, if you want survival horror.

>> No.8738121
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It has Sid Meier's C.P.U. Bach. An application which procedurally generates baroque music. Surprisingly it is an exclusive and not available on PC.

>> No.8738124

You should probably mention that you are talking about two separate people there.

>> No.8738129

Who here calls it the Threedo?

>> No.8738196

3DO bros... tell me this isn't true

>> No.8738220
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>> No.8738329

Are any multiplats best on 3DO?

>> No.8738330

PO'ed, Immercenary, Road Rash, the list goes on...

>> No.8738358


>> No.8738370

Total Eclipse is busted on PS1, 3DO original is preferred.

>> No.8738381

It had a questionable version of Star Control 2.

>> No.8738383

It's the version the modern source port is based on.

>> No.8738597
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there's a ton of oddball shit for the 3DO.
>Doctor Hauzer
the first fully 3D survival horror game that wasn't RE Code Veronica.
>Alfred Hitchcock Presents
some weird memory/matching game sponsored by Toyota. Very simplistic, fun for like, 5 minutes.
>The Life Stage: Virtual House
you can walk through virtual homescapes and I think you can create your own, kind of like the Sims before the Sims. The hardware can barely fucking run it.
Digital Dreamware
basically a collection of visualizers with some early 90s trance music. Reminds me of the times when people used to mix technology with spiritual/rave culture during that time period.

P.F. Magic was a developer that released a few 3DO games that have a distinct aesthetic. They used tons of black-and-white public domain film footage in each of their 3DO games.

The head of Art Data Interactive also lied in interviews saying that the 3DO version of Doom would have updated graphics, new weapons and extra levels.

>> No.8739237

so even back in the day these fucking degenerates ruined everything.

>> No.8739254

what in the fuck

>> No.8739371

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo is the best home port. Even better music than the arcade

>> No.8739442

>, Road Rash
such a shame this was the last good game in the series

>> No.8739446

It was an interesting console with a business model that was too far ahead of its time. Instead of manufacturing their own console, 3DO licensed their hardware specs to other companies like Panosonic obviously, GoldStar, and Sanyo- but consequently this meant the console would be extremely fucking expensive since they couldn't just lean on software and peripheral sales to cover the difference like most console makers did.

They also had much cheaper and more lenient licensing policies for developers which made third-parties happy- but consequently this also opened the floodgates for shovelware which gave the console's library a (perhaps unfairly) poor reputation at the time.

It used 32-bit hardware that was considered cutting edge at the time, but it couldn't really do hardware-based polygons and while it was way more powerful than the SNES and Genesis, it was BTFO by both the Saturn and the PSX while still being just as expensive so it could no-longer really compete.

They were planning to come out with a backwards-compatible successor called the M2 in 1997, with specs that would make it more powerful than the N64 but not as powerful as the Dreamcast, it was unsurprisingly-scrapped. There's an obscure Konami fighting game released in arcades called Fighting Tryst which allegedly runs on M2 hardware. Clayfighter 3 started development for it before moving to N64, D2 started development on it before moving to Dreamcast, Return Fire 2 started development for it before being released exclusively for PC, and Iron & Blood on PSX also started development on the M2. Interestingly one mostly-complete game did leak in 2010 and plays on prototype hardware (not sure if emulation is currently-possible): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfzA9jim5D8

>> No.8740586
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There is a new ODE in the works. Someone was nice to make a SNES to 3DO adapter for controllers which is a lifesaver, since the controllers for the system is expensive. For years the games could be found in junk bins, but it was really random to find them since it was not that popular. I see it as the EA console, similar to how SNK, Hudson, and Capcom were large enough publishers with a decent roster to sustain a console, that even Konami and Taito were going to try; so it is strong with EA types of games like Sega consoles are string with their kinds of games.

>> No.8740756
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>> No.8740758

>The head of Art Data Interactive also lied in interviews saying that the 3DO version of Doom would have updated graphics, new weapons and extra levels.

To be fair he had absolutely new clue about game development, all he knew was that they had the license and the source, so making it working on the 3do was as simple as dropping the new art on the disc and launching the exe. Which is why the dev had to do shit like rewrite the broken SDK to get the game working, and in a period of like a month or two. No wonder he went tranny.

>> No.8740779

3DO Doom had a good soundtrack at least

>> No.8740814

>it couldn't really do hardware-based polygons
No, it DID have hardware polygons, but it was more like the Saturn where it had a framebuffer where it could plot quadrilaterals. It could even do a bowtie sprite just like the Saturn.

>> No.8740850

In a slower tempo to match the ingame action speed!

>> No.8740878


some games are ultra rare, even games that are not supposed to be rare, are rare on 3DO. example: night trap

>> No.8741180

Was it any good?

>> No.8741187

>Someone was nice to make a SNES to 3DO adapter
Many people have been so nice. These have been around for ages and were made for a number of different controllers. Personally I use ones that convert neo geo/15pin 6 button to 3DO using discrete logic as I'm not a lagfag.

>> No.8741194

It had some of the best renditions of SF2 themes

You can't get these themes in SF2 elsewhere outside of that PS2 anniversary edition

>> No.8741197

It was that weird thing gathering dust in the shop where we all gathered around the latest Snes carts. Everyone gave it this look, you know the one.
Then went back playing some Front Mission.

>> No.8741198

Check for yourself. Sounds like it could pass for some Dragon Quest BGM.

>> No.8741214

some played Shinobi or some Sega shit, but not long before the Snes crowd took over again and fired up Street Fighter 2. More colors, better graphics as a whole. Sega didn't stand a chance even back then.
Good times.

>> No.8741243

For 1990s Procedurally generated music, its pretty good.

>> No.8741737


>> No.8741751
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I had this shit as a kid. I have absolutely NO idea how. It was called something like LG GoldStar 3DO. No Super Famicom, no Saturn, no N64 in our country at the time, nothing. But somehow I ended up with a fucking 3DO with Gex

>> No.8741813


>> No.8741861

It had a decent market share for it's time

>> No.8742305

Phoenix plays virtually everything

>> No.8742381

is a 3DO worth buying?

>> No.8742442

Which country was that, anon?

>> No.8742506

And Need for Speed

>> No.8742515

I know, I did mention that, it's just unsettling to remember its composer now fucks or tried to fuck his music students and is now rotting in prison.

>> No.8742572

space hulk for the cool radar

>> No.8742782

What was the max number of controllers you could daisychain?

>> No.8742873

I too wish to know this.

>> No.8742898

Truly, Trip Hawkin's brainchild was ahead of its time. I wonder how long this application can go and procedurally generate without major issues.

>> No.8743432

> Up to eight controllers could be linked together in this fashion. All controllers for each 3DO console are compatible with one another.

>> No.8743436

B-but /v/ told me nobody cared about Kojima until MGS1.

>> No.8743506

Thought on Panasonic made disc drive read for Nintendo before 2017 media game card.

>> No.8743512

Yeah right. You guy own SHB or H64.

>> No.8743517
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>ESL Bangladeshis and Chinamen

>> No.8743939

What did pajeet mean by this?

>> No.8744076
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>> No.8744097

Interesting hardware with mostly shit games.

>> No.8744492


>> No.8744556

I don't know if I'll ever bother owning a 3DO, especially since the emulation is decent enough I can actually play 3DO games on my phone and even my 8 year old laptop.

come again?

>> No.8744561
File: 86 KB, 799x712, 1590201201-6361fe51-b6bd-4130-a621-f03c497b4845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and Sex

>> No.8745258

Is this the prequel to Sex II on the PC-9801?

>> No.8745290

It’s actually a sequel to THE JOY OF SEX exclusively for the Philips CDI

>> No.8745340

>sex without joy
Is it a game about intentionally conceiving a child?

>> No.8746523
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>Sex with the intention of conceiving a child cannot be also enjoyable.
OK retard.

>> No.8746608

To be fair, if you knew the child was going to turn out like that anon it wouldn't be enjoyable.

>> No.8746878
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Has a great version of Road Rash with fun FMV bits and a mental art style, example attached.
Also has Gex and Star Control II. Both are pretty great.
Also has some funny-bad stuff like Cyberdillo and Virtuoso. Virtuoso is pure cheese, Cyberdillo is... something. There's an "the making of" video for Cyberdillo and it answers nothing.

>> No.8746897


>> No.8748370
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>> No.8748375
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>> No.8748648


>> No.8750285
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I think there are a few, but I opted for the SNES-2-3DO since that is the least expensive one these days.

Ah, I should give it a try. The maker of FreeDO emulator is making the new ODE for the system.

I had a few Panasonic VCRs which were some of the highest quality electronics for a fair price. They didn't die but was disposed of just because it was outdated in replacements to DVD. I kind of regret that. I still utilize a Panasonic plasma TV which is great for sports watching, and these days Panasonic makes some of the better batteries for EVs. I'm just used to quality from Panasonic/Matsushita for all these years. Sega went with Victor/JVC for help with the disc medium, Nintendo partnered with Panasonic which helped in their designs for the Gamecube and Wii-U discs which was pretty good before they reverted back to a more solid media without mechanical moving parts, it was one of the better partners to run to when they don't want Sony's help and Sharp was mostly out of the picture.

>> No.8750331
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>> No.8750343

More like FMVO.

>> No.8750386

went to elementary school with a kid who once wore a Gex Tshirt. i think about that thing at least once a year. like where did he get such an obscure video game in that time? do you think he won it? did he actually play Gex? so many fucking questions, i should go see if i can find the shirt on ebay

>> No.8751162

I guess if all you do is display them on a table in your rape dungeon then the cheapest lagmeister 9000 is the way to go.

>> No.8751204

Wasn't there already a device that allowed to store all the 3DO games in a USB stick and play them from there? Though it's only compatible with a few models. It seemed to work very good with the games shown on video.