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File: 503 KB, 540x360, ezgif-4-55b6b29b07.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8731253 No.8731253 [Reply] [Original]

>all those beautiful backgrounds
>lots of hidden areas
>sometimes you find really weird and unique items or enemies in those hidden places
This game really shows that you don't need fancy 3D graphics to be great

>> No.8731298

A pity it's gameplay and sound effects are annoying. Having a red yoshi from smw spitting fire would have greatly picked up the pace instead of what we got.

>> No.8731307

>game literally uses the super fx chip for 3d effects
oh nonono

>> No.8731315

Effects, not graphics.

>> No.8731317

It was the best use of the Super FX chip. Starfox and Stuntrace run like absolute shit.

>> No.8731394

Nogami spent countless night staying past midnight at work drawing these backgrounds and enemy sprites because he thought it was that fun, and it shows.

>> No.8731423

>that you don't need fancy 3D graphics to be great
well that was obvious. 3D games suck

>> No.8731459

i think most people figured that out after the whole 3d schtick weared off

>> No.8732442


>> No.8732443
File: 20 KB, 189x267, 9k=(29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that game looks like shit compared to this

>> No.8732861

You look like shit

>> No.8732864

That game plays like shit compared to this.

>> No.8732895

That game is shit.

>> No.8733131

and annoying sound fx

>> No.8733142

nice cop3

>> No.8733143

based Tempo, the best quasi-5th-gen scotformer

>> No.8734043

Lol anyone who shills Tempo games are LITERALLY trolling. Your tricks dont work on me mister.

>> No.8734067

Has a weird claustrophobic feeling compared to SMW. Also shitty baby mechanic. It really should have just been a Mario game with cool graphics.

>> No.8735210

Filtered. Simple as.

>> No.8735228

>Stuntrace run like absolute shit.
soul incarnate though

>> No.8735568

you sound cringe and gay

>> No.8735572

Is a pallet cycle impressive now? I was doing things like this with Deluxe Paint before you were born

>> No.8735574

>Yoshi's Island is not graphically impressive

>> No.8735579

It sure as shit wasn't impressive in 1995

>> No.8735582
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>> No.8735586
File: 40 KB, 1920x1080, Yoshi's Island - 3-2 Jungle Rythm A 1920x1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8735590
File: 48 KB, 1920x1080, Yoshi's Island - 3-2 Jungle Rythm B 1920x1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8735618
File: 468 KB, 256x152, oh shit oh fuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8735623
File: 792 KB, 256x238, N7vPwf8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game was a good time

>> No.8735634
File: 1.38 MB, 540x396, Super Mario World 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I consider Super Princess Peach to be a literal successor to the same soul that permeated Yoshi's Island.

Or maybe I just liked that you can fun full tilt in both games without having to hold down the B button? Control was snappy and responsive in SPP, too.

>> No.8735646


>> No.8735682

Yoshi's Island was being made 2 years before DKC even started development and the final game uses tons of gimmicks. The fake rivalry people push is stupidly embarrassing.

>> No.8735773

I've always wanted to try this game but the gameplay looked sort of dull to me. Should I give it a shot if I like Yoshi's Island?

>> No.8735983

It's not like YI, and it's definitely not for everyone

>> No.8736073

I admit I didn't mind it. A lot better than starfox.

>> No.8737739

Im playing this right now and its not fun. Very easy, tepid. Feels like a fangame from Mario Fan Games Galaxy, but by an amateur. It has that same listlessness in the controls and level design. I get what you mean by it feeling like YI, but I consider it more of just TOSE aping the style than really continuing the style in earnest.

>> No.8737750
File: 12 KB, 297x313, 1640187476088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your (you)

>> No.8738618

The amount of boomer coping really pisses me off
I grew up with great 2D and great 3D games. While Rayman 1 is unrivaled in visuallys, I'll never knock down Rayman 3 as one of my favorite looking 3D games, while I admire how everything in Rayman 2 was hand drawn to look like a painting.

3D can, and will, look as good as 2D .It's called having a vision, budget, and being a slave to the craft. Most people don't like being slaves, hence the push against it in the racial world. It's not a good thing the Japs still do it to themselves, just to prove a point. I rather they live happier lives than just being art monkeys.

>> No.8738883

No one shits on 3D. We are just saying that 3D doesn't necessarily mean better game like everyone thought in the late 90s. And yes Rayman 3 is a masterpiece. One of the greatest visuals in video games

>> No.8739647

They used the original iteration of the SuperFX chip, no shit they ran poorly. Yoshi's Island used the revision that ran at double the speed.

>> No.8740057

This game made me feel like I was playing the SNES for the first time again.

>> No.8740126

Palette cycling is pvre sovl

>> No.8740276

That was made up by Argonaut because they were mad that Star Fox 2 was cancelled.

>> No.8740326

He’s not wrong
Good graphics 2d Mario would’ve been amazing. SMW was a prototype SNES game and looks like dogshit.

>> No.8740357
File: 26 KB, 460x419, seems legit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls color cycling "a pallet cycle"
>i r dp oldgay

>> No.8740367

I mean the SNES is also hard-capped at like 15 fps for full-screen animation, and yoshi's island only animates part of the screen so it can do it at 60 fps.

>> No.8740380

trash, the saturn one is good though.

>> No.8740386

SMW is fine, the graphics are repetitive because the half-megabyte cartridge is stuffed to the gills with level data and doesn't have room for graphics. sonic had the same size cartridge but filled it with graphics instead of levels.

>> No.8740395

is this the best overall SNES game? I think it is.

>> No.8740447

Paper mario is the best game for a continuation of yoshi's island's art style

>> No.8740467

At least the best platformer. Hard to compare to other games like Zelda.

>> No.8740471
File: 16 KB, 220x167, Peach'sCastle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paper Mario is such an amazingly good looking N64 game, it's amazing.