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File: 15 KB, 512x448, imt78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8724843 No.8724843 [Reply] [Original]

Before Double Dragon, there was Renegade. In Japan this was known as Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun and got some quite different graphics for the Western release, but compared to DD it's still a very Japanese game that makes no real effort to cater to Westerners. And it wouldn't be Technos if you didn't get to punch out women.

>> No.8724892

they're traps

>> No.8724915

Technos was too good for this world. They've been pumping a bunch of Kunio spinoff games for the Famicom, had a successful transition to 16-bit machines, and even made some licensed games, but they quickly went belly up. What happened? Did they bite off more than they could chew?

>> No.8724925

Trans women are women, bigot.

>> No.8724926

>had a successful transition to 16-bit machines
Not really. Shodai Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun and Return of Double Dragon are both incomplete games, the SNES Combatribes port and Kunio-tachi no Banka were both outsourced and the Popeye game they were making for the west only got released in Japan for some reason. Kunio-kun no Dodgeball and Downtown Nekketsu Baseball were their only good Super Famicom games.

>> No.8724935
File: 2.81 MB, 512x480, ShodaiNekketsu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had a successful transition to 16-bit machines


>> No.8725003

Did anyone ever translated the improvement patch?

>> No.8725004

Lmao this mf can barely play the game right

>> No.8725035

Looks rough (to say the least)

>> No.8725054
File: 6 KB, 256x192, Renegade_ZX_Spectrum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8725235

I had this game as a kid. I could barely get to the 3rd screen. Was there some motorcycles at some point?

>> No.8725593

Yes. On the second stage you get knock out punks who try to run over you with their bikes. You even get to ride one on the NES version.

>> No.8726907

I never got to finish the game despite owning it, I got pretty far...I almost saw the last boss
ps: the last boss can 1 shot you, he shots you with a handgun, thats the entire fight...dodging and hitting him every few seconds

>> No.8727032

It's actually really easy, you just need to push him on the corner and start punching him the moment he moves in front of you. The final boss of Double Dragon with the same gimmick is much harder since he'll just hide offscreen.

>> No.8727565

I take it this wasn't made by the same team that did NES DD because the latter was a glitchy mess.

>> No.8727579

it looks and sounds far better on master system

>> No.8727585

The only bad thing in the .webm is the framedrops/slowdown. The guy playing it poorly isn't the game's fault.

>> No.8727587

> The guy playing it poorly isn't the game's fault.

You obviously haven't tried the game

>> No.8728083
File: 21 KB, 500x281, 1433131923711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets cucked by Double Dragon
>gets cucked by its own franchise
>gets cucked by Double Dragon hijacking its own franchise

>> No.8728098

60% of this game was a fucking ridiculous maze which is why I ragequit and never beat it.

>> No.8728157

Oh look the Spectrum manages to get 6 enemies on screen at once while the NES could only manage 2 due to scanline limits.

>> No.8728217

The maze is actually short if you know where to go, like 5 rooms in total.

>> No.8728325

NES Renegade is just a glitchy though.

>> No.8728823


>> No.8728916

>looks masculine as hell

>> No.8729019

>Did they bite off more than they could chew?
Not really. For a company that started off as three dudes in a shoebox, they got bigger than they probably ever imagined. My guess is the OG devs probably just got tired of being code monkeys and walked off into the sunset.

>> No.8729135

Respect them for inventing belt-scrollers, but jesus capcom improved the genre in every way

>> No.8729165


>> No.8729210
File: 15 KB, 701x592, 1641233993983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8729236

seethe kuniofag

>> No.8729302

Most of the Kunio-kun games are remarkably bad. Downtown/River City Ransom was lighting in a bottle. Super Dodgeball and the feudal Japan version were alright but the rest of the mainline beatemup series played like shit.

>> No.8729496

The good Kunio-kun games were the ones made by Mitsuhiro Yoshida (Monogatari, Koushinkyoku, Jidaigeki, Baseball and SFC Dodge Ball). Yoshihisa Kishimoto is a hack who sold out to westerners.

>> No.8729995

i disagree, renegade on master system has a nice original gameplay. one button to strike left, the other to strike right, it's actually a good idea instead of always turning around. also there's the possibilty to beat your opponents on the ground, etc. different from the capcom formula that everyone copied, so it's a breath of fresh air, just like fighting games that don't play like street fighter. i wish games followed their own paths more often

>> No.8730005

They failed to transition properly into the SNES era and went under.

>> No.8730329

>Most of the Kunio-kun games are remarkably bad
>but the rest of the mainline
make up your mind. there's Koushinkyoku, Kakutou Densetsu and Soccer League which are pretty fun

>> No.8730408
File: 2.51 MB, 1203x1599, ddragon2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Double Dragon II: The Revenge, both NES and arcade, is unironically kino.

>> No.8732251

You will never be a real woman, anon.

>> No.8732258

You will never be with a real woman, anon.

>> No.8733573

No they are women who live with the fact they have masculin traits like broad shoulders, man hands and are 6'5. They don't get tricked into thinking they are "trapped in the wrong body" and go mentally ill. Based Misuzu-chan