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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.21 MB, 960x960, 1642515034186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8718126 No.8718126 [Reply] [Original]

What made Japan so dominant in the 90s video game market? A decade filled with their systems and tons of hugely popular titles all coming out of Japan. But since the mid 2000s they've just become less and less relevant every year. Almost every successful Japanese franchise today was built in the 90s or late 80s. And there aren't many of them left. What happened?

>> No.8718146

80's, 90's & early 00's

>> No.8718147

These days you only cater to people with no taste because they are inclined to buy anything

>> No.8718150

>joystick is fucked
my sides are in horbit

>> No.8718151

80's economic boom, presumably. Lot of money to throw at things like luxury consumer electronics.

>> No.8718153

also faggy pic

>> No.8718158


>> No.8718160

What is funny is that in Japan people still mostly play japanese games.
This is an western issue

>> No.8718163

99% of Japan is mobileshit now.

>> No.8718164

Something something economic boom and recession etc. They were on top of the electronics game in general and hit the market at a right time. I'd argue that they're still pretty relevant in the entertainment sphere considering how big of a boner the west still has over japanese media.
It's a well known fact that japan has shit taste.

>> No.8718170

Arcades were still big, and Japan dominated the arcades, as well as home consoles which were full of arcade game ports.

>> No.8718172

A lot of American game companies (both hardware and software) went out of business in the 80s which left an opening which the jap companies filled.

>> No.8718174

>It's a well known fact that japan has shit taste.
yet all vr consoles you like are japanese, you are retarded and they have good tastes

>> No.8718186

Yeah cause third place M$ gobbling everything up is a sure sign of Western prosperity. The decline of Japan is partly a forced meme (mostly because the west is that much more pathetic).

>> No.8718202

God I love these hoes... Something about 90's degeneracy and ghetto meth trash just gets me rock f*cking hard

>> No.8718209

Well, I guess I should have said that it's a well known meme that japan has shit taste. They often like the worst of what they produce. Please don't be so serious anon, we're all retarded here.

>> No.8718212

I hate to disappoint you but this photo was probably taken sometime in the last 15 years

>> No.8718216

instant limp
and now i have to kill myself

>> No.8718219

There's an arctic monkeys album from 2013 in the back and a finding nemo DVD. and she is obviously dressed like a tumblr girl from the 2010s

>> No.8718226

naww there were girls like this in 2003

>> No.8718228

are you sure that's arctic monkeys?

>> No.8718229

m0n1lu on instagram

>> No.8718230

japs only play gacha shit, Mario and jrpgs. all the franchises like RE, DMC, Sonic, Parasite Eve, Streets of Rage etc that people think of when they think of Japanese games arent big franchises there like they are in America.
Even fighting games, which were the single non shit genre they actually liked have declined massively over the past 10 years there.

>> No.8718234

sure looks like it
eh maybe the shirt and the doc martens but the hair and makeup is for sure 2010s

>> No.8718239

Wow. You're like so edgy and and quirky. Wanna fuck?

>> No.8718262

80s - The Famicom was released, and was successful in Japan and abroad. Lots of Japanese developers signed up to become third parties. Very few western developers made games for the NES, but the western console game industry was a zygote at this point.
90s - Mega Drive is released a few years prior. Japanese developers stayed with Nintendo while Sega had to rely on western talent. There were a few Japanese games on the MD, but not as much Japanese support as the SFC. SFC also saw some western support, but not as great as Sega's due to Nintendo's unfavorable conditions.
Mid 90s - Playstation was released. Nintendo still had some influence over Japanese developers, so like Sega before them, Sony decided to rely on western talent, even outright buying several companies in the process. Nintendo lost relevance with Japanese developers to Sony, and they also started relying on western talent. PS1 becomes the first Japanese console whose best selling game isn't Japanese.
2000s - The PS2 is released, and Sony still retains Japanese and western support. Microsoft enters the game market, and they have to rely on western talent to get any games, like the GameCube also has. Starting to see a pattern?
Mid 2000s - Microsoft releases the Xbox 360 a whole year before their competitors, which forced Sony to scramble to design a clunky, expensive machine that devs were turned off by. The Japanese on Sony's side were stuck on a console no one wanted to buy because it had no games, and no one wanted to make games for because no one bought it. This led to major Japanese studios becoming multiplatform, and only the most diehard Sony fanboy companies made games exclusively for it. The westerners transitioned well across generations because they weren't retarded to only make games for one console, possibly years of making PC games prepared them for this.

Tldr westerners only grew because companies were willing to finance them to fill in their libraries.

>> No.8718272

Opinion discarded

>> No.8718295

>sometime in the last 15 years
Not even. I guarantee it was taken after 2020. It's a gen z aesthetic. Not hating on it though, I think it's cool when young people are interested in things before their time.

Of course, they never went away. She's just the 2020s version.

>> No.8718298

I hadn't seen the DVD before

>> No.8718305
File: 258 KB, 1080x1080, _.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know this is a recent photoshop and not a vintage photo?

>> No.8718315

All this period accurate shit, and the bitch has a cuphead shirt on ffs.

>> No.8718321

I find something about these pictures oddly disquieting, but I'm probably dooming a little bit. It's just me dooming about social media in general, probably.
Girl takes picture of herself alone in her room and posts it online rubs me the wrong way, I guess

>> No.8718325

The Finding Nemo DVD is still visible, there is now a Monsters Inc DVD visible, and a different Arctic Monkeys poster is now visible at the top of the image.

>> No.8718328

do you think she would fuck me even though i'm probably 15 years older than her

>> No.8718332

No, I do not.

>> No.8718334

if you paid her enough, sure.

>> No.8718341

Pretty sure i played cuphead on my genesis in the 90s bro

She might have a daddy complex

>> No.8718349

>She might have a daddy complex
Having met a million clones of this girl in my time, she does for certain

>> No.8718368

doesn't Hollywood call them "manic pixie dream girls" or something

>> No.8718402

I fucking hate those posters. Like I cannot fucking stand them I hate Oasis, Arctic Monkeys and all that trash. And there is also Pulp Fiction, of course.
Why can't women ever not be like other women?

>> No.8718409

If you ignore the anachronistic stuff there's still the fact that the flash is coming from the side and not straight from the camera. But Mad Men had typewriters from the '70s despite the beginning of the series taking place in the '60s so I guess it isn't worse than that.

>> No.8718432

>Pretty sure i played cuphead on my genesis in the 90s bro
no dude that was gunstar heroes

>> No.8718440

this image is fake btw, I don't get the point of larping old images but it's fake

>> No.8718443

It's not "fake". The girl who posted it isn't claiming to be a 40-something posting a picture from 1999.
She is very clearly a 20-something in 2020.

>> No.8718874

It wasn't just that their economy boomed at the right time. Their economy was booming because of specific and intentional postwar investment in technology and electronics education. This was when those deliberate tech education investments were really paying off and video games were just a part of that - they were leading creators of all sorts of electronics.

>> No.8718886

Depends if you're rich or not.

>> No.8718969

Dude. She is a time traveler. I'm telling ya. How else would she have that shirt on?????

>> No.8718992

Its a LARP, don't encourage this nonsense. Fake!

>> No.8718994

Her IG posts are written in a very ugly spanish, shes prolly from some south america wasteland like argentina or chile

>> No.8718997

>simping this hard

>> No.8718998
File: 91 KB, 979x788, it dont matter none of this matters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan STILL makes the best video games. I don't know what you're talking about. Everything that comes out of the West is pure fucking trash/bargainbin tier

>> No.8719007

Japan hasn't made a good video game since 2005.

>> No.8719008

I mean it's very obvious to me it's a picture taken in the past 3 years so I don't see it as "fake". The people who feel the need to point out anachronisms sound like they almost fell for it.

>> No.8719009
File: 190 KB, 1200x800, 1646359722644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is From Software

>> No.8719019

The developer of generic fantasy RPGs.

>> No.8719020

>What made Japan so dominant in the 90s video game market?
Great game devs in their prime who perfected their craft in the cutthroat world of arcades
>What happened?
The great devs got old and lost their touch. New devs generally have no idea what they're doing.

>> No.8719026

why is she pretending to be my age if she doesn't want to fuck specifically me

>> No.8719028

Japs don't like metroid and do like aonuma zelda so they clearly have garbage taste

>> No.8719030
File: 62 KB, 540x532, 1636940841089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's far to say Japan hasn't made a good video game since 2005. I feel the same way about the west. There is good stuff coming out, even if there is a lot of bad to go around

>> No.8719031

Dude posts a pic of his "battle station" filled to the brim with old games and consoles. CRTs, merch, old game posters, neon lighting.
>Awesome setup, bro.
Girl has an IG where she posts photos imitating 90s and early 2000s look, which she clearly put effort in.
>Fake! Some details are wrong! All women are the same! She MUST have daddy issues!
And at the same time you're shitting on gen Z for not knowing older stuff. So what the fuck is it? What do you want? Just hating and complaining, clearly. I'll bet the zoomers that are into retro are getting a ton more fun out of it than the average /vr/ fossil. That includes me too. I'm envious but also just happy to see it.

>> No.8719036

Nothing lasts forever, anon. It's good because it has a beginning and an end.

>> No.8719052
File: 15 KB, 359x357, AE6009C3-0893-40D1-BD2E-ABF9D5CF087E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it was sus when I saw the Pikachu controller but not the console. I wanted to believe.

>> No.8719053

Have my upvote, sister!

>> No.8719069

Feck off. I'm a hairy guy who falls squarely into what's apparently called "boomer" territory these days. I had my fun and now it's nice to see the next gen getting their turn.

>> No.8719076

Spoken like a true hole. Also to answer your question it is all because women are vapid holes that only want dicks and attention? Anon dudes want to show off their collections and maybe be cunts to each other by comparing games that they own that are rare.

>> No.8719094

whats her insta @?

>> No.8719101

nah I’m sharing pictures of my collections for the exact same reason a woman would. I want attention and praise. The sexes aren’t that different. I’m just less slutty about it, and thats only because I’m a bald dude in his 30s.

>> No.8719150

>it's not fake*
*it's fake

>> No.8719209

Some very nice numbers you've posted there. How about answering the question?

>> No.8719240

Good post.

>> No.8719314

the same reason why they're still dominant
they make better games

>> No.8719326

>What made Japan so dominant
They made good games. Westerners either made jank or insomnia-curing simulators while japs were making things people actually wanted to play while taking out the boring shit.

>> No.8719515

yeah. did people think that it wasn't?

>> No.8719530

that picture has been around for years, anon. it's much older than 2020.

every generation thinks they invented dyed hair, I can never understand why. aposematism has been around for a long time.

>> No.8719540

struggling to think of anything they made in the 90s aside from bing bing wahoo games and pokeymon

>> No.8719541

Cuphead shirt makes it pretty obvious

>> No.8719595

if you can't think of any video games that the japanese made in the 90s except mario and pokemon you could try browsing the catalogue

>> No.8719604

These photos always fuck up with some having literally everything faux-90's they can cram into one photo. Don't even get me started on what zoomies think the 80's looked like.

>> No.8719607

I hate faggots who make pics like these, also the fucked up joysticks just gives it away

>> No.8719613

sorry anon

>> No.8719618

sonic and streets of rage are pretty big there just like vf king of fighters and much more, alsp they have tokyo xtreme racer, and thats gud taste

>> No.8719621

these pics are so cringe and gay

>> No.8719625

pretty sure those are vhs

>> No.8719751

>What made Japan so dominant in the 90s video game market?
Good video games
>What happened?
Maket focus shifted away from gameplay/mechanics and more into "cinematic experiences". This caused dev budgets to skyrocket. Only the publishers that sell billions of copies of their games can stay afloat now.

>> No.8719763

Monsters Inc. might be but Finding Nemo is definitely a DVD

>> No.8719768

no its not its also a vhs, what are you a zoomer?

>> No.8719775

also who defuk buys vhs instead of of dvds, zoomers are retarded and cringe

>> No.8719784

No? If you look very closely it's the DVD version of Finding Nemo with an unmarked or unreadable DVD case to its right

>> No.8719787

The 2013 AM poster on the wall gives it away.

>> No.8719789
File: 10 KB, 264x191, images(64).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk pic is too shity anyways

>> No.8719893

>early 90's genx bands
>late 90's kids toy

>> No.8720080

>What happened?
Japanese people stopped having kids.

>> No.8720085

>they're still dominant
Weeb delusion

>> No.8720089

The showa era money was running out and I think they had a lot of trouble transitioning into the scale of production that modern AAA games require

Rare was a western studio that had a lot of the same problems I think.

>> No.8720096

>"cinematic experiences". This caused dev budgets to skyrocket
This is a good insight. Totally agree with this at least for triple A. Indie games are less likely to do localisation for other regions especially if already in a big market like Japan.

>> No.8720097

Did you really grow up in the late 90s? A lot of my friends were into these bands. Either their parents got them into it or the older kids liked these bands and that made it cool.

>> No.8720098

>Maket focus shifted away from gameplay/mechanics and more into "cinematic experiences"
You can thank that overrated faggot Hideo Kojima for that.
That retard should have just started making movies.

>> No.8720187

Digital exhaustion. They OG generation didn´t have a childhood that nerdified them so they had all the magic and soul to put into their games still.

>> No.8720213


>> No.8720354


>that horribly tangled SNES controller wire


>> No.8720359

This is literally a mental illness

>> No.8720364

honestly, I wonder if Japanese game developers have gotten less able to compete in the Western market as game budgets have gotten bigger over the years

>> No.8720378
File: 1.12 MB, 1786x4923, 1646779862059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn't listen to Iwata.

>> No.8720401

>french month abbreviations
Opinion discarded

>> No.8720405

OK mate, believe what you want, keep playing those third person shooter story games I guess

>> No.8720605
File: 33 KB, 440x296, japan-bust2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah gee, I wonder

>> No.8720671

I think a lot of it comes from the fact that raising a game dev talent base is difficult, and no other country had really bothered to do it. The demand was clearly there all over the world (game demand has only expanded for decades), but only the US and Japan have really gotten into it, and I think it's because raising the human capital to meet the demand is very difficult if you're not already established in it.
The question is, why did Japan get started in it where other countries didn't- on that count, idk, other than that it was the most prosperous economy of the 80s and it wasn't allowed a military industrial complex to drain compsci brains into defense contracting.

>> No.8720738

Cry moar faggot

>> No.8720759

The girl in the pics looks unhealthy and annoying

>> No.8720813

Because the bubble economy shit out and the gravy train that funded literally anything violently derailed in the process

>> No.8720828

>neets obsessed with some camwhore skank
Tell me how this is a new and better /vr/

>> No.8720838

man, the internet really did a 180 on camwhores huh

>> No.8720845

Is she a time traveler?

>> No.8720886

Japanese were real good at making arcade machines too.

>> No.8720958

Japs don't even know who the fuck Sonic is. They know he's Sega's mascot, because he's on all their branded shit, but they've never played the games or cared about the character other than that. Japs just don't give a shit about Sega as a whole, and never have, short of VFs little window of relevance.
this is a really dumb as fuck take that weebs seem to just parrot without actually thinking critically on it. the big Jap games were the ones shifting into movies, and reducing gameplay and mechanics to the absolute minimum. While the most common complaint about western games was they were too complex to play.

>> No.8720963

>Japs don't even know who the fuck Sonic is. They know he's Sega's mascot, because he's on all their branded shit, but they've never played the games or cared about the character other than that. Japs just don't give a shit about Sega as a whole, and never have, short of VFs little window of relevance.
you obviously dont know shit

>> No.8720975

the pic is fake & gay

>> No.8720994

If you want to believe they love Sega and Sonic when he's just the little mascot on the arcade cabs to them and nothing more than feel free, but you're delusional.

>> No.8721010

>if you want to believe
I don't need to believe, you just need to do a little research faggot

>> No.8721020

It also had to do with sweeping changes to government investment policy in the corporate sector that encouraged growth. The end of US occupation is also partially responsible here. I would say that this two things I mentioned are responsible for at least half of the growth that Japan experienced during their golden age. By the late 90’s, however, their economy was back in the gutter.

>> No.8721039
File: 316 KB, 680x876, 85b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also who defuk buys vhs instead of of dvds

>> No.8721047

you are retarded stop doing that

>> No.8721052
File: 229 KB, 859x960, chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8721072


>> No.8721082

OP here. I only picked this image to generate more bumps on the topic so we could get some good discussion going. Probably should have picked something Japanese but it was good enough to keep the thread going, so whatever.

>> No.8721104

For White people, games were either in the arcade (twitch gameplay) or on computers (simulation gameplay). Console gaming (longform twitch gameplay with light simulation elements) is a uniquely Japanese invention, and it was very popular. The reason that Japan fell off is that, as technology marched on, the kinds of games popular on computers in the 90s became more feasible on console, leading to White dominance of the industry once again.

>> No.8721108

Cool it with the antisemitism.

>> No.8721117

>The reason that Japan fell off is that, as technology marched on, the kinds of games popular on computers in the 90s became more feasible on console
Nah, it was a good old fashioned economic recession that caused major price increases that did it. Nice oddly racist diatribe, though.

>> No.8721147

imagine some girl dressing up in 1950s clothes in front of 1950s memorabilia and a bunch of actual boomers call her retarded because some items are from the early 60s.

Gen-X/Millennials was a mistake.

>> No.8721151

shut up faggot, when its cringe its cringe

>> No.8721164

There's nothing wrong with this. If you're going to commit to an era don't fuck up, especially in the age of the internet where the release date of any piece of media is a single google search away. Its like trying to make a commemoration of 2000s culture but you throw fucking Tomb Raider 2013 in there for some reason. This thread is more like
>imagine boomers calling zoomers retarded for not living in the 90s and then some zoomer takes interest in 90s culture and is then also called retarded for trying to be a wannabe boomer

>> No.8721189

>PS1 becomes the first Japanese console whose best selling game isn't Japanese.
But the top 5 best selling PS1 games are Japanese.

>> No.8721229

>If you're going to commit to an era don't fuck up
why is authenticity so important? Once an era is over, it doesn't exist anymore. Look at movies set in the 50s from the 80s, none of them were authentic. Most of them showed a general impression of the 50s, but through an 80s lens with 80s haircuts etc.

And why would someone interested in the past want to limit themselves to just a specific tiny window of that past?

>> No.8721238

Yeah don't fuck up, or an anonymous army of 40 year old men on an anime website will bitch about it. Jaja

>> No.8721240
File: 164 KB, 800x532, FInhp2jXMAE5iU9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid zoomer attention whores. This is what gayming in the 90s was really like.

>> No.8721249

>jewish hole posing for social media upboats
>muh commitment to authenticity
You poor naive retard.

>> No.8721263
File: 218 KB, 500x781, ZLKYbO6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake instagram hos. wannabe emo hipsters.

>> No.8721287
File: 777 KB, 500x377, Re9Z.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clarissa had a pretty cool room. Too bad she sucks at vidya IRL.

>> No.8721294

>Homework put on the floor to play.

Oh boy, that was being a kid.

>> No.8721320
File: 212 KB, 856x1024, E2krheNWYAwiZii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full cover

>> No.8721328

Is that kid on the sofa in the background jacking it?

>> No.8721334

w-what are they learning exactly?

>> No.8721337

He passed out from edutainment overstimulation.

>> No.8721361

The slutty older sister on the floor just finished playing with his joystick.

>> No.8721362

Remember when you had your friends begging you to come over to play educational games on the computer? Me neither.

>> No.8721373

>alsp they have tokyo xtreme racer
TXR is (was) a product of love made for a niche market. Every nation has car enthusiasts inclined to play racing games, japan is no exception.

>> No.8721396

>getting triggered over an old meme
>telling someone to stop and expecting it will work.

>> No.8721408

>admits it's an old tired meme
Too unimaginative to come up with something new?

>> No.8721412

>getting triggered
ok, but i still think ur retarded if you use vhs instead of dvds

>> No.8721425

>dude, what the fuck, how was Japan so dominant in the 90's video game market?

They came out with the NES and Master System shortly after the video game market collapsed and were the sole competition for home console video gaming systems, so they had next to no competition which allowed them more market space. The West thrived mostly on computers after the crash, since Computers were crash-proof, as you could do other things on them, and were partially what drove PC culture to develop into what it is today.

The reason Japan fell off hard is because the West rebounded back onto consoles. Most of the games on consoles in the late 80's, early 90's were console ports of PC exclusives.

>> No.8721727

>most of the WESTERN games on consoles in the late 80's, early 90's were console ports of PC titles


>> No.8721731

>cute girls like N64
not like this, sonybros...

>> No.8721741

>cute girls
bad bait

>> No.8721819

Zoomers and Gen Alpha don’t hold interests for more than 2 weeks so its beyond their comprehension that people could like bands more than 1 year after an album release.

>> No.8721830

Alt girls literally do this all the time. Its considered vintage and thus cool.

>> No.8721849

You seem to have trouble understanding. It's the act of photographing yourself in front of the stuff in a costume and posting it online that makes you look retarded. I guess you just don't know any better

>> No.8722326

The funny thing is that the next gen Switch will likely support ray-tracing and have a similar graphic muscle to the current consoles (especially if it manages to secure DLSS). Because games are graphically right now at a point in which effects are not what's typically constraining the games but development time, Nintendo really only has to continue making bangers for the successor, since all the Japanese third-parties will flock to it. And that's without mentioning what the Switch has no real competitor in the handheld space for the kind of gaming experience it provides. The Steam Deck is neat, but it needs to be far more refined (and priced accessibly) before it even poses a threat. I don't even like Nintendo that much, but I hate Western devs with a passion, and since Sony has moved entirely to California, Nintendo has now to carry the torch all by itself.

>> No.8722391

I would pump this art hoe so much and make her do the most degrading sexual shit just to fill the hole in her life where her dad should be. Arthoes are so hot but in a disgusting, "I would never be with you long term" kind of way.

>the big Jap games were the ones shifting into movies, and reducing gameplay and mechanics to the absolute minimum. While the most common complaint about western games was they were too complex to play.
How the fuck can someone say something so wrong and think they know shit? Barring WRPGs, that is the exact oppoite of what happened in the transition from the 6th to 7th generation.

>> No.8722407

You have a very, very loose definition of art hoe, anon

>> No.8722414
File: 41 KB, 531x653, yhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i have a good and simple answer to this question. it has to do with this guy, hideo kojima. if you look into his history as a young man in the japanese miracle economy, and the history of all the video game creators we now think of as godfathers, you will find a lot in common.

video games in the early 1980s were memes. it wasn't a serious art or business. early mass market systems like the atari and commodore were cool demos but they came and went because really they were just electronic toys. what happened next is important. in america where they were made, silicon valley had other industries that were much more profitable. so when video games died, the programmers and electronics engineers just gave up and went to work for chip manufacturers and personal computer companies, because silicon valley was high tech. it's hard to imagine now but northern california was the most technologically advanced place in the world in the late 1970s. why would a talented engineer work on cheesy video games? so they didn't.

the situation was the complete opposite in japan. the technology wasn't developed there, it was just put together. the big electronics companies of japan were slapping chips into whatever they could and shipping them overseas for a profit. radios? SLAP. alarm clocks? SLAP. televisions? SLAP. the getting was good and they were all making money out the wazoo. naturally they wanted to diversify. so they started development on those little meme video game consoles that everyone thought was a joke, because why the fuck not? even if it sucked it would still make money because everything from japan was so cheap to americans it would still be worth the money.

>> No.8722431
File: 161 KB, 1600x900, ysm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so big japanese companies still had faith in video games when american companies didn't. the other major factor is that in japan back then (and too a large extent today as well) if you want to be successful you have to work at a big company. so all of these baby boomers like kojima, miyamoto, tezuka were smart guys and the naturally ended up in the big japanese electronics companies. the companies were making so much money they basically gave them all a blank check "make this cool and make it sell and we don't really care about anything else." the result was that there was a whole generation of japanese game creators during a time period when the industry was basically dead in america for economic reasons. all of the guys who were working during this "dead period" were making stuff that was pretty lame, but they kept working and ended up making the NES, games like Metal Gear, Mario Bros. they had a decade long head start in engineering and creative direction that ended up giving the japanese a huge lead just when video games started to be taken seriously. the result is that all of the consoles and video games from the era that we now consider to be "classic" all came from japan. and the reason for that all comes down to business and money. americans wanted to work on high tech, japanese wanted to work on consumer electronics.

>> No.8722438

>video games in the early 1980s were memes
stopped reading there. I would have stopped when you suggested that Hackjima had anything to do with Japan being kino, but I kept reading just in case it would give me a good laugh. It got pathetic fast.
PS: actually stopped reading, not "I'll say stopped reading but kept reading anyway", no, I won't read your shit, man.

>> No.8722447
File: 297 KB, 878x900, tiyh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8722637

day/month/year = correct and nonpozzed

>> No.8722689

>they made all the good arcade games
>they manufactured the consoles and made all the first party games
>they ported their good arcade games to console and/or made console-exclusive sequels
>arcades die in the west due to competition from consoles/PC
>PC space dominated by westerners
>westerners begin porting PC games to console to tap into massive market
>western games begin to overtake japanese games
>Xbox normalizes online play on consoles
>Japanese devs do not adapt to online play quickly (besides PSO which predates Xbox but is niche as fuck, and MMOs like FF11)
>parity between console and PC close enough that the western PC and console markets are basically the same
>japanese devs pretty much pushed out of their industry, and are considered niche besides series that will sell no matter what (Mario, Pokémon, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil)
>western devs rely on uncreative annual franchises like COD and Asscreed, or trying to rip those off, because they know the formula that sells

>> No.8722749

>How the fuck can someone say something so wrong and think they know shit?
Yes, it is truly fascinating how people will just moronically parrot that jap games are these deep mechanically complex games, when nothing can be further from the truth.
RTS, MMOs, CRPGs, MOBAs, online shooters, hybrids like Deus Ex or Jagged Alliance, all of these games are loaded with complex mechanics and gameplay that people bitch as being too complicated, or unintuitive.
Meanwhile Japan is producing jrpgs with the exact same gameplay as NES games, only now with 5 hours of cutscenes in them, generic mascot platformers, and literal movie games like Resident Evil, or Metal Gear Solid, where the actual gameplay is so mindless and simple any child can easily play the games, and its offset by creating an atmosphere and setting to disguise that fact.
You want to know why retro JRPGs and horror games are the most sought after today? Because they're the most similar to modern games, and anyone can jump right in and understand them.

>> No.8722763

you're missing the point there buddy, we're not worried about the format.

>> No.8722773

More like 70s when you consider the AM poster and Cuphead shirt.

>> No.8722779

Something about that photo seems weird to me. Playing Mario Golf, which came out on the N64 in 1999. But she has Pulp Fiction posters from 1994. A guns and Roses poster from the 1980's. Nobody gave a shit about Guns and Roses past 1992. Outside of some of their classic hit singles. But as a band, they were not popular in 1999. Chinese Democracy was the Duke Nukem Forever of music albums.

>> No.8722780

>Because games are graphically right now at a point in which effects are not what's typically constraining the games but development time

>> No.8722806

>Nobody gave a shit about Guns and Roses past 1992
Well first of all, its a fake pic taken like 2 years ago by hipsters. Secondly, Guns and Roses never stopped being popular. I went to my first concert after I heard welcome to the jungle on grand theft auto for ps2. They still go on tour even in year of our lord 2022

>> No.8722841

>Secondly, Guns and Roses never stopped being popular.

That's debatable. Especially in the mid to late 90's. I could make an argument that Grunge and 'alternative' music from the 90's was what pushed G&R out of the spotlight. Also, the fact that Slash was gone, and doing his own thing with Slash's Snakepit and his much more successful Velvet Underground. Don't get me wrong, Guns and Roses have that iconic band label now. But they were not really all that relevant to the mid to late 90's in the music charts. Guns and Roses didn't even really have a 'come back' until they appeared at the MTV Video Music awards with Buckethead in 2003-2004? But oddly enough, it was around the same time as GTA San Andreas was released, and Welcome to the Jungle was in the TV ads, and that was a big deal for their exposure. But I mean, no teenage girl in 1999 would have a G&R poster on their wall.

>> No.8722881



In 1999, this song was getting massive airplay/ music video rotation. Limp Bizkit, the nu-metal version of GNR. Nu-metal, pop bands like Backstreet Boys/ N'Sync, Eminem, Dr. Dre, Brit Pop (spice Girls), Britney Spears. etc. I think at this point GNR was reforming as a band, or going through try-outs for new members. They didn't make an official comeback until 2002, with the MTV Music Video awards.

>> No.8722909

"Screw your yankee-sense!" -From Japan

>> No.8722998

>Velvet Revolver

sorry, I dunno why I typed "Velvet Underground".

>> No.8723010

>it was a good old fashioned economic recession
No aspect of Japan's economy has ever been larger than the US's, including software development, so that's not it.
>Nice oddly racist diatribe
The OP is literally asking what made [race of people] so dominant.

>> No.8723074

>In 1999, this song was getting massive airplay/ music video rotation. Limp Bizkit, the nu-metal version of GNR.

Between 1999 to 2001, Limp Bizkit was everywhere. Limp Bizkit really gained mass popularity after their performance of 'Break Stuff' at Woodstock 1999, when the crowd started breaking apart the stage and lighting things on fire. The Song Break Stuff was released in 1998 or 1999, but the music video came out in early 2000. The music video is one of the most 1999 things ever. The video had cameos from Eminem, Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Flea from the RHCP, the lead singer of Korn, Seth Green, Bam Margera, Bucky Lasek, Pauly Shore. Literally a whose who of 1999 era popular celebrities.


>> No.8723093

The American console industry died with Atari, Nintendo took over and American developers moved mostly to the PC market. As PCs were expensive and not widespread while consoles were, relatively, inexpensive Japan came to dominate the video game market since they were the ones making the consoles and all the good games for the consoles while American publishers were mainly putting out shovelware. The Playstation and Final Fantasy VII really solidified it as well.

>mid 2000s
Budgets started going up as everyone wanted games with ultra realistic graphics and Hollywood studio style marketing. Japanese publishers didn't really have budgets to start competing against the Microsofts and Activisions of the world.

>> No.8723098
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Ahh yes. That's why it's mostly Western companies like Microsoft, Activision, EA and Ubisoft that did the exact same thing and have turned gaming into a masturbatory graphics competition for the past 15 years, along with game series that are not only released yearly but streamlined more and more with each entry.

>> No.8723117

Anon, while I’ll freely admit that Japan is almost entirely populated by the Japanese, it’s pretty clearly a discussion about the country, not comparing the achievements of different races. That’s why OP said “Japan” instead of “Japanese people”. Also, no aspect of their economy is larger? Toyota is the largest car company in the world lol.

>> No.8723141

what is the problem anon

>> No.8723464

after atari crashed, westerners abandoned the console market for the computer market which gave an opening for japanese consoles to take over

the two didn't really reunite until consoles and computers became practically interchangeable

>> No.8723897

>it’s pretty clearly a discussion about the country, not comparing the achievements of different races
No difference, especially not in the 1990s.
>Toyota is the largest car company in the world
And the US has something like 50% more vehicles per capita.

>> No.8723898

English speaking devs focused on PC

>> No.8723910

Agreed except for the horror games part. Normies get filtered Hardcore by games like Resident Evil because of tank controls, back tracking, and inventory management.

>> No.8724036

Why yes, we were all younger back then.

>> No.8724147

>all that rube shit
I guess I'm autistic but god posters for consoomer shit are so fucking stupid. Thought it was gay and stupid then, still do now. At least she has being a woman as an excuse to decorate. Seeing men do this shit is double-cringe.

>> No.8724152


>> No.8724156

post tard trinkets

>> No.8724179

>muh taste
Japanese have DIFFERENT taste in games. Their gaming market is completely fucking different, it's full of arcade games and adventure games, both completely gone in the West. The basic concept is that Japanese gamers like thinking. They play slow games with puzzles and planning (think how date sims are all about figuring put the puzzle that is the heroine, or how gacha games always require you to plan ahead and ration your resources), as well as fast games with complex, intricate systems that require theorycrafting (fighting games are infamously complex, danmaku games require you to know the precise way to dodge the rain of dots thrown at you). Western gamers, meanwhile, much prefer reaction-based action like first-person shooters and story-focused games that don't involve a lot of thinking, just the story presented in a cinematic manner. Japanese value gameplay systems and challenge, Westerners value graphics and story. If you think that Japanese have "shit taste", your priorities simply lie on the Western side.

>> No.8724184

Show me the fucking women that went in this goddamn hard on gaming in the 90s. They didn't exist. It's uncanny and weird. They played their brother or boyfriend's shit briefly at most.

>> No.8724196

We don't wanna see this stupid shit at all. This isn't Reddit. It's just lvl 99 pickme-ing when women do it.

>> No.8724201

>everything I don't like is reddit

>> No.8724202

Not since 2017 because of the Switch.

>> No.8724204

>check out what I collected and arranged for upboats, guyth
I am typically one to avoid the R word but if the shoe fits.

>> No.8724223

> So what the fuck is it? What do you want? Just hating and complaining, clearly.
Ok newfriend, get this straight: we complain and hate on this board ever since they allowed 6th gen consoles (other than the never ending console wars). Its not that we hate the consoles itself but the users that it attracts (illiterate zoomers that cant read the fucking sticky, attentionwhore trannies and the insufferable tranny hating posters that hijacks almost every thread)

People are mad at this girl for two reasons:

1) she dont care about retro shit, its all about showing off, finding that balance between cute and aesthetic and farming simps
2) the filter is a letdown for hunger boomers that expected that pic to be legit, but this reason dont have the same relevance as the first

The reason most people compliment battlestation pics is because someone it is actually cool, just like this daddy starved grill, but we obviously shit on the over autistic and ugly stations, just check the current thread.

Landwhales did play vidya in the 90s dude. Just played Doom with one in her 40s, she has been playing it since the 90s

>> No.8724226

As opposed to 4chan, where replying "based" or "fpbp" is the functional equivalent of an upvote, and replying "cringe", "onions", "ywnbaw", or "sneed" is the functional equivalent of a downvote (formerly, saging a thread before they made sage invisible and changed the rules to disallow publicly announcing sage)

>> No.8724235

I mean... yeah... you could go back...

>> No.8724240

>Fake! Some details are wrong! All women are the same! She MUST have daddy issues!
The stick on her N64 controller is so worn out it's unusable. The atomic purple one isn't much better. Which means she doesn't play N64 and is only using it as a prop. Stop trying to whiteknight a zoomer hipster poser, you dumb faggot.

>> No.8724248

The Japanese economy is definitely large enough to impact the American economy. Everyone in the 80’s thought that the Japanese would become the next superpower because their tech dominance was so absolute. When their economy went tits up in the 90’s it caused huge price increases in America too, that’s why lexuses doubled in price overnight, for instance. You trying to push some racial agenda while being ignorant of history is pathetic.

>> No.8724256

this reddit abomination

>> No.8724271
File: 28 KB, 664x365, house_damaged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but would model-esque ones play them in any significant numbers? NO. Fucking no. They had to ugly, autistic, or otherwise screw-loose'd enough to delve into the hobby in that era.

>> No.8724336

Now that you've been completely btfo you have for some reason decided to change from complaining about western games not being complex to graphics in the modem day for some reason, probably because you're a retarded teenager, who has never had an original thought in their life and just repeats what they think general consensus here is, and saw a bunch of "uh graphics don't matter I'm a hardcore gamer" posts. However you're still retarded.
Activision's most prominent franchises are CoD, WoW, Diablo, Overwatch, Tony Hawk, Guitar Hero, StarCraft, and Hearthstone. Absolutely none of these are movie games, they're all the exact opposite, having a focus on gameplay usually multiplayer, with no story at all.
EAs most prominent games are sports games, Battlefield, and Apex Legends all competitive multiplayer focused games with no story at all.
Microsoft has Halo, Forza, Gears of War, Minecraft, Age of Empires, and MS Flight Sim. Again an entire list of gameplay focused usually online competitive multiplayer focused titles.
Ubisoft is definitely the closet to the average Jap publisher when it comes to making movie games, what with their endless supply of generic, braindead, Far Cry, Assassin's Creed, Watch Dogs, etc shovelware, but even they have Siege.
Meanwhile in nipland, we have have endless JRPGs, that have not advanced in 25 years outside of graphics quality, mascot platformers that all still play like Mario 64 or OoT only in HD, and single player only story and atmosphere focused games where gameplay complexity is incredibly low.
Stop parroting dumb weeb drivel you hear on /v/ just to try to fit in on an anonymous website and use your brain to actually think before you turn into one of them.

>> No.8724379

>Everyone in the 80’s thought that the Japanese would become the next superpower because their tech dominance was so absolute.
"Everyone" thinks lot of retarded things.
>You trying to push some racial agenda while being ignorant of history is pathetic.
I think you're triggered by any acknowledgement that different peoples are different. The world populated by an economy, it's populated by animals.

>> No.8724403

>The world populated by an economy
isn't* populated

>> No.8724450

The market expanded to a broader audience and with that came a split in design philosophies. The west makes sports games, fps titles, and low difficulty cinematic adventure games to appeal internationally. Meanwhile Japan has remained relatively insular in their target audience and is still pumping out lengthy turn based RPGs, games with no obvious story, and games that most casual players have absolutely zero hope of completing. Japan didn't really lose any popularity. They just don't have the mass appeal needed in the current market. And obviously this is all generalization since Nintendo, From Soft, etc continue to prove themselves in the international market.

>> No.8724461

Holy kek, I didn't even realize. Why would someone fake something like this?

>> No.8724506

this girl looks exactly like a girl I knew in high school. she did not bathe and smelled like shit stain on the first day back from seasonal vacations.

>> No.8724510

I think that's what every anon in this thread that said they want to fuck her is failing to realize. These bitches are mentally unwell and stinky

>> No.8724546

So are the anons that want to fuck her.

>> No.8724550

Good point.

>> No.8724640

Well fuck I feel stupid now. At least the statement is true for the ps2.

>> No.8724734

>not mobileshit

>> No.8724738

>and they have good tastes
lol they turned everything they had to mass consumer glob like the west
>anime went from a unique medium to romance novels for teen boys in practically 5 years
>copied korean vidya and turned everything into a mtx trash for teen boys

>> No.8724745

You underestimate the level of thirst of your average male

>> No.8725110

> They had to ugly, autistic, or otherwise screw-loose'd enough to delve into the hobby in that era.
Once upon a time, only losers, school-bullied “nerds” and parent neglected kids would play vidya for unhealthy amounts of time, thats my case at least and I would guess thats the case of most people

>> No.8725160

Attractive people as a whole don't bother with video games. If they do, it's only surface level shit that's popular enough for their target demographics. Video games are an escape into a fantasy world where you are the big chinned Chad saving a woman from the clutches of a bad guy from the clutches of a character that only vaguely resembles ethnic people. In the video game world you're the MC, in real life you're just an NPC.

>> No.8725204

>Don't have to deal with unskippable (((ads)))
>Don't have to deal with unskippable (((legal warnings)))
>No gay ass menus
>Can stop the movie wherever, take the tape out and put it away, and pick up exactly where you left off in the future
>No needless "behind the scenes/extras" bloat, just pure movie
>most SOVLful video quality
>virtually no copy protection, can copy it to as many tapes as you like with the video quality becoming more and more SOVLful with each iteration
What is there not to love about VHS?

>> No.8725212

Japan's gaming market is heavily saturated with mobile games and gaming consoles as a whole are not nearly as popular as they were because of it. Japan is extremely dominant in the mobile market but its mostly gachashit which most /vr/ gamers probably wouldn't consider games.

The only exception to this is the Switch which succeeded due to its versatility as both a home console and portable system.

>> No.8725469

This reads like Nintendo apologia as expected of what looks like NeoFAG.

>> No.8725489

Dat nigga ODing on Operation Neptune damn

>> No.8726039

>What is there not to love about VHS?
worst quality ever and no featurettes

>> No.8726042

you stay mad

>> No.8726049

I've owned several tapes that had featurettes before the actual movie. Or just entire tapes with featurettes on them. But discs are obviously better

>> No.8726067

never seen tapes with featurettes, also some of my tapes have permanent subs, which sucks

>> No.8726684

>. And there aren't many of them left. What happened?
American Globalism. The ideal of the American empire is to replace the culture of client states to make them better customers for American products. Japan is still in the early stages of this due to the language barrier.

>> No.8726797

>worst quality ever
You mean the most SOVLful quality ever.
>and no featurettes
Needless bloat.

>> No.8726801

>t. zoomer who likes "vintage" bs
dvd have the best quality sorry

>> No.8726809

You mean the most soulless quality.

>> No.8726819

It's a good discussion thread.

For those who wonder about the photo, it's from 2018.

Here is some additional information:


>> No.8726834

that article gave me cancer, fuck you anon

>> No.8726835


>> No.8726852

>It’s not about being nostalgic for the 90s, nor is it about being nostalgic for the early-2010s. Instead, it’s about being nostalgic for being in the early-2010s being nostalgic for the 90s. It’s a lot to wrap your head around. Which makes the reactions to mvnicx’s photo even funnier.

>> No.8727031

PC gaming wasn't mainstream back then. With only some exceptions, the west hasn't done a better job at making games that Japan is known for. But as PCs became affordable and PC-style gaming expanded to consoles, gaming tastes changed, and Japan games that used to sell a ton were considered "passe" or 2nd-rate, not worth physical copies or full price

>> No.8727056
File: 414 KB, 1242x1241, BE6C728C-0D3E-4693-969C-FDC06973B9F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im fine with that. gonna take her to the bathtub and take that stinky grunge off ^_^

>> No.8727113
File: 2.14 MB, 1000x1369, 1641501331837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90's was a time where video games still had their original meaning. Japan fits this meaning better across the whole board, which is why they dominated back then.
Ever since y2k video games started to gain more popularity and attracted more people, mainly those who don't have the multifaceted knowledge and experience people in this hobby usually have. Problem with this groth is that very few of them actually like the interactive part of a video game and much rather dwell on supefluous features such as storytelling, graphics, atmosphere, you get the drill. And on that segment the west is doing a better job, or rather, have more burning passion for.

What everyone mainly needs to know is that japanese devs grew up in arcade halls, where games were extremely interactive, where the whole drive came from getting better at them and do flawless no-damage runs. That type of main idea is what japanese games are designed around even to this day. The west used to have that mindset too back during the PSOne era and prior (except the usual suspects who developed for PC).
But the west on the other hand mainly grew up with D&D where managing numbers, growing them and working on certain builds while being accompanied by a strict Pen&Paper storyline is the main appeal. Bethesda mainly runs on that mindset. And so do many other developers today. The whole landscape today is dominated by the west who values cinematic D&D concepts more than actual videogame-esque interaction.
Japan used to dominate back then because they just make video games. Which was acceptable in that zeitgeits. They lost more and more value when video games went towards mainstream and attracted all other sorts of people who don't really care about gameplaytechnical interactivity.

>> No.8727121

cringe af

>> No.8727129

They became completely soulless, they used to be way more creative. Remember all those mecha games they used to make? Now they don't.

>> No.8727137

They're working on a new Armored Core right now.

>> No.8727167 [DELETED] 

PAC-WALLET is available. you can now buy $pmv through BNB, BTC ,LTC and DOGE

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So many updates coming up.


>> No.8727190

And you just know that they're totally gonna Souls-ify it

>> No.8727297

Conversely, what we know as PC games today are just console games that run on computers. Proper PC games have died, the best selling computer games, as well as the most visually impressive, are console ports. It's funny when you consider that early console developers were pc developers, then had to adjust their games for console gamer palates, and then these games wound up being ported back to computers.

>> No.8727304

No...? You have a miserable attitude, anon

>> No.8727480

>too mad to muster a response

>> No.8727554

American investment. Also the answer to China and South Korea.

>> No.8727623

all im gona say is, ur gay

>> No.8727663

i wish the west never made games. Japan's games have always been the most fun and the most videogame-y. The fucking reason why i lurk here on /vr/ and discuss these old games. This whole big open world map loot movie shit is far and beyond what actually video games are supposed to be. Fun systems with fundamental focus on interaction like Bomberman or Pacman are not the primary idea anymore when designing games.

There are some motherfuckers out there whol call games like Onimusha "arcade-esque". I want them to fucking die, if you ever use that word you don't understand what a video game is

>> No.8727667


>> No.8727674

what kind of fucked up kid listens to dated nirvana and guns and roses and then goes to play with pokemons when limp bizkit and korn are the hottest shit. 10 years back then was a huge cultural shift

>> No.8727748

NIGGER there is an ARCTIC MONKEYS poster clearly visible. This band did not exist until the mid 2000s. This bitch is a larping twat and you should kys immediately for being a retard contrarian idiot.

>> No.8728015

>btw, I'm American and gay

>> No.8728218

Yes it's really pretty much this. The west just has a different idea on game design than the fathers of video games.
Add also the fact that home consoles completely lost meaning in japan. Which matters alot since japanese developers could ignore the resonance of their games overseas and cash in alot of incomme by just doing well in japan. Which is why ever since 2014 the big names with the big IP's (Square - Dragon Quest, Namco - Tales of, Sega - Yakuza) tried their utter best to gain a strong presence in the west. They already saw the ship sinking and the only way to survive was to cater to the western market.

Today japanese IP's - even though very prevalent - are considered just to be a niche. It's a sad view to spectate since they are pretty much what shaped video games to video games, but this was inevitable. Where there is a growing scene there are at least two assholes trying to commercialize that market for profit. Video games are big these days but many original ideas, many japanese IP's and many fun side projects just died for not being marketable in a large scale.
Take Mega Man Legends for instance
Devil May Cry took 11 years to return (and got a westernization)
When was the last time we had a tried and true handheld?
Videogames today are just a shadow of their former self and only a playground for people from other fields of expertise

>> No.8728752

Nah, She coo.

>> No.8728796

>advertisements by a company showing an idealized circumstance, complete with the Disney diversity friend group, is what living in the era was actually like.
You were born in 1999.

>> No.8728809

Come on dude. They've exclusively made Souls games since that Armored Core V spinoff back in 2013. Sekiro was a Souls game in Tenchu Z's clothing. There's no reason why they wouldn't try to do the same with AC. Elden Ring is the most popular game on the internet since New Horizons. They're the new kings of games, so expect their formula to not budge.

>> No.8728840

I hope this thread 404s soon I'm tired of seeing this whore every time I log in to /vr/

>> No.8728994


>> No.8729004

You seem pretty buttmad that these good games are popular. If I had to guess, I would say that you probably hate them because of that very fact.

>> No.8729075

yes, because jrpgs and visual novels are "extremely interactive"


>> No.8729082

what does "strict pen&paper storyline" even mean?
have you ever actually played d&d or other tabletop games?

one thing that happens quite often is that the DM has to react, on the fly, to when players do unexpected things

these games are far more interactive than just about every type of video game

>> No.8729137


>> No.8729297

you are telling me a picture that looks like a parody of the 90s isn't actually from the 90s? Of course not you fucking retard, the 90s didn't actually look like that, it's how zoomers think it looked.

>> No.8729335
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>> No.8729460

I can't believe that the bio-woman in the pic would be a woman (male) nowadays

>> No.8730056
File: 532 KB, 500x750, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you completely missunderstood what i ment with interactivity.
I'm not talking about doing something and getting an immediate response. I'm talking about gameplaytechnical aspects that force you to engage with the game more than listening to a storyprocess you don't have the control over.
Sure the DM has many ways to branch the plot in all sorts of directions and change the whole premise accordingly, but all of that only serves a narrative purpose.
Whereas in the mindset of a japanese arcade game you need to actively perform in the game's system and make use of the features it provides you. Any narrative component is just a bonus and nothing else. And the whole fun really starts in the next game/new game + where you understood the whole idea and try to do better.
nitpicking want do you any good here, of course there are japanese games that focus more on story than on gameplay. But that's by far not the main line-up they have
I personally don't like turn-based too much and agree on that part with you. But considering how much active performance FF7, 8 and 9 required, how games like Tales of are structured and how the ARPG scene grew more and more over the years, i'd day even JRPG's are more than just grinding numbers by now. I mean compare Tales of Destiny DC to Fallout 3, Vagrant Story to Oblivion or (to have a more recent example) NEO TWEWY to The Outer Wilds. You can clearly see what these games mainly focus on. All of them have a strong narrative component, but the japanese section gives you way more gameplaytechnical interactivity to be occupied with. Plus they are designed around being played for a second or third time, where skipping cutscenes wouldn't dilute your experience.

>> No.8730081

To be fair, playing under pressure in front of an audience like that, in a completely unfamiliar game (Sonic 2 wasn't released yet, they're playing a beta), is more difficult than it seems. You can see she doesn't know how to spindash and stuff.