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File: 259 KB, 903x1075, Ultimecia_FFVIII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8700479 No.8700479 [Reply] [Original]

So we all agree she's Rinoa from the future?

>> No.8700481


>> No.8700660


>> No.8700667

What would future Rinoa gain from killing her past lover?

>> No.8700679

Can we all agree Ultimecia and Edea are Nomura's best character designs

>> No.8700720


>> No.8700764

To preserve the timeline.

>> No.8700812

waste of time.

>> No.8700908

>muh aeris

>> No.8701091

>best Final Fantasy OST
>KINO card game side quest
Your birth was a waste of time

>> No.8701892

I think the theory is she wanted to die by her lover. She went crazy after Squall died, or something along those lines. It's an interesting theory that would have given the game an interesting twist, but there's not enough material to support it.

>> No.8701893

With lips like those, I'd argue she's Apocalypse's mother from the future. Or Kang after a trip to Thailand.

>> No.8701952

VIII is the peak of the series

>> No.8701959


>> No.8701969

>VIII is the peak of the series
based indeed
but i would also argue that X was like leaving on a high note nonetheless for one reason or another

>> No.8702123

>Le Squall is dead!
>Le Rinoa from the future!
Why does FFVIII get all the cringe fan theories?

>> No.8702139

Because the actual plot makes no sense so people look for theories to patch it up

captcha: YAAAS

>> No.8702172

Squareenix recently backpedaled on Rinoa not being Ultimecia so I would like to say yes

>> No.8702173

Because the world and lore in FVIII is actually pretty large and in-depth. You find out a lot about the world from talking to the NPCs, but there's still some loose ends at the end of it. Both theories are fun to entertain.

>> No.8702189

VIII’s females are all great, not just those two.

>> No.8702215

Quistis was my favorite growing up, but now it's Selphie

>> No.8702337

GFs make you forget stuff over time. She’s junctions to Griever whom she modeled after her lover’s ring.

>> No.8702537

genius writer tell me how the game becomes better with rinoa trying to kill herself and all her friends. Why is the ff8 fanbase full of so many retarded schizo theories? Fuckheads trying to cope and prove it's a misunderstood masterpiece? you've been at this for 23 fuckin years. The game is shit, deal with it.

>> No.8702827

>genius writer tell me how the game becomes better with rinoa trying to kill herself and all her friends
Anything that introduces time travel usually falls flat, by making her turn schizo because she has a GF that made her lose her memory would make it an interesting time loop
>The game is shit, deal with it
Ah, nevermind, you just have shit taste

>> No.8702870

>Reflect on your... Childhood... Your sensation... Your words... Your emotions... Time... It will not wait... No matter... How hard you hold on...It escapes you...And...
This still fucks with me years later.

>> No.8702875

Guys what if Edea is the Matron?

>> No.8702878

What doesn't make sense about FF8's plot?

>> No.8702921

It's so weird that FF8 has all these fan theories, but the FF7 theory that Jenova was behind nearly literally everything is laughed at despite actually fitting in with the story and lore of the setting.

>> No.8702951

They only spent like a year making FF8. I don't think they put that much thought into it beyond the themes/symbols..


Did they? Maybe they're doing a remake or something and want to leave that idea open since it was decent.

>> No.8703130

So she wanted to suspend time so she would never lose her lover? Feel like there's a lot of different angles you could approach this from to make Rinoa become the final baddie.

>> No.8703171

A lot of Ultimecia's dialogue was translated poorly. The Japnese final speech is less vauge...“Have you remembered something?
Something from your childhood
A sensation
The words from back then
The emotions from back then
As you become an adult
You leave something behind, throw something away
Time will not wait for you
Even if you cling to it
It slips away the instant you open your hands

>> No.8704186

A perfect world. She could control time and make it so her lover never died, ironically.

>> No.8704401

There may be many reasons, but it doesn't matter

>> No.8704824

What doesn't make sense about the plot?

>> No.8704825

I wish I was as good looking as Squall.

>> No.8704831

>There may be many reasons, but it doesn't matter

>> No.8704838
File: 89 KB, 1200x922, final-fantasy-ru-rinoa-equals-ul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably. Even her personal GF is Griever, Squall's necklace.

>> No.8704869

my headcanon

>> No.8704874

This response doesn't make sense to the question that's asked

>> No.8704929

I still have a hard time believing a recluse like Squall could ever fall in love.

>> No.8704981

He was emotional as a child, then he got abandoned

>> No.8705025

She never did. It was always Squall and company who went after her. If anything her time compression only served to bring him back to her, for which his response was to kick her ass for it.

All she wanted was a hug.

>> No.8705035

What she really needed was a dick.

>> No.8705050

But if you get infos from npcs future Rinoa makes no sense, with how you learn witch powers work.

>> No.8705073

you never played the game? somebody tell me i'm not the only one who remembers this

>> No.8705321

I've played the game, albeit it's been a few years, but i have no idea what you're referencing

>> No.8705326

>witch powers
You mean sorceress? How does it not make sense with her being from the future? What information do the NPCs provide that disputes it?

>> No.8705328

Yes because it makes the game better

>> No.8705602 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.8705706

This is a new one...too bad it isn't as interesting as Rinoa

>> No.8705780

No, you're retarded. The developers and the games own internal logic say she's just some future Sorceress, suck my balls

>> No.8705976

Fucking EOPs
She's Squal and Rinoa's daughter, you fuckstick. Stop playing shitty localizations and learn Japanese.

>> No.8705985

>2 different hairlines
A widows peak is a genetic trait not a style.

>> No.8706226

>She's Squal and Rinoa's daughter
Source? You're saying they were fighting their daughter then?

>> No.8707601
File: 37 KB, 621x461, 1641146221552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She could possibly be. I think she's so, but they changed the future by defeating her so it's not a time loop. Squall saves Rinoa through love.

>> No.8707642

>but the FF7 theory that Jenova was behind nearly literally everything
Theory? This is literally what happens in the game

>> No.8707710

No that would be too smart for this game, she's just some random sorceress with a retarded goal shoved in at the very end.

>> No.8707825

Interesting, but doesn't explain Griever. And Griever absolutely ties in with Ultimecia, because if you re-name Griever to be "Fart," then Ultimecia will order Fart to destroy you.

>> No.8707923

Nah man, Sephiroth is in control of spacemommy, not the other way around

>> No.8708151

Oh sure, that's why Sephiroth didn't recognise the man who killed him when they met on the ship.

>> No.8708198

He was toying with Cloud.

>> No.8708212

Completely out of character. Sephiroth was a crazy murderer but he was not manipulative. Jenova on the other hand liked to play with her prey, the Cetra even warned you about it. Sephiroth died at the reactor. What was left of his body belonged to Jenova after that.

>> No.8708409

I've read Ultimecia's fan translations from the original Japanese versiob, and it explains her GF better. She basically uses Squall's imagination to create Griever. Since that's the strongest being that Squall envisions, that's what Ultimecia uses. Doesn't discredit her being Rinoa, but the English version did a horrible job with her dialogue in the game.

>> No.8708413

Cloud was just a random grunt, Sephiroth saw his face for all of 10 seconds before his mind and body get fucked by mako. It's completely reasonable for him to not remember Cloud.
In order to argue that Jenova was in control you have to ignore...
1. The way the game is presented. This includes things like Sephiroth's body being the end-point of reunion, and the "complete" form of Jenova post-reunion with Jenova's head being fought as a boss separate from Sephiroth during the final boss gauntlet.
2. The dialogue. Hojo says Sephiroth is in control, Cloud says multiple times that he feels Sephiroth's will as someone injected with Jenova cells.
3. Supplemental material. The Ultimanias state in no uncertain terms that Sephiroth is in control.
You can believe it if you want, but to act like it's THE truth is fucking silly.

>> No.8708854

I still haven't played FF7, how does it compare to 8? I personally hold 8 as my favorite, but a lot of that is probably nostalgia.

>> No.8708985

Sephiroth is Jenova, that's the point

>> No.8709713

Sephiroth is trans?

>> No.8709732

No, he’s just very pretty.

>> No.8709745

>Hojo says Sephiroth is in control
Post quote.

>> No.8709750

I loved ff8. I played it a lot when it came out as a kid. But all these faggy threads has ruined it for me

>> No.8709778

>You see, even if Jenova's body is dismembered, it will eventually become one again. That's what is meant by Jenova's Reunion. I have been waiting for the Reunion to start. Five years have passed, and now the
Clones have begun to return. I thought the Clones would begin to gather at Midgar where Jenova is stored. But my predictions were not entirely correct. Jenova itself began to move away from the Shinra Building. But being a genius that I am, I soon figured it out. You see it was all Sephiroth's doing. Sephiroth is not just content to diffuse his will into the Lifestream; he wants to manipulate the Clones himself.
From the crater just before Cloud gives Sephiroth the black materia.

>> No.8709871 [DELETED] 

>not a single word about Sephiroth, implied or otherwise
I accept your concession.

>> No.8709898

Hojo also thought he could breed a talking dog with a human.

>> No.8709935

Yeah, Hojo was wrong about a lot of things. The things he was right about were all stolen from Gast' research.

>> No.8709975

And he was right. How else do you explain Red XIII's kids in the ending when he's the last of his tribe?
Cloud also says Sephiroth was summoning him. And then after you retrieve Cloud from the lifestream he explains that "Sephiroth's will", in combination with Jenova cells and Cloud's own weakness is what created the fake Cloud you have in the party most of the game.

Again, I want to reiterate, you CAN choose to believe that all of this is a smokescreen to hide the true villain. You can make that explanation make sense just fine and explain away anything in the game with it. Just don't pretend that it's canon.

>> No.8709984

Fucking pathetic. Sort your shit out, (You) addict.

>> No.8709993

Sorry redditor, next time I'll put /s to make sure you understand it's a joke.

>> No.8710054

>i've been trying to force this narrative this entire time, but now that you've caught me in a bind, it was just a joke
You're a kike.

>> No.8710142

NORG was clearly Rinoa from the future. Did you even pay attention?

>> No.8710285

I asked this in the last thread about this. Since this one has been derailed I'll ask again.

Why does Sephiroth take Jenova's head? What possible purpose to the plot does this serve? The only thing I can think of is that there was another working idea by the team where Jenova's head has polluted the lifestream and so is summoning the Shinra body and clones from elsewhere.

>> No.8710291

Also curious Hojo said this:
>You see, even if Jenova's body is dismembered, it will eventually become one again

Because this is not even a visible plot element at any time. Sephiroth summons the clones to him.Also that word: "dismembered". I honestly think Jenova's head was being thrown around as a core part of the plot.

>> No.8710317

>hey sephiroth, take my head around so I can physically manifest
Score another point for Jenova being in control, because that's what the fucking game makes clear.

>> No.8710324

Sephiroth *is* Jenova

>> No.8710327

Yes. But Jenova is calling the shots.

>> No.8710334

Yes, but Sephiroth is a hypostasis of the entity that is Jenova, so it's a moot point

>> No.8710343

No, he's being utterly compelled by her will.

>> No.8710349

This literally makes no sense, that's like saying that your body is compelled by you.

>> No.8710359

Nigger, he's just a delusional ZOGbot who fell into a nuclear waste dump. Nothing more, nothing less. Jenova was always in control.

>> No.8710398

You have zero idea what you're talking about

>> No.8710403

I accept your concession.

>> No.8710407

Well we know he thought at that point that Jenova was his mom, and that he wanted to reach the promised land with her. So I guess he wanted to take the whole body but couldn't (either because he was weak from being stabbed or just because it would look fucking stupid to have the lego model carrying a gigantic alien). There is no official explanation as far as I'm aware.
Him having Jenova's head doesn't have anything to do with Jenova "physically manifesting." She already has a body, she doesn't need to physically manifest anything.

>> No.8710410

>She already has a body, she doesn't need to physically manifest anything.
What's The Reunion, you stupid fuck?

>> No.8710415

Why would Jenova tell Sephiroth to behead her so that she can slowly call her body parts back together in 5 years? Or are you suggesting that Jenova can see the future now?

>> No.8710417

>Why would Jenova tell Sephiroth to behead her so that she can slowly call her body parts back together in 5 years?
I have no words for this retardation. He takes her head from the Shinra labs. It's never, at any point, made clear why that head is there.

>> No.8710419

I mean from the writer's perspective. What does Jenova being decapitated achieve?

>> No.8710424

I'm starting to read through the FF7 Ultimania. Apart from it confirming that it was Jenova detaching bits of itself through the game.
It seems the writers themselves couldn't make up their mind who was in charge look at this:

> page 157 "Immediately after the tragedy surrounding Aerith takes place, the battle with
Jenova-LIFE begins, doing so such that it interrupts Sephiroth's words;
they're continued after the battle, but the title of whom they're credited to
changes from "Sephiroth" to "Jenova." The reason for this is that the
confrontation on the altar occurs with Jenova while it's displaying
Sephiroth's mimed form. It then changes to a more accurate display of its true

>> No.8710426

It's edgy and cool.

>> No.8710430

Her entire body is in the mako reactor at Nibelheim. After Cloud stabs Sephiroth, Sephiroth retreats into the room where she's being held and then appears with only her head in his hand. The reason her body is there is because Hojo is running experiments there using Jenova cells. Why are you even arguing over this with your memory of the game being this poor?

>> No.8710438

>After Cloud stabs Sephiroth
He immediately throws him into the pit. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.8710440

Or rather, Sephiroth stabs him, he overcomes it, and throws him.

>> No.8710441

That's when Sephiroth stabs Cloud. Cloud stabs Sephiroth before that with the Buster Sword. Try to keep up champ.

>> No.8710443

I still don't know what your fucking point is. You aren't making it more clear that Sephiroth is in control.

>> No.8710446

My point is that your post >>8710317 was nonsensical and incorrect.

>> No.8710450

>falls into the abyss holding her head
>oh shit her heads missing - barret (this is foreshadowing)
>he can summon her as a boss battle every time he appears
This isn't hard.

>> No.8710470

You have a basic misunderstanding of what's happening in the game. The Sephiroth you're chasing is Jenova's BODY, which breaks out of the Shinra building on its own (on Sephiroth's orders according to canon). The boss fights against Jenova are literal pieces of that body. None of this has anything to do with Jenova's missing head.

>> No.8710476

Also, what did you think that one-time Jenova quote was about? The quote specifically about being a puppet? You people are so incredibly stupid, you make me sick. It's been thirty fucking years.

>> No.8710482

I think the final battle was Sephiroth, body and soul. That smug look on his face. It has to be him.

>> No.8710485

>you're just fighting a metaphysical being in three (3) boss battles
This goes beyond cope.

>> No.8710487

Chill out bro it's just a game

>> No.8710491

>(on Sephiroth's orders according to canon)
Then what's the meaning of Jenova's one and only quote?

>> No.8710492

Sephiroth calls Cloud a puppet many times during the game.
>metaphysical being
Were you under the influence of something when you played the game?

>> No.8710496

>Sephiroth calls Cloud a puppet many times during the game.
No he doesn't. It only happens once with Jenova's name in the text box.

>> No.8710505
File: 23 KB, 568x340, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, "many times" was an exaggeration of memory. Twice.

>> No.8710509

Okay, now explain why Jenova has her own text box.

>> No.8710513

Because Jenova's body was no longer disguised as Sephiroth, as that quote occurs post-battle.

>> No.8710516

That's fucking retarded. You're retarded.

>> No.8710520

You can think it's retarded all you want, but that's just reality.

>> No.8710523

Did anyone in this thread actually play FFVII?

>> No.8710526

So you're arguing that Jenova is just running around in a Sephiroth suit effectively? That's no different than me arguing that she's in control.

>> No.8710530

I'm not arguing that, I'm telling you that's what's happening. You are chasing Jenova's body shapeshifted into Sephiroth's form throughout the game. Whenever you fight Jenova, that's a literal piece of Jenova's body broken off.
>That's no different than me arguing that she's in control.

>> No.8710534

Then I guess we got our wires crossed. You are effectively fighting Jenova. The people arguing that Sephiroth's will ever came into the equation are retarded.

>> No.8710726

Sephiroth = Jenova and Jenova = Sephiroth, it's like how God the Father and God the Son are distinct entities but are both equally God

>> No.8710729

You mispelled IX

>> No.8710734

No, he's actually attractive.

>> No.8710934

The original Sephiroth is dead. He dies on Mount Nibel. Like Cloud he was infused with Jenova cells. That made him think he was one of the ancients even though the last living ancient was Aeris.

The rest of the Sephiroths are the clones dead-Sephiroth keeps possessing. The real one doesn't appear until the last battle against Cloud.

>> No.8710971

Man, thirty years has passed and my love for this game is still going strong. Real shame about that remake.

>> No.8710972


>> No.8710989

Which one? FF7 or 9?
There's a rumor that FF9 is getting a remake. If so then expect them to take 20 years with that too.

>> No.8710993


It's a leftover line from when Jenova had more of a speaking role. She had a very feminine mode of speaking in it. She was subservient to Sephiroth in that version.
I think what happened is in the final product Jenova was responsible for all the antics of Disk 1 and 2 up to whirlwind maze. Meaning it was Jenova life/Death that killed Aerith. However retrospectively they realized how iconic Sephiroth killing Aerith is so Squeenix have been downplaying Jenova.
Sephiroth is the main villain . But Jenova is active otherwise Jenova Synthesis is Pointless. It may just as well be another Sephiroth sub-boss like Bizzaro. Jenova does not need to appear at all in the story at that point but she does and the party address it by name. I'm also pretty sure Synthesis was originally going to be "Jenova Head" IE: the head thrown into the lifestream in Nibleheim. Back when the game script was like Grandia 2's Valma with different parts of Jenova you keep battling thumb, arm, heart ect.

>> No.8711056

Checking Jenova synthesis' entry in the Ultimania (Thank you gamefaqs). Yep they see it as Jenova's head.

>Jenova-SYNTHESIS*** (Page 204)
The forms of Jenova that have been fought up to this point (BIRTH, LIFE,
DEATH) were parts of the body which escaped from the Shin-Ra building. In
regard to Jenova-SYNTHESIS, this form that was arranged to be fought inside
the Planet, it is the head of Jenova that Sephiroth had in hand five years ago
and the other parts Shin-Ra had, their Reunion complete.

I think after Synthesis is dead Jenova is gone for good and they only had Sephiroth to face then. Thinking about it, it's a fairly unsophisticated story: You kill off Heidegger, then Hojo, then Jenova, then Sephiroth. All the bad guys removed in that order. It's be cool if Jenova was behind everything but I don't think it's the case. In the end she's just another of the villains.

>> No.8711191

>That made him think he was one of the ancients
What made him think he was an ancient was the research he found (incorrectly) stating that Jenova was an ancient, and putting two and two together since Hojo told him his mother's name was Jenova. Why the fuck don't you retards play the game?

>> No.8711728

>NORG was clearly Rinoa from the future
Was obviously Ellone

>> No.8711731

>Thread about FFVIII
Gee anon, i wonder which game he was referring to

>> No.8711742

That's not what recluse means

>> No.8711861

i don't think she remembers being rinoa

>> No.8711905
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it's a good game.. to play once and forget.
>card game
spend your life playing poker at the bar, retard.
>not even better than IX

>> No.8711930

Low IQ retard thinks baby simulator 9 is better than 8. That's all we need to know about you kid.

>> No.8712003

>imagine having this shit taste
here's the (you) for the low effort

>> No.8712164

Introvert is probably a more accurate description.

>> No.8712259

sephiroth is alive, just stuck in that rock in the north crater, and he's the one controlling the jenova cells in the clones and cloud
why is this so hard for people to understand

>> No.8712627

Antisocial is probably the most accurate description.

>> No.8714131
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Quistis a best

>> No.8714217
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All of FFVIII girls are top notch

>> No.8714225


>> No.8714237
File: 293 KB, 850x1202, rinoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Rinoa?

>> No.8714260

>no glasses

>> No.8714265

Yes, even young Ultimecia.

Julia was hotter though

>> No.8714275

She doesn’t even wear her glasses for most of the game.

>> No.8714309

I like Raine the most (mainly because of the ending). Any fan art of her?

>> No.8714505 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 598x318, 1647264902703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotchu

>> No.8714607

>Even her personal GF is Griever
No, that's Squall's personal GF, which she Draws from him in literally the final battle. She never had it before then.

>> No.8714724
File: 6 KB, 192x263, basedgenocidalnigg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and I don't give a fuck what "the official canon" according to the devs is. Jap devs are notorious for not realizing so elegantly fitting and clever as this when they write their convoluted garbage.

Her being insane Rinoa from the future who dedicated her entire batshit life to compress time to get back to Squall, only to be too fucking nuts to realize she's achieved her goal when she does, is both perfect in the game's own story logic, plus deeply tragic from a love story perspective, love being he "main theme" of the game.

>"no so solly no it not rinoadesu ^-^!!!!"

Fuck the devs, they're fucking retarded.

>> No.8714735


She didn't draw shit from Squall, stop being wrong and shitting up the internet.

>> No.8714765


>> No.8714776

Final Fantasy 8 is garbage, 6 is infinitelly Better with 7

all the girls and the villain are garbage

>> No.8714784

Your taste is garbage.

>> No.8714787

Nah, he is right Whatever Fantasy is garbage.
3 and 4 were better.

>> No.8714794

Ok samefag

>> No.8714816

It looks to me like YOU didn't play it.

HIs mother was Lucrecia, who offered to get pregnant with a fetus injected with Jenova cells, creating Sephiroth. Vincent who worked for Dr. Hojo tried to stop her, but failed. That is his sin that he broods and got all dark and goth over. He feels responsible for the birth of Sephiroth because he failed to stop Lucrecia from going through with it. The game indirectly implies that Hojo may have been the father.

His beast-mode limit break also alludes to him also being a Hojo experiment.

I guess you missed that bit.

She's the only one of the three female party that doesn't annoy me.

She didn't draw it from him. Nice revisionism.

>> No.8714825

>would make it an interesting time loop
there already is a closed time loop, were you not paying attention

>> No.8714830

What an embarrassing post all around. Sephiroth doesn't know any of that, ever. He thinks Jenova is his mother, and Shinra thought Jenova was an ancient, which is how Sephiroth came to think that he was an ancient. You can't even pay attention to a simple text conversation.

>> No.8714865

Any petty-ass little attack to concede that you're not right. Lucrecia does ake appearances inth e sequels, fool. She's in the crystal cavern wanting to know where her son Sephiroth is.


Also allude to the game where Sephiroth is in the Nibel lab, realizes that he was made as a science project, freaks out, and burns Nibel down.

>> No.8714870

Do you speak English? Did you just read one post of the conversation and blindly reply to it?

>> No.8714873

Sephiroth knows he was made in a lab by Hojo. That's why he goes nuts in Nibel. You're ignoring it just to win an "internet argument," whch is fucking stupid.

>> No.8714887

I'm ignoring it because "why he goes mad" was never part of the conversation. You're literally going off on a tangent that has nothing to do with anything.

>> No.8715602

Japanese translation makes it seem like she drew it from him

>> No.8715760

>why is this so hard for people to understand
Because the entire lore of the game tells you that Jenova has influence and power over those infused with her cells?

You probably think the body we see in the tank is "Jenova" and not an ancient infused with a shit load of Jenova cells.

>> No.8716445

where did the GF come from?

>> No.8716484 [DELETED] 

Localization back then was literally story breaking.

>> No.8716698

That's retarded
You know it is retarded, you know everything about it is retarded

>> No.8717315
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>> No.8717351

Nah, the idea of her becoming the final boss is a cool idea.

>> No.8717407
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>> No.8718330

based. 9 it's indeed way better.

>> No.8718434

False. Nobody ever talks about IX.

>> No.8719165

Nobody cares about 8

>> No.8719238

Yea clearly the moral of any good love story is to become such a codependent retard that you ruin everybody's life to see your ex again, then try to kill him. Dumb cunt

>> No.8720389

Brainlet take

>> No.8720391

Yes, the moral is to caution you against becoming obsessive

>> No.8720434

you know how the game might have cautioned that? if rinoa were ultimecia, which she isn't because it's retarded

>> No.8720570

>which she isn't because it's retarded
Nah, it's pretty kino actually

>> No.8721185

Not even Square, shitty broken game lmfao

>> No.8722240

I genuinely believe that this was the intended arc at one point. But FF8 is a classic example of devs throwing a bunch of separate ideas together, and then deciding the connections between them later. For example, the Moombas, or Norg, they reek of things that were designed first and explained later. Or Esthar, for instance. They introduce a massive mega-city where all of the important post disc 2 lore is centered, and it's only 6 to 7 screens of streets. It's like they said to themselves that past FF's had megacities, so we'd better throw this in cause branding, like chocobos. Missed opportunities, man.

>> No.8722551

>For example, the Moombas
Was their connection with Laguna ever really explained?

>> No.8722563

the game has some cool ideas, plus the sound and graphics are top-notch for the time

the story is shit
the characters are shit
the overall presentation (in the game engine, disregarding cutscenes) is frequently shit

>> No.8722595

not her

>> No.8722608
File: 307 KB, 828x777, 3C895D6D-8C80-4755-BBA3-6214CC3E4601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does every FF8 thread inevitably become a shit-flinging spectacle of autism?

>> No.8722878

They're like phantom menace fans, coping for eternity because a bad FF game came out

>> No.8722879

>the characters are shit
VIII has the best females, what're you talking about?

>> No.8722882

>Why does every /vr/ thread inevitably become a shit-flinging spectacle of autism?

>> No.8723570

Can't get rejected if you kill him first

>> No.8723667


>> No.8724393

Basically because you either really liked it or really hated it. There doesn't seem to be a lot of gray area.

>> No.8724396

It starts with Squall or someone (I forgot exactly who) asking the prison guards to stop abusing the moombas. Then again Laguna helps a moomba in the Esthar prison.

>> No.8724916

There's a lot to like about it, but the battle system is too slow for my tastes

>> No.8724924

>too slow for my tastes
You must hate FFX battle system then

>> No.8724985

They are literally not the same person.

>> No.8724993

She's not but it would have been a lot more interesting if she was

>> No.8725000

I’ve only played up to 9. Is 10 worth it? The tropical setting has caught my interest

>> No.8725002

Not even. Turn based doesn't have to mean slow. Both X and X-2 have really snappy and quick battle systems. Even turn based, the pace at which commands can be entered and executed in X feels really nice

>> No.8725006

X is a great game is you can accept it for what it is (a more structured and linear experience). Its a super polished game

My biggest issue with X is the post game; there's a lot of side stuff to do and ultimate weapons to get, and absolutely all of it is a miserable slog. But its also optional so

>> No.8725045

>Is 10 worth it?
10 is the worst aspects of the previous 3 games all bundled together into an animu twink bullshit package.
There are better games to play, don't waste yoir time.

>> No.8725701

Pretty sure it was Zell or Selphie that told the prison gaurd to stop. Squall was passed out most of the time.

>> No.8725715

It's funny that it's far more time consuming and difficult to customize weapons with abilities that match the ultimate weapons, but they still aren't as good in the end.

The only really annoying one to get is Lulu's. Unlocking all the monsters in the arena is a pain in the ass though. Unfortunately it's the only way to play the hardest boss in the game.

>> No.8726931

Blitz ball is one of the better minigames though

>> No.8728091
File: 788 KB, 1080x1515, Xu Xiang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best girl, coming through

>> No.8729248


>> No.8729679

Chinese bootleg Quistis handles mercenary outings, civil wars, and Intel while her blonde counterpart gets demoted, friendzoned, and fucks up two critical operations due to baffling incompetency. The only reason she shows up on the Ragnarok is to keep Quistis from crashing it into a Garden.

>> No.8730082
File: 263 KB, 600x800, femsquall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.8730163

I'd burn that faggot shit to the ground and peepee on the ashes

>> No.8730234

But Quistis is supposedly a better card player, so at least she has that.

>> No.8730326

No and she never was. Ultimecia comes from a far future, far beyond Rinoa's life expectancy even when she was a witch. Ultimecia is actually the result of predestined circular paradox: Ultimecia creates the past that creates herself. She moves Squall to creates Gardens and SeeDs. He prepare them to deal with her. Because of that Ultimecia borns and comes to hate the world and society that hunt and hate her for crimes she don't commit yet. She develop Time Compression to create a time singularity and her final plan is to destroy the timeline a recreate it: a timeline where she can have a normal life (whatever she believed as normal on that point cuz thanks to Seeds she is pretty fucked up) where she is not hunted or hatred. Because she needs to tamper the timeline to reach the point where all timelines comes together to deploy Time Compression she ended involved with the Heroes. The Heroes fuck their plans and Squall learns he needs to create Gardens and SeeDs. Rinse and Repeat forever.

>> No.8730359

The real questions are: Is Seifer Cid's kid and who do you take to the missle base/balamb garden?

>> No.8731370

>Sophie, Irvine, Rinoa
>Squall, Quistis, Zell

>> No.8731408

No, he’s just alternate universe Rufus.

>> No.8731427

PM is literally the only good SW film

>> No.8731445

Based ESL retard

>> No.8731451

Rinoa and KH1 Kairi.

>> No.8731519

FFX is the beginning of hallway simulator, but the combat is certainly better. Personally, I never finished it. I got bored and quit back in the 2000s when it was new.